02 Apr

UK Teachers Drop the Holocaust to Avoid Offending Muslims

Teachers drop the Holocaust to avoid offending Muslims
Schools are dropping the Holocaust from history lessons to avoid offending Muslim pupils, a Governmentbacked study has revealed.
It found some teachers are reluctant to cover the atrocity for fear of upsetting students whose beliefs include Holocaust denial.
There is also resistance to tackling the 11th century Crusades – where Christians fought Muslim armies for control of Jerusalem – because lessons often contradict what is taught in local mosques.
The findings have prompted claims that some schools are using history ‘as a vehicle for promoting political correctness’.
The study, funded by the Department for Education and Skills, looked into ’emotive and controversial’ history teaching in primary and secondary schools.
It found some teachers are dropping courses covering the Holocaust at the earliest opportunity over fears Muslim pupils might express anti-Semitic and anti-Israel reactions in class.
The researchers gave the example of a secondary school in an unnamed northern city, which dropped the Holocaust as a subject for GCSE coursework.
The report said teachers feared confronting ‘anti-Semitic sentiment and Holocaust denial among some Muslim pupils’.
It added: “In another department, the Holocaust was taught despite anti-Semitic sentiment among some pupils.

“But the same department deliberately avoided teaching the Crusades at Key Stage 3 (11- to 14-year-olds) because their balanced treatment of the topic would have challenged what was taught in some local mosques.”

A third school found itself ‘strongly challenged by some Christian parents for their treatment of the Arab-Israeli conflict-and the history of the state of Israel that did not accord with the teachings of their denomination’.

The report concluded: “In particular settings, teachers of history are unwilling to challenge highly contentious or charged versions of history in which pupils are steeped at home, in their community or in a place of worship.”

But Chris McGovern, history education adviser to the former Tory government, said:

“History is not a vehicle for promoting political correctness. Children must have access to knowledge of these controversial subjects, whether palatable or unpalatable.”

The researchers also warned that a lack of subject knowledge among teachers – particularly at primary level – was leading to history being taught in a ‘shallow way leading to routine and superficial learning’.
Lessons in difficult topics were too often ‘bland, simplistic and unproblematic’ and bored pupils.

Wild Thing’s comment……..
How awful, how horrible it is to see this kind of thing going on. Now we have schools that will not teach something just because someone MIGHT be offended. TUFF! No longer doe the truth matter, no longer does history have meaning to people like this. It makes me sick! I swear the world has turned upside down.
As the quote we all know says….those who don’t learn from history are doomed to repeat it.
Churchill would be disgusted. So many modern brits and modern British public officials would have fit in well with Chamberlain and his fellow appeasers. Stick a fork in the UK, its done and in 100 years will be another Islamic hellhole.

02 Apr

Islamists ‘fundraising and training’ In Britain

Islamists ‘fundraising and training’ in Britain
Sydney Herald
Islamist extremists are highly active in radicalising and training Muslim men in Britain as well as raising funds and supporting fellow extremists overseas.
Britain’s Sunday Telegraph, citing a secret intelligence document, said al-Qaeda sympathisers are sending extremists in Pakistan hundreds of thousands of pounds in cash to fund attacks against Western democracies.
“Security Service and police investigations continue to detect high levels of operational activity by UK-based Islamist extremist networks,” according to the document cited by the newspaper.
“Extremists are engaged in fundraising, radicalisation, and training and in providing support to fellow extremists overseas,” it said.
“The purpose of a proportion of this clandestine activity is unclear. The high levels of activity are consistent with the judgment that an attack in the UK is highly likely,” it added.
The newspaper quoted government sources as saying that Britain is facing a home-grown threat of about 30 plots from 200 separate networks involving about 1,600 suspects.
“The threat facing the UK is very, very high and MI5 (domestic intelligence) and other covert agencies involved in the security of this country are working flat-out. There is no spare capacity in the system,” a security source told the newspaper.
It said the secret document was distributed to the Counter Terrorist Command (SO15), the Cabinet Office and the Home Office.
It reveals that government buildings, Ministry of Defence establishments and tourist sites like the London Eye, the world’s tallest observation wheel, on the River Thames, are at “severe” risk of terrorist attacks, it added.
Prayer leaders and other Muslim “opinion formers” will be given lessons in civil leadership under a new multi-million-pound government plan to fight extremism in Britain, the newspaper added.
As part of the plan, which will be announced this week, pupils from mainly Muslim schools will be paired with those from mainly white schools to engage in joint projects like music and drama.
Britain has been on edge since four Islamist suicide bombers killed themselves and 52 London commuters when they set off bombs on three Underground trains and a bus on July 7, 2005, the first such attack in Europe.

