26 Feb

Vietnam Veteran Back In War Zone

1st Sgt James “Grumpy” Spears

washington times
CAMP WRIGHT, Afghanistan
Shot down over Vietnam on his first tour of duty in 1972, 1st Sgt. James Spears is back in the U.S. Army — one of hundreds of retired soldiers whom the Pentagon has ordered to suit up and serve the nation once more.

“If you cut me, I”d probably bleed Army green, but this is definitely my last deployment” said the 54-year-old veteran, who is better known to his fellow soldiers as “Grumpy.”

Sgt. Spears said he did not expect to end up in a war zone dodging bullets and rockets, and that such business should be the work of younger warriors.
Retired in 1995 after 24 years in the Army, Sgt. Spears felt the call of duty after watching the World Trade Center’s Twin Towers crumble in 2001 and picked up the phone just to let the Army know he was there if he was ever needed.

“I guess they put my name on a list somewhere, but, for the life of me, I didn’t really expect them to call me back to service,” he said. But in 2005, the Defense Department rang his home number in Daleville, Ala.

“A Pentagon colonel told me that I could come back now or, if I did not act then, she wouldn’t give me a choice as to where I was deployed.” With mixed feelings, Sgt. Spears called her back an hour later.

Now, while he often longs for the golf course, Sgt. Spears finds himself in a mentoring role to some 80 soldiers, struggling to keep them working together smoothly.
As the “human resources manager” for NATO and the Army”s 173rd Airborne Brigade”s Provincial Reconstruction Team in Kunar Province, Sgt. Spears keeps the soldiers in line with stentorian growls across the mess hall and quiet, reassuring chats in his quarters.
Just knowing there is a veteran of the Vietnam War, a far bloodier conflict than those being fought in Afghanistan and Iraq, is reassuring to some of the young soldiers who seek his advice.
But Sgt. Spears said he worries as would a father about the strains caused by the lengthy military deployments in both theaters.

“In general, we have excellent morale, but the Army is definitely overstretched and undermanned here in Afghanistan,” he said. “I’m really afraid that some guys and girls will snap. I’ve seen it already — people with severe combat-related stress.”

Sgt. Spears has two sons who joined the Army and one who served two tours as a helicopter crew chief in Iraq.

He said his wife of 32 years, Sherry, had only one piece of advice for him when he deployed last year: “Keep your head down, Grumpy.”

A soldier’s life hasn’t changed much since Vietnam, but there aren’t any easy comparisons between the two wars, Sgt. Spears said.

“I’m not sure this is an ideologically driven war in the respect that Vietnam was pretty much communism against capitalism,” he said. “But even there, you had an enemy that would show their face and occasionally fight in real uniforms.”

Sgt. Spears pointed toward a ridgeline and noted that Kunar province sits across only a couple of mountain ridges from Pakistan, where the September 11, 2001, mastermind, Osama bin Laden, is thought to be hiding.

“I can’t tell you why they haven’t caught him with all their gee-whiz toys,” he said. “But I don’t believe in conspiracies either, like we have him in a box somewhere.”

Wild Thing’s comment……..
I love the stogy!
Thank you Sgt. Spears and all the other Military, even just one of them is worth more than the 534 dummies in Congress.

26 Feb

The Left Offers Obama a Strategy…But LOOK Who It is?

Tom Hayden,’60’s icon, Leader of the student movement, the anti-war movement and activist in the civil rights movement seen here after arriving in Castlegar July 6, 2006 where he’ll speak at the “Our Way Home Reuion” conference being held in Castlgar, B.C.

