06 Jan

New Hampshire Not Pleased With Hildabeast

News analysis of undecided voters in New Hampshire shows strong support for change and the campaign of Barack Obama.

Wild Thing’s comment……….
Nick and I watched football, but he also had the second screen open on the TV with the debate and kept going back and forth. Here are some things to share with all of you.
And the final results from Wyoming. Romney won, gaining 8 delegates, but my guy Fred was second, and got three delegates. Also ran Duncan Hunter got one delegate, shutting out Ron Paul who was expected to well out there.
Debate Stats LOL
“Bush’s Fault” mentioned Scorecard.
Richardson – 1
Hillary – 5
Obama – 4
Edwards -1
Well it is a long tired road that the Dems are trying to convey a message that they are for change and all of them are for change and it ends up that the Edward’s wants change because his daddy worked in the mines. Hillary wants change because she works for change all her life. Richardson wants change because he worked his life for negotiations, Obama is for change because Bush is bad, Oh whatever…..LMAO
The word “Change” mentioned count.
Edwards – 162
Hillary – 102
Obama – 108
Richardson – 31
Final Tally, may not be accurate but very close.
LOL Hillary called out for a reality break? LMAO Then she attacked Obama. hahahahaha
Richardson….does a can’t we all get along speech. hahahahaha

06 Jan

Let The Second Season Begin!


Nude Budweiser Commercial ………LOL


UNCENSORED GoDaddy SuperBowl TV Commercial – LOL this one is funny too.

Saturday’s , January 5, 2008 FINAL
Redskins 14
Seahawks 35
Jaguars 31
Steelers 29

Sunday 1:00 EST Fox
4:30 EST CBS

06 Jan

Glenn Beck’s Iowa/Huckabee/Romney Take

Wild Thing’s comment………
Glenn Beck had surgery and that is why he is in bed doing this video above. My understanding is that it was some sort of back surgery, and it didn’t go well. The pain and associated medication for it was what nearly drove him to suicide.
Back pain is bad pain.
The spinal column is an incredible creation. “Fearfully and wonderfully made.” When it’s not working right it can be incredibly painful.
From his website………

“Glenn Beck has filmed a monologue on the apparently botched surgery he had and posted it on YouTube. He talks about contemplating suicide because of pain. He calls his care at a yet-to-be-named hospital “phenomenal, phenomenally bad.”
He went on, “I have stories that will melt your brain.” The hospital in question also apparently takes care of, says Beck, “the President of GE”.
He’s off the air this week and back on Monday. The YouTube ramble is a tease for his return. He also posted a note on his website that ends, “Join me [Monday] for my NEW PERSPECTIVE ON LIFE, OUR HEALTH CARE SYSTEM AND BLOOD SHOOTING FROM PLACES BLOOD SHOULD NOT SHOOT OUT OF.”

05 Jan

New Hampshire GOP Pulls Support For FOX Debate

New Hampshire GOP Pulls Support For FOX Debate
KCRG news
The New Hampshire Republican Party announced Saturday that it will no longer support a Republican candidate’s forum scheduled for Sunday on FOX.
Party officials decided to withdraw as co-sponsers after candidates California Rep. Duncan Hunter and Texas Rep. Ron Paulwere left uninvited.
Hunter posted only tiny percentage in Iowa disqualifying him under the criteria set by FOX, but remains in the race.
Having never received an initial invitation, Paul’s capture of 10% in Iowa Thursday, still did not convince organizers to allow his participation.
New Hampshire Republican Party Chairman Fergus Cullen released a statement Saturday making the separation official.

“The first-in-the-nation New Hampshire primary serves a national purpose by giving all candidates an equal opportunity on a level playing field. Only in New Hampshire do lesser known, lesser funded underdogs have a fighting chance to establish themselves as national figures. Consistent with that tradition, we believe all recognized major candidates should have an equal opportunity to participate in pre-primary debates and forums,” wrote Cullen.

“This principle applies to tonight’s debates on ABC as well as Sunday’s planned forum on FOX. The New Hampshire Republican Party believes Congressmen Ron Paul and Duncan Hunter should be included in the FOX forum on Sunday evening. Our mutual efforts to resolve this difference have failed,” he continued.

“While we understand that FOX News continues to move forward it is with regret, the New Hampshire Republican Party hereby withdraws as a partner in this forum.”

