28 Nov

America Still Has Her Soul

Amazing National Anthem at Fenway Park – Crowd Helps Autistic Singer
It was Disability Awareness day and the folks at Fenway did a lot of great things for kids with challenges..here is one who sang and when he got nervous the Fenway Faithful helped him out

I always get teary when I hear the anthem, and this one was very profound. Watch it all the way through, you will hear the audience join in, it is very powerful.


Contrast this with the ommission of the Anthem at last night’s Monday Night Football game.
Anthem Skipped Before Monday Night Game

PITTSBURGH (AP) – Sports in America start with the national anthem. The Dolphins- Steelers game was an exception. Rushing to begin the nationally televised matchup following a 25- minute weather delay, the NFL chose to skip the anthem Monday night before Miami played Pittsburgh. The game started without any of the traditional pregame ceremonies, except the coin toss, and neither team was introduced on the public address system.
According to the Steelers, the NFL wanted the game to begin as soon as possible following the delay. Several more minutes would have been needed to set up a microphone and sound equipment at midfield, where the anthem is traditionally performed at Steelers games.

Why did they need a mike and sound equipment? Why not just make an announcement that anyone who wanted could stand up and sing the National Anthem?

28 Nov

Christmas Censors Are Out In Force

“We haven’t hit December yet and already the politically correct police are out in force trying to censor Christmas.
Catholic league
Here are some samples:
· For 75 years, the Hollywood Chamber of Commerce sponsored the ‘Hollywood Christmas Parade.’ When it refused to sponsor the parade this year, the L.A. City Council took over, renaming it the ‘Hollywood Santa Parade.’
· The Department of Housing and Urban Development has censored Christmas religious symbols from its housing complexes.
· No Christmas decorations are allowed on school buses in parts of Vermont.
· A Jewish public official in Wisconsin wants to rename the State Capitol Holiday Tree the Christmas Tree, but is being opposed by the Freedom From Religion Foundation.
· Chattanooga has banned a live nativity scene from its public festivities.
· Sonoma City Council has nixed religious displays on the Plaza.
· Voters in Berkley, Michigan have forbidden a crèche at City Hall.
· Fort Collins, Colorado says it is okay to have green and red lights outside city buildings, but only secular symbols are allowed inside.
· After Briarcliff Manor, New York was ordered to erect a crèche next to a menorah, the village elected to ban all religious symbols.
· Residents in Olean, New York are fighting over privately owned nativity scenes being displayed in city parks.
· A nativity scene in front of the Ypsilanti Township fire hall in Michigan has been banned.
· No religious symbols are allowed in Seattle-Tacoma airport, but trees made of cardboard are legit.
· Nativity scenes at Texas Tech are not permissible, but a tree is okay. The official in charge says, ‘We’re not saying it’s a holiday tree, because it’s a Christmas tree, but we choose to do a tasteful tree that really anybody can embrace.’ Great idea!
“There you have it. The multicultural monsters are rearing their ugly heads once again, showing what they really mean by tolerance for diversity.”


Wild Thing’s comment……..
I say a BIG ole Merry Christmas and a HO HO HO!

27 Nov

Ahmadinejad Offers To Be Observer At US Presidential Election

Ahmadinejad offers to be an observer at US presidential election
He denounces it as the “Great Satan” and frequently dismisses its power, but the overtures of the Iranian president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, to the US seem to grow ever more extravagant. Having failed to win a response with an 18-page letter to President George Bush or to a request to visit the site of the September 11 2001 attack on New York, Ahmadinejad has offered himself as an observer in next year’s presidential election.
The proposal came in a speech to volunteers with the Basij, a pro-regime militia. He said he was prompted by a belief that Americans would vote against the current administration in a truly free poll. However, the terms of Ahmadinejad’s offer appeared to betray some confusion about the potential candidates.
“If the White House officials allow us to be present as an observer in their presidential election we will see whether people in their country are going to vote for them again or not,” he said. The US constitution prevents Bush from seeking a third consecutive term, while no member of his administration is expected to be in the running in next November’s poll.
Bush and international human rights groups voiced doubts about the legitimacy of Iran’s 2005 presidential election, which brought Ahmadinejad to power. More than 1,000 potential candidates were disqualified by the guardian council, a powerful body of clerics and judges.
Some domestic critics pointed out yesterday that Ahmadinejad’s idea clashed with his government’s opposition to allowing independent observers at Iranian elections. The interior ministry, controlled by one of the president’s most hard-line allies, has rejected pressure for party representatives to be allowed to oversee proceedings at polling stations .

