04 Aug

Rumsfeld Takes On Hillary

Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton on Thursday called on Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld to resign, hours after excoriating him at a public hearing over what she called “failed policy” in Iraq.

CLICK HERE , for the C-Span coverage (in Real Player).
Scan to 1:45:40 for Hillary’s remarks and to 1:50:45 for Rumsfeld’s response. (If you make the window wider than the default, precise scrolling is easier.)

Wild Thing’s comment……
Hillary is the one who ought to resign. She has a lot of nerve to question anyone about anything. She is disgusting beyond words. She belongs in a dungeon with no food or water for the rest of her sick commie life.
Rumsfeld was at the hearing at the specific insistence of Hillary and a few other Dems. It was not essential, the Generals could have handled it, but they insisted. Then they launch their attacks. Just a pathetic, planned media ploy that gave Rummy a chance to put all in their place.
Leadership is something the Democrats will never be accused of having. Everytime they have an occasion to tuck-tail and run, they do so. They can always be counted on to talk a lot but not do a damn thing. Democrats are such “pattern people”…no good for playing chess or poker, that’s for sure.

04 Aug

Nasrallah Thinks Tel Aviv Is Capitol Of Israel ~ LOL

Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah threatened to bomb Tel Aviv during a TV address Thursday night, should Israel attack in Beirut. His threat was delivered in a broadcast over Hizballah’s mouthpiece, al Manar TV.

“If you indeed do this, I say this clearly. I won’t use terms I used up to now, past Haifa, but I will say clearly and in a way that is not open to interpretation: If you bomb our capital we’ll bomb your capital. We’ll bomb Tel Aviv and we can do this.”

04 Aug

U.N. Official Says “Hezbollah deserves U.S. respect”

Mark Malloch Brown LOVES the Hezbollah

U.N. boss: Hezbollah deserves U.S. respect
Global group’s deputy secretary-general would give terrorists conference-table seat
A top United Nations official says to quiet the “demons” across the “wider Islamic world” the United States and the international community must respect Hezbollah as a political party, not a terrorist organization.
“Everybody would want a solution here which takes away the recruiting power of Hezbollah in the broader Arab world,” said Mark Malloch Brown, the U.N.’s deputy secretary general.
That would be one, he said, that “allows Hezbollah a political as against a militia future inside an independent Lebanon.”
The military conflagration in the Mideast going on now was sparked by Hezbollah’s military attack on Israel, and Brown said if Hezbollah and its supporters are given that political acknowledgement the motivation for military attacks would decline.

Wild Thing’s comment……
British numb brain that whined about Rush Limbaugh and Fox news a few weeks back, and got taken apart by John Bolton, and everyone else. I suggest the fool remain in Britain, where they are happy to listen to his nonsense, and not bother to come back.
Ask the Marines that were bombed in Beirut about Hezballah!!
Of all of the insulting things to say to a nation who has had it’s citizens murdered by these monsters! Respect? I will NEVER respect any of these lower than snake terrorists! How dare he say this! I have no respect for the UN either. It is official, the world is nuts!
The U.N. is a terrorist organization. It is dominated by the Islamofascist virus and it needs to be eradicated once and for all, by any means necessary.

03 Aug

Rightroots ~ Great Things Are Possible With People Who Do Things

Rightroots is a broad coalition of conservatives joining together in support of a solid slate of Republican candidates for the US House and Senate. Properly funded, these candidates represent our best chance to retain control of Congress and to enact a conservative agenda.
The bloggers and groups listed at the right have come together to support this slate, and together with ABCPAC.com and your generous support, will expand our conservative majority in November.

John Hawkins
This is the plan…………….

