13 Feb

UN Inquiry Demands Immediate Closure of Guantanamo

UN inquiry demands immediate closure of Guantanamo



Taken from this article in the Telegraph
A United Nations inquiry has called for the immediate closure of America’s Guantanamo Bay detention centre and the prosecution of officers and politicians “up to the highest level” who are accused of torturing detainees.
The UN Human Rights Commission report, due to be published this week, concludes that Washington should put the 520 detainees on trial or release them.
It calls for the United States to halt all “practices amounting to torture”, including the force-feeding of inmates who go on hunger strike.
The report wants the Bush administration to ensure that all allegations of torture are investigated by US criminal courts, and that “all perpetrators up to the highest level of military and political command are brought to justice”.
It does not specify who it means by “political command” but logically this would include President George W Bush.
The demands are contained in the final report of the commission’s working group on arbitrary detention, which will be presented at its Geneva headquarters in the next few days. A copy of the report has been obtained exclusively by The Daily Telegraph.
The report is bound to intensify the already strained relations between the US and the UN over the Iraq war.
Washington officials yesterday denounced it as “a hatchet job” when informed of the contents by this newspaper.
“This shows precisely what is wrong with the United Nations today,” said a senior official. “These people are supposed to be undertaking a serious investigation of the facts relating to Guantanamo.
“Instead, they deliver a report with a bunch of old allegations from lawyers representing released detainees that are so generalised that you cannot even tell what they are talking about.
“When the UN produces an unprofessional hatchet job like this it discredits the whole organisation.”

Wild Thing’s comment…….
The UN has no credibility to demand anything from the United States, Period! The only Cuban jail the UN is worried about is the only one run by Americans.

13 Feb

Gore Commits TREASON as he Laments U.S. ‘abuses’ Against Arabs

U.S. Former Vice President Al Gore talks during the 2nd day of Jeddah Economic Forum Sunday Feb. 12


Gore said these things on FOREIGN SOIL! How long will this DEMOCRAT practice of knocking America on foriegn soil continue?………. Wild Thing comment


Associated Press Writer
This is a portion of what was written………….
JIDDAH, Saudi Arabia (AP) – Former Vice President Al Gore told a mainly Saudi audience on Sunday that the U.S. government committed “terrible abuses” against Arabs after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, and that most Americans did not support such treatment.
Gore said Arabs had been “indiscriminately rounded up” and held in “unforgivable” conditions. The former vice president said the Bush administration was playing into al-Qaida’s hands by routinely blocking Saudi visa applications.
“The thoughtless way in which visas are now handled, that is a mistake,” Gore said during the Jiddah Economic Forum. “The worst thing we can possibly do is to cut off the channels of friendship and mutual understanding between Saudi Arabia and the United States.”
Gore told the largely Saudi audience, many of them educated at U.S. universities, that Arabs in the United States had been “indiscriminately rounded up, often on minor charges of overstaying a visa or not having a green card in proper order, and held in conditions that were just unforgivable.”
“Unfortunately there have been terrible abuses and it’s wrong,” Gore said. “I do want you to know that it does not represent the desires or wishes or feelings of the majority of the citizens of my country.”
Wild Thing’s comment……….
Gore is a complete idiot! Talk about a pure selfishness that places yourself before country. What a freakin’ a$$hole. How the hell does he get away with this inflammatory $hit?? Takie his Visa away, do NOT let him back in this country! How does our government keep allowing Carter Gore, Clinton to keep doing this and get away with it.
Al Gore needs to wear one of these!!!

12 Feb

So Called “Moderate Muslims” Associated With Hamas

Terror link of ‘moderate’ Muslims at London rally
Daily Mail
The Muslim campaigners behind a mass rally in Trafalgar Square today have close links to Islamic terror groups, the Daily Mail can reveal.
Despite promoting itself as the ‘moderate’ voice of Islam, the Muslim Association of Britain includes a former military commander of Hamas, the Palestinian organisation behind dozens of suicide bombings in Israel.
The Association has also been described in Parliament as the British wing of the Muslim Brotherhood, the banned Egyptian group whose former members include Osama Bin Laden.
The revelations raise serious questions about support given by London Mayor Ken Livingstone to the rally, expected to attract 10,000 protesters against cartoons of Mohammed published in European newspapers.
He hosted a press conference at his offices on Thursday to promote the demonstration as a chance to air the views of moderate Muslims.
However, Labour MP Louise Ellman said the MAB was an ‘extremist’ group whose members repeatedly advocated suicide bombings in Israel.
“They are an extremely dangerous organisation,” she said. “Leading members of MAB have indicated their links with Hamas and their support for suicide bombings abroad.
“It is not tenable for a group to support suicide bombings in another country while expecting to be seen as moderate in this country.”
Wild Thing’s comment……….
The Quran and hadith are abundantly clear that Islam must be spread by the sword; that in and that the only sure way to salvation is through martyrdom, that anything that advances Islam is not only acceptable but just. It seems London’s Mayor, “Red Ken” Livingstone, continues to preside over his own Londonistan.


