08 Jun

Photos of our Awesome President Trump and First Lady Melania Trump Trip to Europe

Eric Trump , his brother Don Jr, brother-in-law, Jared Kushner, and his dad the President Trump
The Tuxedo Men tah dah I love this.


08 Jun

4 Star General Jack Keane: I love that Trump spent so much time honoring veterans

4 Star General Jack Keane: I love that Trump spent so much time honoring veterans

07 Jun

BACK TO USA: President Trump and First Lady Melania Trump Wrap Up European Visit

BACK TO USA: President Trump and First Lady Melania Trump Wrap Up European Visit.
President Trump lands at Joint Base Andrews after his trip to parts of the U.K., Ireland, and France including a 3-day state visit in which Trump met with Queen Elizabeth II and outgoing British Prime Minister Theresa May
God’s amazing Grace! Lord! Thanks for our GREAT President Trump and First Lady Melania’s safe return home! Amen

07 Jun

George Soros Praises Pope Francis

George Soros Praises Pope Francis
(Rome) The left oligarch George Soros praises Pope Francis. The multi-billionaire, w
international network for influencing politics and public opinion, showed his satisfaction with the ruling Pope on Twitter. In the past there were already direct connections. Above all, the bond is an amazingly similar agenda.
George Soros, though a currency speculator, is among the most influential people in the world. This is because he uses his billions of assets to influence politics and public opinion directly, and internationally. For this purpose, he built up an organizational network, which in turn finances and directs a network of NGOs. At the heart of the network is the endowment of the Open Society Foundations. The control center is ultimately Soros himself. This allows him to a more rapid setting of the agenda in parliaments, governments, political parties or organizations. Soros is the first, truly global, political body that basically consists of only his person and money. He buys the desired opinion.
Soros also sponsors of Pope Francis
Since Pope Francis was elected, his influence reaches into the Vatican, which was previously closed to him. Unlike his predecessors, Francis shows, though the pope of the “option for the poor” has little fear of contacting major oligarchs. It is unclear to what extent Pope Francis is aware of the influence of Soros. One should, however, have no illusions in this regard.
During the Pope’s visit to the United States in September 2015, Soros was one of the main sponsors of the Pope’s journey. With 650,000 dollars, he financed the visit to the left US President Barack Obama, whose successor Donald Trump Francis avoids on the other hand. One of the “highlights” of the visit to the US was the encounter with an aberrosexual student of Jorge Mario Bergoglio and his partner. It came to a scandal because the then Apostolic Nuncio in the US, Msgr. Carlo Maria Viganò, at the request of the US bishops also invited the county official Kim Davis in the Nunciature, who engaged a conscientious objection to the legalization of “gay marriage” and was even jailed for it. Her presence, which at first was hushed up and then denied by the Vatican, disrupted the papal idyll of rapprochement with Obama and the left-liberal mainstream.
The Soros financing became known later, as in the course of the presidential election campaign in 2016 corresponding evidence was revealed significantly on WikiLeaks. The contact with Soros came about through the Honduran cardinal and Pope confidant, Oscar Rodriguez Maradiaga, who is also accused of having a criticized affinity for money elsewhere in Honduras.
Soros Donations: $ 650,000 for Pope’s Visit 2015 in the US.
There has never been a personal meeting between Pope Francis and George Soros. This should be due mainly to political wisdom. When it came to a meeting with Bill Gates, another major oligarch who is also sociopolitically active and like Soros, is himself one of the main sponsors of abortion and aberrosexualization, there was a rebellion of African bishops, so that the private audience was canceled again.
Great harmony of the agendas of Soros and Francis
Many Catholics observe with astonishment and horror the substantive agreement on numerous topics between the course, which Pope Francis of the Catholic Church decreed and the political agenda of
George Soros. This applies above all to unrestricted mass migration, climate hysteria and antinatalism. Francis is the most important global voice for a “right” to unrestricted migration and the associated dissolution of state borders and state sovereignty. He is next to Greta Thirnberg the most influential, moral voice for the increasingly hysterical climate story of an allegedly man-made climate change and the delusion that man can direct the climate by governmental influence. After all, it is Francis who largely neutralized the Church in terms of abortion and contraception. While the Pope and the Church, among his predecessors, were the most important voice for a culture of life that actively resisted at all levels of the culture of death, Francis did not formally change the course, but reduced it to a minimum, so that the Church offered no real opposition to the Neo-Malthusians and their abortion agenda, but also the Homo-Agenda at the highest level (see also: Pope rewards Homosexual Activism and Abortion).
The balance is sobering. Even though there was no meeting between Bergoglio and Soros, there is a fundamental harmony with central themes of the Soros agenda.
A shocking example of this is Pope Francis’ praise for former EU Commissioner Emma Bonino. Bonino has been one of the most radical abortion, euthanasia, drug liberalization and, more recently, mass migration lobbyists since the 1970s. She sits on the board of the Open Society Foundations and is one of the closest confidants of George Soros. Faithful Catholics were horrified, but Pope Francis praised Bonino as “very great.”
George Soros recently confirmed his closeness to Bergoglio recently by praise for the Catholic Church leader, albeit for a supposedly “unsuspicious” reason. The praise still speaks for itself.
Soros praise for the pope
Pope Francis apologized during his visit to Romania last Sunday on behalf of the Catholic Church to the Roma, a Gypsy people (from Greek ἀτσίγγανος, atsínganos), for their “historically bad treatment”. Romania and Moldova which is also part of the Romanian-speaking region, together with Bulgaria, Macedonia and Slovakia have the world’s highest Gypsy population. The Danube Principality Wallachia, now part of Romania, has belonged since the late Middle Ages to the core settlement area, since it became from 1395 an Ottoman dependency, which lasted until 1878. The appearance of Gypsies in Europe took place parallel to the military advance of the Ottomans in the Balkans.
Exact information about their numerical strength does not exist. Over the past hundred years, however, their share of the population of Romania and Moldova and those neighboring countries is likely to have increased tenfold due to favorable conditions.
On June 3, George Soros was pleased with the Pope’s apology on Twitter:
“Pope Francis sent an important message when he asked for forgiveness for the discrimination, marginalization and maltreatment of the Roma.”
Already last April 8, Soros called the Roma “the most discriminated and oppressed minority in Europe,” he wrote:
“I’ve made it my mission to help them.”
Soros’ Open Society Foundation describes itself as the world’s “largest private donor of Roma affairs”. The Foundation estimates the number of Roma in Europe in a video in which Soros himself appears at 12 million. This number was mentioned in 2011 by the Council of Europe, but is no more certain than other information. In the 1980s, as today, numerous various estimates were mentioned, but only in the order of 1.9 to 5.6 million.
Soros Foundation Holding on its commitment to Roma in Europe.
The Soros commitment to Roma and Sinti can only be speculated. In the context of his migration agenda, it is noticeable that the Gypsies from India, as the European name was, until political correctness began to take on the role of language police, historically show a marked demarcation from neighboring peoples and a strongly nomadic character. These elements show themselves to be in common with the Jews, and they are the only two not truly settled peoples of Europe. Soros is a Jew, though it does not matter in concrete terms, whether he is a believer or not, because it is not a question of religion.
Mass migration through dissolution of state borders and state sovereignty equates to the attempt by Soros and others to take up these specific identities and to impose them on the European peoples and the states and legal systems that they have formed throughout history.