Wild Thing’s comment………
I am ticked off, two debates doing this and in AMERICA!!!! Maybe this will force them to work it out and have the debate with Hunter and Paul.
Or not enough time to work it out not sure. But this is wrong in every way there is!
Cutting off candidates who are still in the race is not part of what a real Republic does.
If the others had any balls, they would all say “We support the NH Republican Party stance and will not debate unless all candidates are allowed in”
Hunter has the most experience and background to be president and is marginalized
I realize there is football, Yipeee!!! Maybe the ratings will be low for the debtes nd show them how we can watch one of America’s sports instead of being told we are only allowed their pick of debators.

….Thank you Les for the heads up about this.

05 Jan

Coughlin Pentagon Islamist Analyst Sacked! ~ WTF

Coughlin sacked
Washington Times
By Bill Gertz
January 4, 2008
Stephen Coughlin, the Pentagon specialist on Islamic law and Islamist extremism, has been fired from his position on the military’s Joint Staff. The action followed a report in this space last week revealing opposition to his work for the military by pro-Muslim officials within the office of Deputy Defense Secretary Gordon England.
Mr. Coughlin was notified this week that his contract with the Joint Staff will end in March, effectively halting the career of one of the U.S. government’s most important figures in analyzing the nature of extremism and ultimately preparing to wage ideological war against it.
He had run afoul of a key aide to Mr. England, Hasham Islam, who confronted Mr. Coughlin during a meeting several weeks ago when Mr. Islam sought to have Mr. Coughlin soften his views on Islamist extremism.
Mr. Coughlin was accused directly by Mr. Islam of being a Christian zealot or extremist “with a pen,” according to defense officials. Mr. Coughlin appears to have become one of the first casualties in the war of ideas with Islamism.
The officials said Mr. Coughlin was let go because he had become “too hot” or controversial within the Pentagon.
Misguided Pentagon officials, including Mr. Islam and Mr. England, have initiated an aggressive “outreach” program to U.S. Muslim groups that critics say is lending credibility to what has been identified as a budding support network for Islamist extremists, including front groups for the radical Muslim Brotherhood.
Mr. Coughlin wrote a memorandum several months ago based on documents made public in a federal trial in Dallas that revealed a covert plan by the Muslim Brotherhood, an Egyptian-origin Islamist extremist group, to subvert the United States using front groups. Members of one of the identified front groups, the Islamic Society of North America, has been hosted by Mr. England at the Pentagon.
After word of the confrontation between Mr. Coughlin and Mr. Islam was made public, support for Mr. Coughlin skyrocketed among those in and out of government who feared the worst, namely that pro-Muslim officials in the Pentagon were after Mr. Coughlin’s scalp, and that his departure would be a major setback for the Pentagon’s struggling efforts to develop a war of ideas against extremism.

This is from December 28th
“Pro-Muslim officials at the Pentagon are putting political pressure on one of the U.S. military’s most important specialists on Islamist extremism, according to defense officials….” “There is also evidence that a whispering campaign is under way to try and discredit Mr. (Steve) Coughlin…” …from Washington Times


