Future generations of hate, war, terrorists and death……what hope is there in their cult of death…….none.
Golda Meir was so right and wise. She said it all in one quote by her.

Future generations of hate, war, terrorists and death……what hope is there in their cult of death…….none.
Golda Meir was so right and wise. She said it all in one quote by her.
I never heard of this before but it is for real…………..
Six Flags, New Jersey for an entire day: The Great Muslim Adventure Day.
Insha Allah, September 15, 2006, is the “Great Muslim Adventure Day” at Six Flags, NJ. The park will be open from 10 AM to 11 PM.
Come, join 15,000 Muslims for a day featuring Jummah prayers, quality ethnic Halal food, Islamic bazaar and much more! All this is, of course, in addition to the regular thrills Six Flags Great Adventure is known for, including what is claimed to be the largest safari outside Africa. In addition to the drive-thru safari, tiger and dolphin shows, there will be special shows for children! Special fireworks show is also arranged!
Wild Thing’s comment…..
According to Solomonia blog this event has happened before. IN 2004 and again in 2005.
OK now get this…..I thought ok so is the park open for everyone or Muslims only. So to find out I looked up the contact number online and called them YEP…..one does have to investiagte this shit to find stuff out.
Six Flags Great Adventure
Route 537, P.O. Box 120
Jackson, New Jersey 08527
Guest Relations (732) 928-2000 x2838 This is the number I called.
I asked the girl if anyone could come to the park today or if it was ONLY for Muslims. Here is what she said……….
” The Muslim group bought the rights to the park today, so if anyone wants to come that is not a Muslim they have to buy tickets from the Muslim group renting the park for the entire day. ”
Of course any group can do this if they want to I would imagine. But this kind of thing in my opinion goes right along with the hyphenated Americans. Muslims do not take being Muslim as ONLY a so-called religion. Being Muslim is their country so to speak more then being Americans. They do not assimilate into the country they live in such as America, being true Americans. They make demands for special treatment such the woman that insisted on having her veil on her face for her drivers license etc. They make up attacks and report them to CAIR, total lies just to get some kind of sick attention in the poor us realm.
They do not speak out about terrorists attacks done to Americans and instead yell and scream and whine of how they are picked on with profiling.
If this kind of thing at Six Flags goes on then I ask this……what about a skin head day…. god forbid, or a Black Panther Day, or a day for any other group that has the funds to pay the financial cost.
Six Flags in doing this is wrong. They simply could avoid this by saying that their business does not cater to any specific group in any way that it is for all to come to during park hours.
Yes that would exclude good American groups from being singled out but it also would stop the favoritism to Muslims that we in the know have already realized are a dangerous cult to our lives.
Beth at Blue Star Chronicles….she has a write up evenyone should see called Modern Rules of Engagement.
An international contest of cartoons on the Holocaust opened in Tehran in response to the publication in Western papers last September of caricatures of the Prophet Mohammed.
“We staged this fair to explore the limits of freedom Westerners believe in,” Masoud Shojai, head of the country’s “Iran Cartoon” association and the fair organizer, said.
“They can freely write anything they like about our prophet, but if one raises doubts about the Holocaust he is either fined or sent to prison,” he added.
“Though we do not deny that fact that Jews were killed in the (second world) war, why should the Palestinians pay for it?” Shojai told the opening ceremony of the month-long fair in Tehran’s Palestine Contemporary Art Museum.
He added that around 1,100 cartoons were submitted by participants from more than 60 countries and that more than 200 are on show.
He said the top three cartoons will be announced on September 2, with the winners being awarded prizes of 12,000, 8,000 and 5,000 dollars respectively.
Shojai did not elaborate on the source of the prize money, but emphasized that it did not come from any governmental body.
The fair is being staged by Iran Cartoon and the country’s largest selling newspaper Hamshahri newspaper, which is published by Tehran’s conservative municipality.
The contest was announced in February in a tit-for-tat move after caricatures of the Prophet Mohammed were first printed in Denmark and then picked up and published worldwide, enraging Muslims.
