28 Feb

Rino Rove: Don’t “Hussein” Obama

Rove: Don’t “Hussein” Obama
The Atlantic
No less an authority figure than Karl Rove has warned Republican operatives from demagoguing Barack Obama’s middle name.
At a closed door meeting of GOP state executive directors in late January, Rove said the safest way to refer to Obama would be to use his honorific, “Sen. Obama.”
“The context was, you’re not going to stimatize this guy. You shouldn’t underestimate him,” one of the executive directors said. Rove said that the use of “Barack Hussein Obama” would perpetuate the notion that Republicans were bigoted and would hurt the party.
Rove also said that Republicans should refer to Hillary Clinton as “Sen. Clinton,” rather than “Hillary.”
Right wing figures are set to ignore Rove’s advice. Rush Limbaugh used Obama’s middle name more than a year ago, and Ann Coulter regularly uses the middle name, once calling him “President Hussein.”

Wild Thing’s comment………
Hasn’t Rove done enough to wreck the Republican party?
Rove you rino you there is no way I will stop calling him B. Hussein Obama and Hillary, Hillary. Nope no way. If Obama is so offended by his own middle name he should get it changed.
I hope I can explain how I feel so strongly about this. I understand what Rove is saying, I do. But for too long we have given in to the left. All the way back to the Vietnam War we have seen how the left has mocked, slandered and lied about our military and their missions and battles. The PC thing was brought to us by the left and demanded of us by the left to the point where it effects even advertising, work places, and even simple conversations.
It has been the Republican politicians that use the term ‘friend’ when talking with a Democrat on political talk shows, NOT the other way around. Why! Why Kiss up to them, it only makes a person look weak, because they have been weak. I am not asking our politicans to be mean, but for God sake stop kissing up to the left. Stand strong and show we conservatives mean business.
The rino’s are not the ones that fight for securing our borders, the rino’s are not the ones that were our Founding Fathers. The rino’s are nothing more then Dem lite! It is the conservative that ends up cleaning up after the rino’s and dems, the conservartive that see’s how important it is to fight back, to take a stand when others have apathy.
Without the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth, Kerry would probably be President today. The Swiftboat Vets won 2004 for Bush, not ROVE.
Rove is a legend in his own mind. Bush entered office with a Rep controlled Congress. He is leaving with a Dem controlled Congress and a GOP in disarray thanks to appointing folks like Martinez as RNC chairman and trying to push amnesty down our throats. Karl Rove has been a disaster for the GOP and conservatives in particular.
Maybe Rove, McCain and his buddy Lindsey Graham should stop calling those of us who are against amnesty as nativists, racists, and bigots. Rove was the one that had President Bush talk about his immigration “guest worker” program during 06….He kept saying it until the base was thoroughly fed up and stayed home.
So I say NO way Rove, take your opinions elsewhere. I am a Conservative and I am fed up with our being told to give in to the left and to the rino belief’s and thinking.
The only way Conservatism dies is if all Americans cease to remember the philosophy and the ideas on which this country was founded.
So leave us alone Rove and Shut up!


And this from Rush:

“RUSH:… Okay, so his name is off limits, can’t use Hussein. You can’t call him a liberal. What other fact about Obama are we not going to be allowed to talk about? That’s right, can’t talk about his ears, either, because when Maureen Dowd made some comment about his ears, he went straight into the crowd and said, “I’m very sensitive about my ears.” She said, “We’re trying to toughen you up.” Well, it hasn’t worked. Can’t use the name Hussein, can’t call him a liberal, and this is the kind of thing — look, it’s brilliant on Obama’s part. He’s setting the rules, and everybody’s going to abide by them. Republican National Committee, “Okay, we can’t call him a liberal because he’s going to tear into us, we don’t want him tearing into us.” Well, I don’t know how you’re going to characterize his policies if you don’t call him a liberal. And, by the way, what’s so bad about being a liberal? How come none of these liberals want to be called liberals?

See, Obama’s no different than any of the rest of them, folks. No different at all. Nothing new here. The only thing new is the Democrats have now made it official that their guiding principle is “America sucks.” But they have to mask who they are, they have to disguise themselves, camouflage themselves, whatever, you call them a liberal, and it’s a personal attack. So Obama’s now said liberal is off limits, can’t do it. What will Republicans do? I can’t believe that somebody’s name is off limits. I just don’t believe it. “

28 Feb

‘Thousands of Aliens’ in U.S. Flight Schools Illegally

9/11 Redux: ‘Thousands of Aliens’ in U.S. Flight Schools Illegally
ABC news
Thousands of foreign student pilots have been able to enroll and obtain pilot licenses from U.S. flight schools, despite tough laws passed in the wake of the 9/ll attacks, according to internal government documents obtained by ABC News.

