12 Aug

Might As Well Say Hezbollah Is Running The UN

UN rights council sets up probe of Israeli attacks in Lebanon
The UN Human Rights Council voted to set up a commission of inquiry into “systematic” Israeli attacks on civilians in Lebanon, despite fears that it could upset diplomatic moves to end the conflict.
Twenty-seven countries in the 47-member Council backed a resolution submitted by Islamic Nations, including China, Russia and South Africa, setting aside concerns that the resolution was one-sided because it failed to tackle attacks by Hezbollah in northern Israel.
Eleven countries, mainly European Union nations and Japan, voted against. Eight more abstained, while one was absent.
The draft resolution proposed by member states in the Organisation of Islamic Conference “strongly condemns grave Israeli violations of human rights and breaches of international humanitarian law in Lebanon.”
It called on Israel to “immediately stop military operations against civilian population.”
The Council decided to urgently dispatch “a high level commission of inquiry” composed of experts on human rights and humanitarian law to “investigate the systematic targeting and killings of civilians by Israel in Lebanon.”
The United States, which is only an observer on the Council, believed that the session was “potentially counter-productive to the Security Council’s efforts” to deal with the conflict, ambassador Warren Tichenor said.
The vote also ignored a warning by the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Louise Arbour, who said that an inquiry must also cover rocket attacks by Hezbollah on northern Israel and the alleged use of human shields by the group.

“The independence, impartiality and objectivity of such an inquiry must be guaranteed not only by the credibility of the panel members, but also the scope and methodology of their mandate,” she said.

However, Arbour said a balanced probe was necessary and insisted before the vote that the crisis “demands a firm and meaningful response from this Council.

“There is a clear and urgent need to bring clarity to a situation in which facts and allegations are now given the same credit but without the benefit of systematic, independent, thorough and credible scrutiny,” she told the special session.

Negotiations between the OIC states and Western nations to try to modify the text failed despite an added call for all parties to refrain from violence against civilians.
Israel, which is not a member of the Council, rejected the resolution was one-sided.

“It is painful and regrettable that the Council made a distinction between the sufferings, the blood and the deaths, and this failure will forever be written in the annals of that body,” said Israeli ambassador Itzhak Levanon.

Arbour had earlier told the Council that “Israeli attacks affecting civilians continue unabated,” while Hezbollah’s “indiscriminate” shelling of northern Israel was “unrelenting.”
Indiscriminate attacks and human shields are prohibited, she warned while advance warnings of bombardments did not relieve the warring sides of their legal obligation to spare civilians.
The UN rights chief underlined that those in “positions of command and control,” could be held personally responsible for those breaches and face war crimes charges.

“I reminded all belligerents that war crimes and crimes against humanity may be committed even by those who believe, accurately or not, that their combat is a just one and their cause a worthy pursuit,” she added.

In Lebanon, more than 1,000 civilians — nearly one-third of them children under 12 — have been killed and nearly a million have fled their homes.
About 120 people have died in Hezbollah rocket attacks in northern Israel.
Human rights groups including Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch and the International Commission of Jurists said an inquiry should be set up by UN Secretary General Kofi Annan or the Security Council.

Wild Thing’s comment….
The hate for Jews is strong, and seeking favor with the Hezbollah is growing among the left on all levels. This is outrageous and should anger everyone that realizes we are at war with Isalm.

12 Aug

UN ambassador Dan Gillerman Speaking To The Anti-Semitic Security Council

Israel warns of “greater tragedy” if Lebanon does not change
12 August 2006
Israel warned the world would face an even “greater tragedy” in the Middle East if the resolution passed by the UN Security Council on Friday did not produce change in Lebanon.

“A resolution alone will do nothing,” Israel’s UN ambassador Dan Gillerman told the Security Council of the UN statement calling for the disarmament of Hezbollah and the establishment of an arms free zone in southern Lebanon after the withdrawal of Israeli troops.

“Unless the tools set out in this resolution are used, with resolve and decisiveness, we will be back at this table — if not in a week then in a month or a year, facing an even greater tragedy.

“For then the terrorists, supplied no doubt with even more lethal weapons by Iran, will be yet further emboldened by yet another demonstration of our lack of commitment and will.”

Gillerman put the blame for the conflict on Lebanon, accusing the Lebanese government of failing to control Hezbollah and establish its authority over the country.
Israel launched its strikes against southern Lebanon on July 12 after Hezbollah, which dominates southern Lebanon, abducted two Israeli soldiers. The conflict has since left more than 1,100 dead in the two countries.

“Israel, like any state, has the right and duty to defend its citizens from Hezbollah’s unprovoked attacks,” said Gillerman. ”However it is ready to respond to the calls of this council and to give another chance to the government of Lebanon and the international community to create a new reality on the ground.”

