26 Jan

Who is Juan Hernandez?

WND for complete article
The Hispanic outreach director for Sen. John McCain’s presidential campaign is a dual American-Mexican citizen known for his “Mexico first” declarations to immigrants in the U.S..
…Juan Hernandez’s position in the campaign belies the Republican candidate’s attempt to position himself as an advocate of border security.
“Juan works with us to reach out to the Hispanic community to meet with the folks in the various states,” Rogers said.
Asked if the McCain campaign has repudiated Hernandez’s “Mexico first” declarations, Rogers did not give a direct answer.
In an appearance on ABC’s Nightline in 2001, Hernandez said, referring to Mexican immigrants in the U.S., “I want the third generation, the seventh generation, I want them all to think ‘Mexico first.'”
Hernandez told the Associated Press the same year, “I never knew the border as a limitation. I’d be delighted if all of us could come and go between these two marvelous countries.”
Last August, Hernandez published a book entitled “The New American Pioneers: Why Are We Afraid of Mexican Immigrants?” in which he argued Mexican immigrants, both legal and illegal, were at the forefront of establishing a new North American market combining the U.S. with Mexico.
Mark Krikorian, director for the Center for Immigration Studies:

“Has McCain offered Hernandez, a former high-level foreign government official who presumably swore an oath to uphold the Mexican constitution, a place on a future McCain Administration? That’s not a rhetorical question.”

While McCain is now emphasizing border security, the policy posted on his website repeats many of the “flexible labor market” arguments advanced in the Kennedy-McCain comprehensive immigration reform bills, arguing for the necessity of a guest-worker program.
No fence
Hernandez has appeared on various cable news talk shows aggressively arguing against building any fence on the Mexican border, insisting the frontier need to remain wide open so illegal immigrants can easily cross into the U.S.
Hernandez was the first U.S.-born cabinet member to serve President Vicente Fox, operating from Los Pinos, the Mexican White House. Hernandez represented the 24 million Mexicans living abroad whom Fox then called “heroes” for representing Mexico in the foreign nations in which they lived.
In 1996, Hernandez was responsible for inviting Fox, then governor of the Mexican state of Guanajuanto, to speak at the University of Texas, Dallas, where he met George W. Bush, then governor of Texas, for the first time.


Wild Thing’s comment……..
The Republicans are committing suicide if McCain wins the nomination. I see no distinction between Clinton, Obama or McCain. Is John McCain campaigning to become the 44th President of the United States, or is he really running to become the 1st President of the North American Union?
Hernandez website
The two biggest at illegal pandering, US citizen destroying, are McCain or Huckabee.
Wtih McCain or Huckabee, we will need big wallet, for taking care of Mexican and South American citizens.
McCain and Huck are the same, but for professed different reasons. McCain, is an establishment bought and paid for elite, likes cheap human capital. Huck is a Christian Democrat who will rob your wallet by imposing state charity to take care of the poor illegals he will provide to the elites.
Hernandez is smarmy. Very condescending. He and Lou Dobbs went a few rounds. This dual citizenship stuff is just the worst.

….Thank you so much Mark for this article.

26 Jan

Hillary ~ Rules? We don’t need no stinkin’ rules!

Statement by Senator Hillary Clinton on the Seating of Delegates at the Democratic National Convention
Press release from Hillary for President

“I hear all the time from people in Florida and Michigan that they want their voices heard in selecting the Democratic nominee.
“I believe our nominee will need the enthusiastic support of Democrats in these states to win the general election, and so I will ask my Democratic convention delegates to support seating the delegations from Florida and Michigan. I know not all of my delegates will do so and I fully respect that decision. But I hope to be President of all 50 states and U.S. territories, and that we have all 50 states represented and counted at the Democratic convention.
“I hope my fellow potential nominees will join me in this.
“I will of course be following the no-campaigning pledge that I signed, and expect others will as well.”