“Some of the very same conditions that allowed the 9-11 tragedy to happen in the first place are still very much in existence today,” wrote one regional security official to his boss at the TSA, the Transportation Security Administration.

“Thousands of aliens, some of whom may very well pose a threat to this country, are taking flight lessons, being granted FAA certifications and are flying planes,” wrote the TSA official, Richard A. Horn, in 2005, complaining that the students did not have the proper visas.

Under the new laws, American flight schools are only supposed to provide pilot training to foreign students who have been given a background check by the TSA and have a specific type of visa.
But in thousands of cases that has not happened, according to the documents and current and former government officials involved in the program.

“TSA’s enforcement is basically nonexistent,” said former FAA inspector Bill McNease, in an interview for ABC News’ “World News With Charles Gibson.”

McNease, who retired last year, says in one year alone, 2005, he found some 8,000 foreign students in the FAA database who got their pilot licenses without ever being approved by the TSA.

“And a flight school wants the money to teach ’em. And they are gonna teach ’em how to fly and get their ratings, and then they just slip through the cracks,” McNease said.

In another internal e-mail obtained by ABC News, Monty Thompson, an official in the TSA Flight School Inspections section, complained in 2005 to his bosses in Washington, “I fear we are ‘danger close’ to losing sight of the mission and the intent of the ‘Flight School Security’ provisions.”

The new laws were passed after it was learned that all of the 9/ll hijackers, including ringleader Mohammed Atta, who were involved in flight operations had trained at U.S. flight schools with improper visas.
The FAA and Homeland Security are now starting to crack down on a number of flight schools suspected of training students illegally.
Just last month, agents raided a flight school outside San Diego, Anglo-American Aviation International, as part of an investigation of alleged fraud and misuse of visas.
A lawyer for the school said the raid only involved a technical, paper-work issue and that the school was “cooperating” in the investigation.
But federal officials say the so-called paper-work is extremely important.

“What happened in 9/ll we don’t want to happen again or anything like that so something has to be done,” said McNease.

No one from the TSA or Homeland Security would agree to be interviewed for this story, but officials said they were preparing an official statement in response.
The Department of Homeland Security would not provide an official from the flight school program to be interviewed for this story.
In a statement, the DHS said, “We have a high degree of confidence that our layered security measures, both seen and unseen, have raised the level of security in our aviation sector.”
The statement did not address the issue of the thousands of students who have received pilot training and licenses with improper visas, other than to say they “are only one of the multiple layers of security” that the government relies on to “ensure that foreign nationals approved for flight training do not pose a threat to U.S. aviation security.” The DHS said it conducts security threat assessments “on all non-U.S. citizens seeking flight training.”
You can read a letter from Aviation Safety Inspector Edward H. Blount on foreign students in U.S. flight schools.

Wild Thing’s comment……..
Have we forgotten?? Apparently so!
There is no excuse for this. I am so sick of this incompetence. Staggering incompetence combined with a denial of the threat we face. ….a suicidal combo.

28 Feb

Islamic Links on Obama Web Site Stir Criticism

We see this look of Obama’s a lot, especially during the debates.

