The party is at Sondra’s today. Stop by and say Hi!
Last week, the United Nations Security Council gave Iran 30 days to freeze its uranium enrichment programme that many experts believe is part of a clandestine attempt to produce nuclear weapons.
Iran denies it is trying to acquire a nuclear arsenal. But ballistic missile experts advising the United States say it has succeeded in reconfiguring the Shahab-3 to carry nuclear weapons.
The Shahab-3 is a modified version of North Korea’s Nodong missile which itself is based on the old Soviet-made Scud.
The Nodong, which Iran secretly acquired from North Korea in the mid-1990s, is designed to carry a conventional warhead. But Iranian engineers have been working for several years to adapt the Shahab-3 to carry nuclear weapons.“This is a major breakthrough for the Iranians,” said a senior US official. “They have been trying to do this for years and now they have succeeded. It is a very disturbing development.”
The Shahab 3 has a range of 800 miles, enabling it to hit a wide range of targets throughout the Middle East – including Israel.
Apart from modifying the nose cone, Iranian technicians are also trying to make a number of technical adjustments that will enable the missile to travel a greater distance.
Western intelligence officials believe that Iran is receiving assistance from teams of Russian and Chinese experts with experience of developing nuclear weapons. Experts who have studied the latest version of the Shahab have identified modifications to the nose cone.
Instead of the single cone normally attached to this type of missile, the new Shahab has three cones, or a triconic, warhead. A triconic warhead allows the missile to accommodate a nuclear device and this type of warhead is normally found only in nuclear weapons.
According to the new research, the Iranian warhead is designed to carry a spherical nuclear weapon that would be detonated 2,000 feet above the ground, similar to the Hiroshima bomb.
Although US defence officials believe that Iran is several years away from acquiring nuclear weapons, they point out that the warhead could hold a version of the nuclear bomb Pakistan is known to have developed. Iran has acquired a detailed breakdown of Pakistan’s nuclear weapons.
The development of the Shahab-3 is just one element of a wide-ranging missile development programme.
In 2003 the Iranians concluded another secret deal with North Korea to buy the Taepo Dong 2 missile, which has a range of 2,200 miles and would enable Iran to hit targets in mainland Europe.
Earlier this week the Iranians announced that they had successfully test-fired a new missile, the Fajr-3, which has the capability to evade radar systems and carry multiple warheads.
Democrats said the amendment would “gut” the immigration bill under consideration in the Senate and refused to allow a vote on it.
So now the Democrats are using the filibuster to protect the “right” of convicted felons who have emigrated to the U.S. illegally to become citizens.
“I do not have to explain in any more detail than what I have as why I don’t want to move forward,” Mr. Reid said. “I don’t agree with the amendment. I don’t think it’s going to benefit this legislation that is pending before the Senate and I’m going to do what I can to prevent a vote on it.”
Later, Mr. Reid added:
“We’re not going to allow amendments like Kyl-Cornyn to take out what we believe is the goodness of this bill.”
Wild Thing’s comment……
Harry you HAVE lost your freaken mind! AGAIN! It is pathetic that our leaders have never had the cojones to enforce existing immigration laws. Politicians love to talk the talk, but our politicians do not know how to walk the walk. Damn the politicians, for giving this nation and this nations money to illegal invaders.
And once again where is even their conversation about securing our borders! Helloooo !
“I’m getting suspended for it and personally I think that’s uncalled for,” he said. “If this country means freedom, then why can’t we fly our own flag? It’s ridiculous.”
SAN DIEGO — In the wake of last week’s immigration-reform protests, one school district is taking drastic measures, banning all symbols of patriotism, both U.S. and Mexican.
Beginning Monday, the Oceanside Unified School District is banning all flags and patriotic clothing. According to school officials, some students are using the garments and flags to taunt classmates.
Some critics of the move are calling it a violation of free speech protections guaranteed by the Constitution.
The American Civil Liberties Union points to the landmark Supreme Court case Tinker v. Des Moines. In that case, school officials attempted to stop students who were protesting the Viet Nam War from wearing black armbands.“The school has to be able to show a strong likelihood that there is going to material and substantial disruption of school, and if they don’t meet that standard, then they can’t censor student speech,” said Kevin Neenan of the ACLU.
Keith Brentlinger displays the U.S. flag outside Hatter, Williams and Purdy, his Oceanside business.
Brentlinger said he was shocked on Tuesday when marching immigration-reform protesters tore down the flag outside his business.“Some of them just grabbed the flag, and pulled it off its aluminum pole, and it got ripped,” said Brentlinger.
Brentlinger told NBC 7/39 that he put up a new flag the next day.
