02 May

L.A. FOX 11 Tony Valdez Remarks

Local Fox News in Los Angeles, Channel 11, had an incredible exchange in a segment with John and Ken. J & K were chastizing the press for not showing the other side about all the costs of illegal aliens.
There was a difference of opinion between FOX personnel and John and Ken about the effect of the boycott.
And then there was an amazing statement, actually a monologue for news reporter Tony Valdez. Rather than posing a question to John and Ken, he launched into the whole Reconquista argument, talking about Manifest Destiny and U.S. invasion of Mexico in 1846. He talked about how this country took this part of the world by force and how they do that in Iraq and Iran.
And then this news reporter, news reporter mind you, said:

“You took this country. You killed people to take this country for yourselves.”

Wild Thing’s comment……
If we could go back in time and just let the Mexicans have what they now call Aztlan, it would be no better off than the rest of Mexico and we would still have millions of illegals coming accross our southern Nebraska border.

BobF says:

Actually the Spaniards, who are European, came to Mexico and basically wiped out the Indians living there. Then the Spaniards moved up into what is now the Southwest United States. In effect what happened, the conquers got conquered by the Americans.
Mexico has the same opportunities as the states of Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, and Southern California but blew it. They are a people known for extreme corruption and crime which are a way of life in Mexico.

raz0r says:

I’ve yet to see any of these aztlan twits offer up dna to show a direct lineage from an ancestral native of the area. The best they can hope for is to show a direct lineage to a Spainiard.

Wild Thing says:

Bob can you imagine in your wildest dreams (or nightmares) going to Mexico and trying to pull off the same stuff the illegals pull off here. I would be so terrified, we would be thrown into one of their prisons and not like ours much worse in every way. (at least from what I have seen on TV and it is very scary)

Wild Thing says:

razOr I know what you mean. They are such a mixture and that is ok, but at least they should not claim to be what they are not.