31 May

Feel The Power Baby! OH Yeah!

US Navy ships in Arabian Sea, Gulf of Oman
Navy ships in the Arabian Sea, Gulf of Oman area. Scenes include aerial footage of individual and multiple ships in formation including the USS Stenis, USS Bonhomme Richard and USS Rushmore, helicopters flying with ships, and some interior footage looking out from inside the helicopters.

31 May

Child Seeks Protection Behind One of Our Soldiers

Potent symbols: Iraqi boy shelters behind U.S. soldier
Chicago Tribune
It’s a picture of the scene after a bombing in Baghdad yesterday. Adding to the chaos of the bombing which killed at least 21 people and injured at least 66 was a shooter, maybe targeting people in the crowd.
Amid all the Iraqis who are running from the gunfire was a U.S. soldier, standing tall, perhaps looking in the direction of the gunshots, not apparently looking for cover.
An Iraqi boy seeks shelter behind the soldier, a member of the 82nd Airborne Division.

Wild Thing’s comment……….

The boy knows who will not kill him but will save him. This must disappoint the wishes of the cut and run crowd, to see one of our very brave soldiers standing tall and the child knowing where he can get behind him to be safe. God bless all our troops!!

31 May

Army Paratroopers Share Thoughts On Surge

U.S. Army Spc. Antonio Garcia, from San Angelo, Texas, a paratrooper with Company C, 2nd Battalion, 325th Airborne Infantry Regiment, 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 82nd Airborne Division, pulls security while his platoon leader talks to the owner of a house during a cordon and search operation in Sha’ab, Baghdad, May 2007. U.S. Army photo by Sgt. Michael Pryor

By Sgt. Michael Pryor
2nd Brigade Combat Team, 82nd Airborne Division
BAGHDAD — In the first days after his battalion began operating in east Baghdad’s Sha’ab neighborhood, Capt. Will Canda said he often saw the beds of Iraqi police trucks stained red with dried blood.

“It was like they had just come from a butcher shop,” said Canda, a Westcliffe, Colo. native and commander of Company B, 2nd Battalion, 325th Airborne Infantry Regiment.

Like wagons rolling through plague-stricken villages in medieval times, the police trucks were being used to pick up the bodies of murder victims found littering the neighborhood.
That was in February, when Canda’s battalion became one of the first units to move into a battle space as part of Operation Fardh al Qanoon – which translated, means “enforcing the law” and is the name for the strategy to stabilize violence in Baghdad by pushing thousands of additional U.S. and Iraqi forces into the city’s neighborhoods.
Since then, troops have continued to pour in, dotting Baghdad with small outposts and joint security stations.
Top U.S. commanders have cautioned that any verdict on the overall success of the plan will have to wait until after all units are in place and conducting operations. But Canda and his paratroopers have been on the ground long enough to begin drawing their own conclusions.

Three months after they arrived in Sha’ab, the bodies are gone, the murders have stopped, and the neighborhood has come back to life, Canda said.

“It’s night and day from when we got here,” he said.

It’s an impressive claim considering the challenges facing the paratroopers when they first arrived here in early February.

One obvious problem was the sheer size of the region. The battalion’s area of operations comprises a huge section of east Baghdad, including the Sha’ab, Ur, and Sadr City neighborhoods.
Twenty percent of the city’s total population lives within this area of operation, said Maj. Trey Rutherford, the battalion’s operations officer. That equals out to a rough ratio of one paratrooper for every 26,000 Iraqis.
But the numbers weren’t the paratroopers’ only obstacle. They also faced an entrenched and hostile militia organization, an inefficient local government and a breakdown in essential services for the population.
None of these problems have been completely solved yet, Rutherford said.

“We’ve still got a ways to go,” he said.

But, he said, the accomplishments are already starting to pile up. The battalion has sent almost 200 criminals into the Iraqi justice system. People in the area are slowly beginning to look to the government for protection, rather than the militias. The economy is booming, thanks to improved protective measures at the markets. And the local government is starting to play a more active role, beginning at the neighborhood advisory council level, Rutherford said.
Most importantly, said Canda, security has improved. Life for the people of Sha’ab is returning to normal, to the way it was before the killing and bombings turned a walk to the market into a life or death gamble.

