15 Aug

Russian Bombers Getting Closer To U.S.

Russian bombers

Russian bombers getting closer to US: American commander
Long-range Russian bombers are flying more often and closer to US territory, a top US commander said Tuesday, as Moscow made its latest show of military might with exercises over the North Pole.
General Gene Renuart, Commander of North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) and US Northern Command, the agencies charged with protecting US and Canadian airspace, said that US forces would continue to monitor the activity.

“Over the last few months the Russian air force has been flying a little bit more than we’ve seen in the past; certainly they’re ranging farther than they have in the more recent past,” Renuart said in a statement.

“NORAD has intercepted them out over international waters, near Alaska, and the command continues to monitor all of their long range bomber flight activity, even today,” he added.

His comments came as Moscow announced that its strategic bombers had begun exercises over the North Pole and just a week after Russian planes flew within a few hundred kilometers (miles) of a US military base on the island of Guam.
The nuclear-capable bombers in the five days of exercises starting Tuesday were to practice firing cruise missiles, navigation in the polar region and aerial refueling maneuvers, the Russian air force said in a statement.
One Russian air force officer, who asked not to be identified, told AFP he expected US interceptors would make their presence felt during the exercises.

“It is a traditional practice for military pilots to see foreign pilots come up to meet them and say hello,” he said. “The United States are aware of our exercise,” he added.

Last week, several Russian strategic bombers flew over the Pacific to near Guam and, according to a Russian general, exchanged grins with US fighter pilots.
The incident capped a summer in which President Vladimir Putin has sought to project power far and wide, building on a rearmament programme fueled by oil and gas revenues.

“At every opportunity Russia is showing its return to power, including military. It’s a demonstration for two audiences — domestic and for the rest of the world,” Moscow-based analyst Alexander Goltz told AFP last week.

The long-distance flight by the strategic bombers, impossible for years because of severe under-funding, also recalled an incident in July when bombers deployed near Scotland and Norway during a diplomatic row with Britain.
And it’s not just in the skies that Russia wants the world to take notice.
On August 2 Russian explorers descended 4,261 meters (13,980 feet) under the Arctic to plant a flag on the sea bed and demonstrate in a theatrical fashion Moscow’s contested claim to the mineral-rich territory under the North Pole.
The following day, the navy’s chief of staff suggested reestablishing a full-time Russian naval presence in the Mediterranean for the first time since the Soviet era.
Meanwhile the ground army, which was badly mauled in more than a decade of fighting Chechen rebels, is getting new equipment and improved training.

“For the Kremlin it’s very important to retain at least one area where we equal the United States — and we are adamant about showing this,” Goltz said.

Russia’s generals deny they are up to anything sinister and Russian political commentator Yuliya Latynina said there was nothing to fear from the recent muscle-flexing.

“Thank God. We are showing our strength with bombers, the North Pole flag, et cetera, but we are not making war,” she said.

Wild Thing’s comment……..
We could always demonstrate our new airborne lasers.

15 Aug

Lou Dobbs Calls 500 Open Border Economists “Jackasses”

Wild Thing’s comment……..
I can’t figure out why Lou is still working for CNN. I know he has to have a job – but with THEM? He is excellent! He supports the jailed border guards and he’s against open borders. love Lou when he growls at open borders idiots and traitors. I love his take on China and world trade too

14 Aug

Doctors Give In To Muslims (U.K.)

Doctors Give In To Muslims (U.K.)
daily express
Doctors and health workers have been banned from eating lunch at their desks – in case it offends their Muslim colleagues.
Health chiefs believe the sight of food will upset Muslim workers when they are celebrating the religious festival Ramadan.
The lunch trolley is also to be wheeled out of bounds as the 30-day fast begins next month.
But staff and politicians branded the move political correctness gone mad and warned that it was a step too far.

Bill Aitken, the Scottish Conservative justice spokesman, said: “This advice, well-meaning as it may be, is total nonsense.

“It is the sort of thing that can stir up resentment rather than result in good relations.”

The new guidance comes in the wake of the failed terror attacks on Glasgow and the death of suspect Kafeel Ahmed, 27.
Health chiefs in Lothian and Glasgow will give all employees time off to pray and to celebrate Eid, which marks the end of Ramadan.
But Greater Glasgow and Clyde as well as Lothian NHS boards also issued the advice, warning workers not to take working lunches, and said all vending machines should be removed from areas where Muslims work.