Wild Thing’s comment……..
Both Michigan and Florida were penalized delegates by the DNC for moving forward in the calendar against party rules. Clinton won Michigan unopposed, and is expected to win Florida as well. By now asking that all these delegates be seated, Clinton is trying to grab extra votes at the convention that shouldn’t be competed for. If Obama would have won she would not be doing this. The Clintons CHEAT!
More very dirty tricks by the Clinton’s to try to win. Maybe the Clinton Campaign is seeing REAL TROUBLE on the Horizon for FEB. 5, and are trying to lock this up, now. The rest of this year is going to be unbelievably nasty.
One of the stuntmen a friend of Nick’s sent this link to from Daily KOS oh my gosh. LOL They have a thread there called…”Hillary Clinton to Howard Dean: Screw you.” and as of right now there are 1190 comments in the thread and they are furious. hahahaha
Intro to thread

….”Hillary Clinton’s campaign is actively and, for the first time, openly seeking to undermine Howard Dean.
The context, of course, is the seating of the Michigan and Florida delegations. Where no one has campaigned. And, in the case of Michigan, where Clinton was the only one on the ballot.
And where the DNC made a decision, at great cost and pain, to strip them of delegates for violating party rules.
But, rules don’t apply if they don’t help the Clintons”

26 Jan

Walk Right In ~ LOL

Extremist sniper walks into Coalition hands (Baghdad)
4IBCT, 1ID Public Affairs
Multi-National Division-Baghdad Soldiers were given a gift when a sniper walked into their control during a small arms engagement in West Rashid, Jan. 22.
“Black Lions,” of Company B, 1st Battalion, 28th Infantry Regiment, were hunting for three men believed to have been firing at them, when two men attempting to flee the cordon entered a house occupied by MND-B Soldiers.
One of the men was positively identified at the scene as a known sniper, while the other is an alleged extremist.
The suspected sniper and extremist were taken to a Coalition Detention Facility for further questions.
This is part of Multi-National Division-Baghdad Soldiers’ on going offensive operations in support of Operation Phantom Phoenix, to kill or capture al-Qaeda and Shia/Sunni extremists to deny them rest and sanctuary in Baghdad and the surrounding rural areas.

Wild Thing’s comment……..
LOL I LOVE this, the bad guiy sniper walked right into their control. heh heh. God bless our troops.

26 Jan

Our Awesome Military

U.S. Marine Corps Lance Cpl. Tyler Carroll fires an AT-4 during live-fire training, Jan. 18, 2008, at the Udairi Range Complex in Kuwait. Marines with Company C, Battalion Landing Team 1st Battalion, 5th Marine Regiment, 11th Marine Expeditionary Unit, Camp Pendleton, Calif., are training as part of their current deployment to the Pacific and Arabian Gulf. U.S. Marine Corps photo by Sgt. Bryson K. Jones


…New Taliban Secret Weapon LOL


Aviation ordnancemen mount an air-to-air missile onto a Super Hornet on the flight deck aboard the nuclear-powered aircraft carrier USS Harry S. Truman in the Persian Gulf, Jan. 22, 2008. The ordnancemen are assigned to the “Raging Bulls” of Strike Fighter Squadron 37. U.S. Navy photo by Seaman Justin Lee Losack


New soldiers in U.S. Army basic combat training roll up their sleeves in preparation for immunizations during in-processing January 16, 2008 at Fort Jackson, S.C. U.S. Air Force photo by Senior Airman Micky M. Bazaldua


26 Jan

Republican Party And The Election

02/12/1999 Impeachment of President Clinton – Article I No Vote
02/12/1999 Impeachment of President Clinton – Article II No Vote
04/11/2007 Stem Cell Research Act of 2007 Yes Vote
04/11/2007 HOPE Stem Cell Research Act of 2007 Yes Vote
07/18/2006 Stem Cell Research Bill Yes Vote
12/21/2005 Removal of ANWR Provision from HR 2863 No Vote
06/06/2007 English as the Common Language Voted No
McCaini co-authored global-warming legislation with Sen. Joe Lieberman.
In South Carolina, McCain made another huge turn left all again making sure to trash ANWR and drilling in ANWR. Everybody’s talking about energy independence and coming up with ways to reduce our dependence on foreign oil.
McCain championed an immigration bill that would have set up a path to citizenship for illegal immigrants.