The Left Offers Obama a Strategy
Frontpage Magazine
What is Barack Obama’s foreign policy? As it becomes clear that Obama is likely to win the Democratic nomination, both Hillary Clinton and John McCain are attacking him for a lack of foreign policy experience and for proposals he has made that appear to make him appear rather naïve. Is he going to retreat from confronting our nation’s enemies, or is he going to be tough when he has to be? What advice will he heed? Now, he has been offered advice for his campaign by none other than Tom Hayden, once the young lion of the New Left and the anti-Vietnam War movement.
Tom Hayden is, of course, no longer a major public figure with great influence. His words, however, resonate with scores of activists as well as liberal intellectuals, who will take them to heart and seek to up the ante on the Obama campaign. Hayden, who clearly views Iraq as another Vietnam, is seeking to move Obama to adopt the prescriptions of the most left-wing sectors of the Democratic Party constituency.
Pointing to Obama’s victory speech in Houston last week, Hayden has noted that Obama has shifted his position, to one of calling for withdrawal of all American troops in the first year of his administration, not over a lengthier time span. Does Obama mean it? Hayden has one suggestion: the Left and antiwar forces must hold Obama to his word. More importantly, he argues that sentiment among Obama’s base “is running strongly enough to push the candidate forward to a stronger commitment,” strong enough to move him away from the words in his 2006 book The Audacity of Hope, in which Obama wrote that a complete withdrawal was a matter of “imperfect judgment” and “best guesses.”
It is clear from Mr. Hayden that his supposition – and that of the Left he represents – (his comments appear in The Nation magazine website) believe that the United States should not be involved on a “so-called war on terrorism,” a phony concept developed by evil and strong neoconservatives who falsely believe there is something called “Islamofascism.” Obviously believing that there is not such force in the world, he argues that its advocates, including Senator John McCain, favor a “permanent war against Muslim radicals” that is really about one thing: “American access to oil.”
What worries Mr. Hayden is that in a contest between McCain and Obama, John McCain’s war record, combined with his Senate experience, makes him a “formidable” advocate of tough steps to protect American national security, something Mr. Hayden sees as a danger to the antiwar movement. His own prescription for withdrawal of troops are thus threatened by General Petraeus’ forthcoming April testimony before Congress, in which it is expected he will report on the favorable outcome of the surge, and urge the nation to stay the course.
Mr. Hayden thus sees Petraeus not as a honest soldier reporting the truth of what he has accomplished, but as a “de facto surrogate for McCain” that will force Barack Obama to have to respond without retreating from his promise of early withdrawal. He says, rightfully, that those he dubs the neoconservative opposition will oppose Obama by challenging him for wanting “to pull the plug on Iraq just when the tide is turning.” And why shouldn’t McCain do just that? Does Mr. Hayden think that the United States, should in fact, pull the plug precisely when the situation in Iraq is improving?
Ironically, Mr. Hayden condemns William Kristol for arguing in the pages of the New York Times and The Weekly Standard that the Democratic Party has become “the puppet of the antiwar groups.” Clearly, Mr. Kristol may have been premature. Mr. Hayden seems to want now to prove Kristol both prescient and right. Mr. Hayden fears that all of this will lead to McCain successfully forging a new center-Right coalition, leaving the Democrats only with the moderate and antiwar left-wing. The Republicans will have, he notes, the aid of Senator Joe Lieberman working as an ally who would also make inroads among the Jewish community.
Nevertheless, Tom Hayden is optimistic. He believes Americans will also see Afghanistan as a quagmire not susceptible to a military solution; Pakistanis showing they do not want to be pawns in an American war, and that a fight with the Taliban or al-Qaeda is nothing but a “bottomless battle.” His fear: that Obama will ignore all this, and seek to “prove his credentials as a militarist or face being painted as another Democrat too weak to be Commander-in-Chief.” His solution: the forces of the Left and the peace movement wage “open political and intellectual battle” against “the neoconservative agenda.”
Should Barack Obama listen to the Left’s advice, he will only push the Democratic Party back to the age of McGovernite isolationism, and contrary to the assertion of Tom Hayden, make the campaign much easier for John McCain. If the Democrats hope to actually win the presidency, the worst thing they could do is to take advice from Tom Hayden.

Wild Thing’s comment…….
OMG Tom Hayden can we never get rid of that vile hippie !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am not kidding, God Help us!! Tom Hayden the hihppie from the 60’s, and he has never changed from back then. He is the ex husband of Jane Fonda and they used to do tons of anti-war rallies together during the Vietnam War.
The left wants to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory! Obama;’s foreign policy will be Carter-style appeasement…on steroids!!