Wild Thing’s comment……….
There is no greater damnation of Bergoglio than the endorsement of that evil, festering troll. Soros. ANY endorsement by SorozNazi is like a personal kiss from Satan.

07 Jun

US Navy says Russian destroyer came with 50-feet of USS Chancellorsville

US Navy says Russian destroyer came with 50-feet of USS Chancellorsville
The Pentagon says the U.S. guided-missile cruiser was forced to maneuver to avoid a collision; national security correspondent Jennifer Griffin reports.

07 Jun

LOL Typical Lying Russians….There’s A Russian TV Version Of ‘Chernobyl’ On The Way Which Blames It On The CIA

There’s A Russian TV Version Of ‘Chernobyl’ On The Way Which Blames It On The CIA
That absolutely terrifying bit where the ‘bio-robots’ clear graphite from the roof. Jared Harris’ enormous glasses, which seem to get bigger from scene to scene. On top of that, Stellan Skarsgård does some career-best looking into the middle distance, and if you’ve seen Mamma Mia you’ll know that he really had to go some to top that.
Except not everyone’s entirely happy with it. The extremely dim view that the series takes of the Soviet state’s secrecy and denial of reality hasn’t gone down that well with some in Russia – the Moscow Times’ Ilya Shepelin has reported that pro-Kremlin media voices have derided the accuracy of the series, with R0ssia 24 anchor Stanislav Natanzon saying that “the only things missing are the bears and accordions”.
So, to redress the balance, a Russian-made series retelling the story of Chernobyl is in production. This one, though, will follow KGB operatives as they attempt to get hold of a CIA operative who works at the Chernobyl power plant and who’s suspected of attempting to sabotage the reactor core. It’s a conspiracy theory, basically.
It might feel a bit reds-under-the-bed, but it does appear to be true. The Hollywood Reporter says that the series is being funded in part by the Russian culture ministry to the tune of 30 million rubles (£362,000), and is being shown on natural gas behemoth Gazprom’s free-to-air channel NTV, which is known for generally giving two thumbs up to the Kremlin through its programming.

