06 Feb

Amnesty International Just LOVES Terrorists

Close Guantanamo, Amnesty urges
from Herald Sun
Feb. 6,2006
Statements from the article………

AMNESTY International has renewed its call for the US to close its Guantanamo Bay detention facility and try or release the prisoners held there.
“The US detention centre at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, is condemning thousands across the world to a life of suffering, torment and stigmatisation,” the London-based rights group said in a statement accompanying a report.
Citing complaints from inmates of mistreatment and abuse, Amnesty also appealed to Washington to “close Guantanamo and open up all US detention facilities to independent scrutiny”, and to investigate allegations of torture.
US President George W. Bush insisted last month that the prisoners were being treated “humanely”.
“Guantanamo is a necessary part of protecting the American people. And so long as the war on terror goes on, and so long as there’s a threat, we will inevitably need to hold people that would do ourselves harm,” he said.

Wild Thing’s comment……

I call for sending terrorist sympathizers to Guantanamo.
So they want to see more of these people back on the streets. Makes a person feel all warm and fuzzy.

Remember how we read about these facts below, I guess that the Amnesty International does not care about the truth! Screw you Amnesty International!!!!
-Not one of these illegal enemy combatant detainee’s
who came from Afghanistan had a Qur’an in his
possession when captured
-A brand new Qur’an in the specific, native language
of each individual was provided to each “enemy combatant”.
-Each illegal enemy combatant detained at Guantanamo is
given three nutritious halal meals (culturally-appropriate and
in accordance with Islamic dietary law) per day. The meals
include all optional condiments.
-Each illegal enemy combatant detainee receives Muslim feast
meals at special times in accordance with Muslim feasts and holy
periods during the year.
-Each illegal enemy combatant detainee has unrestricted access
to Muslim Imams and religious instruction
-Each illegal enemy combatant detainee has a Quibla, a large
green and white sign in his cell which points toward Mecca.
-Each illegal enemy combatant detainee hears Islamic loudspeaker
calls to prayer five times daily.
-Each illegal enemy combatant detainee received a brand new
Muslim prayer cap.
-Each illegal enemy combatant detainee received a brand new
prayer rug
-Each illegal enemy combatant detainee received brand new
Islamic prayer beads.
– Each illegal enemy combatant detainee
received Islamic holy oil.
Each illegal enemy combatant had ALL of this done and paid
for him at US taxpayer expense and this is far, far in excess of
requirements delineated by Geneva Convention Cat. III protocols
on the treatment of Prisoners of War.
[Copyright 2005 Sean Osborne, Northeast Intelligence Network)

05 Feb

Jamal al-Badawi Mastermind of The USS Cole Bombing Escapes

Interpol: USS Cole Attack Planner Escapes

LYON, France – A man considered a mastermind of the USS Cole bombing that killed 17 sailors in a Yemeni port in 2000 was among 23 people who escaped from a Yemen prison last week, Interpol said Sunday.
The international police agency issued an “urgent global security alert” for those who escaped Friday from the prison via a tunnel. It called the escapees “dangerous individuals.”
A Yemen security official announced the escape of convicted al-Qaida members Friday but did not provide details.
Interpol said in a statement that at least 13 of the 23 escapees were convicted al-Qaida fighters, who escaped via a 140-yard-long tunnel “dug by the prisoners and co-conspirators outside.”
Yemeni officials confirmed to Interpol that a man considered a mastermind of the Cole attack, identified as Jamal al-Badawi, was among those who escaped.
Al-Badawi was among those sentenced to death in September 2004 for plotting the USS Cole attack. Two suicide bombers blew up an explosives-laden boat next to the destroyer as it refueled in the Yemeni port of Aden on Oct. 12, 2000.

Wild Thing’s coment………
I have to wonder if once his sentence came down, lilke it says in article below from Cairo, “This is the first time anyone has been sentenced to death in Yemen for an act of terrorism. “ as of last Sept.2004……… The Epoch Times…….if that is when they started the tunnel. Just a thought anyway.
CAIRO – A court in Yemen has sentenced two al-Qaida members to death for the 2000 bombing of the U.S. Navy destroyer Cole. The attack killed 17 U.S. sailors. This is the first time anyone has been sentenced to death in Yemen for an act of terrorism.

