24 Sep

Moslem Security Agent Checking Out A Nun At Detroit Concourse

Detroit Metro Concourse, and the elderly Catholic nun being frisked by a Muslim security agent.

Wild Thing’s comment……..
What the hell are we doing letting Muslims work for TSA in the first place? Isn’t that like putting the fox in charge of security of the henhouse????

24 Sep

Israel Throws Down The Gauntlet Again

Israel to Syria: Use chem weapons & we’ll wipe you off map
ny daily news
Israeli officials vowed to wipe Syria off the map if it is attacked with chemical weapons like one that reportedly exploded in July at a secret Syrian base staffed with Iranian engineers.
Politicians in Israel said yesterday they were not picking a fight with their neighbor, but pledged to forcefully retaliate if chemical warheads come screaming across its shared border.

“We will not attack them first. But if they ever use these weapons against Israel, then we must be clear — it will be the end of this evil and brutal dictatorship,” Yuval Steinitz, a right-wing member of the Israeli parliament, told the Daily News yesterday.

Sparking shock waves across the Middle East was a report in Jane’s Defence Weekly about an accidental explosion at a top secret Syrian base in July.
Citing Syrian intelligence sources, the report claimed a team of Iranian and Syrian engineers were killed July 26 while trying to arm a Scud-C missile with a mustard gas warhead.
Syrian official news agency, SANA, reported that least 15 Syrian military personnel had been “martyred” and 50 others injured in the blast near the northern city of Aleppo on the Turkish border. It claimed the early morning explosion was caused by the high temperatures.
The SANA report mentioned nothing of Iranian personnel killed in the mishap.
Jane’s said dozens of Iranian workers were among those who died when a fire in the missile’s engine triggered the explosion and release of a toxic cloud of lethal chemical agents banned under international law.
U.S. intelligence sources played down the report saying they’ve seen no credible evidence chemical weapons were involved in the Syrian accident.

Wild Thing’s comment……..
The gauntlet was thrown decades ago… Muslims responded by avoiding the gauntlet and bombing civilians.
Isaiah 17:1 — “The burden of Damascus. Behold, Damascus is taken away from being a city, and it shall be a ruinous heap.”
translation if needed…..All your mosque are belong to us!!
And another verse that Israel’s enemies will not like.
Ezekiel 39:4 Thou shalt fall upon the mountains of Israel, thou, and all thy bands, and the people that is with thee: I will give thee unto the ravenous birds of every sort, and to the beasts of the field to be devoured.
One thing is for certain, gas or bio used against Israel, they won’t wait for anybody’s approval. They will strike, hard and fast. They have no choice because doing nothing invites only much, much more of the same.

