19 Jan

The New Marine Commercial

The Commercial and The Rest of The Story

“We traveled to 10 different states and 15 locations across the U.S. to create the “America’s Marines” commercial. In the process, we captured so much incredible footage, we made the extended version featured here. If you haven’t watched it yet, please do, and then come back to this blog when you’re done.
The commercial includes amazing locations, powerful images of proud Marines and the discipline that makes them The Few, The Proud. We hope that you feel equally proud that these noble men and women are defending our nation.
But the America’s Marines story is much bigger than 60 or even 90 seconds of video can describe. So we are using this web site to gather, collect and share individual stories of people we met and events we attended throughout our tour. From former Marines to relatives of Marines, and from combat veterans to proud Americans, the people who came out to meet us made it abundantly clear that the Marine Corps is much more than a branch of the military – it is a way of life. “

Wild Thing’s comment………
Their website has a lot of videos of Marines telling why they enlisted and how they feel about being a Marine. It is a wonderful website. Our.Marines.com

19 Jan

Thompson in S.Carolina

Fred Thompson on The Bill Bennett Show, 01.17.08

CLICK image and then CLICK to play

Click to play

Thompson defends Guantanamo Bay as he continues stands in SC
Myrtle Beach online

“The last thing in the world we need is a bunch of enemy combatants over here in our court system,” the former Tennessee senator and actor said during a radio interview at a restaurant attended by a couple of hundred people. He said closing the facility would allow prisoners to demand rights given to U.S. citizens and would not help “buy off world opinion.”
“It’s just one of those symbolic things where the United States is going to take the hit,” he said

Fred Thompson Political Endorsements
U.S. Congress and South Carolina Legislature (All Republicans)
U.S. Congress Members
Sen. Lamar Alexander (Tenn.)
Sen. Thad Cochran (Miss.)
Sen. Bob Corker (Tenn.)
Sen. James Inhofe (Okla.)
Sen. Roger Wicker (Miss.)
Rep. Gresham Barrett (S.C.)
Rep. Marsha Blackburn (Tenn.)
Rep. Dan Burton (Ind.)
Rep. Steve Buyer (Ind.)
Rep. David Davis (Tenn.)
Rep. John Duncan (Tenn.)
Rep. Louie Gohmert (Texas)
Rep. Steve King (Iowa)
Rep. Don Manzullo (Ill.)
Rep. Thaddeus McCotter (Mich.)
Rep. Jeff Miller (Fla.)
Rep. Sue Myrick (N.C.)
Rep. Adam Putnam (Fla.)
Rep. John Sullivan (Okla.)
Rep. Lee Terry (Neb.)
Rep. Zach Wamp (Tenn.)
Rep. Lynn Westmoreland (Ga.)
Former Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist (Tenn)
Former Sen. George Allen (Virg)
Former Sen. Al D’Amato (NY)
Former Rep. J.C. Watts (Okla)
South Carolina Legislature Members
State Representative David R. Hiott
State Representative Dwight A. Loftis
State Senator James H. “Jim” Ritchie
State Representative Michael D. Thompson
State Representative Eric M. Bedingfield
State Senator George E. “Chip” Campsen
State Representative Harry F. Cato
State Senator Ray Cleary
State Representative Jeffrey D. “Jeff” Duncan
State Senator Lawrence K. “Larry” Grooms
State Senator John D. Hawkins
State Representative W. Brian White

18 Jan

Chicago Lawyer That Damaged Marines Car Goes Before Judge~ OOHRAH Judge!

Chicago Lawyer goes before judge for damage to Marines car. Judge is a former Marine.
Regarding: Anti-Military Lawyer Damages Marine’s Car on Eve of Deployment
The lawyer Jay Grodner arrested, pled guilty, has 30 hours of community service and a $600 fine to be paid to the Semper Fi Injured Marine Fund.

