25 Mar

Testing… one… two…

This is Linda again…. doing another test….
Okay, looks like everything is working.

23 Mar

Blogger Annoying Little Twerp aka Barb Doing A Great Thing for the Troops

Annoying Little Twerp is doing something very special for the Troops
On April 9 she is walking the St. Louis half-marathon to raise money for the USO.
” I’m not working through any group I just decided to put my feet to good use. If you could mention what I’m doing and/or link my post on your respective blogs, I would be so appreciative. I’m just a silly little blogger trying to giving something back to those who guard our freedom and I thank you for all you help!”….Barb aka Annoying Little Twerp
Barb aka Annoying Little Twerp, you are NOT a silly little blogger at all. You are wonderful and I am so proud of you my friend! ………((hugs)) , Wild Thing
This is from her site

I’m walking the St. Louis half-marathon(13.3 miles) on Sunday, April 9 2006.
I’m walking in memory of the late Robert “StinKerr” Kerr-a wonderful gentleman I met through BMEWS and to raise money for the USO.
My goal is to raise $500 by April 9.
I KNOW you want to help-and here’s how you do it:
1. Click on the USO link then click on the donate link on the main page.You can donate online, by phone, and there’s even a handy-dandy form that you can print out and mail in for those of you that prefer to donate by check.
2. e-mail me at mollymarine@sbcglobal.net so that I can know who you are-I’m listing donors on a “Post of Honor”. If you’d like to do things “anonymously’ just let me know and I’ll list you that way. you can also leave a comment for this post
3.Sit back and pat yourself on the back for doing a good thing for our men and women in uniform.
I decided that since I walk so much anyway, well I might as well put my feet to good use.
I’m hoping to walk several other “long” walks between now and labor day-and raise funds for a different pro-troops organization each time.
Right now my goal is raise at least $500 for the USO.
Please help me make that goal!

23 Mar

A Great Reply To Coward Anti-American Toles

WaPo Weasels
Wanna draw a soldier, Toles? Here I am,
Back with all four limbs from Vietnam.
You wanna draw pictures of fighting men?
Just tell me where and tell me when.
I’ll give you a pose to impress any viewer,
Your punk arty ass comatose in the sewer.
Like all of your kind you don’t have a clue
Who fightin’ men are and what fightin’ men do.
That you, your kind, you effete panty waists,
With Hollywood morals, metrosexual tastes,
Would taunt a brave warrior’s fight for life,
Mock his loss, his pain, deride his strife;
And use his sorrow to support your screed,
With no concern for the warrior’s need,
Tells me you are clueless of the facts of war,
You’re a cut ‘n run, spineless, media whore.
Go to Walter Reed hospital, smug Mr. Toles,
To see those you’ve mocked, grave injured souls
View wounded warriors with bodies so broken
And think again of the message you’ve spoken,
So abysmally ignorant, so smug condescending
That even most liberals won’t waste time defending.
So Toles it’s a fact that your most famous work
Will proclaim you forever as a pitiless jerk.
And Washington Post you’re as bad as this weasel
You gave him the forum, provided his easel.
~Russ Vaughn
2d Bn, 327th Parachute Infantry Regiment
101st Airborne Division
Vietnam 65-66

Wild Thing’s comment….
Thank you Mark for sending this to me.And thank you for serving our country my friend.

