02 Feb

Awesome Video of 61st Cav RCT of the 101st Airborne Div.


Please CLICK
on logo above.


I received this video from an unidentified soldier with the 61st Cav RCT (Regimental Combat Team) of the 101st Airborne Division. None of the FOB’s (Forward Operating Bases) or the other locations can be identified, nor can the soldiers seen be identified or what the action signifies.
It’s just a compilation of scenes and impressions of a tour in Iraq. No dogs were seriously injured in the dogfight shown at night.

Thank you to the soldier for allowing me to show this video to you my wonderful family here at TW. God bless our troops and keep them safe. They truly are the best of the best and I am so very proud of them.

If having trouble opening this

This is an AVI file it is supposed to work in all media openers. It is microsoft friendly. If anyone is having trouble opening it after you down load then …………
right click download
right click save target as
and put it on your home computer
That should solve any difficuly opening it the whole way. Sorry if it has been difficult but it is soooo well worth it.
Thank you all

01 Feb

Iran’s Revolutionary Guards Threaten Kidnapping Americans

Iran militia threatens to kidnap Americans
Ynet news
Iran’s Revolutionary Guards threatened to kidnap American soldiers and hinted at intentions to kidnap American citizens in Europe and South America as well.
The threat was apparently in response to President George W. Bush’s instruction to American soldiers in Iraq last week to target Iranian agents.

“The kidnapping of American citizens in the Middle East, Europe and South America is not difficult and can happen at any moment,” siad an article printed in the weekly Subah Sadak, which is considered the mouthpiece of the Revolutionary Guards in Iran.

The article, entitled “Easier and cheaper than Chinese merchandise”, was printed in response to the United Nations Security Council’s Resolution 1737, setting sanctions on Iran due to its refusal to suspend its nuclear program.
The threat may also be linked to the operation in which American forces kidnapped five Iranians from the Consulate General in Erbil in northern Iraq.

“The US prepared a most-wanted list, which includes senior Iranian officials whom they intend to kidnap to learn details about national, nuclear and military operations,” the article claimed.

‘Current Iranian regime has offensive strategy’
The article further claimed that America had the names of 35 Iranian diplomats working at various embassies, who the White house suspects hold senior intelligence and security positions and have information on Iran’s nuclear and military capabilities.

Ali Saidi, a spokesperson for the Revolutionary Guards, noted, “Our enemies have many weak points, and we can cause them problems.”

In an interview with an Iranian news agency, Saidi said that contrary to the policy of previous governments, who employed passive and defense foreign policy, “The current Iranian regime has an offensive strategy.”

Meanwhile, the Iranian Embassy in Moscow denied the recent report in the Daily Telegraph that Iran was secretly cooperating with North Korea in nuclear weapons testing.
The embassy issued a notice saying that “Iran denies the rumors of cooperation with North Korea regarding nuclear experimentation.” North Korea denied the report as well.

Wild Thing’s comment…….
The Revolutionary Guards (Pasdaran) are no militia, but Iran’s elite nutjobs. They are the SS of Iran. Their armed wing is better equipped and trained than the normal Army. These wack jobs should be on the receiving end of the latest upgrade in US weaponry.
They make these threats and there is never any consequence for them when they do that.

01 Feb

Advertising Stupidity Halts Boston

So it began……….
‘Hoax Devices’ Found At Several Boston Locations (Several ‘Suspicous Packages’ Found)
BOSTON — Four “hoax devices” were found at several Boston locations Wednesday, hours after officials detonated a suspicious package on an elevated structure above the Sullivan Square Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority station.
The additional packages were found at the Boston University Bridge, the Longfellow Bridge and near the intersection of Stuart and Columbus streets. A device described by officials as a pipe bomb was found in the basement of the Tufts New England Medical Center at 185 Harrison Ave.
A spokesman for the Boston Police Department said that all of the packages appeared to be similar.

“Our device was not an active device. We are still treating the area as a crime scene. There were no injuries. Everyone was evacuated properly, and everyone now back to their locations,” Tufts New England Medical Center’s Brooke Hynes said.

Mayor Tom Menino said that all of the packages found posed no danger, but the incidents remained under investigation. Storrow Drive eastbound was shut down for a brief time, and the MBTA suspended service on the Red Line and planned to bus afternoon commuters between Kendall and Park Street stations.
Earlier Wednesday, the state police bomb squad was called and detonated the package in Sullivan Square just before 10 a.m. Officials said it contained an electronic circuit board with some components that were “consistent with an improvised explosive device,” but they said it had no explosives. They determined that the device was not dangerous, but destroyed it as a precaution.