04 Feb

Iran Sent To Bed Without Dinner

And so it begins………..
IAEA Reports Iran to U.N. Security Council
The U.N. nuclear watchdog Saturday reported Iran to the U.N. Security Council in a resolution expressing concern that Tehran’s nuclear program may not be “exclusively for peaceful purposes.”
Iran retaliated immediately, saying it would resume uranium enrichment at its main plant instead of in Russia.
Wild Thing’s comment…..
Prayer for our Troops, Pray for our country. We may be in another fight….Iraq and Iran

04 Feb

Muslim Reaction To Jylland Posten Cartoons ~ Feel The Love




British Muslims burn a Danish flag during a demonstration outside the Danish embassy over the publication of cartoons of the Prophet Mohammad, in London February 3, 2006. The cartoons, which first appeared in a Danish newspaper, have sparked outrage across the Islamic world, although Britain’s normally provocative newspapers have so far refused to publish them. REUTERS/Mike Finn-Kelcey




Sky News
“Massacre Those Who Insult Islam!”

Hundreds of Muslims have staged angry protests in London following the publication of cartoons satirising the prophet Mohammed.
Scores waved placards bearing angry messages, one declaring: “Behead the one who insults the prophet”. Others said: “Free speech go to hell” and “Europe: Your 9/11 will come”.


Arab News……….
“This week, we witnessed the power of the Islamic and Arab worlds to bring a Western nation virtually to its knees.”



Ex-president Bill Clinton …..

…is winning high praise throughout the Arab world for his recent comments condemning anti-Muslim bias and urging dialogue with Hamas Clinton took pains to condemn a series of cartoons appearing in European newspapers that parodied the Islamic prophet Mohammed, calling them “appalling.”
Qatar’s leading English daily newspaper, The Peninsula, devoted an entire story to an interview with a female Egyptian lawyer who had become a virtual Clinton groupie.
“I am in Doha for the first time and it is here that I met Clinton,” Dr. Nariman Abdel Kader told the paper. “A photographer was taking pictures of Clinton and I was standing nearby. The president saw me and asked me to come closer and pose along [with him]. I was so excited. I told him I was a lawyer too, and he laughed and shook hands me.”
“I have photographs taken with Kofi Annan and the president of Portugal but have never been as excited as I am now after having met Clinton,” she gushed, before adding, “We like him. All Arabs like him. But I hate George Bush and all Arabs hate him.”

Islamist organizations all over the world are issuing threats towards Europeans. The Islamist terrorist group Hizbollah announced that it is preparing suicide attacks in Denmark and Norway.


And other places in the world………….

Palestinians Protest

Indonesians Protest

Iranians Protest

Egyptians Protest

Iraqis Protest


Wild Thing’s comment…….
Seems to me they are proving the point of the cartoons!! Loving, peaceful people…NOT! There’s no dealing with these people. ISLAM is a cult, a death cult.

04 Feb

Brothers Re-enlist on Mom’s Birthday

Brothers, Brandon and Jeff Lloyd, both staff sergeants in the U.S. Army, re-enlist on their mother’s birthday in Baghdad, Iraq