“I know that we’ve made a difference and made this area safer. Every time I go out, people tell me that,” said Spc. Herrick Lidstone, of Littleton, Colo., a radio operator with Bravo Company.

The battalion runs operations out of Coalition Outpost Callahan, a fortress-like building that was once an upscale shopping center. The place was empty and abandoned when the paratroopers arrived, but it’s now a constant blur of activity.
Day and night, the stairs are crowded with soldiers either on their way out on a mission or coming in from one. The whirring, clanging, hammering sounds of the motor pool continually echo through the COP as mechanics patch up damaged vehicles for the next patrol.
Each time the paratroopers leave the wire, the mission is different.
A typically hectic day might find them handing out Tylenol and tooth brushes at a medical assistance operation in the morning, doing detective work to track down members of a bomb-making cell in the afternoon, and kicking in doors on a full-combat raid at night.

“We ask them to do a thousand different things,” said Rutherford, “and we ask them to do it every single day.”

It’s a steep learning curve, said 1st Lt. Andrew Smith, a platoon leader with Charlie Company from Apopka, Fla.

“When I leave Iraq, I’ll have been a salesman, a cop, a politician, and a school principal,” Smith said.

Some of the paratroopers wish they could hand the “hearts & minds” missions off to some other unit.

“I didn’t sign up to hand out soccer balls,” said one sergeant.

But gaining the support of the population is the key to making the surge work, said Sgt. John Reed, a Bravo Company squad leader from Sanford, Fla. The people are the base that military, political, and economic progress has to be built on, he said.

“Without a base, without a foundation, you have nothing,” Reed said.

The results of the paratroopers’ efforts to engage the population are clearest during their daily patrols through the zigzagging streets of Sha’ab. Out on the streets, where people used to lock their doors in fright when Americans appeared, the paratroopers are now greeted warmly.
One afternoon 1st Lt. Rusty Bodine, of Fairfax, Va., was out trying to get residents to fill out an employment survey.
He knocked on one door and was welcomed in by the man of the house, who was dressed in a rumpled shirt and bare feet. He looked like he might have just woken up. While he looked at the survey, his sons brought out extra chairs and stools for the paratroopers to sit down.
While Bodine and the man talked, Reed and Sgt. Unberto Espinoza wandered into the next room. The man’s wife was there watching television surrounded by three of her children and several neighborhood kids. The kids swarmed around the two paratroopers, barraging them with questions.

“What is your name?” “Where is your home?” “You speak Arabic?”

Two teenage daughters peeked their heads out from behind a curtain, then disappeared again, giggling, when the paratroopers looked back. Stools and chairs were brought out, then cups of tea. When one of the paratroopers took out a picture of his baby son, the whole family passed it around, each one giving it a little kiss.
When it was time to leave, the family asked the paratroopers to come back the next day. They waved from the doorstep as the trucks drove away.
Inside the Humvees, everyone was feeling good. At more and more houses, they were getting similar receptions. Each one was a little victory for the paratroopers, who had worked hard to bring the people to their side.

Wild Thing’s comment………
Stories like this the Media and the liars about our troops would rather die then tell us about. Stories of the success of our troops no matter how big or small, or how many times our troops WIN battles, take caches of weapons and capture insurgents is just too much for our terrorist loving Media to admit to. And God forbid people like Pelosi, Reid and Murtha etc. would tell about these things when they go on political talk shows to push THEIR agenda of how we cannot win and never will.

31 May

Remember Me ~ Awesome Video

Lizzie Palmer who put this YouTube program together is 15 years old.
Thank you Jack.

30 May

Bush Slaps His Conservative Base in Face Over His Precious Illegals

Bush hits foes of alien bill ….for complete article
President Bush yesterday rebuked members of his own political party for trying to “frighten people” into opposing his immigration bill, prompting a quick backlash from some Republicans.

“Those determined to find fault with this bill will always be able to look at a narrow slice of it and find something they don’t like,” Mr. Bush said, speaking at a training center for immigration enforcement officials in Glynco, Ga.

