04 Apr

Moussaoui Excuse~ He Faced Racism As A Child ~ waaaa

A federal jury found al-Qaida conspirator Zacarias Moussaoui eligible Monday to be executed, linking him directly to the horrific Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks and concluding that his lies to FBI agents led to at least one death on that day.

“You’ll never get my blood, God curse you all,” Moussaoui said afterward. He had sat in his chair and prayed silently as the verdict was read.”

After months of hearings and trial testimony punctuated by Moussaoui’s occasional outbursts he now faces a second phase of the sentencing trial to determine if he actually will be put to death.
That phase begins Thursday morning for the only person to face charges in this country in connection with the nation’s worst terrorist assault, the attacks that killed nearly 3,000 people as jetliners crashed into the World Trade Center, the Pentagon and a Pennsylvania field.
The jury now will hear testimony on whether the 37-year-old Frenchman, who was in jail at the time of the attacks, should be executed for his role.
Those testifying will include families of 9/11 victims who will describe the human impact of the al-Qaida mission. Court-appointed defense lawyers, whom Moussaoui has tried to reject, will summon experts to suggest he is schizophrenic after an impoverished childhood during which he faced racism in France over his Moroccan ancestry.
Wild Thing’s comment……
Wait just a dog gone minute here……..“impoverished childhood during which he faced racism in France over his Moroccan ancestry.”…………..
Can you believe this?? I have lost count how many times in my life I have heard lawyers say this about the bad guys, that our police officers bust their butts and risk their lives to catch, and then a lefty lawyers and Judges will blame the bad guys up bringing as an excuse.
The jury should have reached a decision in less than ten minutes. The fact that they took so long shows that many people in this country still don’t get it.

03 Apr

Saying No To Evil vs. Denying Evil

“The descent from truth to the darkened level where one calls evil good, and good evil, requires intense hatred. … The Communist recruiters had to soften up their candidates by teaching them to hate.”

The fight against evil
What is a common example of disbelief in evil? A person who calls terrorists “freedom fighters” is giving away the fact that he does not believe they are evil. If the random murder of civilians by zealous fanatics is not evil, then nothing is evil. Therefore, it is a fair deduction that many of those who do not believe the terrorists are evil also do not believe in the existence of evil.
Those who deny the existence of evil are often outraged when good men give evil a name and fight against it. This outrage sometimes prompts them to take the side of evil. Their wish to vindicate their stand that evil does not exist naturally leads them to become apologists and defenders of evil.
The term “freedom fighters” confers praise to evil. The defense of evil can be very close to the admiration of evil. Evil is seductive precisely because it is secretly admired by deeply-buried chambers of darkness in the human heart. Therefore, it is very difficult to defend evil without slipping into the veiled admiration of evil. This is why the ACLU has slipped from defending evil clients because they have constitutional rights, to having solidarity with miscreants and enthusiasm in their advocacy of evil causes.
The dark journey downward into evil
The passage from truth to the hideous delusion that evil is admirable–and even good–is a journey through shadowy corridors and through several levels of descent into darkness. This journey into darkness typically has at least seven stages. They are like seven levels of dark basements that one descends in series.

1) The first floor down into the darkness involves denial that one is a sinner. One remains there until he erects defenses against the idea that he is a sinner. Then he can resume his downward descent. The place is dark because the defenses of denial will not allow light to intrude.
2) From the stage-one denials, the journey into darkness proceeds downwards to a second denial–the denial that evil exists. This is followed by the erection of defenses against the idea of evil.
3) Then comes the descent into the delusion that those who fight evil are themselves evil: (a) “You must be evil because you say those nice freedom fighters are evil,” and (b) “You must be evil for breaking our ‘speak no evil’ rule. You shock our sensibilities by telling us about the disturbing things that those nice gays are doing.”
4) Next comes the hatred of those who fight evil. Hatred is a crucial stage in the developmental process of evil and leads to many delusions. Without hatred, paranoid conspiracy theories and poisoned ideologies cannot come into existence.
5) The fifth floor down into darkness is to believe–or to be willing to tell the lie–that evil things are good, and good things are evil. “Woe unto them who call evil, good, and good evil; who put darkness for light, and light for darkness; who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter.” (Isaiah 5:20)
6) The sixth stage is to hate the victims of evil or to hate those whom the good guys are protecting. When professor Ward Churchill called the victims of the 9/11 terror bombings “little Eichmanns”–i.e., like Adolf Eichmann, the Nazi mass murderer–he was functioning at the sixth level of evil and hatred.
7) The seventh stage of evil is serial killing, terrorism, and genocide.