Iran’s fiercely anti-Israeli regime is supportive of so-called Holocaust revisionists, who maintain that the systematic slaughter by the Nazis of mainland Europe’s Jews and other groups during World War II was either invented or exaggerated.
Iran’s President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has also prompted international anger by dismissing the Holocaust as a “myth” used to justify the creation of Israel.
Here are samples of the cartoons. Shocking this hate that Islam has.
This week’s Blogburst was written by Heidi of Euphoric Reality blog
By Heidi at Euphoric Reality
For a long time here at GTB, we have focused on the tsunami of humanity that flows over our southern border from Mexico. Mexicans, by far, are the largest group of illegals inside our borders, and their open agenda of Reconquista has place tax-funded groups like La Raza, MEChA, and LULAC under the microscope. We’ve also covered the alarming news of the number of Middle Easterners who take full advantage of our unguarded borders to infiltrate our country, paying coyotes tens of thousands of dollars to allow them to blend in with herds of illegals crossing the border. Once inside the country, they disperse and fade away into our society.
Lately, focus has shifted from clandestine border crossings to blatant visa violations as the FBI hunted and captured 11 Egyptian men who entered the country under false pretenses. Such visa violations (including overstaying visa expirations) are not unusual for Middle Easterners, particularly from Pakistan, Yemen, Jordan, Syria, and Lebanon, etc., but we Americans are rarely aware of them. Chechens are also making concerted efforts to get into the country illegally, despite the generous visa allowances for their country.
Today, I’d like to examine our broken immigration process in the light of the current war in the Middle East. To that end, I’d like you to reference this column by Investor’s Business Daily.
General George S. Patton Jr.
Patton’s Famous Speech To The Troops Of The 3rd Army, 6th Armored Div
England, May 31, 1944
“Now I want you to remember that no bastard ever won a war by dying for his country. You won it by making the other poor dumb bastard die for his country. Men, all this stuff you’ve heard about America not wanting to fight, wanting to stay out of the war, is a lot of horse dung. Americans traditionally love to fight. ALL REAL Americans, love the sting of battle.
When you were kids, you all admired the champion marble shooter, the fastest runner, the big league ball players, the toughest boxers . . . Americans love a winner and will not tolerate a loser. Americans play to win all the time. I wouldn’t give a hoot in Hell for a man who lost and laughed. That’s why Americans have never lost and will never lose a war. Because the very thought of losing is hateful to Americans. Now, an army is a team. It lives, eats, sleeps, fights as a team. This individuality stuff is a bunch of crap. The bilious bastards who wrote that stuff about individuality for the Saturday Evening Post, don’t know anything more about real battle than they do about fornicating. Now we have the finest food and equipment, the best spirit, and the best men in the world.
You know . . . My God, I actually pity those poor bastards we’re going up against. My God, I do.
We’re not just going to shoot the bastards, we’re going to cut out their living guts and use them to grease the treads of our tanks. We’re going to murder those lousy Hun bastards by the bushel.
Now some of you boys, I know, are wondering whether or not you’ll chicken out under fire. Don’t worry about it. I can assure you that you’ll all do your duty. The Nazis are the enemy. Wade into them. Spill their blood, shoot them in the belly.
When you put your hand into a bunch of goo, that a moment before was your best friends face, you’ll know what to do.
Now there’s another thing I want you to remember. I don’t want to get any messages saying that we are holding our position. We’re not holding anything, we’ll let the Hun do that. We are advancing constantly, and we’re not interested in holding onto anything except the enemy. We’re going to hold onto him by the nose, and we’re going to kick him in the ass. We’re going to kick the hell out of him all the time, and we’re going to go through him like crap through a goose.
Now, there’s one thing that you men will be able to say when you get back home, and you may thank God for it. Thirty years from now when you’re sitting around your fireside with your grandson on your knee, and he asks you, “What did you do in the great World War Two?” You won’t have to say, “Well, I shoveled shit in Louisiana.”
