Hello Sailor: But these pilots can appreciate Caroline’s charms too
PC brigade ban pin-ups on RAF jets – in case they offend women and Muslims
Daily Mail
In killer heels and little else, they have a definite deadly charm.
But the risque images of women that have decorated warplanes since the First World War have been scrubbed out.
The Ministry of Defence has decreed they could offend the RAF’s female personnel.
Officials admitted they had no record of any complaints from the 5,400 women in the RAF.
But commanders are erring firmly on the side of caution and “nose art”, as it is known, has been consigned to the history books.

Harrier jump jet bombers currently launching daily airstrikes against the Taliban in southern Afghanistan have been scrubbed clean to comply with the orders.
Critics said the MoD should be focusing on more important issues – such as the quality and quantity of equipment available to British forces sent off to war.
Nose art first appeared on warplanes during the First World War and enjoyed a golden age during the Second World War when thousands of American fighters and bombers were decorated with pictures of glamorous women.

Model Michelle Marsh signing a ‘regulation’ silhouetted image of herself on a Harrier plane during her Afghanistan trip
Military commanders tolerated the practice as a morale booster.
Famous examples include the Memphis Belle, a U.S. Army Air Force B-17 bomber that was the subject of a 1990 Hollywood movie.
Many RAF units picked up the practice from the Americans.
Nose art enjoyed another surge in popularity during the 1991 and 2003 Gulf Wars, when risque images appeared on many British warplanes.
The decision to ban the images followed a visit by glamour models to southern Afghanistan before Christmas. During the trip they signed paintings of themselves on RAF aircraft.
Commanders decided the images were sexist and insisted there was no place for them in the modern armed forces.
There was also concern that they could cause offence in a muslim country where until 2001 all women were forced to wear the head-to-toe burkha in public.
Glamour model Lucy Pinder, 23, who visited the RAF detachment at Kandahar last November and signed a painting of herself on a Harrier jet, said such images were only “harmless fun”.

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“It’s very flattering and it’s nice that they get to do something that takes their minds off things for a while,” she said from her home in Winchester, Hampshire.
Conservative MP Phillip Davies said: “Has the MoD really got nothing better to worry about at a time when there are serious concerns over equipment and resources available to our forces in Iraq and Afghanistan?”
Wild Thing’s comment………
Maybe they should just all put pictures of pigs on their planes. I don’t think this is good news at all. The British have surrendered.
This is so silly to stop doing this. What is going to be next to stop bombing because that is not politically correct to these people either???? Nose art is harmless and gives a lot of support to our troops, it helps the morale of the military as well, at least I think it does.
In many places they can’t display our COLORS on conquered territory and they can’t display pin ups in their barracks all because they ‘might’ offend someone else’s sensibility. As for the blood spent by those who fought for gained ground or for those who survived relaxing in their barracks or tents, who may want to look at a pin up to remind themselves what they are fighting for and what they have waiting back HOME, well their sensibilities just don’t friggin count!!
PC will be our doom!!
One of the reasons you see at the top of this blog the image ….PC Free Zone Gazette, is because I am against PC. It has done much more harm then any good in this world. It has gotten out of hand and is used as a rule of communication, advertising and now these last few years we have seen over and over again PC used in how to fight a war and how to deal with the enemy and at the same time PC is putting our troops in more danger.
This came to me with this story in my email from a Vietnam Vet friend and he said I could share his words with you.He served tours in both the USMC and USAF (1954-1967).
“Bob Hope show had both Marylin & Jayne Mansfield.
Jerry Colonna and some accordion playing juggler.
Hope wearing a Korean Papa-san hat, a Looooong Korean white clay pipe, Crew chief one piece fatigues covered in squadron patches and swinging a golf club.
Girls wearing not much and freezing their asses off for our entertainment.
He (Hope)could have yelled out “duckshit” and we would have roared laughing.
His risque jokes about Chico village just outside the base caused us to go hysterical.
I finished watching the show just in time to head towards the “Witch’s Teat” for nighttime guard duty. If, IF there is a heaven, Mr.Hope is occupying a seat with a fantastic view.”
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