“The case was called at 13:33, and the Defendant did not show up. There were 2 heavy hitter State’s Attorneys here to handle it. The Judge increased his bond to $20,000.00 or 10 percent cash, and put out a warrant for his arrest.
The Defendant called at 13:40 to say that he will be a half an hout late and was waiting for the media to leave. The Judge said in open court that if he does shows up he will be taken into custody, and if he doesn’t he is fair game for any law enforcement agency that wants to pick him up. Will report further developments as warranted.”

The presiding judge is a former Marine. Circuit Court Judge William O’Malley was a lance corporal in the early 1960s and is known around the Chicago Courthouse for wearing a Marine Corps pin on his lapel and celebrating the Corps’ birthday each November.

“The update: At 1400 hours the defendant showed up, and was told that he was half an hour late. The Judge stated on the record that the defendant had done the same thing during the previous court date, and he said that the defendant called and said that wanted to wait for the media to leave. The Judge said “That is not the way I run my courtroom.” He increased the bail and took him into custody and told him to try and work out a deal with the State. About 25-35 marines and assorted military were there.
The case was recalled at 14:22, and the State said that the defendant had asked for permission to put his belt and such back on. The Judge said, “Treat him like all the other prisoners.” The defendant was brought out and the plea deal that they had worked out was entered into the record.
The Judge asked him if he had committed the specific acts he was accused of. The defendant hemmed and hawed, and the Judge raised his voice to make him say yes or no. The defendant agreed, and the Judge read the facts into the record. Several times, the Judge said if there were no deal, he would be given a court date just like any other defendant, and he could try and make bail soon.
The deal: 1 year Social Service Supervision, restitution of 600 dollars to be paid to Social Services and which would go to the Injured Marine Semper Fi fund, to be paid by February 25th, 2008, and $50/month in supervision fees.
The Judge then, in as angry a voice as I have ever heard him use, scolded the defendant, saying that the Marine license plates the complaining witness had were not vanity plates or about ego, but the proceeds go toward the Marine and Navy scholarship fund for the children of fallen soldiers, sailors and marines. These Marines protect his very existence “so people like you can enjoy their freedom.” He further said that the reason there were so many in the courtroom and so much public interest is that the Marines have a tradition since 1775 that “No Marine gets left behind.” Several Hoorahs in the courtroom.
And then the deal was done, and he was taken away by the sheriffs to be released later.”

Wild Thing’s comment……….
BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! This makes my day! I love, LOVE this, Judge a Marine how cool is that!!! S hearty OOOH-RAH!! Semper Fi to Marines everywhere!!!! God bless this Judge and God bless Sergeant McNulty!
The write up was done by wp91 a commenter at Blackfive.
Thank you soooo much!

18 Jan

Yo Omar……..where’s your daddy?


Bin Laden Son Wants to Be Peace Activist
CAIRO, Egypt
Omar Osama bin Laden bears a striking resemblance to his notorious father—except for the dreadlocks that dangle halfway down his back. Then there’s the black leather biker jacket.

The 26-year-old does not renounce his father, al-Qaida leader Osama bin Laden, but in an interview with The Associated Press, he said there is better way to defend Islam than militancy: Omar wants to be an “ambassador for peace” between Muslims and the West.

Omar—one of bin Laden’s 19 children—raised a tabloid storm last year when he married a 52-year-old British woman, Jane Felix-Browne, who took the name Zaina Alsabah. Now the couple say they want to be advocates, planning a 3,000-mile horse race across North Africa to draw attention to the cause of peace.

“It’s about changing the ideas of the Western mind. A lot of people think Arabs—especially the bin Ladens, especially the sons of Osama—are all terrorists. This is not the truth,” Omar told the AP last week at a cafe in a Cairo shopping mall.

Of course, many may have a hard time getting their mind around the idea of “bin Laden: peacenik.”

“Omar thinks he can be a negotiator,” said Alsabah, who is trying to bring her husband to Britain. “He’s one of the only people who can do this in the world.”

Omar lived with the al-Qaida leader in Sudan, then moved with him to Afghanistan in 1996.
There, Omar says he trained at an al-Qaida camp but in 2000 he decided there must be another way and he left his father, returning to his homeland of Saudi Arabia.

