30 Nov

10.3 Million New Immigrants ~ Half Of Them Illegals

Theodore Roosevelt

Immigration at Record Level, Analysis Finds
NYT …for complete article
Immigration over the past seven years was the highest for any seven-year period in American history, bringing 10.3 million new immigrants, more than half of them without legal status, according to an analysis of census data released today by the Center for Immigration Studies in Washington.
One in eight people living in the United States is an immigrant, the survey found, for a total of 37.9 million people — the highest level since the 1920s.
The majority of immigrants arriving in recent years are from Mexico and Central America, and more than half of them are illegal.
The states that have received the largest numbers of the new immigrants are also states where immigration has been hotly debated. After five states that have been high on the immigration list for decades — California, Florida, Illinois, New Jersey and Texas — those receiving the most new immigrants included Arizona, Georgia, Maryland, Pennsylvania and Virginia.

Wild Thing’s comment………
That this invasion happened on George Bush’s watch, with absolutely nothing being done except a push for amnesty, will be the lasting lousy legacy of his presidency. It has cost our nation billions, debased our culture, and taken the lives of thousands of U.S. citizens who were victims of crimes perpetrated by illegals. Shameful.

“In the first place we should insist that if the immigrant who comes here in good faith becomes an American and assimilates himself to us, he shall be treated on an exact equality with everyone else, for it is an outrage to discriminate against any such man because of creed, or birthplace, or origin.
But this is predicated upon the man’s becoming in very fact an American, and nothing but an American…There can be no divided allegiance here. Any man who says he is an American, but something else also, isn’t an American at all.
We have room for but one flag, the American flag, and this excludes the red flag, which symbolizes all wars against liberty and civilization, just as much as it excludes any foreign flag of a nation to which we are hostile…We have room for but one language here, and that is the English language…and we have room for but one sole loyalty and that is a loyalty to the American people.” ~ Theodore Roosevelt January 03, 1919

30 Nov

Is It Muslim or Moslem?

Why Do People Say Muslim Now Instead of Moslem?
By Yii-Ann Christine Chen
History News Network
When Baby Boomers were children it was Moslem. The American Heritage Dictionary (1992) noted, “Moslem is the form predominantly preferred in journalism and popular usage. Muslim is preferred by scholars and by English-speaking adherents of Islam.” No more. Now, almost everybody uses Muslim.
According to the Center for Nonproliferation Studies, “Moslem and Muslim are basically two different spellings for the same word.” But the seemingly arbitrary choice of spellings is a sensitive subject for many followers of Islam. Whereas for most English speakers, the two words are synonymous in meaning, the Arabic roots of the two words are very different.
A Muslim in Arabic means “one who gives himself to God,” and is by definition, someone who adheres to Islam. By contrast, a Moslem in Arabic means “one who is evil and unjust” when the word is pronounced, as it is in English, Mozlem with a z.
For others, this spelling differentiation is merely a linguistic matter, with the two spellings a result of variation in transliteration methods. Both Moslem and Muslim are used as nouns. But some writers use Moslem when the word is employed as an adjective.
Journalists switched to Muslim from Moslem in recent years under pressure from Islamic groups. But the use of the word Moslem has not entirely ceased. Established institutions which used the older form of the name have been reluctant to change. The American Moslem Foundation is still the American Moslem Foundation (much as the NAACP is still the NAACP–the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People). The journal The Moslem World–published by the Hartford Seminary in Connecticut–is still The Moslem World.

Wild Thing’s comment……..
I wish I could remember to spell it this way. Moslem! Especially since the word itself is much more descriptive of what they truly are.

