18 Feb

GM Roper Fellow Blogger Needs Our Prayers


GM Roper is one of our Blogger friends. On Thursday, January 26th, GM I was diagnosed with lung cancer. He has kept up his blog and I am so glad. Because it not only gives each of us a chance to post to him our well wishes and let him know we are praying for him.
Here are some portions from his blog regarding what is happening. Also his blog is wonderful so please check it out. The ribbon above is the symbol of his fight against cancer.


From GM Roper…………………..

“So, my catch phrase for the future is FIGHT ON! I am a fighter, I am a child of God and I strongly believe that he will sustain me through this fight. I hope you, my faithful readers will continue to come to this blog and continue to comment on various issues. Just as I have no intention of giving in to this disease, I have no intention of closing down the blog.”
“Discovery of cancer on the 24th, confirmation on the 26th, major surgery on the 6th of February, disturbing but ultimately incorrect news on the 7th, home on the 13th and today, Valentine’s Day, spent at home with my loved ones. How do I count all the blessings that this has entailed? How do I tell everyone how much they mean to me? How do I thank those that have reached out to touch my heart with prayers, with concern and a willingness to keep me in their thoughts?”


* GM Roper

17 Feb

It NEVER Ends With This Bitch The Enemy Within!



‘Sir! No Sir!’ details how wartime experiences led some U.S. troops to join the peace movement.
Hanoi Jane Fonda Going to Mill Valley, CA Feb. 22
(“Sir,No Sir” Vietnam anti-war era documentary)

An intimate film preview and fundraiser for the award-winning documentary Sir! No Sir! Hosted by Jane Fonda and filmmaker David Zeiger, featuring special guest Maria Muldaur Wednesday, February 22 6:30pm Reception 7:30pm Program $100 Guest $250 Sponsor (includes 2 tickets)
Co-Hosts Janice Anderson-Gram and Carole Simon Mills invite you to join Jane Fonda and filmmaker David Zeiger at an intimate fundraiser for the award-winning documentary Sir! No Sir!, a film about the thousands of GIs whose courageous rebellion helped end the war in Vietnam.
“Anyone waging war with American troops might want to listen carefully to the largely untold story of David Zeiger’s new documentary…”–Los Angeles Times
Reception with Jane Fonda begins the evening at 6:30pm. A screening of Sir! No Sir!, moderated by Jane and David will begin at 7:30pm along with a live musical performance with Grammy nominee Maria Muldaur.
Host Committee for this evening: Celia Alario, Medea Benjamin…CODE PINK , Parker Blackman, Peter Broderick, Mike Brune, Larry Carlin, Ron H. Cowan, Cathy Dreyfuss, Jodie Evans, Jonathon Frieman, Lila Garrett, David Harris, Mayme & Jay Hubert, Pat Hunt, Davoud Ismaili, Pamela & Marty Krasney, Country Joe McDonald, Robert Meyer, Nick & Sloane Morgan, Maria Muldaur, Holly Near, Greg Price, Annie Roney, John Sellers, Gail Silva and Ina Tabibian
Sponsors: Be The Media, DFA-Marin, Global Exchange, Iraq Veterans Against the War, MMOB, with LeaveMyChildAlone.org, San Francisco Veterans for Peace


Jane Fonda “I would think that if you understood what communism was, you would hope, you would pray on your knees, that we would someday become communist.” ……..Jane Fonda of Hanoi Jane notoriety at a discussion with students, at Michigan State University, 1970


Wild Thing’s comment…..
She just won’t go away!! OH how I wish she would just leave this country and never come back.
If we can’t be a country that punishes traitors like Fonda, Kerry, Gore, Carter and others then
can’t we at least make it where they no longer can be allowed to live in America?



A Vietnam Veterans poem…..Thank you Mark

We suffered in silence for 30+ years
Scorned and ridiculed, we shed a few tears
Jane Fonda, John Kerry what do you hear ?
The millions of Vets singing out-loud and clear
When all of the votes were finally tallied
Some will asked perplexed, why Kerry never rallied
Pundits and pollsters will be confused
While we Vietnam Vets will be simply amused
For we will know the reason you see ?
It is no mystery for you and me
All the other hurdles Kerry was able to surmount
It was the 58,000 Votes he thought would NOT count.