Gillerman also warned that the alleged airline-bombing plot uncovered by Britain this week was a sign that terrorism that has become a mark of the Middle East is a threat to the whole world.

He said the foiled plot showed that “The tragedy we have seen in our region over the past weeks … is but a preview of a coming attraction, produced by Iran, directed by Syria, acted by terrorist groups, soon to be seen in a theater near you.”

Wild Thing’s comment…….
I like Dan Gillerman, I respect him. He is NOT anything like Olmert. What Gillerman said is true. They will be back at the tables again….”if not in a week then in a month or a year, facing an even greater tragedy.”…….He knows it because he knows what the Hezbollah is about.
A cease-fire is not peace!!!! In a true peace a new understanding has been reached with ironclad promises for both sides not to attack the other. In a “ceasefire”, there is no new understanding; both sides have merely agreed to stop killing each other for the time being. And we all know that that is impossible for the Hezbollah! In this case Hezbollah, whether it is firing missiles at Israel or not, is still dedicated wholly to its destruction. That is not peace. It is an interim for rearming for the Hezbollah!
This is vile horrible news about this freaking so called cease fire has me so angry. If this goes final, Hezbollah will gain even more credibility in the Muslim world. They were already credited for getting Israel to withdraw from Lebanon in the first place.
Olmert is giving the Hezbollah a victory. The IDF did declare that it needed time to destroy those terrorists but Olmert’s patience ran out and he is capitulating to France’s demand.
They are TERRORISTS…that’s what they DO. They have sworn to kill all Israelis and drive them into the sea. This isn’t over by a long shot.

This post linked over at Basil’s blog

11 Aug

Say Thank You To Our Troops

Here is a chance to send a postcard to our service men and women serving overseas. I have posted 3 samples and there are more at this website called Let’s Say Thanks.
The mission of Let’s Say Thanks is to provide a way for individuals across the country to recognize U.S. troops stationed overseas. By submitting a message through this site you will send a free personalized postcard greeting to deployed servicemen and women.
To date, more than 12,000 postcards have been mailed to soldiers. Xerox is committed to helping people across the nation express their gratitude to our troops overseas. The launch of this program is aimed at reminding them how much Americans appreciate their service.

Wild Thing’s comments……
I am so proud of Xerox, thank you so much for what you are doing. And thank you Beth at MVRWC for telling me about this.

11 Aug

US Marine Humvee

Thank you John 5 (VN69/70) for the photo.

11 Aug

Love In War Time

Love is a Battlefield IDF soldier received heart shaped cookie somewhere near the Lebanon border….

God bless all our troops and the IDF as they fight our enemy Islam.

11 Aug

Hey CAIR ! Get Over It! BOO HOO

US Muslims bristle at Bush term “Islamic fascists”
WASHINGTON (Reuters) –
U.S. Muslim groups criticized President George W. Bush on Thursday for calling a foiled plot to blow up airplanes part of a “war with Islamic fascists,” saying the term could inflame anti-Muslim tensions.
U.S. officials have said the plot, thwarted by Britain, to blow up several aircraft over the Atlantic bore many of the hallmarks of al Qaeda.
“We believe this is an ill-advised term and we believe that it is counter-productive to associate Islam or Muslims with fascism,” said Nihad Awad, executive director of the Council on American-Islamic Relations advocacy group.
“We ought to take advantage of these incidents to make sure that we do not start a religious war against Islam and Muslims,” he told a news conference in Washington.
“We urge him (Bush) and we urge other public officials to restrain themselves.”
Awad said U.S. officials should take the lead from their British counterparts who had steered clear of using what he considered inflammatory terms when they announced the arrest of more than 20 suspects in the reported plot.
Hours after the news broke, Bush said it was “a stark reminder that this nation is at war with Islamic fascists who will use any means to destroy those of us who love freedom, to hurt our nation.”

You can read the REST of ARTICLE HERE

Wild Thing’s comment……
Here they had a chance ONCE AGAIN to be speak out against terrorism and they failed. I am sick of it, totally!
The terrorists, homicide bombers, Hezbollah, etc all have one thing in common…they’re all Muslims!
Well as your sicko the prophet once said, “If the shoe fits, you probably don’t have enough explosives in it”.

11 Aug

Say What? Someone on the Left Not A Hillary Fan heh heh

Over at Blogs Against Hillary there is a great find, telling about a web site created by a liberal to stop Hillary from running in 2008. It is called No Hillary No. How sweet is this, to have one of her own, a liberal doing this.

