19 Jul
18 Jul

DEFENDING TRUMP: Kevin McCarthy BLASTS Pelosi and “Squad” Members

DEFENDING TRUMP: Kevin McCarthy BLASTS Pelosi and “Squad” Members

18 Jul

President Trump Welcomes Members of Team USA for the Special Olympics World Games

President Trump Welcomes Members of Team USA for the Special Olympics World Games.
Stupid reporters… Press asking trump questions that’s nothing to do with the special Olympics…..The focus should be on our athletes not the 4 idiots in Congress. God bless the special Olympics!!!

18 Jul

President Trump and The First Lady Participate in a Flag Presentation

President Trump and The First Lady Participate in a Flag Presentation
We love you and First Lady Melania and we pray for your good health and safety always. God is with you Mr. President, keep going, we are behind you. You are our greatest President who truly love this country and serves it very well and for free too.

17 Jul
16 Jul

VP Mike Pence takes part in unveiling of Neil Armstrong’s Apollo 11 spacesuit

VP Mike Pence takes part in unveiling of Neil Armstrong’s Apollo 11 spacesuit
Vice President Mike Pence delivers remarks at the National Air and Space Museum in Washington, D.C. The event will unveil astronaut Neil Armstrong’s Apollo 11 spacesuit for the first time in 13 years, to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the launch of the lunar mission.

16 Jul

President Trump and First Lady Melania

The best President in the history of our beloved America and his gorgeous wife First Lady Melania.

16 Jul

Kellyanne Conway discusses the controversy surrounding progressive Democrat freshmen congresswomen

Kellyanne Conway discusses the controversy surrounding progressive Democrat freshmen congresswomen

15 Jul

President Trump Hosts the 3rd Annual Made in America Product Showcase

President Trump Hosts the 3rd Annual Made in America Product Showcase