You are invited to visit my Vietnam Page at my website

17 Feb

Who Was Mohammed? The World Should Read This!

Sir Banagor has the best rant I have ever read on this topic of Mohammed. This is one I want to save forever! So I am putting the entire thing in this post.


Mohammed was a Rapist, Child Molester, Murder, Thief, and a Liar


” I’d like to say something about these pictures of Mohammed which are causing such a bloody stir:
Shut the fuck up, Muslims. Mohammed was a rapist, child molester, murderer, thief, and a liar. And apparently a lot of the Western world is not only waking up to that fact, but they’re laughing in the face of Islam.
And I’m glad.
I can’t believe that for so long, people have been going around like fucking mindless sheep, believing that Islam means peace, or that Mohammed was a peaceful fucking man. He wasn’t. Peaceful men don’t go around boasting about how they raped the wives of conquered victims, or raid towns for loot. I don’t care if Muslims find those accusations to be hurtful – it’s in the fucking Koran. Their own book and hadiths tell them every day how “peaceful” Mohammed was. He was as peaceful as the filthy jihadis in the sands of Arabia are today as they behead helpless victims in an orgy of death as if to show how powerful and peaceful Islam truly is.
Mohammed was a bloody terrorist, and the words of the Koran itself condemn him to that title.
What is it about Islam that makes people so fucking stupid? What drugs are they on that they don’t recognize the words they read every day? Are their brains that sun-baked that they are prevented from understanding even the most basic tenets of human decency?
In a sense: what the fuck is wrong with Muslims?
Sure, not every Muslim goes around chopping off heads, but that’s because they’re not being true to their religion. Mohammed commanded them to chop off heads, kill every Jew and Christian and other infidel out there in the world, and rape their women and children and take them as slaves. I’m not making this up: that’s what the Koran says. If you still doubt me, you probably haven’t read the book, or you’re an idiotic slave to Allah and Mohammed’s suck-boy or girl just dying to blow yourself up for the cause.
Islam is an inherently violent religion. It commands Muslims to kill and do the most horrific things to any who aren’t part of their blood-cult. If ever there was a devil, his name was Mohammed, and Satan would be Allah. Anyone who actually believes the “wisdom” of words from a pedophile who fucked a nine year old girl is an evil fucker himself. I don’t go around quoting Charles Manson, and Mohammed makes him look like a candidate for beatification. The only reason that Mohammed wasn’t able to do what Hitler was able to do on such a scale was because Mohammed was a God damned cave man with fleas in his hair and he didn’t have the technical know-how to commit genocide on such a scale – not that he didn’t try, mind you.
What amazes me even more is that some Westerners are angry that we have offended Muslims, as if they truly are worshippers of a “religion of peace”. Isn’t it incredible that every time these “peaceful” Muslims are offended, more people die as a result? When was the last time that Christians started blowing up airliners full of passengers because they were offended by the trash piece of artwork “Piss Christ”? When was the last time that Jews started blowing up busses full of civilians because the Arab press is chock-full of anti-Semitic works every single fucking day of the year?
I find the Koran to be incredibly offensive. In fact, I find Islam and Muslims to be incredibly offensive. They are so offensive to me that I wish the whole bloody thing would just go away. Could you imagine a world without Islam? Can you imagine a world without suicide bombers in Israel, Kashmmir, Chechnya, China, London, Sudan…or anywhere else? Point of order: where in the world are Muslims not fighting today? Can anyone name me a place? I’m pretty sure that if you turned over a rock in the middle of Zambia, you’d probably find a seething Muslim who can’t wait to blow himself up for Allah. It’s less like a cult and more like a virus at this point.
Can you truly imagine a world without Islam? Seriously, think about it just for a moment. Imagine a world where Muslims don’t exist. I don’t mean where Arabs don’t exist, or Pakistanis or Persians or anyone else who is Muslim. I mean a world where Islam just never was created or preached. Imagine how much nicer it would be. Imagine how easy it would be to bring the entire Arab world into the 21st century. Imagine how they would never have started veiling their women on pain of death. This has nothing to do with race and everything to do with the filth that they believe in. If only it would go away. If only we could wave a magic wand and make that scourge of evil vanish from the face of the world.
Isn’t it offensive to you that this slime named Mohammed existed in the first place?
It is to me. But I haven’t blown anyone up yet because of it.
