08 Oct

Happy Columbus Day

Have a great day everyone. I was in a contest in one of the graphics groups I am in. This was my entry for the Columbus Day contest. It is ok but not nearly as good as the girl that won the contest, she had it all filled with animated water. hahaha It was really awesome what she did with hers. But it was fun do to.

08 Oct

Jihad Watch: The “Islam is Peace” Campaign

Robert Spencer takes a look a the UK’s Orwellian “Islam is Peace” campaign, which is actually designed to fight critics of terrorism, not terrorism itself.

08 Oct

Gen. Petraeus Accuses Iran of Fueling Iraq Violence

General Petraeus Accuses Iran of Fueling Iraq Violence
Fox News
Gen. David Petraeus laid further blame on Iran for violence in Iraq on Sunday, charging that Tehran’s ambassador to Baghdad was once a member of Iran’s elite Revolutionary Guards force.
Petraeus added that Iran has been aiding Iraqi rebels with training and gifts of high-powered weaponry.

“They are responsible for providing the weapons, the training, the funding and in some cases the direction for operations that have indeed killed U.S. soldiers,” Petraeus told reporters in Diyala Province.

Without citing any specific intelligence, Petraeus labeled Hassan Kazemi-Qomi, Iran’s envoy to Baghdad, as a former member of the Revolutionary Guards Quds force. But he did not suggest that action would be taken against the ambassador.

“Now he has diplomatic immunity and therefore he is obviously not subject [to scrutiny]. He is acting as a diplomat,” he said.

The Iranian Foreign Ministry dismissed the charges agaisnt Kazemi-Qomi “baseless” accusations, according to the Islamic Republic News Agency.

“They repeatedly link those arrested or killed in the bombardments with the Quds force. If they can, they announce names of those people or hand over the names to the Islamic Republic of Iran,” Mohammad-Ali Hosseini told IRNA.

The Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps has been under intense scrutiny by U.S. officials. In August, President Bush signed an executive order branding them as a “specially designated global terrorist.”
Iran returned the “favor” last week with a parliamentary order that gave the U.S. Army and the CIA the same distinction.
Separately on Sunday, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said Tehran will not hold talks with Washington until the U.S. changes its attitude.

“We firstly say that we never asked for negotiations with the United States. Negotiations with the U.S. will happen when the U.S. government applies basic changes in its behavior and attitude,” Ahmadinejad was quoted as saying.

Wild Thing’s comment……..
It must be very frustrating for Gen Petraeus when he would like to take care of a situation caused by Hassan Kazemi-Qomi and not be able to. Just like al-Sadr too, he has caused a lot of deaths of our troops and they can’t do anything to him. I vote to let our military do whatever they need or want to do.

08 Oct

400 Pounds May Have Saved Shooting Victim

Being 400 Pounds May Have Saved Shooting Victim

A 400-lb. man shot several times in the parking lot of Tommy’s Original Hamburger downtown, might have survived his wounds because he is overweight, according to a Los Angeles police sargeant.
The shooting outside Tommy’s Original Hamburger at 2575 W. Beverly Blvd. occurred about 1:10 a.m., said Sgt. Melvin Gamble of the Rampart Station.
The victim, a man whose name was withheld, was struck “several times” in the stomach and once in the leg, Gamble said.
He was taken to a hospital where he was reported to have stable vital signs.
The man got into a dispute with several other men and, during the altercation, one of the men pulled out a pistol and opened fire, Gamble said.
The suspects then fled in a gray 4-door sedan, he said.
The hamburger stand, which opened in 1946 and spawned a chain of restaurants, as well as dozens of imitators, has long been a late-night favorite

Wild Thing’s comment……..
Kevlar Burger’s to be added to the menu maybe?

07 Oct

Football Week Five

Oakland Raiders Cheerleaders visiting Ft. Hood

CLICK here for current squad of Raiders Cheerleaders.

Here are the matchups for today Sunday 10/7/07…All Times are EST
CLE @ NE 1:00 PM
SEA @ PIT 1:00 PM
CAR @ NO 1:00 PM
DET @ WAS 1:00 PM
NYJ @ NYG 1:00 PM
MIA @ HOU 1:00 PM
ATL @ TEN 1:00 PM
JAC @ KC 1:00 PM
ARI @ STL 1:00 PM
TB @ IND 4:05 PM
SD @ DEN 4:15 PM
BAL @ SF 4:15 PM
CHI @ GB 8:15 PM
Monday, October 08 Time (EST)
DAL @ BUF 8:30 PM

These are the teams I think everyone is for. I will add to this as you tell me your favorite teams.
(Some names are those deployed in Iraq)
Lynn – Broncos, Bears, Browns
Tom – Cowboys
Darth – New York Giants, Tampa Bay Bucs, (ABP – ‘anybody’ but Philly )
Mark – Patriots, Buffalo Bills, Bears
Bob – Buffalo Bills
Billy – Jets, NY Giants, Bears
Nick – Cowboys, Rams and Raiders
Karsten – Tampa Bay Bucs, NY Giants
navycopjoe – Chicago Bears
LindaSOG – Miami Dolphins
Jonathan – Raiders
Dawn – Seahawks
Amber – Green Bay Packers
Cuchieddie – Raiders
Eve – Colts
Chrissie – Bears, Broncos and Cowboys
Andy ( USMC) – Colts
Mike ( USARMY) – Seattle Seahawks
Sand Man ( (USMC) – Bronco’s
Dave (USARMY) – Patriots
Tim ( USMC) – Bears

