26 Jun

Guard The Borders Blogburst

A total disconnect
‘Twixt rulers and the ruled.
The country will be wrecked.
Who do they think they’ve fooled?
Both Parties I accuse,
The Elephant and Mule;
Together in this ruse,
United in misrule.
A flood tide of those who
Assimilate will not!
Both Parties know ’tis true
And still they say: So What!
They think that they can hide
Behind their guards and gates;
Escape the rising tide
And leave us to our fates.
But when our culture falls
And Dear beset by Dire
Is dashed against the walls —
None will escape entire.
All this for labor cheap —
Undone our way of life
By alien hatred deep,
Sundered in alien strife.
What makes them act this way?
Have they not eyes to see?
The People they betray!
Is this Democracy?
~ © Richard Sutta
(used with permission)

The following article is reprinted with permission via Minuteman HQ email.

An Update from the Minuteman Fence Project Manager

First, let me say thanks to the brave ranchers who are stepping up to put their lives on the line to stop the illegal invasion. They live and work within spitting distance of the Mexican border every day. These brave men and women are working side by side with Minutemen in this war zone they call home, allowing us to secure America.
Second, let’s be clear. Not every single mile of the border or every ranch or rancher is the same. The full-on Israeli-style Security Fence is our primary design and first choice for construction. However, when circumstances dictate adjustment to a Border Fence with barbed wire and a vehicle barrier or another design to meet local requirements, we will make the necessary adaptations—and keep building.

Our plan: Do the job until our government does its duty.

    * Announce the need for the Minuteman Border Fence.
    * Ask again that President Bush do his duty and secure the border.
    * Schedule a groundbreaking to get the Border Fence launched.
    * Begin raising the $55 million needed for 70 miles of fence in AZ.
    * Work with ranchers to design fence to meet specific private landsite requirements.
    * Get steel and contractors to manage the sites.
    * Register and vet fencing volunteers.
    * Build a Minuteman Fence Security Plan to patrol fencing.
    * Set up Volunteer Crews administration and crew management
    * Continue to build fence as fast as resources allow.
    * Start more sites in TX, CA and NM as donations and volunteer capacity permit.
    * Continue Border Watch and Fence Operations until the border is secure.

Click to view details of fence diagram.

A Comprehensive Design

Numerous fence design variations will be required to effectively deal with border crossings by illegal aliens, drug dealers and livestock. Derivation from the primary design is necessary to accommodate local ranchers’ specific terrain, topography, herds and other factors.
The important point to remember is that MCDC will not let Vincente Fox tell us or the US ranchers we are working with where or what we can build. No matter what the fence design, MCDC will erect a well-built fence—and fences work. We know they are effective, because we see the results; incursions reduced, and all of the opposition groups and open border supporters screaming to stop the fence.
1) Security Fence – Illegal alien crossing design: A physical barrier capable of stopping people and vehicles has been designed to fit the general terrain. It is also a daunting psychological deterrent that cuts illegal crossings by 95% or more. The security fence will not be easy to compromise by climbing over with a ladder, cannot be cut with wire cutters, breached by ramming with a vehicle, or tunneling under undetected. While no fence can be a 100% impenetrable barrier—the Minuteman Border Fence is an excellent design and will prove time-consuming enough that Border Patrol agents can be alerted and respond before the incursion can be completed.
Our fence plan will keep costs near $150 per foot.
2) Border Fence – Halting drug dealers, illegal aliens and livestock: This style of fence is necessary where full Security Fencing cannot be installed. A physical barrier with a 5 wire barbed wire fence 5′ 6″ high, a vehicle barrier with a horizontal steel barrier in 12’ sections welded to steel post 30” high and razor wire on the ground between the wire fence and the vehicle barrier. This barrier will stop vehicles and cattle and slow down illegal aliens.
This design similar to Border Patrol designs is intended to accomplish the following: Mexican drugs are coming across the border in vehicles and on the backs of mules. The steel barrier stops drug vehicles and is high enough to stop mules from walking over and low enough to keep them from going under. The barbed wire fence keeps Mexican livestock in Mexico. Thousands of diseased Mexican cattle are presently allowed to walk freely into the US unchecked, and MCDC is working with our ranchers to stop the spread of disease. This design is cheaper and faster to erect where urgent conditions warrant, especially in cases of diseased cattle incursions.
Schedule Facts:
April 20, 2006 – Chris Simcox announces the Minuteman Border Fence is to be built if President Bush does not send armed troops to secure the US – Mexico border by Memorial Day 2006.