Wild Thing’s comment……..
And this from a transcript of Rush Limbaugh that I think is excellent


I’ve decided if we’ve got a bunch of Republicans who go out and act like liberals or moderates in order to get those people to vote for a Republican, I’m going to insult the moderates, and I’m going to see to it that they don’t want to vote in the party I’m a member of. (laughs) Somebody’s gotta do something here. Now, seriously, folks. It is one thing to go out and attract the so-called Reagan Democrats, these moderate conservatives that have been Democrat by tradition. It’s one thing to go get them by talking to them from the standpoint of conservatism and freedom, American exceptionalism, and greatness; but it is not good to go get them if you’re going to pander to them with populism and make them also dependent on the Republican Party as they already are on the Democrat Party. That’s not what we’re about. “But, Rush? But, Rush? What about winning the election?” I understand, folks, and I understand some of you that think any of our Republican candidates would be better than Hillary or Obama, and you’re probably right about that.
I’m not going to dispute that, but I’m going to tell you: there’s not going to be much difference in terms of policy or what’s going to happen to the Republican Party. Look, the Republican Party matters to me in the sense that it is the vessel — it is the host, if you will — for conservatism. Now, too many Republicans look at themselves as the host, and conservatives as an infection — as a virus that has been spreading throughout the Republican Party and slowly eating it away. Wrong. That’s what will happen if we succeed in having a candidate — I don’t care who it is — who is so enamored with getting independents and moderates and certain liberals, by going out and trying to be like them and telling them that our party is in fact their home. It’s the Invasion of the Body Snatchers all over again in a political sense. Now, I keep talking about Ronaldus Magnus. Pete Wehner has a great piece today at Commentary, their website, and I’ll share excerpts with you in a second. But remember, now: My devotion to Reagan is not a cult of personality. I think a lot of people’s devotion to McCain is. I think a lot of people’s devotion to Governor Huckabee is a cult of personality. Reagan didn’t invent conservatism. He just showed how to apply it, and he showed how it attracts voters.
How can you do better than a 49-state landslide? A fifty-state landslide, but it’s pretty damn close. Anybody want to tell me that Reagan was campaigning as a moderate, independent? Anybody want to tell me that Reagan was running around campaigning and telling people how to become dependent on the government? Come on, folks! It’s time to wake up here. I understand going out and “expanding the base” and having a chance at electoral victory and so forth, but if it means destroying the Republican Party — and certainly losing, by the way. Does anybody think that the way to be elected president is to out-liberal liberals, to out-moderate moderates? Some of this just escapes me, especially when the history is not that long ago. It’s fairly recent; it’s the eighties. Even the Contract with America and the Republicans winning the House of Representatives in 1994, you think we did that with liberalism? You think we did that by attracting moderates? We had a little help there because there’s so much corruption on the House of Representatives on the Democrat side, but how did anybody know about that? Talk radio — which, back then, was me. Well, still is me. Ha-ha-ha! Anyway, don’t forget the main point here. There’s no magic and there’s nothing valorous about going out and attracting people to our party by being like them, and having them think that our party is a new home for them, because of whatever deficiencies there are with Hillary or Obama or what have you.