Why don’t Westerners burn the flags of Muslim countries in return? I don’t even know. At this point, I’d like to send them a message about freedom of speech other than just defaming their vile prophet of evil. I think somebody should try to get the NEA to fund an artistic piece wherein they squat over a Koran and shit on it and then publish it to the entire Islamic world and say “This is what we think of your filth”. In fact, I would name the piece “Defaming shit”, to make the point that bodily waste is cleaner than the Koran. After all, when was the last time that processed food waste actually killed anyone you know, let alone millions of people over the years? Can we say that the Koran is just as inoffensive?
I would rather say “Shit” in mixed company than “Koran”. That’s how offensive “Koran” is to me. That is how offensive “Islam” is to me.
The Koran is a holy book inasmuch as is the Satanic bible. And even so, most “Satanists” I’ve ever read about only talk about doing some mumbo-jumbo instead of actually getting down to the business of killing people. When was the last time that Satanists produced videotapes of them sawing off a hostage’s head while chanting the vile name of their filthy god for the world to see? I don’t remember any such instance, do you? I’d rather hang out with Satanists in this case because, as far as I see it, they’re more sane than Muslims.
Now obviously I haven’t convinced any fucking idiots out there who say that this doesn’t represent the words of Mohammed. And naturally they still haven’t taken it upon themselves to read what Mohammed actually boasted about doing with his own bloody hands. Mohammed beheaded people and gloats how he raped their wives after making them witness the executions, and these fucking morons, for whatever reason, appear to believe that he was still a man of peace.
They’re the same kind of idiots that think that Hitler was just misunderstood. People like this aren’t cured by reason; they are cured by giving them a sharp and hard kick in the nuts. And then, when doubled over, you knee them in the mouth for good measure. At this point, it’s all I can imagine as a cure for massive idiocy on this scale short of just locking them up in a room full of Muslims until they are either screaming to get out or dead from the experience. But the world is filled with lemmings, and most of them end up being Muslim – which means insane or dead.
There are so many idiotic commentators online that it beggars description. People all over the West stating how this was “offensive” to publish pictures of the demonic Mohammed. Some do defend the right to publish them, even though they think that the pictures are in bad taste.
I find the pictures about as mild as soap water. I would love to see pictures denoting the massive carnage that Mohammed actually caused. Let’s show Mohammed doing what he did best. Let’s show what Mohammed boasted about, himself: slaughtering and beheading people, raping women, and fucking nine year old girls. Oops, you can’t really draw that last one without being convicted of child pornography though, can you?
Think about that for a moment. Just think about it: A man so vile, so filthy, so evil that actually showing the details of his “accomplishments” is against the fucking law!
I’ll say it in another way: You can’t even publish pictures in our society of what Mohammed did because it is so sick that it violates the laws of DECENCY!
And this is the guy the Muslims have convinced half the world is a “man of peace”?
Are people really that fucking stupid out there? I can only imagine so because I have heard it up to my eyes with exclamations of outrage at how we have dared to insult Muslims around the rest of the world.
And, naturally, without any comprehension of free speech, due to the extreme lack of good sense in any part of the Muslim world, the morons out there expect us to punish people who have every right to print these cartoons. And why? Because it is against their “Holy Fucking Koran”.
I’d just like to mention that some people find the expletives which I often use to be “offensive” or to take away from my overall arguments. I can see why, and that’s a fair critique. But then again, like I said, I find the word “Koran” to be even more offensive than the words “Shit” or “Fuck” or any other expletives out there. If you think those words are offensive, but not the word “Koran”, then you need to think about exactly what is so much cleaner than that word than the others. I’m not being facile at all. I am being dead serious and I mean what I say. It’s time we put the offensive word where it belongs: in the bloody sewer. Only, it’s so corrupt, foul, and evil a thing that it would taint the very refuse floating down the muck-slimed pipes.
I’d also just like to interject that I really hope that a ton of Muslims read this and become so incredibly upset and angry that they start to cuss me out in return. I like nothing better than to laugh at them and mock their vile beliefs in public. Fuck them.
Oops. I meant to say: Koran them.”