BAGHDAD, Iraq, Feb. 2, 2006 — On a bright winter’s day in eastern Baghdad, two brothers re-enlisted for love of country, love of the Army … and love of their mom back home in Alabama.
Staff Sgt. Brandon Lloyd, two years older than Staff Sgt. Jeff Lloyd, hosted his brother at Forward Operating Base Rustamiyah at the 1st Squadron, 61st Cavalry Regiment, 506th Regimental Combat Team headquarters Jan. 28.
Jeff’s commander, platoon leader, and platoon sergeant traveled with him from Camp Liberty to witness the joint oath of office.
While Brandon is the older brother, Jeff enlisted in the Alabama National Guard before his brother joined the military. Jeff later enlisted in the active duty Army.
Subsequently Jeff sustained serious injuries in Operation Iraqi Freedom while serving with 1st Cavalry Division in the Baghdad area more than a year ago.
With the love of his family, Jeff recovered and returned to the freedom fight.
The brothers stood together proudly, as 1st Lt. Sangdo Choi, Brandon’s platoon leader, led them in the re-enlistment oath.
“It is nice to see my brother and hard to describe how much it means to me to re-enlist with Brandon,” said Jeff.
Brandon went on to describe how they remain close from growing up together in the small town of Semmes, Ala., near Mobile. They relied upon and supported each other then and they still do, the brothers said.
Just two weeks ago, Brandon volunteered to provide medical coverage so he could visit his brother at the convoy’s turn-around point.
Jeff serves as a mechanic supervisor for 10th Brigade Support Battalion, 10th Mountain Division, based at Fort Drum, N.Y. His unit is currently stationed at Camp Victory near the international airport, while Brandon is based out of Fort Campbell, Ky. and currently deployed to the Currahee Cav.
Brandon re-enlisted for five years and Jeff for six, and each received a sizable bonus. Brandon also received current station stabilization money, which he says helped him and his wife, Deanna, decide on future plans.
“I’m saving to buy a house with my wife,” said Brandon. “My mom is in real estate, and we hope she can help us find the right place.”
Single brother Jeff said, “I’ll pay a few debts and fix up my ’79 Dodge hot rod truck.”
The brothers know that their mother back home has mixed feelings about them being in Iraq together. “We re-enlisted on Mom’s birthday on purpose,” said Brandon.
“She understands that as noncommissioned officers, we want and need to be here. She knows we both love the military and our country.”The Lloyds hope to see each other a few more times while serving in Iraq. They know that trust as brothers, and their oath as noncommissioned officers in the Army, will keep them going strong.

04 Feb

F-35 Joint Strike Fighter


Maj. Don Borchelt flies the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter aircraft simulator here. The simulator demonstrates the advanced capabilities of the F-35 — the joint fighter of the 21st century. Major Borchelt is from the Headquarters Pacific Air Force advanced programs office.
(U.S. Air Force photo by Tech. Sgt. Shane A. Cuomo)

While the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter is still in development, Airmen are getting a “sneak peek” at the future of air superiority thanks to a unique simulator.
The Lockheed Martin Corporation’s F-35 Joint Strike Fighter, or JSF, pilot interface simulator is demonstrating the fighter’s capabilities to some pilots here.
“It is very close (to the real thing). The system that we are showing right now has already been tested on different platforms,” said Clyde Bellinger, Joint Strike Fighter pilot interface representative for Lockheed Martin. “It’s going to have fantastic capabilities. What we are showing, as far as the demonstrator is concerned, should be very close to what’s going to be on the actual aircraft.”
The new fighter is expected to deliver unmatched advantages to U.S. and coalition forces.
The Air Force expects to purchase 1,763 F-35s to complement the F-22A Raptor and replace the F-16 Fighting Falcon as an air-to-ground strike aircraft. The fighter has a large internal weapons bay and gun. It also has an improved internal fuel capability, infrared sensors and a laser designator. It also carries larger payloads for greater distances and it is capable of better thrust and 9-G maneuvering.
The F-35’s design includes specific advances and combinations of leading-edge technologies never before incorporated in a single aircraft, which the simulator demonstrates to the pilots. For example, pilots can select interchangeable windows on the flat panel cockpit display to provide unprecedented pilot tactical situation awareness.

Maj. Don Borchelt flies the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter simulator here. The simulator demonstrates the advanced capabilities of the F-35 — the joint fighter of the 21st century. Major Borchelt is from the Headquarters Pacific Air Force advanced programs office.
(U.S. Air Force photo by Tech. Sgt. Shane A. Cuomo)

All these advances are designed for one purpose — improving the pilot’s capabilities.
“The main thing the JSF does is decrease the pilot’s workload. It presents all the information into one easily digestible format that the pilot can know exactly what is going on without having to do a lot of switch actuations,” Major Borchelt said.
And while the joint fighter of tomorrow is still in production, today’s pilots now have a chance to experience the Air Force’s future transformation into a more agile, streamlined and lethal force thanks to an F-35 simulator.
“It is obviously a new airplane,” Major Borchelt said. The major is one of the pilots who flew the simulator here. “It brings together a bunch of things that weren’t available previously. All these things are going to make a fighter more survivable — all of that is good.”

