14 Feb

Mark McKinnon McCain’s Adviser Won’t Fight Obama

Political strategist Mark McKinnon

McCain Adviser Won’t Fight Obama
abc news blogs
ABC News’ Teddy Davis Reports: A top adviser to John McCain said Wednesday that he will step down from the Arizona senator’s presidential campaign if the presumed GOP nominee faces Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., in the general election.

“I would simply be uncomfortable being in a campaign that would be inevitably attacking Barack Obama,” said McCain adviser Mark McKinnon in an interview with NPR’s “All Things Considered.” “I think it would be uncomfortable for me, and I think it would be bad for the McCain campaign.”

McKinnon, who was a Democrat before serving as President Bush’s ad maker in 2000 and 2004, said that he plans to be behind McCain “100 percent” no matter who the Democratic nominee is.

He explained, however, that if the Democrats nominate Obama, he will be supporting McCain “from the sidelines.”

While saying that he does not agree with Obama on every issue, McKinnon gushed about the Illinois Democrat.

“I met Barack Obama, I read his book, I like him a great deal,” said McKinnon. “I disagree with him on very fundamental issues. But I think, as I said, I think it would a great race for the country.”

Wild Thing’s comment……..
This Obama-idolatry is getting ridiculous. He supports the candidate, but not the campaign?? Weird! OH but wait I keep forgetting, Obama is the Messiah, after all. More like the anti-Christ imo.
Does this mean that McNut’s top advisor is NOT a conservative??? You oknow John like you are NOT a Conservative?? Johnnie, tell me it isn’t so!! Tell me it isn’t so!!!
No pity here from me for McCain, with his Juan Hernandez and this guy he surrounds himself by what he is more comfortable with ……………democrats and those not putting America first.
Political strategist Mark McKinnon is best known for his switch from working with Democratic candidates to Republican George W. Bush.
He is a lifelong Democrat who is now working for McCain and is usually seen in the background wearing a creepy hat.
In 1997, McKinnon met then Gov. Bush at dinner and claims he changed his mind about him. He says that he liked him and that’s why he decided to cross-parties and work for his gubernatorial reelection campaign.
He was one of only a few top Bush staff that had access to the Bush debate prep tapes that somehow ended up being sent to the Gore campaign.

14 Feb

Interview With Obama Supporter In Houston Office About Che Guevara Flag

Maria Isabel was one of the Houston area Obama volunteers who had that Che Guevara flag on her wall (another group of Houston area Obama supporters also had the same flag on their wall).

Here’s an interview with Maria Isabel who is a precinct captain for Barack Obama in Houston Texas. She was previously recently featured in a piece by the same TV station in which she was shown opening a new volunteer office for the Obama campaign. In the office, next to a small poster for Barack Obama, she had hung a HUGE Cuban flag emblazoned with the image of Che Guevara. Guevara was the Argentine murderer that helped establish the Castro dictatorship in Cuba before he was killed by Bolivian Rangers after trying to launch a similar guerrilla war in that country. Guevara was Castro’s chief executioner at the Military Fortress called La Cabaña.
During the interview Maria Isabel Reveals that she is in fact Cuban herself. Most Cuban-Americans despise Che Guevara, Fidel Castro and the communist regime. Then again most Cuban-Americans are Republican. Obama’s supporter and Democrats in general deny their socialist tendencies. Ms. Isabel apparently didn’t get the memo. She’s gotten it now.

Wild Thing’s comment……..
Busy busy busy. I guess she is just so damn busy being a trendy and liberal commie she does not have time to be an American, much less answer a single question.

14 Feb

Happy Valentine’s Day Team Theodore And Our Troops

Valentines Day is here
and hundreds of thousands of United States soldiers
will be far away from their loved ones,
unable to share an affectionate embrace,
a romantic candlelight dinner,
a box of chocolates or a bouquet of flowers.

Valentines Day is about showing the ones you love
just how much they mean to you,
and no one knows this better
than friends and families of troops overseas.

So to all our Military, and their families,
to all the Veterans,
and to all of you that are friends of
Theodore’s World blog…….
Angry Old Salt and I wish you all
a special Valentines Day!
Thank you for being in our lives and
to the troops, thank you for all you do
and for serving our country.Mbr>
Thank you for our freedom!

