21 May

Iran Prepares ‘Judgment Day’ Attack Plan

Iran Prepares ‘Judgment Day’ Attack Plan
by Kenneth R. Timmerman
The Islamic Republic of Iran is planning to use as many as eight different terrorist groups to launch attacks against the United States and its allies in the region should the United States launch military strikes against its nuclear facilities, a London-based newspaper reported.
Another Iranian intelligence source tells NewsMax that Iran plans suicide strikes in the United States, and may seek to hold mass numbers of Americans hostage.
Ali Reza Nourizadeh’s column in Al Sharq al Awsat, a London newspaper, citing a “senior source” in the office of Iranian joint chief of staff Hassan Firouzabadi, noted that “eight fundamentalist Islamist organizations have received large sums of money in the last month from the Iranian intelligence services” as part of the plan.
The Revolutionary Guards’ “al Qods” Jerusalem Force will coordinate the plan, codenamed “al Qiyamah, the Islamic word for Judgment Day,” Al Sharq al Awsat reported.
The al Qods force is the fourth branch of the Revolutionary Guards Corps, after its ground, naval and air forces. The al Qods trains foreign terrorist organizations, both in Iran and in camps in Lebanon’s Bekaa Valley, the Sudan and elsewhere.
Counterterrorism officials in France, Germany and Austria have identified the al Qods force as the “strike force” used by Iran to assassinate Iranian dissidents living overseas. The U.S. military has captured al Qods force officers in Iraq, where they have delivered special explosives used in roadside bombs by terrorists against U.S. forces and against Iraqi civilians.
Over the last four months, leaders of the eight foreign terrorist groups have made public visits to Iran, where they have met with Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and other leaders.
According to the London-based daily, the foreign visitors also met secretly with Iranian intelligence minister Gholahossein Mohseni Ezhei and top aides, who asked them if they were prepared to aid Iran in the event of a U.S. or Israeli attack.
The paper’s source said that Iran’s Revolutionary Guards force had opened training camps in Iran for fighters of the Shiite Muslim “Mahdi Army” of Iraq, the militia controlled by firebrand Shiite cleric Moqtada al Sadr, and had “increased its financial assistance” to al Sadr to “more than $20 million” per month.
Palestinian Islamic Jihad and Lebanon’s Hezbollah are also receiving large sums of money and fresh weapons, the source said.
Eighty members of Lebanon’s Hezbollah movement received terrorist training last year in launching suicide attacks using hang-gliders and small submersibles designed to deliver commando divers or suicide attackers.
Wild Thing’s comment…….
I wonder if Murtha and the rest of the lefties give a hoot about this. Probably not, it is just news of their friends discussing how to take Americans hostage and kill us. They have other things to think about like how to trash our troops and how to destroy America from within.

Suricou Raven says:

Oh, us Lefties are concerned. A bit suspicious though – after the discovery of no WMD programs in Iraq, any news that Iran is planning attack should be considered suspect and checked from multible independent sources.
Iran would have to be very stupid to try that. They know perfectly well what would happen if they took 500 Americans hostage – the political climate makes negotiations impossible, so the swat teams would be sent in. Some hostages rescued, some killed… ratio depending on the skill of the terrorists. But no demands met.
But… well, they *are* being stupid. They are trying to set up a form of mutually assured distruction – they dont have the capability to attack the US militarily and win, but they do know the weak point of a democracy: The rulers cannot do something that most of the population disapproves of, even if that action would be in the best interests of said population. And the population would *certinly* disapprove of anything that brought on a massive retaliatory response, even a short-lived one that resulted in the complete destruction of the Iranian government.
Of course, it could just be a bluff.

Rhod says:

Suricou, I call upon you brother…FREE YOURSELF OF THE DEMON POSSESSION OF “NO WMD’s IN IRAQ”. CALL IN AN EXORCIST, NOW! Really, Suricou, you have used this silly incantation to introduce almost every idea you’ve ever dropped here, from the good, to the bad, to the preposterous, to the ludicrous, to the simply without merit, to the I-question-your-sanity unbelievable. I’m beggin’ you, Suricou, you’re sounding like every man’s first wife, still complaining about.
Where you stand it pretty clear. But the implied claim by you “lefties” that you would have supported the war, regime-change and the bloody difficulties of stabilizing the country IF WE HAD FOUND WMD’s isn’t true. It just feels good, but that’s what leftism is all about.

Rhod says:

Oh yeah, Suricou. He HAD weapons of mass destruction, he USED weapons of mass destruction; even if he didn’t have them, he might have moved them…BUT he ACTED like he had weapons of mass destruction, translated captured documents prove that he intended to PURSUE WMD programs….and when a guy like you can explain:
250,000 troops maintaining a no-fly zone, during which time the Oil For Food Program caused the deaths of hundreds of thousand of Iraqi CHILDREN (that word should stir you) and adults, during which time the country was rapidly falling apart, with terrorist entities IN THE COUNTRY and more…
Then I’ll listen to you.

Rhod says:

Part three, Suricou.
Prove your recent remark that the evidence for WMD’s was manipulated and selective. I challenged you to prove this just recently and you haven’t responded. If you don’t respond this time, I’ll know you’re just full of crap, have no interest in the truth and just want to maintain your lefty fantasy world.

Wild Thing says:

Suricou Raven you are ignoring the tremendous amount of comments made by the Democrats, as well as the Republicans that said many times Saddam had WMD. Always remember even the scum Clinton when he was President spoke of Saddam’s WMD, Medeline Albright and others in his regime commented on it the list is long.
Are you going to blame Presient Bush for bad information on WMD during the Clinton era? LMAO sorry but it is just too funny to me.
I agree with Rhod, it is like a nagging wife and I have a sister in law like that and it gets old very fast. Even girls don’t relish nagging in other girls (I am of course assuming you are a girl.If not I apologize for the mistake)

Signs Of War

First, we have the possible da’wa letter sent to President Bush, and, I believe it’s been reported, the Pope.
Then we have this (stein hoist: JihadWatch):
Tehran, Iran, May 19 – A senior Iranian cleric accused the United States on Friday …