“Some protesters drove up in their car and snagged the flag from our building and took off,” said Brentlinger. “I was extremely, extremely upset. I mean, it was just … insulting is the word.”
School officials are saying that the ban is just temporary and that they were just trying to prevent violence. They would not say how long the ban would be in effect.
Wild Thing’s comment……..
I suppose next week then there will be lots of Che Guevara shirts on campus! I will let our Flag speak for herself.
Please Click
the Ragged Old Flag to hear
Johnny Cash recite
The Ragged Old Flag
I walked through a county courthouse square
On a park bench, an old man was sittin there.
I said, “Your old court house is kinda run down,
He said, “Naw, it’ll do for our little town”.
I said, “Your old flag pole is leaned a little bit,
And thatÌs a ragged old flag you got hanging on it”.
He said, “Have a seat”, and I sat down,
“is this the first time you’ve been to our little town”
I said, “I think it is”
He said, “I donÌt like to brag,
but weÌre kinda proud of
that ragged old Flag.
“You see, we got a little hole in that flag there,
When Washington took it across the Delaware,
And it got a bad rip in New Orleans,
with Packingham and Jackson tugging at it’s seams.
And it almost fell at the Alamo
beside the Texas flag,
But she waved on though.
She got cut with a sword at Chancellorsville,
And she got cut again at Shiloh Hill.
There was Robert E. Lee, Beauregard and Bragg,
And the south wind blew hard on
that ragged old Flag”
On Flanders Field in World War I,
She got a big hole from a Bertha Gun.
She turned blood red in World War II.
She hung limp and low a time or two.
She was in Korea and Vietnam,
She went where she was sent by her Uncle Sam.
She waved from our ships upon the briny foam,
And now they’ve about quit waving her back here at home.
In her own good land here she’s been abused,
She’s been burned, dishonored, denied and refused,
And the government for which she stands
Is scandalized throughout out the land.
And she’s getting thread bare, and she’s wearing thin,
But sheÌs in good shape, for the shape sheÌs in.
‘Cause she’s been through the fire before
and I believe she can take a whole lot more.
So we raise her up every morning
We take her down every night,
We don’t let her touch the ground,
And we fold her up right.
On second thought
I DO like to brag
Cause I’m might PROUD
of that Ragged Old Flag
Dateline NBC is apparently trying to set up a sting, asking “Muslim males” to go to sporting events such as NASCAR accompanied by NBC’s hidden cameras so they can film all the gawking “bigots.”
And these below are posted at The Haba’ib forum at MSN
Date: Mon, 27 Mar 2006 13:05:54 -0800 (PST)
From: Subject: Looking for Muslim Males to participate in NBC Dateline Segment
I hope everyone is doing well.
I have been talking with a producer of the NBC Dateline show and he is in the process of filming a piece on anti-Muslim and anti-Arab discrimination in the USA. They are looking for some Muslim male candidates for their show who would be willing to go to non-Muslim gatherings and see if they attract any discriminatory comments or actions while being filmed.
They recently taped two turbaned Sikh men attending a football game in Arizona to see how people would treat them. They set them up with hidden microphones and cameras, etc.
They want to do the same thing 2 or 3 other times (in various parts of the USA) with one or two Muslim men in each setting. They are looking for men who actually “look Muslim”. They want a guy with no foreign accent whatsoever, a good thick beard, an outgoing personality, and someone willing to wear a kufi/skullcap during the filming.
They also want someone who is fairly well accomplished and has contributed to American society at large in some meaningful way.
That said, I’m urgently looking for someone who can be filmed this April 1st weekend at a Nascar event (and other smaller events) in Virginia. NBC is willing to fly in someone and cover their weekend expenses. The filming would take place all day on Saturday and Sunday.
And here they are putting the word out:
Need Participants for NBC Show on Anti-Muslim Bias
From: “Tarek El-Messidi”
Date: Sun, 26 Mar 2006 19:52:36
I hope everyone is doing well.
I recently spoke with a producer of the NBC Dateline show and he is in the process of filming a piece on anti-Muslim and anti-Arab discrimination in the USA. They are looking for some Muslim male candidates for their show who would be willing to go to non-Muslim gatherings and see if they attract any discriminatory comments or actions while being filmed.
They recently taped two turbaned Sikh men attending a football game in Arizona to see how people would treat them. They set them up with hidden microphones and cameras, etc. They want to do the same thing 2 or 3 other times (in various parts of the USA) with one or two Muslim men in each setting. They are looking for men who actually “look Muslim”. They want a guy with no foreign accent whatsoever, a good thick beard, an outgoing personality, and someone willing to wear a kufi/skullcap during the filming. They also want someone who is fairly well accomplished and has contributed to society at large in some meaningful way.