Islamic Links on Obama Web Site Stir Criticism
By Fred Lucas
A page for Muslim supporters of Sen. Barack Obama — hosted on Obama’s presidential campaign Web site — promotes events sponsored by controversial Islamic groups.
Muslim Americans for Obama ’08, found on Obama’s main campaign site, allows users to create their own page through a “My Obama” option. The Muslim Americans for Obama page also links to a Web site that features lectures by people who have expressed radical Islamic views in the past.
A portion of the “Muslim Americans for Obama” page lists proposals to establish a Muslim American advisory group on U.S. foreign policy; provide prayer areas in public places such as malls, airports, universities and government buildings; institute a law to allow Muslim employees to take time from their work day for prayer; and institute a law against harassment of Muslim women in public areas.
The Obama campaign’s press office did not respond to numerous phone calls and e-mail messages from Cybercast News Service on this matter.
Throughout the campaign, Obama has professed his Christian faith, although his father is a Muslim.
Late last year, former Nebraska Sen. Bob Kerrey, a supporter of Obama’s Democratic rival New York Sen. Hillary Clinton, caused a stir in Iowa when he said, “It’s probably not something that appeals to him, but I like the fact that his name is Barack Hussein Obama, and that his father was a Muslim and that his paternal grandmother is a Muslim.”
“Muslim Americans for Obama ’08 is a grassroots initiative to support the presidential campaign for Barack Obama 2008,” the Web page says. “Our sincere intention is to serve as a resource for Muslim and non-Muslim Americans to get involved and learn more about the political process and Barack Obama as a person and presidential candidate.”
Other “My Obama” pages on the campaign’s Web site include “Jews for Obama,” “Christians for Obama” and “Gay Christians for Obama.”
But it is a link and a list of events on the Muslim Americans for Obama page that has prompted critics that consider themselves watchdogs of Islamist groups to take notice.
The list of events on the Muslim Americans for Obama page includes voter registration drives at conventions sponsored by the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), held last April and August in Rosemont, Ill., and the convention co-sponsored by the Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA) and the Muslim American Society (MAS).
These groups routinely inject themselves into political causes, said M. Zhudi Jasser, chairman of the American Islamic Forum for Democracy. He thinks all political candidates should stay clear of mixing religion and politics, saying the root of terror is political Islam.
“Any candidate that engaged American Islamist organizations without any ideological litmus test about their stances regarding the transnational goals of Islamism, I think that is going to be a major liability,” Jasser, a Muslim, told Cybercast News Service.
I wouldn’t specifically say Obama. I would say any candidate that doesn’t identify that Muslim organizations should be leading the effort against political Islam and its impact on the ends of that terrorists seek. I think it will be a liability,” he said.
The MAS has faced intense scrutiny in recent years.
In the appeal of Sabri Benkhala, a man convicted of perjury and obstruction of justice last year after being acquitted of trying to help the Taliban, the U.S. attorney’s office for the Eastern District of Virginia filed a brief that referenced to MAS as an “overt arm of the Muslim Brotherhood for the United States.”
The Muslim Brotherhood is a militant Islamic group in Egypt. The government has not brought any charges against MAS.
“We are an American Muslim organization, and we don’t take orders from anybody oversees,” MAS Executive Director Mahdi Bray told Cybercast News Service. “We were established in America, and we are not an overt or covert arm of the Muslim Brotherhood.”
In 2004, after the Israeli military killed Hamas spiritual leader Ahmed Yassin, the MAS Freedom Foundation announced it would push Congress to enforce provisions of the U.S. Arms Export Control Act against Israel, which forbids the use of U.S. weapons from being used against civilian targets.
Jasser was also concerned that the Muslim Americans for Obama site contained a “Qaran (Audio) English Translation.” Clicking on that brings a user to the Web site “The Sounds of Islam.” At this site users can listen to numerous lectures regarding Islam, including those from people who have expressed radical views in the past.
One of the more controversial lecturers on the site is the Islamic preacher Yusuf Al Qaradawi, who has advocated suicide bombings.
“Allah Almighty is just; through his infinite wisdom he has given the weak a weapon the strong do not have and that is their ability to turn their bodies into bombs as Palestinians do,” the BBC quoted him as saying.
The “Sounds of Islam” site also includes lectures by Abdul Rahman Al Sudais, the chief cleric of the Grand Mosque in Mecca, who has used inflammatory rhetoric against people of different faiths.
The BBC quoted him as saying, “The worst … of the enemies of Islam are those … whom he … made monkeys and pigs, the aggressive Jews and oppressive Zionists and those that follow them: the callers of the trinity and the cross worshippers … those influenced by the rottenness of their ideas, and the poison of their cultures the followers of secularism …. How can we talk sweetly when the Hindus and the idol worshippers indulge in their overwhelming hatred against our brothers.”
Jasser said it’s not a stretch to show concern about such a link on the pro-Obama site.