“If you think Hillary Clinton is going to win the 2008 election you are either seriously deluded or just plain stupid. I realize that the last few years have been difficult and that many of you have retreated into a fantasy land where a Hillary run makes sense, but here in reality, we know better. Hillary Clinton, regardless of her many qualifications, will never win the presidential election in ’08. It simply will not happen and deep down–you know it. The Republicans could run a cross-dressing lipstick smeared Pat Robertson against her and probably win. Little Kenny Mehlman and the crooks who pay his salary and control the RNC are going to, once again, play on the mouth breathing majorities fears and ram another nitwit down our throats. He will appear to be a “moderate” but as soon as he is done taking his oath we will once again get screwed. Think McCain. He has been auditioning for over 6 years now.
I really do not care to repeat the last 6 years. Something has to change.
I am asking Hillary Clinton to forget about Democratic nomination for President in ’08 and to remove herself from consideration. She needs to put an end to the rumors now. She has a job to do as Senator and she needs to focus on doing that job. The Democrats need to field a candidate who can defeat whatever sock puppet the RNC picks. Hillary Clinton is not that candidate. I have nothing against her. She would be a major improvement over the clown currently occupying 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue but facts are facts, she will not receive the votes to become our President. It really is that simple.”

Please go there to read the rest of what is said at Blogs Against Hillary.

11 Aug

Ahmadinejad Demands US Change ‘behavior’

August 10,2006

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad accused the United States of harboring imperial ambitions and demanded the administration change its behavior, in an interview with a US television network.
The Americans “want to build an empire,” said Ahmadinejad, according to excerpts of the interview published by the CBS network on its website Wednesday.
“And they don’t want to live side-by-side in peace with other nations. The American government, sir, it is very clear to me they have to change their behavior and everything will be resolved,” said Ahmadinejad.
The interview, which was to be broadcast in full on Sunday on the “60 minutes” program, coincides with rising tensions between Washington and Tehran over Iran’s disputed nuclear program and Israel’s offensive against Hezbollah in Lebanon.
The hardline Iranian president said the administration of President George W. Bush had adopted a condescending attitude towards Iran over its nuclear program and criticized a UN Security Council resolution requiring Tehran suspend uranium enrichment activities or face the prospect of sanctions.
“Well, please look at the makeup of the American administration, the behavior of the American administration. See how they talk down to my nation. And this recent resolution passed about the nuclear issue, look at the wording.”
The July 31 resolution was pushed through after Iran ignored a previous non-binding deadline and failed to respond to an international offer of a package of incentives in exchange for a moratorium on nuclear fuel work.
Ahmadinejad said Iran was still reviewing the package of incentives.
Western powers had “presented us with a package which we are studying right now,” the president said. “We even gave them a date for our response. Ignoring that, they passed a resolution.”
Ahmadinejad also expressed disappointment that the US administration had not responded to a letter he sent to Bush in May, which Tehran had presented as an important diplomatic initiative.
“Well, (with the letter) I wanted to open a window towards the light for the president so that he can see that one can look on the world through a different perspective,” he said.
The Bush administration, however, dismissed the 18-page letter as little more than a rambling philosophical treatise that offered nothing new on the nuclear crisis.
Ahmadinejad scoffed at Bush for refusing his “invitation” in the form of his letter.
“We are all free to choose. But please give him this message, sir: Those who refuse to accept an invitation will not have a good ending or fate,” he said.
“You see that his approval rating is dropping every day. Hatred vis-a-vis the president is increasing every day around the world.”

Wild Thing’s comment….
“Those who refuse to accept an invitation will not have a good ending or fate,” he said.
OK here is the word Daw’ah – Inviting people to convert to Islam, if they refuse, one is then justified in waging a jihad of extermination. In jiahdi speak, he just made a direct and overt threat on our President.
Hey stinky Ahmadinejad here ya go……….this is the American way tou pissant moon god ( allah) worshiper!

“If you open the can on these worms you must be prepared to go all the way
because they’re not gonna give up the fight until one of you is dead…
Do you want to know how to get Capone?
You’ve got to do it the Chicago Way.
He pulls a knife, you pull a gun.
He sends one o’ yours to the hospital, you send one o’ his to the morgue.
That’s the Chicago way. And that’s how you get Capone.”

10 Aug

Not For Me Nope

McCain-Feingold reminder:
For two months up until the ‘06 election, political ads and agitation will be off-limits.
Amendment I.
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

That is why I don’t need any “interim final rule” to say what I want to say: I already have a permanent, non-negotiable rule—and that rule applies to Congress, not to me. Note that the First Amendment doesn’t have an asterisk which says *unless there’s an election looming.
So McCain/Feingold can shove it where the sun does not shine. We at Theodore’s World aka PC Free Zone blog will not be falling for your BS. I have NO intention of NOT speaking out and they can kiss my ass! I stand on the First Amendment!

* Anti-Idiotarian Rottweiler
* The Other Side of Kim
And a VERY special thank you to John 5 (VN69/70) for the heads up in my email about this.

HEY McCain and Feingold!