First Lady Melania Trump Announces Groundbreaking for New Tennis Pavilion on the South Lawn
Issued on: October 8, 2019
The First Lady is pleased to announce the construction of a new tennis pavilion on the White House grounds.
The new pavilion, which is being funded by private donations, is fueled by Mrs. Trump’s respect for classical architecture, along with her passion to provide a functional recreational area for all First Families to enjoy. This project will utilize the historic Children’s Garden and reinforce the entire area as a private gathering place for First Families to relax and unwind.
The structure will be a testament to American craftsmanship and skill. At the First Lady’s direction, the design was carefully conceived in order to compliment the architecture of the Executive Mansion, drawing inspiration from both the East and the West wings.
“As we break ground on the new tennis pavilion, it is a great honor to share this moment alongside the many talented individuals and craftsmen involved in bringing it to fruition,” said First Lady Melania Trump. “Architectural inspiration for the pavilion is drawn from the White House, with the end goal of the new structure on the south lawn complementing and contributing to the People’s house. It is my hope that this private space will function as a place to gather and spend leisure time for First Families.”
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