One of our friends here at Theodore’s World is Cuchieddie. He was with the 4/23rd 25th Infantry Division and then with the Robin Hoods for his second tour, as a Huey door gunner. He decided to stay just so he could do that and was up almost constantly during Tet, 1968. All told he was there from 66-68. He wasn’t drafted, he asked to go.
Our friends, Cuchieddie and Tom another dear friend of ours here at Theodore’s World, sent me this, and I am sure you all will remember the post on here about the Patriot Guard Riders that came to the funeral here in Sarasota for Chief Warrant Officer Kyle Jackson. That is when I learned about the Patriot Guard Riders and I joined immediately to give them my support. It is such a great group.
Well they showed up again as they do at so many of the funerals for one of our troops. This time one of the riders was a Tomahawk bud of Cuchieddie that attended the burial of a recently deceased soldier in Kokomo, IN.
For more information on this soldier my post…..Sgt. Ricky Jones.

The Patriot Guard Riders were in attendence due to the actions taken by the vile man Fred Phelps and his church.
I thought you would like to see the report that Cuchieddie’s friend sent him. It is very moving and so very special! Thank you for sending this to me.
The Patriot Guard Riders sign-in sheet showed 200+ bikes and 100 cages with over 800 riders names registered for Monday’s mission.

assembly point 0730 HRS)
06 MAR 06
0430 HRS: Reveille. Temps; 37 degrees. Snow accumulation; 2 inches. Streets; wet but not frozen. Cold mist in air.
0730 HRS: Departed bivouac area. Traveled 5 miles to checkpoint Kilo (Kokomo High School).
0805 HRS: Riders meeting with local law enforcement.
0845 HRS: Convoyed 8 miles to checkpoint Charlie (church) (Convoy length: 2 K)
To arrive ahead of mourners and get 400 flags set up along the church drive.
Crowd of over 1000 began arriving immediately on the convoy’s trail motorcycle.
Troops deployed in skirmish line.
Flags set up along the drive and around church before Ricky’s mother arrived.
0930 HRS: heavy fog set in. Visibility under 100 meters.

view of church from OP during service)
Due to inclimate weather, protestors’ 150 meter set-back would be well beyond visible range.
(God’s Fire Mission: Fire For Effect.. Fire mission complete and provided the ultimate cover to protect the Jones family.)
1010 HRS: Funeral conducted with 4 honor guard units (101st Airborne, VFW, American Legion, Air Force)
1110 HRS: Sgt Jones’ procession embarked on 16 K (10 miles) procession to his final resting place under full escort.
1115 HRS: Fog lifted just before convoy cleared their emplacements. Visibility 800 meters.

What an awe inspiring sight!
I was riding rear guard on this leg of the mission.
The city of Kokomo and all businesses were literally shut down at 1030 HRS on Monday.
The funeral procession traveled from the Crossroads Community Church, on Kokomo’s far Southside, 3 miles, up US 31 North, then turned west onto Business US 31 (Washington St).
The 3.5 mile long procession was viewed by thousands of flag bearing mourners, along the entire 10 mile route through the heart of downtown Kokomo.
At every intersection, there were law enforcement officers from every agency in the city and state.
At every major street intersection there were two Fire trucks with honor guards, in full dress, standing at parade rest.
At Defenbaugh and Washington St (BUS 31) the Fire Department had two Snorkel Trucks with a cable strung across the street and a 20 X 40 US Flag hanging vertically above the intersection.
Along the route were all types of signs displayed in honor of Sgt Jones, in support of his family and in support of all of America’s heroes in uniform.
Sgt Ricky Jones’, his last patrol for his country, in one huge patriotic gesture, brought the entire city of Kokomo, the State of Indiana, the surrounding States and this great Nation together in unison for a lasting tribute to his life.
He was rewarded with a true heroic send off, that many of us can only dream of..
Due to community sentiment over vandalism done in their name, the Westboro Baptist Church cancelled it’s appearance.
The WBC stated, that they were not behind the vandalism of Ricky’s families homes and have offered a reward of $5000 for the capture and conviction of those responsible…
YEAH RIGHT!! Like someone would actually try to claim their filthy reward money!
God have mercy on whoever these vandals are.
They will be caught!
Considering the local sentiment, they had better hope and pray, they are caught by law enforcement.
Final report:
Almighty God. (Supreme Commander)
Mission Complete Sir!
We transfer Sgt Ricky Jones to your command.
Take him into you fold with love.
He is a good soldier with a loving and pure soul.
In Gods name we pray
Rest your head now,
weary soldier.
Cast your weapons to the ground.
Close your eyes and feel the peace.
The light of Jesus fold around.
Heed not our earthly
battle cries.
There is no post for you to stand.
So rest now as he carries you,
within His loving hand.
Do not look back upon
Disregard our selfish tears.
Walk in the sunlight of the spirit,
free of war, pain and fear.
Your duty here is
done now,
as ours will someday be.
so, go with Him now,
to places, only heroes ever see."
The Patriot Guards are a wonderful group. I thank you for all your efforts. And please thank your friend Cuchieddie.
They objective first is : Honor and Respect

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