23 Mar

Iran ~ Come for the decapitations–stay for the stonings

You TOO can walk the streets of Iran with the terrorists, sit at an outdoor cafe and sip espresso and listen in and they plan their fatwa’s.
Iran’s mullahs signed a huge agreement with BBC
Iran will soon present its tourist attractions in a publicity campaign to be waged in the international and local television networks, said an official of Iran Cultural Heritage and Tourism Foundation (ICHTF) in Madrid Wednesday.
“The publicity campaign will be in the form of advertisements introducing cultural, historical and development attractions of Iran,” said Deputy Head of ICHTF for Cultural and Communication Affairs Alireza Sajjadpour.
Talking to IRNA, he referred to BBC, CNN, Germany’s ZDF, al-Jazeera and al-Arabia as the international TV networks selected for introducing the tourist sites.
“We have signed a huge agreement with BBC,” he added. He, however, declined to cite the contracts’ details.
Over 70 countries have been chosen as targets for launching activities to attract tourists to Iran, he said. The campaign will also include several local networks in these countries, Sajjadpour added.
In addition, two-week visas will be issued at all the major national airports for foreign tourists, which are extendable to one-month, he said.
“Furthermore, foreign companies which bring tourists into the country are eligible for some form of payments.”
The official expressed hope Iran would turn into one of the 10 most attractive countries in the world in terms of natural tourist attractions and cultural sites through policies to be devised and envisaged within two five-year development plans. This will lead to an annual growth rate of 30 percent in tourist attraction.
Iran is not only a nation with rich historical and cultural sites, but also it has unique environment and nature, in which, four seasons of the year could be observed, he added.
Wild Thing’s comment……
“rich historical and cultural sites”……….”Over 70 countries have been chosen as targets”
Oh please givie me a break!
I would love to see a list of the 70 countries that are OK with Iran to attract tousists from. I bet Israel is not on their list. Hey Iran burn in hell!
These Iranians are not only evil they are nuts. They want tourism and at the same time we have this……..

Thursday, March 23, 2006 9:54:02 AM
Independent Iranian TV channel highlights Threat to American cities

The newly formed Iran Freedom Foundation (IFF) has launched two television commercials warning that American cities are vulnerable to attack by an improvised nuclear device detonated by Iranian-backed terrorists.
The only technical problems that have kept terrorists and terrorists nations like Iran from exploding improvised nuclear devices within American cities are solved once a terrorist regime like the Islamic Republic of Iran has the capability to manufacture a nuclear weapon and deliver it in containers to a major U.S. port.
The commercials currently are not scheduled for broadcast. The IFF hopes the availability for free viewing over the Internet will generate sufficient donations to begin buying air time.
The IFF, established in January, is headquartered in Washington, D.C., as a 501(c)(3) foundation with the ability to accept donations on a favorable tax basis once the IRS issues a tax status determination.
The IFF commercials also contain a clip of Sen. John Kerry’s statement in the first debate of the 2005 presidential campaign, favoring the United States giving nuclear fuel to Iran for peaceful purposes.
In a book relevant to this subject titles “Atomic Iran: How the Terrorist Regime Bought the Bomb and American Politicians,” by Jerome R. Corsi, throws more light on the situation.
Corsi believes an atomic 9-11 is an imminent threat once a terrorist state like Iran has the capability to develop nuclear weapons.
He says “I wrote ‘Atomic Iran’ and founded the Iran Freedom Foundation to warn America of the approaching danger, in the hope that the catastrophes described in the book can be avoided if we are alerted in advance to the threat”.
In “Atomic Iran,” Corsi criticizes four Democratic senators – Kerry, Ted Kennedy, Joseph Biden and Hillary Clinton – for accepting campaign donations from the pro-mullah lobby in the U.S.

Wild Thing’s comment…..
This is WHY IMO it is sooooo dangerous for treasonous, traitors like Kerry and others to say the things they say. It’s does not stop with a comment from them but it USED by the enemy. Just as it was used by Hanoi Jane etc.

23 Mar

Is That A Sensor In Your Pocket Or Are You Just Glad To See Me

Los Angeles Man Charged for Attempting to Ship Sensitive Technology to Iran
Joint ICE-FBI probe uncovers scheme involving illegal export of pressure sensors
LOS ANGELES – A Los Angeles man was arraigned in federal court here yesterday for his role in a scheme to illegally export more than 100 Honeywell sensors to Iran in violation of the International Emergency Economic Powers Act (IEEPA). According to the manufacturer, the sensors, which detect the pressure of liquid or gas, could potentially be used to detonate explosive devices.
Mohammad Fazeli, 27, was arrested March 16 at his Los Angeles apartment by agents with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). Fazeli was named in a three-count indictment handed down March 9 charging him with violating the IEEPA, conspiracy, and making false statements.
The indictment alleges that Fazeli ordered 103 pressure sensors in September 2004 through a website operated by an electronics company based in Minneapolis, Minnesota. According to the indictment, Fazeli told an unindicted co-conspirator that he had been contacted by a representative from that company advising him that he needed a license in order to export the devices. Despite that, after receiving the parts, Fazeli allegedly attempted to send them to the United Arab Emirates, with the understanding that the devices would ultimately be shipped to Iran.
Under the IEEPA, Iran has been subject to a trade embargo by the United States since the late 1970s. The Iranian Transactions Regulations expressly prohibit the sale, supply, or transshipment of any goods, technology, or services to Iran without prior authorization by the Treasury Department’s Office of Foreign Assets Control. Investigators say Fazeli had not received the required prior approval from the Treasury Department to export the pressure sensors.
“One of ICE’s top enforcement priorities is preventing terrorist groups and hostile nations from illegally obtaining U.S. military products and sensitive technology,” said Kevin Kozak, deputy special agent in charge for ICE investigations in Los Angeles. “In the wrong hands, components like these pressure sensors could be used to inflict harm upon America or its allies.”
Fazeli, who remains free on $50,000 bond, is scheduled to go on trial April 25.
Just last week a federal jury in San Diego found Arif Ali Durrani guilty of multiple violations of the Arms Export Control Act for illegally exporting military aircraft parts from the United States to the United Arab Emirates, Malaysia, and Belgium. At the trial, ICE agents testified that many of the military components in Durrani’s illegal export plot were ultimately destined for Iran.