And from the Moscow Times…….
Putin’s Media Struggles to Deal With HBO’s Chernobyl
The fact that an American, not a Russian, TV channel told the story about our own heroes is a source of shame for pro-Kremlin media.
It seems every major Russian media outlet had to chime in about the “Chernobyl” TV series by HBO. Although the foreign program airs only online to paying viewers, the show has become something of a national sensation in Russia where the pro-Kremlin media have launched a mini-crusade against it.
Komsomolskaya Pravda (KP), Russia’s most popular newspaper, raised suspicions that competitors of state-atomic center Rosatom were using the series to tarnish this country’s image as a nuclear power.
Argumenty i Fakty…dismissed the show as “a caricature and not the truth.”
“The only things missing are the bears and accordions!” quipped Stanislav Natanzon, lead anchor of Rossia 24, one of the country’s main news channels.
“The scientist Valery Legasov not only led the government’s response to the Chernobyl disaster, he was also openly critical of its management of the nuclear industry.”
In his show, the Rossia 24 anchor pointed out a major article published by KP, arguing that the HBO series was wrong to suggest that the Soviet authorities were afraid to admit their mistakes and that this reluctance led to terrible consequences.
Legasov’s article in the country’s leading newspaper, the anchor says, proves this was not the case, undermining one of the main theses of the show.
Unfortunately, however, state-controlled media often tries unmask one set of lies with the help of another. It is true that Legasov did write such an article for KP in 1987, but the editors didn’t like it and refused to publish the piece.
Legasov was at wit’s end by this time: the Academy of Sciences had rejected his ideas and Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev had refused to award him the honorary title of Hero of Socialist Labor (although he did bestow it upon others who worked with Legasov in Chernobyl).
Following a meeting at the Academy of Sciences, Legasov hung himself. Two weeks after his death, KP reversed its decision and published Legasov’s article in 1988.
“Chernobyl” is relatively historically accurate and the filmmakers devote a great deal of attention to detail. Nonetheless, I expect that the airing of the final installment will spur a fresh wave of unfounded criticism.
Ultra pro-Soviet columnist Anatoly Vasserman offered what is probably the most candid of all the reviews leveled against the show: “If Anglo-Saxons film something about Russians,” he said, “it definitely will not correspond to the truth.”
In so saying, he spared himself the need to look for hidden storm windows or other historical inaccuracies. “Those people always get it wrong. ‘Nuff said.”
In fact, it has been a long time since even Russians made uncontroversial historical films about Russia. Against this backdrop, HBO’s “Chernobyl” does not look too bad. So why were the pro-Kremlin media opposed to it from the start?
It is an ordinary case of jealous resentment: “Only we have the right to talk about our history,” they say, “so don’t butt in.” However, the reception given “Chernobyl” says more about the critics than it does about the series.
Thanks to the HBO series, many of my peers now have a different view of the Chernobyl accident. Whereas most disaster films culminate with the central catastrophe, only the first episode in this series is devoted to the Chernobyl reactor explosion.
All the subsequent episodes focus on the harrowing and self-sacrificing struggle that the Soviet people waged against the consequences of the explosion. And it was these people who saved Europe — at the cost of their own lives and health.
Watching this series provides at least a passing understanding of the hardships they endured in the process.
Russia, however, does not honor these individuals as heroes who saved Europe.
Just go to the official Kremlin website to see how often President Vladimir Putin mentions the Chernobyl survivors — many of whom are still alive and suffer from a variety of radiation-induced illnesses.
Putin’s sole references to them occur on the major anniversaries of the Chernobyl accident. He last mentioned them in 2016, on the 30th anniversary of the disaster, and again in 2011, on the 25th anniversary.
As odd as it might sound, the clean-up effort after the Chernobyl accident was almost as important to Europe as the Allied victory in World War II.
What began as a day of solemnity and sorrow, Victory Day has since turned into a noisy holiday with military parades.
Russia will never celebrate the Chernobyl events as a holiday — and if leaders cannot turn it into a fete of national pride and greatness, then better to forget that it ever happened at all.
Still, an attempt will be made to put an entirely different spin on those events. Russia’s NTV channel has already announced that it is shooting its own “Chernobyl” series based on the premise that the CIA sent an agent to the Chernobyl zone to carry out acts of sabotage.
Russia, however, does not honor these individuals as heroes who saved Europe.
As justification for the story, the film’s director, Alexei Muradov, cited fringe conspiracy theorists: “One theory holds that Americans had infiltrated the Chernobyl nuclear power plant and many historians do not deny that, on the day of the explosion, an agent of the enemy’s intelligence services was present at the station.”
In place of a moving tribute to the heroic men and women who sacrificed everything to overcome the fallout from the Chernobyl disaster, Moscow gives us a thrilling detective film based on a conspiracy theory in which a KGB officer struggles to thwart American spies — the new villains in this national tragedy.
The fact that an American, not a Russian, TV channel tells us about our own heroes is a source of shame that the pro-Kremlin media apparently cannot live down. And this is the real reason they find fault with HBO’s “Chernobyl” series.