“I don’t want to be in that situation to just fight. I like to find another way and this other way may be like we do now, talking,” he said in English.

He suggested his father did not oppose his leaving—and Alsabah interjected that Omar was courageous in breaking away, but neither elaborated.
Although there is no way to confirm the details he describes of his childhood and upbringing, the strong family resemblance and Omar’s knowledge of Osama’s family life have convinced many that he is bin Laden’s son.
U.S. and Egyptian intelligence officials have not commented on his identity, but Omar and his wife insist they have not been bothered by Egyptian officials.

Omar said he hasn’t seen or been in contact with his father since leaving Afghanistan. “He doesn’t have e-mail,” Omar said. “He doesn’t take a telephone … if he had something like this, they will find him through satellites.”

Omar doesn’t criticize his father and says Osama bin Laden is just trying to defend the Islamic world.

“My father thinks he will be good for defending the Arab people and stop anyone from hurting the Arab or Muslim people any place in the world,” he said, noting that the West didn’t have a problem with his father when he was fighting the Russians in Afghanistan in the 1980s.

Omar is convinced a truce between the West and al-Qaida is possible.

“My father is asking for a truce but I don’t think there is any government (that) respects him. At the same time they do not respect him, why everywhere in the world, they want to fight him? There is a contradiction,” he said.

Osama bin Laden, believed to be in hiding in the Pakistan-Afghan border region, offered a truce to Europe in a 2004 audiotape and a conditional truce to the United States in a 2006 message. In November, he called on European nations to pull out of Afghanistan in a message seen by some experts as an effort to reach out to Europe.
But in a series of messages since last fall, he also has been calling for Muslims to rally around jihad, or “holy war,” encouraging fighters in Iraq in particular to continue their battles with U.S. and Iraqi forces.
At least two of Osama bin Laden’s sons, Hamza and Saad, are believed to have an active role in al-Qaida—with Hamza believed to be in the Pakistan-Afghan border zone and Saad thought to be in Iran, perhaps in Iranian custody.
But most of the al-Qaida leader’s children, like Omar, live as legitimate businessmen. The family as a whole disowned Osama in 1994 when Saudi Arabia stripped him of his citizenship because of his militant activities.
The family is wealthy: Osama bin Laden’s billionaire father Mohammed, who died in 1967, had more than 50 children and founded the Binladen Group, a construction conglomerate that gets many major building contracts in the kingdom.
Since leaving his father’s side, Omar has lived in Saudi Arabia, where he runs a contracting company connected with the Binladen Group, but he spends much of his time in Egypt. It was during a desert horseback ride at the Pyramids of Giza that he met his wife.
Their marriage in April made them tabloid fodder, particularly in Britain, where headlines touted the “granny who married Osama bin Laden’s son.” Alsabah, who has married five times, has five grandchildren.
The couple has applied for a visa to Britain. And they are planning their endurance horse race across North Africa, which they hope to start in March. It is in the planning stages—they are seeking approval of governments along the route and need sponsors to help pay for the event and raise money for child victims of war.
Omar said they plan to ride 30 miles a day, with periodic weeklong rests in each country.
Teams from around the world will be encouraged to join in what the couple envisions as an equine version of the Paris-Dakar car rally. That rally was canceled this year due to fears over terrorist threats made by al-Qaida-affiliated groups in North Africa.
Omar, however, said he isn’t worried.

“I heard the rally was stopped because of al-Qaida,” he said. “I don’t think they are going to stop me.”

Wild Thing’s comment……..
OH really??? LOL OK bring us your father’s head on a stick and we’ll talk.
The 26-year-old does not renounce his father, al-Qaida leader Osama bin Laden
No point in reading any further than that. He is one of “them”.

planning a 3,000-mile horse race across North Africa to draw attention to the cause of peace.
What the crap…? That reminds me a bit of the movie ‘Hidalgo.’
This is the weirdest story I’ve seen in a long time. A bin Laden an ambassador for peace?? HAHAHA. OK then, tell us where Osama is …crickets…
He doesn’t want peace, otherwise he would have denounced his father and al-Qaida and told us where he is. But he’s done none of that. He’s trying to fool us infidels. And with some people, i.e. multiculti’s and “why can’t we all get along” types, he may have succeeded.