Wild Thing’s comment……..
Mr. Coughlin wrote a memorandum several months ago based on documents made public in a federal trial in Dallas that revealed a covert plan by the Muslim Brotherhood, an Egyptian-origin Islamist extremist group, to subvert the United States using front groups. Members of one of the identified front groups, the Islamic Society of North America, has been hosted by Mr. England at the Pentagon.
Well, now, we can’t have anyone revealing the truth, can we? Islam is not going to have to attack us with force again – they will literally have infiltrated and taken over all of our institutions within about 10 years.
This is not a small matter. We are never going to win this war if we refuse to look at the truth and correctly identify the enemy. Not only that, but we are allowing that very enemy to dictate the parameters of discussion deep within the bowels of our own military establishment!
This bodes ill for America. This is very, very bad!!
NOTE this as well:
American Congress for Truth
comment by Jerry Gordon
Stephen Coughlin is the Islam Law ‘go to guy’ on the Pentagon Joint Staff. Coughlin is the author of a brief on Islamic law and Jihadist doctrine that has recently been cleared by both the Joint Staff and DIA for publication. I have copies of Coughlin’s documents and they are both informative and clearly delineate the canon of Poltical Islam that drives and compels Jihad among Muslim adherents.
In today’s Washington Times “Inside the Ring” column of Bill Gertz, there is disclosure of an alleged effort by an aide to Deputy Defense Secretary Gordon R. England, Hasham Islam, to have Coughlin ‘ease up’ on his criticism of Islam. Why? Because Hasham Islam, is endeavoring to protect an effort by his boss, Deputy Secretary England, to reach out to the American Muslim community.
This includes a meeting in Apri, 2007 with an unindicted co-conspirator cited in the recent Federal Dallas Holy Land Foundation trial, the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA). Coughlin’s brief and paper are based on public citations, including the Koran, Hadiths, and legal rulings and are cast in a presentation on Political Islam and what drives the Jihadis. Some senior Joint staff officers privately agree that Coughlin’s briefings make sense. Unit commanders from the battalion through brigade levels with experience in both Iraq and Afghanistan who have read or heard Coughlin’s presentations agree with his conclusions.
Apparently, Deputy Defense Secretary England hasn’t had the opportunity to review Coughlin’s brief. But then he has Hasham Islam running interference- a bit of irony, that. Because Coughlin has gone out of his way to raise concerns about England’s meeting earlier this year with officials of the ISNA, a Muslim Brotherhood front group in the US, Hasham Islam is out to some how get Coughlin by fair means or foul.
That means that the Islamists are inside the Pentagon. But then Hasham Islam has a privileged perch in the executive or E-ring inside England’s office.
In January, 2007, Deputy Secretary England was at the Herzliya Conference in Israel, where he received the Henry M. “Scoop” Jackson Distinguished Service Award from the The Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs (JINSA). In his acceptance speech entitled, ‘Freedom is Never More Than One Generation Away From Extinction’, England drew attention at one point to his outreach to the American Muslim community. He noted:
It’s also not a question of religion or nationality. I’ve spent some time reaching out to Muslim-American communities, who are woven in an absolutely integral way into the diverse fabric of American life. It turns out that Muslim-Americans – who come from many different national backgrounds and sects – are, on the whole, more successful economically than the average U.S. population.
This matter of possible infiltration of Islamists inside the No. 2 Defense position raises some concern about the obsessive politically correct DoD. Let us ask ourselves a question. Does the Deputy Secretary have outreach officers on his staff to Christians, Jews, Buddhists, Confucians, Hindus, B’Hai, Zoroastrians, Wiccans and garden variety atheists? Assuming the answer is no, then clearly he is bending over backwards to address complaints from Muslim Brotherhood front groups. Pity. He just might have to give back that Henry M. “Scoop” Jackson award that JINSA gave him in Israel.
Bill Gertz, Inside the Ring, The Washington Times, December 28, 2007

05 Jan

ABC Cuts 3 From Today’s Presidential Debate

Democratic presidential candidate Dennis Kucinich filed a complaint with the FCC on Friday after ABC News excluded him, fellow Democrat Mike Gravel and Republican Duncan Hunter from its prime-time debates on Saturday. Kucinich argued that ABC is violating equal-time provisions by keeping him out of the debate and noted that ABC’s parent Walt Disney Co. had contributed to campaigns involving the four Democrats who were invited.
“ABC should not be the first primary,” the Ohio congressman said in papers filed at the Federal Communications Commission.
ABC said the candidates left out of the debates failed to meet benchmarks for their support that were outlined to each campaign prior to the Iowa caucus. Kucinich did not complain about these rules ahead of time, said spokeswoman Cathie Levine, who had no further comment since she hasn’t seen the FCC filing.
ABC said it hoped to encourage more conversation and interaction among the candidates during the debates, which will both be moderated by Charles Gibson. The stakes are high as candidates take the stage three days before the New Hampshire primary.
The Republican debate will include Mike Huckabee, John McCain, Rudy Giuliani, Fred Thompson, Mitt Romney and Ron Paul.
It starts Saturday, January 5th, today, at 7 p.m. EST.

Wild Thing’s comment………
Republican starts at 7 pm followed by the Democratic at 9 pm….. Both sessions are to be 90 minutes each.

05 Jan

Flag Gift From 1 Group Of Patriots To Another

Soldiers of Bravo Company, 1st Squadron, 33rd Cavalry Regiment, 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault) from Fort Campbell, Ky., stand in front of an American flag sent to a member of the unit …Spc. Matthew Brustien …from the New England Patriots. The team signed the national banner, and the unit’s soldiers will be signing an American flag to send to the team.

