29 Aug

Ahmadinejad Wants To Debate Bush

President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad on Tuesday invited US President George W. Bush to a uncensored and live television debate. Ahmadinejad said:

“I offer Mr Bush to take part in a TV debate with me without any censorship so that we put forward our views on ways to come out of the current international crises”.

PressZoom – Ahmadinejad did not take any position to concrete topics like the atomic conflict the Iran. Ahmadinejad criticized that the USA and Great Britain used the UN, in order to force the world upon their will.

Ahmadinejad said: “I offer Mr Bush to take part in a TV debate with me without any censorship so that we put forward our views on ways to come out of the current international crises”.

Ahmadinejad’s condition: “This TV debate may not be censored for US public”.

During the television debate, he would like to discuss possibilities with Bush of diminishing the up-to-date existing tensions.

“We have proposals for resolving the international crises on the basis of justice, dignity and equality of human being,” Ahmadinejad added.

You can VOTE at CNN who you think would win the debate.
Just scroll down on right side to see where to vote.
Get this Ahmadinejad is ahead. WTF!

29 Aug

The Cat Who Crossed The Border

IDF News
By Amir Kidon
An unusual sight was seen a few days ago, with the exit of Paratrooper Brigade forces from Lebanon: one of the brigade reserve soldiers was carrying, along with all his heavy equipment and weapon, a white kitten. “On the way back to Israeli territory we passed through the village of Kauzer,” said the soldier, “and all of a sudden I saw a kitten coming out of one of the houses. After a few seconds I realized it is wounded and that its hearing has been hurt. I picked it up and carried it for six kilometers, until we reached Israeli territory. I decided it deserves a better future. After all, it is not its fault that war broke out.” The first thing the cat and its new owner did after having crossed the border into Israeli territory was to share IDF military canned meat. The cat was named Kauzer by its new owner.

And here is another adorable kitty.

Kitten on porch of Katyusha-damaged apartment building in Nahariya

29 Aug

Please Pray for Friend and Fellow Blogger ~ Delftsman

This morning at 0800 hrs Delftsman will be having surgery. Please pray for him, for the surgeon and for his family.
Delftsman is a dear friend and could use all our prayers.
Thank you so much

29 Aug

UNIFIL Broadcast Israeli Troops Movements

What did you do in the war, UNIFIL?
DURING THE RECENT month-long war between Hezbollah and Israel, U.N. “peacekeeping” forces made a startling contribution: They openly published daily real-time intelligence, of obvious usefulness to Hezbollah, on the location, equipment, and force structure of Israeli troops in Lebanon.
UNIFIL–the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon, a nearly 2,000-man blue-helmet contingent that has been present on the Lebanon-Israel border since 1978–is officially neutral. Yet, throughout the recent war, it posted on its website for all to see precise information about the movements of Israeli Defense Forces soldiers and the nature of their weaponry and materiel, even specifying the placement of IDF safety structures within hours of their construction. New information was sometimes only 30 minutes old when it was posted, and never more than 24 hours old.
Meanwhile, UNIFIL posted not a single item of specific intelligence regarding Hezbollah forces. Statements on the order of Hezbollah “fired rockets in large numbers from various locations” and Hezbollah’s rockets “were fired in significantly larger numbers from various locations” are as precise as its coverage of the other side ever got.
Inquiries made of various Israeli military and government representatives and analysts yielded near unanimous agreement that at least some of UNIFIL’s postings, in the words of one retired senior military analyst, “could have exposed Israeli soldiers to grave danger.” These analysts, including a current high ranking military official, noted that the same intelligence would not have been provided by the U.N. about Israel’s enemies.