“That’s hurtful language,” said Sen. Jeff Sessions, Alabama Republican. “If the bill did what they promised it was going to do, I’d support it. I’m for comprehensive reform, but it has to serve the national interests, not political interest.”

“Amnesty for 12-20 million illegal immigrants isn’t a ‘narrow slice’ … it’s the whole darn pie,” Mr. Bilbray said. “What part of illegal does the president not understand? The American people … don’t want another amnesty.”

Paul Weyrich, founder of the conservative Free Congress Foundation, said that “there are legitimate reasons to oppose this legislation, and I don’t think that it behooves the president to call people names or make accusations against them if they disagree with him.”

“He is angering people beyond belief to the point that the Republican Party is going to split in two, thanks to him. If this bill passes, the Republicans will not recover from it,” Mr. Weyrich said.

An aide to one Republican senator who is usually a close White House ally said that Mr. Bush had questioned the patriotism of lawmakers who are concerned about granting amnesty to illegal aliens.

“It not only stretches the bounds of credibility with conservative Republicans but in fact, it further erodes their confidence in this administration,” said the aide, who asked that his name not be used.

Mr. Weyrich said the president was repeating the mistake he made in 2005 when he nominated Harriet E. Miers, Mr. Bush’s White House counsel at the time, to the Supreme Court. Miss Miers removed herself from consideration after intense opposition from conservatives.

Mr. Bush denounced those who are “out there hollerin’ and saying, ‘Kick ’em out,’ ” saying such an approach “is simply unrealistic. It won’t work.”

Oh but there is MORE………………
Bush confronts immigration deal skeptics ….for complete article
President Bush attacked opponents of an immigration deal Tuesday, suggesting they “don’t want to do what’s right for America.”

“Those determined to find fault with this bill will always be able to look at a narrow slice of it and find something they don’t like,” the president said. “If you want to kill the bill, if you don’t want to do what’s right for America, you can pick one little aspect out of it.

Bush chastised those who say the proposal offers amnesty to illegal immigrants. He called it empty political rhetoric.

Wild Thing’s comment…………
There they go again, trying to paint their opponents as uneducated “bigots”, but this time, it’s the president himself doing it to members of his own party.
I want to to see existing laws enforced, the borders secured and economic disincentives instituted to facilitate the self-removal of illegals from our country.

“He is angering people beyond belief to the point that the Republican Party
is going to split in two, thanks to him. If this bill passes, the Republicans will not recover from it,” Mr. Weyrich said.”

Wake up Mr. Weyrich…Bush does NOT care about having divided the party. He made that LOUD and CLEAR
by pushing comprehensive immigration reform in a critical election year, risking and losing both the House
and the Senate and now his amnesty and open borders conspirators are in charge.
People that break the laws of this land from the first day they set foot across the border are more
than likely to disrespect our laws and break more of them later. Case and point, they interviewed an
illegal on the news the other day and he was laughing about being able to get any kind of ID he wanted
for the right price.

An aide to one Republican senator who is usually a close White House ally said
that Mr. Bush had questioned the patriotism of lawmakers who are concerned about granting amnesty
to illegal aliens.

Bush has used this accusation to death. He’s no longer a leader. Whining about opposition to a bill
that enables the destruction of American society makes him look like a spoiled, petulant child at best.

“It takes a lot of courage in the face of some of the criticism in the political world
to do what’s right, not what’s comfortable. And what’s right is to fix this system now before it’s
too late,” the president said.

Is he talking about himself? What’s right, Mr. Bush, is to uphold the law and preserve the
sovereignty of the U.S. What’s right, Mr. Bush, is to serve the people of the United States not the
other way around.

If you want to scare the American people, what you say is the bill’s an
amnesty bill,” Mr. Bush said.