29 Nov

God Bless You Henry Hyde ~ Rest In Peace

Henry Hyde – great man. He was one of the good guys.
Congressman Hyde spent more than three decades as a towering figure on Capitol Hill. But he first made his name in Washington more than 60 years ago.
He was on the Georgetown basketball team, and played in the NCAA Eastern championship game in 1943. After college and Navy service in World War II, he returned home to Illinois, and earned a law degree, and made his way into politics. This erudite, scholarly man has walked with kings and kept the common touch.
He won 20 elections, and gave steady service to the people of Illinois for 40 years.
In the House, Congressman Hyde rose to the chairmanship of two committees, Judiciary and International Relations. And from the first day, he was a commanding presence, and he was a man of consequence.
Colleagues were struck by his extraordinary intellect, his deep convictions, and eloquent voice. In committee and in the House chamber, the background noise would stop when Henry Hyde had the floor.
He used his persuasive powers for noble causes. He stood for a strong and purposeful America — confident in freedom’s advance, and firm in freedom’s defense. He stood for limited, accountable government, and the equality of every person before the law.
Hyde was President of the Clinton impeachment trial, a high-level participant in the response to the 9-11 attacks.
However, more than anything else Henry Hyde is known for his stalwart defense of the right to life of unborn children.
He stood up against the Clinton slime machine and paid dearly. But, nonetheless, he stood. May God rest his soul.
Some office holders of long tenure become pliable and more compliant to their fellow office holders as they age. Others develop character and confidence in their principles and become, Statesmen. Hyde was a shining example of the later course in how to serve.
He was a good man.
God rest his soul.

29 Nov

Plants From The LEFT Run Rampant At GOP Debate


Debate? Well I can’t stand these You Tube Debates, it shows disrespect for the office of the President. But since it is the idea of the left to do this, that is all we need to know in how little they respect the Presidency.
Some stupid Muslim broad had a question, naturally about the war, ( Iraq) and might as well have had a sign on her saying she could care less about 9-11 or the sacrifices our troops are making for her fellow Muslim jerks. Moderate??? No SUCH animal!!!!!
Then another lowlight was a gay soldier, a sent there just ever so obviously by who pray tell?? Hillary per chance? Word has it the answer is yes, so I guess this is yet another Gate, might as well call it the Gay Gate via Hillary. The retired brigadier general Keith Kerr, who is gay, asked candidates if they thought U.S. military personnel were professional enough to work with gay and lesbian troops. CNN later learned that Kerr served on Clinton’s lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender steering committee. OH sure LATER learned?? With a-hem limp wrist Anderson Cooper running the debate, give me a break.

Duncan Hunter did great!!
Fred was especially strong on immigration tonight and did well overall.
RuPaul – This guy is nuts! ’nuff said
Rudy must have said the “I” word a gazillion times. I was going to count how many times, but it started to make me dizzy trying to keep up. LOL
McCain IMO messed up big time, letting the entire world know he does not own a gun. Even if he doesn’t he should have omited saying he didn’t have one. Also McCain’s comments on waterboarding were absurd.

Hunters statement “I will never apologize for America” grew a big applause. The answer was to the question of a Muslim woman who asked how America can restore our image in the Muslim world. The so called moderate Muslim I mentioned earlier in this post. He gave a great answer to the gun question and even gave the young man a fatherly lesson on gun safety as well. He didn’t bite on the Norquist pledge like the other stooges. And he smacked the Hildabeast planted gay general back in place pretty good. And did it quite respectfully, too.

Duncan Hunter at YouTube CNN Debate…these are some of his answers
Hunter covers illegal immigration, China cheating on trade, 2nd Amendment, never apologizing for America and homosexuals in the military.

I couldn’t find a You Tube of all the answers Fred Thompson made but he did good as well.
Michelle Malkin has a lot of information on all the democrats that had their YouTube questions used last night. One of them a John Edwards supporter including a website she has with her wearing a John Edwards t-shirt. hahahahahha I mean this is just soooooo obvious what a bunch of BS this is doing it with CNN, the liars of the universe and Anderson Cooper who is a total joke as a human being.