Alright now, you sons of bitches, you know how I feel. Oh! . . . I will be proud to lead you wonderful guys into battle anytime, anywhere. That’s all.”
General George S. Patton – England, May 31, 1944
Terrorists who killed the largerst number of Israelis are the greatest Palestinian national heroes, an attitude that is widely expressed in that the names which appear frequently as the answers to clues in Palestinian crossword puzzles. For example, the name of the terrorist Yihyeh Ayaash, who prepared the bombs for the Hamas suicide bombers, appears frequently in crossword puzzles, as many as three times in a month. Similarly the names of terrorists from the past appear as clues, such as that of Dala’al Magra’abi who participated in the Coastal Road Bus Massacre in which 36 Israelis were killed. Woven into the crossword puzzle clues is an underlying theme that glorifies violence against Israel and Israelis.
Wild Thing’s comment……
It is so totally sick that this death cult of Islam cannot even do a crossword puzzle without teaching hate. Amazing
History repeats itself 1948 & 2006 Arabs called to leave Haifa to facilitate the killing of Jews
1948 – Arab League tells Arabs to leave Haifa to facilitate the killing of Jews
2006 – Hezbollah tells Arabs to leave Haifa to facilitate the killing of Jews bombing and killing of Jews in Haifa is the identical call heard by the Arabs of Haifa and other cities by the Arab League attacking the new State of Israel in 1948.
2006 – Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah:
“I have a special message to the Arabs of Haifa, to your martyrs and to your wounded. I call you to leave this city. I hope you do this. … Please leave so we don’t shed your blood, which is our blood.”
1948 – Palestinian journalist describes Arab leaders action in 1948:
“To the [Arab] Kings and Presidents: Poverty is killing us… yet you are still searching for the way to provide aid… like the armies of your predecessors in the year of 1948, who forced us to leave [Israel], on the pretext of clearing the battlefields of civilians… ”
Fuad Abu Higla, columnist official PA daily Al Hayat Al Jadida, in an article before an Arab Summit, critical of Arab leaders for a series of failures. Al-Hayat Al-Jadidah, March 19, 2001
Wild Thing’s comment…….
It is not that hard, just pick a side to be on.
you celebrate life, freedom and liberty you are on the side of the USA and Israel. If you celebrate death your own and the killing your own children as you use them for suicide bombers, are into beheadings and torture of taking of limbs and such of your captives, praying 5 times a day with your ass in the air, and wearing non washed smelly turbans on your filthy hair then you are on the side of the followers of Islam……just pick a Muslim infested country and there you go.
So why am I pissed? Why does my heart hurt and my stomach feel sick? Because this is dead on serious business the taking over by the Hezboallah and other Islam groups. They have an agenda that is getting its claws dug deeply into the future of the freedoms we know and love.
What, what, what does Israel get out of this “hudna”?
Return of the captive soldiers? No.
Disarming of Hezbollah? No.
Hezbollah is claiming victory.
I would like to introduce you to a friend of mine. She goes by RG online and this is her blog…Girl on the Right. She is awesome and yesterday ( Saturday ) she attended an anti-Hezbollah rally in Toronto to counter the pro-Hezbollah rally that was taking place in front of the Israeli Consulate.
Great write up, real photos unlike Reuters and a real trooper with a fabulous personality….. my friend Girl on the Right!
* Girl on the Right
Americans will die for liberty
By Andrew Gimson
As we took off from London for New York a few days ago, our three over-excited children asked if there was any chance of the plane being blown up. I explained that the likelihood of that happening was virtually zero, and wondered how we were going to maintain some semblance of order during the flight. One did not wish the sedate American passengers by whom we were surrounded to form the impression that British parents are unable or unwilling to impart the rudiments of good manners.
Luckily, American Airlines had provided a screen on the back of the seat in front of one’s own, on which one could watch old movies. There was also a map showing how far we had gone, on which places of interest were marked. It began by showing only two places: London and Chartwell.
The Americans are more old-fashioned than us, and what is equally admirable, they are not ashamed of being old-fashioned. They know Churchill was a great man, so they put his house on the map. There is a kind of Englishman to whom this sort of behaviour seems painfully unsophisticated.