One senior consultant said: “What next? Are we going to have advice on how to deal with Catholics during Lent? “This kind of thing does more harm than good.”

The guidance, which was sent round many organisations, was produced by Glasgow consultancy Meem, which advises on Muslim issues and counts the Scottish Parliament among its clients.

Wild Thing’s comment……..
If you look at my sidebar on the right and scroll down you will see a counter, the one that keeps count of Islamic terror attacks, that damned thing increases every day..sometimes every hour. I point this out because this Islam is not about peace, prayers and just wanting to be left alone to worship their moon god Allah. It is about death and destruction and killing all infidels (Jews and Christians).
The more the U.K. or the USA or gosh any country gives in to their demands, their needs it is only going to make it worse and their demands will increase even more. We have seen it already countless times. Heck look at the innocent Piglet in the Winnie the Pooh books. A simple childs story and they had to make a big deal about it.
This nightmare of Islam has been unleashed on the world from the pits of hell and needs to be fought every step of the way.

14 Aug

In Country With Our Warrior’s

An AH-64D Apache Longbow Aviator awaits clearance from the control tower to take off to begin a mission over the skies over northern Iraq supporting ground forces. The 1st of the 82nd Attack Reconnaissance Battalion uses Apache Attack Helicopters to engage enemy forces during operation Iraqi Freedom.

TIKRIT, Iraq – The 25th Combat Aviation Brigade continued its lethal fight against insurgent forces when attack helicopters engaged and killed eight insurgents Aug. 9 in Salah ad Din province.
An attack helicopter received a “troops in contact” call from Coalition ground forces. The group of insurgents broke contact by the time the attack helicopters arrived to the location of the engagement. Moments later, the team observed 12 gunmen moving tactically near their attack position.

“Our attack and scout weapons aircraft will continue to fly day and night in support of Coalition and Iraqi ground forces,” said Maj. John Herrman, Brigade Fires and Effects Officer, 25th CAB. “For the enemy’s part, he should know that the 25th Combat Aviation Brigade is always watching.”

After confirming positive identification of the enemy with ground forces, the attack team fired on the gunmen, killing eight.

“The use of attack helicopters provides great leverage in our fight against al-Qaida and other terrorist organizations trying to disrupt and harm the civilian population,” said Col. David W. Sutherland, commander of Coalition forces in Diyala. “Our ability to have lethal eyes in the sky is vital to our mission accomplishment and truly shows the enemy that they cannot and will not hide from our forces.”

Marne Soldier’s re-enlistment holds special significance
By Sgt. 1st Class Craig Zentkovich
CAMP VICTORY, Iraq – Everybody has one.
It may be a family member, a teacher, or a coach – an extraordinary person who makes such an impact that one’s life is forever changed.
For Staff Sgt. Steven A. Holloway that one person was a friend, mentor and leader.
The story of Sgt. 1st Class Paul R. Smith is known to the nation. His actions in combat on April 4, 2003, above and beyond the call of duty, led to him being posthumously awarded the Medal of Honor.
On Aug. 10, Holloway, on his third combat tour to Iraq, raised his right hand to indefinitely reaffirm his commitment to the Army in the exact location where Smith gave his life to preserve those of his Soldiers.
Holloway, a 12-year Army veteran, was in the fight on in 2003 with Company B, 11th Engineer Battalion, securing a breach in a wall 100 meters from Smith when Smith was killed. Smith was his platoon sergeant for 10 months, his friend for three years.

“It’s still kind of hard to go back there,” said Holloway, whose only other time back there was on April 4, 2005, when Smith’s son, David, was presented his father’s Medal of Honor in Washington. “I lost a friend that day … and a mentor who taught me what it means to take care of Soldiers.”

Now serving as the Task Force Marne Engineer Operations noncommissioned officer, Holloway said tjunior Soldiers are the primary reason he made the choice to re-enlist.

“When Smitty was my platoon sergeant, we trained a lot – he was big on training young Soldiers,” he said. “He was hard to work for; a perfectionist. But his Soldiers were always the best at what they did, and they knew it.”

“That’s how I am. I love to train Soldiers. That’s what I want to do,” he said, adding that there are still hundreds of future combat engineers who will need a competent leader capable of mentoring, training and teaching them. “I’ve still got a lot of work to do (in the Army), and I’ve got enough experience to provide that leadership.”