In order to do that, we’re going to need a lot of help from the blogosphere and talk radio, which is why I’m contacting you.
What would we like you to do?
#1) We’d like you endorse the list. (Endorsements will be listed on the Rightroots page)
#2) We’d love for you to link the list today. The bigger start we can get right off the bat and the more buzz we can generate, the better.
#3) If you’re part of any big Republican mailing lists, forums, or know any big name conservatives you could pass this onto, it would be great!
#4) It would be fantastic if you permanently link the Rightroots page, preferably in a prominent spot.
#5) Usually with a blogosphere story, you link it once and go on. In this case, we’re hoping that people will link this list once or twice a week from now until the election. That’s the key factor that will really keep the money rolling in.
Now, what if you don’t feel comfortable endorsing the list or promoting all the candidates?
No problem! If you just support a candidate or two on the list, feel free to send your readers over to the Rightroots list to donate to them. On the other hand, even if you don’t want to do that, there may still be some news value in comparing what this list raises to the liberal list.
The more people talk about us and link to us, the better for the slate of candidates — and for you. Keep in mind that this is a project that has the potential to benefit the whole right side of the blogosphere. You ever wondered why Democratic politicians pay so much attention to liberal bloggers? A big part of the reason is because they raise money for them. If we do a good job of fund raising, it will raise our prestige level and profile. Make no mistake about it, if we can raise more money than the left side of the blogosphere over the final three months of the campaign, it will get politicians and journalists talking about the influence of the right side of the blogosphere — and that’s good for all of us!

Read more about it at Right Wing News, and at Mary Katherine Ham’s Townhall article and at Lorie Byrd’s post at Wizbang, and PLEASE, y’all, go over to the Rightroots/ABCPAC site and give it your support.

And you can find graphcis for this to use at your blog HERE.

Wild Thing’s comment……
We can complain till the cows come home and it won’t make a difference. Action is what makes a difference and the left has always been better at this then we are on the right. We have watched PC take over step by step, inch by inch and then wonder how America has become soooo PC. Well PC began way back when I was in grade school and it has proven one thing.
The left is good at winning one battle at a time. They know they cannot win the war in one move so they choose to win one hill, one battle and then the next. We as Republicans like to win the whole shabang at once and that is one of the things that cause us not to win anything.
The left is paid to protest the right is NOT, we do it because we believe in our causes and do not expect to be paid for it. We have jobs and the left, well many do not and insted they get money from the vile leftie groups to do nothing more then protest and push their agenda of destruction to America.
I for one will not be one of the ones that is only a keyboard patriot, I want action and will do what I can to make a difference.
Please send this post out to all you know that love America. We CAN make a difference but it takes an effort. Let’s not let the left win this next election on anything. They do NOT love America.

* My Vast Right Wing Conspiracy
* Blue Star Chronicles

03 Aug

Did Barney the Dog Join the Cult of Islam?

A guard dog has ripped apart a collection of rare teddy bears, including one once owned by Elvis Presley, during a rampage at a children’s museum.

“He just went berserk,” said Daniel Medley, general manager of the Wookey Hole Caves near Wells, England, where hundreds of bears were chewed up Tuesday night by the 6-year-old Doberman pinscher named Barney.
Barney ripped the head off a brown stuffed bear once owned by the young Presley during the attack, leaving fluffy stuffing and bits of bears’ limbs and heads on the museum floor. The bear, named Mabel, was made in 1909 by the German manufacturer Steiff.
The collection, valued at more than $900,000, included a red bear made by Farnell in 1910 and a Bobby Bruin made by Merrythought in 1936.
The bear with Elvis connections was owned by English aristocrat Benjamin Slade, who bought it at an Elvis memorabilia auction in Memphis, Tenn., and had loaned it to the museum.
“I’ve spoken to the bear’s owner and he is not very pleased at all,” Medley said.
A security guard at the museum, Greg West, said he spent several minutes chasing Barney before wrestling the dog to the ground.

Wild Thing’s comment…….
I have had dogs and kitties all my life and never had one attack my teddy bear collection. Sometimes a dog will adopt a bear for his own and sleep with it and play with it. So this story is very odd indeed. Since the Islam is the cult of death and destruction I will just say that dear ole Barney must have the heart of a Muslim.