Wild Thing’s comment…..
Thank you Sir Banagor!!

* Sir Banagor
* Something….and Half of Something

17 Feb

NYC Muslim Group Warns U.S. ‘Your Days are Numbered’


NYC Muslim Group Warns U.S.: ‘Your Days are Numbered’

NEW YORK CITY – So far, the violent riots that have erupted throughout the Muslim world over the Mohammed cartoons have not been repeated here in the U.S.
But yesterday in New York City, one radical Islamic group was preaching a message that is anything but peaceful.
This is not Pakistan or Gaza. It is Manhattan’s east side–just a short drive from ground zero. The group calls itself the Islamic Thinker’s Society—its, for short. The purpose of the demonstration was to condemn the now infamous cartoons.
But there was another message as well: that Islam will one day dominate the world.
One ITS member said, “We are here to tell you that there is nothing you can do–and that your days are numbered…all of you who disbelieve: speak good, or Allah will silence you.”
The protest began in front of the Danish Consulate. ITS members stomped on Danish flags and warned Denmark that it would suffer “allah’s wrath.” The group then moved to the German Consulate, where they trampled on German and Israeli flags–and called non-Muslims “scum.”
All of this took place under the watchful eye of the NYPD. Onlookers we spoke to were outraged.
“Some people have evolved and matured and become civilized human beings, but they obviously haven’t. And unfortunately we’re supporting them and protecting them, too,” One NYC resident said.
Members of the ITS declined to be interviewed for this story. But off-camera, their leader told cbn News that the group consists of mostly college students who live in New York City.
The Internet journal Worldnetdaily.com has reported that ITS is linked to al-Muhajiroun, a notorious British Islamist group that disbanded in 2004.
That group’s former leader–Abu Hamza al-Masri–was convicted in a British court earlier this month of incitement to murder, among other offenses. ITS members deny any connection to al-Muhajiroun, but the black flag flown at ITS rallies–and its goal of a worldwide Islamic state–are identical to those of al-Muhajiroun.
Although this event lacked the violence that has been so prevalent in cartoon protests throughout the Muslim world, the message was eerily similar: America and Europe, your days are numbered.



OK now here is the thing, this is NOT the first time this group Islamic Thinkers Society has done something on American soil.
Last year a group of American Muslims produced a video that shows its members on a New York City street corner declaring Islam’s dominance over America as they tread on a U.S. flag and then rip it apart.
The five-minute video begins with a man speaking in clear English:

“Just to show where our loyalty belongs to —
you see this flag here? It’s going to go on the floor.
And to us, our loyalty does not belong to this flag,
our loyalty belongs to Allah.”

The speaker then shifts to Arabic and members can be heard shouting the familiar “Allahu Akbar,” or “Allah is greatest.”
Later, after noting he has a legal permit for the demonstration, the speaker shouts:

“You Muslims who are hiding in your houses, don’t
be afraid. Come and join us. Join us in the revival
of all Islam. Join us to revive the Muslims from
darkness into light.”

They were members of the Islamic Thinker’s Society.
The Islamic Thinkers Society is an off-shoot of Al-Muhajiroun, a British jihadist group that publicly raised funds for Hamas and has been suspected of facilitating transportation of British Muslims to fight U.S. troops overseas.
Al-Muhajiroun openly maintains a branch in Queens that claims to be involved in “only peaceful activities.” The group holds closed-door meetings and study sessions at a mosque in Jackson Heights, Queens,
led by an older cleric identified as Sheikh Choudray.
The Queens branch youth leader, Abu Yousuf, a U.S. citizen who says he attended a “camp” in Sudan and takes computer courses at the City University of New York, speaks at university events throughout New York City usually sponsored by the Muslim Student Association.
At one Al-Muhajiroun event at Queensborough Community College sponsored by the MSA , a Muhajiroun speaker
working with Yousuf said,:

“We reject the U.N., reject America, reject all law and
order. Don’t lobby Congress or protest because we don’t
recognize Congress! The only relationship you should
have with America is to topple it!”