No, Mr. President.What scares the American people,is the thought of this bill passing! Does this
illegal lover think we are a nation of 4 year olds? Frightened??? We’re pissed off!!!!
Bush has turned on his own people, his political supporters, his citizens, his conservative base,
and the integrity of America in general. This is truly something that will live in history for a very
long time. Shame be upon this effort and all of those malfeasants in Washington that are doing
this to our country -— that USED TO BE a representative republic.
I don’t give a flying fart about Bush anymore, that feeling has been growing for a long time
now, but I am concerned with that it is our country that is at stake.
It is WE THE PEOPLE who run this country, not the other way around and it’s damned time
we stood up and did something about it.
Of all the things he needed to fight the liberals over, he chooses to attack his own base for
wanting to protect our nation’s sovereignty.

30 May

“It’s about America, it’s about God and Country!” ~ Gene Simmons

Gene Simmons Military Tribute

Gene Simmons is the kind of guy who does and says whatever he wants, whenever he wants. Schedule an interview with him on Monday afternoon, and he’ll call you at 10 p.m. on Sunday. And when the legendary KISS front man is ready to go, you’d better have your recorder handy, because he’s always got something incendiary to say.
The “king of all beasts” (his words) cannot be tamed—at least not by anyone other than longtime girlfriend, former Playmate Shannon Tweed, and their two children, Sophie, 14, and Nick, 18. Their efforts are chronicled in the A&E reality series Gene Simmons Family Jewels, currently in its second season. In honor of Memorial Day, Simmons recently taped a special one-hour episode in which he and daughter Sophie get a taste for basic training at Camp Pendleton in San Diego, then visit wounded soldiers at a veterans hospital in Long Beach. The experience inspired him to put on a subsequent concert for troops about to ship off to Iraq.
On the phone to Radar from L.A., Simmons exercised his oversize tongue on a range of issues, including the Iraq war, the need for racial profiling, and the “enemy of Western civilization,” Sean Penn.

RADAR: You seemed to have a deep respect for the soldiers you met at Camp Pendleton. What did you come away with?
GENE SIMMONS: It is embarrassing what’s happening to America nowadays. I’m embarrassed. The same thing happened in Vietnam, and I lived through that era. It was unbelievable. The answer seems to be, from some political experts, just get up and leave and the bad guys will decide, “Hey let’s disarm and everything’s going to be okay.” I’m so fucking sick and tired of such idiotic behavior.
It’s not the policies and the bills; it’s how we treat our military. It’s how we treat our young men or women who go out there, at 18 years old, and risk their lives. There’s no fame, they’re certainly not getting rich, and a lot of them are dying, simply for something they believe.
By the way, it’s a volunteer army, all volunteer. The fact that anybody would have a fucking thing to say about that is astonishing. And the VA hospital that Sophie and I went to, it’s about an hour and a half down the road from Malibu. These morons can’t get up off their asses and out of their $10 million homes, get into their SUVs, and drive down to the VA hospital just to say, “Hey, what you do matters.” Doesn’t matter what they think of President Bush. It matters that 18-year-olds are getting out there and risking their lives. I didn’t see a single person there. That’s the most embarrassing thing. I’m furious at Hollywood.
RADAR: No visitors at all?
GENE SIMMONS: No. Of course, if it means getting on a jet and going to Washington, D.C., to get in front of media, they’re all there. But they won’t get into a car where there’s no media and just go and shake the hand of a vet. And we met, as you know, Vietnam vets and Korean vets and Iraqi vets, and it just breaks your heart.

RADAR: Do you think the troops in Iraq don’t get the respect they deserve?
GENE SIMMONS: I think it’s worse than ever. Because it’s never talked about. It’s just never talked about. We used to have a dialogue. I mean, there were peace marches, and people forget this, but the Vietnam vets that came back were spat at. Now, it’s just apathy.
RADAR: But it seems like these people are protesting the war, not protesting the troops.
GENE SIMMONS: I don’t see the difference. Aid and comfort to the enemy is when you do it through media and there are big headlines like “We’ve Lost the War” and things like that. What makes you think that any graduate of any madrassa in the Middle East doesn’t blow that up? In other words, make a big copy of it and show it to everybody.
RADAR: So you have no problem with profiling? If you were at the airport, you wouldn’t mind being searched?
GENE SIMMONS: I’m volunteering. I’m volunteering to have less rights. This whole notion that you can have all the rights in the world while there’s an emergency is nonsense. That’s why there are emergency hours that are given to law enforcement during times of war. And if the cop tells you to move and you don’t move, he’ll bat you over the head. That’s the way it should be.
RADAR: So someone like Sean Penn for instance … you don’t support what he’s doing?
GENE SIMMONS: Oh, I think he’s the enemy of Western civilization. I think he’s a terrific actor, but a political knucklehead.