Sure enough, a review of every single UNIFIL web posting during the war shows that, while UNIFIL was daily revealing the towns where Israeli soldiers were located, the positions from which they were firing, and when and how they had entered Lebanese territory, it never described Hezbollah movements or locations with any specificity whatsoever.
Compare the vague “various locations” language with this UNIFIL posting from July 25:
Yesterday and during last night, the IDF moved significant reinforcements, including a number of tanks, armored personnel carriers, bulldozers and infantry, to the area of Marun Al Ras inside Lebanese territory. The IDF advanced from that area north toward Bint Jubayl, and south towards Yarun.
Or with the posting on July 24, in which UNIFIL revealed that the IDF stationed between Marun Al Ras and Bint Jubayl were “significantly reinforced during the night and this morning with a number of tanks and armored personnel carriers.”
You can read the rest of the article HERE

Wild Thing’s comment….
The UN is a despicable conglomeration of despots and dictators under the auspicious leadership of Kofi the Kommie.

29 Aug

Good! We can nuke Iran and just say it never happened!

Ahmadinejad: Holocaust made up to embarrass Germany
Iranian president, in a letter to German chancellor, once again questions veracity of Holocaust, suggests it was an Allied ploy to impede German progress.
Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has told German Chancellor Angela Merkel that the Holocaust may have been invented by the victorious Allied powers in World War II to embarrass Germany, the semi-official news agency Mehr reported.
The remarks by the outspoken Ahmadinejad, who has repeatedly questioned the veracity of the Holocaust, came in a letter sent to Merkel in July whose contents have not been disclosed until now.

“Is it not a reasonable possibility that some countries that had won the war made up this excuse to constantly embarrass the defeated people … to bar their progress,” Ahmadinejad asked in the letter.

“The question is if these countries, especially Britain, felt responsible for the Holocaust survivors, why they did not settle them in their own countries?” he continued.

It is not the first time Ahmadinejad has voiced doubt about the mass slaughter of Jews under Nazi Germany, previously describing the Holocaust as a “myth” used to justify the creation of Israel .

“By promoting the necessity of settlement of Holocaust survivors in the occupied Palestine, they have created a constant threat in the Middle East,” he said, referring to Israel.

Merkel indicated that she would not formally respond to the letter, saying it contained “totally unacceptable” criticism of Israel and “constantly put in question” the Jewish state’s right to exist.

Wild Thing’s comment…..
Psycho Mahmoud Ahmadinejad certainly loves to write letters. He needs a blog of his own and then he can put little animated Muzzies running around on it and a sound track of Allah Akbar.
I’m sure he is not too happy about Germany selling Israel two nuclear submarines. Heheheheheheheh

28 Aug

Dearest Gilad ~ May you come home safe soon!

It is your 20th Birthday today, Gilad.
May peace and freedom be the air you breathe very soon.
You are in my thoughts and prayers.
When you are released and you WILL be, you have to be,
then everyday will be your birthday. We celebrate your life
and we will celebrate your release too.
Wild Thing

Jerusalem Post

Neighbors of the family described the Shalits as “extremely quiet, gentle and nice.”
The family were among the founders of the small community of Mitzpe Hila in the Lower Galilee, a popular retreat for Israelis seeking bed and breakfast establishments in the country’s north.
“He’s such a great kid,” said the neighbor. “This is very hard for all of us. We are in shock since we heard about the incident,” she said.
“He’s one of the funniest people I’ve ever met,” Shalit’s friend Dor Peled told Israel Radio. “He loves sports, soccer; he’s very athletic.” Peled said. He added that Shalit was a good friend, who had never done anyone a bad turn.
A student who excelled in mathematics, Shalit once sat with him for two hours before an exam, Peled said.
“What I couldn’t learn in weeks he taught me in a couple of hours.”
Ilana Zrihen, another neighbor, said the family was just waiting to hear that their son would be home soon. “Gilad is a magical kid, quiet and cheerful, everyone’s friend,” she told Israel Radio. “May he come home soon,” she added.
In Jerusalem, thousands gathered at the Western Wall to pray for Shalit’s safe return.

