07 Jun

Let’s Go Kill People, But PC Demands Don’t Hurt Their Feelings

Hello Sailor: But these pilots can appreciate Caroline’s charms too

PC brigade ban pin-ups on RAF jets – in case they offend women and Muslims
Daily Mail
In killer heels and little else, they have a definite deadly charm.
But the risque images of women that have decorated warplanes since the First World War have been scrubbed out.
The Ministry of Defence has decreed they could offend the RAF’s female personnel.
Officials admitted they had no record of any complaints from the 5,400 women in the RAF.
But commanders are erring firmly on the side of caution and “nose art”, as it is known, has been consigned to the history books.

Harrier jump jet bombers currently launching daily airstrikes against the Taliban in southern Afghanistan have been scrubbed clean to comply with the orders.
Critics said the MoD should be focusing on more important issues – such as the quality and quantity of equipment available to British forces sent off to war.
Nose art first appeared on warplanes during the First World War and enjoyed a golden age during the Second World War when thousands of American fighters and bombers were decorated with pictures of glamorous women.

Model Michelle Marsh signing a ‘regulation’ silhouetted image of herself on a Harrier plane during her Afghanistan trip

Military commanders tolerated the practice as a morale booster.
Famous examples include the Memphis Belle, a U.S. Army Air Force B-17 bomber that was the subject of a 1990 Hollywood movie.
Many RAF units picked up the practice from the Americans.
Nose art enjoyed another surge in popularity during the 1991 and 2003 Gulf Wars, when risque images appeared on many British warplanes.
The decision to ban the images followed a visit by glamour models to southern Afghanistan before Christmas. During the trip they signed paintings of themselves on RAF aircraft.
Commanders decided the images were sexist and insisted there was no place for them in the modern armed forces.
There was also concern that they could cause offence in a muslim country where until 2001 all women were forced to wear the head-to-toe burkha in public.
Glamour model Lucy Pinder, 23, who visited the RAF detachment at Kandahar last November and signed a painting of herself on a Harrier jet, said such images were only “harmless fun”.

Show Time: A saucy mistress atop a missile

“It’s very flattering and it’s nice that they get to do something that takes their minds off things for a while,” she said from her home in Winchester, Hampshire.

Conservative MP Phillip Davies said: “Has the MoD really got nothing better to worry about at a time when there are serious concerns over equipment and resources available to our forces in Iraq and Afghanistan?”

Wild Thing’s comment………

Maybe they should just all put pictures of pigs on their planes. I don’t think this is good news at all. The British have surrendered.
This is so silly to stop doing this. What is going to be next to stop bombing because that is not politically correct to these people either???? Nose art is harmless and gives a lot of support to our troops, it helps the morale of the military as well, at least I think it does.
In many places they can’t display our COLORS on conquered territory and they can’t display pin ups in their barracks all because they ‘might’ offend someone else’s sensibility. As for the blood spent by those who fought for gained ground or for those who survived relaxing in their barracks or tents, who may want to look at a pin up to remind themselves what they are fighting for and what they have waiting back HOME, well their sensibilities just don’t friggin count!!
PC will be our doom!!
One of the reasons you see at the top of this blog the image ….PC Free Zone Gazette, is because I am against PC. It has done much more harm then any good in this world. It has gotten out of hand and is used as a rule of communication, advertising and now these last few years we have seen over and over again PC used in how to fight a war and how to deal with the enemy and at the same time PC is putting our troops in more danger.

This came to me with this story in my email from a Vietnam Vet friend and he said I could share his words with you.He served tours in both the USMC and USAF (1954-1967).

“Bob Hope show had both Marylin & Jayne Mansfield.
Jerry Colonna and some accordion playing juggler.
Hope wearing a Korean Papa-san hat, a Looooong Korean white clay pipe, Crew chief one piece fatigues covered in squadron patches and swinging a golf club.
Girls wearing not much and freezing their asses off for our entertainment.
He (Hope)could have yelled out “duckshit” and we would have roared laughing.
His risque jokes about Chico village just outside the base caused us to go hysterical.
I finished watching the show just in time to head towards the “Witch’s Teat” for nighttime guard duty. If, IF there is a heaven, Mr.Hope is occupying a seat with a fantastic view.”

