28 Oct

Condi Discusses Mideast Peace With Chief Israel-hater Carter

Carter, Rice discuss Mideast peace role
The Atlanta Journal-Constitution
Former President Jimmy Carter met Wednesday with Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice to discuss ways Carter and other senior statesmen might help support administration efforts to broker peace among Palestinians and Israelis.
The talks took place hours after Rice warned the House Foreign Affairs Committee that chances for an Arab-Israeli peace accord were in danger of slipping away, as she works to bring Palestinians and Israelis together in Annapolis, Md., late next month for what would be the first substantive face-to-face peace talks in seven years.
Carter met separately on Capitol Hill with the committee’s chairman, Rep. Tom Lantos (D-Calif.), to discuss whether informal diplomacy might be able to help advance the peace process after the envisioned Annapolis talks conclude.
Carter has ruled out a role for himself, or for the other statesmen, before the peace conference, said former Carter aide Stuart Eizenstat, who attended Wednesday’s meeting.

With efforts to bring together Palestinians and Israelis at a delicate juncture, Carter “doesn’t want to throw another set of actors” into the mix, said Eizenstat, who served as Carter’s chief domestic policy adviser. Instead, he said, Carter wants “to see what happens — if anything — in the conference.”

Carter declined to discuss Wednesday’s meeting, which included a House Foreign Affairs Committee member, Rep. Gary Ackerman (D-N.Y.), who chairs the subcommittee on the Middle East and South Asia.

“I don’t have time to talk,” Carter said, waving off a reporter immediately after the half-hour meeting in Lantos’ office. “I have a plane to catch.”

Carter is part of the so-called Elders Group, assembled last July by former South African President Nelson Mandela. The group, including former U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan, recently visited Darfur, Sudan, and, working closely with U.N. personnel and others on the ground, prepared a report on human rights conditions in the troubled region.
One possibility Carter is exploring is whether the group, chaired by South African Bishop Desmond Tutu, might weigh in similarly on the Palestinian-Israeli question, said former Carter aide Robert Pastor, interim co-director of the elders group.

“We’re not talking about mediation or negotiations. We’re talking about just exploring whether a report would be useful,” said Pastor. “We’re at a very early stage of prebriefings and consultations.”

In testimony before Lantos’ committee earlier Wednesday, Rice warned that Iranian support for the militant group Hamas, considered a terrorist organization by the State Department, has influenced Palestinian politics to the point where chances for a historic compromise with Israel could be fading.
There was no immediate response from the White House or the State Department about the question of whether Carter might be called upon to help break the potentially dangerous impasse in the U.S.-Mideast relations, much as he used informal diplomacy to broker compromises with North Korea and Haiti a decade ago.

“I have no way of knowing whether anything like that is ongoing,” said Carter’s former national security adviser, Zbigniew Brzezinksi. “I doubt that the administration would be very receptive and so I’m a little skeptical about the speculation, but who … knows?”

Wild Thing’s comment……..
As Rush Limbaugh said….”I think this is a brilliant idea: ask Carter what he would do – then do the exact opposite.”
Discussing our security with one of the biggest internal enemies of America. Washington is TOTALLY OUT OF CONTROL. There is no question why this country and the world is so screwed up?
Asking the one person who played a big role in making the Palestinian terrorist movement- and the entire ME terrorist movement- what it is today for “advice” has got to be the most idiotic thing she has done to date. May as well give nukes to the terrorists. There is no end to the meddling of this Anti-Semite birdbrain Jimmy Peanut brain Carter.
This shows that she has no grasp of the situation whatsoever; she’s just following the same old “Palestinian” lie that a foundation of peace can never be built on.
“Carter is part of the so-called Elders Group, South African President Nelson Mandela. former U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan chaired by South African Bishop Desmond Tutu, former Carter aide Robert Pastor, interim co-director of the elders group.”
It’s a collection of the most primitive minds on the planet. They must have been selected because they xrays show that their brains hadn’t quite evolved to the current human size. No doubt monkey woman Jane Goodall selected this “group of elders”.
ONce again we can see why the UN is so corrupt and screwed up, and what a wonderful job they are doing with Africa.”group of elders”, what a joke. A washed up terrorist, a washed up murdering dictator, a con- artist, and a peanut farmer, all uneducated idiots.