12 Feb

Australian PM says no exit date from Iraq

SYDNEY, Feb 12 (Reuters) –
Australian Prime Minister John Howard said on Sunday there was no exit date for his country’s troops in Iraq.
Australia was one of the first countries to commit forces to the U.S.-led war to oust Saddam Hussein, and still has about 1,370 forces in Iraq, including 450 troops guarding Japanese engineers in the southern Al Muthanna province.
“This idea of setting an exit date irrespective of the circumstances is wrong and we are not going to do that,” Howard told Australian television in an interview.
“That is a shortsighted policy which is not based on leaving behind a long-term secure situation in Iraq.”
Australia had previously hinted it may start scaling back its troops once Japan withdrew its roughly 550 non-combat forces which are involved in the rebuilding programme in Iraq.
Japan will begin withdrawing its forces in March and complete the pullout by May, Japanese media have reported.
Howard said he had not be told when Japan would pull out, but added whenever that occured it did not mean all Australian troops now guarding the Japanese would also be withdrawn.
“It should not be assumed that we would bring all of our forces home,” he said.
“It may well be that the best thing for us to do is to remain and do other tasks in relation both to training and also maintaining security, essentially in the southern part of Iraq.”
U.S. critics of President George W. Bush have demanded an exit strategy for the country’s 136,000 troops.
Bush, who has refused to set a timetable for any withdrawal, said in January that reducing troops was possible in 2006 but that it would be based on the situation on the ground and decisions by military commanders, not on politics.
In January, Britain said it would start withdrawing some of its 8,000 troops if local forces could keep the peace. Italy has 2,600 troops and is scheduled to withdraw 1,000 by June.
Australia has always said not would not pull out of Iraq until the job was done.
Howard said he believed the political and security situation in Iraq was progressing well following elections, but Australian troops would not leave the job to the United States or Britain.
“I don’t want to leave Australian troops in Iraq a day longer than is necessary, but I am not going to be part of a policy which leaves the job unfinished and leaves behind one or two other countries with the responsibility of completing the job, that is not the Australian way of doing things,” he said.
“It may not be a popular view and a lot of people will be critical of me, but that is the view that I have.”

12 Feb

Iraqi Army Raid Safra Village With Our Troops Support

KIRKUK, Iraq — Approximately 100 Iraqi Army soldiers conducted a raid through Safra village today with support from Soldiers from Company D, 1st Battalion, 327th Infantry Regiment, 1st Brigade Combat Team, 101st Airborne Division.
The Iraqi Army soldiers searched over 45 structures while Soldiers from Company D provided outer cordon security and served as tactical advisors throughout the operation. It was a combined effort to detain possible insurgents and disrupt terrorist and insurgent activity.
The Iraqi Soldiers detained a target known to be linked to the bombings of the oil pipeline, and talked to the village Muktar (religious leader) regarding further questioning for wanted possible insurgents.
“This operation was Iraqi Army planned, Iraqi Army lead, and is definitely the direction they need to be,” commented Cpt. Paul Witkowski, Commanding Officer for Company D.
Although this mission was successfully planned and completed by Iraqi Army soldiers, it is not the final step for them. According to Witkowski, there will be more in the future.
“Missions like this allow them to get more experience under their belt, and more comfortable with what to do placing us in a more over watching and assistance role,” Witkowski confidently said. “That’s where we want to be.
By 1st Brigade Combat Team – Public Affairs Office

11 Feb

C-141 “Hanoi Taxi” is Retiring

Preparations Under Way for Final Flight of ‘Hanoi Taxi’
By Jeff Rhodes
LM Aero Communications