Holloway, who has been a 3rd Infantry Division Soldier for nine years, told his Soldiers after the ceremony that he re-enlisted for them and others like them. He said he hopes the lessons he’s learned in Soldiering and leading while serving as a sapper in the Marne Division will be passed on to young Soldiers for years to come – a lesson taught to him on that fateful day in 2003.

“That’s why I re-enlisted,” he said. “So the young Soldiers can carry on not only what I teach them, but what Smitty taught me.”

Coalition Forces Capture, Kill Insurgents in Iraq
Department of Defense
Iraqi and coalition forces detained 66 insurgents, killed five others and discovered weapons in Iraq over the past three days, military officials said.
Coalition forces detained 30 suspected terrorists yesterday around Iraq during operations aimed at dismantling bombing networks and senior al Qaeda leadership.
— Troops raided a series of buildings north of Karmah targeting terrorist operatives working for the al Qaeda in Iraq emir, or terrorist unit commander, in the area. The emir’s network is responsible for car bombings, including attacks involving chlorine. Ground forces detained 17 suspected terrorists with alleged ties to the network, military officials said.
— During an operation south of Tarmiyah, coalition forces detained five suspected terrorists allegedly connected to an explosives expert who worked in the Baghdad car-bombing network. In a nearby operation, troops detained one suspected terrorist involved in weapons trafficking for al Qaeda in Iraq, military officials said.
— Coalition forces targeted close associates of al Qaeda in Iraq’s senior leaders during operations in western Baghdad and Mosul. Ground forces detained two suspected terrorists in the two raids.
— Northeast of Samarra, ground forces raided several buildings associated with the al Qaeda in Iraq emir of Samarra. Troops detained two men outside the buildings. Coalition forces also targeted the al Qaeda in Iraq network in Tikrit, nabbing three suspects.
“Our operations continue to target those who associate with and work for al Qaeda in Iraq’s leaders,” said Army Lt. Col. Christopher Garver, a Multinational Force Iraq spokesman. “The pressure is on, and we are keeping them on the run.”
During operations in Iraq on Aug. 11:
— Iraqi security forces and U.S. Special Forces advisors nabbed 16 suspected al Qaeda in Iraq insurgents in the village of Subayat Hamash, near Sinjar. Four detainees are suspected cell leaders wanted by the Iraqi army for improvised-explosive-device and mortar attacks and for hijacking food shipments. Troops also seized six vehicles during the operation, including four passenger cars, a pick-up truck and a dump truck.
— Coalition forces killed two terrorists and detained 10 suspects during operations targeting senior al Qaeda leaders in central and northern Iraq. Intelligence reports indicate two detainees were members of a cell responsible for the July 16 suicide truck bombing that killed 80 Iraqis in Kirkuk.
— Coalition forces killed three terrorists and detained 10 suspects during raids targeting foreign terrorists in Salah ad Din and Tamim provinces. Military officials believe at least three suspects are linked to a network of terrorists who facilitate the movement of foreign terrorists into Iraq. During the raids, troops also discovered a cache of homemade bombs, machine gun ammunition and a cell phone rigged as an IED trigger.

13 Aug

Democrats in jubilant mood ~ Karl Rove To Resign

Karl Rove to Resign At the End of August
wallstreet journal
Karl Rove, President Bush’s longtime political adviser, is resigning as White House deputy chief of staff effective Aug. 31, and returning to Texas, he said in an interview with Paul Gigot, editor of The Wall Street Journal’s editorial page.
Mr. Rove, who has held a senior post in the White House since President Bush took office in January 2001, told Mr. Gigot he first floated the idea of leaving a year ago. But he delayed his departure as, first, Democrats took Congress, and then as the White House tackled debates on immigration and Iraq, he said. He said he decided to leave after White House Chief of Staff Joshua Bolten told senior aides that if they stayed past Labor Day they would be obliged to remain through the end of the president’s term in January 2009.

“I just think it’s time,” Mr. Rove said in the interview. “There’s always something that can keep you here, and as much as I’d like to be here, I’ve got to do this for the sake of my family.” Mr. Rove and his wife have a home in Ingram, Texas, and a son who attends college in nearby San Antonio.

In the interview, Mr. Rove said he expects Democrats to give the 2008 presidential nomination to Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, whom he described as “a tough, tenacious, fatally flawed candidate.” He also said Republicans have “a very good chance” to hold onto the White House in next year’s elections.