28 Oct

Terrorists: “Vote Hillary; Kill Rudy”

Terrorists: Vote Hillary; Kill Rudy
by Deroy Murdock
Human Events
Senator Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign is gaining fans, even on the West Bank.

“I hope Hillary is elected in order to have the occasion to carry out all the promises she is giving regarding Iraq,” said Ala Senakreh, West Bank chief of the Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigade, a Palestinian terror group. “President Clinton wanted to give the Palestinians 98 percent of the West Bank territories. I hope Hillary will move a step forward and will give the Palestinians all their rights.”

Senakreh and other top Islamo-fascists want Hillary in the Oval Office. These mass murders also have “gone negative.” They want GOP contender Rudy Giuliani dead.

“We see Hillary and other candidates are competing on who will withdraw from Iraq,” said Abu Jihad of Al Aqsa’s Nablus unit. “This is a moment of glory for the revolutionary movements in the Arab world…”

Al Aqsa’s Nasser Abu Aziz, considered it “very good” that there are “voices like Hillary and others who are now attacking the Iraq invasion.”

Islamic Jihad’s Abu Ayman felt “emboldened” by Clinton’s demands that America retreat from Iraq. He said: “It is clear that it is the resistance operations of the mujahideen that have brought about these calls for withdrawal.”

“All Americans must vote Democrat,” insisted Jihad Jaara, an exiled Al Aqsa agent who commanded 2002’s siege of Bethlehem’s Church of the Nativity.

Since 1995, these terrorists’ organizations have killed an estimated 162 and wounded 368 others in Israel. Aaron Klein, an Orthodox Jew who is WorldNetDaily.com’s Jerusalem Bureau Chief, interviewed some three dozen leading Muslim fanatics, including those quoted here. His new book, “Schmoozing with Terrorists,” details these chilling encounters with violent Islamic extremists in Israel’s Palestinian territories.
Why do these hardened butchers have a soft spot for Hillary Clinton? Perhaps because the New York Democrat is soft on terrorism.
*Clinton rejects robustly interrogating terrorists even in “ticking time bomb” scenarios. In a September 26 Democratic debate, she said: “It cannot be American policy, period.”
*Clinton opposes the U.S. Terrorist Surveillance Program, calling it “a secret program that spies on Americans.”
*Clinton voted against military tribunals for terror suspects, including al-Qaeda detainees.
* Clinton has zigzagged on Iraq. In autumn 2002, she voted for Operation Iraqi Freedom. Last January 18, she told PBS: “I think the timetable still remains problematic” for leaving Iraq. But on February 17, she stated: “It’s time to say the redeployment should start in 90 days…”


Wild Thing’s comment……..
Can you imagine having a President that is someone the terrorists prefer? VERY SCARY.
And of course they are going to hate Rudy or anyone else that has taken a strong stand on terrorists.

28 Oct

Football Week Eight

Here are the matchups for today Sunday 10/28/07…All Times are EST
DET @ CHI 1:00 PM
IND @ CAR 1:00 PM
PIT @ CIN 1:00 PM
OAK @ TEN 1:00 PM
CLE @ STL 1:00 PM
PHI @ MIN 1:00 PM
NYG @ MIA 1:00 PM
BUF @ NYJ 4:05 PM
HOU @ SD 4:05 PM
JAC @ TB 4:05 PM
WAS @ NE 4:15 PM
NO @ SF 4:15 PM
GB @ DEN 8:30 PM
Byes: Cardinals, Falcons, Ravens, Cowboys, Chiefs, Seahawks