Sierra Vista Herald
PATROL BASE CORREGIDOR, Iraq — OK, Spc. Matthew Brustien admits he is a New York Giants fan.
But it was the New England Patriots who sent the 26-year-old soldier an American flag signed by the team members.
On Wednesday, fellow soldiers of Bravo Company, 1st Squadron, 33rd Cavalry Regiment, 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault) posed for a photo with the signed flag.
Brustien said he is going to have the troop sign an American flag to send to the Patriots, along with a serious and funny photo from the recent photo taking, along with pictures of the entire troop in Kuwait and his platoon, the 2nd.
Brustien’s connection to the Patriots came through his father’s friendship with Tom Brady, with whom he played golf.
The Great Neck, N.Y., resident said most of his family work on Wall Street and were at their jobs when the terrorist attacks hit New York on Sept. 11, 2001.
The three-year Army veteran is reluctant to talk about that day, except to say no one in his family was hurt, although “a few friends were killed.”
His interest in football and the Army began when his grandfather took him to games at the U.S. Military Academy at West Point.
He has been taking some ribbing from many of the unit’s soldiers, most of whom at Indianapolis Colts fans, Brustien said.
After the photo session, during which the soldiers wore unit shirts, shorts and shower slippers, the signed flag was removed. “I’m going to fold it up and send it home,” Brustien said.
As for the Patriots, the soldier said he is not going to say much as he doesn’t want to jinx the team’s perfect record this season — the Patriots clinched a perfect 16-0 regular season and head to the playoffs in two weeks.

05 Jan

Hillary Booed at NH Democratic Party Dinner

Hillary Booed at NH Democratic Party Dinner
If the New Hampshire Democratic Party’s 100 Club dinner is any bell weather – Barack Obama will handily win here.

When Obama, the dinner’s last speaker, took the stage the crowd surged forward chanting “O-bam-a” and “Fired Up, Ready to Go!” So many people pressed toward the stage that an announcer asked people to “please take their seats for safety concerns.”

By comparison Hillary was twice booed. The first time was when she said she has always and will continue to work for “change for you. The audience, particularly from Obama supporters (they were waving Obama signs) let out a noise that sounded like a thousand people collectively groaning. The second time came a few minutes later when Clinton said: “The there are two big questions for voters in New Hampshire. One is: who will be ready to lead from day one? The second,” and here Clinton was forced to pause as boos from the crowd mixed with cheers from her own supporters. “Is who can we nominate who will go the distance against the Republicans?”

The dinner held in the Hampshire Dome in Milford is the largest political dinner in New Hampshire history, Republican or Democrat. More than 3,000 people attended.

Wild Thing’s comment……..
That’s gotta hurt.” Put some ice on it” Hillary.
One could almost feel sorry for her–almostBUT NO WAY! The l memory of all the awful, underhanded, personally destructive things this pair has done to the American public in general and people who knew them up close and personal in particular. They are the authors of the art of personal destruction.
So instead of feeling sorry, here’s a rasberry for you, Hill—pfussst!
As much as I enjoy the idea of Hillary being booed, the idea that so many young people are having orgasms over the idea of electing Obama is almost as nauseating as the thought of Hillary being cheered. There is nothing left of good sense in this nation. No sane person can make a case for why Obama is the best the Democratic party can bring forth, it is all like some dark comedy.
One thing about the KKKlintons, no matter how dead you think they are, they always come back. It’s like a horror movie. Never make the mistake of thinking the KKKlintons are beaten. Hellary may have a hard time in Iowa and NH, but she is far ahead in most other states. Conventional wisdom is that if she loses in Iowa and NH she is a gonner. However, conventional wisdom does not apply to the evil duo.

05 Jan

God Bless America



Kate Smith singing “God Bless America”…..I felt we all might like to touch base in these concerning and stressful times of the future for our country. And so I am posting our Pledge and this song that Kate Smith sang like no one else.
I was thinking today how cool and awesome it would be if at every one of the political debates they would say the Pledge on the air so everyone watching would also see it done.

04 Jan

Fred Thompson To Supporters After Iowa Caucuses

There are two different video’s to see in this post.
Fred spoke to supporters after his third-place finish in the Iowa Caucuses.This is from last night.

“It’s not about me!
“It’s not about you!
“It’s not even about Iowa!
“It’s about our country – America!!!
“On to the next dance!”

~~ Fred Thompson

I thought this one was also good.