“We determined that this device, in particular, was not explosive,” said MBTA Lt. Sal Venturelli.

He said MBTA police were told about the package by a transit passenger who spotted it on a column that supports Interstate 93. The parcel was located on an elevated structure above the bus way and below I-93 in the Charlestown section of Boston at about 8 a.m.

“This is a perfect example of our passengers taking part in Homeland Security,” Venturelli said.

“An investigation will be conducted into how the package got there and when”, he said.

Train service on the Orange Line between Sullivan Square and Wellington stations was suspended in both directions. No injuries were reported.
The northbound side of I-93 was closed, causing significant traffic backups. Motorists were not allowed to access the highway near Sullivan Square coming up from the south.

Those responsible………
TV Network Takes Responsibility For ‘Hoax Devices’
BOSTONTurner Broadcasting plans to take responsibility for the “hoax devices” that were found at several locations in and around Boston Wednesday that forced police bomb units to scramble throughout the area.

The incidents were part of a marketing campaign that involved a character from the cartoon show “Aqua Teen Hunger Force.”

“The ‘packages’ in question are magnetic lights that pose no danger. They are part of an outdoor marketing campaign in 10 cities in support of Adult Swim’s animated television show ‘Aqua Teen Hunger Force,'” Turner Broadcasting, the parent company of Cartoon Network, said in a statement

The company said that they have been in place for two to three weeks in Boston, New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Atlanta, Seattle, Portland, Austin, San Francisco and Philadelphia.
Turner Broadcasting is in contact with local and federal law enforcement on the exact location of the billboards, according to the statement, and regrets that they were mistakenly thought to pose any danger.
The cartoon airs as part of the Adult Swim late-night block of programs on the Cartoon Network. It features characters called “mooninites,” who were pictured on the found devices. A feature length film based on the cartoon is scheduled to be released late next month.
Gov. Deval Patrick praised the response of law enforcement and said that he was “dismayed to learn that many of the devices are a part of a marketing campaign by Turner Broadcasting.”

“This stunt has caused considerable disruption and anxiety in our community. I understand that Turner Broadcasting has purported to apologize for this. I intend nonetheless to consult with the attorney general and other advisors about what recourse we may have,” Patrick said.

“Emergency deployment teams were sent into the center of the city immediately upon these reports. There were significant shutdowns of not only highways, but rail traffic with the MBTA,” Boston Police Commissioner Ed Davis said. “Several of the devices do have common characteristics, but it is too early to say how many are connected.”

Wild Thing’s comment……..
One day this could be for real instead of what it turned out to be. They said these devives were in place for 2-3 weeks. There are many what if’s here we should think about. For one what if terroroists could palce devices this easily as well. How stupid, how totally stupid this hoax was.
But wait, the Democrats and Nancy the Messiah are in charge. All we have to do to fight terrorism is hold hands singing Kum Ba Yah, Celebrate Diversity and leave everything to the UN. sheesh!

Thanks for the video Billy…Billy O’Blog

31 Jan

Redecoration coming

After much consultation with Ted E. Bear, Editor in Chief of the P.C. Free Zone Gazette, Theodore’s World has decided to do a little redecorating.
We’ve got the paint brushes out, there will be a lot of work going on in the background. Hopefully, the heavy lifting behind the scenes won’t distrurb your visit. This post will stay at the top while the work is in progress.

If things look a little wonky over the next couple of days, please “bear” with us and, if you’re so inclined, leave a note here in the comments about any wonkiness you see.

31 Jan

Laser Technology Ray-Gun For Military In The Works

This image shows Northrop Grumman Corporation’s concept of an Future Combat Systems-class Army ground-combat armored vehicle with a solid-state laser that would be used to defeat incoming threats like mortars and rockets.

Strategy Page
The American Northrop Grumman Corporation has just opened the first ray-gun factory. Officially, the plant will build high-energy, solid-state lasers and figure out how to install them in military vehicles. The first weapon being produced is the JHPSSL (Joint High-Power Solid State Laser), a 100 kW solid-state laser. The JHPSSL is to be mounted on armored vehicles and in aircraft. JHPSSL is basically an anti-aircraft and anti-missile system. It has already demonstrated that it can destroy artillery and mortar shells, as well as rockets and cruise missiles. Israel is interested in using JHPSSL as part of its rocket defense system. Ray guns have long been a staple of science fiction, and when the first lasers appeared in the 1950s, science fiction writers just assumed that many of their ray guns were “lasers.” All this is not quite science fiction any more, mainly because it will take another decade or so before you have a hand held laser.
And a second link regarding this topic.Northrop Grumman Please continue at this link for more information. Thank you.

