18 Nov

A Letter From A Soldier Serving In Iraq

Those of you that have been reading my blog know my passion for supporting our Military. I was visiting Mudville Gazette and saw this………….

I received an email from a mother whose son is currently fighting in Iraq with the 101st Airborne Division. He and his platoon have penned a message to the American public that is a little different from the message we are getting via the MSM. He asked his mom to help get this message out and she asked me. Here it from the soldiers on the ground…..

The letter is HERE
Thank you Greyhawk where I saw the link in a post at Mudville Gazette
Thank you SGT. Hook for sharing this powerful letter.


This letter is so awesome I want to share it with as many as I can……..

Trackbacked at these wonderful Blogs:
Cao’s Blog
Big Dog’s Blog
TMH’s Bacon Bits
The Blue State Conservatives
Jo’s Cafe
Don Surber
Stuck on Stupid

Sgt Hook says:

And thank you Wild Thing for always being there.

Wild Thing says:

Hi SGT.Hook, I am the one to thank you. I have done nothing. I am free because of you.
Take care and thank you again for all you do.