Wild Thing’s comment………
Iran’s seizure of 15 British sailors and the UK’s lame response will certainly embolden the homegrown Jihadists. Nothing succeeds like success.
WHAT in the Bloody-Hell IS BRITAIN doing!!!! REMEMBER JULY 7th 2005!!!”
The London Underground bombings….52 Britains died at the hands of homegrown Islamist terrorists. Never forget for them has become, who cares.

31 Mar

Angry Blair ‘disgusted’ With Iran

Angry Blair ‘disgusted’ with Iran
Tony Blair voiced his “disgust” with Iran last night after Tehran broadcast a second televised “confession” by a captured Royal Navy sailor, apologising for “trespassing” into Iranian waters.

A clearly angry British prime minister said the Iranians’ “manipulation” of the British prisoners would “fool no one”.

He insisted the crisis could only be resolved by the release of all 15 sailors and Royal Marines seized by the Iranians last Friday.
At the same time, Mr Blair appeared to be digging in for a prolonged stand-off — warning that Britain would have to show “patience” as well as “firmness and determination” in its handling of the crisis.
Certainly Tehran appeared to be in no mood to compromise. It followed the release of the footage of Royal Navy sailor Nathan Thomas Summers with a third letter purportedly written by Leading Seaman Faye Turney complaining that she had been “sacrificed” to British and US policies.
The letter also said the British detainees had received better treatment than Iraqi prisoners held by Britain and the US at Abu Ghraib.

In the latest footage, shown on Iran’s Arabic language station Al Alam, Mr Summers is shown saying: “I would like to apologise for entering your waters without any permission.” However there is a clear edit after the word “apologise”, suggesting the extract was spliced together from two separate clips.

In other clips, he said “We trespassed without permission”, before saying their treatment by the Iranians had been “very friendly” and he was “grateful” no harm had come to them.

He is also shown sitting alongside LS Turney — the one woman in the party — and another British serviceman identified as Royal Marine Adam Sperry.
Mr Blair, on a visit to Manchester, angrily denounced the broadcast of the latest footage.

“I really don’t know why the Iranian regime keep doing this. All it does is enhance people’s sense of disgust,” he said.

“Captured personnel being paraded and manipulated in this way doesn’t fool anyone. What the Iranians have to realise is that if they continue in this way, they will face increasing isolation.”

Iranian television has already shown a similar interview with LS Turney, as well as two letters she was said to have written to her family and to a “representative of the House of
Foreign Secretary Margaret Beckett, meeting EU ministers in Germany, said she was “quite horrified” by the latest footage which she denounced as “blatant propaganda”.

Wild Thing’s comment…….
I think Churchill would be taking a stronger stand on this. He would be doing more then saying they needed to show “patience”.
Churchill’s “Never Give Up” Speech

31 Mar

“The Fabirc That Holds The Flag Together”

“Message to the Democratic Party Leadership”, from Cpl Mason

Cpl Chris Mason recorded a video message for the Democratic Party Leadership before he was killed in action in Iraq. Chris was killed by Al Qaeda terrorist. He produced this video on November 12th 2006 at FOB Summerall. This video just recently worked its way to me (his dad) on March 23rd 2007, now I am posting it to the internet for him. It reflects his beliefs about the war in Iraq, the people of Iraq, freedom, why he joined the US military, what he expected after joining the military, and if the warriors lost in the war will be lives wasted.”