That expediency to win is going to set us back. For those of us that are conservatives first and Republicans second, this is something that matters deeply. As I said, global warming and campaign finance reform are not just little throwaway issues that McCain made mistakes on and maybe apologized for (which he hasn’t). They’re substantive. They’re crucial. I think this notion that we’ve gotta go out and broaden the base of the party by forsaking our own roots, by forsaking our own base, I’m going to tell you: You talk about this notion, “When you get down to nominations, Rush, and you get down to the presidential race, if it’s McCain or Huckabee or any of our guys against Hillary or Obama, you really think that our guys are going to stay home and not vote for our side?” It depends. If our nominee spends a whole campaign acting like he’s embarrassed at his own base; like he’s angry at them, wants to diminish them and deemphasize them; and wants to instead build his party and his victory on members of the Democrat Party and liberals and moderates; yeah, it’s going to make ’em mad! There’s already an undertow of real anger at Senator McCain over immigration alone and McCain-Feingold, among the Republican base. It’s just these moderates and squishy Jell-Os out there, those that are also in the media. They’re out of touch with the Republican base as well. The Republican base embarrasses them. So these are the people that consider themselves to be the party’s “modernizers.”
Well, hell, I’m all for “modernization,” but not destruction.
(((Commercial break in transcript)))
RUSH: You know, about this modernizing business, my friends, and you know this, I do not blow my own horn. I do not tout my own whistle. I do not call attention to myself. That just happens. I do not say, “Notice me. Notice me.” But I’m going to step in here on something. All this talk about modernizing the so-called conservative movement or modernizing the Republican Party, how many of you have heard the term “New Media”? You’re responsible for it. Well, I’m responsible for it, but you have sustained it, all of you in the audience. We are the New Media. I think that’s modernization. I think the true modernization of the movement and moving it forward and, quote, unquote, of the party is happening in the New Media. We are leading it, and there are people who don’t like that, either, within our own structure, within our own movement.
McCain says, “I think I’ll match my conservative record up against anybody that’s running.” Okay, now, see, that’s pretty clever. It’s pretty clever, because one of the laments among a lot of conservatives is that we don’t have a thoroughbred out there, that every one of these guys has some sort of a question mark about them that you can go to in their past. As I said once, “The only guy that doesn’t have to defend a prior liberal governing stance or moderate governing stance,” well, and it’s not even totally, “is Thompson.” But even Thompson went along with McCain on the campaign finance reform thing. So, nobody is a thoroughbred out there.
We’re not looking for purity. We’re looking for people that want to beat liberals, not join them, and not have them join us. That’s not the future. Do you ever hear liberals say — do you hear Obama and these guys running around saying — “We need to go out and attract conservatives to our party. We need to find out how to broaden or base?” Do you think if any one of those candidates — be it Obama, be it Mrs. Clinton, be it the Breck Girl — started talking in ways that would attract somebody like me, that their party would put up with it in order to win?
Well, they promised a middle class tax cut, but they don’t deliver the thing. You know, it works when the conservative Democrats run in local, state, House of Representatives elections. That’s how they won the House last time. That’s another thing that bugs me. When the Democrats do want to win, especially in local House race, they run conservative Democrats, and they win. Our own side wants to shuck and jive conservatism; sweep it aside as something that’s an antique, that needs to be modernized and so forth. It’s patently absurd. Now, having said that, it is very interesting to listen to Obama cite Reagan.
This embarrasses me. He’s citing Reagan in great ways. He’s not citing Reagan on policy. He wouldn’t dare do that, and he’s taking a risk doing it anyway. That group over there despises Reagan even more than some of the country club, blue-blood Republicans on our side despised Reagan — make no mistake, they did. Nevertheless he’s out there citing Reagan, but he’s doing it in the context of attitudes and uplifting sentiments, optimism and hope and inspiration. The kind of things our people ought to be doing, Obama is out there-doing.