24 Sep

Veterans Disarmament Act Will It Pass

Veterans Disarmament Act To Bar Vets From Owning Guns
gun owners.org
Hundreds of thousands of veterans — from Vietnam through Operation Iraqi Freedom — are at risk of being banned from buying firearms if legislation that is pending in Congress gets enacted.
How? The Veterans Disarmament Act — which has already passed the House — would place any veteran who has ever been diagnosed with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) on the federal gun ban list.
This is exactly what President Bill Clinton did over seven years ago when his administration illegitimately added some 83,000 veterans into the National Criminal Information System (NICS system) — prohibiting them from purchasing firearms, simply because of afflictions like PTSD.
The proposed ban is actually broader. Anyone who is diagnosed as being a tiny danger to himself or others would have his gun rights taken away… forever. It is section 102(b)(1)(C)(iv) in HR 2640 that provides for dumping raw medical records into the system. Those names — like the 83,000 records mentioned above — will then, by law, serve as the basis for gun banning.
No wonder the Military Order of the Purple Heart is opposed to this legislation.
The House bill, HR 2640, is being sponsored by one of the most flaming anti-Second Amendment Representatives in Congress: Carolyn McCarthy (D-NY). Another liberal anti-gunner, Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-VT), is sponsoring the bill in the Senate.
Proponents of the bill say that helpful amendments have been made so that any veteran who gets his name on the NICS list can seek an expungement.
But whenever you talk about expunging names from the Brady NICS system, you’re talking about a procedure that has always been a long shot. Right now, there are NO EXPUNGEMENTS of law-abiding Americans’ names that are taking place under federal level. Why? Because the expungement process which already exists has been blocked for over a decade by a “funds cut-off” engineered by another anti-gunner, Sen. Charles Schumer (D-NY).
So how will this bill make things even worse? Well, two legal terms are radically redefined in the Veterans Disarmament Act to carry out this vicious attack on veterans’ gun rights.
One term relates to who is classified a “mental defective.” Forty years ago that term meant one was adjudicated “not guilty” in a court of law by reason of insanity. But under the Veterans Disarmament Act, “mental defective” has been stretched to include anyone whom a psychiatrist determines might be a tiny danger to self or others.
The second term is “adjudicate.” In the past, one could only lose one’s gun rights through an adjudication by a judge, magistrate or court — meaning conviction after a trial. Adjudication could only occur in a court with all the protections of due process, including the right to face one’s accuser. Now, adjudication in HR 2640 would include a finding by “a court, commission, committee or other authorized person” (namely, a psychiatrist).
Forget the fact that people with PTSD have the same violent crime rate as the rest of us. Vietnam vets with PTSD have had careers and obtained permits to carry firearms concealed. It will now be enough for a psychiatric diagnosis (a “determination” in the language of the bill) to get a veteran barred — for life — from owning guns.
Think of what this bill would do to veterans. If a robber grabs your wallet and takes everything in it, but gives you back $5 to take the bus home, would you call that a financial enhancement? If not, then we should not let HR 2640 supporters call the permission to seek an expungement an enhancement, when prior to this bill, veterans could not legitimately be denied their gun rights after being diagnosed with PTSD.
Veterans with PTSD should not be put in a position to seek an expungement. They have not been convicted (after a trial with due process) of doing anything wrong. If a veteran is thought to be a threat to self or others, there should be a real trial, not an opinion (called a diagnosis) by a psychiatrist.
If members of Congress do not hear from soldiers (active duty and retired) in large numbers, along with the rest of the public, the Veterans Disarmament Act — misleadingly titled by Rep. McCarthy as the NICS Improvement Amendments Act — will send this message to veterans: “No good deed goes unpunished.”

Rep Bishop, Timothy H. [NY-1] – 6/11/2007
Rep Boucher, Rick [VA-9] – 6/11/2007
Rep Capps, Lois [CA-23] – 6/11/2007
Rep Castle, Michael N. [DE] – 6/11/2007
Rep Christensen, Donna M. [VI] – 6/13/2007
Rep Dingell, John D. [MI-15] – 6/11/2007
Rep Emanuel, Rahm [IL-5] – 6/11/2007
Rep Lowey, Nita M. [NY-18] – 6/11/2007
Rep Moore, Dennis [KS-3] – 6/11/2007
Rep Moran, James P. [VA-8] – 6/11/2007
Rep Pascrell, Bill, Jr. [NJ-8] – 6/11/2007
Rep Ross, Mike [AR-4] – 6/13/2007
Rep Schakowsky, Janice D. [IL-9] – 6/11/2007
Rep Shays, Christopher [CT-4] – 6/11/2007
Rep Sherman, Brad [CA-27] – 6/12/2007
Rep Smith, Lamar [TX-21] – 6/11/2007
Rep Wasserman Schultz, Debbie [FL-20] – 6/11/2007

some quotes about the bill
from www.gunowners.org

“Through the years, we’ve had our differences with the National Rifle Association…. Today, we write in praise the NRA.” — The San Francisco Chronicle 06/15/07