29 Nov

Mannequins Removed From Peshawar Shops After Threats

Mannequins removed from Peshawar shops after threats
The Hindu
Islamabad (PTI):

Garment shop owners in northwest Pakistani city of Peshawar are removing mannequins from their displays or covering them up with clothes following threats from militants.
A meeting of the shopkeepers’ association of Karimpura in Peshawar, the capital of North West Frontier Province (NWFP), on wednesday discussed the threatening letters from militants. The association decided to either remove the mannequins from shops or cover them up fully with clothes.
The meeting was informed that 10 militants visited Shaheen Bazaar, a market for women, and asked shopkeepers to remove mannequins. The militants claimed the mannequins promoted obscenity, ‘Dawn’ newspaper reported today.
The letter sent by the militants warned the shop owners of dire consequences if they did not remove the mannequins.

Wild Thing’s comment……..
Maybe the shopkeepers could have just put burqas over the mannequins…that might have appeased the Islamofascists (although the customers would never know what the merchandise looks like.)
They can’t even put a plastic replica of a woman on display without driving these goat lovers crazy with lust. Which they of course see as an episode requiring the use of explosives.

29 Nov

Disabled Veterans Jeered At Swimming Pool

The disabled men were injured during tours of Iraq and Afghanistan

Disabled veterans jeered at swimming pool
Injured soldiers who lost their limbs fighting for their country have been driven from a swimming pool training session by jeering members of the public.
The men, injured during tours in Iraq and Afghanistan, were taking part in a rehabilitation session at a leisure centre, when two women demanded they be removed from the pool. They claimed that the soldiers “hadn’t paid” and might scare the children.
The incident has sparked widespread condemnation. Adml Lord Boyce, a former head of the Armed Forces, said last night the women should be “named and shamed”.

“These people are beneath contempt and everything should be done to get their names and publish them in the press,” he said. “It is contemptible that people who have given up their limbs for their country should be so abused when they are trying to get fit again.”

It comes after calls for the public to do more to welcome home troops back from tours of duty and to recognise the bravery of those fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan.
The unpleasant scenes broke out at Leatherhead Leisure Centre in Surrey when the wounded veterans, who are at Headley Court Military Hospital, had to use the 25-metre public pool because the hydro-pool at the defence rehabilitation centre is not big enough for swimming.
The servicemen were about to begin their weekly swimming therapy in closed-off lanes when they were verbally abused by the swimmers.
One woman in her 30s was said to be infuriated by the lane closures saying the soldiers did not deserve to be there when she had paid.
It was also reported that others complained that limbless servicemen were scaring children at the centre.
The atmosphere was said to be so tense that the soldiers’ instructors removed them.

Charles Murrin, 79, a Navy veteran who saw the incident, said: “The woman said the men do not deserve to be in there and that she pays to come in the pool and they don’t. I spoke to the instructor in the changing room afterwards and he was livid.”

It is not the first time that Headley Court neighbours have been accused of poor behaviour.
There was uproar earlier this year after residents objected to planning permission to convert a home into a six-suite hostel for injured soldiers’ families to stay in. The local council later approved the building work.
A Ministry of Defence spokesman said: “We are disappointed that a small number of people objected to the closure of swimming lanes so that patients of Headley Court could use them.”
The incident comes weeks after the Help For Heroes appeal was launched to raise £5 million to build a full-size pool and gym at the centre.
Labour will today aim to repair its battered reputation with the Armed Forces by offering all military veterans priority NHS treatment, The Daily Telegraph has learned.
The concession, ordered by the Health Secretary, Alan Johnson, will be available to the estimated 4.8 million ex-servicemen and women, sources said last night.

Wild Thing’s comment……..
OK I am so angry about this I can hardly type. My hands are shaking I am so outraged.
The people that did this are a total waste of the air they breath. I would say it to their faces if I could!!!!!!
There are certain things that send me over the edge and this is one of them. Treating our troops badly, our Veterans badly and our disabled troops and Vets badly. It is a top priority with me that every single Veteran and our troops today know they are cared about, appreciated and respected. This is a total outrage beyond the pale and there is NO DAMN EXCUSE FOR WHAT THESE PEOPLE DID AND SAID.
The kind of person that can be like these people have been are not worth spit! Their lives are insignificant! The world is NOT a better place because they exist! They are selfish, self absorbed, POS, that walk the earth like brain dead zombies, using the freedom’s they have to spew their vile attitudes and should never be allowed to get away with it. Telling them off is not enough, there should be some kind of punishment delivered to this kind of person. Something that will cause them to remember how evil they are. I hope they burn in hell! And THAT is letting them off easy!

