12 Sep

Hunter On O’Reilly About The Fence and Petraeus

Duncan Hunter with Bill O’Reilly (September 11th) ….discusses Illegals, the fence and General Petraeus.

Wild Thing’s comment……..
Good answers from a good man.
O’Reilly is the typical ass that he is, but Hunter did a great job. I wish O’Reilly would let him finish a thought instead of cutting him off like he does. But that is O’Reilly and it is his show, I just have to say how I feel about it. haha

12 Sep

Response To Lefties

To those anti-war, military bashers that tried to make comments in the 9-11 post yesterday nice try. Your comments will never be allowed in a post about September 11th, 2001.
And to those sending emails slandering the military and demanding that your comments be allowed on this post I mentioned above ( the 9-11 post) the same goes for you. Your attempt to intimidate me did not work. I am backed up by thousands upon thousand of brave men and women serving now, and those that went before them our Veterans.
– Wild Thing

11 Sep

Where Were You On 9-11


Those delivering death and destruction, the terrorists

“I don’t think you can overstate the importance
that the rise of Islamic fundamentalism
will have to the rest of the world in the
century ahead-especially if, as seems possible,
its most fanatical elements get their
hands on nuclear and chemical weapons
and the means to deliver them
against their enemies.” –Ronald Reagan


The USA responds to the terrorist’s

Wild Thing’s comment……..
We were having breakfast and the TV was on in the family room. I had gone back into the kitchen to get something and Nick went to get the paper. As he walked into the family room he looked at the TV and called out to me. As I got to the room he was pointing at the TV…..” LOOK Chrissie, we are being attacked!”.
We knew one of our nephews would be there, he is a firefighter in New York and his fellow firefighters had been to our home many times. We had all become good friends.
I realize we are only one of many families effected by the attack, the whole country had been attacked. Later we found out that our nephew was safe, some injuries but would be ok physically. The other news of the 11 friends of his that we had gotten to know did not make it. They died in the towers that day, one of them was one of their Chief’s. He was decapitated as he tried to help other get down the stairs.
Six years later, our nephew is just now able to talk about all of this.
Six years later we have men and women in our government that care more about their hate for a man that is President then they do about supporting our troops fighting the enemy. Six years later our borders are still not secure.
Six years later there are actually people in our leadership of this great and mighty Nation that complain about the Patriot’s Act, profiling, wire taps, doing all they can to make this a PC fought war, complaining about the hassle of flying now, and not being able to just pack like they used to.
Six years later we have had to hear the likes of Murtha lie about our troops. And those in both Houses aiding the enemy in their speeches and actions. Not giving a hoot about the morale of our troops.
Six years later we have more mosques on our soil then ever before. More Saudi schools here then before 9-11.
Six years later we have people that think getting fed, clothed and pampered prisoners at GITMO is not enough and that putting some underwear on the heads of terrorists at GITMO is a freakin war crime.
I could go on longer then this, but we also have this.
Six years later, Saddam is dead, many of the names on the list hunted for are caught or killed. We have won in Iraq and Afghanistan thanks to our awesome troops. We won the war in Iraq, and the Taliban, many have been killed or captured. Schools and so many other things have been built. Water is running where Saddam would not allow it before. People got to vote without their lives being threatened and many Iraqi’s now have successful business’s up and running. This list also could go on and on.
Is it perfect, is everything all done and ready for our troops to leave. NO sorry but not yet. I don’t think it ever will be. Heck we are not perfect here in the USA, we are a divided country more then ever before. But the war the one that is world wide fighting Islam and tracking down terrorists that want to kill us goes on, and that war is bigger then Congress or the Senate and their cowardly terrorist ass kissing agenda of the left. That war is why we can never give up, never back off.
You are invited to visit my Tribute Page for September 11, 2001

11 Sep

September 11, 2006 ~ What We Saw

What We Saw

Warning this video contains people falling or jumping from the world trade center. Alot of questions been coming in about the man on the phone. Yes he was in tower 2 on the 105 floor top right corner of the video when it falls.
Also the SONG in this video is Requiem for a dream by Lux Aterna.

