No massacre in Haditha: new charges refute Murtha, media allegations
Defend Our Marines …..for entire article ( it is long so I am just putting some of it on here)
The Marine Corps has now acknowledged that none of the Marines charged with criminal offenses for their actions at Haditha, Iraq committed murder.
Lieutenant General Samuel Helland’s decision to dismiss charges of unpremeditated murder against Staff Sergeant Frank Wuterich lay to rest specious allegations by Time Magazine reporter Tim McGirk and Congressman John Murtha that a My Lai-style massacre occurred in Haditha on November 19, 2005.
A Marine Corps spokesman said Monday that Staff Sgt. Frank Wuterich will face trial on charges of voluntary manslaughter, aggravated assault, reckless endangerment, dereliction of duty and obstruction of justice for his role in the debacle that followed an Al Qaeda led attack on a squad of 12 Marines.

Lt Gen Helland, the final arbiter in the matter, dismissed twelve charges of unpremeditated murder, and separate charges of soliciting another to commit an offense and making a false official statement. His decision removes the onus that war crimes were committed by any of the American Marines who fought in the day-long battle for the strategic city.
Attorneys Neil Puckett and Mark Zaid, in Washington, D.C., co-counsels for SSgt Wuterich, responded:
“The good news is that SSgt Wuterich (and all of the Marines, for that matter), have been forever cleared of murder charges. That means that there is (and never was) any evidence to support Congressman Murtha’s and Time magazine’s allegations of these Marines killing Iraqis ‘in cold blood.’
“The bad news is that the extensive pretrial investigation and legal analysis conducted by an experienced military judge was essentially ignored. It is always disappointing when professional military prosecutors profess to want to do the right thing by setting up the system to work, and then ignore its results because they refuse to give Marines under attack in combat the benefit of the doubt that they were responding according to their training. We are confident that a military jury will acquit SSgt Wuterich of all remaining charges, because he is, in fact, not guilty.”
UPDATE: As of January 1st
Marine to stand trial for voluntary manslaughter in Haditha killings
San Diego.com …for complete article
One Marine will stand trial forvoluntary manslaughter and another for obstruction of justice in connection with an alleged war crime that left 24 civilians dead more than two years ago in Haditha, Iraq, Camp Pendleton officials announced Monday. Lt. Gen. Samuel Helland has ordered Staff Sgt. Frank Wuterich to be tried on charges of voluntary manslaughter, aggravated assault, reckless endangerment, dereliction of duty and obstruction of justice.
Helland dismissed the charges of unpremeditated murder, soliciting another person to commit an offense and making a false official statement. As commander of U.S. Marine Corps Forces Central Command and the 1st Marine Expeditionary Force at Camp Pendleton, Helland is the convening authority for the Haditha case.
If convicted, Wuterich could be sentenced to 160.5 years in the brig, a bad-conduct discharge and forfeiture of all pay and allowances.
Wuterich led some members of a Marine platoon in using rifles and grenades to kill men, women and children Nov. 19, 2005. The unit took such actions shortly after a roadside bomb struck their convoy, killing a Marine and wounding two others.
Helland also ordered a court-martial for 1st Lt. Andrew Grayson, who is charged with making false official statements, obstruction of justice and attempting to fraudulently leave the Marine Corps.
Grayson was a commander overseeing Wuterich’s platoon at the time. He is accused of trying to cover up the Haditha killings.
A conviction could force him to spend more than 10 years in prison and be dismissed from the service.
Wuterich and Grayson were among eight Marines from the Camp Pendleton-based 3rd Battalion, 1st Marine Regiment to face charges in the Haditha case.
The government has dropped all charges against five of the defendants, either outright or in exchange for future testimony. Besides Wuterich and Grayson and Lt. Col. Jeffrey Chessani will undergo court-martial, while the last defendant is awaiting word on whether he’ll face trial.
Wild Thing’s comment……..
Pray that these Marine’s will be exhonerated like the others.
…”CAMP PENDLETON – One Marine will stand trial for voluntary manslaughter and another for obstruction of justice in connection with an alleged war crime that left 24 civilians dead more than two years ago in Haditha, Iraq, Camp Pendleton officials announced Monday”…..
Insurgents can be male, female, old, young and every spread in between.
From what I’ve read on this incident, the dead folk were insurgents. They might not have been armed at that exact moment, but too bad.
There’s nothing that happened to the folk at Haditha that wasn’t earned.
That whole *&*ing “innocent civilian” thing just chaps my arse when applied to the persons in the house(s) of concern. By definition, ALL terrorists are civilians, as they are not members of an organized, uniformed force under the auspices of a duly-constituted government.
All I can say for these particular “civilians” is that – you lie down with dogs, you wake up with fleas.
The people in Murtha’s district need to come to their senses and give him the boot. The slut Murtha took the word of Time Magazine over his fellow Marines. Murtha the EX Marine! He does not deserve to be called a Marine!
specious allegations by Time Magazine reporter Tim McGirk
This is the lying traitorous bastard that started the ball of crap rolling on this farce.
…. Thank you Jack, Conservative Insurgent Blog, for the information.
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