Final Scores:
CAR 16 @ NO 13 FINAL
CLE 17 @ NE 34 FINAL
TB 14 @ IND 33 FINAL
CHI 27 @ GB 20 FINAL

07 Oct

10/7/2001 Operation Enduring Freedom Begins In Afghanistan

This is the day in 2001 that bombing began by our awesome troops in Afghanistan.
War has come to our shores. It was committed on American soil. We have been able to live in Freedom only because of those who have fought in the past wars giving life, limb and all the sacrifices for us to live in Freedom and go about our day without fear.
On September 11, 2001, that comfort, that feeling of living in a land that would not be attacked ended.
William T. Sherman said it succinctly, “War is hell.”
The day has come for this Nation and its people to understand that there is a risk in losing its freedom, and in reality there always has been. We have ONLY stayed free because of the sacrifices of our military, our warriors.
This is about saving the future of America. Aristotle said, “We make war that we may live in peace.”
Those in our military are our Nation’s warriors. And our MILITARY, our Warriors, are America’s TRUE HEROS!

07 Oct

Here We Go Again ~ This Time Feed Him To The Pigs

Muslim inmate sues Missouri jail, claims he was fed pork product
A Muslim inmate is suing a southwest Missouri jail, claiming the facility’s administrators violated his religious rights by feeding him sandwiches with a pork product concealed in them.
Odell M. Edwards, who as a Muslim is not allowed to eat pork, filed his lawsuit against the Greene County Justice Center this past week in U.S. District Court in Springfield. Jail officials maintain that the jelly is made with fruit pectin extracted from plants. Pectin is a natural substance that thickens jams and jellies.
The sandwiches in question were served to Edwards and other Muslim inmates during the holy month of Ramadan. Jail Director C.E. Wells said officials consulted with a Muslim spiritual adviser when planning the Ramadan menu, and the peanut butter and jelly sandwiches were preapproved.
But Edwards said the jelly in the sandwiches contained gelatin, which is often extracted from pig tissue. He appears to be seeking $250,000 per day for the period in which he was served the jelly.
Edwards, a federal prisoner, is awaiting trial in Springfield on drug charges. He’s been an inmate since April 2006.
It’s not clear whether the court will dismiss the lawsuit as unfounded – which is what happens to many such cases – or allow it to proceed.
Edwards said in a court filing that jail guards told him on Sept. 12 that his meals contained pork and had for some time. Edwards filed a request for remedy with the jail, asking to see the jelly ingredients and demanding a cultured cook or a dietitian that handled Muslim and pork-free foods.

“I would also like to be compensated for the foul act!” he wrote.

Wells sent a written response to Edwards telling the inmate that the jelly contained fruit pectin and not gelatin.

Wells said Edwards didn’t just have a problem with the jelly. In his court filing, the inmate also complained that an overabundance of peanut butter in his diet had led to stomach pain and constipation, Wells said.

“It’s sad that your only answer to this problem is an unhealthy amount of peanut butter or don’t participate in Ramadan,” Edwards wrote. “Again it is my duty and right to share in Ramadan but not to be tricked and bullied by an unhealthy diet!”

Wells said Edwards knew what the special meals for Ramadan would include when he signed up for them.

Ramadan is from Sept. 13 to Oct. 13. During that time, Muslims fast from dawn to sunset each day. They break their fast each evening with a celebratory evening meal.

Wild Thing’s comment……..
The other day I posted about another prisoner complaining about bacon on his plate, and now this. Personally, any prisoner should be feed whatever the prison serves as food as long it meets the daily requirements for nutrition. Eat whatever is served or starve……your choice you idiot Mooselimb. Or stay out of prison and you can eat all the moon god restricted food you want.

07 Oct

Prayers Anyone ~ LOL

It’s Insult the Islamotard’s Day

This is so funny, I have watched it several times. hahaahhaha

07 Oct

Muslim Rave Party Sensation

Wild Thing’s comment……..
This is hilarious, I laugh every time I see it.

07 Oct

A Stranger in Her Own City

It’s a part of a documentary called “A stranger in her city” by Khadija Al-Salami.
al-Salami’s documentary follows a fabulous, spunky 13 year old girl – Najmia in Yemen. Najmia refuses to wear the veil, despite it being a social compulsion. She is laughed at, hears taunts all day. But she has a mind of her own.

This young girl has a mind of her own, to be like that in her land is dangerous. The video shows how she is well aware of the danger.
….Thank you Tom for telling me about this video.

* Thank you Billy( Billy O’Blog) for having the video at your blog.