…Thank you Mark for sending this.

26 Feb

Update On Nubs, the Iraq war dog

Nubs, the Iraq war dog, arrives at his new home
from Leatherneck.com
Friends will care for mutt until Marine buddy returns
By Michael Stetz
February 23, 2008
EARNIE GRAFTON / Union-Tribune
**** If you go to THIS LINK there is a wonderful video of Nubs on his arrival it is GREAT! ….it is just a tiny bit down the page from the top.

Marine Capt. Eric Sjoberg and his wife, Chrissy, greeted Nubs at Lindberg Field. They will be looking after the German shepherd/border collie mix for Maj. Brian Dennis.
Nubs wasted no time melting hearts. Big, tough Marines said things like, “Oooohhh,” and gently stroked his fur as they cradled him.
Reporters and camera crews swarmed around him. The German shepherd/border collie mix was sweet, gentle and a little on the scrawny side when he arrived at Lindbergh Field in San Diego yesterday evening. But he should gain a few pounds now that he’ll be fed regularly.
Life in Iraq can be tough on a dog. Count Nubs among the luckiest. He got out thanks to a San Diego-based Marine, Maj. Brian Dennis, who befriended him and then had him flown home.

“It’s amazing, he’s finally home,” said Capt. Eric Sjoberg, who’s going to care for Nubs with his wife Chrissy until Dennis, a Marine buddy, returns from Iraq in the spring.

Nubs licked Sjoberg’s face. He panted patiently as cameras filmed and snapped pictures.

“You’re seeing first-hand why the guys over there fell in love with him,” Sjoberg said.

Nubs is about 2. When young, his ears were slashed off because an Iraqi thought that would make him tough and alert. That’s why Dennis named him Nubs. That’s all he had left of his ears. And that was hardly Nubs’ worst moment. Once, he was stabbed with a screwdriver. Dennis patched him up as best he could, but didn’t think Nubs would make it. The wound was deep. He slept with him that night to keep him warm as temperatures dipped to 18 degrees.

Dennis fell for the dog hard. The e-mails he sent to friends spoke of his life in Iraq and they always seemed to mention this tough little dog, said Maj. Chris Collins, his roommate in San Diego.
“It seemed that something bad would always happen,” Collins said. “He’d get into a fight or something. Nubs was always in bad shape. ” Dennis, who is based at Miramar Marine Corps Air Station, is serving along the border between Iraq and Syria, where he is helping to train Iraqis. It’s rough terrain. Nubs and other dogs lived in an old Iraqi fort and survived on food scraps. Nubs ran wild. He had no owner, no home, no collar, nobody to play fetch with, no one to bring a slipper to, no Alpo, nobody to scratch behind his ear. No name, even, until Dennis came along.
But even Dennis didn’t think the relationship would last. He’s in a war zone, after all. When Dennis and his team were ordered to move 70 miles away, he figured life with Nubs was over. It wasn’t. Nubs somehow tracked the Marines to their new location, showing up two days after they did. Dennis was amazed. How’d he do it? He was convinced then that he couldn’t leave this dog behind. He couldn’t keep him in Iraq, of course. It’s against the rules.
So he wrote home, saying he wanted to take Nubs back to the U.S. “We thought he was crazy. We didn’t think it was possible,” Sjoberg said. Friends rallied, raising more than $3,500, and the wheels were put in motion. Yesterday, after a couple stops along the way, Nubs came home. And soon he’ll be frolicking in the sands of a local dog beach, far away from the stark desert sands of Iraq.

Wild Thing’s comment……..
I am soooooo happy about this, Nubs arrived safely and will be taken good care off. Now I can hardly wait for Maj. Brian Dennis to get home to his pal Nubs.

Previous post about Nubs and Maj.Brian Dennis.