25 Jan

Three Little Pigs story “too offensive”

Ali Baba Bound ….Porky Pig in Ali-Baba Bound 1940

Three Little Pigs story “too offensive”
A story based on the Three Little Pigs has been rejected by a government quango in case it offends Muslims.
The digital remake of the children’s classic was criticised by Becta, the education technology agency, because “the use of pigs raises cultural issues”.
Officials also attacked the story – called The Three Little Cowboy Builders – for stereotyping the building trade, reports the Daily Telegraph.
The comments were condemned by the computer program’s creator as “a slap in the face”
The controversy was sparked during an awards ceremony designed to honour the best educational stories, programmes and teaching aids for children.
Dozens of companies submitted entries but Newcastle-based publishers Shoo Fly were shocked when judges told them that their interactive 3D book was unsuitable for children.
In a feedback form, Becta told the company: “Judges would not recommend this product to the Muslim community in particular.”
The story for primary school pupils replaces pigs with “cowboy builders” as part of a light-hearted tale designed to spark interest in reading and design technology skills.
But its authors were also told that it portrays the building industry in a bad light.
Judges said “retelling a story” was acceptable, but it “should not alienate parts of the workforce”, adding that builders should be “positive” role models for young children.
“Is it true that all builders are cowboys, builders get their work blown down, and builders are like pigs?” the judges asked.
Anne Curtis, the founder of Shoo Fly, which won a prize at the prestigious Education Resource Awards for the story, said: “The feedback amounted to a verbal assault.
“I feel these criticisms aim to close the minds of teachers and young people to some issues.”
Muslims criticised Becta’s response and insisted that a computer program based on the Three Little Pigs should be welcomed in state schools.
Tahir Alam, the head of education at the Muslim Council of Britain, said: “We are not offended by that at all.”
Yesterday, the quango stood by the verdict, which was made by 70 independent judges, mainly teachers.


Wild Thing’s comment……..
In this case its not the Muslims objecting, it’s the bleeding-heart Liberal Multiculturalists. More preemptive dhimmi behavior from the British educational elite.

25 Jan

Retired Green Beret Shoots Intruder, Gets Court Martial

Retired Green Beret shoots intruder, gets court martial
BREVARD, Jan. 19, 2008 – Retired Army Green Beret Smokey Taylor got his court martial this weekend and came away feeling good about it.
Taylor, at age 80 the oldest member of Chapter XXXIII of the Special Forces Association, was on trial by his peers under the charge of “failing to use a weapon of sufficient caliber” in the shooting of an intruder at his home in Knoxville, TN, in December.
The entire affair, of course, was very much tongue in cheek. Taylor had been awakened in the early morning hours of Dec. 17, 2007, when an intruder broke into his home. He investigated the noises with one of his many weapons in hand.
When the intruder threatened him with a knife, Taylor warned him, then brought his .22 caliber pistol to bear and shot him right between the eyes.

“That boy had the hardest head I’ve ever seen,” Taylor said after his trial. “The bullet bounced right off.”
The impact knocked the would-be thief down momentarily. He crawled out of the room then got up and ran out the door and down the street. Knoxville police apprehended him a few blocks away and he now awaits trial in the Knox County jail.

The charges against Taylor were considered to be serious. He is a retired Special Forces Weapons Sergeant with extensive combat experience during the wars in Korea and Vietnam.

“Charges were brought against him under the premise that he should have saved the county and taxpayers the expense of a trial,” said Chapter XXXIII President Bill Long of Asheville. “He could have used a .45 or .38. The .22 just wasn’t big enough to get the job done.”

Taylor’s defense attorney, another retired Weapons Sergeant, disagreed. He said Taylor had done the right thing in choosing to arm himself with a .22.

“If he’d used a .45 or something like that the round would have gone right through the perp, the wall, the neighbor’s wall and possibly injured some innocent child asleep in its bed,” he said. “I believe the evidence shows that Smokey Taylor exercised excellent judgment in his choice of weapons. He did nothing wrong, and clearly remains to this day an excellent weapons man.”

Counsel for the defense then floated a theory as to why the bullet bounced off the perp’s forehead.

“He was victimized by old ammunition,” he said, “just as he was in Korea and again in Vietnam, when his units were issued ammo left over from World War II.”

Taylor said nothing in his own defense, choosing instead to allow his peers to debate the matter. After the trial he said the ammunition was indeed old and added the new information that the perp had soiled his pants as he crawled out of the house.

“I would have had an even worse mess to clean up if it had gone through his forehead,” Taylor said. “It was good for both of us that it didn’t.”