Mr. Bush was expected to make a statement Monday with his aide at the White House, before they fly to Texas to Mr. Bush’s Crawford ranch retreat.

“Obviously it’s a big loss to us,” White House deputy press secretary Dana Perino said. “He’s a great colleague, a good friend, and a brilliant mind. He will be greatly missed, but we know he wouldn’t be going if he wasn’t sure this was the right time to be giving more to his family, his wife Darby and their son. He will continue to be one of the president’s greatest friends.”

Mr. Rove, 56 years old, has been embroiled in many White House controversies in Mr. Bush’s second term, and faced investigation — but wasn’t indicted — in the White House leak case that ensnared I. Lewis “Scooter” Libby, a top aide to Vice President Dick Cheney.

Wild Thing’s comment……..
I wish him well, we were lucky to have him as long as we have. I guess all the Dem anger will be focused on our VP Cheney now that they won’t have Karl to pick on anymore.
On Hillary – “a tough, tenacious, fatally flawed candidate.” A wonderful parting shot. You’re tha man, Karl. Thank you!
Without Rove, Gore would have been President on 9/11.
For that alone we should be thankful.
Have a great life Karl.

13 Aug

The Haditha Test: Rules of Engagement 101

The Haditha Test: Rules of Engagement 101
Defend Our Marines
August 12, 2007
written by …. © Nathaniel R. Helms 2007
Nat Helms is a Contributing Editor to Defend Our Marines. He served three tours in Vietnam and, most recently, is the author of My Men Are My Heroes: The Brad Kasal Story (Meredith Books, 2007)
You are in the lead armored HMMWV escorting a four-vehicle convoy along HWY 1. There is a flash behind you followed by a loud explosion as one of the NTVs [Non Tactical Vehicles] in the convoy disappears in a cloud of dust and smoke.
You see two males 200m [meters] away from you mount a motorcycle and speed away.
Three males in a roadside stand 100m up the road run into a nearby house, but you start taking small arms fire from a different house 150m west of your position. What do you do?

A. You should respond with deadly force to the hostile fire coming from the house, remain vigilant to the other possible threats in the area.

B. You should engage the fleeing men on the motorcycle first because they are beyond effective range if you wait.

C. Engage everywhere you see movement because there’s no telling who detonated the IED.

Another question:
The convoy you are in suffers an IED attack on the unpopulated outskirts of Ramadi. As you focus your attention on the location of the IED, you notice two individuals in civilian clothes and no weapons jump up out of fighting hole 40 meters away from where the IED exploded and run away from you. You quickly ascertain the individuals were within command-detonation range of the IED. Command detonation is a common method of detonation. What can you do?

A. Nothing because you don’t have enough information to know for certain that the fleeing men detonated the IED.

B. You can engage with deadly force, ONLY after you fire a warning shot first.

C. You may engage the individuals with the necessary force, including deadly force, to prevent their escape.

Stumped? The answers are:

1.) A. You should respond with deadly force to the hostile fire coming from the house, remain vigilant to the other possible threats in the area.

2.) C. You may engage the individuals with the necessary force, including deadly force, to prevent their escape, according to Bargewell Exhibits 002873 thru 002876.

Sound eerily similar to other reports you might have read about the incident at Haditha, Iraq? Not really!
The exhibits are attachments of training aids of Capt. Randy Stone. Stone was the SJA of 3rd Battalion, 1st Marines’ at the time of the Haditha incident. He used them to teach 3/1 Marines the ROE in Iraq. They are found in Maj. Gen. Eldon A. Bargewell’s once-secret 104-page report on his Haditha cover-up investigation leaked to the Washington Post last April. Bargewell found no specific cover-up, concluding instead that there was no interest at any level in the Marine Corps chain of command for investigating allegations of a massacre, the Post reported.
Little wonder. At the time Tim McGirk, Time magazine’s inventive reporter in Iraq, was sending emails to Stone’s superiors at 1st Marine Regiment that a berserk Marine had killed a car and a closet full of innocent Iraqi men in retaliation for killing his brother. Then his buddies lined up three households full of women and children and gunned them down execution style. McGirk later revealed he had obtained the information from two Iraqis that Marines already knew were insurgent counter intelligence operatives looking for someone to scam. McGirk didn’t and took the bait.