07 Jun

Remove Roadblocks to Oil Production Here In the USA

Please stay off of the gas
Washington Times …for complete article
Rolling into the busy summer driving season, Congress just can’t seem to resist the urge to scapegoat oil companies. Just before Memorial Day weekend, Congress held another in what has become a seemingly interminable number of hearings into “big oil’s” role in high gasoline prices and threatening to punish the industry for making a profit.
World oil prices are not set by big oil companies in the U.S., but rather by supply and demand conditions in the market, as often manipulated by state-run oil companies — who own most of world’s oil — in the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries and Russia.
Even in the face of congressional hostility and forced nationalization of foreign owned oil and gas deposits, the industry has done its best to increase oil reserves — tripling the oil and gas wells operating in the U.S. since 2000.
By contrast, rather than helping consumers, Congress’ actions have reduced available gasoline and made us depend more on foreign oil.
For instance, in the 1980s Congress instituted a “Windfall Profits Tax” (WPT) on the oil industry. The results were predictable to any student taking high school economics but evidently not to Capitol Hill —

A 1990 Congressional Research Service report found that between 1980 and 1987 “The WPT reduced domestic oil production between 3 and 6 percent and increased oil imports between 8 and 16 percent.”

Congressional grandstanding, berating oil companies while the cameras roll and threatening to break them up if they don’t do something to reduce prices, will do nothing to help drivers. By contrast, Congress could take concrete steps to help consumers at the pump, perhaps not by tomorrow, but in the future.
Removing roadblocks to new oil production, reducing restraints on refining capacity, and improving the investment climate by forgoing punitive, unproductive taxes on oil company profits would be a legacy for which Americans now and in the future could honor and thank Congress.

Wild Thing’s comment………
So let’s see, I guess we will just go back to the Carter plan. Gas rationing, long lines, and a terrible way of life. Yea, that’s a good idea.
Try this; build refineries, explore our own oil reserves, and decrease the amount of state and federal taxes on gas.
The demand is out there, the supply has been bottle necked by the environmentalist communists that want to break our economy, to control our lives. They will succeed if we don’t stop this crap.

07 Jun

Hey Moslem Did You Wash Your Hands er ah Feet?

Controversy At U Of M Dearborn
University of Michigan Dearborn announced on Tuesday plans to renovate two bathrooms with foot baths.
School officials said the project is estimated to cost $25,000.
The renovation will accommodate the school’s Muslim students Muslims ritually wash their hands, hair, and feet five times a day before prayer.
But some are opposed to the school’s decision, saying it’s too much money to spend for one group.
University officials said Metro Detroit is home to more than 200,000 Muslims, and must accommodate its students’ religion.
Plans for the renovation are scheduled to begin later this year in August.

06 Jun

Harry Reid and Undocumented Americans????

Reid – Undocumented Americans?
First they were illegal aliens, then illegal immigrants then undocumented immigrants…Now they are UNDOCUMENTED AMERICANS!!?? WTF?
….Thank you Mark for the headsup on this.

06 Jun

Follow The Money ~ No Surprises Here

Foundations bankrolling advocates for aliens
Washington Times
Wealthy philanthropic foundations are helping bankroll the pro-immigration movement, while groups advocating for tighter control of U.S. borders say they take a more grass-roots approach to raising money.
The Ford Foundation, the Carnegie Corporation and Democratic activist George Soros are among the liberal funders that have donated millions of dollars to pro-immigration groups, as the Senate continues its debate on a contentious bill that would overhaul the nation’s immigration policy.
Three of the nation’s biggest and most influential pro-immigration groups — the National Immigration Forum, the Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund (MALDEF) and the National Council of La Raza (NCLR) — collectively received more than $3.25 million from Ford Foundation since 2005.
The three advocacy groups generally support the proposed Senate bill which would give many of the estimated 12 million to 20 million illegal aliens in the U.S. a path to citizenship.
The bill also would allow aliens here to bring close family members into the country.

Wild Thing’s comment……….
It is always interesting to me how just following the money speaks volumes as to the how and why something happens. WE all know about Soros funding the Democrat’s agenda in many areas. We all know how La Raza was a big part of making up the Amnesty bill ( hey Bush I said the A word! !) and now we also see how they, La Raza are also funding this thing along with others.