That said, I’m urgently looking for someone who can be filmed this April 1st weekend at a Nascar event (and other smaller events) in Virginia. NBC is willing to fly in someone and cover their weekend expenses. The filming would take place all day on Saturday and Sunday. We already have a hijabi sister who will be filmed there but a Muslim is also needed to join her. I also need candidates for the other filming segments which will take place in the following weeks.
A few weeks later, NBC will fly all the filmed participants to New York City to interview them as a group about their experience and thoughts on discrimination they’ve faced in America, especially in light of the times we live in (war on terror, 9-11, etc.). The show, if approved by NBC (highly likely), is expected to air sometime this summer.
What I need from interested candidates is an email with an attached clear photograph, a resume, and contact information. I also need basic information such as age, ethnic background, accomplishments, etc. The sooner I can get this the better and please don’t make emails too long. I will then submit a group of candidates to NBC so they can choose the people for the show.
Please forward this to all Muslim lists you can. Because of the upcoming filming in Virginia, this is pretty time-sensitive. My contact information is below.
Tarek El-Messidi
Email: tarek@muslimknoxville.org
And this:
—Original Message—–
From: Tarek El-Messidi [mailto:tarek@muslimknoxville.org]
Sent: Wednesday, March 29, 2006 5:51 AM
Subject: Update to NBC Dateline Search (including sisters)
A couple of days ago, I sent out the email below regarding the NBC Dateline producer looking for Muslim males to be filmed. Alhamdulillah, I’ve been flooded with responses that will be forwarded to them soon. I just wanted to send an update that they decided to postpone the filming at the NASCAR event by one weekend (until April 8th). It’s still not too late to submit your information but the sooner, the better.
Also, a couple of sisters have inquired about submitting info. While NBC did mention that they prefer male candidates (because they feel that people are less likely to show discrimination to a woman out of courtesy), I will also forward emails I receive from sisters. They may consider filming another hijabi sister if she’s very qualified for the role. Please read the initial email I sent below about what to submit.
Again, please forward this out to as many email lists as possible.
Tarek El-Messidi
Email: tarek@muslimknoxville.org
Who is thie Tarek El-Messidi????
Tarek El-Messidi, is mentioned in this piece from the Wall Street Journal about Muslim Brotherhood influence in Tennessee. According to the story he’s a former Muslim Student Association activist who studied Islam with a radical Muslim Brotherhood preacher.
* Mighty Righty
* Michelle Malkin
Al Qaida network chief Abu Mussib Al Zarqawi has lowered his profile in Iraq to focus on operations in the Levant.
Western intelligence sources said Al Zarqawi has increased activities in such countries as Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon and the Palestinian Authority. They said Al Zarqawi has sought to lay the groundwork for an Islamic war against Israel.
“Zarqawi is very busy these days,” an intelligence source said. “But his attention is moving from Iraq to the Gaza Strip.”
The sources said Al Zarqawi has been forming ties with Palestinian insurgents in the West Bank and Gaza Strip. They said Al Zarqawi has begun to cooperate with the head of the military wing of Hamas, Mohammed Deif. They said that in 2006, about a dozen Al Qaida operatives entered the Gaza Strip to form cells.
Wild Thing’s comment…..
But wait, the Lefties say give Hamas a chance. ugh!
This is weird or maybe I head this wrong….according to other reports, Zarqawi was “fired” by the resistance in Iraq. So they’re now claiming he left to pursue other interests elsewhere?
Mossad will find the terrorist bastard.
ISAW YOU ON TV recently. With all the venom and bile you could muster, you pronounced, “This is George Bush’s war.”
I understand fully what you were saying. You were telling the country and – more import- antly – our enemies, that this is not your war, that you do not support it.
More than that, you were saying that it is not your party’s war. And, you were telling Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, Osama bin Laden and their jihadist allies that it is not America’s war: “This is George Bush’s war!”
You are wrong, congressman. Dead wrong. You are wrong on three levels: institutional, historical and moral.
On the institutional level, Congress voted to authorize this war. Virtually every prominent Democratic politician spoke in favor of its objectives – Hillary and Bill Clinton, John Kerry, Madeleine Albright and Joe Lieberman, to name just a few.
Many now conveniently ignore or seek to rationalize their vote. A few courageously stand by it.
But, it is not Congress’ war, either. When Congress voted to authorize the war and the commander-in-chief gave the order to initiate it, it became our war. Ours: yours, mine, the country’s. Our war, sir, not George Bush’s.
You are wrong, too, about history – past and future. You were referring, of course, to the Iraq “war.” However, history tells us that this is one battle in a larger war against radical, fascist Islamic fundamentalists who seek to conquer.
