28 Jun

Reid Slams Thompson Instead Of 9/11 Inside Job Nut Cases!

Fred Thompson has suggested you are pandering to bloggers who he calls “fringe anti-American elements” who think that 9/11 attacks were an inside job, and that you’re also encouraging our enemies. What’s your response?
Reid: Mr. Thompson should get real and understand what’s going on in our world. It appears he’s very old fashioned and isn’t in tune with the modern wave of communication.

Wild Thing’s comment…………
Rush calls him “Dingy Harry”, but when I see and hear him speak, I think “Church Lady” (Dana Carvey’s character). LOL Watch how much he blinks when being asked the question…………. Reid must be using some new modern communication method of blinking in Morse Code.

27 Jun

RNC Refund attack ad


The only way to get the Senate Republicans to listen on amnesty is to speak their language–$$$$$.

Wild Thing’s comment……….
Tom had a great idea. Print out the Bush Paso and send it to the RNC, I am also sending it to Bush and my Senators.
Also I think this video has a GREAT idea too.

* Hot Air

27 Jun

Kudos To This 72 Years Young Jarhead! God Bless You Sir!

Ex-Marine, 72, Teaches Pickpocket a Lesson
Fox News
GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. — Bill Barnes says he was scratching off a losing $2 lottery ticket inside a gas station when he felt a hand slip into his front-left pants pocket, where he had $300 in cash.
He immediately grabbed the person’s wrist with his left hand and started throwing punches with his right, landing six or seven blows before a store manager intervened.

“I guess he thought I was an easy mark,” Barnes, 72, told The Grand Rapids Press for a story Tuesday.

He’s anything but an easy mark: Barnes served in the Marines, was an accomplished Golden Gloves boxer and retired after 20 years as an iron worker.

Jesse Daniel Rae

Jesse Daniel Rae, the 27-year-old Newaygo County man accused of trying to pick Barnes’ pocket, was arraigned Monday in Rockford District Court on one count of unarmed robbery, a 15-year felony.
Barnes said he had just withdrawn the money from a bank machine and put it in the pocket of his shorts before driving to the Marathon service station and Next Door Food Store in Comstock park, a Grand Rapids suburb.
He remembers noticing a patron acting suspiciously, asking the price of different brands of cigarettes and other items. While turned away, Barnes felt the hand in his pocket, so he took action.

“I guess I acted on instinct,” he said.

Kent County sheriff’s deputies said the store manager quickly came around the counter. The three of them struggled through the front door, where two witnesses said the manager slammed Rae to the ground and held him there.

“There was blood everywhere,” said another manager on duty, Abby Ostrom, 25.

Barnes was a regional runner-up in Golden Gloves competition in the novice and open divisions before enlisting in the Marines in 1956.
He lived most of his adult life in Comstock Park with his wife, Patricia, before recently moving to Ottawa County. The couple have three children.
After retiring as an iron worker, he now works part-time as a starter at a golf course.
Barnes said he’d probably do the same thing again under the same circumstances, if for no other reason than what he would face back home.

“I wouldn’t want my wife to give me hell for lettin’ that guy get my money,” he said with a smile.

Wild Thing’s comment………
First I have to say the article says…EX-Marine. There are no EX-Marines unless you are talking about John Murtha and he is one that should be an EX-Marine.
OK now to the story that I just LOVE. God bless our Marines at any age they are!!
Marine, Golden Gloves boxer, and iron worker! Talk about hitting the trifecta!
Semper Fi!

27 Jun

Bush to Speak at Islamic Center of Washington DC

On September 17, 2001, six days after the worst Islamic terror attacks ever on US soil, President Bush stood next to CAIR’s Nihad Awad at the Islamic Center of Washington DC, and pronounced ‘Islam is Peace’.
Today Bush is returning to the Saudi-funded Islamic Center, to address its rededication ceremony—and further legitimize radical Islamic groups masquerading as “moderates,” without once asking them to renounce their openly-expressed support for terrorist organizations such as Hamas and Hizballah.