11 Sep

UPDATE: General Petraeus One Hour Interview On Fox News Tonight

Maj. Gen. David H. Petraeus

Following their testimony to Congress, General Petraeus and Ambassador Crocker will appear exclusively on FOXNEWS Monday at 9pm EDT for one hour live interview with Brit Hume.
I am going to watch it, I want to hear what he has to say. And not get it from some leftie newspaper.

I was able to watch General Petraeus giving his report. My blood was boiling as the whole thing began and the way he was being treated by Lantos and others before General Petraeus even uttered one word.
Duncan Hunter was ticked too and spoke up about it which was great. but no one can stop these lefties, they are a train wreck zooming and no breaks.

11 Sep

Mortar Fire Karma ~ LOL

……Thank you so much Bob and John for this video.

11 Sep

A Note To Our Politicians


….Thank you so much John 5 (VN 69-70) this is so good.

10 Sep

A 200-year-old lesson on 9/11

A 200-year-old lesson on 9/11
wnd …for complete article
by Chuck Norris
With the 6th anniversary of 9/11 among us, as well as the imminent report on the status of the war from Gen. David Petraeus, the commander of U.S. troops in Iraq, America continues to face the fallout and frontlines of the war on terror.
Despite debates over the success of surges and the truths behind 9/11, one of the most significant deliberations remains how many Americans are still in denial about the depth and breath of extremists’ hatred for our nation, liberties and way of life. Do people really think ceasing a war in Iraq will quench their fire to destroy our country?
Radical Muslims’ guile existed far before 9/11, and it will be there far after an Iraqi war. In fact, it was apparent from the beginning of our nation, as seen in the Barbary Powers Conflict, a confrontation between the five Barbary nations (Tripoli, Turkey, Tunis, Algiers and Morocco) and what they considered the “Christian nations” (England, Denmark, France, Spain and the new United States).
Though I am not a historian or a military strategist, I believe now is a good time to recall this 200 year-old lesson on extremist Muslim-American relations.
((( Skipping to next part of article…….)))
Diplomacy lessons from long ago
While I am neither an alarmist nor a pessimist, I do believe we need to hear the voice of our Forefathers before it is too late. They cry out from the Barbary Powers Conflict in hope of imparting some wisdom to us. As the adage goes, we will either learn from history’s mistakes or be doomed to repeat them.
1. Muslim extremists have always had a disdain for America. Before America was a new nation, Muslim extremists hated the West. When America was born, she was aligned with the Western (“Christian”) countries and therefore became an enemy of them as well.
2. Negotiations and treaties don’t work with extremists and terrorists. Our primary problem today, again like back then, is not our lack of international relations or communications. Seeking to clear misperceptions about America might work with some, but not radicals and terrorists. Tribute and treaties are only a temporary temperance at best; they didn’t stop them from declaring war against us, and they won’t stop them now. In the Barbary Conflict we caved into their demands and empowered them in so doing. Paying them only encouraged further attacks. Negotiating with extremists and those who harbor and support them is still bad international business.
3. Once a religious war, always a religious war. Whether justified as vengeful sentiment for the Crusades or not, Islamo-fascism cannot see any argument or altercation with the West outside the lens of a religious one.
4. The best defense is a good offense. For 30 years, from roughly 1785 through 1815, America fought by sea and land Muslim extremists in the form of pirate slave traders. Today, that fight continues with Muslim pirates who capture our planes and use them as weapons.
In a post-9/11 age of globalization, multi-ethnic societies and possible suitcase nukes, containment is impossible. Pre-emption is still our best solution. Our offense must be as strong as our defense. It took military might, leadership ingenuity and fortitude, and national perseverance to win the day against those Muslim extremists 200 years ago. And it will take the same today. If it took our Forefathers 30 years to resolve the Muslim-American conflict then, do we think we can settle it in six?
Nothing new under the sun
Years before 9/11, we tragically forgot these and other similar history lessons, dropping our guard to a monumentally shocking end. When 3,000 innocent American citizens were brutally murdered by parasitic pirate counterparts, we were delivered a devastating wakeup call. We relearned the same lessons from the Barbary Powers Conflict: that despite negotiations and even bribes, Muslim extremists are still engaged with America in a jihad or holy war.
Islamo-facism continues to seek to rob us of our liberties, cripple us by fear and destroy our country. Proof is found by simply asking how many of us will still not fly on 9/11. They’ve stolen a day of liberty from our calendar. Let’s not allow them to seize another.
And they won’t – as long as we stay resilient, learn from the lessons of history and remember the God of 911, Psalm 91:1 that is, for “He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will abide in the shadow of the Almighty.”
Above all, this truth still stands, “Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord” (Psalm 33:12).