The American left blames the hatred for America and the abundance of recruits for terrorism on American foreign and military policy. However, evil is not reasonable–a hard reality that those who deny the existence of evil are unable to understand.
It is astonishingly naive to suppose that the anti-American hate-machine will close down if we are nicer to jihadists. This would be like telling Jews in Nazi Germany that it was their own fault they were on their way to the gas chambers because they were not nice enough to the Nazis.
Evil exists …….It cannot be bargained away, placated, appeased, or persuaded. It will keep on coming until someone has the moral courage to stand against it.
Wild Thing’s comment….
Some nuggets worth pointing out from the full article…

Those who trust in the power of truth feel no need to shout.
…our battle is not one of good versus evil, but of truth versus evil.
When a society denies the existence of evil, the forces of evil are given cover.
The descent from truth to the darkened level where one calls evil good, and good evil, requires intense hatred.

The bristly Joe McCarthy was right, David Horowitz and others are right today, and anyone who understands this ….the REDS are here and well and out to kill this relatively young country!
Once and awhile I share something here at my blog that is a part of my childhood/ my family. What I am going to share with you is because evil/leftism has to be fought or we will disappear as a country. Just as PC is a very big part of it too and we all know how PC has taken things to new depths of evil.
When I was growing up we had many visitors to our home in Illinois. I am not sure even today how many of them came about, I simply experienced them. It was not unusual for us to entertain authors and other people that had become well known in the world. My Father’s business and business interests were throughout the world so maybe that is one of the reasons the various contacts were made. But each time we had a visitor it was a remarkable time in my young life. I would sit and listen to their conversations and take it all in. Something inside of me knowing it was a unique experience and one to be savored. Each person I remember distinctly spoke of leftism and the evil it brought to the world. As I got a little older they also spoke of PC and how it would chip away at America effecting many of our freedoms.
Many memories but one of the memorable ones was a man named Malcolm Muggeridge. Muggeridge defined liberalism as a “death wish” and spoke of it being responsible for the destruction of the moral and cultural traditions of Western Civilization. Muggeridge was right and when I saw this article and I just had to post it. As I did a flood of memories ran through my head of my years spent listening to my Father and others speaking on this very subject of the evil/leftism.
Not to take away from the article I posted, but I would like to include here two quotes by Muggeridge.

“One of the peculiar sins of the twentieth century which we’ve developed to a very high level is the sin of credulity. It has been said that when human beings stop believing in God they believe in nothing. The truth is much worse: they believe in anything.”

“Every happening, great and small, is a parable whereby God speaks to us, and the art of life is to get the message.”

I apologize for my running on like this, call it old age, well not too old haha, it is just a regular old shoe kind of girl (me) looking back and connecting the dots to the world today.

03 Apr

Bet We Can’t Even Pay Them To Go Back Home


They have the same mental defect that is pravalent among the Democrats. They hate the US, but they want our money. The other day on the radio I heard I heard a teacher from Los Angeles Unified say, “We are teaching this to the children. We support these demonstrations.” They provided buses to the students.
They’re quite racist, while shouting racism. They possess a populist sense of “folk” that is almost Hitlerian in scope. They’re being agitated and organized by the usual, collectivist suspects. In my opinion, these foreign invaders made a major Public Relations blunder with their arrogant waving of foreign flags in our country.
Maybe they don’t care about Public Relations, maybe they are just stupid, or maybe they really want to take us on.
Wow! They are brazen, ignorant assholes.
Here is a question for those of you illegals trashing this country in your protests and vile use of putting our Flag upside down. If the U.S. is so inferior, then why are you here?