A dedicated basketball fan, he would get up in the middle of the night to watch NBA games broadcast live from the United States.
“He’s the quiet one, always smiling,” said Matan Zrihen, 16, who grew up next door. “He was never one of those kids who were loud or made trouble. He’s very gentle.”
He is the first Israeli soldier captured by Palestinians since Nachson Wachsman in 1994. Early on Sunday morning, June 25, 2006, he was captured by Palestinians who attacked an army post in Israel after crossing the border from the Gaza Strip into Israel via a tunnel near the Kerem Shalom crossing at the south Gaza Strip border. During the morning attack, two of his friends also Israel Defense Force soldiers were killed and four others wounded, He suffered a broken left hand and a light shoulder wound.

Thank you Linda for letting me know it is Gilad Shalit’s 20th Birthday today.

28 Aug

Nasrallah Does The Muslim Whine

Nasrallah sorry for scale of war
Hezbollah chief Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah has said he would not have ordered the capture of two Israeli soldiers if he had known it would lead to such a war.

“Had we known that the kidnapping of the soldiers would have led to this, we would definitely not have done it,” he said in an interview on Lebanese TV.

“We did not think that there was a 1% chance that the kidnapping would lead to a war of this scale and magnitude,” Sheikh Nasrallah said.

“Now you ask me if this was 11 July and there was a 1% chance that the kidnapping would lead to a war like the one that has taken place, would you go ahead with the kidnapping?
“I would say no, definitely not, for humanitarian, moral, social, security, military and political reasons.

Wild Thing’s comment……
Nasrallah so you returned them, right? And made 100% sure no more rockets were fired randomly into the civilian areas of Israel, right?
Maybe the islamists should quit committing war crimes.
The point is to effect such a disproportionate response that terrorists clearly understand their actions aren’t worth it. Nasrallah’s statement is proof that approach works. Do the freakin’ muslim garbage think the world is going to roll over for their murder and mayhem, America and Israel’s answer is NO we won’t!

28 Aug

Helo Thunder

Wild Thing’s comment…..
I absolutely love this, I could ride in one of these every single day. This is an awesome video of helicopters in action. This is so cool and inspiring to see men and women who love their country with a PASSION and awe-inspiring bravery!!! Very cool dropping the packages.
The music is by an Australian Group, AC/DC (Accadaca).
Thank you Jack, Conservative Insurgent for sending this to me.

