20 Dec

Glenn Becks Show ~ Duncan Hunter Speaks About Fence

Glenn Beck and Duncan Hunter slam Congress re border fence


Wild Thing’s comment……..
“Now is the time when those who take the threat to our nation’s borders seriously stand up and be counted,” said Hunter.
Considering all the attempts by the political class to destroy it, America is still here. But eventually they will destroy our nation, and open borders is one of the lethal weapons.
A few quotes:
John Adams:

“Remember, democracy never lasts long.
It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself.
There never was a democracy yet that did not commit suicide.”

Thomas Jefferson:

“God forbid we should ever be twenty years without such a rebellion.
The people cannot be all, and always, well informed.
The part which is wrong will be discontented, in proportion to the importance of the facts they misconceive.
If they remain quiet under such misconceptions, it is lethargy, the forerunner of death to the public liberty. …
And what country can preserve its liberties, if it’s rulers are not warned from time to time, that this people preserve the spirit of resistance?
Let them take arms.
The remedy is to set them right as to the facts, pardon and pacify them.
What signify a few lives lost in a century or two?
The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time, with the blood of patriots and tyrants.
It is its natural manure.”

20 Dec

Bolton Interview: Speaks About Bush, Rice and Hillary

‘Bush’s Foreign Policy Is in Free Fall’
Spiegel International online
Former US Diplomat John Bolton is no longer in office, but he still has a lot to say about American foreign policy. SPIEGEL spoke to him about Bush’s softness abroad, Rice having been taken hostage by the liberal State Department, and why it doesn’t matter that the world hates the US.
SPIEGEL: Mr. Ambassador, you worked closely with the president and you shared his hawkish views on Iraq. But your new book is fiercely critical of George W. Bush. Why?
Bolton: His foreign policy is in free fall. The president is turning against his own best judgment and instincts under the influence of Secretary (of State Condoleeza) Rice. She is the dominant voice, indeed, almost the only voice on foreign policy in this administration.
SPIEGEL: The popular reading of her looks a bit different. She is presumed to be weak and not particularly efficient.
Bolton: No. Rice is channeling the views of the liberal career bureaucrats in the State Department. The president is focusing all his attention on Iraq and, by doing so, has allowed the secretary to become captured by the State Department. He is not adequately supervising her. It is a mistake.
SPIEGEL: Could it be that your pique really comes from the fact that the president doesn’t seem to be listening to neoconservatives like you anymore?
Bolton: The vice president (Vice President Dick Cheney) is still there. But the idea that somehow the neocons were so powerful is a myth — I mean, it was five or six people, for God sakes. I am not a neoconservative. I am pro-American.
SPIEGEL: You have said that the new moderate foreign policy currently being followed by Bush compromises the security of the United States.
Bolton: Well, I think so. North Korea is going to get away with keeping its nuclear weapons. I think the (National Intelligence Estimate) sends Iran a signal they can do whatever they want…
SPIEGEL: …You are talking about the recent report by US intelligence services that Iran stopped its nuclear weapons program in 2003 …
Bolton: Yes. For 12 hours after the NIE announcement, there was not a word from Iran. They were sitting there in Teheran saying: “What devious trick are the Americans playing on us now?” They couldn’t believe it and finally declared victory.
SPIEGEL: In the past, you argued for a military intervention in Iran. Do you still consider that an option?
Bolton: I don’t have the same high confidence these intelligence analysts do that, in fact, there was a full suspension of the military program in Iran. This is not like those claims about Cheney pressuring the poor intelligence community to spin intelligence on Iraq. This is politicization from the other side — people in the intelligence community allowing policy preferences to affect their analysis and judgments about the intelligence.
SPIEGEL: And where is the president? Is he merely a puppet?
Bolton: Look at the North Korean policy. The North Koreans certainly were involved in that facility in Syria that was raided by the Israelis. The North Koreans renege on their commitments and we still negotiate.
SPIEGEL: What do you see as the alternative — bombing Pyongyang?
Bolton: I’m not running around the world looking for ways to create hostilities. The solution to North Korea is the reunification of the Korean Peninsula. China could influence the North; it supplies 80 to 90 percent of North Korea’s energy. The United States have to put pressure on China in order for China to pressure North Korea.
SPIEGEL: Do you have any second thoughts about the American engagement in Iraq?
Bolton: It was right to overthrow Saddam Hussein. It was the regime itself that was a threat. I think in hindsight, what I would have done is turn authority back over to Iraqis much more quickly and say: “Your country, you figure out how to run it.”
SPIEGEL: Would you say the world is now a safer place than before the Iraq war?
Bolton: Yes. There is now no possibility that Iraq is going to have weapons of mass destruction. We had the ancillary strategic victory when (Libyan leader) Moammar Gadhafi gave up his nuclear weapons program as well. When he looked at Saddam, he concluded — incorrectly — that he might be next.
SPIEGEL: You don’t seem to doubt the go-it-alone approach of the United States although anti-Americanism is rising across the world. Doesn’t such a negative view of America weaken US power?
Bolton: I don’t think so. I have looked at public opinion polls in France in the late 1940s and early 1950s during the height of Marshall Plan aid. They had a very negative attitude towards the United States then. There were negative attitudes towards the United States because of Vietnam. There were negative attitudes about the United States when Reagan wanted to deploy intermediate range ballistic missiles. I don’t think the president should base his foreign policy on American public opinion polls, let alone foreign public opinion polls.
SPIEGEL: What kind of foreign policy will the next president pursue?
Bolton: If you get a President (Hillary) Clinton, you might well find, just as after Vietnam, that there is a retraction from Iraq and of American influence in the world. And in a couple of years the Europeans will be complaining about that too. See how long American troops last in Europe under an administration that thinks it is time for America to come home.
SPIEGEL: Is that a threat?
Bolton: No. The European Union can now act like a major power, at least that is what the European Union tells us. So they should do so — they can experiment with Russia.
SPIEGEL: Mr. Ambassador, thank very much for taking the time to speak with us.