Wild Thing’s comment……….
Chernobyl mini series was excellent . The HBO series was riveting.One of the best pictures ever painted of what happens when an elite control a nation. Even the dark tones and dreary community was realistic of the Soviet Union. The truth is always second to the needs of the state..
A gut-wrenching series, unflinching in its portrayal of the political horrors of the Soviet Union.
There were a lot of brave Russians, Belorussians, and Ukrainians involved, but they were ordinary soldiers, firefighters and local people. The leftist political leadership was universally reprehensible or insane.

07 Jun

Happy Birthday VP Mike Pence, we love you and are grateful you are our VP

Happy Birthday VP Mike Pence, we love you and are grateful you are our VP.

07 Jun

President Trump Participates in a Bilateral Meeting with the President of the French Republic

President Trump Participates in a Bilateral Meeting with the President of the French Republic

06 Jun

President Donald Trump, French President Emmanuel Macron and their wives are overlooking a beachfront in Normandy, France

President Donald Trump, French President Emmanuel Macron and their wives are overlooking a beachfront in Normandy, France
President Donald Trump, French President Emmanuel Macron and their wives are overlooking a beachfront in Normandy, France, where American and allied forces landed in an invasion that helped free Europe from Nazi occupation.
The four walked to an overlook and stood silently as a bugler played Taps while fighter jets and planes, including some leaving trails of red, white and blue smoke, flew overhead.