28 Aug

No Punches Pulled Here

Insight of a Sergeant Major
(The author, J.D. Pendry, is a retired Army Command Sergeant Major who writes for Random House.)
Jimmy Carter, you’re the father of the Islamic Nazi movement. You threw the Shah under the bus, welcomed the Ayatollah home and then lacked the spine to confront the terrorists when they took our embassy and our people hostage. You’re the Runner-in-Chief.
Bill Clinton, you played “ring around the Lewinsky” while the terrorists were at war with us. You got us into a fight with them in Somalia, and then you ran from it. Your weak-willed responses embolden the killers. Each time you failed to respond adequately they grew bolder, until 9/11.
John Kerry, dishonesty is your most prominent attribute. You lied about American Soldiers in Vietnam. Your military service, like your life, is more fiction than fact. You’ve accused our Soldiers of terrorizing women and in Iraq. Yo u called Iraq the wrong war, wrong place, wrong time… the same words you used to describe Vietnam. You’re a fake. You want to run from Iraq and abandon the Iraqis to murderers just as you did the Vietnamese. Iraq, like Vietnam is another war that you were for, before you were against it.
John Murtha, you said our military was broken. You said we can’t win militarily in Iraq. You accused United States Marines of cold-blooded murder without proof. And said we should redeploy to Okinawa. Okinawa, John? And the Democrats call you their military expert. Are you sure you didn’t suffer a traumatic brain injury while you were off building your war hero resume? You’re a sad, pitiable, corrupt and washed up politician. You’re not a Marine sir. You wouldn’t amount to a pimple on a real Marine’s a**. You’re a phony and a disgrace. Run away John.
Dick Durbin, you accused our Soldiers at Guantanamo of being Nazis, tenders of Soviet style gulags and as bad as the regime of Pol Pot who murdered two million of his own people after your party abandoned South East Asia to the Communists. Now you want to abandon the Iraqis to the same fate. History was not a good teacher for you, was it? See Dick run.
Ted Kennedy, for days on end you held poster sized pictures from Abu Grhaib in front of any available television camera. Al Jazeera quoted you saying that Iraqis torture chambers were open under new management. Did you see the news this week Teddy? The Islamic Nazis demonstrate real torture for you again. If you truly supported our troops, you’d show the world poster-sized pictures of that atrocity and demand the annihilation of it. Your legislation stripping support from the South Vietnamese which led to a communist victory there. You’re a bloated fool bent on repeating the same historical blunder that turned freedom-seeking people over to homicidal, genocidal maniacs. To paraphrase John Murtha, all while sitting on you wide, gin- soaked rear-end in Washington.
Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, Carl Levine, Barbara Boxer, Diane Feinstein, Russ Feingold, Hillary Clinton, Pat Leahy, Chuck Schumer et al ad nauseam. Every time you stand in front of television cameras and broadcast to the Islamic Nazis that we went to war because our President lied. That the war is wrong and our Soldiers are torturers. That we should leave Iraq, you give the Islamic butchers – the same ones that tortured and mutilated American Soldiers – cause to think that we will run away again and all they have to do is hang on a little longer.
American news media, the New York Times particularly. Each time you publish stories about national defense secrets and our intelligence gathering methods, you become one with the sub-human pieces of camel dung that torture and mutilate the bodies of American Soldiers. You can’t strike up the courage to publish cartoons, but you can help Al Qaeda destroy my country. Actually, you are more dangerous to us than Al Qaeda is. Think about that each time you face Mecca to admire your Pulitzer.
You are America’s axis of idiots. Your collective stupidity will destroy us. Self-serving politics and terrorist abetting news scoops are more important to you than our national security or the lives of innocent civilians and Soldiers. It bothers you that defending ourselves gets in the way of your elitist sport of politics and your ignorant editorializing. There is as much blood on your hands as is on the hands of murdering terrorists. Don’t ever doubt that. Your frolics will only serve to extend this war as they extended Vietnam. If you want our Soldiers home, as you claim, knock off the crap and try supporting your country ahead of supporting your silly political aims and aiding our enemies. Yes, I’m questioning your patriotism. Your loyalty ends with -self. I’m also questioning why you’re stealing air that decent Americans could be breathing. You don’t deserve the protection of our men and women in uniform. You need to run away from this war and this country. Leave the war to the people who have the will to see it through and the country to people who are willing to defend it.
No Commander in Chief, you don’t get off the hook either. Our country has two enemies. Those who want to destroy us from the outside and those who attempt it from within. Your Soldiers are dealing with the outside force. It’s your obligation to support them by confronting the axis of idiots. America must hear it from you that these people are harming our country, abetting the enemy and endangering our safety. Well up a little anger please, and channel it toward the appropriate target. You must prosecute those who leak national security secrets to the media. You must prosecute those in the media who knowingly publish those secrets. Our Soldiers need you to confront the enemy that they cannot. They need you to do it now.
Sgt.Major Pendry