Northrop Grumman Corporation (NYSE:NOC) has been selected to develop “military-grade,” solid-state laser technology that is expected to pave the way for the U.S. military to incorporate high-energy laser systems across all services, including ships, manned and unmanned aircraft, and ground vehicles.

Wild Thing’s comment……
Ray guns, Rayguns, Reaguns, Reagans, Reagan = Ronaldo Maximus’ Strategic Defense Initiative = SDI = Star Wars = Democrats said NO! But now they are doing this so good.
100KW solid state LASER. Talk about your killer lightshow.

31 Jan

Pentagon Stops F-14 Parts Sales Amid Iran Concerns

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – The Pentagon on Tuesday said it had stopped selling surplus parts for the F-14 fighter jet, saying it was the “right thing to do,” given congressional concerns that some parts could land in the hands of Iran.
Iran, which is facing strong Western opposition to its nuclear program, is the only country still flying the F-14, also called the Tomcat, since the U.S. military retired the plane in July.
The Pentagon’s Defense Logistics Agency said it halted sales of certain sensitive F-14 parts in February 2006, but the ban now covered all F-14 parts until the government completed a comprehensive review of what to do with them.

“It was the right thing to do,” said Dawn Dearden, spokeswoman for the Pentagon agency, citing what she called “the situation in Iran.” The West accuses Iran of seeking to build atomic bombs, a charge Tehran denies, saying it only wants to make electricity.

The Pentagon’s move took effect on Friday, and came after congressional criticism of security weaknesses that gave buyers for Iran access to the aircraft parts. The agency did not disclose details of those incidents. It formerly held liquidation sales of surplus parts.
The earlier halt in sales affected what the agency called “unique” F-14 parts and those “deemed critical to F-14 operations” that could be used for other aircraft.
Sen. Ron Wyden, an Oregon Democrat and member of the Senate intelligence committee, has written legislation to eliminate all Pentagon sales of F-14 parts saying weaknesses in security allowed buyers for countries including Iran and China to obtain sensitive military equipment, including F-14 parts.
The bill would also ban previous buyers who already had surplus F-14 parts from exporting them to third parties.

Wild Thing’s comment…….
About time and how could they have let it occurr in the first place?

31 Jan

Troops Respond To Criticism Of The War

Thank you so much John 5 (VN69/70) for sending this to me.

30 Jan

Netherlands More Then 100 Horses Rescued

Many horses got stuck on a small island for days after a heavy storm. People feared for the lives of the more than one hundred horses. This is about their rescue, the rescue of more then 100 horses in the Netherlands in 2006. it is very moving and a beautiful thing to see.
Please CLICK HERE to see this amazing video.
Thank you Tom for sending me this video.

30 Jan

To War Protest Freaks ~ Burn In Hell!

In Washington, counterprotesters also converged on the mall in smaller numbers, but the antiwar demonstration was largely peaceful.
There were a few tense moments, however, including an encounter involving Joshua Sparling, 25, who was on crutches and who said he was a corporal with the 82nd Airborne Division and lost his right leg below the knee in Ramadi, Iraq. Mr. Sparling spoke at a smaller rally held earlier in the day at the United States Navy Memorial, and voiced his support for the administration’s policies in Iraq.
Later, as antiwar protesters passed where he and his group were standing, words were exchanged and one of the antiwar protestors spit at the ground near Mr. Sparling; he spit back.
Capitol police made the antiwar protestors walk farther away from the counterprotesters.
“These are not Americans as far as I’m concerned,” Mr. Sparling said.

In December 2005, the Iraq war veteran received a disgusting, anti-war death wish card while being treated at Walter Reed Army Hospital in Washington, D.C. for injuries from a bomb explosion in Ramadi.

The card front, decorated with patriotic and holiday stamps, was deceptively innocuous. But, when you take a look inside it says “P.S. DIE”.

Last month, his right leg was amputated. I posted about it here at this blog and so did countless others with blogs that love and respect our troops and were outraged.
This last weekend, while he was participating in a counter-protest against the traitors and enemy within our country and their convergence, he was spit at by anti-war demonstrators.