And Happy Valentines Day
to each one of you
that are such an important part of
Theodore’s World blog
You are the song in my heart.
~ Wild Thing

13 Feb

For $1,000 You Can Enjoy “Cocktails With President Bill Clinton At Whitehaven

Drinks with ex-prez Clinton aren’t cheap
The Hill
Generally speaking, even the bars on K Street lower their prices for happy hour as a lure for the work-weary to kick back a few and ease the stress of a long day.
So charging $1,000 for drinks might seem a bit steep, even for power drinkers enjoying bottles off the top shelf.
A fundraising e-mail from Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton’s (D-N.Y.) presidential campaign, however, is offering just that. For $1,000, attendees can enjoy “Cocktails with President Bill Clinton at Whitehaven.”
The e-mail, obtained by The Hill, said the Clintons’ Georgetown home on Whitehaven Street has “a handful of slots available” for those willing to pony up $1,000 to drink with the former president from 5 to 6:30 Wednesday evening.
The catch, other than the cost and possible liver damage, is that only those who still have money available to be used for the primaries are invited. In other words, the legions of Clinton contributors who have already maxed out will have to rely on their flasks and are not welcome Wednesday for drinks with Bill Clinton.
The invitation to primary contributors speaks loudly to the mad dash for cash the Clintons are engaged in with rival Sen. Barack Obama (Ill.) as the primary battle now looks to go even deeper into the states.

Wild Thing’s comment……..
So I wonder what he is charging for groping? yikes
The Clinton’s are such “grifters” ! They will lose money if Teddy shows up. heh heh

13 Feb

Barack Hussein Obama Video Surprise

The video was made by a man named Phil Valentine.
“Phil Valentine is host of The Phil Valentine. Phil Valentine is host of The Phil Valentine, a Westwood One syndicated radio show. In addition to his political views, he’s known for his witty song parodies. PhilValentine.com ”

Phil Valentine website

Wild Thing’s comment……..
Giggle… this is so funny. I am laughing because the person that made this video used one of the graphics I made of Barack Hussein Obama. It was sent to me by Sgt.Barlow, and it has me smiling. I am stilll pretty new compared to some others at making graphics so this is a compliment that someone used something I made in a video.
I thought you all would get a kick out of it too. The graphic I made is the last one in the video. Obama with the bigger ears and the turbin on. heh heh It makes me happy because I worked on it for almost an hour to get the ears to look natural and the turbin just right.
I am always glad to see others realizie how awful Obama would be as President. The mainstream media refuses to ask Obama tough questions about his policy positions. His extreme Socialist vision for the country is only remarked upon by classifying him as a liberal.
I looked up Phil Valentine and also thought I would share this with you I thought was cool. He is a conservative so that makes me so happy that this happened.
From his BIO:
Former officer with the Tennessee STATE Guard as a media specialist with the Public Affairs Office attached to Headquarters – Certification in Special Operations: Search & Rescue
National television appearances on MSNBC, Hannity & Colmes, Fox & Friends,The O’Reilly Factor and others
Phil’s Father was, Tim Valentine, was a U.S. Congressman from the 2nd District of North Carolina (1983-1995)
Great-uncle, General Frank Armstrong, was the inspiration for the book and movie Twelve O’Clock High
Thank you Phil if you read this, I appreciate it and it is so kind of you. ~ Wild Thing

13 Feb

Teresa Heinz-Kerry hanging on Barack Hussein Obama

Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama (2nd L) is hugged by Teresa Heinz-Kerry, (L) wife of 2004 Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry (2nd R) who is pictured hugging Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick, during an Obama campaign rally in Boston, Massachusetts, February 4, 2008 on the eve of the “Super Tuesday” primaries. .” ( Yahoo news photos)

Wild Thing’s comment……..
LMAO Could Obama look any more uncomfortable? She looks like she’s ‘marking’ her next husband!

13 Feb

Checking In With Our Troops

Soldiers from Bravo Company, Special Troops Battalion, 82nd Airborne Division, Task Force Gladius wait for a CH-47 Chinook helicopter at the landing zone at Forward Operating Base Morales-Frasier on Jan. 20, 2008. The Chinook will air lift them into the Surobi District of Afghanistan to protect another CH-47 that made a hard landing there. DoD photo by Sgt. Johnny R. Aragon, U.S Army. (Released)


Anglers vie for bragging rights

Marine Corps Chief Warrant Officer 4 Bobby Carter Jr., a native of Smith, Ala., who serves as a maintenance officer with the Iraq Assistance Group, Multi-National Corps – Iraq, proudly displays the 14-pound carp he caught during Operation: Catch Fish at Z Lake Feb. 9. Carter’s catch earned him the tournament’s grand prize for largest fish. (U.S. Army photo by Pfc. Samantha Schutz, 4th Inf. Div.)