Wild Thing’s comment……..
He said he was prompted by a belief that Americans would vote against the current administration in a truly free poll.
This bleepin’ clown doesn’t seem to realize that the current administration won’t be on the ballot next year. LMAO How many Iranian “Subjects” will be instructed that Imanutjob prevented a Bush 3rd term?
And who’s going to inspect the hanging chads, Putin? Maybe Mumu Ack-dinner-jihad can investigate why the Father of the Internet couldn’t win his home state.
Maybe Hillary will offer him to be her running mate.

27 Nov

Hillary ~ “It will be me”

Sen. Hillary Clinton tells Katie Couric: I will be the Democratic nominee
Orlando Sentinel
Is Sen. Hillary Clinton feeling any doubts about winning the Democratic nomination for president? Not at all.

“It will be me,” Clinton tells Katie Couric in an interview to air Monday on the “CBS Evening News With Katie Couric.” The broadcast airs at 6:30 p.m. on WKMG-Channel 6.

Couric also asked if Clinton is concerned that Oprah Winfrey could boost Sen. Barack Obama by campaigning for him in three key states.

“No, at the end of the day,” Clinton says. “I’m proud to have my husband support me … with his knowledge, experience and incredible ability to vouch for me.”

Clinton says she hasn’t raised expectations of success in the Iowa caucus on Jan. 14, which is the first contest.

“When I got into the race, I was so far behind in Iowa it was embarrassing,” Clinton says.

The candidate said she is encouraged by her progress and predicts Iowa will be a tight race.

Wild Thing’s comment……..
So the keeper of all those FBI files declares herself a winner. LOL Now she can relax and pick out the draperies for the White House. OH wait….. She already has the draperies picked out, they’re the same ones she and Bill stole on Jan 20, 2001, (along with the White House silverware.) I guess it depends on what the definition of VOUCH is.
“incredible ability to vouch for me”
WOW well yes it is incredible how the two of them vouch for each other. She’s being vouched for by a man convicted of perjury!! LOL
Criminals BOTH! Will people DIE if it ISN’T her!!

27 Nov

Bride (a-hem ?) and Groom Terror Suspects

Official: Bride, groom stopped in Iraq actually terror suspects
BAGHDAD (CNN) — Soldiers manning a checkpoint near Baghdad stopped a wedding convoy to find that the purported bride and groom were wanted terror suspects, an Iraqi Defense Ministry official said Monday.
The Army set up the checkpoint last week in the Taji area, about 12 miles (20 kilometers) north of Baghdad.
The soldiers became suspicious of the convoy because its members — save the “bride” — were all male and because one of the cars in the convoy did not heed orders to stop, the official said.
Also, soldiers said, the people in the car seemed nervous and the groom refused to lift his bride’s veil when soldiers asked him to, according to the official.
Soldiers ordered everyone out of the car, the official said.
Upon inspecting the convoy, soldiers found a stubbly-faced man, Haider al-Bahadli, decked out in a white bride’s dress and veil.
Bahadli was wanted on terror-related charges, as was his groom, Abbas al-Dobbi, the official said.
Two other terror-related suspects were detained as well.

Wild Thing’s comment……..
OMG this is hilarious. They must think our troops are stupid and they sure as heck aren’t!! I have heard the terrorists have done stuff like this before as well as dressing in burka’s.
…Thank you SSgt Steve

27 Nov

Palestinian State by ’08, Says Bush

The U.S. Naval Academy at Annapolis, Md., is the site of the Middle East peace summit this week

Palestinian state by ’08, says Bush
Tells PA president in private meeting U.S. committed to Israeli withdrawal
President Bush told Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas during a private meeting today the U.S. will ensure the Palestinians will have a state on the ground before Bush leaves office, a senior Palestinian negotiator told WND.