May 27, 2006
– Successful groundbreaking was held in Arizona on Memorial Day weekend. First 2.5 miles of 10 miles of Border Fence erected. Continue fence fundraising through direct mail, email, national radio affiliates and national speaking tours.

May 27 to June 30
– Finished the first 2.5 mile section of fence, applied for permission on next 7.5 miles, repaired vandalized fence, ordered steel, finalized fence design/civil engineering specifications, retained two local Arizona contractors who hire legally, started vetting volunteers for work crews, completed volunteer delivery of donated construction truck, continue next 7.5 miles, acquire vehicle barrier steel, install vehicle barrier, test/install fence camera technology, plan and implement 24×7 fence security.

June 27
– Second site layout to be finished.

July 6-15
– Security Fence at second location starts.
Peter Kunz
Project Manager
Minuteman Border Fence


A Successful Start on a Security Fence
The successful groundbreaking was held in Arizona on Memorial Day weekend,

This has been a production of the Guard the Borders Blogburst. It was started by Euphoric Reality, and serves to keep immigration issues in the forefront of our minds as we’re going about our daily lives and continuing to fight the war on terror. If you are concerned with the trend of illegal immigration facing our country, join our Blogburst! Just send an email with your blog name and url to euphoricrealitynet at gmail dot com.

* Euphoric Reality


25 Jun

The Left’s Complaints of Torture to US Soldiers Are AWOL

Wild Thing’s comment……
The bodies of 2 of our soldiers were found just this last Monday ( June 21). I agree with this video, where is the outrage? Where are all the political talking heads that were so upset about Abu Ghraib over panties on a terrorists head.

25 Jun

U.N. Conference on Small Arms

U.N. Conference on small arms will convene this week
As we recently reported, the “U.N. Conference to Review Progress Made in the Implementation of the Programme of Action to Prevent and Eradicate the Illicit Trade in Small Arms and Light Weapons in All Its Aspects,” will begin Monday, June 26.
The conference’s absurdly lengthy title tells you all you need to know–this meeting is about “action to prevent and eradicate” your rights. And make no mistake, the U.N., fueled and financed by the likes of Rebecca Peters and George Soros, is trying to do just that (if you have any doubt about where Rebecca Peters stands on the issue of a U.N. sanctioned ban on your firearms, please visit HERE to view video of her publicly stating her views). But they’re in for a fight.
As CNN.com reported this week, conference chairman Prasad Kariyawasam has received more than 100,000 letters of complaint from Americans who want the U.N. to stay out of the business of regulating lawful gun ownership in the United States.
To learn how you can continue to fight the U.N.’s Global Gun Ban and save Your Right to Keep and Bear Arms, please visit www.stopUNgunban.org, or call (800) 672-0636. This site provides valuable information and an opportunity to order Wayne LaPierre’s new book The Global War On Your Guns. The book spells out a chilling warning that gun owners in the United States and abroad must heed, and exposes a far-reaching scheme to pass a global ban on civilian ownership of arms–including yours.
Wild Thing’s comment…….
The UN counters to our nation’s interests at every turn. It’s long past time we ended our membership and removed them from our country. We in many ways legitimize their existence by being a part of it.

* thank you Jack ( Conservative Insurgents)

24 Jun

Court Bars Info Request On NSA Wiretapping

A federal appeals court on Friday declined to force the government to turn over information on the National Security Agency’s wiretapping program to a man charged in a terrorism case.
The 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled in the case of Yassin Aref, an imam at an Albany mosque who is accused of laundering money for an FBI informant posing as an arms dealer.
Aref wanted the government to say whether any of the evidence against him had been gathered through the warrantless electronic surveillance program, which has been challenged by some civil liberties groups.
He asked the court to force the NSA to reveal details of the program, rule it illegal and toss out evidence gathered from it. The New York Civil Liberties Union joined Aref’s motion.
Much of the legal debate over the request has been conducted under a shroud of secrecy because of the program’s classified nature, with key court documents available only to those with security clearance.
Although the government made redacted portions of some documents available to the defense, Aref petitioned the appeals court for greater access.
The three-judge panel said it didn’t have jurisdiction to grant much of what Aref requested.
Aref and Mohammed Hossain, a pizzeria owner and mosque member, are accused of laundering money from 2003 to 2004 for the FBI informant, a Pakistani businessman posing as an arms dealer. The mosque was raided by federal agents on Aug. 5, 2004, following a yearlong sting.