Cpl Mason was killed on November 28th, 2006 by Al-Qaeda Terrorist forces operating in Iraq.
He was laid to rest December 12th 2006, exactly thirty days after making this video statement to the Democratic Party Leadership.
Chris’ Memorial web site:

Wild Thing’s comment………
What an honor it is for this country of ours to learn of men like Cpl Mason and all of our troops that volunteered to serve our country. And as Chris says in the video he made ” they are the fabric that holds the Flag together.”
I cried watching this video, and wish so much that every person serving now could know with all their heart how much they mean to us, how much we know of their sacrifices they make. Missing their loved ones, their families, being away from home when not feeling great, missing special holidays and the first word their child says. The first step their son or daughter takes and so many things.
Know that always we are supporting you and thank you with all our hearts. And a thank you to your families too that serve in such a special way.

30 Mar

The Straw That Broke The Camels Back

The Straw That Broke The Camels Back
By Angry Old Salt
When I was 10 years old, I fell in love with Lionel Electric Trains. Just weeks before Christmas, and my birthday, which was two days later, I begged my Father to get me those trains for Christmas. My Father who was working three jobs during WW11. (wholesale banana business for small grocery stores in Staten Island, New York, his pool hall where Willie Mosconi played winning three straight games from my Dad, and at night he worked for Bethlehem Steel as a machinist.)
Every day I would bug him about the electric trains while he was trying to take a nap. After a week of this bugging my Dad, he put the box of Lionel Trains on my bed. Then I didn’t want them because I realized what an asshole I was.
George Bush took all the bullshit talk, the UN sanctions and the constant media jabbering. While he wanted the countries of the world to get together and stop Saddam from atrocities of his own people and development of WMD’s.
Years had passed with nothing done but bullshit talk from the UN, our media and THE CLINTON ADMINISTRATION!
George Bush took a giant step and we did tremendous damage to the Taliban. And since we had gazillion troops in the area, why not take out Saddam now? President Bush did what the phony UN and Clinton administration would not do. Mission accomplished!
We stayed there to help the Iraqi people. Because we didn’t have the balls to annihilate the Republican Guard!
My God the Democrats wouldn’t allow that! So we let the Republican Guard go to please the bleeding hearts of the world.
Then the UN came in and got a hot foot and left. Only a few Nations stayed with us as you all know.
GW Bush has kept this protection-armed force there to keep the Iraqi people safe while they are setting up their government.
The negative Democrats and the media picadors kept jabbing and jabbing at President Bush always bringing up how many of our troops died.
Now the Saudi king sticks a saber in Bush’s back.
What the Hell!
Veto BOTH bills of Senate and the House!
And then just listen with hand on ear to the assholes, you know who I mean.
I would say to the Congress and those in the Senate, you want them home? OK, but not on your time frame. Maybe they are sick all this crap you are dishing out too, did you ever think about that? I could care less about the Iraqis! I care about our troops and what you are doing to them.
Yes, my Dad did the right thing.

30 Mar

Saudi King Blasts ‘illegitimate occupation’ Of Iraq

Saudi king blasts ‘illegitimate occupation’ of Iraq
King Abdullah says Arab nations will not allow any foreign force to decide region’s future.
Mideast Online
Saudi King Abdullah, whose country is a close US ally, on Wednesday slammed the “illegitimate foreign occupation” of Iraq in an opening speech to the annual Arab summit in Riyadh.

“In beloved Iraq, blood is being shed among brothers in the shadow of an illegitimate foreign occupation, and ugly sectarianism threatens civil war,” Abdullah said.

He also said that Arab nations, which are planning to revive a five-year-old Middle East peace plan at the summit, would not allow any foreign force to decide the future of the region.

In the past, Saudi leaders including Foreign Minister Prince Saud al-Faisal have often criticised US policy in Iraq but have never described its presence there as “illegitimate.”