Wild Thing’s comment……..
These illegitimates want to just walk right into this country, have it handed to them on a silver platter, and change it to a sharia-ruled dictatorship. Nice. No blood shed.
That’s what will happen if Obama OR Hillary wins.
Obama’s a closet Muslim. If he’d really converted to Christianity, he’d have been denounced as an apostate and a fatwa would be out against him. The lack of a denunciation and a fatwa, combined with his ardent support by Muslims, show he’s actually still a Muslim.
Some more about the Muslim American Society: one of the groups listed in the events section on the Obama site:

“The list of events on the Muslim Americans for Obama page includes voter registration drives at conventions sponsored by the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), held last April and August in Rosemont, Ill., and the convention co-sponsored by the Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA) and the MUSLIM AMERICAN SOCIETY (MAS). “

Cindy Sheahan resurfaced in Cairo last week as a member of a delegation from the MUSLIM AMERICAN SOCIETY which is in Egypt to protest against the military trial of 40 members of the banned Muslim Brotherhood”

And this from Barack Hussein Obama’s website
March 31st, 2007 Barack Obama National Organizing Day Nation-wide Webcast Open Masjids in Your Community for this event. http://www.barackobama.com
APRIL 6 – 8, 2007 9TH ANNUAL NATIONAL YOUNG ADULT CONFERENCE Muslim Americans for Obama ’08 Kick-Off, Voter Registration, Rally and Information Booth Downtown Sheraton Hotel @ 3pm Atlanta, Georgia http://www.calltohumanity.org
APRIL 6 – 8, 2007 11th Annual Islam in America Conference Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) Westin O HARE, 6100 River Rd, Rosemont, IL 60018 http://www.isna.net
July 6 – 8th, 2007 32nd ICNA-MAS Convention VOTER REGISTRATION/INFORMATION BOOTH: Muslim Americans for Obama ’08 Hartford, Connecticut http://www.icna.org
August 31 – September 3, 2007 44th Annual ISNA National Convention VOTER REGISTRATION/INFORMATION BOOTH: Muslim Americans for Obama ’08 Donald E. Stephens Convention Center Rosemont, Illinois http://www.isna.net
August 31 – September 3, 2007 The Mosque Cares Islamic National Convention VOTER REGISTRATION/INFORMATION BOOTH: Muslim Americans for Obama ’08 http://www.themosquecares.com
October 2007 MANA National Convention Philadelphia, PA VOTER REGISTRATION/INFORMATION BOOTH: Muslim Americans for Obama ’08
2007 Muslim Day / Eid Celebration Atlanta, GA OBAMA CAMPAIGN INFORMATION BOOTH: Muslim Americans for Obama ’08
November 2007 – January 2008 Masjid Voter Registration Drives, Nationwide
January 2007 – March 2008 2007 Primary Elections “GET OUT AND VOTE” – Nationwide

28 Feb

Harvard University Caves In To Muslim Students Wanting Women-only Gym Time

To accommodate Muslim students, Harvard tries women-only gym hours
The Daily Free Press at Boston University
Harvard University has moved to make Muslim women more comfortable in the gym by instituting women-only access times six hours a week to accommodate religious customs that make it difficult for some students to work out in the presence of men.
Men have not been allowed to enter the Quadrangle Recreational Athletic Center during certain times since Jan. 28, after members of the Harvard Islamic Society and the Harvard Women’s Center petitioned the university for a more comfortable environment for women.
Harvard Islamic Society’s Islamic Knowledge Committee officer Ola Aljawhary, a junior, said the women-only hours are being tested on a trial basis. The special gym hours will be analyzed over Spring Break to determine if they will continue, she said.
Aljawhary said that she does not believe that the women-only gym hours discriminate against men.

“These hours are necessary because there is a segment of the Harvard female population that is not found in gyms not because they don’t want to work out, but because for them working out in a co-ed gym is uncomfortable, awkward or problematic in some way,” she said.

Though the policy was in part initiated by the school’s Islamic group, Aljawhary said women-only hours are not a case of “minority rights trumping majority preference” and said women of different faiths have showed interest in the hours.

“We live together in one community, it only makes sense for everyone to compromise slightly in order for everyone to live happily,” she said. “This matter is simple: Can’t we just display basic decency and show tolerance and inclusion for people not a part of the mainstream majority?”

Harvard junior Nick Wells said he believes the women-only hours are inconvenient for the residents that live near the facility and discriminate against men.

“It is unfair to impose a stringent policy that inhibits students from using their own facility in order to further a useless policy that doesn’t have any real effect,” he said.