“Bush and the U.S. administration gave us a commitment there will be a Palestinian state before he leaves office, and not just an outline of a state on paper but contiguous territory on the ground,” said the Palestinian negotiator, who spoke on condition his name be withheld because he was revealing the contents of a private meeting.

“Bush said he is committed to seeing an Israeli withdrawal from most of the West Bank,” the negotiator said.

Bush met separately today with Abbas and Prime Minister Ehud Olmert ahead of tomorrow’s U.S.-sponsored Annapolis summit at which the Israeli and Palestinian teams are slated to present a joint declaration widely expected to outline a Palestinian state in the West Bank, Gaza Strip and eastern sections of Jerusalem.
After holding private meetings with the Israeli and Palestinian leaders, Bush told reporters at a press conference he was “optimistic” tomorrow’s summit would be successful.

“We want to help [Abbas]. We want there to be peace. We want the people in the Palestinian territories to have hope,” said Bush after his meeting with the Palestinian leader.

Abbas later told a news conference he has “a great deal of hope that this conference will produce permanent status negotiations, expanded negotiations, over all permanent status issues that would lead to a peace agreement between Israel and the Palestinian people.”

“This is a great initiative and we need [Bush’s] continuing effort to achieve this objective,” said Abbas.

In what has been described by some media outlets as a diplomatic coup for Bush, the governments of Syria, Saudi Arabia and dozens of other Arab states are sending senior representatives to tomorrow’s summit.

Wild Thing’s comment……..
Bush and Condi want to give these people legitimacy! I say NO, NO NO way! The minute it becomes official, Hamas will take Palestine over from Abbas. It will be followed by such carnage as they attack the Israelis. This is the worst plan ever.
Granted this story is from WND, and sometimes we have to wait and see if it shows up in the rest of the media. But even so, the things Bush and Condi have said and done in the past go right along with what this article is saying. I pray none of this happens. There are so many things wrong with this.
Look at this video of a Palestinian PROTEST Against the US on 9-11
(cheering and so happy about the attacks on 9-11)

26 Nov

Students Suspended For Talking About Nooses

Lee’s Summit West High

Students Suspended For Talking About Nooses
Fox news
Accusations of racism in a Lee’s Summit high school have lead to suspensions, but now the parents say their kids were unfairly punished.
There’s apparently been some racial tension in the band at Lee’s Summit West, specifically on the drum line. Students were talked to a couple weeks ago because both the black and white kids were using the “n word” and the band director told them to stop. But then talk about a noose landed a couple kids in big trouble.
Travis Grigsby loves playing drums, but he and his friend Alex Coday weren’t able to play for two weeks after they were suspended. It started after the band’s performance at a football game. Some kids on the drum line said they were talking about the best knots to use to tie up the drum equipment.

“Someone asked if anybody knew how to tie a noose and Travis did admit he knew how to tie a noose,” Kim Grigsby said.

Travis’ mom said her son is almost an Eagle Scout, he knew how to tie it, but told his friends he wouldn’t because you could get in trouble for that. Later, a black student on the drum line told the teacher he was offended.

“Travis was accused of using a racial slur for saying the word ‘noose.’ Then he was suspended for 10 days,” Kim said.

She said the school district accused the boys of having a racially charged conversation about nooses, but Travis and Alex insist that’s not what happened.

“I don’t feel they let Alex or Travis tell their side of the story,” Kim said.

Alex’s parents wrote to the district saying this is pushing the kids apart instead of bringing them together. Other kids and parents agree.

“We just want what’s fair for our boys,” Kim said. “They’re good boys, get good grades, participate in school activities.”

The school did shorten the kids’ school suspension to only five days, but it will affect their grades.

“They are being punished beyond what is even near reasonable,” Kim said.

The school district said it can’t comment because of privacy issues, but said no one is aware of any racial tensions at the school. The administrators said they did investigate it thoroughly.