06 Jun

Illegal Aliens Show Their Gratitude

Illegal aliens and their offspring show their true colors in Los Angeles filmed March of this year

Wild Thing’s comment………….
But….a-hem…… Mel Martinez claims that “…this immigration bill will be the salvation of the Republican Party.”
Hey Martinez shut up, you can leave too along with your illegal friends!!!!

06 Jun

Not Once But Twice Deported and Back Again in Fatal Accident

Driver In Fatal Accident Previously Deported
RALEIGH, N.C. <<<<<<.....see VIDEO at link There is new information about a man accused of driving drunk and crashing into two cars Monday morning on I-40. Federal authorities say the driver, who first said he was Michael Delatorre, is really Ricardo Contreras. Immigration and Custom Enforcement officials say Contreras is in the country illegally, and that he had been picked up by ICE officials in California and deported twice in April of 2004.
ICE officials have placed a detainer on him at the jail.
Contreras made his first court appearance today.
State Troopers say he was driving while impaired and crossed the median on I-40, slamming into two cars.
The driver of one of those two cars, 54-yea-old George Smith of Cary died at the scene.
Prosecutors say Contreras could face more charges. State Troopers say the SUV he was driving was stolen from the Charlotte area.
The percentage of Hispanics arrested for drunken driving is much higher than their population percentage.
Hispanic advocates say more education is needed.
One state lawmaker says he’s tired of excuses from government officials. He says this is proof our immigration system is severely flawed.
State Representative George Cleveland is steamed knowing the man who caused the wreck is not only here illegally, but has been booted from the U.S two times before.

“We’re illegal alien friendly with our policies,” said Jacksonville Republican George Cleveland.

Rep. Cleveland has introduced several bills aimed at clamping down on illegal immigrants, but his measures have not gotten anywhere.
He wonders how many lives need to be lost, how much money spent until the public says enough is enough.

“For us as taxpayers to put this guy in jail for 20 years, at $25,000, $27,000 a year, it’s insane, and deporting isn’t working either, we need to secure the border,” Cleveland said.

For it’s part, advocacy agency El Pueblo is busy trying to educate Latinos on the dangers of drinking and driving.

“It’s events like these motivate us to keep doing the work that we do,” said Irene Godinez, El Pueblo’s public safety specialist.

El Pueblo and the state are working together to try to cut down on DWI cases in the Hispanic community, including an ad campaign aimed at Latino radio and tv stations.
But is the message getting across? El Pueblo says they have a pressing challenge because of a growing population.

“So even though it may seem that the community is not listening, its just the fact we believe that there is new immigrants coming in, so it’s just a constant work,” Godinez said.

We also have information on the passenger in Contreras’ vehicle. He was also here illegally, and had been deported once before in 2000 from Texas. Federal officials picked him up from the hospital today

Wild Thing’s comment…….
Our stupid ass bleeding heart Congress Critters have NO concern for the number of crimes, rapes, murders, robberies, fatal crashes, care thefts, etc, etc, etc…. these illegal aliens are responsible for. They just want to earn their freaking illegal vote.
This country is suffering more deaths and financial costs from illegal immigration than fighting the war against Islamist murderers.
This illegal immigration amnesty bill posing as a “reform” measure – could be the trigger for the 21st century “Boston Tea Party”.

06 Jun

Republican Debate Moments

Rep. Duncan Hunter, the Alpine Republican who is pursuing his party’s presidential nomination, did the ultimate Tuesday night in branding the three front-runners as unworthy.
Shouldn’t the GOP nationally be following that Arnold Schwarzenegger example in California?
REP. HUNTER: No. (Laughter.) And let me just say, you know, I look at Governor Romney, Mayor Giuliani, my good friend John McCain. Governor Romney joined with Bill Clinton for the 1994 gun ban when I was fighting that. Mayor Giuliani stood with him at the White House on that. Governor Romney has passed what I consider to be a major step toward socialism with respect to his mandated health care bill. John McCain is standing strong with Ted Kennedy on this Kennedy- McCain-Bush border enforcement bill.
I think the guy who’s got the most influence right here with these three gentlemen is Ted Kennedy. And I think we need to move away from the Kennedy Wing of the Republican Party.