“The Virginia Tech shootings were a horrific reminder of the gaps in U.S. gun laws. The [NRA] knew its usual opposition to any and every solution we brought forward would be unacceptable to the American public so it made this concession.” — Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence e-mail alert

“For the first time [in history, HR 2640], if enacted, would statutorily impose a lifetime gun ban on battle-scarred veterans.” — Military Order of the Purple Heart 06/18/07

“The NRA has told its members in the past that Carolyn McCarthy is one of the worst of the gun banners and now the NRA has crawled in bed with her!” — Virginia Citizens Defense League

“We’re hopeful that now that the NRA has come around to our point of view in terms of strengthening the Brady background checks, that now we can take the next step after this bill passes [to impose additional gun control].” — Paul Helmke of the Brady Campaign on CNN 06/13/07

Wild Thing’s comment……..
When I was 7 years old, my Dad would take me to the pasture, far away from the stables and set up a target practice shooting range. He taught me how to use a gun, to respect it and what it was capable of doing, to not be afraid of it, that it was and is the person with the gun not the gun that is dangerous. He taught me how important it is to have a gun or guns for protection always and………………………..He told me that one day, it was very possible that in our country the government would knock on our door, or any door of a citizen and come for the guns in the household.
I pray this Veterans Disarmament Act does not pass.
Thank you John (VN 89-70) so much for the information below. VERY Importan to read this below everyone, thank you so much.


The NRA has addressed this article and has
actually cleared up some of the information in the article.

Please click on the link from the NRA to read what they are saying about this bill.

23 Sep

First Day of Autumn

Earth Tone Treasures
Orange tints fade to yellow rust
and cold fall rains pull them down
and the ground carpeted with summer past
its just the same here all over town
summer fled warm times now bust
Crisp crackling leaf piles to jump in,
and wade through in happy moments
in our inner childlike joy long as they last
a vivid gift of the passing season sent
missed until they finally come again
wild thing

23 Sep

Iran President Ahmadinejad Rips US

Iran’s President Lashes Out at US
A day before flying to New York to speak directly to the American people, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad struck a confrontational tone Saturday with a parade of fighter jets and missiles and tough warnings for the United States to stay out of the Mideast.
Three new domestically manufactured warplanes streaked over the capital during the parade marking the 27th anniversary of the Iraqi invasion of Iran, which sparked a 1980-88 war that killed hundreds of thousands of people. The parade also featured the Ghadr missile, which has a range of 1,120 miles, capable of reaching Israel.
Some of the missile trucks were painted with the slogans “Down with the U.S.” and “Down with Israel.” The parade also featured unmanned aerial surveillance drones, torpedoes, and tanks.
Tensions are high between Washington and Tehran over U.S. accusations that Iran is secretly trying to develop nuclear weapons and helping Shiite militias in Iraq that target U.S. troops.

“Those who prevented Iran, at the height of the war from getting even barbed wire must see now that all the equipment on display today has been built by the mighty hands and brains of experts at Iran’s armed forces,” Ahmadinejad said.

Protests against his Columbia appearance are planned at the university and the United Nations by demonstrators angry at his questioning of the Holocaust and declarations that Israel will cease to exist.
Iran and the U.S. have not had diplomatic ties since militants took over the U.S. Embassy following the 1979 Islamic Revolution. Since then, the cleric-led regime has vilified the United States as the “Great Satan.”
At the parade, Ahmadinejad repeated his demand for foreign forces to leave the region and urged the United States to acknowledge it has failed in Iraq. Outside the 160,000 U.S. troops in Iraq, there are 40,000 troops on U.S. bases in Persian Gulf countries and another 20,000 in Mideast waters.
On the sidelines of the parade, the head of Iran’s elite Revolutionary Guards, Mohammad Ali Jafari, said the event highlighted the “might of Iran’s armed forces to its enemies,” adding that Iran is ready to retaliate if attacked.