Wild Thing’s comment……
I just don’t get it, if anyone really expects this bastard to show up for court, I have a bridge for sell. Why the hell they let this guy post bail is beyond me. He should have been considered a flight risk and held him until his trail date.

23 Mar

Holy Islamville Batman!

Unless you were looking for it you’d probably never know it exists. It’s called Holy Islamville. A Muslim village in the upstate started by a man suspected in attacks against the United States and once on the terror watch list.

“We see children – small children run around over there when they should be in school. We hear bursts of gunfire all of the time, and we know that there is military like training going on there. Those people are armed and dangerous. We get nothing but menacing looks from the people who go in and out of the camp, and sometime they yell at us to mind our own business when we are just driving by. We don’t even dare to slow down when we drive by. They own this mountain and they know it, and there is nothing we can do about it but move, and we can’t even do that. Who wants to buy property next to that?”

FOX Carolina’s Jamie Guirola investigates Holy Islamville and reports. It’s just a short drive to get there, but if you look online this intelligence report from a group of private citizens suggests what goes on over there is anything but holy.
The roads that lead to it are rural. The homes nearby are spread apart. And even though only Muslims can live in Holy Islamville there’s a welcome sign out front of its location; tucked in York County, about an hour and a half from Greenville.
Whether you enter or just keep driving by is your choice. We chose to go in.
Mayor Kamal Shakir/Holy Islamville: “We have families. Our families have grown and since then other have families have moved in, as Mr. Rashid was saying, from other places to populate the area”.
Population: roughly 150 people. Both men and women.. Young and old. They live in mobile homes set on many acres of private land. Land, the Muslims here say, wouldn’t be there’s if it wasn’t for one man.
Sheikh Gilani.

Jamaat al Fuqra, a terrorist organization founded by Sheik Mubarek Ali Shah Gilani, the Islamic cleric Daniel Pearl was attempting to interview when he was kidnapped, and a group that has been linked to over two-dozen murders and fire-bombings inside the U.S., maintains active training compounds inside the United States. Perhaps the largest – and their operational headquarters, is situated on 70 acres nestled in a remote and heavily secluded area on the western edge of the Catskill Mountains in New York state, about 40 miles southeast of Binghamton, NY.

WNYW-TV FOX 5 News did a report on the “Islamberg” Jamaat ul-Fuqra compound near Hancock.

A local Fox news affiliate in NYC did an extensive report on ‘Islamberg’ in upstate NY.
The reporter walked into the camp with a hidden camera. The place looked pretty barren with a few beat up trailers. There was a schoolbus which looked like it had been shot up. The reporter encountered 2 black Muslims who were actually kind of friendly. They said they did have guns and occasionally shot them off when celebrating weddings. Yeah right. The report mentioned the financial problems one of the leaders was having and how the IRS had confiscated his business.
They said that 9/11 was a part of some larger Jewish conspiracy.
They also spoke with a couple of townspeople. One gentleman said prior to 9/11 he had seen them training in fatigues but said they had been relatively quiet since.
When asked to see “the boss,” they were told he was in the city and wouldn’t be back until later, but then he showed up rather mysteriously. “The boss” was Hussain Abdallah, reportedly one of the early organizers of Fuqra in the United States and the guy that runs “786 Security” in Brooklyn. Abdallah said that his business had been raided by the IRS in Dec. 03 and the case was in process. The reporter said that a legal search of judgements or liens might turn something up. He owes something like $300K to the Feds and $40-50K to the state in taxes.