Rep. Tom Tancredo (Colo.) said at the Republican presidential debate Tuesday night that he would tell President Bush to not “darken the doorstep of the White House” if he were to win the presidency.
Tancredo said top White House adviser Karl Rove once told him the same thing when he was at odds with Bush. Asked whether the current president would play a role in his own administration, Tancredo said, “I would have to tell George Bush exactly the same thing Karl Rove told me.”
The lawmaker noted that he disagreed with Bush on many things, not just his signature issue of immigration. Tancredo also mentioned the prescription drug bill and No Child Left Behind as other examples.
The lawmaker, who is running a long-shot bid for the White House, also held no punches when it came to immigration, reiterating that he would campaign against any Republican who is supporting the bipartisan legislation currently making its way through the Senate.

“I am willing to do whatever is necessary to try to stop this piece of legislation,” Tancredo said at the New Hampshire debate. “And that includes go after any Republican that votes for it, because the Republicans can stop this.”

And Fred Thompson was on Hannity and Colmes

Wild Thing’s comment………..
One of the things that also stood out to me during the Debate, was when one of the people in the audience asked Mitt Romney why his website had English and Spanish if he was against Amnesty. If you click on the link and look at the top. Then click on the words Espanol and his page comes up with his son Craig Romney doing a whole speech in Spanish. Or just click HERE to see and hear it.
When they all were asked at the debate how they felt about making English the Language of the USA, Tom Tancredo spoke up immediately and said YES. He also said when asked about Romeny’s website if he would do that kind of thing and he said NO. I applauded him when I heard that.
We REALLY need to stop this press #2 for Spanish BS and show people they need to truly be Americans. There are so many other languages of those that have come here legally, people from Germany, Italy, France, Greeece that all those people have made an effort to learn English, why make the exception all the time for those speaking Spanish. I am sick of it!!!!

05 Jun

The Good ~ The Bad and the Ugly

Below are statements made in the amnesty fight:

“This administration has a case of ‘the slows’ on border enforcement. If we have border enforcement, we will be able at that point to start to regulate the internal problem that we’ve got….This 2,000-mile porous border, incidentally, is our biggest homeland security problem — it’s not just an immigration problem, it’s a homeland security problem. We need to build the border fence. We need to have a Border Patrol that is big enough to get the job done, and we need to be able to ask people when they want to come into America, knock on the front door, because the back door is going to be closed.”

Rep. Duncan Hunter (R.-Calif.), South Carolina Republican Presidential Debate, May 15

“The bill contains a new ‘Z visa’ that allows those who entered our country illegally to stay here permanently without ever returning home. This rewards people who broke the law with permanent legal status, and puts them ahead of millions of law-abiding immigrants waiting to come to America. I don’t care how you try to spin it, this is amnesty”
Sen. Jim DeMint (R-S.C.), statement on Senate office website, May 17

“Amnesty for 12 to 20 million illegal immigrants isn’t a ‘narrow slice’ Mr. President, it’s the whole darn pie. What part of illegal does the President not understand? The American people want us to secure the border and crack down on the No. 1 incentive for illegal immigration, which is illegal employment. They don’t want another amnesty.”
—Chairman of the Immigration Reform Caucus, Rep. Brian Bilbray (R-Calif.), Austin American-Statesman, May 30

“We should scrap this ‘comprehensive’ immigration bill and the whole debate until the government can show the American people that we have secured the borders—or at least made great headway.”
Former Sen. Fred Thompson (R.-Tenn.), op-ed on National Review Online, May 18

“Sen. McCain and his allies seem to think that they can dupe the American public into accepting a blanket amnesty if they just call it ‘comprehensive’ or ‘earned legalization’ or ‘regularization.’ Unfortunately for them, however, the American people know amnesty when they see it. The President is so desperate for a legacy and a domestic policy win that he is willing to sell out the American people and our national security. If Sen. McCain and Sen. Kennedy spent as much time working on improving border security as they did poll-testing creative euphemisms for amnesty, America would be a much safer place.”
Rep. Tom Tancredo (R.-Colo.), statement on House office website, May 17