26 Feb

Preview Of The Coming Democrat Convention? ~ Yikes

Clintonite Stabs Obama Supporter
Cops: Man assaulted brother-in-law during political argument
smoking gun
Meet Jose Antonio Ortiz. The Pennsylvania man allegedly stabbed his brother-in-law in the stomach after the pair quarreled about their respective support of Democratic presidential candidates Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton. According to cops, Ortiz, 28, stabbed Sean Shurelds last Thursday night in the kitchen of an Upper Providence Township home.
According to a criminal complaint, a copy of which you’ll find here, the 41-year-old Shurelds, an Obama supporter, told Ortiz that the Illinois senator was “trashing” Clinton (apparently in regard to recent primary and caucus results). Ortiz, a Clinton supporter, replied that “Obama was not a realist.” While not exactly fighting words, the verbal political tiff led to some mutual choking and punching. And, allegedly, a stabbing in the abdomen. Ortiz, pictured in the mug shot below, was charged with a felony aggravated assault count and two misdemeanors and jailed in lieu of $20,000 bail. Shurelds was flown to Hahnemann University Hospital, where he was admitted in critical condition.

Wild Thing’s comment…….
It’s the knives I tell you, they must be outlawed. LOL I thought all Democrats are about kumbaya and understanding, hope and change.
I wonder if we will be seeing more of this stupid kind of thing.
Hillary’s people have not been too happy lately either:
Somber Clinton Soldiers On as the Horizon Darkens ….article is two pages and has other information about what is going on inside her campagin.

There is a widespread feeling among donors and some advisers, though, that a comeback this time may be improbable. Her advisers said internal polls showed a very tough race to win the Texas primary — a contest that no less than Mr. Clinton has said is a “must win.” And while advisers are drawing some hope from Mrs. Clinton’s indefatigable nature, some are burning out.
Morale is low. After 13 months of dawn-to-dark seven-day weeks, the staff is exhausted. Some have taken to going home early — 9 p.m. — turning off their BlackBerrys, and polishing off bottles of wine, several senior staff members said.
Some advisers have been heard yelling at close friends and colleagues. In a much-reported incident, Mr. Penn and the campaign advertising chief, Mandy Grunwald, had a screaming match over strategy recently that prompted another senior aide, Guy Cecil, to leave the room. “I have work to do — you’re acting like kids,” Mr. Cecil said, according to three people in the room.
Others have taken several days off, despite it being crunch time. Some have grown depressed, be it over Mr. Obama’s momentum, the attacks on the campaign’s management from outside critics or their view that the news media has been much rougher on Mrs. Clinton than on Mr. Obama.
And some of her major fund-raisers have begun playing down their roles, asking reporters to refer to them simply as “donors,” to try to rein in their image as unfailingly loyal to the Clintons.

26 Feb

Some Facts About Barack Hussein Obama

Wild Thing’s comment……..
As time goes by I think more and more informartion will be coming out about this couple. His followers (and that is what it feels like when we see the crowds swaying and raising their arms in the air and chanting ) obviously don’t care to know the truth.

25 Feb

Democrat President Wanna Be Dressed As A Somali Elder

“Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama is dressed in Muslim attire while on a trip to Kenya”

Source for Photo was taken during Obama’s 2006 taxpayer-funded trip to Africa. U.S. Senator Barack Obama, is dressed as a Somali Elder by Sheikh Mahmed Hassan, left, during his visit to Wajir, a rural area in northeastern Kenya, near the borders with Somalia and Ethiopia.

Obama Camp Furious at Photo Release
Fox News You Decide 08
A two-year-old picture of Barack Obama dressed in traditional Somali garb has sparked a new war of words between the Democratic presidential front-runner and rival Hillary Clinton, whose aides say they can’t confirm or deny whether her camp is the source of the photo.
The photograph shows the Illinois senator outfitted as a Somali elder during his 2006 visit to northeastern Kenya, part of a five-country tour of Africa. It appeared at the top of Monday’s Drudge Report, and was said to have been provided by Clinton staffers over the weekend.
Now both campaigns are suggesting that the other should feel some sort of shame over the flap. According to Obama aides, the Clinton campaign is sinking to “shameful fear-mongering.” Clinton’s campaign chief retorted that she can’t figure out why Obama would be “ashamed” of having the photo out in the public.
While the source of the photo is unverified, Drudge claims it was sent to the site by a Clinton aide, who argued that had it been a costumed Clinton, it would have made the front pages.