03 Apr

Girls In The IDF ~ Then and Now

Dr.Ruth, Sex Sage and Ex-Sniper with the IDF
An interview with the 4-foot-7-inch-tall (140 centimeters), German born, Jewish grandmother. Dr. Ruth has lived through and survived the tragedy of the Holocaust, plus the loneliness of being an orphan, and the Israeli War for Independence. She was born as Karola rith Siegel in Frankfurt, Germany, on June 4, 1928.
“I am very old fashioned, and a square. I believe in love. I believe in relationships. I believe in people staying together for a lifetime or as long as possible.
My parents sent me away from the Nazis when I was ten years old and my entire family died at Auschwitz. They were all exterminated in concentration camps.
And when I went to then Palestine, which became Israel in 1948. But Palestine was not the land of milk and honey of which Ruth had heard. On May 14, 1948, Israel declared its independence. Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Egypt and Irak immediatley attacked the new nation, and once again Ruth’s world collapsed. Ruth, dedicated to the building of a Jewish homeland, joined the Haganah and was trained as a sniper. On her twentieth birthday she had just finished up guard duty when an Arab shell exploded at her feet, seriously injuring her. Her recovery was slow, but she survived to walk again. It injured and killed many of her friends.
The first fellow who offered to marry me…we loved each other, and we are still good friends—but it wasn’t a marriage forever. Then I met a gorgeous looking French guy and I married for one year and have a beautiful daughter, and then that didn’t lead to a relationship. However, my late husband who passed away, he was Fred Westheimer. We were married for 37 years, and that was a marriage.
We were all trained in the forerunner of the Israeli Defense Force, and for some reason that I can’t explain I’m a very good sniper. I can put five bullets into this little red circle (makes circle with her fingers). I know how to throw hand grenades.
I am what you call bold because the one thing that I’ve learned coming out of Nazi Germany is that I have to stand up and be counted for what I believe. And that’s how people are listening to me, because they know it’s not a put-on.


The women of the IDF today….click HERE for more photos.


Wild Thing’s comment…..
I had never known this before about Dr. Ruth. I saw this interview and was impressed that she had been a sniper in Israel.

02 Apr

Iranian-made Torpedo The Fastest? Hmmmm Propaganda Iranian Style

VIDEO from Fox News…..just click on the speed you use in the large screen in upper left corner.
announced its second major new missile test within days, saying Sunday it has successfully fired a high-speed torpedo capable of destroying huge warships and submarines.
The tests came during war games that Iran’s elite Revolutionary Guards have been holding in the Gulf and the Arabian Sea since Friday at a time of increased tensions with the United States over Tehran’s nuclear program.
The Iranian-made torpedo — called the “Hoot,” or “whale” — has a speed of 223 miles per hour, said Gen. Ali Fadavi, deputy head of the Revolutionary Guards’ Navy.
That would make it about three or four times faster than a normal torpedo and as fast as the world’s known fastest, the Russian-made VA-111 Shkval, developed in 1995. It was not immediately known if the Hoot was based on the Shkval.
“It has a very powerful warhead designed to hit big submarines. Even if enemy warship sensors identify the missile, no warship can escape from this missile because of its high speed,” Fadavi told state-run television.
It was not immediately clear whether the torpedo can carry a nuclear warhead.
More than 17,000 Revolutionary Guards forces are taking part in the weeklong maneuvers. On Sunday, paratroops practiced a drop in an attack on a mock enemy position, and warships, jet fighters, helicopters and sophisticated electronic equipment were used in other exercises.
Iran, which views the United States as an arch foe and is concerned about the U.S. military presence in neighboring Iraq and Afghanistan, says the maneuvers aim to develop the Guards’ defensive capabilities.

02 Apr

Senator Flip Flop’s Flap

Kerry urges immigration reform
Full text of Democratic radio address:

“Good morning. I am Senator John Kerry from Massachusetts.
“This week Senate Democrats won an important victory toward comprehensive immigration reform that honors the contributions of immigrants and provides real security for America.
“The Senate Judiciary Committee approved a bi-partisan immigration bill that: 1) provides a path toward citizenship for undocumented immigrants, 2) re-unites families, and 3) strengthens border security.
“Democrats made sure that the Dream Act was included, so that young people who have spent most of their lives in the United States, who believe in our country, who have stayed out of trouble, can have a chance at a higher education. We also recognize the hard work of those who labor in our fields and we insisted on an initiative that would allow more than a million agricultural workers to earn a path toward legalization.
“We stood up to the Republicans who saw immigration reform as a chance to punish immigrants. We eliminated provisions that would criminalize immigrants and anyone who would help them. This was an important step, given the fact that the House Republican approved bill passed in December would allow the prosecution of clergy, hospital workers, charities or anyone else who would help thy neighbor. Cardinal Mahoney from California was right to take a stand against this punitive measure, and we Democrats were able to defeat it.
“Democrats were able to achieve all of this, despite attempts by Senate Republican Majority Leader Frist to cater to the narrowest interests in his party and impose a wrongheaded enforcement only bill.
“We understand what this fight is all about. We are a nation of immigrants and we are a nation that is strengthened because of immigrant contributions to our economy and communities. As someone married to an immigrant, I am reminded every day by my wife of how you can love your roots and love your heritage even as you fulfill the full measure of your love of this country and your loyalty as a United States citizen.
“Today, everyone knows our immigration system is broken — but Democrats recognize that we can’t fix it unless we do this comprehensively and do it right.
“Although this week’s victory is important, we must continue to fight so that comprehensive immigration reform finally becomes the law of the land. Democrats will continue to advocate for tough and smart policies that help secure all Latino families and all Americans. With your help, we can get the job done.
“I am Senator John Kerry from Massachusetts.Thanks for listening.”

Wild Thing’s comment……
Come on John tell us one more time…..” I am Senator Kerry from Massachusetts.” hahaha
As usual, you are obfuscating by leaving out one itsy-bitsy, teenie word: ILLEGAL!
hmmmmmm let’s see here’s what Kerry really means:
1. Guest workers – More immigrants
2. Path to Citizenship – Make sure those waving Mexican flags get registered to vote Democratic ASAP.
3. Re-unites families – Make sure that we bring the extended families of all illegals here to vote too. Especially if they can be persuaded to settle in Red states.
4. Border Security – Unionize the border patrol to make sure its as ineffective and corruption ridden as possible. Yeah, hire a few more guys to featherbed the operation.

02 Apr

Remember The 5 D’s



A HET, or heavy equipment transporter, prepares to continue a convoy to Baghdad International Airport. The massive truck and trailer system boasts 48 wheels and a trailer with rear-wheel steering. It is capable of hauling M1 tanks and some of the military’s heaviest equipment.
Unit tasked with moving machinery from Kuwait into Iraq
A heavy job that calls for heavy equipment
BAGHDAD INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT — An armored rig roars down the open road, equipped with a 500-horsepower engine and 48 wheels.
It’s part of an imposing convoy headed “up north” from Camp Arifjan, Kuwait. Their mission is to bring units’ equipment into Iraq after it arrives in Kuwait.
The soldiers of Battery B, 1st Battalion, 77th Field Artillery Regiment out of Fort Sill, Okla., are driving the Heavy Equipment Transporter, or HET.
A portion of the battery’s 2nd Platoon recently navigated Iraq’s dangerous, roadside-bomb-laden highways and made it to Baghdad International Airport without incident or injury.

“I feel a lot safer in these things,” said Sgt. Keith Noon, 22, of Tucson, Ariz. “I think it intimidates [the enemy]. I don’t think they want to attack such a huge vehicle. Even if they do try it, they know they won’t be able to do anything to it.”

As the convoy got closer to Baghdad, the threat of small-arms fire and roadside bombs increased. Before making the last leg of the trip to the airport, one soldier gave some friendly advice, quoting from the movie “Dodgeball.”

“If anything happens, remember the five ‘D’s,” he said, jokingly. “Dodge, duck, dive, dip and dodge.”

A roadside bomb was located on the main supply route the convoy was traveling Wednesday night. An explosive ordnance disposal team was dispatched to the site, and the convoy was held up for some time.
Just prior to midnight Wednesday, the convoy made it safe and secure to a staging area at Baghdad International Airport — without the need to employ the five D’s.
Road songs
The following is a sample of the some of the music soldiers listen to while on convoy:

“Ride of the Valkyrie” composed by Richard Wagner
“Midnight Wagon” by Insane Clown Posse
“In Between Dreams” album by Jack Johnson
“The Gambler” by Kenny Rogers
“Bombs over Baghdad” by OutKast
“Enter Sandman” by Metallica