“I don’t mind that Harvard is trying to give space to women and religious minorities, it’s just that it seems that it’s not making a real effort,” Wells said. “Just one that is impractical and purely symbolic at the cost of people like myself.”

Wells lives near the Quad, and said the response to and use of the women-only gym hours so far has been underwhelming.
Harvard freshman Kyle Harasimowicz said women-only gyms have been successful and women-only gym hours fill the same need.

“I guess as long as the time is divvied up fairly, there should be no issue,” he said.

Boston University Islamic Society President Mohamed Serageldin said he thinks women-only gym hours would benefit Muslim women at BU.

“Because the FitRec is co-ed, a Muslim woman would most likely be compromising her modesty. He said modesty can be compromised on both the part of the man and the woman when physical action is involved.”

BU’s Fitness and Recreation Center facilities manager Alex Southall said FitRec’s design easily accommodates sectioning off areas for groups.

“It depends on the arrangement with the particular group, so we aren’t playing favorites with space, but the FitRec does have the capability to section off for special use,” he said.


Wild Thing’s comment……..
Good Grief! If they can’t blend in with our culture, they can go home. When is America going to wake up and stop all this PC BS. Isn’t this what happened in the UK….and the slowly Sharia Law is beginning to take over.
These pandering fools should be reminded THIS IS AMERICA. It is NOT a Muslim country. They came here to live, in our country. That means they abide by our rules, laws and customs. In other words, assimilate.
For a moment, let’s assume the a Christian organization asked Harvard University to prohibit women from using a University gym during certain hours so that men could have it for themselves. Their argument is that their religious feelings made co-ed work-outs uncomfortable for men. Do you think women’s groups at Harvard would accede without protest and (2) that Harvard would grant the request? Not likely!
The thing is our freedoms and hard won rights are eroded in very small increments, and that the strategy of Islamists and their sympathizers is to do just that!!

27 Feb

William F. Buckley Jr. (1925-2008)

William F. Buckley Jr. Is Dead at 82
“Liberals, it has been said, are generous with other peoples’ money, except when it comes to questions of national survival when they prefer to be generous with other people’s freedom and security. ”
~ William F. Buckley, Jr.



William F. Buckley Jr., who marshaled polysyllabic exuberance, famously arched eyebrows and a refined, perspicacious mind to elevate conservatism to the center of American political discourse, died Wednesday at his home in Stamford, Conn.
Mr Buckley, 82, suffered from diabetes and emphysema, his son Christopher said, although the exact cause of death was not immediately known. He was found at his desk in the study of his home, his son said. “He might have been working on a column,” Mr. Buckley said.
Mr. Buckley’s winningly capricious personality, replete with ten-dollar words and a darting tongue writers loved to compare with an anteater’s, hosted one of television’s longest-running programs, “Firing Line,” and founded and shepherded the influential conservative magazine, National Review.
He also found time to write more than 45 books, ranging from sailing odysseys to spy novels to celebrations of his own dashing daily life, and edit five more.
The more than 4.5 million words of his 5,600 biweekly newspaper columns, “On the Right,” would fill 45 more medium-sized books.
Mr. Buckley’s greatest achievement was making conservatism — not just electoral Republicanism, but conservatism as a system of ideas — respectable in liberal post-World War II America. He mobilized the young enthusiasts who helped nominate Barry Goldwater in 1964, and saw his dreams fulfilled when Reagan and the Bushes captured the Oval Office.
To Mr. Buckley’s enormous delight, Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr., the historian, termed him “the scourge of liberalism.”
In remarks at National Review’s 30th anniversary in 1985, President Reagan joked that he picked up his first issue of the magazine in a plain brown wrapper and still anxiously awaited his biweekly edition — “without the wrapper.”

“You didn’t just part the Red Sea — you rolled it back, dried it up and left exposed, for all the world to see, the naked desert that is statism,” Mr. Reagan said.

“And then, as if that weren’t enough,” the president continued, “you gave the world something different, something in its weariness it desperately needed, the sound of laughter and the sight of the rich, green uplands of freedom.”

The liberal advance had begun with the New Deal, and so accelerated in the next generation that Lionel Trilling, one of America’s leading intellectuals, wrote in 1950:

“In the United States at this time liberalism is not only the dominant but even the sole intellectual tradition. For it is the plain fact that there are no conservative or reactionary ideas in general circulation.”