These are the teams I think everyone is for. I will add to this as you tell me your favorite teams.
(Some names are those deployed in Iraq)
Lynn – Broncos, Bears, Browns
Tom – Cowboys
Darth – New York Giants, Tampa Bay Bucs, (ABP – ‘anybody’ but Philly )
Mark – Patriots, Buffalo Bills, Bears
Bob – Buffalo Bills
Billy – Jets, NY Giants, Bears
Nick – Cowboys, Rams and Raiders
Karsten – Tampa Bay Bucs, NY Giants
navycopjoe – Chicago Bears
LindaSOG – Miami Dolphins
Jonathan – Raiders
Dawn – Seahawks, Bronco’s ….(husband USARMY delpoyed, Iraq)
Amber – Green Bay Packers …..(husband USMC delpoyed Iraq)
Cuchieddie – Raiders
Sierrahome – Colts
patrickdaniel – Chargers, Cowboys
Eve – Colts ….(husband USARMY deployed Iraq)
Beth – Bears , Saints
Chrissie – Bears, Broncos and Cowboys
Andy ( USMC) – Colts
Mike ( USARMY) – Seattle Seahawks
Sand Man ( (USMC) – Bronco’s
Dave (USARMY) – Patriots
Tim ( USMC) – Bears
Jean ( USARMY) – Atlanta Falcons


Darth and Bob have written me they are on vacation this week. Have a wonderful time and a safe time off.

I have been reading blogs this morning and Basil has some neat posts about football.
* Basil’s Blog

Sunday FINAL Scores
PIT 24 AT CIN 13
NYG 13 AT MIA 10
PHI 23 AT MIN 16
CLE 27 AT STL 20
HOU 10 AT SD 35
JAC 24 AT TB 23
WAS 7 AT NE 52
NO 31 AT SF 10

28 Oct

U.S. Led Coalition Kills 80 Taliban In Battle

US says 80 Taliban killed in battle
KABUL, Afghanistan
U.S. led coalition forces killed about 80 Taliban fighters during a six-hour battle outside a Taliban-controlled town in southern Afghanistan on Saturday, the latest in a series of increasingly bloody engagements in the region, officials said.

Also Saturday, suicide bomber wearing an Afghan security uniform detonated his explosives at the entrance to a combined U.S.-Afghan base in the east of the country, killing four Afghan soldiers and a civilian, officials said.

The battle near Musa Qala in Helmand province — the world’s largest poppy growing region — is at least the fifth major fight in the area since Sept. 1. The five battles have killed more than 250 Taliban fighters, a possible sign that U.S. or British forces could be trying to wrest the area back from Taliban militants.

The latest fight began when Taliban fighters attacked a combined U.S. coalition and Afghan patrol with rockets and gunfire, prompting the combined force to call in attack aircraft, which resulted in “almost seven dozen Taliban fighters killed,” the U.S.-led coalition said in a statement early Sunday.

The coalition said that four bombs were dropped on a trench line filled with Taliban fighters, resulting in most of the deaths.

Taliban militants overran Musa Qala in February, four months after British troops left the town following a contentious peace agreement that handed over security responsibilities to Afghan elders. Musa Qala has been in control of Taliban fighters ever since.
Situated in the north of Helmand, Musa Qala and the region around it have been the front line of the bloodiest fighting this year. It is also the heartland of Afghanistan’s illicit opium poppy farms.
Violence in Afghanistan this year has been the deadliest since the 2001 U.S.-led invasion. More than 5,200 people have died this year due to the insurgency, according to an Associated Press count based on figures from Afghan and Western officials

The suicide bomber walked up to a security gate for Afghan soldiers outside Forward Operating Base Bermel in the eastern province of Paktika, near the border with Pakistan, NATO’s International Security Assistance Force said.

Four Afghan soldiers and a civilian were killed and six Afghans were wounded, NATO’s International Security Assistance Force said. No Americans were hurt.
It was not immediately clear if the bomber had been trying to gain entry to the base.
Taliban insurgents have set off more than 100 suicide blasts this year, a record pace.
Elsewhere, Taliban militants killed three Afghan police who had been trying to prevent them from carrying out a kidnapping, said Helmand provincial police chief Mohammad Hussein Andiwal. The militants successfully kidnapped an Afghan man during the gunbattle, he said.

Australia’s prime minister, meanwhile, said more NATO powers must directly engage the Taliban to help ease the burden on Australia, the United States, Britain, Canada and the Netherlands, which all have troops in the dangerous southern and central parts of Afghanistan.

Germany, Italy, France and Spain have troops in the relatively safer northern sections, a fact that is causing a rift within NATO, and Australian Prime Minister John Howard said those countries need to help ease the burden on countries operating in the south.

