Thank you Troops, I love you and am so very grateful!

* Something…..and Half of Something
A priest, a Pentecostal preacher, and a Rabbi, all served as chaplains
to the students of Northern Michigan University in Marquette. They would
get together two or three times a week for coffee and to talk shop.
One day, someone made the comment that preaching to people isn’t really
all that hard. A real challenge would be to preach to a bear. One thing
led to another and they decided to do an experiment. They would all go
out into the woods, find a bear, preach to it, and attempt to convert it.
Seven days later, they’re all together to discuss the experience.
Father Flannery, who has his arm in a sling, is on crutches, and has
various bandages, goes first. “Well,” he says, “I went into the woods to
find me a bear. And when I found him I began to read to him from the
Catechism. Well, that bear wanted nothing to do with me and began to
slap me around. So I quickly grabbed my holy water, sprinkled him and, Holy
Mary Mother of God, he became as gentle a lamb. The bishop is coming out
next week to give him first communion and confirmation.”
Reverend Billy Bob spoke next. He was in a wheelchair, with an arm and
both legs in casts, and an IV drip. In his best fire and brimstone
oratory he claimed, “WELL brothers, you KNOW that we don’t sprinkle! I went out
and I FOUND me a bear. And then I began to read to my bear from God’s
HOLY WORD! But that bear wanted nothing to do with me. So I took HOLD of him
and we began to wrestle. We wrestled down one hill, UP another and DOWN
another until we came to a creek.
So I quick DUNKED him and BAPTIZED his hairy soul. And just like you
said, he became as gentle as a lamb. We spent the rest of the day praising
They both looked down at the Rabbi, who was lying in a hospital bed. He
was in a body cast, and traction, with IV’s and monitors running in and
out of him. He was in bad shape.
The Rabbi looks up and says, “Looking back on it,
circumcision may not have been the best way to start…”
Thanks Jack…Conservative Insurgents…….. this is so funny. I love bear stories.
Commenting on Karl Rove’s remarks in a speech in New Hampshire where he charged that Democrats are “wrong, profoundly wrong” in wanting to cut and run in Iraq, an increasingly rabid anti-war Congressman John Murtha resorted to a personal attack on Rove on Sunday.
“He’s in New Hampshire, he’s making a political speech. He’s sitting in his air-conditioned office on his big fat backside saying, ‘Stay the course,'” said Murtha, D-Pa., in an appearance on NBC’s “Meet the Press.”
Obviously rattled by criticism from Rove, Murtha said:
“I disagree completely with what he’s saying. We need to change direction. We can’t win a war like this. This guy’s sitting back … getting paid by the public taxpayer and he’s saying to us that we’re winning this war … we’ve got to change direction. You can’t sit there in the air-conditioned office and tell the troops fighting in Iraq that we have to stay the course.”
Despite recent gains in Iraq, Murtha insisted the U.S. is losing the war in Iraq. When told by “Meet the Press” host Tim Russert that Rove had told the New Hampshire audience that “if Murtha had his way, American troops would have been gone by the end of April” and American forces wouldn’t have killed Abu Musab al-Zarqawi,.
Murtha downplayed the importance of killing the top terrorist in Iraq, saying dismissively: “They built Zarqawi up, they have a thousand foreign fighters” — that the intelligence “came from the outside” and that all the U.S. did was bomb his hideout and kill him.”
Turning to his own plan for cutting and running, Murtha became increasing irrational, suggesting that U.S. troops there be redeployed outside of Iraq yet close enough to be ready to go back in if the situation required it. When pressed by Russert to say where the troops could be deployed if neighboring countries refuse to accept their presence, as Rove had has said, he suggested they could be set to Okinawa, Japan, which is 5,000 miles from Baghdad.
“We don’t have to be right there, Murtha said. “We can go to Okinawa. We could redeploy there instantly.”
Wild Thing’s comment…..
Murtha is a walking, talking hate crime!
Military officials unveil the new name of a C-17 Globemaster III aircraft as “Spirit of Go for Broke,” during a dedication ceremony at Hickam Air Force Base, Hawaii, on Wednesday. The name stems from a WWII battle cry. (Marco Garcia / AP Photo)
Thank you TomR for sending this to me.
Six Meat Buffet has the answer.
Join the Insufferable Prick Party as we offer Americans a true alternative to government that serves its own interest.
You can read the Platform Positions at his blog…..Six Meat Buffet. This is a must read. hahaha I LOVE it!
Thank you!
* Six Meat Buffet
* Something….and Half of Something
It was Fathers who preserved our Freedom from tyrants in WWII.
It was Fathers who froze at the Chosin, preserving our Freedom
It was Fathers who went to a far away place called Vietnam to preserve our Freedom
It was Fathers who went to Grenada, Panama, Iraq and now the War today.
Thank you to all Fathers for Protecting and Defending us through the years
The North Korean leadership has told its people to raise the national flag at 2pm (1500 AEST) on Sunday, in what may be a sign that Pyongyang will go ahead with a missile launch test, a Japanese government official was quoted as saying.
Japanese daily Sankei Shimbun also quoted the Japanese official as saying that the North Koreans had been instructed to monitor television and other broadcasts for a “message to the people”.
North Korea prepares to test missile that can reach USA
Seoul: North Korea loaded booster rockets onto a launch pad, preparing to test as early as Sunday a missile that might be able to reach the US mainland, media reported.
The reports follow US government warnings that the communist North is accelerating preparations to test a Taepodong-2 missile.