Wild Thing’s comment……..
John Bolton ROCKS, he gets it! John Bolton loves his country and wants it to be strong and sovereign. He is remarkably consistent: he speaks exactly the same truth to the Germans, the UN, the Islamonazis, the President… anyone who will listen (and to some who, unfortunately won’t listen).

20 Dec

Moslem Convention ~ Isn’t that special!

Islamic Extremist Convention 2007
Starting December 21st, Rosemont, Illinois, a suburb of Chicago, will play host to two organizations tied to the Muslim Brotherhood (MB), the inspiration for so many of the world’s worst terror groups. The organizations, the Muslim American Society (MAS) and the Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA), have an extremist history of their own.
This is the 6th year…hmmmm. let’s do the math. 9-11 happened in 2001 and this convention will be in it’s 6th year. Also look at what it says……
The Muslim Brotherhood is not just an overseas group – it’s here in America, as well. Indeed the group has had a presence in the United States starting in the 1950s. MAS was established in 1992, because MB leaders thought that previously created American MB groups were becoming too assimilated into Western society. ICNA was founded in 1971 as an embodiment of MB Pakistan or Jamaat-e-Islami (JI).

“Within North America, Brotherhood organizations began to sprout. The same year the newly formed Baathist regime of Syria outlawed the Ikhwan, leaders of the Brotherhood found a new dwelling place in the state of Illinois. In January of 1963, the Muslim Students Association (MSA) was born. Today, MSA chapters number in the hundreds.
Out of the MSA came the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) and the Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA), two large umbrella organizations for radical mosques and Islamic centers throughout the U.S. and Canada – the latter being created to emulate Jamaat-e-Islami, the Brotherhood of Pakistan. As well, from the MSA came the North American Islamic Trust (NAIT), the first ever Muslim financial trust (waqf) company, that holds the titles for the radical mosques and North American children’s schools. These organizations form the basis for a physical American Islamist infrastructure.”

This year’s event features:
Jamal Badawi. Badawi was named by the U.S. government as an “Unindicted Co-conspirator” for the Holy Land Foundation (HLF) trial that began in July, which dealt with millions of dollars in fundraising for Hamas. Badawi has authored a book entitled Gender Equity in Islam, in which he justifies the beating of women by their husbands.
Jamal Said. Said is the imam of the Mosque Foundation, located in Bridgeview, Illinois, an Islamic center with ties to Hamas. Said served as the Treasurer of the Al Aqsa Educational Fund, an entity identified by the FBI as a Hamas “charitable” front. Said, like Badawi, was also named as an “Unindicted Co-conspirator” for the HLF trial.
Raed Tayeh. Tayeh is a former Executive Board Member of the Chicago chapter of the Islamic Association for Palestine (IAP), the now defunct American propaganda wing of Hamas. In November 2001, Tayeh was fired from his job as a Congressional aide to then-U.S. Representative Cynthia McKinney, when a letter of his was published by a newspaper accusing Jewish lawmakers of exhibiting inappropriate loyalty to the State of Israel.
Zulfiqar Ali Shah. Shah is the former South Asia Director of KindHearts, an Islamic “charity” that was shut down by the U.S. government in February 2006 for raising millions of dollars for Hamas. In a June 2001 article in Islam Online, Shah is quoted as saying, “If we are unable to stop the Jews now, their next stop is Yathrib (The Prophet’s city of Medina), where the Jews used to live until their expulsion by Prophet Muhammad (SAW). That’s the pinnacle of their motives.”