“Some of the other countries have lots of troops in Afghanistan, but they’re not in some of the areas that are experiencing the heaviest fighting,” he said.

The governments of the Netherlands and Canada, in particular, are coming under domestic pressure to pull out troops because of heavy casualties.

“I think the Dutch government has been very courageous to date,” Howard said. “It’s not for me to comment on Dutch politics, but I do observe that the Dutch are making a great contribution and as are of course the Canadians.”


Wild Thing’s comment……..
“The coalition said that four bombs were dropped on a trench line filled with Taliban fighters, resulting in most of the deaths.”
Nice of them to dig a trench. Saves lots of work.
It was not immediately clear if the bomber had been trying to gain entry to the base.
Ummm.. maybe he was just stopping to ask for directions? Hellooooo. this must be a first time for the writer of this article. haha
God bless our troops and keep them safe.

28 Oct

Suicide Bomber Detonates Upon Discovery

Suicide bomber detonates upon discovery by CLCs (Muqdadiya)
Acting on a tip from a local citizen, a group of Concerned Local Citizens located a suicide bomber, who detonated himself upon discovery in Muqdadiya Oct. 26.
The suicide bomber, who was believed to be targeting a populated area, detonated as soon as the CLC group entered the house he was located in, causing it to collapse. The collapse wounded one CLC and a suspected extremist who was in the house with the suicide bomber.

“Today’s discovery is a sure sign the population continues to grow tired of al- Qaeda’s barbaric acts,” said Col. David W. Sutherland, commander of Coalition Forces in Diyala province.

“The local citizens and CLCs are both playing active roles in securing their areas and neighborhoods across Diyala – an important sign that they realize they must be the definers of their own democracy.”

“Because of the actions by the CLCs, many lives were saved,” Sutherland continued. “This is not the first time the CLCs have saved lives in their neighborhoods.

They truly are patriots serving to protect their families, tribes and neighbors.”
The wounded were transferred to a Coalition Forces’ medical facility for treatment.

Wild Thing’s comment……..
Nice try, sucker. The only thing this clown succeeded in doing was blowing up his own house. Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid , John Murtha and the rest of their ilk will now be in mourning.

27 Oct

Yemen Frees USS Cole Bomb Plotter

Al Qaeda militant Jamal al-Badawi, was convicted of participation in the October 2000 attack on the USS Cole.

Yemen frees one of USS Cole bombers (one of the al-Qaida masterminds of USS Cole bombing in 2000)
SAN’A, Yemen
Yemen has set free one of the al-Qaida masterminds of the USS Cole bombing in 2000 that killed 17 American sailors, a senior security official said Thursday.
Jamal al-Badawi, who is wanted by the FBI, was convicted in 2004 of plotting, preparing and helping carry out the USS Cole bombing and received a death sentence that was commuted to 15 years in prison.
He and 22 others, mostly al-Qaida fighters, escaped from prison in 2004. But al-Badawi was granted his freedom after turning himself in 15 days ago and pledging loyalty to Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh, said the official, speaking on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to speak to the media.

The official said police were told by the government to “stop all previous orders concerning measures adopted against al-Badawi.”

Witnesses told The Associated Press that al-Badawi was receiving well-wishers at his home in the al-Buraika district in Aden.
The Interior Ministry said earlier that al-Badawi voluntarily gave himself up to police, but media reports said tribal chiefs mediated his surrender after he renounced terrorism and pledged allegiance to the Yemeni leader.
Al-Badawi had escaped prison once before with nine other suspects of the Cole attack in April 2003, but was rearrested.
Al-Qaida used to have an active presence in Yemen, the ancestral home of Osama bin Laden. The group was blamed for the bombing of the Cole and the attack on a French oil tanker that killed one person two years later.
Also Thursday, a second security official said police have uncovered a terrorist cell composed of four extremists who were recruiting young Yemenis to carry out suicide attacks in Iraq and elsewhere.
The four were allegedly receiving funds from abroad and were recruiting young men in their twenties from mosques and religious seminars during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, said the official, citing their confessions. The official spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to speak to the media.
Yemen does not have a law that criminalizes Jihad, or holy war. Detainees remain in prison until they either renounce their commitment to Jihad or are released under pressure from family and human rights groups.
Since the suicide attack in July that killed eight Spanish tourists visiting an ancient Yemeni temple, President Saleh has said in several interviews with local papers that al-Qaida had reached a truce with the government.