Wild Thing’s comment……..
I didn’t like it back in 2001 and I like it even less today. This is just so WRONG! It is a slam in the face of every soldier and family member, and loved one of our troops today…… and to all of America’s citizens that KNOW that this war is with Islam, and those that use it’s teaching’s to kill all non-moslems. And their hate for Jews and Christans not only here but around the world.
The “you are either for us or against us” from Bush has become no more then a campaign slogan instead of a charge into battle.

* Little Green Footballs

27 Jun

Vietnam Veteran ( 59 ) Disarms Gunman

A Hero Emerges From Monday’s Tragic Shooting
(KUTV) SALT LAKE CITY Monday’s tragic events could have been much worse if it weren’t for a special customer inside a fast food restaurant.
Eric Fullerton may look small but he’s got a big heart and apparently some big muscles.

“I didn’t have time to think about being scared,” said Fullerton. “I wrestled the gun from him. I took the gun from him.”

When Curtis Allgier jumped out of a Ford Explorer and into the Arby’s at 1700 south and Redwood Road Eric Fullerton didn’t flinch.
He didn’t know police suspected Allgier of killing a corrections officer.
He just knew he wasn’t going to let him kill anybody else.

“I just instinctively did what needed to be done. He was going to kill that guy, and I wasn’t going to let him kill him,” says Fullerton.

“Everybody’s calling me a hero,” Fullerton said. “I’m not a hero; I just did what I had to do.”

The suspect, Curtis Allgier, is about three times bigger than Fullerton and he had a gun and a knife.
In fact Allgier actually cut Fullerton’s throat but that didn’t stop this Vietnam veteran from ending a deadly day.

“I can’t tell you how I did it or what I did,” Fullerton said. “I don’t know if it was adrenaline or if I had a guardian angel watching over me. I have no idea.”

He says, “I’m just glad the other guys alive and everybody got out safe.”

Wild Thing’s comment……….
LOL, don’t mess with a Vet! Let that be a lesson for all the punks.

26 Jun

Amnesty for ILLEGALS Bill Advances In Senate

vote 64-35
The Senate voted Tuesday to jump-start a stalled immigration measure to legalize millions of unlawful immigrants.

President Bush said the bill offered a “historic opportunity for Congress to act,” and appeared optimistic about its passage by week’s end.

The pivotal test-vote was 64-35 to revive the divisive legislation. It still faces formidable obstacles in the Senate, including bitter opposition by GOP conservatives and attempts by some waverers in both parties to revise its key elements.
Supporters needed 60 votes to scale procedural hurdles and return to the bill. A similar test-vote earlier this month found just 45 supporters, only seven of them Republicans. This time, 24 Republicans joined 39 Democrats and independent Sen. Joseph I. Lieberman of Connecticut, to back moving ahead with the bill. Opposing the move were 25 Republicans, nine Democrats and independent Sen. Bernard Sanders of Vermont.

Sen. Edward M. Kennedy, D-Mass., an architect of the bill, said he was proud of the vote, calling it “a major step forward for our national security, for our economy, and for our humanity.”

“We did the right thing today because we know the American people sent us here to act on our most urgent problems. We know they will not stand for small political factions getting in the way,” Kennedy said in a statement following the vote.

Tuesday’s outcome was far from conclusive, however. The measure still must overcome another make-or-break vote as early as Thursday that will also require the backing of 60 senators. And there is no guarantee that it will ultimately attract even the simple majority it needs to pass.
The Senate was preparing to begin voting as early as Tuesday afternoon on some two dozen amendments that have the potential to either sap its support or draw new backers.

Grouped By Vote Position CLICK to see list………….


26 Jun

Live Thread: Senate Amnesty/Cloture Vote TODAY on C-Span 2

Live Thread: Senate Amnesty/Cloture Vote TODAY on C-Span 2
If you get a chance to watch it I just wanted to let you know they have it on that channel.