Wild Thing’s comment……..
So much for islamic’s whose main desire is to overthrow Democracy in America and see the flag of Islam fly over the White House. Our country gives them the thumbs up, go ahead and have your convention once again.

19 Dec

No Fence For Border Then NO FENCE FOR WHITE HOUSE!

Washington, D.C.
Presidential candidate Congressman Duncan Hunter returned to Washington this morning to immediately begin his efforts to overturn provisions contained in a Democratic spending bill that eliminates current legal requirements for double-layered border fencing. Congress last year passed legislation authored by Hunter, the Secure Fence Act, mandating double-layered fencing and related infrastructure at strategic entry points along the Southwest border.

“Now is the time when those who take the threat to our nation’s borders seriously stand up and be counted,” said Hunter. “Last year, Congress successfully passed legislation that mandated a double fence requirement based on the success of the border fence we’ve built in San Diego. The Democrat majority in this Congress has taken it upon themselves to overturn federal law to pursue a policy that does nothing but harm our border enforcement capabilities. This is not leadership, it is irresponsibility.

“Border enforcement is too serious of an issue to pursue only when politically convenient at election time. If Congress is to reverse its border stance after just one year, what message does that send to illegal immigrants and drug smugglers who are watching to see how serious we are about protecting America’s borders? I believe we must uphold our nation’s immigration laws, support our agents serving on the border and protect our border communities and I am going to make every effort to overturn the damage this Democrat leadership has caused.”

H.R. 2764, a bill that provides funding for several federal departments and agencies, was brought to the House floor and passed late last evening by the Democratic leadership. Not only does the bill contain provisions removing all specific locations as outlined by the Secure Fence Act, it also removes all requirements to construct any fencing or physical barriers along the border. This action basically repeals the Secure Fence Act and undermines past efforts to secure our nation’s border.
H.R. 2764 has been referred to the Senate for consideration and then will be returning to the House with any changes in the form of a conference report. Congressman Hunter is working with his colleagues in both the House and Senate to ensure that these dangerous provisions do not remain in the final version of the funding bill.

Wild Thing’s comment………
If fences don’t work, then Bush should remove the one surrounding the White House!!
He should CONFRONT Bush and his administration ALSO on this subject. If we are hit by the terrorists again and they came in from the southern border illegally will those who forced this reduction take responsibility?
As far as the cost it is a pittance next to the cost of subsidizing illegal’s in the form of health care, lost jobs, losses due to crime, and increased welfare for the extended families of illegal aliens. Not to mention the cost of cleaning up after a terrorist attack.
BOTH political parties had better wise up about this because the majority of Americans (according to every single poll) have HAD IT with illegal’s crossing our borders with impunity. If anyone doubts this – ask Hillary’s campaign manager about her flub in the debates about issuing drivers license to illegal’s.
“Good fences make good neighbors.”
Robert Frost (1874-1963)
If Chertoff and Bush hadn’t been fiddling and stalling, the fence would have already been built and it would be a non-issue.
Bush and his cronies on the right and the left, knew if he delayed long enough something like this would take place.
The bi-partisan pro-illegal contingent in Washington is relentless and will not stop until there is no more USA as a sovereign nation.
It is true that a man of honor and integrity like Hunter will never be elected president. Then it is because a man like Duncan Hunter isn’t slimy enough and too nationalistic. I am disgusted with both political parties. I still will hope he makes it but it just seems the reality is the Republican party is more filled with rino’s then conservatives today and they want cross dressers, liars and politicians that pander to the other rinos and the left. AUGH!
If Bush wants to prove to me he has any honor, he can start with redirecting the $10mill for illegal’s attorney services to build the wall…..and pardon the two incarcerated border guards.

18 Dec

All of a sudden feeling really sick

I am so sorry, it is 23:00 Tuesday night and I have chills, my eyes hurt and even my teeth hurt. I am going to do one post for Wed. morning and go to bed early. Again I am so sorry.
I hope nothing huge is happening in the world, I hate to miss anything.

18 Dec

This Is A What If Video A Must See

Wild Thing’s comment……..
LOL can you imagine if we had a President that came off as this strong. I would love it. heh heh

* Right Wing News

….. Thank you Vilmar for sending this to me.

