More of her statement:
Jane Fonda: U.S. Troops Are ‘Killing Machines’
“Hanoi Jane” Fonda is claiming that ever since Vietnam, U.S. troops have been trained to commit atrocities against innocent civilians as a matter of military policy.
“Starting with the Vietnam War we began training soldiers differently,” the anti-American actress says in an email to the Washington Post.
Fonda claims she learned of the policy switch in “secret meetings” she had with military psychologists “who were really worried about what was happening to our combat personnel.”
One doctor, she insists, told her U.S. troops had been deliberately trained to be “killing machines.”
“This began,” Fonda maintained, “because the military discovered that in World War II and Korea, [U.S.] soldiers weren’t killing enough.”
“So they changed training procedures” to teach troops how to commit atrocities.
Still, the anti-war gadfly cautions, it’s important not to blame the soldiers themselves for carrying out war crimes.
Recalling the “Winter Soldier” hearings that she and John Kerry staged in 1971, Fonda lamented: “When you put young people into an atrocity-producing situation where enemy and civilian are commingled, where the ‘other side’ is dehumanized, we cannot be surprised.”
Anti-war vets now returning from Iraq, Fonda cautioned, should be listened to instead of being dismissed as “unpatriotic.”
“We have not learned the lessons of Vietnam,” she declared
Wild Thing’s comment………
The ‘WE’ in truth being Jane. . .John. . .Ted. . .algore. . .Harry. . .Bill. . .and the rest of the ‘ad nauseum’ Democrats.
Fonda takes back her phoney “apology”
In Late October, Fonda appeared on French TV, Fonda was asked if she regretted anything about her activities at that time. She answered that she regretted nothing. “Rien du tout!” Then corrected herself , adding that the “seule chose” (“only thing”) she regretted was that she smiled so stupidly for the photo with the anti-aircraft gun.
Fonda = FUBAR
Hanoi Jane’s veggie oil bus trip never occured but she still can’t stay out of the limelight and stop attacking our military. She should have been terminated long ago as a traitor to America. Too bad we no longer have the death penalty for traitors.
Killing machines? You betcha! Go Air Force! Go Navy! Go Marines! Go Army! You are doing a splendid job! Our Troops Rock! Eat your heart out Hanoi Jane! But I will also add this, besides knowing how to fight, and WIN battles, our troops have won respect from thousands upon thousands that never had freedom in their entire lives. Put that in your pipe and smoke it Hanoi Jane!

Not too long ago, a Vietnam Veteran in Kansas City spit tobacco juice on Fonda during a book signing. I didn’t think it was right for him to do that; mom taught me to never hit or attack a woman. But now, especially after reading this, I would like to shake his hand and give him some more chewing tobacco for her next book signing.
Fonda has enjoyed the best this country has to offer while denigrating those who protect the very liberties and freedoms she basks in daily. Only in liberal America can someone like her be held in high esteem.
Great comment Bob! Thank you so much!
I wish that veggie bus had made it on the road. I really believe that circus would have been one embarrassing screw up after another for the Liberals. And the cast of characters would have made it the Keystone(cops)Veggie bus.
Hi Tom, I know what you mean it would have been a circus for sure. I just am so protective of the damage she has done to our Vietnam Vets and now she wants to do it to our Troops today.
I agree with above said post! My dad was one of those “killing machines” that this haflwitted, no talented whore denigrated in Vietnam. I guess that Marines spit in her face wasn’t enough! The problem is that we have people in power now who are too scared of these lefty special interest groups crying and moaning all the time and caving in to these assholes! They forget who elected them to office, and if they are smart they had better start taking treason serious again before something worse than 9-11 happens again and they will be forced to have to do it at gun point!
HI Lisa, exactly. I pray about that every day. Those that have and are today committing treason need to be punished. It is taken way too lightly. Those in power need to take a stand on this right now and stay strong about it.
Thank you for your comment.