Anti-war protesters were allowed to spray paint on part of the west front steps of the United States Capitol building after police were ordered to break their security line by their leadership, two sources told The Hill.
According to the sources, police officers were livid when they were told to fall back by U.S. Capitol Police (USCP) Chief Phillip Morse and Deputy Chief Daniel Nichols. “They were the commanders on the scene,” one source said,who requested anonymity. “It was disgusting.”

Josh with his girlfriend

What Josh had to say about the protest:

“This march here? I think these are basically people that just don’t really understand what’s going on. These are what I like to call TV liberals. All they do is watch television and get all their information off of there. If they had any real world experience and actually could see what was going on. They’re walking here because of people like me who fight for their freedom and the people that have sacrificed their lives are the real heroes.
If they were in Iraq right now they would be wishing that they could have somebody come in and save them so they could have the same freedoms that we do. They really don’t understand that. That’s the whole reason I joined because of my nephews and nieces who I loved to grow up in freedom. They can do whatever they want. They can be whatever they want. People in Iraq are taken from their homes. They’re captured if they don’t agree with their dictatorship. All I’m saying is they’re people, too and they deserve the same rights that we as Americans deserve.
They say fighting doesn’t solve anything but we would not be here unless the Revolutionary war happenned, World War I, World War II. We’d be speaking German right now. It needs the soldiers They don’t understand. They’re ignorant and ignorance is bliss, they say. They’re caught up in their cause and that’s all they see. They’re blind.”

My story is not too much. I am a regular infantryman. I was over there [Iraq] patrolling the streets. We were taking some cover from some fire and I was looking for a position to defend against and on the way I saw a little hole in the ground with an IED and I warned my troops to get back, back away as fast as possible. They knew they couldn’t get a bunch of us. There was a trigger man hiding there in the field. They’d rather get somebody than nobody so he blew me up. That’s my story. I’m here a year later. I got amputated a year after my injury and now I’m just recovering, getting better so I can get back out there.
If you want to support the soldiers, you need to support the war because we’re all volunteers.”

The left was represented by the traitors to America …just a few of the names:
Democratic Representative Dennis Kucinich
Jessie Jackson
Hanoi Jane
Tim Robbins
Susan Sarandon

Sean Penn ( actor) with Democratic Representative Maxine Waters next to him and communist Code Pink founder Medea Benjamin on the Far Left.

WTF? A mother would do and
say this and side with the enemy!

“I’ve got a son who just got out of the military and another still in,” said Jackie Smith, 65, from Sunapee, N.H., whose sign read “Bush Bin Lyin.” “And I’m here because this is all I can do to try to help them.”

A counterprotester, Larry Stark, 71, a retired Navy officer who fought in Vietnam for five years and was a prisoner of war, said….

“We never lost a battle in Vietnam but we lost the war, and the same is going to be true in Iraq if these protesters have their way.”
The protesters on Saturday were undermining troop morale, Mr. Stark said, and increasing the likelihood of a premature withdrawal.
“It’s like we never learn from the past,” he said.

Wild Thing’s comment……..
The First Amendment is not an excuse for spitting on a wounded Iraq vet or threatening their life. These traitors not only spit on Vets but also called them murderers. And a couple of the traitors threatened to shoot Joshua Sparling. YES they said they would shoot him and there are people from the PRO Troops side ( our side the military said, America’s side) of this that have it on tape!!
This is from an email from someone that was there supporting the troops and was there next to Josh.

“There were at least two different people in the leftist crowd who threatened to shoot Josh – I videotaped those incidents. I’m sure I missed alot more, because I was only one person and couldn’t be everywhere to catch all of the lame leftist threats and curses.”

It is about time the American people woke the hell up! I am sick of this! It made me physically ill to see this shit happening. I had to wait till today to post about it I was too angry, too sick to my stomach to even be able to type anything about it.
OK now get this, how do the enemy within get that many to show up?? They sure as hell did not just leave their homes that day and walk over to the protest. NOPE! They took busses and trains, this fucking thing was well organized to the hilt. And there will be more of them. More planned protests coming you bet cha’! More of the enemy of this country, loathers of our military and users of our freedom for their purpose to attack and slander our troops in the future.

Look at this that is planned for a future protest! GRRRRRRR! They will now desecrate yet another War Memorial. One that they contributed to greatly…by adding thousands more names on the wall by their by their protests before and Hanoi Jane leading the way back then as she is now! The people elected al Qaeda to control the United States Congress and the left controls the Nazi spit mongers.

