09 Apr

Aaron’s Blog Has Been Hacked

Aaron, of Aarons.cc got the terrorists so angry they hacked his blog, not once but twice in less then 48 hours.
Linda at Something……and Half of Something was able to capture the original hacking image the terrorists had put up at Aaron’s blog. You can see the image HERE at Something….and Half of Something.
Aaron’s comments regarding this can be seen at Beth’s blog ….MVRWC:

“If you have any moderate Muslims,
send them to my hacked blog.
Been down for 30 hours.
Hosting Matters has traced
the attack to Saudi Arabia.”

“The site was restored while I was
away for the Sabbath and it’s been re-hacked.”

As Linda states, It is the equivalent of an internet fatwah and she is right. And as Beth said too, be sure to back up your Blogs!! Save, back up and save!

TomR says:

I hope Aaron gets his blog cleared up. All the terrorists in the Mid-East can’t defeat the blogosphere, but they can be defeated by it.

Wild Thing says:

Thanks Tom, I agree great statement you made my friend.