Following testimony from both sides, Taylor was acquitted of the charges and was given a round of applause.
Meanwhile, back in Knox County, the word is out: Don’t go messing with Smokey Taylor. He just bought a whole bunch of fresh ammo.
Tribune Editor Bill Fishburne is a member of the Larry Thorne Chapter XXXIII of the Special Forces Association.

James T “Smokey” Taylor, D-529, of Knoxville, TN and an original member of Chapter 33, has been nominated by the American Legion, Post #2, Knoxville, Tennessee, to serve as Grand Chef De Gare du Tennessee. This is an honor Smokey richly deserves.
WHEREAS: Voiture 353 du Tennessee has as a member in good standing a highly qualified yageur Militaire with impeccable qualifications and character, and
WHEREAS: This Voyageur Militaire has served his country honorably during the period from October 1950 to October 1970 including service in-country during the Viet Nam War (Airborne All TheWay!), and
WHEREAS: This Voyageur Militaire has served the American Legion continuously since March 1976, and has served his Post, District, and Department in many various offices to include Post Vice Commander, Commander and Adjutant, and
WHEREAS: This Voyageur Militaire has served La Societé des 40 Hommes et 8 Chevaux continuously since March 1977, and has served his Voiture in every elected office to include Chef de Gare, and has served on many committees, and
WHEREAS: This Voyageur Militaire has served the Grande Voiture du Tennessee in the elected offices of Grand Cheminot and Grand Chef de Train (East), and has served on several committees, most recently as Grand Directeur POW/MIA, and
WHEREAS: As Locale Membership Directeur, this Voyageur Militaire has led Voiture 353 to two consecutive years of 100% membership, attaining 118% for the current year, now
Therefore be it resolved: Voiture 353 du Tennessee places in nomination for the high office of Grand Chef de Gare du Tennessee for the year 2003-2004 the name of Voyageur Militaire James T. Taylor.
Approved In Regularly Scheduled Promenade, held at American Legion Post # 2, Knoxville, TN, December 7th, 2002.
(signed) ERNEST W. BOLTON – Chef de Gare, V-353
WILLIAM JETT – Correspondant, V-353


Wild Thing’s comment……..
LOL I love it, what a great story. God bless our Special Forces!!!

….Thank you Tom so much for sending this to me.

25 Jan

Muslim Opening Prayer At Iowa Statehouse

Muslim opening prayer at Iowa Statehouse raises concerns”
By: Erin Ballou,
Pilot Tribune Staff
The Iowa Legislature started just over a week ago and some people were upset before the first issue was every addressed. When the session began, a Muslim Imam began the prayer in the Iowa Legislature. This is where the controversy begins.

The prayer asked of “Victory over those who disbelieve,” and “Protection from the great Satan” among other things. Pastor Steve Smith of the Evangelical Free Church in Albert City is among those concerned about the Muslim prayer. Rev. Smith admits that he doesn’t know about all the levels of Muslim but knows that the Jihadists believe those in the U.S. are the great Satan.

Rev. Smith also wants to point out the mention of “victory over those who disbelieve.” He feels “this is a request in the Iowa Legislature for God to grant the Muslims victory over every non-muslim. Not a request for salvation.”

Smith takes it as a gesture not of prayer but more as a political statement, especially with the wars that have been going on in the Middle East.

“I’m not concerned about a Muslim Imam opening the Legislature in prayer but it concerns me with the statements that were made. He interpreted this prayer from his understanding of Islam.”

Here is the text of the opening prayer, as transcribed by Radio Iowa:
Imam Muhammad Khan of the Islamic Center of Des Moines spoke first in Arabic.

“I seek refuge in God against the accursed Satan in the name of God, most gracious, most merciful,” Khan said in English. Khan made no specific mention of the war in Iraq or foreign affairs, but he called God the “master of the day of judgment” and asked for “victory over those who disbelieve.”
“As we begin this new year…in a world with trials and tribulations, we ask you to open the hearts of our legislators and policy makers to make the right decisions for the people of Iowa,” Khan said. “…We ask that you guide our legislators and give them the wisdom and knowledge to tackle the difficult problems that face us today in order to eliminate the senseless crimes on humanity. Help them, Lord, to solve the complicated problems in the State of Iowa so that we can be a model to the world.”