* Stop the ACLU

24 Jun

Theodore’s World’s Reply to the New York Times

Wild Thing’s comment……..The New York Times has teamed up with the death cult of Islam. Yes folks time and time again the NYTimes shows the world whose side they are on. What they have been donig is TREASON and there is no other word for it. No flowering it up to excuse it away. What the NY Times has been doing is putting the lives of Americans in danger and our troops in more danger as well. The NY TImes does not care about America they want it destroyed. And they have been working overtime to prove this to us and to the world.
We should demand this be treated for what it is TREASON! There MUST be consequences and I am sick and tired of our government allowing treason to continue either from a newspaper like this or from people like Kerry, Murtha etc.

Leaks and the Law
The case for prosecuting the New York Times.

Weekly Standard
CAN JOURNALISTS REALLY BE PROSECUTED for publishing national security secrets? In the wake of a series of New York Times stories revealing highly sensitive counterterrorism programs, that question is increasingly the talk of newsrooms across the country, and especially one newsroom located on West 43rd Street in Manhattan.
Last December, in the face of a presidential warning that they would compromise ongoing investigations of al Qaeda, the Times revealed the existence of an ultrasecret terrorist surveillance program of the National Security Agency and provided details of how it operated. Now, once again in the face of a presidential warning, the Times has published a front-page article disclosing a highly classified U.S. intelligence program that successfully penetrated the international bank transactions of al Qaeda terrorists.
Although the editors of the Times act as if prosecution is not a possibility, not everyone concurs. One person who is still mulling the matter over is Attorney General Alberto Gonzales. Asked in late May about the prospect of prosecuting the Times and others who publish classified information, he by no means ruled it out. “There are some statutes on the books,” he said, “which, if you read the language carefully, would seem to indicate that that is a possibility.”
Unsurprisingly, given what is at stake, even that tentative opinion elicited a fire and brimstone denunciation from the Times. An editorial on May 24 dismissed as “bizarre” the attorney general’s “claim that a century-old espionage law could be used to muzzle the press.” It has long been understood, added the newspaper, that the “overly broad and little used” Espionage Act of 1917 applies only to government officials and “not to journalists.”
But this interpretation, even if it were accurate (which it is not), is entirely beside the point. The attorney general did not mention the 1917 Espionage Act or any other specific law. But if the editors of the paper were to take a look at the U.S. Criminal Code, they would find that they have run afoul not of the Espionage Act but of another law entirely: Section 798 of Title 18, the so-called Comint statute.
Unambiguously taking within its reach the publication of the NSA terrorist surveillance story (though arguably not the Times’s more recent terrorist banking story), Section 798 reads, in part:

Whoever knowingly and willfully communicates, furnishes, transmits, or otherwise makes available to an unauthorized person, or publishes, or uses in any manner prejudicial to the safety or interest of the United States or for the benefit of any foreign government to the detriment of the United States any classified information . . . concerning the communication intelligence activities of the United States . . . shall be fined not more than $10,000 or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both [emphasis added].

This law, passed by Congress in 1950 as it was considering ways to avert a second Pearl Harbor during the Cold War, has a history that is highly germane to the present conduct of the Times. According to the 1949 Senate report accompanying its passage, the publication in the early 1930s of a book offering a detailed account of U.S. successes in breaking Japanese diplomatic codes inflicted “irreparable harm” on our security.
PLEASE go HERE to read the entire article. Thank you.