01 Apr

For Them It’s April Fools Day 24/7

Congressional Democrats promise to “eliminate” Osama bin Laden and ensure a “responsible redeployment of U.S. forces” from Iraq in 2006 in an election-year national security policy statement.
In the position paper to be announced Wednesday, Democrats say they will double the number of special forces and add more spies, which they suggest will increase the chances of finding al-Qaida’s elusive leader. They do not set a deadline for when all of the 132,000 American troops now in Iraq should be withdrawn.
In an attempt to turn the tide of public perception that Democrats are weak on national security issues, Democrat leaders issued a national security policy statement. Hoping to strike fear in the hearts of terrorists everywhere and inspire voters in the midterm election, they promised a fresh approach, “one that is strong and smart, which understands the challenges America faces in a post 9/11 world, and one that demonstrates that Democrats are the party of real national security,” as House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi stated. Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid echoed this sentiment, saying, “We need a new direction on national security, and leaders with policies that are tough and smart. That is what Democrats offer.” Sounds pretty good so far. What do they propose? Well, that’s where there’s a teeny problem. See, they don’t offer specifics. They say they want to capture Osama bin Laden, but they don’t say how. They do, however, suggest they will double the number of special forces and add more spies to the payroll.
And what do they suggest for Iraq? They want a troop withdrawal, but they don’t say when they want it done. But they do say, “We will ensure 2006 is a year of significant transition to full Iraqi sovereignty, with the Iraqis assuming primary responsibility for security and governing their country and with the responsible redeployment of U. S. forces.”
Gee. I feel safer already.
Guys, there’s a reason why Democrats are seen as weak on national security. It’s because they are weak on national security! Top to bottom, Democrats have been openly hostile towards our military and national security for decades, and that’s not something that can be overcome with a policy statement. Especially considering their actions speak more loudly than that statement.
Throughout the 80s, which party opposed Ronald Reagan’s attempts to beef up the military to defeat the Soviet Union, which would have made us safer? The Democrats.
During Operations Desert Shield and Desert Storm, which party had prominent members come out against the war with the chant “no blood for oil”? That would be the Democrats.
After the Berlin Wall fell, which party promptly demanded military spending be cut? Survey SAYS…the Democrats.
Which major political party ran a candidate who wrote a letter stating that he “loathed the military”? Can you say “the Democrats”? I knew you could.
Which party said military service was not the sign of a good President? Say it with me now! The Democrats!
Which party actively sought to discount the military vote in the 2000 election during the Florida recount? You spell it D-E-M-O-C-R-A-T.
Which major party has undermined the war plan in Iraq by stating the Commander In Chief broke the law, lied to get us into war, and is only seeking to make his rich donors richer? And the answer is… why, it’s the Democrats!
Which major party ran a candidate who said the Iraq war was “the wrong war at the wrong time” in spite of the fact that same candidate supported going to war with Iraq in 2002? I’ll take “Democratic Party” for $1000, Alex.
Which party speaks with pride about the number of people in their ranks who served our country, but call George W. Bush a draft dodger who went AWOL from the Air National Guard? The password is “Democrat.”
Get the picture?
But let’s get beyond the past and look at the actual problems with the proposal the Democrats have laid out for us. First, the idea to double the number of special forces and spies to get Osama bin Laden is odd, considering what the Democrats have said regarding our force levels in Iraq. People like Rep. John Murtha have said repeatedly that we didn’t bring enough troops to beat back the insurgents, and Democrats both at the grassroots level and the national level have echoed this sentiment. And they’ve all commented on lower-than-expected recruiting levels, which may or may not be happening in all branches of the military.
Riddle me this, Batman. If we don’t have the troop numbers in Iraq to win, where are the soldiers and spies going to come from? And wouldn’t those troops be more effectively used in Iraq to fight off the insurgents? This would help to bring the troops home sooner. As far as the spies are concerned, that takes time and training. Are we going to expect the terrorists to put their attacks against us on hold until we get our troops up to speed? I can just imagine Reid or Pelosi making the request: “Yeah, I know you want to kill us because we’re infidels, but could you hold off on that until we get our people trained so they can be more effective against you? Thanks. Love ya!”
Now, let’s move onto the lack of a timetable to get our troops out of Iraq. This has been an issue Democrats have used against President Bush for quite some time now. Now, when the Democrats unveil their master plan, it lacks a timetable. And for that, I’m sending the DNC a bill for a brand new Irony Meter because mine broke after reading about this fact. It’s amazing to me that anyone considers the Democrat “plan” to be a viable alternative to what President Bush is already doing. The Democrats have put out a policy statement full of promises, but lacking in any specifics. I sense John Kerry’s hand in this.
More important than the Democrats’ lack of a serious plan, though, is the apparent lack of thought put into this policy statement. It should be pointed out that if the Democrat plan sounds a little familiar, it should. It’s the same plan Bush has had and promoted since the beginning of the Iraq War. As Joe Biden will tell you, copying off someone else isn’t a key to success. Nor does it reflect any serious thought on such an important matter, which is essential to anyone proclaiming themselves to be the ones with the plan for a better future, not to mention the ones who proclaim themselves to be smarter and more in touch than the President.