On May 6, 2006, the last C-141 Starlifter will be flown to the National Museum of the United States Air Force at Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio, and retired, closing the book on the 43-year career of the Starlifter. But until then, the Hanoi Taxi, the flagship of the 445th Airlift Wing, will be flown over the museum, on missions around the country.
The C-141 was first flown on Dec. 17, 1963, the 60th anniversary of the first flight of the Wright Brothers. Since the aircraft’s operational debut on April 23, 1965, active duty, Guard and Reserve crews have played a critical role in every conflict, natural disaster and operation that Military Airlift Command or Air Mobility Command has been involved in. That includes delivering people, equipment and relief supplies to just about every point on the map.
However, one mission still stands above the rest.
With the signing of the Paris Peace Accords on Jan. 17, 1973, the U.S.involvement in Vietnam ended. On Feb. 12, crews flying three C-141 As landed at Gia Lam Airport in Hanoi, North Vietnam. Their mission:
To repatriate the first U.S. servicemen held as prisoners of war, some for close to seven years. The first aircraft to land that day was serial number 66-0177. The aircraft quickly picked up the nickname Hanoi Taxi. The aircraft was repainted in 2003 in the same paint scheme it wore 32 years ago to commemorate that event.
After undergoing two major modification programs during its career, 66-0177, now a C-141C, has become a flying museum. The 40 POWs on that first flight signed the aircraft under the wing box, and those signatures are preserved under Plexiglas. Framed photos mounted on the inside of the cargo compartment show POWs in Hanoi and aboard the aircraft. Aircrew headrest covers on the flight deck are embroidered with the black and white POW/MIA logo, and each of the crew positions has engraved plaques with the name of the crew member on that first Freedom Flight. The aircraft now has a total of 39,420 flight hours.
There are currently four C-141s still in service, but the other three aircraft will be retired early next year. Hanoi Taxi will be the last C-141, and the final flight will consist of a takeoff on the Patterson side of the field, where the 445th Airlift Wing is based, and a landing at the museum on the Wright Field side of the base. The 445th, an Air Force Reserve Commandunit, is now converting to C-5As and will eventually receive eight aircraft

11 Feb

Muslim Women Activists Want To Ban Valentines Day

Dukhtaran-e-Millat activists burn Valentine’s Day cards in Kashmir

An Islamic separatist women’s group, known for its fierce opposition to Western-style romance, vowed to prevent couples celebrating Valentine’s Day in revolt-hit Indian Kashmir


An activist of the radical Kashmiri Islamic group, Dukhtaran-e-Millat, or daughters of the community, burns a Valentine card outside a card store in central Srinagar, India, Friday, Feb. 10, 2006. Nearly two dozen black-veiled Muslim women burned Valentine’s Day cards and posters showing couples together in the main city of India’s Kashmir protesting the day that they say imposes Western values on Muslim


A veiled Kashmiri Muslim member of Dukhtaran-e-Milat (Daughters of the Muslim faith) holds a burning Valentine card after raiding a shop in Srinagar February 10, 2006. The squad on Saturday raided many shops and burnt Valentine cards as part of their campaign. REUTERS/Yawar Nazir


Wild Thing’s comment…….
Well where do I begin with this BS of theirs. Do these women not like romance? Do they not like ways of expressing love for their husband and vice versa? NO I do not expect them to celebrate Valentines Day, but good grief first it was Piglet, and Charlottes Web book, then pastries, and now Valentines Day cards.
If we do go to war with these vile people I say let’s suggest to our troops to paint hearts on the bombs with Valentine greetings on them.
Here is my answer back to these so called ladies ……………….

Kiss My Ass and Happy Valentines Day!

11 Feb

We All Need To Learn A New Word It Is Dhimmitude

There is an article written by Diane West that all of us need to read.
I am posting the entire article here because too many times an article will not be available
later on online at the Newpaper that published it.Here it is……

