02 May

Rep. Tom Tancredo: Boycott is a Bust

Rep. Tom Tancredo: Boycott is a Bust
Rep. Tom Tancredo, R-Colo., a longtime opponent of illegal immigration, says the May 1 Latino worker boycott is “a bust” when it comes to changing public opinion in America.
Tancredo, appearing on Fox News Channel, said the waving of Mexican flags, the chanting of “Today We March, Tomorrow We Vote,” and the in-your-face flaunting of U.S. immigration law will not win many converts outside of large Latino strongholds.
“When the average American looks out on the streets and sees people demanding ‘rights’ … even though the protesters illegally snuck into our country, it doesn’t play well in Peoria,” Tancredo said. “I don’t think it’s working in favor of the illegals, but I hope they keep it up.”
Tancredo said Americans who may have initially been sympathetic to the plight of families who genuinely wish to come to America by legal means will be turned off by the antics of illegal alien protesters.
“I think some of my [congressional] colleagues in New York and California may be influenced by them, but generally speaking, most of the people I talk to say ‘don’t give in to them; don’t give in to the mobs,’” Tancredo said.
The congressman said most of the e-mails and phone calls he receives from constituents say he and his fellow congressmen should not “give them anything close to amnesty.” Most, he said, have asked Tancredo to persuade the House of Representatives and Senate to stick to the House bill and stricter enforcement of the U.S. borders.

Michael Gordon says:

Send the god damn illegal aliens back to Mexico. Fine the employers. They don’t belong here!

Wild Thing says:

I agree Michael, nice to meet you. Thanks for commenting.

Jack Hamilton says:

Thank you for your good work on this issue. America owes a det of gratitude to bloggers like you for bringing the truth about illegal aliens to the fore. I for once do feel the tide might be turning. We still need to hold politicians accountable for there actions on this matter. Thank you

raz0r says:

Jack’s right. And the first politician I’m holding to the fire will be Mel Martinez. He got my vote last time, but he has two more years to show me (via actions) that he wants the US borders secured and illegals shipped back. I’m also listening to Nelson and Harris to see if all they have is rhetoric. Theses politicians are playing to possible future voters (after gaining citizenship). They need to be reminded we can vote and that November is coming.

Wild Thing says:

Jack, thank you.
I want to keep track if I can of the politicians that are against all this illegal stuff.
The karma of those for it should smack them in the face when they try to run again.

Wild Thing says:

razOr I agree with you, we need to hold them to the fire for their actions. I will never let go of “we the people” and our votes are our biggest way of letting them know.

raz0r says:

Check out http://grades.betterimmigration.org for a immigration report card on the pols.

Wild Thing says:

Thanks razOr, that is a really good link.

Headline Summaries: Border Security

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