27 Aug

Something To Realize

A Hostage Affair in Gaza is Ended by a Three-Part Ransom
DEBKA file
On the face of it, conversion to Islam would appear to provide a painless escape device for any hostage who happens to fall into fundamentalist terrorist hands. After all, once free, the hostage can always revert to his real faith or non-faith. It is hard to blame the two Fox News journalists, the American Steve Centanni, 60, and the New Zealander, Olaf Wiig, 36, for taking that path on to buy their way out of an uncertain fate at the hands of Palestinian terrorists – especially as they later reported they were forced to make the gesture at gunpoint.
And, indeed the two journalists were released from 13 days of captivity in Gaza three hours after announcing their conversion on a new videotape released by the kidnappers in Gaza.
Relief over the two journalists’ coming safely out of their ordeal is quite apart from considerations of the consequences for the war on terrorism. It must be said that the Palestinian kidnappers also walked away without suffering any harm and can keep on snatching victims without fear – exactly as the same terrorist gang got away with murdering three Americans in Gaza in 2003. In fact, the prime minister Ismail Haniya, who belongs to an Islamist terror group, was allowed to take credit for the release after winning a face saver in the form of the conversions and an anti-American diatribe.
Some further points are worth considering:
1. Shortly after Centanni and Wiig were snatched by masked gunmen in Gaza on Aug. 14, the various intelligence agencies operating in Gaza knew who the kidnapper was: the Palestinian warlord Zakaria Dughmush, who had been hired by the same Hamas group which on June 25 kidnapped and – is still holding – the Israeli soldier Gilead Shalit.
Dughmush is a former follower of the late Jemal Semhadana, head of the Palestinian Popular Resistance Committees who was killed in Rafah by rockets fired from an Israeli warplane on June 8, 2006. Semhadana was the first Palestinian terrorist to attack Americans. He staged the bombing attack of October 15, 2003 on a US embassy convoy from Tel Aviv as it drove past Beit Hanoun in the northern Gaza Strip. Three American security officers died in that attack.
After Semhadana’s death, his PRC fragmented into several small militias, one of them led by Dughmush, a fundamentalist freelance terrorist, who set up base in Gaza City. He was adopted by Hamas, but also draws funds and weapons from al Qaeda and Hizballah elements working together in the Gaza Strip.

The efforts of the Hamas abductors of Shalit to negotiate a prisoner swap broke down. Hamas ended up refusing the quid pro quo of a promise by Israeli prime minister Ehud Olmert, already deposited with Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak, to release 600 Palestinian prisoners. The abductors held out for a simultaneous trade and then withdrew from the talks.
Then, when pressure built up to end the episode which was embarrassing Haniya, Mahmoud Abbas and others, they contracted Dughmush to stage a more spectacular abduction operation. He chose the two American Fox New journalists as his prey.
2. Although the foreign intelligence agencies with a presence in Gaza knew where the Fox reporters were being held, neither the Americans, the Israelis nor the British – the senior US ally in the war on terror – were willing to go in and recover them by force, or even lay hands on Dughmush and his gunmen.
In the final reckoning, the Palestinians were granted a face-saver – the Hamas prime minister in particular, who is using the release of the American and the New Zealander to whitewash his organization, without freeing the Israeli soldier.
3. Various Palestinian middlemen were used by British agents at the request of the US to bring the Fox journalists home. They worked out a convoluted deal which entailed their public conversion to Islam, an anti-American harangue on air and a six-figure cash ransom paid under the table to Dughmush to fund his terrorist militia’s operations in Gaza. While the first two parts of the ransom were publicly aired, the third part will no doubt be vehemently denied. But the face remains that a terrorist chief who freelances for at least three fundamentalist terrorist organizations walks free with a strong incentive to develop his profitable hostage-taking business.
4. For Israel, the fate of Gilead Shalit, whom Hamas kidnapped from sovereign Israel in a cross-border assault, is left up in the air. Israel did not link him to the two Fox journalists; Hamas did. The Americans, the New Zealanders and the British worked fast to separate the two abduction episodes. Israeli prime minister Ehud Olmert, who says he does not sleep at night for worrying about Shalit and the two Israelis in Hizballah hands, did not take advantage of the subsequent abductions of Centanni and Wiig to have him included in the package for their release. He must have known that the two journalists would not have been released without the say-so of the Hamas group holding the Israeli soldier. This was a card Olmert did not play.
All that remains to be found out now about this shabby episode is the size of the rake-off the Palestinian warlord Dughmush has handed over from his ransom to Shalit’s Hamas abductors.