Wild Thing’s comment……………
I have only met Gene Simmons somewhere between 40 to 50 times that is a lot I guess, but not that many times compared to over the years in showbiz.
Each time he was very polite and easy to talk to. I was friends with his girlfriend of some 25 years now, Shannon Tweed, and as far as I know Gene has always been a huge supporter of our troops, America and like he said God and Country.
It is always such a pleasure and makes my heart smile to be able to post about not only someone I know, but also someone that is a big supporter of our troops and realizes why we must fight the terrorists to keep our country safe and free.
This is a great video of a concert that Gene Simmons did for our troops. Turn the the volume and sing along, it is a great medley of military songs.

30 May

TB-Infected American Takes Flights

TB-Infected American Takes Flights
Feds Worry Others Were Infected
ATLANTA — A man with a rare and dangerous form of tuberculosis may have spread the disease to passengers and crew on two trans-Atlantic flights earlier this month, federal health officials said Tuesday.
Centers for Disease Control officials released information about the passenger and called for people on the same flights — especially those who sat within two rows of him — to get checked for the infection.
The infected patient traveled on two trans-Atlantic air flights and, in doing so, may have exposed passengers and crew to the extensively drug-resistant tuberculosis.
Which Flights?
The patient flew from Atlanta to Paris on May 12, arriving on May 13, on Air France flight 385. He returned to North America on May 24, on Czech Air flight 104, from Prague to Montreal. (Note: Earlier versions of this story incorrectly listed the Czech Air flight number.)
The man then drove into the U.S. He is hospitalized in respiratory isolation, according to the World Health Organization. It was reported that he was under federal quarantine, the first time a patient has been placed in that situation since 1963. The president must sign off on that step.
The patient was potentially infectious at the time of the flights to and from Europe, and so CDC officials recommended medical evaluation of cabin crew members on those flights, as well nearby passengers, according to the World Health Organization.

Wild Thing’s comment………..
I don’t know why the government is having such a fit over this. They let thousands of illegals cross the border each year with TB and other nasty diseases such as cholera, diphtheria, plague, leprosy, malaria, and viral hemorrhagic fevers and probably with AIDS too.
Close the border! TB was gone in the US before the border was thrown open!!!!

30 May

Price Goes UP for Coming in LEGALLY to America

Immigration fees to rise sharply
Los Angeles Times
The Bush administration will announce increases in immigration application fees Wednesday that will nearly double the cost of citizenship and almost triple the cost of becoming a legal permanent resident.

“The reason we’re raising the fees, short answer, is that we need the money,” said Emilio Gonzales, director of Citizenship and Immigration Services. “A lot of people are going to be affected by this, there’s no sugar-coating it.”

Gonzales said 99 percent of the agency’s budget comes from user fees, a system Congress devised based on the principle that the costs of citizenship should be borne by immigrants, not taxpayers.
Under the increases, which cover almost all immigration benefits, the cost of bringing a foreign fiance or fiancee will jump from $170 to $455. The price tag for a green card, or a legal permanent resident visa, will rise from $325 to $930, and the cost of citizenship papers will increase from $330 to $595.
The fee increases come as the Senate debates a wide-ranging immigration reform bill that would give illegal immigrants in the United States, estimated to number 12 million or more, a way to gain legal status. Gonzales said the fee increase, which will take effect at the end of July, was not announced with the Senate bill in mind.

Wild Thing’s comment………..
So when a person wants to come here legally and obey our immigration rules they are going to have to pay a lot more money. But meanwhile Bush and his illegal loving cronies want to show ” respect” for the feelings and demands of those here illegally.