Mr. Buckley declared war on this liberal order, beginning with his blistering assault on Yale as a traitorous den of atheistic collectivism immediately after his graduation (with honors) from the university.

“All great biblical stories begin with Genesis,” George Will wrote in the National Review in 1980. “And before there was Ronald Reagan, there was Barry Goldwater, and before there was Barry Goldwater there was National Review, and before there was National Review there was Bill Buckley with a spark in his mind, and the spark in 1980 has become a conflagration.”

Mr. Buckley weaved the tapestry of what became the new American conservatism from libertarian writers like Max Eastman, free market economists like Milton Friedman, traditionalist scholars like Russell Kirk and anti-Communist writers like Whittaker Chambers. But the persuasiveness of his argument hinged not on these perhaps arcane sources, but on his own tightly argued case for a conservatism based on the national interest and a higher morality.
His most receptive audience became young conservatives first energized by Barry Goldwater’s emergence at the Republican convention in 1960 as the right-wing alternative to Nixon. Some met in Sept., 1960, at Mr. Buckley’s Connecticut estate to form Young Americans for Freedom. Their numbers — and influence — grew.
Nicholas Lemann observed in Washington Monthly in 1988 that during the Reagan administration “the 5,000 middle-level officials, journalists and policy intellectuals that it takes to run a government” were “deeply influenced by Buckley’s example.” He suggested that neither moderate Washington insiders nor “Ed Meese-style provincial conservatives” could have pulled off the Reagan tax cut and other reforms.
MORE of article HERE

Wild Thing’s comment……..
This is truly a loss for our society and our Country. Mr. Buckley was one of the most intelligent and erudite defenders of conservative philosophy. Rest in peace Mr Buckley, you will be sorely missed.
He’s the guy that got me thru the 60’s and 70’s when every other political pundit seemed, well, obviously insane. For about 30 years, he carried the conservative movement on his broad shoulders.
Things don’t look really good for conservatism now. But compared to when he wrote “God and Man at Yale,” we are light years further along–largely because of his efforts. He had the courage to stand up and be the ONLY non-big-government, non-Keynesian in the room and to do it with wit and charm. And, the courage to keep doing it for years on end.
The Earth’s loss is Heaven’s gain.

27 Feb

Feds Find 22 Criminal Illegal Aliens In Syracuse (including from Iran and Iraq)

Feds find 22 criminal, fugitive aliens in Syracuse
Syracuse Online
Buffalo, NY
U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials arrested 52 criminal and fugitive aliens as part of a four-day, six-state operation – including arrests in Syracuse and Binghamton.
The operation ended Monday. Across the six states, officials made 225 total arrests. Buffalo-based enforcement officials focused their operation in Syracuse and Binghamton, making 22 and 30 arrests, respectively, officials said.
“Fugitive aliens” are illegal aliens who fail to leave the country after having been ordered to do so by a federal immigration judge.
The multi-day operation took place in New York, Illinois, Ohio, Michigan, Wisconsin and Missouri. The Syracuse arrests included a man with a conviction for aggravated assault for stabbing a man during a fight and an individual who is a registered sex offender and has a conviction for third-degree rape, officials said.
The aliens arrested came from the following countries: Mexico, Guatemala, Jamaica, Vietnam, Laos, Thailand, Cuba, El Salvador, India, Iraq, Iran, Kenya, Dominican Republic, Ecuador and Trinidad, officials said.

Wild Thing’s comment……..
Maybe they can deliever them to the front door of Bush, Kennedy and all the others wanting to cater to the illegals. sheesh Let them be in their backyard instead of the good people in Buffalo and other places.