22 Mar

This Guys Towel Is On Too Tight

Muslim leader: Israel bird flu punishment from Allah

Gaza preacher says during weekend mosque services bird-flu virus found in Israel last week was sent by Allah to punish the Jews for being the ‘worst of humanity’ and is the beginning of the outbreak of other diseases meant to destroy the Jewish state within the next 20 years; ‘pray for Allah to dry out the sexual organs of the Jews,’ he adds.
Sheikh Abu Muhammed, an imam at the popular Al-Tadwa mosque in Beit Lahia north of Gaza City, went on to ask Muslims at his Friday night Sermon to pray for the sexual organs of Jews to “dry out” so they cannot reproduce.
“Praise Allah the bird flu has hit the Jews. It came because of their sins against the Palestinians; because they are the most cruel enemy of humanity; because they are themselves the enemy of humanity; because they don’t believe in Allah; because they falsify the book of Allah; because they cheated the prophet Muhammed; and because they cheated Allah and even their own prophet, Moses,” Sheikh Muhammed was quoted as saying.
“This bird flu will be the beginning of diseases which will hit the nonbelievers. Please Allah keep hitting the enemy with more diseases. This is no doubt the beginning of the end of the Israelis. Like (late Hamas spiritual leader) Sheikh Yassin said, 2025 will be the end of Jews. This (bird flu) is the sign,” said Sheikh Muhammed, according to congregants.
In his mosque speech, Sheikh Muhammed reportedly went on to explain Allah decided to “hit the Israelis with birds,” since birds are mentioned in the Quran as a tool used to defeat infidels.
Muhammed made his comments in spite of predictions the virus found in Israel may surface through migrating fowl in the nearby Palestinian territories.

Wild Thing’s comment……..
I suppose this is why the Bird flu has hit Indonesian (Muslim) nations so hard. Now I get it…….. Allah hates birds! Kill all Birds! Birds are the infidels! If we can not kill Americans, let us kill the evil infidel BIRDS!
Israel has doctors, hospitals with equipment, culture, society, and BRAINS. The All-Ass idiots have rags on their heads, bags on their women, and are just plain STUPID besides being evil. The 21st century beats the 7th century everytime.

22 Mar

Italian Co. Designs Jeans for Muslims

Jeans tailor-made to fit Muslim needs hit European market

Europe’s practicing Muslims have finally found their fit: An Italian clothes firm is producing jeans that are tailor-made for the Islamic world.
The trousers, licensed by an Udine-based firm named Al Quds, are the brainchild of Luca Corradi, an Italian stylist.
“I couldn’t help noticing that Muslims bend down to pray several times a day. This movement is not very common in our culture,” Corradi told reporters last week.
Higher waist
Corradi realized that Muslims would find Western jeans uncomfortable. So he came up with trousers that are less tight and have a higher waist.
Because Muslims usually take off their watches, glasses and other personal objects during prayer, he also designed larger pockets.
Finally, the seams are made in green — a sacred color in the Islamic world — while the shabby look so popular in Western Europe is snubbed.
On Italy’s shelves as from last week, the jeans cost 18 euros (US$21).
Because they are being sold by a major French supermarket chain, they should soon find a distribution channel in other European countries as well.
But Al Quds, which is the Arab name for Jerusalem, has also set its sights on the Middle East.
“Our stylist is looking for some help among his Arab colleagues. We hope they will help us start producing a wider range of trousers in the not so distant future,” Cavalli said.
The jeans should find plenty of buyers among Italy’s 700,000 Muslims.

Wild Thing’s comment…..
Good lord what next! ” higher waist” hmmmmm to cover the bomb belts? And the same story HERE tells us this…….

ROME – They’re high around the waist, wide around the leg and have lots of pockets for holding watches, bracelets, glasses and other knickknacks.
The pockets are for holding all the accessories.

For holding things? You mean like bombs, big knives for beheadings? What? Huh? Tell us more! Maybe they will play Kumbaya in the stores.
HERE is the website for the jean maker.