“Iran has drawn up plans to confront enemies in the face of any possible attack,” the official IRNA news agency quoted Jafari as saying.

The Bush administration is expected to soon blacklist a unit of Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Corps as a terrorist organization, subjecting part of the vast military operation to financial penalties. The step would be in response to Iran’s involvement in Iraq and elsewhere.

“Learn lessons from your past mistakes. Don’t repeat your mistakes,” he said in a warning to the United States over its push to impose more sanctions.

**** RESPONSES but only a few that could be found ****
Hunter warns Columbia University Cancel Invitation to Iranian President

September 22, 2007 Mackinac Island, MI…Congressman Duncan Hunter issued a statement this morning from Mackinac Island directed to Columbia University.
“To host the leader of Iran when he supports terrorists that are moving deadly roadside bombs across the Iraqi border to be used against American troops is a slap in the face for the entire 165,000 men and women in Iraq and to those that have served before them,” said Hunter.
“If President Lee Bollinger follows through with this hosting of the leader of Iran, I will move in Congress to cut off every single type of Federal Funding to Columbia University. If the left-wing leaders of academia will not support our troops, they, in the very least, should not support our adversaries.”
“This event, following the slanderous action of MoveOn.org, depicting General Petraeus as “General Betray Us,” in the New York Times represents the emergence of the extreme left-wing in American politics.” Concluding, “I think it is time for the Democrat party to denounce this fringe element in their party,” said Hunter.

Fred Thompson has issued this stern statement regarding Iranian Leader Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, his upcoming visit to the United Nations, and what we must do regarding the threat Iran poses:

“Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, president of the world’s premier terrorist state, is speaking before the United Nations next week. He has also asked to visit Ground Zero. If I were President of the United States none of this would have been an issue–I wouldn’t have let him into the country in the first place.
“It’s time for the world to finally send a stern message to Iran. Ahmadinejad has called for the destruction of Israel, is supporting terrorist groups throughout the Middle East, and is responsible for supplying weapons to extremists who are killing US forces in Iraq and Afghanistan. And with Iran’s ongoing pursuit of nuclear weapons and development of long-range missiles, that country is a threat not only to the region and our allies, but to the entire free world. It’s time for the United Nations to take more serious action against this terror regime.
“The Security Council needs to begin placing comprehensive, multilateral sanctions on Iran’s economy, to include banning foreign investment, stopping export credits to companies doing business there, and prohibiting any business dealings with Iran’s Revolutionary Guard. Iranian banks should be denied access to international banking and financial institutions, and World Bank loans should be suspended. All arms sales to Iran need to be halted. And travel by Iranian officials should be stopped and their assets frozen. Cutting off Iranian access to refined gas imports will certainly get Tehran’s attention and cause them to reconsider their priorities. If the UN can’t reach agreement on these measures due to continued Russian, Chinese or others’ intransigence, then we need to work directly with our allies and go around the UN roadblock.
“The international community has been negotiating with Iran for more than four years to no avail in seeking to halt the mullahs’ nuclear program. I believe strongly in diplomacy, but it has its limits, especially when the other side is made up of extremists. If we don’t get serious and act now–before they build atomic weapons–the stakes will be even higher, and our hand much weaker. The United States and its allies cannot afford to let that happen. As president, I certainly will not.”

Mitt Romney’s letter to the UN
( this is a pdf file)
…Thank you Jack for the pdf file of Romney’s letter to the UN