Multi-National Division – Baghdad Soldiers relax behind their fishing poles at Z Lake Feb. 9 while competing in Operation: Catch Fish. The all-day fishing tournament provided MND-B servicemembers and civilians an opportunity to relax and relieve stress while participating in some friendly competition. (U.S. Army photo by Pfc. Samantha Schutz, 4th Inf. Div.)

CAMP LIBERTY, Iraq – More than 300 servicemembers and civilians from across the Multi-National Division – Baghdad area of operations gathered Feb. 9 o enjoy one of the world’s favorite pastimes – fishing.
The idea of Operation: Catch Fish was brought to fruition by the joint efforts of two pro-fishermen from Florida and senior leaders from the military’s Central Command, Joint Inter-Agency Coordination Group; Multi-National Corps – Iraq; and the Armed Forces Entertainment group.
The competitors cast their first lines mid-morning and continued late into the afternoon at the local fishermen’s paradise: Z Lake.
The idea for the tournament was born in September when Air Force Maj. Steven Mathews, a native of Los Fresnos, Texas, who serves as an action officer with CENTCOM, JIACG, introduced himself to a new boss.
Mathews mentioned fishing as one of his hobbies, and his boss introduced him to Joe Mercurio, who hosts the Florida-based “Professional Tarpon Tournament Series” television show.
“Joe is a good American who supports his troops,” said Mathews. “You know, I want to go fishing with those guys, and I thought it would be a good thing to do.”
Mathews, with help from Mercurio and other troops in his unit, began ramping up for the project just after Christmas. He coordinated with MNC-I and AFE to set up the schedule, which brought forth Operation: Catch Fish to more than 20 locations in Iraq and Kuwait throughout a 10-day period.
Mercurio and his co-host, Kristen Berset, along with another Floridian pro-fisherman, Eric Mannino, coordinated with various sponsors to acquire nearly 12,000 pounds and $20,000 worth of donated equipment, prizes and giveaways.
Everyone competing in the tournament had the option of either using their own equipment or fishing with brand-new, sponsor-donated rods and lures. After the competition, the donations were given to the Camp Liberty Morale, Welfare and Recreation center.
Spc. Adam Hartley, a native of Big Point, Miss., who serves as a gunner on a personal security team with Company D, Special Troops Battalion, 4th Infantry Division, used a new rod in honor of his first time fishing since Hurricane Katrina.
“I used to fish out my bedroom window,” said Hartley, adding he once lived in a houseboat.
Before being displaced by the hurricane, Hartley and his family participated in many small fishing competitions. In fact, the family even claimed 5th place honors in a semi-professional bass fishing tournament in Louisiana.
Grabbing top honors for the day was Marine Corps Chief Warrant Officer 4 Bobby Carter, a native of Smith, Ala., who serves as a maintenance officer with the Iraq Assistance Group, Multi-National Corps – Iraq, who hooked a 14-pound carp.
“It’s a great feeling,” said Carter, who has competed in small tournaments in the United States. “I can’t win one back home, but now I can say I came to Iraq and won a fishing tournament.”
The once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to help create fond fishing memories for deployed troops is what Berset said drew him to the idea of being part of Operation: Catch Fish.
“The most interesting thing is being able to talk to the troops,” Berset said. “Of course, I get to hear all their stories about going out and securing these neighborhoods, but mostly what I hear is fishing stories. It seems like everyone has a fishing story.”
Mercurio, Berset and Mannino not only plan to use footage from the tour to produce episodes for their television shows in Florida and on ESPN2, but they also want to put together a documentary to tell the troops’ stories.
“This has been an unbelievable experience for the three of us. We want to thank you all for your sacrifices for us, our country and our freedom,” said Mannino.
The organizers said they hope to make Operation: Catch Fish an annual event, and the MWR center plans to add smaller-scale fishing tournaments to its monthly program schedule in the future.