Since he’s frankly stating he sides with the terrorists, by not denouncing daddy, I say to him, go ahead, hop on your horse and start that ride. We’ll also be riding for peace … the peace of removing terrorists, their enablers and supporters from the face of Earth. We didn’t want this war but they certainly do.
Here is OUR ride! Thanks to our awesome troops!

18 Jan

Clinton Concerned Might Not Get 3rd Term ~ LOL

A federal judge in Las Vegas ruled in the case Thursday, with a decision that will apparently benefit the Obama campaign. The judge, James C. Mahan, held that some hotel-casinos, as arranged by the Nevada Democratic Party, would be permitted to set up caucus precincts on site so employees who work Saturday can participate. Many of those Nevadans are members of Culinary Workers Union Local 226, which has endorsed Mr. Obama, and their votes on Saturday could help him significantly against Mrs. Clinton.
The suit was brought by the state teachers’ union, which maintained that the arrangement gave the hotel employees an advantage that others working Saturday did not have. Some of this union’s top officials have endorsed Mrs. Clinton. But her campaign has denied involvement in the suit, and when the television reporter suggested a connection between it and her supporters, the former president, stumping for her in Oakland, Calif., narrowed his eyes. As his aides looked on with concern, Mr. Clinton’s voice took on an edge.

Bill Clinton Argues With ABC Reporter Over Nevada Caucuses

Wild Thing’s comment……..
LMAO it just feels good to have either of the anti-American, military loathing, socialists Clinton’s upset. He chooses a typical Clinton tactic: Restate the other person’s position in such a way as to make it unreasonable (and untrue). Lots of Dems have learned this trick.
We could call it “Canardians”.
Canard: a deliberately misleading fabrication.

18 Jan

Political Promises

This is isuch a perfect statement and a perfect place to have it placed.

….Thank you Mark for sending this to me.

18 Jan

British Children Exposed To Islam

Living in an Asian community is exposing British children to islam.

Wild Thing’s comment………
Young minds to be molded, I pray their parents wake up and see what is happening. I watch the things happening in the UK and realize so many of the same things are happening here or surely will one day.

18 Jan

Iraq Veterans for Congress

Iraq Veterans for Congress
Their Mission:

“Whether Soldier, Sailor, Airman, or Marine, we all shared a common goal in Iraq: victory. As Republican candidates for Congress we share a vision for America’s future, her security, and that of future generations. We are unified in our commitment to relieve the Democrats of their command of Congress.
Voters want to restore leadership and honor back to Washington. Who better to accomplish that mission than our generation of warriors?
All veterans whose service to the United States brought them first to Iraq and now to a run for the House as pro-victory Republicans are welcome to become part of Iraq Veterans For Congress.
United we are capable of sending to Congress a squad-size element of Iraq vets to keep us on offense in the War on Terror and counter calls for defeat.
In short, unification of all Republican Iraq Veterans will be a powerful force multiplier. By joining forces we will generate crucial nationwide grassroots support while sharing ideas and strategies. “

Their letter:

“Dear Friends and Supporters,
I am pleased to announce the launch of Iraq Veterans for Congress. We are twelve pro-victory Republican Iraq War veterans running for Congress in districts across the country.
Since the beginning of the war in Iraq, Democrats have cast veterans and active-duty military men and women as victims or villains. For John Kerry, veterans are the hapless pawns of the Bush administration, taken advantage of by the government. John Murtha haphazardly accuses Marines of being cold-blooded killers. Sunday, the front page of the New York Times featured a story that deceitfully suggests returning Iraq veterans are more likely than the general public to commit murder.
I am here to say that our veterans are heroes; that their sacrifices in Iraq and Afghanistan have made America a safer place; that America is proudly behind them. Standing with me are my eleven fellow Iraq veteran candidates. I hope you will join us.
Bringing this group together sends a powerful message to voters across America that as veterans, we are united in our effort to win back Congress, and we will not stand by as Democrats subvert America’s security and the mission in Iraq. We owe it to ourselves and to those who have served in Iraq to pursue victory in Congress, just as we did in uniform.
I want to establish our group of Iraq veterans as leading the way for Republicans in 2008. We are running as a unified group,with a unified commitment to our country and to the voters.
Our goal is to raise 4,000 contributions of $25 for each Iraq Vet for Congress by the end of March. These contributions can have a powerful impact on who controls the House. You can visit www.IraqVetsForConress.com for more details.
“Uniting all pro-victory Republicans to share ideas and strategies was a great initiative of Kieran Lalor and I am confident that it will have a very positive impact on the dialogue of this year’s Congressional races,” says U.S. Army veteran Lee Zeldin, who is running in New York’s 1st Congressional District on Long Island.
“Military members know well that there is strength in numbers. Unifying all of the Republican Iraq veterans makes each candidate significantly stronger,” says Ruth Summers, who is managing her husband Charlie’s campaign in Maine while he is deployed to Iraq.
Paul Phillips, an Air Force B-1 bomber pilot running in Ohio, adds: “Who better to relieve the Democrats of their command than a group of Iraq vets?” We need your support. Please consider contributing to our efforts.
Best Regards,
Kieran Michael Lalor”

On the Web: Iraq Veterans For Congress: www.IraqVetsForCongress.com
The Republican Iraq veterans running for Congress include:
Kieran Michael Lalor (NY-19), Lee Zeldin (NY-1), Wayne E. Harmon (IN-7), Allen West (FL-22), William Breazeale (NC-7), Chris Edenfield (GA-12), Eric Egland (CA-4), Duncan D. Hunter (CA-52), Paul Phillips (OH-18), Charlie Summers (ME-1), and William Russell (PA-22)

Wild Thing’s comment………
Good luck to Iraq Veterans for Congress! Great to hear the vets next war is with the enemy within. The name Duncan Hunter on the list is the son of Duncan Hunter that is running for President. He is United States Marine Corps Veteran.
I posted about this man, William T Russell, United States Army Veteran, I am honored to mention him again as well. He is the man running against John Murtha.