06 Jun

Remarks by President Trump on the 75th Commemoration of D-Day

Remarks by President Trump on the 75th Commemoration of D-Day
Normandy American Cemetery
Colleville-sur-Mer, France
June 6, 2019
12:07 P.M. CEST
THE PRESIDENT: President Macron, Mrs. Macron, and the people of France; to the First Lady of the United States and members of the United States Congress; to distinguished guests, veterans, and my fellow Americans:
We are gathered here on Freedom’s Altar. On these shores, on these bluffs, on this day 75 years ago, 10,000 men shed their blood, and thousands sacrificed their lives, for their brothers, for their countries, and for the survival of liberty.
Today, we remember those who fell, and we honor all who fought right here in Normandy. They won back this ground for civilization.
To more than 170 veterans of the Second World War who join us today: You are among the very greatest Americans who will ever live. You’re the pride of our nation. You are the glory of our republic. And we thank you from the bottom of our hearts. (Applause.)
Here with you are over 60 veterans who landed on D-Day. Our debt to you is everlasting. Today, we express our undying gratitude.
When you were young, these men enlisted their lives in a Great Crusade — one of the greatest of all times. Their mission is the story of an epic battle and the ferocious, eternal struggle between good and evil.
On the 6th of June, 1944, they joined a liberation force of awesome power and breathtaking scale. After months of planning, the Allies had chosen this ancient coastline to mount their campaign to vanquish the wicked tyranny of the Nazi empire from the face of the Earth.
The battle began in the skies above us. In those first tense midnight hours, 1,000 aircraft roared overhead with 17,000 Allied airborne troops preparing to leap into the darkness beyond these trees.
Then came dawn. The enemy who had occupied these heights saw the largest naval armada in the history of the world. Just a few miles offshore were 7,000 vessels bearing 130,000 warriors. They were the citizens of free and independent nations, united by their duty to their compatriots and to millions yet unborn.
There were the British, whose nobility and fortitude saw them through the worst of Dunkirk and the London Blitz. The full violence of Nazi fury was no match for the full grandeur of British pride. Thank you. (Applause.)
There were the Canadians, whose robust sense of honor and loyalty compelled them to take up arms alongside Britain from the very, very beginning.
There were the fighting Poles, the tough Norwegians, and the intrepid Aussies. There were the gallant French commandos, soon to be met by thousands of their brave countrymen ready to write a new chapter in the long history of French valor. (Applause.)
And, finally, there were the Americans. They came from the farms of a vast heartland, the streets of glowing cities, and the forges of mighty industrial towns. Before the war, many had never ventured beyond their own community. Now they had come to offer their lives half a world from home.
This beach, codenamed Omaha, was defended by the Nazis with monstrous firepower, thousands and thousands of mines and spikes driven into the sand, so deeply. It was here that tens of thousands of the Americans came.
The GIs who boarded the landing craft that morning knew that they carried on their shoulders not just the pack of a soldier, but the fate of the world. Colonel George Taylor, whose 16th Infantry Regiment would join in the first wave, was asked: What would happen if the Germans stopped right then and there, cold on the beach — just stopped them? What would happen? This great American replied: “Why, the 18th Infantry is coming in right behind us. The 26th Infantry will come on too. Then there is the 2nd Infantry Division already afloat. And the 9th Division. And the 2nd Armored. And the 3rd Armored. And all the rest. Maybe the 16th won’t make it, but someone will.”
One of those men in Taylor’s 16th Regiment was Army medic Ray Lambert. Ray was only 23, but he had already earned three Purple Hearts and two Silver Stars fighting in North Africa and Sicily, where he and his brother Bill, no longer with us, served side by side.
In the early morning hours, the two brothers stood together on the deck of the USS Henrico, before boarding two separate Higgins landing craft. “If I don’t make it,” Bill said, “please, please take care of my family.” Ray asked his brother to do the same.
Of the 31 men on Ray’s landing craft, only Ray and 6 others made it to the beach. There were only a few of them left. They came to the sector right here below us. “Easy Red” it was called. Again and again, Ray ran back into the water. He dragged out one man after another. He was shot through the arm. His leg was ripped open by shrapnel. His back was broken. He nearly drowned.
He had been on the beach for hours, bleeding and saving lives, when he finally lost consciousness. He woke up the next day on a cot beside another badly wounded soldier. He looked over and saw his brother Bill. They made it. They made it. They made it.
At 98 years old, Ray is here with us today, with his fourth Purple Heart and his third Silver Star from Omaha. (Applause.) Ray, the free world salutes you. (Applause.) Thank you, Ray. (Applause.)
Nearly two hours in, unrelenting fire from these bluffs kept the Americans pinned down on the sand now red with our heroes’ blood. Then, just a few hundred yards from where I’m standing, a breakthrough came. The battle turned, and with it, history.
Down on the beach, Captain Joe Dawson, the son of a Texas preacher, led Company G through a minefield to a natural fold in the hillside, still here. Just beyond this path to my right, Captain Dawson snuck beneath an enemy machine gun perch and tossed his grenades. Soon, American troops were charging up “Dawson’s Draw.” What a job he did. What bravery he showed.
Lieutenant Spalding and the men from Company E moved on to crush the enemy strongpoint on the far side of this cemetery, and stop the slaughter on the beach below. Countless more Americans poured out across this ground all over the countryside. They joined fellow American warriors from Utah beach, and Allies from Juno, Sword, and Gold, along with the airborne and the French patriots.