“Bargewell found that Huck’s division staff viewed the allegations of inappropriate killings as part of insurgent ‘information operations’ and an attempt to make the Marines look bad,” the Post reported.

“No one recommended an investigation until a Time magazine reporter began asking questions about the attack in January 2006. Maj. Gen. Richard A. Huck, the division commander, dismissed the allegations as insurgent propaganda,” according to the Washington Post report of April 27, 2007.

No kidding!
Bargewell exhibits 002873 thru 002876 were introduced as evidence during the Article 32 hearing of Stone 18 months later. He was subsequently accused of dereliction of duty for failing to adequately investigate the matter. Last Thursday Lt. Gen. J.N. Mattis – the convening authority for the investigation – dismissed all the charges against Stone and LCpl Justin L. Sharratt, a SAW gunner accused of murdering three brothers.
Ironically, Stone was a poster boy for President George W. Bush two years ago during a speech celebrating V-J Day.

“Captain Stone proudly wears the uniform just as his grandfathers did at Iwo Jima. He’s guided by the same convictions they carried into battle. He shares the same willingness to serve a cause greater than himself. …,” Bush said in an August 30, 2005 speech at the Naval Air Station North Island in San Diego, California. Less than three months later Stone would become enmeshed in the Haditha tragedy.

Stone used the PowerPoint slides Bargewell obtained to teach the Rules of Engagement (ROE) to his fellow Marines preparing to engage in combat in Iraq. Labeled “Situation 12” and “Situation 13,” they were training aides aimed at giving Marines combat scenarios to consider. Every Marine is required to know the Rules of Engagement during deployment, he testified.
Seven months later Stone was at the center of massacre allegations leveled by McGirk when he emailed the 1st Marine Regiment brass his nonsensical allegations of murder and mayhem at Haditha. By then his allegation were more refined, less hysterical in tone, Marines who read them said.
Stone, like the rest of the Regiment’s officers, dismissed McGirk’s missives as the ranting of a confused person. They didn’t know they were doing so at their peril.
What do you do when a reporter from a nationally prominent news magazine makes inane, unsupported allegation of murder and mayhem?

A. Ask him what he has been smoking.

B. Rely on the truth to set you free.

C. Depend on the knowledge your superiors will put the matter to rest with cool reflection and an appropriate response.

D. All of the above.

E. None of the above.

Stumped again?
– Nathaniel Helms
Defend Our Marines

Wild Thing’s comment……..
An excellent piece by Nat Helms. In comparison to Tim McGirk, McGirk is not qualified to sharpen Nat’s pencils. Amazingly the Media and Murtha would have us believe that Marines almost always forget the lessons drilled into their head immediately after contact with the enemy.
That somehow the first loss of life or sign of blood is enough to send them on a sociopathic rampage. Just another example of how the Media and Murtha have sought to destroy the image of The Marine Corps in the public eye.
According to the prosecution, none of these answers would have been acceptable for question 1 in Haditha. They tried to claim the ROE’s did not allow a response until the Marines could verify a specific shooter, aiming at them, whites of their eyes type of nonsense.
I sent faxes to Murtha and called his office on Friday. I realize it probably won’t make a difference but it made me feel better that I tired to let him know how I felt and what I thought he needed to do.
John Murtha’s Contact information:
800-289-2642 from Western PA
Snail Mail:
647 Main St, Suite 401
Johnstown, PA 15901
814-539-6229 — District
202-225-5709 — Washington

13 Aug

Immigration Groups Sue Over New Haven Raids

Immigration groups sue over New Haven raids
New Haven (AP)

Two immigrant advocacy groups are suing the federal government over the recent New Haven raids, in which more than 30 suspected illegal immigrants were arrested.
Junta for Progressive Action and Unidad Latina en Accion filed suit Friday in U.S. District Court against the Department of Homeland Security.
They want that agency to release records on how its Immigration and Custom Enforcement agents coordinated the raids which happened back in June.
City leaders and the immigrant-rights groups have questioned whether it was retaliation for New Haven’s new ID card program. Federal officials have said the sweeps were planned weeks in advance. They say it had no connection to the new ID program, which is open to all New Haven residents including illegal immigrants.
Both groups have also raised money to help free the detainees on bond.