Wild Thing’s comment……..
Reagan kept Arafat from going to the U.N. I realize Ahmadinejad is a head of state. And Arafat at the time was the leader of the terrorist organization, the PLO. But Ahmadinejad is a terrorist also even if he is the President of Iran.
Reagan knew what an insult the appearance of Arafat on US soil would be to the citizens of the country he loved. Unlike today’s ‘leaders’ he chose pride in his country over politics. Just like when he walked out of the talks in Iceland and insisted the “tear down this wall” line be left in a speech. And let’s not forget his little ‘joke’ when he was asked to test the microphone and responded with ‘the bombing begins in five minutes’!
I’ll never understand why would-be leaders don’t catch on that they can do so much to lead without ever firing a shot or invading a country. Like it or not, we set the tone for the rest of the civilized world when it comes to dealing with the increasing threat of Islamofacism. Great Britain would have been much more forceful in dealing with the kidnapping of their sailors in international waters, an open act of war, had they not seen us playing with PC ROE for four years.
Nope, God bless the Gipper for being one of a kind. I can only pray that the Lord will once again send us the leader we need for the times we are in.
And just this…………
An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile, hoping it will eat him last.
– Winston Churchill

23 Sep

Football Third Week

Each week I will try to feature the various Teams Cheerleaders or stories about them visiting the troops. Some teams don’t have cheerleaders so then you get the pinups instead.
To those serving now in our military that visit here, you are in our prayers and we all thank you with all our hearts.


New England Patriot Cheerleader who are visiting deployed U.S. troops in Iraq

Andrea Lindholm greets sailors onboard the USS Harry S. Truman

Here are the matchups for today Sunday 9/23/07
STL @ TB 1:00 PM
SD @ GB 1:00 PM
MIA @ NYJ 1:00 PM
ARI @ BAL 1:00 PM
IND @ HOU 1:00 PM
DET @ PHI 1:00 PM
MIN @ KC 1:00 PM
BUF @ NE 1:00 PM
SF @ PIT 1:00 PM
CLE @ OAK 4:05 PM
CIN @ SEA 4:05 PM
JAC @ DEN 4:05 PM
NYG @ WAS 4:15 PM
CAR @ ATL 4:15 PM
DAL @ CHI 8:15 PM
Monday Night Game
TEN @ NO 8:30 PM

These are the teams I think everyone is for. I will add to this as you tell me your favorite teams.
(Some names are those deployed in Iraq)
Lynn – Broncos, Bears, Browns
Tom – Cowboys
Darth – New York Giants, Tampa Bay Bucs, (ABP – ‘anybody’ but Philly )
Mark – Patriots, Buffalo Bills, Bears
Bob – Buffalo Bills
Billy – Jets, NY Giants, Bears
Nick – Cowboys, Rams and Raiders
Karsten – Tampa Bay Bucs, NY Giants
navycopjoe – Chicago Bears
Chrissie – Bears, Broncos and Cowboys
Andy ( USMC) – Colts
Mike ( USARMY) – Seattle Seahawks
Sand Man ( (USMC) – Bronco’s
Dawn (USARMY) – ( Bronco’s)

Finale Scores:
MIA 28 @ NYJ 31
DET 21 @ PHI 56
BUF 7 @ NE 38
MIN 10 @ KC 13
SF 16 @ PIT 37
SD 24 @ GB 31
IND 30 @ HOU 24
ARI 23 @ BAL 26
STL 3 @ TB 24
CLE 24 @ OAK 26
CIN 21 @ SEA 24
JAC 23 @ DEN 14
CAR 27 @ ATL 20
NYG 24 @ WAS 17
DAL 34 @ CHI 10

22 Sep

Ahmadinejad to speak to National Press Club

Ahmadinejad to speak to NPC
First-ever Videoconference Luncheon
Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad will speak and take questions at the National Press Club’s first-ever videoconference luncheon at noon on Monday, Sept. 24.
Ahmadinejad will appear in the NPC Ballroom in Washington via videolink from New York, where he will be attending the UN General Assembly. After Ahmadinejad’s speech, NPC President Jerry Zremski will ask questions handed up from the audience for a minimum of a half-hour.

“This will be, in essence, the first dialogue that President Ahmadinejad has had with the Washington press corps,” Zremski said. “We’re looking forward to hearing what the president has to say, and I am sure that plenty of Washington reporters have plenty of questions for him.”