Do you know your history, sir?
Do you listen to what our enemies say?
Listen, they will tell you: They seek to restore Islamic rule and sharia law over that portion of the world that they regard as historically “theirs.”
They mean not only the Mideast, but northern Africa, central Asia – and even Spain.
Then, they seek to expand that rule by imposing the same regime on any country where there is a significant Muslim population, anytime. They mean Europe, Nigeria – keep your eye on Nigeria, congressman, it is already happening in that most populous country of Africa – and, yes, the United States.
Do you deny any of these things? On what basis, sir?
They rightfully identify the United States as the sole power capable of standing in their way, of marshaling opposition to them.
Calling this battle “George Bush’s war” won’t blunt their strategy. No, it supports it.
Have you forgotten the other Islamic fascists’ battles against us, indeed against the world?
Do you remember the airplane hijackings, the bombing of the Marine barracks in Lebanon, the USS Cole, the bombing of a barracks at a U.S. air base in Spain, bombings of U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania, the World Trade Center in 1993, in 2001?
They all are part of this war that George Bush did not start.
Yet they are not even the beginning of this war, congressman. This war has been going on for centuries, and it is not going to end if we retreat now, as you advocate.
Finally, you are wrong on the moral level.
Let me explain, lest you think that you have a monopoly on morality.
My son is now preparing for his second combat deployment in this battle. He will tell you that it is his war.
In his first combat tour, my son wrote: “I truly see this as a battle between the forces of good and evil. How can anyone not? Good brings hope to a whole people that have never known any and evil cuts the heads off innocent civilians on TV.”
THAT SORT OF sums up the morality that our soldiers see. He and his comrades would like to think that they are not fighting this alone, that this is not just their and George Bush’s war.
They would like to think that they fight for this country, including you, congressman.
It is their war, it is my war, and it is this country’s war.
My son’s life, and the lives of all the men and women fighting this battle are too precious to be endangered by politicians who give aid and comfort to our enemy in order to score rhetorical political points.
If you will not desist, I can only hope that responsible members of your party will repudiate your dangerous rhetoric and condemn your assistance to our enemies.
John A. Lucas, a lawyer in Knoxville, Tenn., is a West Point graduate and was an infantry platoon leader in Vietnam, where he earned four Bronze Stars.
Please Click
Image below to
watch Video of Democrats
speaking of Saddam BEFORE
we went to War in Iraq
“The episodes, taped in February in Culver City, Calif., are a way for the show to express its appreciation for the military, said Amy Prenner, the senior unit publicist for Sony Pictures, which produces the show.
“We’ve done a week like this once before in San Diego,” Prenner said. But this week features servicemembers from all over the United States.
This should make the host Pat Sajak feel right at home. Sajak was an Army broadcaster in Vietnam. He continued Adrian Cronauer’s “Good Morning, Vietnam” greeting from 1968 through 1970.
“This is a tough time for our men and women, and they are doing some tough work, and not always with universal appreciation for what they are doing,” Sajak said in an interview with the Pentagon Channel. “This is our way of reminding Americans of the great work they do and our way of showing a little appreciation and, hopefully, spreading a little money their way.”
Harry Friedman, the show’s producer, said he appreciates the sacrifices U.S. servicemembers make. “We’re a game show; we’re all about having fun,” Friedman said. “But we also have great respect for our armed forces, the men and women who serve in every single branch.”
The show listed participating servicemembers :
Beran Young, U.S. Navy, Naval Medical Center San Diego
Vince Boncich, U.S. Army, Ft. Bragg, N.C.
Diana Aragon, U.S. Marine Corps, Camp Pendleton, Calif.
Paul Cemanec III, U.S. Navy ROTC at San Diego State University
Mindy Freeman, U.S. Air Force, March Air Reserve Base, Calif.
Daniel Norton, U.S. Marine Corps, Camp Pendelton, Calif.
Rashad McKinney, U.S. Army, Los Alamitos, Calif.
Charri Witucki, U.S. Air Force, Hurlbert Field, Fla.
Kevin Hunter, U.S. Marine Corps, Naval Air Station Miramar, Calif.
Jack Landreth, U.S. Marine Corps, Naval Air Station Meridan, Miss.
Rick Hawkins, U.S. Coast Guard, Long Beach, Calif.
Victoria Dourgherty, U.S. Air Force, Edwards Air Force Base, Calif.
Shawn Purvis, U.S. Air Force, Whiteman Air Force Base, Mo.
Joe Stager, U.S. Marine Corps, Twentynine Palms, Calif.
Helen Knight, U.S. Army, Fort Irwin, Calif.
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