Cartoon Rage
By Diana West
February 10, 2006
We need to learn a new word: dhimmitude. I’ve written about dhimmitude periodically, lo, these many years since September 11, but it takes time to sink in. Dhimmitude is the coinage of a brilliant historian, Bat Ye’or, whose pioneering studies of the dhimmi, populations of Jews and Christians vanquished by Islamic jihad, have led her to conclude that a common culture has existed through the centuries among the varied dhimmi populations. From Egypt and Palestine to Iraq and Syria, from Morocco and Algeria to Spain, Sicily and Greece, from Armenia and the Balkans to the Caucasus: Wherever Islam conquered, surrendering dhimmi, known to Muslims as “people of the book [the Bible],” were tolerated, allowed to practice their religion, but at a dehumanizing cost.
There were literal taxes (jizya) to be paid; these bought the dhimmi the right to remain non-Muslim, the price not of religious freedom, but of religious identity. Freedom was lost, sorely circumscribed by a body of Islamic law (sharia) designed to subjugate, denigrate and humiliate the dhimmi. The resulting culture of self-abnegation, self-censorship and fear shared by far-flung dhimmi is the basis of dhimmitude. The extremely distressing but highly significant fact is, dhimmitude doesn’t only exist in lands where Islamic law rules.
This is the lesson of Cartoon Rage 2006, a cultural nuke set off by an Islamic chain reaction to those 12 cartoons of Muhammad appearing in a Danish newspaper. We have watched the Muslim meltdown with shocked attention, but there is little recognition that its poisonous fallout is fear. Fear in the State Department, which, like Islam, called the cartoons unacceptable. Fear in Whitehall, which did the same. Fear in the Vatican, which did the same. And fear in the media, which have failed, with few, few exceptions, to reprint or show the images. With only a small roll of brave journals, mainly in Europe, to salute, we have seen the proud Western tradition of a free press bow its head and submit to an Islamic law against depictions of Muhammad. That’s dhimmitude.
Not that we admit it: We dress up our capitulation in fancy talk of “tolerance,” “responsibility” and “sensitivity.” We even congratulate ourselves for having the “editorial judgment” to make “pluralism” possible. “Readers were well served… without publishing the cartoons,” said a Wall Street Journal spokesman. “CNN has chosen to not show the cartoons in respect for Islam,” reported the cable network. On behalf of the BBC, which did show some of the cartoons on the air, a news editor subsequently apologized, adding: “We’ve taken a decision not to go further… in order not to gratuitously offend the significant number” of Muslim viewers worldwide. Left unmentioned is the understanding (editorial judgement?) that “gratuitous offense” leads to gratuitous violence. Hence, fear — not the inspiration of tolerance but of capitulation — and a condition of dhimmitude.
How far does it go? Worth noting, for example, is that on the BBC Web site, a religion page about Islam presents the angels and revelations of Islamic belief as historical fact, rather than spiritual conjecture (as is the case with its Christianity Web page); plus, it follows every mention of Mohammed with “(pbuh),” which means “peace be upon him”—”as if,” writes Will Wyatt, former BBC chief executive, in a letter to the Times of London, “the corporation itself were Muslim.”
Is it? Are we? These questions may not seem so outlandish if we assess the extent to which encroaching sharia has already changed the Western way. Calling these cartoons “unacceptable,” and censoring ourselves “in respect” to Islam brings the West into compliance with a central statute of sharia. As Jyllands-Posten’s Flemming Rose has noted, that’s not respect, that’s submission. And if that’s not dhimmitude, what is?
The publication of the Muhammad cartoons solicited by Denmark’s Jyllands-Posten was an act of anti-dhimmitude. Since no Danish artist would dare illustrate a PC children’s book about Muhammad for fear of Islamic law (and Islamic violence), the newspaper boldly set out to reassert the rule of (non-Islamic) Danish law. It’s as simple as that. And as vital. The cartoons ran to establish — or re-establish — Denmark as bastion of Western-style liberty. But in trying to set up a force field against encroaching sharia, Jyllands-Posten and the Danes have showed us that no single bastion of Western liberty can stand alone.
So, how do you say solidarity in Danish? If we don’t find out now, our future is more dhimmitude.

Wild Thing’s comment……
This woman has put into words better then I ever could about this giving in to the Muslims. I posted the cartoons not to anger the Muslims but because I will not give in to them. Thousands of men and women served our country, fought, were injured and many died to give me the freedom I cherish, and I will not spit in their faces by giving in to a cult that workships death and wants all of us dead because we all are the people of the book ( a Non-Muslim).
I will NOT let Muslims dictate to me what I say, think or post on here. I have deleted many comments they make and not allowed them to be posted. I will not allow there lies to be published on my blog unless I am quoting one of them or their ilk. Their emails to me will never be answered so they waste their time writing to me.
I have never shared about this on here before, but one of the Doctors where I work is a Muslim from Turkey. He says he is not like the terrorists, that he is not a good Muslim because he does not pray 5 times a day.
I have told him time and time again I do not discuss politics or religion in the workplace and yet he continues toi bring up the subjects and will yell at us if we do not dicsuss it with him. Of course being me and also my co-worker being the person she is, we do not let him just say the things he does. We do come back with answers and tell him how wrong he is, of course to no avail, because he is what he is a Muslim.
And yet read some of the things he has said at work:
– we deserved to be attacked on 9-11 because of the way our government has treated Muslims, but he against what the terrorists did on 9-11
– the United States one day will be more Muslims then anything else
– we never should have gone into Iraq, we should have left Saddam in power he was not that bad
– he said this to myself and another co-worker….” I am more American than you are”
– Islam is the only one true religion
– his first wife could not have children so he divorced her. Can you imagine to have a man do that to you.
– he hates Bush and says Bush has killed hundreds of thousands of people
– he hates Jews to the point that if a new patient comes in with the last name that seems to be Jewish he will with no hesitation at all say……..” Are you a Jew?”
– he said nothing when the tremendous voting went on, not how he realized they risked their lives many of them to go out and vote and that he hoped they would one day have the freedoms we have in America….he said nothing.