Zremski said he proposed the videoconference luncheon after the Club hosted a successful videoconference Newsmaker event with Taiwanese President Chen Shui-Bian in May. Chen was in Taipei as he answered questions from a room full of journalists in Washington.

“For a century now, the National Press Club’s world-renowned luncheon series was limited to newsmakers who travel to Washington,” Zremski said. “Now, though, thanks to our new Broadcast Operations Center, we can do a videoconference with important leaders anywhere in the world. We’re pleased that President Ahmadinejad has made the time in his schedule to meet with us in this way.”

The National Press Club’s Newsmaker Luncheon series is one of the world’s foremost speaker programs. Guests so far this year have included Liberian President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, First Lady Laura Bush and California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger.
Please note: the format of the luncheon with President Ahmadinejad will differ from the typical NPC luncheon program in many ways. President Ahmadinejad will be introduced at noon. His speech will last a half hour, and will be followed by 45 minutes of questions. Lunch will be served after the speech and question period.
Attendance at this luncheon will be limited to NPC members, their guests and accredited media only. Luncheon tickets are $16 for members and $28 for their guests. To reiterate, the only nonmembers to be admitted to this event will be accredited media.
To reserve a seat at the luncheon, call the NPC reservation line at 202-662-7501. Accredited media with questions should email Melinda Cooke at mcooke@press.org to reserve a seat.

Wild Thing’s comment……..
Why is America allowing this terrorist on American soil???? The president could stop this insanity, the decision rests exactly, squarely at the feet of the president.

22 Sep

“Think About It”

Video Dedicated to US Troops: “Think About It.”

……..Thank you Rhod for sending me the photos and the writing about each of the photos. This is truly awesome and it says so much as to how it really is.

Later the same day, I saw this video at Pat Dollards site. I am so glad because I wanted to much to show you the photos that Rhod had sent to me. Isn’t that something for it to work out that way, it is so perfect.

22 Sep

NYC Rep. Calls on Condi to Deny Ahmadinejad Entrance to US

This graphic above is from NYC Rep. Vito J. Fossella website

NYC Rep. Calls on Condi to Deny Ahmadinejad Entrance to US
Human Events
Congressman Vito J. Fossella (R-NY) sent a letter to Secretary Rice yesterday asking the State Department to deny Ahmadinejad’s visa. HUMAN EVENTS couldn’t agree more with Rep. Fossella’s sentiments. The letter is posted below.
The Secretary
Department of State
2201 C Street NW
Washington, DC 20520
Dear Madame Secretary,
It has been reported that Iranian President Mahmound Ahmadinejad has requested that he be allowed to visit the site of the 9/11 terrorist attacks when he travesl to the opening of the United Nations later this month. I believe that Mr. ahmadinehad has only one motivationfor wanteing to tour Ground Zero — to mock the nearly 3,000 Americans who were killed on that day.
Mr. Ahmadinejad is the president of a country that is considered one of the world’s most egregious state sponsors of terrorism. He is also a Holocaust denier who is committed to the destruction of Israel and fomenting terror and instability in the Middle East and beyond. He as American blood on his hands dating back decades from his alleged participation in the 1983 bombing of the marine barracks in Lebanon, which killed 241 soldiers, and his alleged role in the 1979 embassy hostage crisis. Evidence also links the Iranian regime to the delivery of improvised explosive devices (IED) to Iraq, which have killed countless American soldiers.
The last part of the letter I had to get from a PDF file………..

Wild Thing’s comment……..
Iran is a state sponsor of terrorism across the world, and the primary source in Iraq. To even think that we would entertain him visiting this country, even to talk the UN, is preposterous.

22 Sep

Carter’s War Against The Jews

5 min. video was produced by Terrorism Awareness Project which is a program of the David Horowitz Freedom Center.
This one is Carter’s war against the Jews, and his lies and the history of Israel.
Please note: Warning: Graphic Images