“Wouldn’t we be seeing this on the cover of every magazine if it were HRC,” shorthand for the candidate, Hillary Rodham Clinton, wrote the unnamed Clinton campaign staffer, according to the Drudge Report.

Expressing outrage, Obama’s campaign suggested the purpose of the photo release was to invoke reminders of persistent rumors that Obama is secretly Muslim, and by extension, anti-American.

“On the very day that Senator Clinton is giving a speech about restoring respect for America in the world, her campaign has engaged in the most shameful, offensive fear-mongering we’ve seen from either party in this election,” Obama campaign manager David Plouffe said.

“This is part of a disturbing pattern that led her county chairs to resign in Iowa, her campaign chairman to resign in New Hampshire, and it’s exactly the kind of divisive politics that turns away Americans of all parties and diminishes respect for America in the world,” Plouffe continued.

A longtime member of Chicago’s Trinity United Church of Christ, Obama, who as a child lived for four years in Indonesia, has repeatedly denied that he is Muslim. Previous attacks have been decried by both candidates, and one Clinton campaign volunteer was asked to step down after forwarding an e-mail spreading the Muslim rumor.
But seeing an opportunity to refute the Obama camp’s outrage, Clinton campaign Manager Maggie Williams turned the perceived prejudice on its head.

”If Barack Obama’s campaign wants to suggest that a photo of him wearing traditional Somali clothing is divisive, they should be ashamed. Hillary Clinton has worn the traditional clothing of countries she has visited and had those photos published widely,” Clinton campaign manager Maggie Williams said in a statement.

“This is nothing more than an obvious and transparent attempt to distract from the serious issues confronting our country today and to attempt to create the very divisions they claim to decry. We will not be distracted,” she said.

Indeed, the New York senator, her husband, Bill Clinton, and other past presidents have all been photographed in traditional costume while visiting nations abroad.


Wild Thing’s comment…….
LOL Hey Obama if you are offended they I ask WHY? Lots of President’s and even their wives have dressed like the customs of other countries when visiting. Your being angry just may have more behind it then YOU Obama want to admit…..like maybe how you want to protect the image of Islam???? Just a thought!
A little note from me to those lurking that are going to vote for Obama:
You need to consider who Obama is loyal to. He was born a muslim, his father a Kenyan. He lived in Indonesia with his step father, a muslim. He became a Christian at age 28, joining a church to help him as a ‘community activist’. I question whether this is the best person to lead our military during a time of war against Islam. Considering that his views are 100% in alignment with the enemy ….US weakness, retreat, appeasement…it is undoubtedly an issue, and one that many Americans should consider heavily this fall.

…..Thank you Mark for sending this to me.

25 Feb

Frightning 52 Seconds Why Obama Will Be Dangerous If He Wins The Election

Wild Thing’s comment……..
He should never be elected at all but we have a mighty big apathetic population. This guy freaks me out in so many ways. He really is dangerous to our country.

25 Feb

Facilitator of Intelligence and Suicide Operations For Al-Qaida Sent To 72 Virgins

The identification card found on Abu Karrar, also known as Arkan Khalaf Khudayyir, an al-Qaida in Iraq intelligence and suicide operations facilitator in Diyala Province. Karrar was killed Feb. 17 during a Coalition operation near Khan Bani Sad. Department of Defense photo.

Al-Qaida in Iraq Intelligence and Suicide Operations Facilitator Killed
A terrorist killed during an operation Feb. 17 has been positively identified as Abu Karrar.
Karrar, also known as Arkan Khalaf Khudayyir, was a senior intelligence leader involved in the al-Qaida in Iraq network in Baqouba. He was also a terrorist facilitator for the suicide bombing network in the Diyala River Valley region, which conducts attacks in Baghdad, to include attacks by female suicide bombers. Reports indicate the network has been disrupted by recent successful Coalition operations in the area.
Karrar was killed when Coalition forces conducted an operation near Khan Bani Sad Sunday afternoon. As Coalition forces arrived in the target area, they observed Karrar and another suspect fleeing their vehicle. Karrar brandished a weapon with the perceived intent to fire on Coalition forces. The assault force engaged, killing both men. Coalition forces discovered an AK-47 and ammunition in the vehicle, and they destroyed the vehicle to prevent further use for terrorist activity.