“I think the fence is least effective. But I’ll build the goddamned fence if they want it.”
Sen. John McCain (R.-Ariz.), interview with Vanity Fair, June 2007

“The bottom line here is that if the bill doesn’t pass, another 10 million illegal aliens are going to come here in the next five years anyway. So the chaos we have now will double. The new immigration bill is unfair to those who’ve obeyed the rules. It is dangerous if not tightly controlled. And it is definitely amnesty. But if the bill does not pass, things will get even worse in America.”
Bill O’Reilly, Fox News’s “O’Reilly Factor,” May 18

“The bipartisan immigration deal announced today is a step in the right direction toward reaching a final, comprehensive immigration bill….The agreement … is an improvement from last year’s bill. The way you make good laws is to have people from both sides of the aisle come together, and this was a highly committed group that came together to work on these issues that aren’t in the best interest of any particular political party, but rather in the best interest of the American people.”
Sen. Saxby Chambliss (R.-Ga.), statement on Senate office website, May 17

“For weeks, senators and administration officials worked to forge a bill that secures our border, creates workable and effective interior and workplace enforcement, realistically deals with the people illegally here, and designs a truly temporary worker program that responds to the nation’s fluctuating labor needs. In these meetings, Republicans insisted on achieving certain milestones in interior and border security. . . . Republicans also insisted on an effective and enforceable electronic employment verification system that would prevent employers from hiring illegal workers and provide stiff penalties for those who violate the law. . . . What we have shown is it that a bipartisan consensus is possible. The American people will have to determine if it is what they want. But for me, failing to try is not a solution. ”
Sen. Jon Kyl (R.-Ariz.), op-ed in the Arizona Republic, May 20

“We support the immigration reform compromise worked out in the Senate for a few simple reasons. It strengthens our national defense. It makes our economy more competitive and flexible. It enhances the rule of law and promotes national unity.”
Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush (R.) and former Republican National Chairman Ken Mehlman, op-ed in the Wall Street Journal, May 31


“If you want to scare the American people, what you say is the bill’s an amnesty bill, that’s empty political rhetoric, trying to frighten our citizens….Those determined to find fault with this bill will always be able to look at a narrow slice of it and find something they don’t like. If you want to kill the bill, if you don’t want to do what’s right for America, you can pick one little aspect out of it.”
President Bush, speech at the Glynco, Ga., federal law enforcement training center, May 29

“We’re gonna tell the bigots to shut up!”
Sen. Lindsay Graham (R.-S.C.), receiving an award from the National Council of La Raza, March 2007

“F*** you! I know more about [immigration reform] than anyone else in the room.”
Sen. John McCain (R.-Ariz.) to Sen. John Cornyn (R.-Tex.), during a private negotiation meeting on the immigration bill, May 17

“Some people just don’t like Mexicans — or anyone else from South of the border. They think Latinos are freeloaders and welfare cheats who are too lazy to learn English. They think Latinos have too many babies, and that Latino kids will dumb down our schools. They think Latinos are dirty, diseased, indolent and more prone to criminal behavior. They think Latinos are just too different from us ever to become real Americans….Where once the xenophobes could advocate forced sterilization and eugenics coupled with virtually shutting off legal immigration from ‘undesirable’ countries, now they must be content with building walls, putting troops on the border, rounding up illegal aliens on the job and deporting them, passing local ordinances to signal their distaste for immigrants’ multi-family living arrangements, and doing whatever else they can to drive these people back where they came from.”
Linda Chavez, nationally syndicated column, May 25

“I understand that some people think it’s not tough enough. Maybe they want people thrown in jail for 10 years or they want people executed.”
Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff, interview with Newsweek, May 18

Wild Thing’s comment…………

History has shown again and again that amnesty only results in more illegal immigrants. What was that phrase about the definition of insanity? Doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result?
No amnesty. Enforce the damned laws that we already have.
See the general attitude of the a-holes in elected office. Its impossible to deport, its impossible to build a wall and secure the border, its impossible to police the companies that hire the illegal worker. Hiring illegals is itself illegal.
This bill gives amnesty to all the employers who hired illegal aliens.