If Arab leaders recover trust in each other and regain their credibility, “the winds of hope will blow on the nation, and then, we will not allow forces from outside the region to determine the future of the region, and only the flag of Arabism will be raised on Arab soil,” Abdullah said.

Arab foreign ministers meeting ahead of the summit agreed on Monday to call for an amendment of Iraq’s 2005 constitution to give Sunni Arabs a greater share of power in the war-ravaged country and prevent its breakup.
But Iraqi Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari responded by saying the government did not need a “diktat” from the Arabs on how to amend its constitution and boost national reconciliation.
The Iraqi government has initiated moves to review a de-Baathification law in a bid to woo former members of the regime of executed dictator Saddam Hussein back into politics and government jobs.
Under a controversial de-Baathification law, tens of thousands of members of Iraq’s former ruling Baath party were stripped of their posts in government, at universities and in business after the 2003 US-led invasion.
The law has been a major source of grievance for the minority Sunnis, who have waged a deadly insurgency against US troops and the Shiite-led American-backed government in Baghdad.
Iraq’s once-ruling Sunnis also want an amendment of the constitution, which they fear leaves their central regions without natural resources and Iraq’s oil wealth in the hands of the governing Shiites and the autonomous Kurds.

Wild Thing’s comment………
The Saudis have always been our enemy. This sand lizard only exists because the U.S. has protected the Saudi family for decades. How quickly the Saudis forget how we protected them when Saddam invaded Kuwait in 1990. The Saudi royal family has been the primary funding source for Wahhabist schools (madrassas) and mosques that have been cranking out terrorists and exporters of terrorism. They also back the Muslim schools here in our country. Many of those schools on our land and Mosques that are being watched by our government security as we have all read about.
My guess is from the action in Congress they can no longer be sure the US will “take care” of Iran before we leave, so they need to play nice with Imanutjob. One more blow to America’s reputation, courtesy of the Rats.
I wonder if this has anything to do with the reason Saudi Arabia’s King Abdullah canceled the state dinner at the White House. Article HERE
Apart from the oil, why we are friends with these people is beyond me.

30 Mar

Active-Duty Troops Asking Congress To Drop Plans For Withdrawal From Iraq

This site is an Appeal For Redress in support of our mission in Iraq.
An Appeal For Redress is an authorized means for active duty military to submit a grievance to Congress. It can be signed by Active Duty, Reserve, or National Guard military personnel.

It is authorized by DoD Directive 1325.6 and DoD Directive 7050.6.
The wording of the Appeal is:
As an American currently serving my nation in uniform, I respectfully urge my political leaders in Congress to fully support our mission in Iraq and halt any calls for retreat. I also respectfully urge my political leaders to actively oppose media efforts which embolden my enemy while demoralizing American support
This Appeal will be delivered to members of Congress.
Most service members fully support the war in Iraq and feel calls to retreat by Congress and emphasis by some in the media on negative aspects while ignoring positive ones act to motivate our enemy while demoralizing our support at home, directly increasing the threat we face and resulting in greater American casualties.
Petitions to sign:
For military:
For civilians:

Wild Thing’s comment……..
What kind of a world do we live in when our awesome military has to have a petition to ask our Congress to let them fight, and stay till they feel the job is done.
I am so proud of our troops, and my disgust that this has to be done does not take away at all in how I feel about our miilitary. It is the Congress and Senate traitors that I am totally disgusted about, add in to that the vile media and their constant lies and slander daily.
I blame the Media, Congress and those in the Senate that do not support our troops for every IED that injuries our troops, for every soldier that is killed. They are in every way helping the enemy as much as they can and I will NEVER FORGIVE THEM!