Wild Thing’s comment……..
I hope and pray at some point in the future Americans will throw off the chains of this PC nonsense. The left has every intention of shutting down any speech they dislike.
Let’s see, anybody heard the song “Dang Me Oughta Take a Rope and Hang Me”, “The Old Home Town Looks the Same” Tom Jones singer. “Hangin Tree”, Marty Robbins. And I can remember metal lunch pails with western scenes which included a noose. I refuse to cave in and give up parts of my culture that another race wants to co-opt and brand as evil.

26 Nov

Government Revising Plan on Illegals

Government Revising Plan on Illegals
Washington Post …for complete article
The Associated Press
Sunday, November 25, 2007
WASHINGTON — The government says it will rewrite rules for penalizing employers of illegal immigrants to try to satisfy a federal judge in San Francisco who put the crackdown on hold.
U.S. District Judge Charles Breyer stopped the Bush administration last month from going ahead with enforcement of regulations requiring employers to fire workers if their Social Security numbers did not match records and the discrepancies could not be addressed in 90 days. In issuing the temporary injunction, the judge said the Social Security database contained errors that could have cost many legal workers their jobs, and the government did not properly study the effect of the rules on business.
Late Friday, Breyer agreed to a request from the administration to put the case on hold while it reworks the regulations _ a process bound to put off enforcement until the spring. The judge stayed proceedings until March 24, when the government thought it could have new rules ready on how to enforce immigration laws in the workplace.

Wild Thing’s comment……..
Another infuriating obstruction for US from the 9th Circus .. they’re obsessed with making us a 60’s hippy, socialist, crime-ridden nation. I N F U R I A T I N G !!!

U.S. Constitution, Article 4 Section 4:
“The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government,
and shall protect each of them against Invasion;”

Invasion: \In*va”sion\, n. [L. invasio: cf. F. invasion. See Invade.] [1913 Webster]
1. The act of invading; the act of encroaching upon the rights or possessions of another; encroachment; trespass.

25 Nov

Iran to Launch Home-Made Submarine, Destroyer

Iran to Launch Home-Made Submarine, Destroyer
Fars News Agency
Iranian army’s naval commander said that the country is due to launch a home-made destroyer and a submarine on Wednesday.

Speaking to reporters in a press conference here on Saturday, Admiral Habib Sayyari further pointed to the production of missile-launching PT boats by the navy, and added, “A home-made destroyer called ‘Jamaran’ and a (home-made) submarine of ‘Ghadir’ class will launch operation on November 28.”

He further stressed that his troops are closely monitoring military moves of trans-regional powers in the region, and said:

“No move in the Sea of Oman, the Persian Gulf and the Strait of Hormoz could remain hidden from our eyes. The naval force is in full control over the region and monitors all the military moves of the enemies in the region.”

Asked if Iran would block the Strait of Hormoz in case of foreign invasion, the navy commander, said:

“We are prepared to defend the interests of the Islamic Republic against any kind of threat, but we have not made any such claim about closing the Strait of Hormoz. Yet, we are ready to take action to preserve our interests.”

He described self-belief and self-reliance as the most important achievements of the Iranian naval forces, and said that his troops have made great achievements in training tactics and equipment manufacturing.
The commander further voiced opposition to the expansion of military capabilities in the Caspian Sea, saying:

“We view the Caspian as a sea of peace and friendship and we believe upgrading and expanding military equipment in this sea is incorrect. Yet, we are always prepared to defend the country’s interests.”

He said Iranian navy enjoys a powerful missile capability, adding that navy units are equipped with various types of surface and subsurface missiles and torpedoes.
The Admiral underlined that Iran’s military capabilities serve as a deterrent and pursue defensive purposes, but meantime warned:

“If the enemy makes a mistake, he will receive such a powerful second strike that it won’t be able to stand up.”

He said a powerful and mighty Iran would bring peace and security to the region, adding, “We are willing to promote our interactions with regional states at all levels.

To end his remarks, the navy commander mentioned that his troops are scheduled to stage massive military exercises codenamed ‘Unity 86’ in the Sea of Oman in February, adding that new tactics and military tools and equipment would be tested during the maneuvers


Wild Thing’s comment……..
What fun for us, for our troops. Target practice for a Sunday afternoon everyone. heh heh Notify the 72 virgins there will be more Islamofreaks heading your way.
Oh sure just like mom used to make. LOL