17 Jan


UH-60 MEDEVAC Callsign Dustoff


In a scene all too familiar to US Servicemen past and present, a UH-60 MEDEVAC Helicopter, always call signed Dust-off, evacuates US Army Paratroopers and Afghan Army soldiers who were ambushed near Forward Operating Base Bella in November.
The team of soldiers, comprised of Paratroopers from the 173rd Airborne Brigade, soldiers from the Afghan National Army, and two Afghan interpreters, had traveled less than 2 miles on foot to a nearby town of Aranas in the mountainous Nuristan Province. They set out early in the morning for what was supposed to be a positive and productive day of Shuras with local government officials and elders from surrounding villages. The terrain was unforgiving and impossible to pass in vehicles. The distance was short, yet time consuming to navigate, especially on foot and with the weight the modern day soldier carries. After the day’s activities were finished in Aranas, the combined team set out for their return foot march back to Forward Operating Base Bella. The mountains of the area, scattered with cliffs and valleys, offered a hideout for Taliban insurgents who waited for the opportune moment to attack the team of US and Afghan Soldiers returning to base.
As a result of the attack by Taliban fighters, the combined team of Paratroopers and Afghan Soldiers sustained great loses. At that point, and after the area was secured, Dust-off leaped into action, and conducted what ended up being a 31 hour medical evacuation mission consisting of multiple lifts and eight separate air crews. The crews’ undying determination and commitment to their missions would not allow them to give up on their tasks.
Consider this scenario: The Crew Chief operates the hoist, as he pulls a casualty into the aircraft. This is a one person operation that is difficult to perform when the casualty is in a SKED, especially when the casualty has the added weight of body armor and equipment. The Medic rides the hoist to the ground and back up, time and time again. Imagine performing this operation 20-25 continuous times wearing Night Vision Goggles (NVGs), the Crew Chief continuing to advise the pilots of aircraft drift and rotor clearance as the mountain side is dangerously close. He ensures the hoist is ready for the next lift and watches the Medics hand and arm signals as he also directs the positioning of the aircraft. It becomes apparent this task is physically exhausting and difficult to master in routine conditions, let alone this punishing-unforgiving terrain at night.
The cabin of the aircraft becomes crowded, and the difficulty the Crew Chief and the Medic have maneuvering recovered personnel inside becomes increasingly challenging. Dust-off has a crew of 4: Pilot, Copilot, Crew Chief, and Medic. During one of the earlier MEDEVAC missions the previous night, Dust-off, with its normal crew of 4, extracted 8 casualties, and 1 non-injured soldier in a single lift for a total of 13 on board. That operation was conducted under zero-lunar-illumination NVG conditions with no supplemental lighting used in the rear of the aircraft due to the tactical situation, adding dramatically to the level of difficulty.
Dust-off departed the pick-up (PZ) zone after 31 combined hours of medical evacuation, and without further incident. Dust-off was PZ clean.
Had this mission not been captured by the AH-64 gun cameras, this would have been another example of selfless service occurring in this battle space on a daily basis that we never get to hear about and from countless service members across the spectrum; Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps and our Civilian brethren included.


Wild Thing’s comment……..
In the Vietnam War DUSTOFF helicopter was a Huey marked with a distinctive red cross on a white background on the nose, top, bottom, and sides. It identified their mission, and distinguished the ship from helicopters with different missions. It also provided Charlie (the enemy in Vietnam) with a more-than-adequate aiming point!
That is still the same today….it announces to the enemy in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Please say a prayer for our soldiers that give and give so unselfishly for us. Thank God for our troops and our Veterans.
A special thank you to Captain Dave, he reads this blog and also comments on here sometimes. He is a dear friend and was a Dustoff pilot, DUSTOFF22 in Vietnam.
After each of the shows with Bob Hope, when I would go on to see more of the troops, it was the Dustoff pilot that would give me a ride many times to go further in country to visit our troops. What an honor it was to meet them and get to know them.
Perhaps the mission of DUSTOFF and MEDEVAC is best said by author John L. Cook in his book “Rescue Under Fire”.
It was written about the heroes in the Vietnam War……..

“There is no question that these were truly
exceptional men, performing on an exceptional
level throughout the war. There were other intangibles
that went into building the DUSTOFF legacy,
creating an environment that drove these men to a
level of performance far above what could reasonably
be expected. While many of their peers back in the states
were dodging the draft, burning the flag, and protesting
the war, the DUSTOFF crews simply kept flying missions,
aware that their efforts were being jeered by an uninformed
and ungrateful public at home. In spite of all this, they
kept doing what had to be done. Perhaps this is the
ultimate expression of courage, honor and dedication
which defined the men of DUSTOFF.
In the end, however, nothing can fully
explain these truly magnificent men.”


* Combined Joint Task Force
* Yankeemom’s blog

17 Jan

Gen. Petraeus visits Combat Outpost 9

Gen. Petraeus visits Combat Outpost 9
By Spc. Jaime Avila

Petraeus met and spoke with Paratroopers of the 1st Brigade Special Troops Battalion, 1st Brigade Combat Team, 82nd Airborne Division.
(U.S. Army photos by Spc. Jaime Avila)

Gen.Petraeus hands out “coins of excellence” to Paratroopers

Gen. David H. Petraeus, speaks with Paratroopers about their equipment during his visit.


Wild Thing’s comment………
I LOVE seeing General Petraeus on his visits to the troops. Looking at these photos I can feel his deep respect for them and the care he takes. We are so fortunate to have the General and all of our awesome troops defending our country and all they do.