The speaker continued……

“The so-called terrorists are the only people who truly
fear Allah. … They are the only worthy causes, and the
mighty superpower only fears them.”

In a private interview, a Queens based Al-Muhajiroun leader said he would be “absolutely honored” to give up his
life in a “martyr operation” against American civilians. The leader warned that “a jihad is coming to America.”

Wild Thing’s comment….
I say use a Daisy Cutter on these terrorists, wipe them out without a blink of the eye. One shot – one kill and no remorse ! Yeah do it the Wild Thing way !
See my hate is not 24/7, it has a force behind it like killing ants at a picnic. I don’t think about those ants 24 hours a day, because I know our troops are taking care of business ! They ROCK! And those sand maggots those insignificant ants the terrorists can eat metal bombs for all I care.
Do you want to see the video this group made last year? Just click on the graphic below to watch it.

17 Feb

Bruce Willis Lashes Out At Oprah and Her Hypocrisy

Bruce Willis has jumped to the defense of controversial author James Frey, declaring he was unfairly attacked on Oprah Winfrey’s TV show last month. Frey has been criticized for embellishing parts of his best-selling book, A Million Little Pieces, which was originally billed as a memoir.
The Die Hard star says on TV show Access Hollywood, “Look at what happened to James Frey in the last two weeks. That’s a great book and so is the follow-up book. And just because his publisher chose to say that these were memoirs, it took it out of being a great work of fiction… to this guy having to go be sucker punched on Oprah by one of the most powerful women in television, just to grind her own axe about it.
Hey, Oprah. You had President (Bill Clinton) on your show and if this prick didn’t lie about a couple of things, I’m going to set myself on fire right now. James Frey is a writer, OK? He can write about whatever he wants. It’s fiction. It’s just shameful how he was treated in some of these things.”

Willis, a Republican party supporter, was one of the few celebrities to publicly back the war in Iraq.
During an interview Willis said: “Peculiar thing back home is that the liberal media was trying to portray it as a bad war.”
“Somebody that supports the military like he has and that comes to visit soldiers – that’s important to us,” said Greg Pagan, from 3rd Brigade of the 101st’s Airborne Division based at Telafar.
Actor Bruce Willis has performed before US soldiers in Telafar, northern Iraq.
Wild Thing’s comment……
I am not saying to forgive this guy Frey for writing a Non-Fiction Book/Memoir/AutoBiography that was fictionalized. But I have to give Bruce Willis credit for his laying into Oprah (I am NOT a fan of hers) the way he did and bashing Clinton is okay by me.

17 Feb

Suicide Bombers Not Terrorism????

Recruiting suicide bombers ruled not terrorism

A panel of Italian judges upheld the November acquittals of three North Africans on international terror charges, ruling that recruiting suicide bombers to fight against U.S. soldiers is not terrorism, a lawyer said Thursday.
The verdict by the Milan judges, released Wednesday, echoes an earlier one in the case when a lower court judge ruled the actions of the three men were those of guerrillas, not terrorists.
The judges ruled that recruiting suicide bombers could not be considered terrorism because during an armed conflict the only acts that count as terrorism are “acts exclusively directed against a civilian population,” according to a copy of the ruling given to The Associated Press.
But in ruling in January 2005, a judge acquitted Moroccan Mohamed Daki and Tunisians Ali Ben Sassi Toumi and Bouyahia Maher of international terrorism charges, ruling their actions were those of guerrillas, not terrorists.

Wild Thing’s comment….
I bet if these Judges were hostages of the terrorists they would think differently especially with a bag on their head waiting to be beheaded.

16 Feb

Hamas Calls On US To Lift Group From Terror List

A senior Hamas official called on the United States Thursday to remove the militant Islamic group from Washington’s list of terrorist organizations and to open a dialogue without preconditions.
Moussa Abu Marzook, deputy head of Hamas’ political bureau said the US should deal with Hamas “as it is, and later there could be a dialogue…but there should be no preconditions.”
“Hamas is not the only side that wants peace. …All the Palestinians want peace because they are the only people whose rights have been encroached upon and who have been expelled from their lands,” Abu Marzouk said.