Wild Thing’s comment……..
What the hell times do we live in? So now we have to ask WHY is it authorities are enforcing the law?
Furthermore, the fact that such groups operate in broad day light and sue the government and raise money and are hailed by many in the country as moral paragons tells me, yet again, that our side is still losing the crucial PR war.
This is about intimidation. This is about people who know the system and are using the system. They will look to sue the informants as an intimidation tactic. Jamming if you will. Lawyers who represent these people should have their licenses pulled.
I guess Alberto Gonzales will defend us. Hahahaha! What a joke!
Somebody PLEASE stand up and stop this insanity!
The government will just take token action against illegal immigrants, and then will cave when pressured by the illegals’ interest groups; just like they cave when the islamists whine and seethe.
At the end of the day it will be up to the American people to take care of this problem. The sad thing is, only THEN will the government take any action, but that action will be directed against the American people who were just doing what the government should have been doing all along!

13 Aug

In Country With America’s Heroes

Soldiers from the 1st “Ironhorse” Brigade Combat Team, 1st Cavalry Division, in Camp Taji, Iraq prepare for a chance to speak with bikers at the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally in Sturgis, S.D. via a live satellite feed Aug 6. From left to right: Pfc. Mario Morales, Pfc. Valentin Alvarado, Pfc. Thomas Gutierrez and Sgt. Chris Delacruz. Photo by Staff Sgt. Jon Cupp

(Staff Sgt. Jon Cupp serves with 1st BCT, 1st Cav. Div. Public Affairs.)
Soldiers from the 1st “Ironhorse” Brigade Combat Team (BCT), 1st Cavalry Division attended the Sturgis bike rally at Sturgis, S.D.
Well, not exactly.
But thanks to a live satellite feed and the ability to watch events at the rally via streaming video, the Ironhorse Soldiers had the next best thing to being at an extravaganza which draws more than a half a million motorcycle enthusiasts each year to the small burg of Sturgis—a town with a population of about 6,000 people.

The Aug. 6 live video feed allowed Soldiers the opportunity to see events happening in Sturgis. Through a satellite connection, bikers at the rally in Sturgis could see what the Soldiers were doing.

The event was sponsored by the Broken Spoke Saloon, which provided live entertainment for the troops in the form of a band along with motorcycle-themed events, which Soldiers on Camp Taji watched on a big screen.
The Soldiers who are bikers took the opportunity to give shout outs to fellow bikers in Sturgis as well as to send messages to their families.
The Ironhorse Brigade also provided some live entertainment to its troops in the form of a rock band that played for 30 minutes just prior to the events in Sturgis kicking off.

“This type of event brings peoples spirits up and their morale, giving us a little taste of home,” said Pfc. Valentin Alvarado, an infantryman, Headquarters Troop, 1st BCT, who hails from Roswell, N.M. “The fact that the folks in Sturgis took the time to set this up for us shows that they appreciate what we’re doing out here.”

“It feels nice to be a part of something like this. The only thing missing is some barbecue and it would feel exactly like home,” said Pfc. Thomas Gutierrez, also of Headquarters Troop and a Lockport, Ill., native.

Gutierrez and Alvarado, who although not motorcycle bikers, are part of a low-rider bicycle club on Camp Taji and they showed off their highly polished bikes via live video to the folks in Sturgis.

“We like to show off our bikes and we think it’s great for our bike club to be able to have the opportunity to participate in this,” said Gutierrez, who explained that the club takes great pride in its bikes in much the same way that motorcycle enthusiasts take pride in their machines.

“Being able to interact with folks (in Sturgis) makes us feel good, especially with us being out here in a combat zone,” said Sgt. Chris Delacruz of Company B, 1st Brigade Special Troops Battalion, who is also a member of the low-rider club. “It helps to break up the monotony of working eight to 12 hours a day with no days off and allows us to relieve a lot of stress.”

Coalition Forces Kill An Estimated Three-to-Five Terrorists, Detain 13
Sunday, 12 August 2007

Coalition Forces captured 13 suspected terrorists with ties to extremist militia Special Groups in a pre-dawn raid Sunday in Sadr City.
Coalition Forces conducted the raid to capture or kill highly-sought weapons facilitators with connections to the Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps – Quds Force in Iran. Those detained are suspected of facilitating the transport of weapons and personnel from Iran into Iraq. They are also believed to have facilitated the transport of deadly Explosively Formed Projectiles (EFPs) from Iran into Iraq to be used against Coalition Forces.
As Coalition Forces were departing the area, they encountered and destroyed a light utility truck that posed a threat to the force. Coalition Forces attempted to signal the vehicle, however when the vehicle failed to respond, Coalition Forces fired on the vehicle with small arms fire.
During the raid, Coalition Forces confiscated a computer hard-drive, documents and photographs.
A Coalition air strike also engaged the same light utility truck, destroying the truck and killing an estimated three to five people in the truck believed to be terrorists.