….Thank you Jack ( Conservative Insurgent Blog ) for sending this to me.

29 Nov

Exoskeleton Turns Humans Into Terminators

Exoskeleton Turns Humans Into Terminators
Nov. 21: An experimental robotic exoskeleton for military

28 Nov

Trace Adkins: Kill them radical Muslims!

Country Star Tells TV Station That America Must “Crack Skulls” of Islamists and Kill Radical Muslims
Music City TV

Country singer Trace Adkins isn’t shy, and talk radio and political-talk TV has reached out to him time and again for his conservative point of view.
Now, Trace offers a bunch of those points of view is a new book, A Personal Stand: Observations and Opinions from a Freethinking Roughneck.
And as you can imagine, he’s not timid. Trace repeats what he told Bill Maher, that Trace thinks we need to beat on radical Muslims.
“We’re going to have to fight it out till it’s over and until they don’ do this anymore. We’re going to have to go in to Afghanistan and take care of this, and if Pakistan doesn’t like it, we thump their (butt) too,” he writes.
On the next page, Trace says: “I still believe the only way to fight Islamic terrorism is to crack skulls.”
If yer going to Sunday’s Titans game, you can ask him all about it: Trace is singing the national anthem.

Wild Thing’s comment……..
This is great. Thank you Trace!

28 Nov

Worthless Farce Of A Peace Conference And Why

Jerusalem Post
There is no Israeli flag flying from any of the four flagpoles outside the Washington hotel where Prime Minister Ehud Olmert and the rest of the Israeli delegation are staying for this week’s Annapolis summit. Security concerns, presumably.
A short drive away, at the Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas’s hotel, by contrast, the Palestinian flag waves high and proud. And, inside, members of the Palestinian delegation are only too happy to publicize their presence and spread their message.

Saudi Arabia’s Foreign Minister Prince Saud al-Faisal said,” Saudi Arabia would not consider establishing diplomatic relations with Israel until after Palestinian and other territorial questions are settled. “

Prince Saud al-Faisal said, “The important factor is the placement of a deadline for negotiations so they do not become endless and this is what the American government hosting the conference has promised, that the time period does not exceed one year”

Saudi Arabia’s foreign minister said Friday he will attend next week’s US-sponsored Middle East peace conference but insisted he would not allow “theatrics” like handshakes with Israeli officials, saying the “gathering must make serious progress.”

a small sample from the Text of Abbas Statement at Mideast Summit
AP …for complete statement terrorist Abbas made.

“It is my duty to say that, to have peace, we need the fate of the city of Jerusalem to be a critical component in any peace accord that we might reach. We need East Jerusalem to be our capital and to establish open relations with Western Jerusalem, and to ensure for all the faithful from all religions their right to exercise their rituals and to access holy shrines without any discrimination and on the basis of international and humanitarian goals.”