A US government official, speaking on condition of anonymity, said on Friday that a test may be imminent. South Korea’s Chosun Ilbo newspaper said intelligence authorities of Seoul and Washington had made the assessment, based on satellite images, that the North had loaded booster rockets onto a launch pad and moved 10 large tanks of liquid fuel close by.
The Taepodong-2 is a three-stage missile, but the warhead section hadn’t been loaded yet, the paper said, quoting an unidentified high-level South Korean government official. South Korean Foreign Ministry spokesman Choo Kyu-ho couldn’t confirm the report.
Japan’s Foreign Minister and the US ambassador to Japan on Saturday called North Korea’s possible missile test a provocative action, and Tokyo urged Pyongyang through diplomatic channels not to proceed with the launch, news reports said.
Japan’s Foreign Minister Taro Aso and US Ambassador to Japan Thomas Schieffer met on Saturday evening.
Japan’s concern can be traced back to 1998, when North Korea test-fired a Taepodong-1 ballistic missile over northern Japan, claiming it was a satellite launch. There were reports that Japan had dispatched two Aegis destroyers to the Sea of Japan and Pacific Ocean.
NK warned over ‘provocative’ test (CXN/AP)
TOKYO, Japan — The U.S. and Japan both urged North Korea to halt preparations for a test-launch of a long-range missile, after Japanese and South Korean news reports said the North had loaded booster rockets onto a launch pad and could test-fire the missile as early as Sunday.
Japanese Foreign Minister Taro Aso warned North Korea on Sunday Tokyo would regard any missile that dropped on Japan as an attack, the Reuters news service reported.
“If it is dropped on Japan, it will complicate the story. It will be regarded as an attack,” Aso said on a Fuji TV program.
“The possibility is not zero of a missile dropping on Japan. That’s why we are worried,” Aso said on the program, according to Reuters.
North Korean officials, however, denied that preparations for a launch of a Taepodong-2 missile — with the capacity to reach the U.S. — were under way, according to a South Korean lawmaker quoted by Japan’s Kyodo News service.
Wild Thing’s comment…..
A president with spine and foresight could have solved this problem in 1993 and 1994. Unfortunately we were stuck with Clinton. He sent the preening Carter; Kim Il Sung laughed and made a total fool of him. And here we are 12 years later, just about to fall within range of North Korean nuclear weapon delivery systems perfected after Carter “solved” the problem and got his standing ovation from the assembled clowns in Oslo.
“It is essential to acknowledge that the war itself was a mistake,” the Massachusetts Democrat told a crowd of cheering leftists Tuesday at the “Take Back America” conference in Washington. “It was wrong, and I was wrong to vote for that Iraqi war resolution.”
He called on President Bush to withdraw all troops from Iraq by the end of the year. Sen. Hillary Clinton disagreed and was booed. Thus, Mr. Kerry, in his bid to remake himself as the antiwar partisan his liberal base has wanted all along, has flip-flopped his way to an even bigger self-contradiction than the one that did him in two years ago.
This is just too convenient. The supposed change of heart comes at the very moment President Bush’s polling numbers ticked up on news of terrorist Abu Musab Zarqawi’s death; at the very moment an Iowa poll places Mr. Kerry behind John Edwards among Democratic voters there for 2008; at the moment other Democratic hopefuls like Mrs. Clinton are being called formidable by Republican commentators; at the moment John Kerry is being written off as a has-been among presidential contenders.
Consistency has never been Mr. Kerry’s strong suit, but this is exceptional. We don’t know whether the actions are sheerly cynical or a cynical calculation coupled with colossal bumbling. It would be “bumbling” because prospects in Iraq are looking better this week than they have in some time, and American voters are noticing. The Iraqi government has filled key cabinet posts. A massive raid on insurgent positions is underway (452 raids and 104 insurgent deaths have reportedly happened since Zarqawi’s death). Even if this is not “the beginning of the end” of al Qaeda in Iraq, the way that bullish officials in Baghdad were quoted as saying yesterday, the timing suggests that Mr. Kerry might not even care if it was. The position he espoused this week would doubtlessly unintentionally play right into the hands of the enemy’s strategy, which is to survive long enough to grind away the American will to fight.
Mr. Kerry was a flip-flopper during the 2004 campaign. Now, apparently, he is an even bigger flip-flopper. He seems not to have learned anything from 2004. Even now, with more than two years to go until his next shot at the presidency, his finger in the wind still directs him, even on matters as vital as Iraq.
Wild Thing’s comment…..
I just can’t stand to even hear a MR. in front of Hanoi Kerry’s name. UGH!
A toast to
each of you
for coming to
Theodore’s World Blog
aka PC Free Zone Gazette
My blog started on September 21,2005 and I want to thank each one of you for your awesome support, kindness and friendships. You all mean so much to me! Thank you for your input, your comments, your joy, rants and tears as we talk about the good, bad and ugliness in this world.
We support our troops together as one and I love you for that too. Thank you to all of you that are Veterans, thank you for serving our country and even today going that extra mile as you get the word out on things happening that are against America and your sharing about politics, and the war.
Thank you for the pings, the trackbacks and support since day one of my having this little blog. It has all meant so much to me. I have met some of the finest men and women in the entire world from having this blog and I am truly blessed and honored.
Thank you to the troops, thank you for peeking in here and your emails letting me know how you are doing.
Our friendships will go on into forever and always live in my heart.
On this day, Theodore’s World blog aka PC Free Zone has hit the 100,000 mark.
I toast each one of you and there is plenty of champaign for each of you.
Thank you to my blog Mom Linda at Something…..and Half of Something for helping me set up my blog. And to my blog Uncle Vinnie at Vince aut Morire
Thank you
((((((( hugs )))))))
Wild Thing
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