We are inclined, in our snobbish way, to dismiss the Americans as a new and vulgar people, whose civilisation has hardly risen above the level of cowboys and Indians. Yet the United States of America is actually the oldest republic in the world, with a constitution that is one of the noblest works of man. When one strips away the distracting symbols of modernity – motor cars, skyscrapers, space rockets, microchips, junk food – one finds an essentially 18th-century country. While Europe has engaged in the headlong and frankly rather immature pursuit of novelty – how many constitutions have the nations of Europe been through in this time? – the Americans have held to the ideals enunciated more than 200 years ago by their founding fathers.
The sense of entering an older country, and one with a sterner sense of purpose than is found among the flippant and inconstant Europeans, can be enjoyed even before one gets off the plane. On the immigration forms that one has to fill in, one is asked: “Have you ever been arrested or convicted for an offence or crime involving moral turpitude?” Who now would dare to pose such a question in Europe? The very word “turpitude” brings a smile, almost a sneer, to our lips.
The quiet solicitude that Americans show for the comfort of their visitors, and the tact with which they make one feel at home, can only be described as gentlemanly. These graceful manners, so often overlooked by brash European tourists, whisper the last enchantments of an earlier and more dignified age, when liberty was not confused with licence.
But lest these impressions of the United States seem unduly favourable, it should be added that the Americans have not remained in happy possession of their free constitution without cost. Thomas Jefferson warned that the tree of liberty must be watered from time to time with the blood of tyrants and patriots. To the Americans, the idea that freedom and democracy exact a cost in blood is second nature.
We went to the fine new museum in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, devoted to the American Civil War. It was the bloodiest war in American history. Americans slaughtered Americans in terrible numbers before the North prevailed. You can look up the names of soldiers on a computer, and I found to my slight surprise that a man called Joseph Gimson served on the Union side as a private in the 37th Regiment of Coloured Infantry, and was “severely and dangerously wounded” in the battle of Northeast Station on February 22, 1865.
We stood at Gettysburg, scene of the bloodiest battle of all, on a field covered with memorials to the fallen. Here Abraham Lincoln gave his great and sublimely brief address, ending with the hope “that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom – and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth”.
Again some Europeans will give an unkind smile. All this sounds so Puritan, so naïve and so self-righteous. We cannot help feeling that the Americans ought to have been able to settle their quarrel without killing each other, and, while we cannot defend the institution of slavery, we wonder whether the North had the right to impose its will by force.
These are vain quibbles. The North went to war and was victorious.
The Americans are prepared to use force in pursuit of what they regard as noble aims. It is yet another respect in which they are rather old-fashioned. They are patriots who venerate their nation and their flag.
The idea has somehow gained currency in Britain that America is an essentially peaceful nation. Quite how this notion took root, I do not know. Perhaps we were unduly impressed by the protesters against the Vietnam war.
It is an idea that cannot survive a visit to the National Museum of American History in Washington, where one is informed that the “price of freedom” is over and over again paid in blood.
The Americans’ tactics in Iraq, and their sanction for Israel’s tactics in Lebanon, have given rise to astonishment and anger in Europe. It may well be that those tactics are counter-productive, and that the Americans and Israelis need to take a different approach to these ventures if they are ever to have any hope of winning hearts and minds.
But when the Americans speak of freedom, we should not imagine, in our cynical and worldly-wise way, that they are merely using that word as a cloak for realpolitik. They are not above realpolitik, but they also mean what they say.
These formidable people think freedom is so valuable that it is worth dying for.
Wild Thing’s comment……
The writer is correct we are willing to die for our freedom and our liberty. And we hold close to our hearts what America is about and what we stand for to ourselves and to the world. I am proud of America and blessed to be born here and not a day goes by that I do not think of why I am free and how grateful I am to our Veterans and our troops today for that freedom and liberty.
* A huge thank you to one my friends, Kat at Cat House Chat, as I went to her blog this morning and saw this article there.
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