Wild Thing’s comment………..
The Israelis should be grateful that they won’t have to shake the hands of these Arabs… They wipe their a$$es with that hand anyway. Let them spread germs among each other and let the Jews have the last laugh for once!! If a Saudi official – Bush’s good friend – can’t bring himself to shake hands with an Israeli, Annapolis is a farce!
They might make an agreement but PEACE will never be reached.
Olmert just might give away all of Israel but for 1 square mile, and it won’t be enough. NOTHING is EVER enough, nor will it ever be.
And WTF, no Israeli flag flying, but the terrorist Amalekstinian one flying high! This “conference” stinks like Munich and Yalta! Abbas and his imps fetted like Hollywood celebrities, and Israel’s folks treated like unwanted guests at a family reunion! What a slap in the face to an ally! It seems the enemies of the USA are treated better by it than its friends. Disgusting!
Memo to Abbas from Wild Thing: Right now Muslims can go to the Dome or the al-Asqa mosque, Christians can walk the Via Dolorosa, go to the Church of the Holy Sepulcher etc. Christian holy places are safe with the Israelis ruling all the city. Unlike what happens when Muslims take over anything belonging to another religion. Oh, Abbas, one more thing, stop the conniptions every-time observant Jews approach the Temple Mount. That place is sacred to Jews and Christians, and was sacred to them when Mohammed wasn’t even thought of.
Bush wants a Palestinian state by the end of 2008. What is wrong with that man? Illegal amnesty. A state for terrorists. Giving America away to the UN. God save us from “compassionate conservative” RINO’s! Believe me I hate to speak this way about our President. I respect the office of the President and would love to be gung ho about the man I voted for twice. But I did not let him down he let me down and I just have to say what is true. His actions effect not only his voting base ( me) but also our entire country and our safety. Yes he is better then if Kerry had won or Gore. But the lesser of two evils is wearing thin when important issues are at stake.
When you listen to the aduio below and hear a man like Bolton speak, his strength of what needs to be done, makes ones heart proud to be an Ameircan. And oh how I wish we had that strength in our President, but alas we do not.
Israel should not agree to any negotiations until the Arabs give up their objective of seeing to Israel’s disappearance. Israel should not be asked to cooperate in signing her own death warrant. That is not what a self-respecting country should ever see as a legitimate goal of statecraft for its adversary.
If the terrorists would lay down their weapons, there would be no violence. If Israel would lay down its weapons, there would be no Israel.
CLICK HERE to listen to the conference call. In it Bolton shares his views of current foreign policy matters and he discusses why the Annapolis meeting is bad for the United States and Israel.
God bless John Bolton. I wish sooooooooo much he was in charge.

28 Nov

Hillary Says Colin Powell For Foreign Policy Expert If Elected

Clinton Says She’d Tap Colin Powell for Foreign Policy Expertise If Elected
Fox News
Hillary Clinton said Tuesday that if elected U.S. president she would call on former Secretary of State Colin Powell as part of a bipartisan diplomatic delegation to be sent abroad to restore America’s image.
Noting Powell’s foreign policy expertise, Clinton publicly offered fresh details in her plan — often described in general terms — that she says she would institute before her would-be inauguration.
Clinton has previously mentioned Powell and George H.W. Bush as potential members of that delegation during interviews, but rarely names names when speaking publicly.
But Tuesday she specifically told a group of black ministers who were endorsing her in Spartanburg, S.C., that to restore the country’s reputation, she would tap the man who under President Bush led the foreign policy argument to invade Iraq in pursuit of weapons of mass destruction.

“I won’t even wait until I’m inaugurated, but as soon as I’m elected I’m going to be asking distinguished Americans of both parties — people like Colin Powell, for example and others — who can represent our country well, including someone I know very well, ” she said smiling while making reference to her husband and former President Bill Clinton. “Because I want to send a message heard across the world. The era of cowboy diplomacy is over.”

Wild Thing’s comment……..

“I won’t even wait until I’m inaugurated, but as soon as I’m elected I’m going to be asking distinguished Americans of both parties — people like Colin Powell, for example and others — who can represent our country well, including someone I know very well, ” she said smiling while making reference to her husband and former President Bill Clinton. “Because I want to send a message heard across the world. The era of cowboy diplomacy is over.”

The over-reaching hubris of this woman is absolutely stunning. Have you ever noticed that every sentence out of her mouth has 3 or 4 “I’s” in it? That’s all I can say right now without popping a blood vessel in my head.
Remember when Powell let it be known, during the Florida recount, when everyone expected GWB to pick him as Secretary of State, that he’d be open to serving in a Gore administration if Gore won Florida? And then of course he kept quiet during the Valerie Plame uproar, all the while knowing that Richard Armitage was the leaker, even though he was still the Secretary of State and the controversy was damaging to President Bush.
Hey Colin, just a slight warning for you, don’t forget about the other black man the Clinton’s had on their team, Ron Brown, he ended up dead in an airplane crash. If you sign on with Hillary be alert at all times. I don’t like Powell at all, but I do so hate to have to go through another Clinton GATE of any kind. We had so many of them when Bill was President.