Khan’s prayer lasted about four minutes.
Representative Gary Worthan of Storm Lake said that he agrees with the concern being shown over the Muslim prayer.
He said that he has registered his concerns with the proper authorities.
As the father of two sons who have fought terrorism in the military, Worthan said the phrases mentioned earlier also jumped out at him and he said he shares concern for the same reasons as the constituents he is hearing from.

Wild Thing’s comment……..
I realize the England is deep into this giving in to Islam. But we are not far behind. Prayers for our country and it’s future. IMO there is nothing good that can come from having this Moslem pray at the Iowa Statehouse. Nothing! This catering to followers of Islam is so dangerous.

24 Jan

Hillary Told Hispanics “bring their brooms and vacuum cleaners to the White House”

Clinton: This Is Personal
ABC News’ Eloise Harper reports:
Speaking in North Bergen, N.J., Sen. Hillary Clinton was brought on stage by Sen. Bob Menendez. Menedez spoke in Spanish and riled up the majority-Hispanic crowd.
A banner behind a group of Clinton supporters read: “Juntos con Hillary, Una Vida Mejor.”

Clinton rattled through her stump speech. She told the crowd that she is going to need their help cleaning up the White House and suggested they bring their brooms and vacuum cleaners to help.

Clinton closed with a line that she doesn’t normally use.

“This is really personal to me,” Clinton said. “I want New Jersey to be with me not just on Feb. 5 and all the way through the election in November.”

Then Clinton began chanting/yelling, “Will you help me? Will you help me? Will you help me? Will you help me? Will you help me? Will you help me?”

After that members of the crowd chanted back, “Will you help me?” — and the cries soon turned into calls of “Hillary! Hillary!”

Wild Thing’s comment……..
“Clinton rattled through her stump speech. She told the crowd that she is going to need their help cleaning up the White House and suggested they bring their brooms and vacuum cleaners to help. “
Holy moley!!! Did she then ask for a that a mint be left on her pillow????
Can you imagine the outrage had a Republican said this?? Hillary has absolutely NO class and she wants to represent us to the rest of the world? YIKES Disgusting! I hope the good Lord will have mercy on us.
This is a whole new level of pandering and insult, even for Hillary. When will a politician pander to me by delivering a speech in Swiss/German and stand their wearing laderhosen. LOL
What I will have to assume is that it seems the group she was talking to may not have understood what she said since it was in English or perhaps it didn’t sink in.
Will Hillary bring the silverware back with her?

24 Jan

Suicide Bomber Falls Down Stairs ~ Allah OOPS! LOL

Suicide bomber falls down stairs
From correspondents in Khost, Afghanistan
January 24, 2008 12:39pm
A WOULD-be suicide bomber fell down a flight of stairs and blew himself up as he headed out for an attack in Afghanistan, police say.
It was the second such incident in two days, with another man killing himself and three others on Tuesday when his bomb-filled waistcoat exploded as he was putting it on in the southern town of Lashkar Gah.
Yesterday’s blast was in a busy market area of the eastern town of Khost, a deputy provincial police chief said.
The would-be attacker tripped as he was leaving a building apparently to target an opening ceremony for a mosque that was expected to be attended by Afghan and international military officials, said Sakhi Mir.
“Coming down the stairs, he fell down and exploded. Two civilian women and a man were wounded,” Mir said.
Suicide attacks are regular feature of an insurgency led by the extremist Taliban movement that was in government between 1996 and 2001. The most deadly was in November 2007 and killed nearly 80 people, most of them school students.

Wild Thing’s comment……..
BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL it’s not like you can rehearse this or anything.
He probably only gets one lousy virgin for just wounding someone.
This is not from this story but it is so funny. I thought you might like a good laugh.