Jerusalem Post
There is no Israeli flag flying from any of the four flagpoles outside the Washington hotel where Prime Minister Ehud Olmert and the rest of the Israeli delegation are staying for this week’s Annapolis summit. Security concerns, presumably.
A short drive away, at the Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas’s hotel, by contrast, the Palestinian flag waves high and proud. And, inside, members of the Palestinian delegation are only too happy to publicize their presence and spread their message.
Saudi Arabia’s Foreign Minister Prince Saud al-Faisal said,” Saudi Arabia would not consider establishing diplomatic relations with Israel until after Palestinian and other territorial questions are settled. “
Prince Saud al-Faisal said, “The important factor is the placement of a deadline for negotiations so they do not become endless and this is what the American government hosting the conference has promised, that the time period does not exceed one year”
Saudi Arabia’s foreign minister said Friday he will attend next week’s US-sponsored Middle East peace conference but insisted he would not allow “theatrics” like handshakes with Israeli officials, saying the “gathering must make serious progress.”
a small sample from the Text of Abbas Statement at Mideast Summit
AP …for complete statement terrorist Abbas made.
“It is my duty to say that, to have peace, we need the fate of the city of Jerusalem to be a critical component in any peace accord that we might reach. We need East Jerusalem to be our capital and to establish open relations with Western Jerusalem, and to ensure for all the faithful from all religions their right to exercise their rituals and to access holy shrines without any discrimination and on the basis of international and humanitarian goals.”

Wild Thing’s comment………..
The Israelis should be grateful that they won’t have to shake the hands of these Arabs… They wipe their a$$es with that hand anyway. Let them spread germs among each other and let the Jews have the last laugh for once!! If a Saudi official – Bush’s good friend – can’t bring himself to shake hands with an Israeli, Annapolis is a farce!
They might make an agreement but PEACE will never be reached.
Olmert just might give away all of Israel but for 1 square mile, and it won’t be enough. NOTHING is EVER enough, nor will it ever be.
And WTF, no Israeli flag flying, but the terrorist Amalekstinian one flying high! This “conference” stinks like Munich and Yalta! Abbas and his imps fetted like Hollywood celebrities, and Israel’s folks treated like unwanted guests at a family reunion! What a slap in the face to an ally! It seems the enemies of the USA are treated better by it than its friends. Disgusting!
Memo to Abbas from Wild Thing: Right now Muslims can go to the Dome or the al-Asqa mosque, Christians can walk the Via Dolorosa, go to the Church of the Holy Sepulcher etc. Christian holy places are safe with the Israelis ruling all the city. Unlike what happens when Muslims take over anything belonging to another religion. Oh, Abbas, one more thing, stop the conniptions every-time observant Jews approach the Temple Mount. That place is sacred to Jews and Christians, and was sacred to them when Mohammed wasn’t even thought of.
Bush wants a Palestinian state by the end of 2008. What is wrong with that man? Illegal amnesty. A state for terrorists. Giving America away to the UN. God save us from “compassionate conservative” RINO’s! Believe me I hate to speak this way about our President. I respect the office of the President and would love to be gung ho about the man I voted for twice. But I did not let him down he let me down and I just have to say what is true. His actions effect not only his voting base ( me) but also our entire country and our safety. Yes he is better then if Kerry had won or Gore. But the lesser of two evils is wearing thin when important issues are at stake.
When you listen to the aduio below and hear a man like Bolton speak, his strength of what needs to be done, makes ones heart proud to be an Ameircan. And oh how I wish we had that strength in our President, but alas we do not.
Israel should not agree to any negotiations until the Arabs give up their objective of seeing to Israel’s disappearance. Israel should not be asked to cooperate in signing her own death warrant. That is not what a self-respecting country should ever see as a legitimate goal of statecraft for its adversary.
If the terrorists would lay down their weapons, there would be no violence. If Israel would lay down its weapons, there would be no Israel.
CLICK HERE to listen to the conference call. In it Bolton shares his views of current foreign policy matters and he discusses why the Annapolis meeting is bad for the United States and Israel.
God bless John Bolton. I wish sooooooooo much he was in charge.
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