30 Mar

Iraqi Army Enters “Most Dangerous” Area

The Iraqi Army has entered the militant stronghold of Duwanim, Slogger’s eyewitness sources have confirmed. The rural district falls just to the southwest of the urbanized areas of Baghdad and is known as a base of operations of armed Sunni groups, especially the Omar Brigades and al-Tawhid wa al-Jihad, the al-Qa’ida affiliated organization.
One Slogger source referred to Duwanim as “the most dangerous place” in the Baghdad area. (On a day when at least 60 Iraqis were killed in multiple bomb attacks in Sha’b, this may be a difficult distinction to arbitrate.)
In fact, sources report that Duwanim and the areas around it were so dangerous to Iraqi forces, that they typically would not enter the area, nor perform operations in adjacent nieghborhoods without coordination and support from the Mahdi Army.
The Mahdi Army have a strong presence in some neighboring urbanized areas, such as parts of the predominantly Shi’a districts of al-Shurta and al-Risala. In certain Shi’a mosques in these districts, the Mahdi Army conducts its affairs, ranging from organizational meetings to the detention of suspected Sunni militants, with sources reporting rumors of torture and killing of suspects inside some religious facilities.
The entrance of forces entrance into the Duwanim area is highly significant. Until now, the lawless district was a theater of open conflict and deadly raids between the Mahdi Army and armed Sunni groups. As reported earlier, Iraqi forces have not entered the area for a year.

Wild Thing’s comment……..
Something about this I find interesting. Our troops have been to some areas that have been called similar things. All VERY dangerous! This article states it is the Iraqi Army now going into the “Most Dangerous” Area. Maybe I am so pro OUR toops that it bugs me a little because I don’t like anything to take away from the many areas OUR troops have fought at and still are.

29 Mar

Dems Using Troops as ‘Bargaining Chip’ for Pork

Your Democratic Congress at Work
from Hugh Hewitt blog- at Townhall

You might think a supplemental funding bill whose express purpose is to support our troops in a war zone would be a serious matter. If you think that way, you’ve obviously mistaken our Democrat-run Senate as a serious institution. Below is a list of additional expenditures, or, you might say, winners of the pork lottery that the Democrats included in the supplemental funding bill:

1) $24 million for funding for sugar beets. Good thing – I love sugar beets!
2) $3 million for funding for sugar cane (goes to one Hawaiian co-op). But I love sugar even more. Especially sugar that comes from Hawaii!
3) $20 million for insect infestation damage reimbursements in Nevada, Idaho, and Utah. Damn insects. Kill them all.
4) $2.1 billion for crop production losses. Remember, this is a bill to support the troops.
5) $1.5 billion for livestock production losses. That’s a lot of livestock.
6) $100 million for Dairy Production Losses. Is there any industry in America that’s losing money that this bill doesn’t offer a handout to?
7) $13 million for Ewe Lamb Replacement and Retention Program. The problem with ewes is you feed them, you train them, you love them, and when they finally become useful they take a better paying job. Ewes are fickle beasts who show not an ounce of loyalty. Even $13 million to replace and retain them won’t do any good.
8) $32 million for Livestock Indemnity Program. Good to have in case your chicken pecks out the neighbor’s kid’s eye. Gotta have indemnity for your livestock. Much more important than funding the troops.
9) $40 million for the Tree Assistance Program. Aaah, trees – the cathedrals of nature. I bet this one was John Kerry’s idea.
10) Provision that extends the availability by a year $3.5 million in funding for guided tours of the Capitol. Also a provision allows transfer of funds from holiday ornament sales in the Senate gift shop. If I understand this one correctly, most of the $3.5 million actually goes to stocking Ted Kennedy’s Capitol mini-bar.
11) 165.9 million for fisheries disaster relief, funded through NOAA (including $60.4 million for salmon fisheries in the Klamath Basin region). Finally, the overlooked Klamath basin gets the attention it deserves.
12) $25 million for asbestos abatement at the Capitol Power Plant. On this one, we got off easy. The contemplated asbestos abatement on Ted Kennedy’s liver would have cost an additional $6 million.
13) $22.8 million for geothermal research and development. Someday, God willing, this research will pave the way for curing the earth’s fever.
Believe me, there are many, many others. This is only a partial list. And, I regret to say, not one of the items above is made-up or a joke.

Wild Thing’s comment……..
This is from Townhall and Posted by Dean Barnett, I think he did a good job with it.