18 Dec

Fred Thompson To Be On Laura Ingraham Talk Show This morning

Fred Thompson is supposed to be on The Laura Ingraham Show during the second hour today. Check local listings for when you can hear Fred.

And also here is a video of an ad for Thompson with also comments made by Rush Limbaugh.

Wild Thing’s comments……..
I will keep trying to post things when I find them on Thompson and Hunter, the others are already being covered to the max by the liberal media that seems to favor the rino’s more then the conservatives.
Some other quotes by Thompson:

“I’ve been a strong supporter of the Second Amendment,” Thompson said. “That’s where I’ve been yesterday, that’s where I am today and where I’ll be tomorrow.”

Thompson made his comments after a tour of Thompson Arms Center, where he watched how hunting rifles and handguns are made. He then spoke to workers, telling them that what they see in his campaign is what they’ll get if he’s elected.

“There comes a time when you’ve got to ask yourself if you’re at your highest and best use, if you’re doing what you should be doing,” Thompson said.

Thompson has been campaigning for the presidency since September. He didn’t comment Monday on how his relatively late start is affecting his campaign. And although the campaign calendar has been shortened this year, he said that New Hampshire needs to remain first in the presidential primary process.

“It institutionalizes, in some respects, the people who are supposed to take a look at things early, in detail and more depth, and I think the system is just fine,” he said. “I think New Hampshire is first, will remain first and, after all this hoopla is over, will still be first.”

Thompson also spoke about securing the country’s borders. Although he didn’t mention specifics about a plan, he said the country needs to better protect itself.

“I don’t know why a terrorist would bother coming through an airport or port when they can walk across our borders,” Thompson said.

18 Dec

USA Gives Christmias Present To The PLO

US Pledges Half a Billion Dollars to PLO
The United States has announced its plan to donate 555 million dollars to the budget of the PLO as part of the Conference of Donors for a Palestinian State conference held Monday in Paris. The pledge includes 150 million dollars in direct funding for Abbas’ Fatah government.
Monday’s conference is expected to raise almost 6 billion dollars in aid for the PLO, which will be used to run local Arab infrastructure and plans for the next 3 years.
Israeli analysts have accused the United States of pressuring Israel to make concessions to the Arab world as part of US President George W. Bush’s goal to create a Palestinian state by the end of his term.

Wild Thing’s comment……..
Geez, why are we giving the Palestinians a single cent?
They are stepping up aid to Gaza, which is run by Hamas. It can get no more stupid than this. You are either with us, or with the terrorists. And now we know which the state department is with. Would we have given “food and medicine” to Nazi Germany during World War II? Would we have given $550 million to Vichy France during the same war?
And let’s not forget the approval of 900MM to Iran from the World Bank that comes out of US taxpayer dollars. The “terrorist sponsoring states” are getting rich off of the US.
Condi The Clueless. The Palestinians have made it clear they will NEVER recognize Israel. She’s dumb, blind and deaf.

18 Dec

In Country With Our Troops Along The Euphrates River

Soldiers of the 3rd Battalion, 7th Infantry Regiment, assigned to the 4th Brigade Combat Team, 3rd Infantry Division found and destroyed a network of underground tunnels used by al-Qaeda in Iraq to store weapons, hide fighters and launch attacks against Coalition Forces northwest of Iskandariyah, along the Euphrates River

Enemy tunnel network discovered, destroyed by Marne Roundup forces
A network of underground tunnels used by al-Qaeda in Iraq to store weapons, hide fighters and launch attacks against U.S. forces was discovered and subsequently destroyed by Coalition Forces Dec. 16. It was the first known find of a tunnel system in the Multi-National Division – Center area.
Soldiers of the 3rd Battalion, 7th Infantry Regiment, assigned to the 4th Brigade Combat Team, 3rd Infantry Division found the tunnels as they were searching an area northwest of Iskandariyah, along the Euphrates River. Immediately prior, they discovered a cache of improvised explosive device components and were investigating when the tunnels were unearthed.

The tunnels provided access to numerous al-Qaeda fighting positions. Inside the tunnels were several DSHKA rounds, leading troops to speculate the tunnels may have served as enemy firing positions for anti-aircraft guns, as well as hiding places for AQI fighters after they launched attacks.
Soldiers called in Coalition air teams to destroy the tunnels. After an initial engagement with one Hellfire missile and three rockets, heavier air support was called in and dropped two bombs on the target, completely collapsing the network.
U.S. and Iraqi soldiers are in the area as part of Operation Marne Roundup.