13 Feb

McCain Regarding Israel

Israeli reporter challenges McCain to polygraph after spat over interview
Israel Insider
Senator John McCain and his Mideast policy inclinations are being challenged over an interview that he granted two years ago to Amir Oren, a journalist from the Israeli newspaper Haaretz, on May 1, 2006, in which McCain declared that his administration “would send “the smartest guy I know” to the Middle East: “Brent Scowcroft, or Jim Baker though I know that you in Israel don’t like Baker.”
McCain reportedly added: “I would expect concessions and sacrifices by both sides.”
When Oren asked McCain if that meant a “movement toward the June 4, 1967 armistice lines, with minor modifications,” the reporter wrote, “McCain nodded in the affirmative.”
To deflect criticism that he has encountered on the 2008 campaign trail, the McCain campaign has been quoting an article by John B. Judis, senior editor at The New Republic, who wrote in an article in that publication on October 25, 2006 that McCain was “miffed at his portrayal in Haaretz,” saying that “after reading the Haaretz article and subsequent report in The Jewish Press [in New York],” he felt the need to “clear up several serious misimpressions.” McCain said that “in contrast to the impression left by the Haaretz article, I’ve never held the position that Israel should return to 1967 lines, and that is not my position today.”
The senator repeated this week what he said to the New Republic which was that “in the course of that brief, off-the-cuff conversation, I never discussed settlement blocs, a total withdrawal, or anything of the sort.”
Reached at his desk in Tel Aviv, Oren said that McCain is “not telling the truth”, and that he would gladly invite him to a polygraph to see who is telling the truth. He said the Republican frontrunner indeed recommended Baker and Scowcroft as potential candidates to deal with the Middle East, and that he clearly answered in the affirmative when it came to McCain’s expectations of Israel, and how it should relate to further withdrawals.
Oren said that McCain stated clearly that Israel’s policy should be one of “defending itself and withdrawing, defending itself and withdrawing.” Far from an off the cuff conversation, Mr. Oren told the Bulletin that this was a formal interview that McCain provided him at the the Brussels Forum for American-European Relations, following an interview that McCain provided to the Washington Post. Oren mentioned to the Bulletin that the interview was conducted in the presence of McCain’s aide, Richard Fontaine.
Oren was clearly upset to hear McCain was challenging the veracity of the interview from two years ago. In Oren’s words, McCain should “show the same courage on the campaign trail that he showed in Vietnam.”
David Bedein is a reporter for the the Philadelphia Bulletin (http://www.thebulletin.us), in which this article first appeared. Bedein is also Bureau Chief Israel Resource News Agency.

Wild Thing’s comment……..
The one who denies that kind of a challenge is the one who’s lying. Gee Baker again. Yeah that wholly owned stoodge of the House of Saud is really the guy to send to Israel. After all, his Iraq plan was such a great idea. …NOT!
It would be really neat if each party, the DNC and the RNC would provide a list of names of those running for President and in that list have each important issue listed and how each candidate would handle it, what they would do or their plan. It would be a ton of work to do it but once done could be used by every voting American as a way of knowing the candidate better. Plus it would be actual quotes with dates as a reference and a way of blasting them when they come back with their lies or their flip flops. Just an idea anyway.
Instead it is left up to each person to search out information and we already know how lazy most voters are. Someone asked me today at the gym what did each of the candidates left plan on doing with Israel. I would have loved to have just had a sheet to hand them on this and all the issues. And take the discussion from there. I am no one and it would have been great as a backup.

12 Feb

More From Berkley Protest ~ OOHRAH!

If you run into Weston, give him a Hi 5 for me!

Hey Barack Hussein Obama , this guy from the Caribbean gets it, why don’t you!:

12 Feb

Berkley Commies Vs. The Good Guys

Berkeley Mayor Tom Bates, participating in the siege

The pinko communist citizens of Berklky and what they had to say about our Marines and our troops.
In this shocking video, code pink calls all United States Marines war criminals. They also claim al qaeda is not a threat to the United States and that World War two was “wrong.”

Military supporters descended on Berkeley early Tuesday, demanding the famously liberal California college town rescind its vote that says Marine recruiters are “not welcome in this city.”
The pro-military demonstrators were met by anti-war protesters who had camped out overnight, setting the stage for a dramatic showdown late in the day when the City Council is to discuss whether to revoke its previous vote.

“Their treasonous action, especially at this time of war right now, is not acceptable,” said Mary Pearson, a spokeswoman for the group Move America Forward

Wild Thing’s comment……..
Vietnam veteran interviewed: “Code Pink and ANSWER are together out here doing this and it reminds me of the horrible reception I got when returning from Vietnam!” (voice breaking with emotion)
Loud chanting “NO FEDERAL FUNDS FOR BERKELY!” Signs are GREAT!
This is from one of our lurkers here at TW that reads this blog every day.

