12 Feb

So Called “Moderate Muslims” Associated With Hamas

Terror link of ‘moderate’ Muslims at London rally
Daily Mail
The Muslim campaigners behind a mass rally in Trafalgar Square today have close links to Islamic terror groups, the Daily Mail can reveal.
Despite promoting itself as the ‘moderate’ voice of Islam, the Muslim Association of Britain includes a former military commander of Hamas, the Palestinian organisation behind dozens of suicide bombings in Israel.
The Association has also been described in Parliament as the British wing of the Muslim Brotherhood, the banned Egyptian group whose former members include Osama Bin Laden.
The revelations raise serious questions about support given by London Mayor Ken Livingstone to the rally, expected to attract 10,000 protesters against cartoons of Mohammed published in European newspapers.
He hosted a press conference at his offices on Thursday to promote the demonstration as a chance to air the views of moderate Muslims.
However, Labour MP Louise Ellman said the MAB was an ‘extremist’ group whose members repeatedly advocated suicide bombings in Israel.
“They are an extremely dangerous organisation,” she said. “Leading members of MAB have indicated their links with Hamas and their support for suicide bombings abroad.
“It is not tenable for a group to support suicide bombings in another country while expecting to be seen as moderate in this country.”
Wild Thing’s comment……….
The Quran and hadith are abundantly clear that Islam must be spread by the sword; that in and that the only sure way to salvation is through martyrdom, that anything that advances Islam is not only acceptable but just. It seems London’s Mayor, “Red Ken” Livingstone, continues to preside over his own Londonistan.

Mike Whine, of the Community Security Trust, which monitors anti-Semitic behaviour, said: ‘The leading members have close links with the Muslim Brotherhood and have been active in anti-Jewish propaganda.
“We are worried about their increasing influence within the Muslim community.” Azzam al-Tamimi – a Palestinian described yesterday by the MAB as one of its leading political thinkers – caused outrage 18 months ago when he told the BBC he would willingly carry out a suicide bombing in Israel.
“Sacrificing myself for Palestine is a noble cause,” he said. “It is the straight way to pleasing God and I would do it if I had the opportunity.”
In 2004, Dr Tamimi arranged for Egyptian preacher Yusuf al-Qaradawi to visit the UK despite his calls for homosexuals to be stoned to death and his suggestions that rape victims be punished if dressed “immodestly”.
Terrorist activities
Last year, five MAB members were made trustees of the re-opened Finsbury Park Mosque, North London, which was closed in 2003 because of the activities of its imam Abu Hamza.
One trustee, Mohammed Kassem Sawalha, was named in a U.S. court case as a former senior Hamas commander responsible for terrorist activities in the West Bank in the 1990s.
He is a former MAB president who admits he still supports Hamas. MAB leader Anas al-Tikriti is the son of Osama al-Tikriti, leader of the Muslim Brotherhood in Iraq.
The organisation has strong historic links with Al Qaeda and other terror groups, including Islamic Jihad, which was behind the 1981 killing of Egyptian president Anwar Sadat.
In the past, the MAB’s website has encouraged followers to download images of the Star of David transformed into a swastika and has compared Israel to Nazi Germany.
Internet watchdogs have reported the site to the Home Office for containing allegedly criminally racist material.
The group has, however, repeatedly condemned calls for terror attacks on Britain and has tried to secure the release of British hostage Norman Kember in Iraq.
It has also criticised the removal of Bibles from hospital bedsides as “political correctness gone mad”.
Yesterday Ihtisham Hibatullah, MAB’s media director, accused Miss Ellman of ‘inciting hatred towards the Muslim community’ with her comments.
“This kind of statement can only result in dividing communities and creating mistrust when the Association is working to build bridges and promote understanding and dialogue in our country,” he said. Asked about the views of Dr Tamimi, Mr Hibatullah said: “He is one of our leading political thinkers and a leading member of the Association.”
Police have promised to take a harder line at today’s rally after anger over their lack of action at a protest in London last week. Then, demonstrators held placards calling for the beheading of people who “insult Islam”. Today, however, ‘snatch squads’ will be ready to arrest any troublemakers.
MAB was founded in 1997 by Kamal el-Helbawy, who was at the time the European spokesman for the Muslim Brotherhood.