Wild Thing’s comment……..
” his surrender after he renounced terrorism and pledged allegiance to the Yemeni leader”
So let me get this straight, he surrenders and he promises to be good. So it is ok to let him go free???? OMG! a little promise not to speak bad about your country’s president and he’ll let you go like a good little boy, now just run along now and play nice now OK? Sheesh! This guy has been on the lam for 3 years, turns himself in 15 days ago, and gets freed. Time for real justice. The blood of 17 of our sailors demands it!!!!
He should be freed from life itself, and should be buried in pigskin to keep those pesky virgins away from him!

27 Oct

Kill the Law of the Sea Treaty

Hunter Calls on Congress:
Kill the Law of the Sea Treaty
Amid debate on the decades-old Law of the Sea Treaty (LOST) in the Senate, Republican presidential candidate Rep. Duncan Hunter (R-CA) urged his colleagues to follow the lead set by President Reagan by defeating the treaty.
Explaining the dangers of the treaty, Hunter detailed:

“It is imperative that our nation does not surrender decision making power for military navigation or resource extraction, especially in this age of terrorism with technology and weapons proliferation. And adding a new set of UN bureaucrats with license to tax and adjudicate disputes is the last thing this country needs.”

Hunter continued, “Rest assured no treaty that infringes on the sovereignty of the United States, or further empowers the United Nations, will get anything but a trip to the waste basket in a Hunter Administration.”

Rep. Hunter has served on the House Armed Services Committee since his election to Congress in 1980 and has been that committee’s chairman for four years. Serving a critical role during the Reagan Administration, he helped establish and maintain the U.S. Strategic Defense Initiative. Hunter led a delegation with Rep. Henry Hyde to the Eastern Block during the Cold War stand-off to press President Reagan’s policy of solidarity. Hunter also led the Republican Congress in rebuilding the U.S. military after the Clinton Administration’s devastating cuts and slashes to critical defense personnel and materiel.

And there is this the Heritage Foundation…about the Law of the Sea Treaty


Wild Thing’s comment……..

There are serious issues of sovereignty involved, I pray that don’t let US sovereignty be eroded.
Bush administration is putting on a major effort for Senate ratification of the United Nations’ Law of the Sea Treaty, a wide-ranging measure that will grant the U.N. control of 70 percent of the planet under its oceans.
Democrats are in almost unanimous agreement with the treaty and the Bush administration is behind it as well, it will be up to a handful of determined Republican senators to derail it from getting a two-thirds vote in the upper house.
This is not the first time LOST has come up, of course. International negotiators drafted it in 1982 in an attempt to establish a comprehensive legal regime for international management of the seas and their resources. President Ronald Reagan, however, refused to sign LOST because he realized that the treaty doesn’t serve U.S. interests.
In 1994, however, President Clinton signed a revised version of the treaty and forwarded it to the Senate. The record shows the Senate was not convinced the 1994 changes corrected the problems, and it has deferred action on the treaty ever since.
The Heritage Foundation warns the treaty would have unintended consequences for U.S. interests – including a threat to sovereignty.
This thing is appalling. Its passage with Bush’s support would pretty much all by itself negate any good that Bush has done.
How in the world can any rational, thinking person in the U.S. ever support anything that the U.N. favors?? If the U.N. and it’s gaggle of petty tyrant members are positive about anything…anything at all…it’s got to be bad for America. The headlong rush to adopt this “Oh, I’m a Good Guy, Too” liberal twaddle is absolutely disgusting. “Oh, but everybody else is doing it…Oh, nobody will like us if we don’t do it” whine and snivel the bed-wetters and hand-wringers. “To Hell with them all”, I say. AMERICA FIRST.
Between the wide open borders and now this POS, the question must be asked; “Why is our government (both parties) in such a hurry to surrender our sovereignty?” The Law of the Sea Treaty will impede the U.S.’s ability to defend its interests in time of war.