* Something…..and Half of Something

03 Aug

In Country With Our Troops

US soldiers have lunch at the shopping area of the Kandahar military base, south Afghanistan

A Soldier from the 4th Brigade, 101st Airborne Division posts a warning notice to insurgents in an area east of Baghdad. This photo appeared on www.army.mil

Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Peter Pace signs a message on a Soldier’s howitzer round. The Soldier is from 4th Brigade, 10th Mountain Division at Camp Salerno, Afghanistan. This photo appeared on www.army.mil.

CAMP TAJI, Iraq – Lt. Col. Dave Thompson, commander, 7th Squadron, 10th Cavalry Regiment, 1st Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry Division, speaks to the squadron July 22 about the exploits eight Soldiers presented the Bronze Star Medal with V device and four Army Commendation Medal with V device. “We earned these medals rescuing fellow Soldiers from burning vehicles and killing terrorists,” Thompson said. “Usually battalion commanders don’t get to give these out, but I presented a bunch of them. I’ll never forget this day.” (U.S. Army photo by Maj. David Olson, 1st BCT PAO, 4th Inf. Div.)

Blackanthem Military News, CAMP TAJI, Iraq – As the sun began to set on 7th Squadron, 10th Cavalry Regiment, 1st Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry Division, the squadron commander presented 45 troopers with medals and badges during a mid-tour awards ceremony at Camp Taji July 22.
Lt. Col. Dave Thompson, commander, 7th Sqdn., presented eight Bronze Star Medals with V device for valor during combat operations, four Army Commendation Medals with V device for valor during combat, 13 ARCOMs for achievement, 21 Combat Action Badges for satisfactory performance under hostile fire with the enemy and two Combat Medical Badges for satisfactory performance of medical duties under hostile fire.
In a speech to the troopers, Thompson praised his Soldiers.

Wild Thing’s comment……
Thank you troops for all you do, for the tremendous risks you take and sacrifices you make everyday. God keep you safe!
You have my OK to kill lots of terrorists! Take no prisoners and save yourself the grief of the terrorists loving media and lefties.

03 Aug


Wild Thing’s comment……..
This little documentary film was made by Second Draft.

03 Aug

Gillerman on Carter

Inside the Beltway
Israeli Ambassador to the United Nations Dan Gillerman doesn’t like former President Jimmy Carter meddling in Israeli affairs.
Asked on C-SPAN’s Washington Journal program to comment on Mr. Carter’s opinion column in yesterday’s Washington Post calling on Israel to withdraw from Lebanese territory and release its prisoners, the ambassador replied:

“I think that President Carter’s appearances, op-eds, and speeches are an embarrassment. I think that they are an embarrassment to the great institution of the presidency. I mean, President Carter wasn’t that great of a president to start with … I really don’t know what has happened to him over the last few years.”

Wild Thing’s comment……
God bless you Dan Gillerman.
Dan Gillerman is totally awesome, everytime he speaks on any of the TV political shows I want to stand up and cheer. I wish I had that feeling with our politicians. WOW…. Gillerman thank you!

03 Aug

Peanuts for Brains Carter

Jimmy Carter at it Again
by John Gibson
Tuesday he ( Jimmy Carter) writes in The Washington Post that Israel has a right to defend itself, but it shouldn’t make civilians in Lebanon suffer and expect them to blame Hezbollah for the devastation and death from Israeli return fire.
Thus, according to Carter logic, if Hezbollah fires rockets at Israelis from the middle of Lebanese civilians — as the U.N. says Hezbollah has in fact done — then Israel must not shoot back because civilians might be hurt or killed.
Carter says it is inhumane to make Lebanese civilians suffer. OK, agreed. But it is also wrong to exempt Hezbollah from blame for the suffering it has brought on its own people.
Under these peculiar Carter rules, Hezbollah can always shoot at Israel as long as they do it from areas with heavy civilian populations.
Hezbollah picks the places to fire rockets, and so it picks the places Israel will attack in response.

02 Aug

~ * ~ Happy Birthday Rhod! ~ * ~