A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murder is less to fear.
Marcus Tullius Cicero

26 Jun

In Country Outback Treats Our Troops and Torture House Found in Baqubah

A sign proclaiming Outback Steakhouse is displayed at Forward Operating Base Salerno, Afghanistan, June, 2007 For one night U.S. Army Soldiers at the base were treated to food from the restaurant. (U.S. Army photo by Sgt. Matthew Clifton)


Troops Find Execution House, Illegal Prison in Baqubah
BAQUBAH, Iraq, June 25, 2007 – Iraqi security forces and Task Force Lightning soldiers discovered an execution house and an illegal prison in the Baqubah neighborhood of Khatoon yesterday during the sixth day of Operation Arrowhead Ripper.
The two buildings were in the same area as a torture chamber and illegal courthouse linked to al Qaeda, which were found on the fourth and fifth day of the operation, officials said.
Soldiers from 5th Battalion, 20th Infantry Regiment, discovered the execution house using information from local citizens, who said it had been used by al Qaeda. Soldiers searching the house found five bodies buried in the yard behind the building and bloody clothes in several rooms inside it.
Located nearby, a house had been converted into an illegal prison, with several numbered rooms and bars covering the building’s windows. Several blindfolds were found inside.
Elsewhere in Baqubah, soldiers from 1st Battalion, 23rd Infantry Regiment, identified a house that was filled with explosives and had been booby-trapped. The soldiers cleared the area and destroyed the house through the use of attack aircraft and indirect fire.
“The fact that we continue to find these booby-trapped houses filled with explosives and torture chambers only reaffirms that al Qaeda has no regard for the safety and welfare of the people of Baqubah. They only want to see death and destruction,” said Army Col. Gary Patton, chief of staff for Task Force Lightning.
Iraqi and coalition forces also discovered 10 weapons caches throughout Baqubah yesterday. These included four anti-tank mines, three rocket-propelled grenade launchers, 18 rocket-propelled grenades with boosters, 13 AK-47 assault rifles, nine hand grenades, two flak vests, thousands of rounds of ammunition and a box of al Qaeda propaganda.
Since the beginning of Operation Arrowhead Ripper, at least 58 al Qaeda operatives have been killed, 60 have been detained, 23 weapons caches have been discovered, 52 improvised explosive devices have been destroyed, and 17 booby-trapped structures have been destroyed.

26 Jun

Pentagon Presents Charlie Daniels With Highest Civilian Award

U.S. Department of Defense
Charlie Daniels receives the Office of the Secretary of Defense Medal for exceptional public service in support of armed troops from Michael L. Dominguez, principal deputy under secretary of defense for personnel and readiness, during a visit to the Pentagon June 25, 2007. Dominguez said Daniels has performed for the troops in more than 20 different installations in countries across the globe.

Perhaps best known for his chart-topping platinum single, “The Devil Went Down to Georgia,” Daniels has played concerts for servicemembers at military installations around the world. The musician, who has been entertaining troops with his genre-blending style of country, blues and jazz for more than 35 years, says his life-long patriotism was born during World War II.

“I remember the day that Japan bombed Pearl Harbor, and I have taken patriotism into my heart, I have taken the military into my heart, and it has been there ever since,” Daniels said. “The more I go among the military, the more I am convinced that you folks are the best America’s got.

“It is an honor and a privilege to be able to come to wherever the military is, in whatever part of the world they happen to be in, to entertain them,” he said.

The two Pentagon officials who presented the framed award citation and medal to Daniels took turns thanking him for his decades of steadfast support for U.S. troops.

“This is an important opportunity for us to say ‘Thank You’ to Charlie Daniels for his very long service to the men and women in uniform,” Michael L. Dominguez, principal deputy under secretary of defense for personnel and readiness, said. “He’s performed for them in more than 20 different installations in countries across the globe, volunteering his time to do what he does best, and to bring them a little bit of America and a little bit of ‘Thank You’ from the people of America for the service they provide for our country.”