03 Feb

Do NOT Put A Civilized Face On These Killers

The ultimate thing is America nor Israel will never be able to make peace with someone who does not value “life” and blows themself up period. The bottom line is, this is war and they want Jews and Christians dead.
To deal with Hamas is to deny history. Dealing with Hamas would lead to the genocide. That is the destruction of Israel and the anihilation of the Israelites. It would appear possible for a band of radicals to achieve what nations have not. Hamas will allow Hizbollah and Iran free access to the Israeli borders.
Along with the historical examples of Hitler, Mao, Stalin, Pol Pot, etc. we have the words and actions of Hamas.
Here is a sample of the views of Hamas leader, Khaled Mashaal, who lives in exile in Syria. He said the new army will include members of the groups’ armed wing and would “defend our people against aggression,” reiterating HAMAS’ refusal to recognize Israel.

“Our battle is with two sides, one of them is the strongest power in the world, the United States, and the second is the strongest power in the region (Israel)…” He went on to call of for an Arab-Muslim alliance against these two enemies.


Wild Thing’s comment…..
Prayers for America, for Israel and for our Military!

03 Feb

Air Force Officer MIA from Vietnam War is Identified

I will never forget….never!
For 36 years and one month I have prayed every day
that our POW’s and MIA’s would come home.
I will never stop

The Department of Defense POW/Missing Personnel Office (DPMO) announced today that the remains of a U.S. serviceman, missing in action from the Vietnam War, have been identified and will be returned to his family for burial with full military honors.
He is Col. Eugene D. Hamilton
of Opelika, Ala.
Final arrangements for his funeral have not been set.
On Jan. 31, 1966, Hamilton was flying an armed reconnaissance mission over North Vietnam when his F-105D ‘Thunderchief’ was hit by enemy ground fire over Ha Tinh province. His mission was part of a larger operation, known as Operation Rolling Thunder, which attacked air defense systems and the flow of supplies along the Ho Chi Minh Trail.
Airborne searches for his crash site that day were unsuccessful. A radio broadcast from Hanoi reported an F-105 had been shot down but did not provide any details.
Between July 1993 and November 2000, joint U.S.-Vietnam teams, led by the Joint POW/MIA Accounting Command (JPAC), conducted four investigations and one excavation searching for the pilot and his plane.
An investigation team in March 2000 learned from a Vietnamese villager that an area excavated in 1997 was not the location of the pilot’s burial. A second location was then excavated in August and September 2000, which did yield aircraft wreckage, personal effects and human remains.
In 2004, three Vietnamese citizens turned over to a JPAC team remains they had found at the same crash site a year earlier.
In late May 2005, the JPAC team recovered fragments of possible human remains and life support equipment from the 2000 crash site. Personal effects found there also included a leather nametag with the name “HAMILTON” partially visible on it.
JPAC scientists and Armed Forces DNA Identification Laboratory specialists used mitochondrial DNA as one of the forensic tools to help identify the remains. Laboratory analysis of dental remains also confirmed his identity.
Of those Americans unaccounted-for from all conflicts, 1,807 are from the Vietnam War, with 1,382 of those within the country of Vietnam. Another 839 Americans have been accounted-for in Southeast Asia since the end of the war, with 599 from Vietnam.
What is JPAC?
Mission and History The Joint POW/MIA Accounting Command (JPAC), located on the island of Oahu in Hawaii, was activated on Oct. 1, 2003. JPAC’s mission is to achieve the fullest possible accounting of all Americans missing as a result of our nation’s previous conflicts. Our highest priority is the return of any living Americans that remain prisoners of war.
JPAC was created from the merger of the 30 year old U.S. Army Central Identification Laboratory, Hawaii, and the 11 year old Joint Task Force – Full Accounting. This 425-person organization, commanded by a flag officer, is committed and dedicated to bringing home the nation’s service members and civilians who made the ultimate sacrifice.
Worldwide Mission
The Joint POW/MIA Accounting Command’s (JPAC) mission is to achieve the fullest possible accounting of all Americans missing as a result of the nation’s past conflicts. JPAC personnel search for, recover and identify remains of Americans unaccounted-for from the Persian Gulf War, the Vietnam War, the Cold War, the Korean War and World War II. JPAC also performs other humanitarian missions as directed.
World War II recovery operations typically consist of teams deploying to such places as Europe, Papua New Guinea, China, the Pacific Islands, and many other locations where American service members are still missing. There are more than 78,000 American service members unaccounted for from World War II. Since 1973, the JPAC has identified and returned to their families more than 1,170 American servicemen formerly listed as unaccounted for from previous wars.