27 Oct

Uncle Sam Drafts Diplomats For Embassy In Iraq

It occupies some 104 acres next to the Tigris

Uncle Sam drafts diplomats for embassy in Iraq
The State Department said Friday it will require some diplomats to serve in Iraq because of a lack of volunteers willing to work at the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad.
Beginning Monday, 200 to 300 diplomats will be notified they have been identified as prime candidates to fill 40 to 50 vacancies that will open next year at the embassy, said Harry Thomas, director general of the Foreign Service.

Those notified they have been selected for a one-year posting will have 10 days to respond. Only those with compelling reasons, such as a medical condition, will be excused from duty, Thomas said.

He said those being sent to Iraq will receive extra pay and vacation time. About 50 diplomats will be needed in Iraq by January, in addition to the current level of 200.

However, those refusing Iraq duty may face disciplinary action up to and including dismissal for failing to uphold their oath to serve the United States and the Constitution, Thomas said.

Wild Thing’s comment……..
Send Reid, Pelosi, Boxer, and Feinstein then Durbin, Schumer, Kerry, Murtha, Kerry, and Kennedy for starters. They can rotate every two months. Let’s see how brave and willing to defend the nation these Liberal/Marxists truly are.

27 Oct

Putin Doesn’t Like US Sanctions On Iran ~ Get Real

The US imposes new sanctions on Iranian revolutionary guards and banks.
Asia Times
Putin compared Sanctions to razor blades and those advocating it to madmen:

“Why worsen the situation by threatening sanctions and bring it to a dead end?” Putin said in a veiled reference to the US push for harsher international sanctions on Teheran.

“It’s not the best way to resolve the situation by running around like a madman with a razor blade in his hand.”

Russian President Vladimir Putin’s visit to Tehran for the Caspian Sea summit last week was a key face-to-face meeting with Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.
A high-level diplomatic source in Tehran tells Asia Times Online that essentially Putin and the Supreme Leader have agreed on a plan to nullify the George W Bush administration’s relentless drive towards launching a preemptive attack, perhaps a tactical nuclear strike, against Iran. An American attack on Iran will be viewed by Moscow as an attack on Russia.

Wild Thing’s comment……..
Maybe Putin believes he can control the Moslems, but little does he realize that future generations of his countrymen will be speaking Farsi and bowing to Mecca.

26 Oct

Hillary Birthday Bash A Fund Raiser

60! Hillary To Hold Star-Studded NYC Birthday Bash
Fundraiser At Beacon Theater To Feature Billy Crystal, Elvis Costello
What’s a presidential candidate to do on the eve of an important birthday? Hold a big fundraiser, of course.
Democrat Hillary Rodham Clinton planned to celebrate her 60th birthday at a star-studded gala Thursday night at New York’s historic Beacon Theater. Her husband, former President Bill Clinton, was to host the celebration, with comedian Billy Crystal serving as master of ceremonies. Musical guests Elvis Costello and the Wallflowers were set to round out the program.
The party was expected to rake in over $1 million for the New York senator’s presidential bid. Her birthday is Friday, Oct. 26.
It’s the second major birthday fundraiser for Clinton’s campaign this week. Movie director Rob Reiner threw a party for her at his Los Angeles home Sunday night, with several Hollywood celebrities on hand.
The campaign has also used her birthday as an organizing tool, posting a video message on her campaign Web site from former President Clinton urging supporters to send birthday greetings.
It’s a milestone birthday for the former first lady, who made her debut on the national stage in her husband’s 1992 presidential race. Then, the Clintons were portrayed as a youthful power couple who would bring new energy and a generational shift to the White House — a message Democrat Barack Obama has tried to capture this time.
Clinton has joked publicly about her age in several recent campaign appearances.

“I have been reminded by some of my friends that when you get to be my age having so many men pay attention to you is kind of flattering,” Clinton said in Iowa this week, referring to her political rivals.

Wild Thing’s comment……..
Here is my wish for Hillary on her birthday. May she never ever celebrate her birthday as President.
And if your stomach can handle it…….LOL Just think we can all tell her Happy Birthday……….NOT!