Wild Thing’s comment…….
I thought this good, I didn’t know that Chuck Norris wrote a column. Anyway I hope you find it interesting as I did.

10 Sep

Happy Birthday Mark from Team Theodore

Happy Birthday Mark from everyone at Theodore’s World.
Have a great day and mamy healthy and happy years ahead.
Chrissie and all of Team Theodore

10 Sep

MoveOn.org Calls Petraeus a Traitor

MoveOn.org Calls Petraeus a Traitor
Daily Standard
written by
Pete Hegseth, he is executive director of Vets for Freedom and an Iraq War veteran

As General David Petraeus provides his Iraq assessment to Congress–the antiwar group MoveOn.org is running a full-page advertisement in the New York Times under the headline: “General Petraeus or General Betray us? Cooking the books for the White House.”
Let’s be clear: MoveOn.org is suggesting that General Petraeus has ‘betrayed’ his country. This is disgusting. To attack as a traitor an American general commanding forces in war because his ‘on the ground’ experience does not align with MoveOn.org’s political objectives is utterly shameful. It shows contempt for America’s military leadership, as well as for the troops who have confidence in him, as our fellow soldiers in Iraq certainly do.
General Petraeus has served this country for over 35 years with honor, distinction, and integrity. And this is not just about General Petraeus. After all, if General Petraeus is “cooking the books,” then the entire military chain of command in Baghdad, and all the staff, military and civilian, who have been working with General Petraeus are complicit, since Petraeus did not write his report in isolation. They are all, apparently, ‘betray[ing] us.’
MoveOn.org has been working closely with the Democratic congressional leadership –as an article in today’s Sunday New York Times Magazine makes clear. And consider this comment by a Democratic senator from Friday’s Politico: “‘No one wants to call [Petraeus] a liar on national TV,’ noted one Democratic senator, who spoke on the condition on anonymity. ‘The expectation is that the outside groups will do this for us.’
So, veterans who served in Iraq ask the Democratic leaders in Congress: Does MoveOn.org speak for you? Do you agree with MoveOn.org? Or do you repudiate this despicable charge?
MoveOn.org has helped frame the core choice: Whom do we trust to run this war–MoveOn.org and its allies in Congress, or Gen. David Petraeus and his colleagues?

Wild Thing’s comment……..
We live in a time where the TRAITORS who want America defeated in the war call the General who is winning the war for us a traitor! When will we start putting US Executioners ropes around these leftist traitors necks?
They ALL voted to confirm him unanimously and now they want to crucify him even before they hear the report.
I think that the MoveOn psychos and their Democrat enablers have made a BIG mistake. For 6 years they have insisted that it was not acceptable to use the word ‘traitor’ to refer to those who oppose the war. By introducing the term into national political discourse they have legitimized its use by anyone who wishes to use it to describe others.
We have far more evidence to use the term against them than they do to use it against Gen. Petraeus. Since Democrat members of Congrss have been conspiring with MoveON in this campaign, it is fair to apply the term to them and all those who align with them.