Private First Class Russell Pickett, of the 29th Division’s famed 116th Infantry Regiment, had been wounded in the first wave that landed on Omaha Beach. At a hospital in England, Private Pickett vowed to return to battle. “I’m going to return,” he said. “I’m going to return.”
Six days after D-Day, he rejoined his company. Two thirds had been killed already; many had been wounded, within 15 minutes of the invasion. They’d lost 19 just from small town of Bedford, Virginia, alone. Before long, a grenade left Private Pickett again gravely wounded. So badly wounded. Again, he chose to return. He didn’t care; he had to be here.
He was then wounded a third time, and laid unconscious for 12 days. They thought he was gone. They thought he had no chance. Russell Pickett is the last known survivor of the legendary Company A. And, today, believe it or not, he has returned once more to these shores to be with his comrades. Private Pickett, you honor us all with your presence. (Applause.) Tough guy. (Laughter.)
By the fourth week of August, Paris was liberated. (Applause.) Some who landed here pushed all the way to the center of Germany. Some threw open the gates of Nazi concentration camps to liberate Jews who had suffered the bottomless horrors of the Holocaust. And some warriors fell on other fields of battle, returning to rest on this soil for eternity.
Before this place was consecrated to history, the land was owned by a French farmer, a member of the French resistance. These were great people. These were strong and tough people. His terrified wife waited out D-Day in a nearby house, holding tight to their little baby girl. The next day, a soldier appeared. “I’m an American,” he said. “I’m here to help.” The French woman was overcome with emotion and cried. Days later, she laid flowers on fresh American graves.
Today, her granddaughter, Stefanie, serves as a guide at this cemetery. This week, Stefanie led 92-year-old Marian Wynn of California to see the grave of her brother Don for the very first time.
Marian and Stefanie are both with us today. And we thank you for keeping alive the memories of our precious heroes. Thank you. (Applause.)
9,388 young Americans rest beneath the white crosses and Stars of David arrayed on these beautiful grounds. Each one has been adopted by a French family that thinks of him as their own. They come from all over France to look after our boys. They kneel. They cry. They pray. They place flowers. And they never forget. Today, America embraces the French people and thanks you for honoring our beloved dead. Thank you. (Applause.) Thank you. Thank you.
To all of our friends and partners: Our cherished alliance was forged in the heat of battle, tested in the trials of war, and proven in the blessings of peace. Our bond is unbreakable.
From across the Earth, Americans are drawn to this place as though it were a part of our very soul. We come not only because of what they did here. We come because of who they were.
They were young men with their entire lives before them. They were husbands who said goodbye to their young brides and took their duty as their fate. They were fathers who would never meet their infant sons and daughters because they had a job to do. And with God as their witness, they were going to get it done. They came wave after wave, without question, without hesitation, and without complaint.
More powerful than the strength of American arms was the strength of American hearts.
These men ran through the fires of hell moved by a force no weapon could destroy: the fierce patriotism of a free, proud, and sovereign people. (Applause.) They battled not for control and domination, but for liberty, democracy, and self-rule.
They pressed on for love in home and country — the Main Streets, the schoolyards, the churches and neighbors, the families and communities that gave us men such as these.
They were sustained by the confidence that America can do anything because we are a noble nation, with a virtuous people, praying to a righteous God.
The exceptional might came from a truly exceptional spirit. The abundance of courage came from an abundance of faith. The great deeds of an Army came from the great depths of their love.
As they confronted their fate, the Americans and the Allies placed themselves into the palm of God’s hand.
The men behind me will tell you that they are just the lucky ones. As one of them recently put it, “All the heroes are buried here.” But we know what these men did. We knew how brave they were. They came here and saved freedom, and then, they went home and showed us all what freedom is all about.
The American sons and daughters who saw us to victory were no less extraordinary in peace. They built families. They built industries. They built a national culture that inspired the entire world. In the decades that followed, America defeated communism, secured civil rights, revolutionized science, launched a man to the moon, and then kept on pushing to new frontiers. And, today, America is stronger than ever before. (Applause.)
Seven decades ago, the warriors of D-Day fought a sinister enemy who spoke of a thousand-year empire. In defeating that evil, they left a legacy that will last not only for a thousand years, but for all time — for as long as the soul knows of duty and honor; for as long as freedom keeps its hold on the human heart.
To the men who sit behind me, and to the boys who rest in the field before me, your example will never, ever grow old. (Applause.) Your legend will never tire. Your spirit — brave, unyielding, and true — will never die.
The blood that they spilled, the tears that they shed, the lives that they gave, the sacrifice that they made, did not just win a battle. It did not just win a war. Those who fought here won a future for our nation. They won the survival of our civilization. And they showed us the way to love, cherish, and defend our way of life for many centuries to come.
Today, as we stand together upon this sacred Earth, we pledge that our nations will forever be strong and united. We will forever be together. Our people will forever be bold. Our hearts will forever be loyal. And our children, and their children, will forever and always be free.
May God bless our great veterans. May God bless our Allies. May God bless the heroes of D-Day. And may God bless America. Thank you. (Applause.) Thank you very much.