“I’m in Berkeley. I just came back from my lunch break — while walking outside, I saw a plane flying overhead towing a big sign that stated clearly, in red letters, “Semper Fidelis.”

And this………..
HERE is a video that shows how the pinko communists at the entrance demonstration outside the Marine Corps recruiting office in Berkeley.
VIDEO a must see

More this and this is about the Democrats and of course vile Harry Reid!
dfrom The Hill
Harry Reid’s move delayed rap on Berkeley:

Senate Democrats left two days of legislative business officially open last week, hobbling GOP efforts to bring up a bill punishing a liberal California city for scolding Marine Corps recruiters.
Republicans said Democrats clearly wanted to avoid being forced to choose between the Marine Corps or Berkeley, Calif., known for its liberalism and fervent anti-war positions.
Instead of adjourning at the end of a day as usual, the Senate “recessed” twice, a move that, under Senate rules, slows the process of adding new bills to the calendar. Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) did not adjourn until last Friday, effectively pushing back floor consideration on the GOP bill until Tuesday — the same day that the city council is likely to tone down its call for Marine Corps recruiters to leave town.

“The only reason to recess is to block something, and the thing that got blocked by Reid’s stall tactic was the Semper Fi Act,” said spokesman Wesley Denton, referring to the bill introduced by his boss, Sen. Jim DeMint (R-S.C.).

“Democrats have chosen not to defend the Marine Corps, but to pander to anti-war protesters and Berkeley officials that are actively trying to impede military recruitment.”

That tactic effectively delayed an effort by DeMint and five other conservatives to bring forward a bill, introduced on Feb. 6, that would strip Berkeley of $2 million worth of earmarks inserted into the $516 billion omnibus spending bill Bush signed into law at the end of 2007. According to three GOP aides, DeMint signaled on Feb. 6 that he would request that the bill be placed on the legislative calendar before the decision was made to recess, rather than adjourn, for the night.

“Berkeley needs to learn that their actions have consequences,” DeMint said.

The California Democrats who sponsored the earmarks, Sen. Barbara Boxer and Rep. Barbara Lee, say they will fight for the funding, which includes a lunch program at a Berkeley school district, ferry service and a new endowment at the University of California-Berkeley.

“Senator DeMint may not like what the Berkeley City Council has to say, but to punish the children, police, first responders and university for something they had nothing to do with is just plain wrong,” said Natalie Ravitz, a spokeswoman for Boxer.

Republicans introduced the bill to reprimand the city for its decision to tell the Marine Corps in a letter that a recruiting office was “not welcome” in the city and that the recruiters were “uninvited and unwelcome intruders.”
The council also voted to make it easier for the anti-war group Code Pink to protest against the recruiters, assigning a parking space once a week for six months in front of the office and relaxing noise restrictions so that the activists can more easily interrupt the Marines’ activities.

This from Berkley:
KTVU.com in Berkley

Hundreds of demonstrators representing both sides of the Iraq War debate squared off in Berkeley early Tuesday, exchanging verbal taunts and angry insults as police stood nearby while the hours counted down to a controversial City Council vote over the future of Marine recruiting in the Bay Area college town.
“We’re delighted. We’re excited about the whole thing. It just shines a much needed light on the issue of the war,” said peace activist and Code Pink cofounder Medea Benjamin.
“It would be very very challenging for us to try to separate the groups. Certainly, if there’s any volatility, if there’s anything physical that happens, we are going to manage that,” said Berkeley police officer Mary Kusmiss.
The Marine Corps says it has no plans on abandoning its recruiting station. Berkeley is still facing the threat of having federal and state funds cut off if it tries to get the Marines out. Medea Benjamin says that threat shouldn’t be taken seriously.
“Then give Berkeley back the $56 million that it will spend this year alone on the war so we can invest it in what we want here, which would be schools and health care and green jobs and solar panels for our homes. That would make us a lot more secure than a war in Iraq,” argued Benjamin.

LOVE it thank you ! God bless our Marines!!!!!

….Thank you Mark for the headsup for link at Michelle’s. I really appreictae it. And thank you John 5 (VN 69/70) for the top graphic.

* Moonbattery
* Little Green Footballs
* Michelle Malkin
* News sources I used as well