30 May

God Bless Our Troops ~ For the soldiers, “Bagpipes Cryin'”

For the soldiers, “Bagpipes Cryin'” by Rushlow Harris.

…..Thank you John5 ( VN 69/70)

Wild Thing’s comment………
This is a wonderful video, great music too.

29 May

Rolling Thunder ~ I Love You! Thank you!

No Memorial Day weekend in the capital is complete without the ritualistic rumble of Rolling Thunder. For 20 years now, the nonprofit group has led a ”Ride for Freedom” along the National Mall, a full-throttle demonstration in support of soldiers held captive or missing in action.

An unidentified U.S. Marine salutes as participants of the 20th annual Rolling Thunder Ride for Freedom drive in front of the Lincoln Memorial, seen in background, Sunday, May 27, 2007 in Washington. (AP Photo/Caleb Jones)

President Bush, left, walks with Rolling Thunder members, from left, Gary Scheffmeyer, Artie Muller, Lynne Jenks Spencer and Elaine Muller, as he receives them on the South Lawn of the White House in Washington, Sunday, May 27, 2007. (AP Photo/Lawrence Jackson)

Hard hats and horsepower: Thousands of bikers leave the Pentagon car park as they make their way to Washington’s mall during the Memorial Day Rolling Thunder parade.
Photo: AFP

Thunder rolls, tears rain on Vietnam vets’ parade
from various sources online

The ponytails might have grayed, and they’re not as lithe as they were 40 years ago, but for the Harley-riding Vietnam veterans who descend on Washington for Memorial Day, it’s a chance to remember and reflect on the war that changed their generation.
An estimated 400,000 motorcyclists swarmed the capital at the weekend for the 20th Rolling Thunder event. Many were veterans sporting leather vests advertising their platoon, their tour of duty, fallen comrades — and their devotion to their Harley-Davidson.
Some had ridden across the US in a pilgrimage to “the Wall”, the name given to the stark yet moving monument that records the names of the 58,000 US servicemen who died in Vietnam.
Others had come from closer states. Like Jim Burgess, from Florida. He flew reconnaissance planes out of Thailand along the Ho Chi Minh Trail.
“I got 10 people up on the Wall — one from my squadron. You gotta come and visit them once in a while,” he said.
Ben Ompad served at the Phan Rang Air Base alongside Australian servicemen in 1967-68. “They were flying Canberras (bombers) back in those days, and I was like an adopted son,” he said.
Dan Watson didn’t serve in Vietnam, but he’d ridden the eight hours from Pennsylvania to spread the word on behalf of the Christian Motorcyclists’ Association.
“I’m president of our chapter and I come every year to hand out Bibles and just talk to people,” he said.
There was also a smattering of newer vets, several of whom were still recovering from injuries sustained in the Iraq war.
Specialist Adoph Morciglio, who drove convoy escorts, is now on disability leave from the US Army after a roadside bomb exploded near his convoy in Iraq. One of his team died a couple of months later from his injuries. It was his first time at the Memorial Day event.
“I don’t doubt in my mind that there were weapons of mass destruction. Saddam just had too much time to get rid of the stuff, ” said Sam Clark, a Vietnam veteran who survived the 1968 Tet Offensive.
Keith Eastman, from Dayton, Ohio, who served in the US Air Force on gunships out of Nha Trang, wants to see America stay the distance. “I want us to leave but after we win, and I think you’ll find most of the vets feel the same way. We were pulled out of Vietnam and we didn’t like it,” he said.
Retired Army Spc. George Rusiewicz rides to show support for his brother, who fought in Vietnam and was riding in Rolling Thunder today for the fourth straight year.
“You’ve gotta support the troops, and I think this is a great way to do it,” Rusiewicz said. “We need people to defend this nation, and like they say, ‘Freedom isn’t free.’”
By mid-afternoon the air around Constitution Avenue was thick with exhaust smoke and the smell of synthetic motorcycle oil. But the parade kept coming and the crowd kept cheering, even though by now every shape, size and modification of Harley had passed them by.

Below are some video’s about this last weekend with the Rolling Thunder. Love the first one especially.

And this one too……………