10 Feb

2006 Winter Olympics at Torino Italy Begin Today


A general view of the town of Sestriere, prior to the Torino 2006 Winter Olympic Games.


Team USA


As Winter Games Open, Italian Officials Take Extra Precautions
By Daniel Williams
Washington Post Foreign Service
Friday, February 10, 2006; A01

TURIN, Italy, Feb. 9 — The worldwide Muslim protests against caricatures of Muhammad that appeared in a Danish newspaper last year have compounded Italy’s security headaches for the Winter Olympics, which already suffer from possible disruption by local anti-globalization groups, opponents of a high-speed railway line and striking tram drivers.
Signs of concern are all over this town near Italy’s northwest frontier. About 10,000 police from all over the country are patrolling boulevards and back alleys. Bomb-sniffing dogs stand guard at the airport, train station, stadiums and street corners. About 300 specially trained troops will patrol the nearby mountain sites on snowmobiles and skis. Airspace over Turin will be closed to anything with mechanical wings except for F-16s from the Italian air force that will zoom about during Friday’s Opening Ceremonies and two surveillance planes supplied by NATO that will monitor wayward flights.
Missiles have been mounted around the city.
All that was in the works before the Muhammad cartoon unrest overwhelmed the local news. Because of the uproar, Interior Minister Giuseppe Pisanu, Italy’s top official for civilian police and the intelligence corps, called an emergency meeting of security officials Monday regarding possible new threats. Pisanu said the riots and protests in the Middle East, Central Asia and Far East countries have been “carried out coldly with political ends. We mustn’t forget that Islamic extremism is an essentially political movement that cynically uses religious values.”
At least two Italian newspapers reprinted the Muhammad caricatures that included one showing the prophet of Islam wearing a turban shaped like a bomb.
Ciampi made a broader appeal on Thursday, calling for a worldwide “Olympic truce” during which no one would make war on anyone else, but instead “brotherhood prevails in the world.”

Wild Thing comment……..
I love the Olympics and I just pray that everyone will be safe. Also I hope they show them to our Troops too. That would be fantastic!

Let the Games Begin!

10 Feb

Democrats Dish It Out But Can’t Take It

“A Special Prosecutor once tried to test me.
I ate his liver with some fava beans and a nice chianti.”


Hillary Clinton Ally Threatens Ken Mehlman
A longtime media ally of Sen. Hillary Clinton is warning Republican National Committee chairman Ken Mehlman that Mrs. Clinton will “get even” with him for saying she’s too angry to win the White House.
“As Mehlman will find out, Hillary doesn’t get angry, she gets even,” predicts Bloomberg News columnist Margaret Carlson, in a screed published Thursday.
Carlson, a longtime booster of Mrs. Clinton going back to her days at Time magazine and CNN, vowed that Hillary won’t be steamrolled by hardball GOP tactics, saying:
“The senator who has reached a 60 percent approval rating with teeth-gritting determination, hold-your-nose alliances and practiced good cheer won’t be Swift-boated or goaded by Mehlman’s name-calling.”
Carlson’s prediction that Mehlman will pay for attacking Mrs. Clinton comports with the former first lady’s long history of playing “get even” politics. Throughout the 1990s, for instance, Clinton accusers often found themselves targeted by IRS audits – or had embarrassing details about their private lives leaked to the press.
Just this week, Anthony Pellicano – a private eye the Clintons used to dig up dirt on their opponents – was indicted in Los Angeles on wiretapping charges.
Wild Thing’s comment……
Just like Muslims who react violently to criticism that they’re violent, Hillary reacts angrily to criticism that she’s angry. “Hillary doesn’t get angry, she gets even” that statement is 100% right on that point. The woman has the patience of Satan, the political instincts of Machiavelli, with a hang over and integrity of Al Capone, on a bad day.