* Michelle Malkin
Write to the NY traitors:
fax (212)556-3622
Letters to the Editor
The New York Times
229 West 43rd Street
New York, NY 10036

24 Jun

I Prefer This Version of ‘Imagine’

Imagine, With No Apologies To John Lennon
by Big Dog

Imagine there’s no Muslims
It’s easy if you try
Just drop a bomb upon them
Watch the bastards fry
Imagine all the people
Rejoicing in their pain
Imagine there’s no jihadis
It isn’t hard to do
If we eliminate them
And their religion too
Imagine all the people
living without these fleas
You may say I’m pissed off
But I’m not the only one
I hope some day to be rid of
Mohammad’s terrorist sons
Imagine no more terrorists
An issue really big
All the Allah Akbars
Buried with a pig
Imagine all the virgins
freed from this disease
You may say I’m uncaring
But I say it’s a lot of fun
To rid the world of this vermin
So let’s kill them and be done

This is one of those times when you see something that just has to be shared with the world. I love what Big Dog has done with this song. Thank you Big Dog!!! It is brillant!

* BIG DOG blog

24 Jun

7 Terrorists in Miami – Foiled- Thank you!

The group has been under surveillance for some time and was infilitrated by a government informant who allegedly led them to believe he was an Islamic radical, a Justice Department official said.
The group had expressed interest and discussed bombing targets in Miami and the Sears Tower in Chicago, sources familiar with the investigation said.
Sources say the arrests reflect the government’s concern about so-called “homegrown terrorists.” It’s a threat FBI Director Robert Mueller discussed during a recent speech in New York.

FBI arrests 7 in alleged terror plot
Seven people were arrested Thursday in connection with the early stages of a plot to attack Chicago’s Sears Tower and other buildings in the U.S., federal law-enforcement sources told NBC News.
Residents near the warehouse said FBI agents spent several hours in the neighborhood showing photos of the suspects and seeking information. They said the men had lived in the area about a year.
Residents said the men taken into custody described themselves as Mulims and had tried to recruit young people to join their group, which seemed militaristic.

“They slept there” in the warehouse, said Tashawn Rose, 29. “They would come out late at night and exercise. It seemed like a military boot camp that they were working on there. They would come out and stand guard.”

She talked to one of them about a month ago. “They seemed brainwashed. They said they had given there lives to Allah,” Rose said.
She said they tried to recruit her younger brother and nephew for a karate class but it never happened.

“It was weird,” Rose said.

Benjamin Williams, 17, said the group had young children with them sometimes.

“We were under the assumption that they were opening up a garage business,” he said, adding that they wore normal clothes “but sometimes they would cover their faces. Sometimes they would wear things on their heads, like turbins.”

A man calling himself Brother Corey and claiming to be a member of the group told CNN that the individuals who worship at the building call themselves the “Seas of David.”
Their plan intended to “kill all the devils we can.”

Wild Thing’s comment…..
The day this happened (yesterday) I was away all day and was not around to post about this. Maybe it is a good thing, I would have gone ballistic about the comments I have heard being made how the FBI has to defend themselves and how touchie feelie the media is being toward these terrorists. Shocking is not even close to how I feel about the reaction of the media in their response to this.
Now I ask you why on earth is anyone surprised that we have homegrown terrorists! I mean we have allowed Mosques to be on our land, Saudi Universities, Muslim camps, etc. all of these teach hate and more of their Quran teachings from their favorite terrorist of all their Muhammad. I am not surprised one bit only disappointed that the left does not get it and never will. It seems they think that if they speak up and for the terrorists they will be safe and this is simply not reality.
We are at war with Islam and it is as simple and as dangerous as that, dangerous for Islam because we kick ass and our troops deliver the ass kicking most splendidly!

24 Jun

What Fun to Meet Blogger Friends

Having a blog is very special to me and one of the great things that happens can be a chance to meet other bloggers in person. As many of you know I have met my blog mom, Linda of Something….and Half of Something, in person. We have known each other for many years, long before either of us had a blog. Outside of blogging she is the sister I have always wanted.
This last week I was honored and blessed to be able to meet two other bloggers I have admired. We have become friends after meeting online and now we were able to meet in person. My blog Uncle Vinnie of Vince Aut Morire and his beautiful wife Merri of Merri Musings. It was also special for me to meet their children and what a pure joy it was meeting them too.
We had such a wonderful time of laughter and great conversation. We were also able to go to Busch Gardens only an hour away in Tampa together, and then a relaxing dinner at a friend of Linda’s that lived in the area. The day went way too fast, but every minute was filled with cherised memories.
How special it is to meet someone that you have met online and already know your hearts and souls have the same desire for our country and a bonding that will last forever.