From the A.N.S.W.E.R. website

March on the Pentagon, Saturday, March 17,2007
On March 17, 2007, the 4th anniversary of the start of the criminal invasion of Iraq, tens of thousands of people from around the country will descend on the Pentagon in a mass demonstration to demand: U.S. Out of Iraq Now! 2007 is the 40th anniversary of the historic 1967 anti-war march to the Pentagon during the Vietnam War. The message of the 1967 march was “From Protest to Resistance,” and marked a turning point in the development of a countrywide mass movement.
In the coming days and weeks, thousands of organizations and individuals will begin mobilizing for the upcoming March on the Pentagon. Organizing committees and transportation centers are being established to bring people to the March on the Pentagon.
The March 17 demonstration will assemble at the Vietnam Veterans Memorial (Constitution Gardens) at 12 noon in Washington, D.C.and march to the Pentagon.”

HERE is where thousands of them went to make arrangements to get there, check it out! Rides are lisrted by each State, no stone was left unturned to get this to be a big protest for them.

There was a variety of signs made available to protesters before Saturday’s event. The protest was largely organized by the group United for Peace and Justice, a coalition of 1,400 local and national organizations.
Our troops deserve better, their families deserve our support as well. When people protest like this it weakens our country it does not make it stronger. We should be a united front in this war against Islam. Every American should be supporting our troops, thanking them and appreciating what our Veterans have done. To not do so sides with the enemy, an enemy that worships death and has an agenda to own our Nation and kill of anyone that is an infidel.
By their actions, words and what they protest they are my enemy, my enemy just as much as the terrorists are and no less. The other day a woman walking in front of me had a t-shirt on that said…..”Peace through Music not War”. I hope if the day comes this fucking board is kneeling down in front of a row of hooded terrorists with big knives in their hands to behead her they play the music selection of her choice.

29 Jan

Incoming For Those 72 Virgins As 300 Insurgents Killed in Battle

At Least 250 Militants Killed During Battle in Iraq
Fox News
BAGHDAD, Iraq — U.S.-backed Iraqi troops on Sunday attacked insurgents allegedly plotting to kill pilgrims at a major Shiite Muslim religious festival, and Iraqi officials estimated some 250 militants died in the daylong battle near Najaf.
Authorities said Iraqi soldiers supported by U.S. aircraft fought all day with a large group of insurgents in the Zaraq area, about 12 miles northeast of the Shiite holy city of Najaf.
Col. Ali Nomas, spokesman for Iraqi security forces in Najaf, said more than 250 corpses had been found. Iraqi army Maj. Gen. Othman al-Ghanemi also spoke of 250 dead but said an exact number would not be released until Monday. He said 10 gunmen had been captured, including one Sudanese.
The U.S. command announced the arrest of 21 suspected terrorists, including an Al Qaeda courier, in a series of raids in Baghdad and Sunni areas north and west of the capital. Three are believed to have close ties to the leadership of Al Qaeda in Iraq, the military said.

And there is also this story I found really interesting. Cracking down on those helping the insurgents……….
Police chief sacks 1,500 officers

The mayor of Baqouba and 1,500 policemen in Diyala province have been fired in a bid to end the raging violence in the region northeast of Baghdad, the provincial police chief has said. Ghanim al-Qureyshi, who took over police operations in the violent province after his predecessor was sacked last month, said Mayor Khalid Al-Senjeri, a Sunni Muslim, was dismissed over suspicions he was collaborating with Sunni insurgent fighters. Only last week, the mayor was reported kidnapped by Sunni insurgents who blew up his office in Baqouba and stole several new police vehicles. He was released a few days later. Baqouba is the Diyala province capital.

It is now 2:35 a.m. on Monday and this is the latest post from Yahoo News, the number of kills is now up to 300!
U.S., Iraqi forces kill 300 militants in Najaf
The U.S. military said on Monday it was an ongoing operation so it could not provide any details.

Wild Thing’s comment…….
That mortar fire came from those guys who Al Sadr told us had put all their weapons away. Let’s see, how long was his word good for…. three days, maybe? I am not surprised, these people cannot tell the truth. The Quran teaches them to lie.
Putting a bacon wrapped bullet through their brains is just too good a death for them but it is a start.
Prayers for all the troops and great shooting. I love it, it’s take down time. The Democrats must be really depressed right now. Too bad….NOT…. I don’t feel sorry for them. Bela Pelosi and the Out-House leaders: Rangle, Dangle, Dingle & Bungle and their enforcer, Henry Whacksman were getting ready to go through the de-funding motions.
Instead, they got the first nail in their two-year coffin! LOL
Open their eyes, give ’em bloody hell, brave troops, and God Bless You!!