“Iraqi and Coalition forces will relentlessly pursue terrorist leaders, like Abu Karrar, who plan al-Qaida’s indiscriminate attacks on innocent civilians,” said Maj. Winfield Danielson, MNF-I spokesman.

Wild Thing’s comment…….
Another good news day for our troops! I guess we better whisper about this so Pelosi, Reid, Murtha, Kerry etc. don’t get upset…….NOT! haahahahahha

25 Feb

B. Hussein Obama Has Calypso Louie’s Endorsement

Farrakhan praises Obama at Saviours’ Day event in Chicago
In his first major public address since recovering from complications due to cancer, Nation of Islam Minister Louis Farrakhan said Sunday that presidential candidate Barack Obama is the “hope of the entire world” that the U.S. will change for the better.
Farrakhan and his family have a farm in New Buffalo Township in southwestern Michigan’s Berrien County.
Farrakhan, addressing an estimated crowd of 20,000 people at the annual Saviours’ Day celebration, never outrightly endorsed Obama but spent the majority of the nearly two-hour speech praising the Illinois senator.

“This young man is the hope of the entire world that America will change and be made better,” he said. “This young man is capturing audiences of black and brown and red and yellow. If you look at Barack Obama’s audiences and look at the effect of his words, those people are being transformed.”

Farrakhan compared Obama to the religion’s founder, Fard Muhammad, who also had a white mother and black father.

“A black man with a white mother became a savior to us,” he told the crowd of mostly followers dressed in Nation of Islam attire including long white suits and matching head scarfs for women and navy-colored uniforms with caps for men. “A black man with a white mother could turn out to be one who can lift America from her fall.”

Obama’s campaign spokesman Bill Burton said, “Senator Obama has been clear in his objections to Minister Farrakhan’s past pronouncements and has not solicited the minister’s support.”
More form the article……
Farrakhan also leveled small jabs at Hillary Rodham Clinton, Obama’s rival for the Democratic nomination, suggesting that she represents the politics of the past and has been engaging in dirty politics.
Farrakhan’s keynote address at McCormick Place, the city’s convention center, wrapped up three days of events geared at unifying followers and targeting youth.

Wild Thing’s comment……..
Obama’s campaign spokesman Bill Burton said, “Senator Obama has been clear in his objections to Minister Farrakhan’s past pronouncements and has not solicited the minister’s support.”
Obama’s pastor, Rev. Jeremiah White, of Obama’s racist Trinity Church of Christ, is a good friend of Farrakhan.
I don’t care what his campaign spokesman says, if a person does not want to be associated with the likes of Farrakhan he would not only distance himself from that person but certainly make a statement that he does not have the same beliefs. But then Obama can’t and won’t do that either with his ( Obama’s) stupid church that preaches hate of whites, Jews and Israel.

25 Feb

To Code Pink and Other American Hating Monsters


Move America Forward Fights Berkeley Council
Move America Forward is proud to unveil our brand-new TV ad that fights back against the Berkeley City Council’s campaign against our military.

The petition
We, the undersigned condemn the Berkeley City Council’s treasonous attack on US Marine Recruiters stationed in their city. We ask that Congress cut off funds from any and all municipal entity within the confines of the city of Berkeley, California, until such time as the city council withdraws it’s action.
The City Council has voted to tell the Marines their downtown recruiting station is not welcome and “if recruiters choose to stay, they do so as uninvited and unwelcome guests.”
The measure passed last week by a vote of 8-1.
The council also voted to explore enforcing a city anti-discrimination law, focusing on the military’s “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy.
In a separate item, the council voted, also 8-1, to give the Marxist protest group Code Pink a parking space in front of the recruiting office once a week for six months and a free sound permit for protesting once a week.


Wild Thing’s comment…….
I am so glad Move America Forward has done this ad. Anyway we can fight back is a good thing.

….Thank you SSgt. Steve for sending this to me.