Until They ALL Come Home
Until they all come home
We watch and wait
Young and old, black and white
So far away, they’re sent to fight
Until they all come home
We wear our ribbons to show our pride
And let them know we are on their side
Until they all come home
We pray for peace
Throughout the land
Protect them all, on sea and sand
Until they all come home
By James Withrow
Rolling Thunder

Until they ALL come home


Please feel free to visit my POW MIA page’s

03 Feb

NAACP Chairman Compares GOP To Nazis


Civil rights activist and NAACP Chairman Julian Bond delivered a blistering partisan speech at Fayetteville State University in North Carolina last night, equating the Republican Party with the Nazi Party and characterizing Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and her predecessor, Colin Powell, as “tokens.”
“The Republican Party would have the American flag and the swastika flying side by side,” he charged.
Calling President Bush a liar, Bond told the audience at the historically black institution that this White House’s lies are more serious than the lies of his predecessor’s because Clinton’s lies didn’t kill people.
We now find ourselves refighting old battles we thought we had already won,” he said. “We have to fight discrimination whenever it raises its ugly head.”

Wild Thing’s comment…….
Julian Bond, Julian Bond, didn’t he used to be somebody? Hahaha What a moron. Bond is a punk. So is Belafonte. They’re `60s throwbacks. OK Julian, you are definitely off the NAACP Kwanzaa list! My bad!
Bond told the audience at the historically black institution that this White House’s lies are more serious than the lies of his predecessor’s because Clinton’s lies didn’t kill people. (hmmmm shall we ask Vince Foster and several others that are DEAD????)
Hey Julian, Walter Williams, Tom Sowell, J.C. Watts, Clarence Thomas……All Brilliant. All Black. All mainstream American conservatives.


03 Feb

Carter Never Met A Terrorist He Did Not Like

(CNN) —

Hamas deserves to be recognized by the international community, and despite the group’s militant history, there is a chance the soon-to-be Palestinian leaders could turn away from violence, former President Jimmy Carter said Wednesday.
Carter, who monitored last week’s Palestinian elections in which Hamas handily toppled the ruling Fatah, added that the United States should not cut off aid to the Palestinian people, but rather funnel it through third parties like the U.N.
“If you sponsor an election or promote democracy and freedom around the world, then when people make their own decision about their leaders, I think that all the governments should recognize that administration and let them form their government,” Carter said.
“If there are prohibitions — like, for instance, in the United States, against giving any money to a government that is controlled by Hamas — then the United States could channel the same amount of money to the Palestinian people through the United Nations, through the refugee fund, through UNICEF, things of that kind,” he added.
Carter expressed hope that “the people of Palestine — who already suffer … under Israeli occupation — will not suffer because they are deprived of a right to pay their school teachers, policemen, welfare workers, health workers and provide food for people.”

Wild Thing’s comment………..
Palestine???? WTF where is Palestine???? ROTFL There is NO Palestine.
The freak of all freaks chimes in with his worthless opinion. Give the Hamas a chance? A chance to kill more Israelis? A chance to kill Americans? There already are groups here in the USA that are sending money to the Hamas and other terrorists groups, funding them to help blow us up and attack Israel. Isn’t that bad enough??Screw Hamas! What a disgrace is Jimmy Carter. Every time he opens his mouth, I feel so ashamed that he was born in this country, and worse yet, that he was once President. He has been a traitor to this Nation time and time again.
Former President Carter was an utter failure when in office. Remember the attempt to rescue the American hostages – a resigning matter if ever there was one. Why is he accorded such respect, especially when he expresses the opinions he does? He achieved nothing noteworthy and his best course of action would be to remain silent, allowing the rest of us to forget that he ever held high office.
Carter also expressed his belief in Palestinian President (and avowed holocaust denier) in fact, Carter called him a “person of integrity.”
Just leave America will ya! ?!?! You can go away with Harry Belefonte how about that?
Here ya go Jimmy the jerk, this ones for you….


* Anti-Idiotarian Rottweiler