Wild Thing’s commet…………
The Hamas must think criminal draft dodger Bill Clinton is still President!
Hey Hamas…..there is NO fucking way!

16 Feb

Saddam Tape Predicts A Terror Strike

The tapes recorded in the 1990s, Saddam predicts a terror strike.
HERE is some information from ABC news…..of course they have to put their slant on it if they didn’t they would be too much for America and not for their friends the terrorists!

The 12 hours of recordings comes when Saddam predicts — during a meeting in the mid 1990s — a terrorist attack on the United States. “Terrorism is coming. I told the Americans a long time before August 2 and told the British as well … that in the future there will be terrorism with weapons of mass destruction.” Saddam goes on to say such attacks would be difficult to stop. “In the future, what would prevent a booby-trapped car causing a nuclear explosion in Washington or a germ or a chemical one?”

But he adds that Iraq would never do such a thing. “This is coming, this story is coming but not from Iraq.”
Also at the meeting was Iraq’s Deputy Prime Minister Tariq Aziz, who said Iraq was being wrongly accused of terrorism. “Sir, the biological is very easy to make. It’s so simple that any biologist can make a bottle of germs and drop it into a water tower and kill 100,000. This is not done by a state. No need to accuse a state. An individual can do it.”
The tapes also reveal Iraq ‘s persistent efforts to hide information about weapons of mass destruction programs from U.N. inspectors well into the 1990s. In one pivotal tape-recorded meeting, which occurred in late April or May of 1995, Saddam and his senior aides discuss the fact that U.N. inspectors had uncovered evidence of Iraq’s biological weapons program—a program whose existence Iraq had previously denied.
At one point Hussein Kamel, Saddam’s son-in-law and the man who was in charge of Iraq’s weapons of mass destruction efforts can be heard on the tapes, speaking openly about hiding information from the U.N.
We did not reveal all that we have,” Kamel says in the meeting. “Not the type of weapons, not the volume of the materials we imported, not the volume of the production we told them about, not the volume of use. None of this was correct.”
Shortly after this meeting, in August 1995, Hussein Kamel defected to Jordan, and Iraq was forced to admit that it had concealed its biological weapons program. (Kamel returned to Iraq in February 1996 and was killed in a firefight with Iraqi security forces.)

16 Feb

Video of Our Troops

Here is a video that was sent to me by TomR.
Thank you Tom. Its a good video and only the terrorist dies and no GIs are hurt.


This from Tom………………

The terrorist detonated his vbied early and only part of the charge went off, Duh. So, now he has everyones attention, the US troops check out his car with a robot, see he has undetonated explosives and decide to take no chances. So they send the robot back with C4 and finish this guy off.
The final explosion is mines and artillery shells that were left over in dumb dumbs car and detonated by US Army engineers.

And here is a photo of our awesome troops!

U.S. Army Stryker combat vehicles with 2nd Battalion, 1st Infantry Regiment, 172nd Infantry Brigade, patrol Mosul, Iraq, Feb. 14, 2006. U.S. Air Force photo by Tech. Sgt. John M. Foster


16 Feb

Ya Gotta Love This Guy!

Italian minister to wear Muhammad cartoon T-shirt

A prominent Italian government figure planned on Wednesday to wear a T-shirt sporting cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad that have sparked violent reactions from Muslims around the world.
Reforms Minister Roberto Calderoli denied that the T-shirts are meant to provoke, but said there is no point in promoting dialogue with Muslim extremists.
“I have had T-shirts made with the cartoons that have upset Islam and I shall start wearing them today,” Calderoli told Italian newspapers.
“It is time to put an end to this tale that we need dialogue with these people,” he added.
Calderoli, who is a leading figure of the anti-immigrant Northern League party, said he will wear the T-shirt despite being asked not to do so by Italy’s Prime Minister, Silvio Berlusconi.

Wild Thing’s comment……
Bravissimo, Signore Calderoli!