Bringing this to the top because it is still a hot topic.

Military recruiters left a campus job fair when about 60 student and faculty anti-war demonstrators showed up outside the event at the University of California, Santa Cruz.
Four recruiters from the Army and Army National Guard left after an hour-long standoff Tuesday at the College 8 West Field House.
“The recruiters thought the crowd was getting out of control,” campus vice chancellor David Kliger said.
One student protester was arrested as the recruiters were departing in a van. While a campus police officer was videotaping a person throwing rocks at the van, a student blocked the camera and was cited for interfering with police duties, campus spokesman Jim Burns.
Anti-war protesters at university block doors to building.
Members of Students Against War, who organized the counter-recruiting protest, loudly chanted “Don’t come back. Don’t come back” as the recruiters left the hilltop campus, escorted by several university police officers.
“The situation had degraded to the point where there was a possibility of injury to either a student or law enforcement officer. We certainly didn’t want that to happen,” said Capt. Will Griffin, one of the Army recruiters.
University officials had been aware for weeks that Students Against War planned a protest to prevent military personnel from participating in the school’s biannual job fair held for students.
The student organization has become a bit of a cause celebre of the national anti-war movement ever since it was discovered that the group’s protest of the same job fair last April landed it in a Pentagon surveillance file, which listed the protest as a “credible threat” to military facilities or personnel.
Universities that receive federal funds are required to allow military recruiters on campus. But campus officials had worried that Tuesday’s protest would get out of hand as it had last April, when Students Against War protesters surrounded the table where military personnel sat, and hundreds of other demonstrators engaged in an angry protest outside. Some of the recruiters reported that their tires had been slashed and one employee at the career center was injured.
Chancellor, UC Santa Cruz
Denice D. Denton
Office of Chancellor
200 Clark Kerr Hall
University of California
Santa Cruz, California 95064
Assistant to the Chancellor:
Jessica Fiske Bailey
Phone: (831) 459-2058
Wild Thing’s comment…….
This crap really makes my blood boil! They may be students but they are ignorant, stupid, users, communists, traitors to America and to our troops. They are worthless human beings and to call them human beings is even too kind.
They will NEVER know the pride in ones heart for those that have served our country and for those that serve today. That feeling that I get as though my heart will burst from the pride I have in our military and our Veterans. They will go through life never really living only existing and wasted lives each and every one of them. They are my enemy and the enemy of this country.
Watch this video if you likeTHESE people are unlike my enemy. These are my Heroes……our troops. They know what freedom cost, they know what it tastes like and what it smells like and what it feels like. Some of My Heroes!
* Michelle Malkin
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