01 Apr

CAIR April Fools-This April 1

For those that may not know CAIR is organization founded by Hamas supporters which seeks to overthrow Constitutional government in the United States and replace it with an Islamist theocracy using our own Constitution as protection.

Once every year, CAIR or the Council on American-Islamic Relations gathers its followers in various ‘hot spots’ around the nation to raise money and flaunt its homemade status as a “civil liberties group,” in an attempt to convince the world that they are something which they are not.
This year’s annual banquet in Florida will fall fittingly on April 1st or April Fools. The title of the event is ‘Partners for Peace & Justice.’
The keynote speaker for this weekend’s event will be David Cole. Cole is a professor at Georgetown University Law Center, a board member of the Center for Constitutional Rights, and the Legal Affairs Correspondent for the publication, The Nation. As an attorney, he has been involved in a number of high profile cases. This includes United States v. Eichman, which established that the First Amendment allows for the burning of the American flag.
Cole also played the role of lead counsel for terror operative, Mazen Al-Najjar. Following a 1997 deportation order for overstaying his student visa, Al-Najjar was jailed as a potential threat to the United States public. In July, 2001, after a hard fought court battle, Cole and his legal team lost a federal appeal, thereby denying Al-Najjar asylum. In August of 2002, he was deported to Lebanon. [Al-Najjar would later be named as a co-defendant in the trial against his brother-in-law, Sami Al-Arian.]
In a CAIR press release, dated March 8, 2006, the group announced to the world that its National Board Chairman, Parvez Ahmed, had been elected to the board of the ACLU of Florida.
In the past, the ACLU had participated in events with the group and had even ‘locked arms’ in legal actions with CAIR, but never had it gone so far as to take one of its leaders into its ranks. About his new position, Ahmed, who is also a speaker at the April 1st fundraising dinner, stated: “American Muslims view the protection of civil liberties as one of the most important issues facing our nation today. By working with the ACLU in Florida, I hope to strengthen constitutional rights and help balance those rights with legitimate national security concerns.”
Parvez Ahmed has written some disturbing things in his own right. In December of 2005, he called for the release of terrorist Sami Al-Arian. Al-Arian had been the North American leader of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad, an organization that carries out suicide operations against innocent Israelis. Al-Arian had also been involved with CAIR’s parent organization, a Hamas-front called the Islamic Association for Palestine.
With CAIR, the horrors of terrorism and destruction disappear like magic. Except that they’re not really gone. We’re just made to think they are. This April Fools, once again, CAIR will attempt their magic act on the world. And they’ll even throw in a comedian for good measure. If we fall for this act, the real fool is us.

Wild Thing’s comment……
The only ‘peace and justice’ CAIR wants is the ‘peace’ of the entire World under the thumb of islam and the ‘justice’ of eliminating the hated Jews and Christians from the face of the Earth. CAIR supports terrorists, they are completely pro the death cult of Islam.
Quote from Omar Ahmad

Co-founder of the Council on American-Islamic Relations
President and CEO of Silicon Expert Technologies. A Palestinian who grew up in a refugee camp in Jordan.
“Those who stay in America should be “open to society without melting (into it),” keeping mosques open so anyone can come and learn about Islam, he said. “If you choose to live here (in America) … you have a responsibility to deliver the message of Islam,” he said. Islam isn’t in America to be equal to any other faith, but to become dominant, he said. The Koran, the Muslim book of scripture, should be the highest authority in America, and Islam the only accepted religion on Earth.”- Omar Ahmad

My website page on Terrorists

31 Mar

Never Give Up There Is Always A Rainbow

From Wild Thing
((((hugs))) all around!
Love you all!

Thank you God for answering my prayers and Linda’s too.
No more tears, ONLY Rainbows from now on.

I love you all and thank you Linda for all you have done to help in this nightmare these last three weeks.