“Coalition troops continue in their pursuit of unhelpful foreign influences here in Iraq,” said Lt. Col. Christopher Garver, MNF-I Spokesperson. “Those foreign influences are hindering the prospects of peace and stability in Iraq, and we will continue to dismantle their networks.”

12 Aug

Terrorism a Click Away

“Worldwide Internet, Al Qaida Exposing on-line Jihadists”
CFP……..for complete article
When it comes to capitalizing on the Worldwide Internet, Al Qaida has shot up to the top of the list in the savvy category.

Jihadists working the Internet are prolific, so much so that they could easily borrow a line in popular use during the Cold War: “They’re everywhere!”

“In six years I have bookmarked some 6,000-+ Jihadist websites and the list is still growing,” says Archangel, code name for an online Jihadist-tracking expert.

Finding terrorists in cyber space has become a popular pursuit on the Internet with scores of cyber sleuths up late at night searching on-line for terrorists while their families sleep.”

“Terrorists don’t just recruit on-line, they use the Internet to fund terrorism and to disseminate propaganda.
What is to stop them from sabotaging Western websites?”

Detective Jeff Duggan, of the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD), recently wrote to CFP about LAPD’s latest initiative on Internet Jihadists:

“I am currently in the process of creating a unit on the LAPD that specifically addresses this Jihadist issue,” Duggan wrote. “Rather than waste time and resources, by attempting to “reinvent the wheel”, I am looking to establish relationships with other persons/ entities so that we can work together to tackle this vast and seemingly endless problem.”

Jihadist sabotage of Western websites that post anti-terrorism stories could someday find help from those working in the field of cyber Jihadist counterintelligence.
Terrorists don’t just recruit on-line, they use the Internet to fund terrorism and to disseminate propaganda.
What is to stop them from sabotaging Western websites?

Posing as benign western business types, Jihadists could, for example, place advertisements on unsuspecting websites. Websites count on traffic for advertising in a highly competitive industry. Search engines like the ones operated by Internet giant Google, categorize some sites as “bad neighbours”. Linking to a bad neighbour can get you dropped by Google. What if a Google decreed “bad neighbour” found a way to have ads placed on unsuspecting websites through slight variations of the name under which they originally had been Google-declared as a “bad neighbour”?

“Meanwhile, cyber sleuths hunting terrorists on-line are a valuable tool in the ongoing International War Against Terrorism.”

Wild Thing’s comment……..
This is something that is constantly changing and they take down terrorists sites and others show up. I do think that some of them they leave up so our government can keep an eye on their plans.

12 Aug

Duncan Hunter Gave Fantastic Speech At Iowa Straw Poll

The speech is divided into two parts and neither one is that long. But the speech is excellent.

Duncan Hunter–Iowa Straw Poll Part 1

Part 2

A few quotes
Hunter: Not one Democrat said “way to go Marines!”
Duncan Hunter: “We will be successful in Iraq.”
Duncan Hunter: “It takes more than walking across a border to be an American.”
Duncan Hunter: ” I will never apologize for the United States of America”
Duncan Hunter: ” The Chinese taking hundreds of billions of dollars more than we’re taking from them. I’ll tell you what I’m worried about ladies and gentlemen, and one reason I’m running for the Presidency of the United States: I don’t want to see a time when our trade deficit is so huge, and we’ve sent so much of our industrial base offshore, that we’re worried about our men and women in uniform someday looking at those same weapons systems that we’ve financed coming back across the battlefield at our men and women in uniform. I’m going to stop that.”

Wild Thing’s comment……..
I think Hunter he is a man of action from his heart. I have no idea what is ahead in this election. But if I go by how each person makes me feel, Duncan Hunter calms me, I feel a strength from him of leadership, I feel safe just hearing him speak. So far the rest of them in the campaign only make me feel like they are politicians more then anything else. …..Just my thoughts about it.