In addition to visiting troops at bases in Iraq, Afghanistan, Bosnia, Kosovo, Korea and elsewhere, Daniels started Operation Heartstrings in November 2005. The program to date has donated 100 Gibson guitars, as well as drums, keyboards, microphones, and more than 13,000 pieces of musical accessories to deployed servicemembers.
Brig. Gen. Mari Kaye Eder, deputy chief of Army Public Affairs, was elated to finally talk to the man who she’s been listening to since childhood.

“I’m thrilled to be here with Charlie Daniels; I grew up with him, though he doesn’t know that,” she said. “Every Sunday after church, my dad would play his records.”

Wherever Daniels goes, he has friends in uniform and throughout the vast network of armed service personnel and family members, Eder said. “It’s my honor to be here to represent just a few of them today,” she added.

Daniels’ multimedia CD and DVD offering titled “Live From Iraq” is set for release tomorrow. The Charlie Daniels Band recorded the music portion during the group’s 2006 visit to bases around Iraq, and the bonus DVD features concert footage and video of the band interacting with military members serving in Operation Iraqi Freedom.

Addressing servicemembers gathered here, Daniels thanked the men and women in uniform for their service to their country. “I want to thank you for making America free,” he said. “Without you there would be no America.”

Wild Thing’s comment………
Well deserved! God Bless you Charlie Daniels ! You are a patriot. Something this country is getting shorter of each day.

26 Jun

Make Them Feel The Heat

Kill the Bill — Again
The fate of the bipartisan immigration deal now rests with a handful of senators who say that they are against it, but are inclined to vote to let the Senate take it up again. Do not be fooled. Any senator who votes to bring this legislation back to the Senate floor tomorrow is supporting it, and any contrary vote he casts later will be a scam designed to fool gullible voters.
The bill is unpopular, but powerful forces — businesses, journalists, officials in both parties, and racial pressure groups — are determined to push it through. They do not mind if a few senators vote against the bill for the cameras while greasing the track for it when it counts.
Senators who claim to oppose the bill say that they want a new debate on it so that they can improve it. But the broad outlines of this bill are set in stone. It provides amnesty for the 12 to 20 million illegal immigrants already here and invites an ongoing stream of “temporary” low-skilled workers. In exchange, proponents of tighter borders get the restrictions in current law, plus an empty promise that this time they will be enforced.
The amendment process has been carefully choreographed so that these basic features of the deal will not be changed. Amnesty now, enforcement later: That is what the senators are going to be voting on, and it is not going to change. Anyone who objects to that formula needs to kill this bill and start over.
For senators who are professing to wait to see what the final bill looks like before taking a position, the wait is over. The final bill will represent the will of its drafters and defy the expressed will of their constituents. The only way to prevent that inevitable finale, is to bring the curtain down now.

Over the weekend, Senator Ted Kennedy made a prediction about his bill that pointedly shared the political blame for it: “I believe we will pass the bill, and I think we have good support among the Republican party.”

Wild Thing’s comment………..
“King Harry” is keeping the amendments secret from the Senate AND THE PEOPLE! Then the friggen idiot will denigrate those who complain for not knowing what’s in the bill!!!!!!!!!!!
Harry Reid has sent the following letter to Republican Senators who earlier today expressed their objection to the return of the immigration bill to the Senate floor:
Dear Senators Cornyn, Vitter, Dole, Sessions and DeMint: CLICK HERE to read his letter
This is a very big deal, because it means that several senators on the fence, who had felt that their amendments were the make-or-break factor in the bill, won’t know whether their amendments are in the ones approved by McConnell.
It is despicable what they are doing. There won’t be 50 United States in 20 years, under our current Constitution. The next generation will curse the last, for cavalierly throwing away our 225 year legacy, all for momentary personal greed and power lust.
La Raza members freely admits that Mexicans are colonizing America, and they know there’s no one in the Bush administration who has any intention of stopping it.