27 Feb

Black Hillary Supporters May Be Receiving Death Threats

Black Hillary Supporters May Be Receiving Death Threats
American Thinker
By Marc Sheppard
There’s mounting evidence that at least some of Obama’s faithful intend to see a black American president sworn in next year — no matter what it takes.
Earlier this month, popular black author and talk-show host Tavis Smiley disclosed death threats he’d received from those accusing him of blasphemy against their black prophet. Then, at Saturday’s Smiley-hosted State of the Black Union forum, Congressional Black Caucus member Stephanie Tubbs Jones lent credence to Smiley’s claim by suggesting that many black elected officials not swearing allegiance to Obama have also been the target of violent threats.
While widely ignored by the mainstream media, the implications here are nothing short of momentous. The very prospect of physical intimidation as a means of garnering political compliance from Americans awakens frightening images of the thuggish antics of one William M “Boss” Tweed in mid-nineteenth century New York. Having survived the 2000 election debacle without even the threat of bloodshed, would some now have us back on the road to the iniquitous days of Tammany Hall?
Not surprisingly, no one in the black community has come forward with specific complaints. But here’s what we do know.
For nine years running, Smiley has hosted the annual symposium of black college professors, politicians, activists, and entertainers during Black History Month discussing matters of concern to those whose heritage the month honors. This year, Barack Obama declined an invitation — accepted by Clinton — to address the panel of black dignitaries in New Orleans. The Illinois senator and presidential hopeful’s unexpected rejection prompted a disappointed Smiley to blast the decision as a “major mistake,” and that’s when the trouble allegedly began.
The perceived racial apostasy apparently sparked not only thousands of angry emails labeling Smiley as a “hater, sellout and traitor,” but also the relentless harassment of his entire family. And, while he has yet to elaborate, Smiley has also mentioned the matter of death threats – levied for the mere suggestion that the mighty Obama had somehow erred.
Needless to say, this newfound esteem wouldn’t help sell standing room tickets to Saturday’s historically well-attended seminar.
DC congresswoman Eleanor Holmes Norton Ohio Democrat spoke with equal earnest of a darker truth hanging over black Clinton supporters:

“There are some black elected officials who have earned their stripes, who’ve had to change their phone numbers two or three times because of the calls being made to them about the positions they are taking in this election. Shame on us. Shame on us. That we would beat down black elected officials who’ve paid their duty and their time.
“I’m saying to you that I don’t care what happens, I’m for Hillary, someone else is for Barack Obama, but we’re going to stand up – the black caucus is the conscience of the nation and we’re going to stand up and do our thing no matter what happens.”

Louisiana State Senator Cleo Fields was so distressed by the very thought as to warn that he would:

“be disappointed and would be ready to fight if somebody raised a finger at this sister [Tubbs] who had worked so hard for so long and had been representing black people better than most people could ever dream of.”

It was then that Tavis Smiley, himself, grasped the opportunity to address his own first hand experience of this darker side of Obamamania, the one we’ve previously explored with much concern:

“Some folk [are] getting death threats because of the emotionality and the excitement and the lack of wise enthusiasm that we see rampant in our community…. How can we have a conversation about this campaign or any other issue where we are divided in the community without the kind of name calling, the hater talk, the traitor talk; the sell out talk? …. How do we have a civil, loving dialogue when there is a divide in our community?”

Good questions.
But in the shadow of possible death threats waged against blacks for even speaking against Obama — I have a much better one.
Marc Sheppard is a frequent contributor to American Thinker.

Wild Thing’s comment……..
Going even further then this story, I would imagine if Obama does not win there will be a certain amount of backlash as well. Some of these people for Obama are obviously not well the way they are worshiping him, fainting, turning his rallies and speaking engagements into some kind of cult experience.
There is something I have realized, I never knew it before. I listen to a lot of talk radio and on several of the shows they were talking about the speech that Michelle Obama had made. The one about it being the first time as an adult she is proud of America / to be an American.
The hosts of the various shows asked callers if they felt the same way. Each one that was calling and voting for Obama said basically the exact same thing. They feel the same way that Michelle Obama said she felt. When asked by the talk show host ” but what about Condi Rice and Clarence Thomas they are also black.” The callers would say ( and these were blacks calling in,) they all said NO that Condi and Clarence Thomas were only like them as far as skin color but they” were negro’s not blacks” and they ( Condi and Clarence etc.) only cared about themselves that they were selfish people.
The callers were then asked if these people were liberals, Democrats would it make them black then and the callers every one of them said yes.
Amazing! I am uncomfortable with so much hate I just don’t understand it at all. How can a person live in the greatest country in the world and not be proud of America and being an American.

27 Feb

“Dividing Israel doesn’t make me anti-Israel” ` B.Hussein Obama

Obama: Dividing Israel doesn’t make me anti-Israel
Israel Today
US presidential hopeful Barrack Obama on Sunday insisted that just because he tends to side with those who advocate dividing the Land of Israel as the most viable path to peace does not mean that he is an enemy of the Jewish state.
Speaking to Jewish leaders in Cleveland, the Illinois senator complained that “there is a strain within the pro-Israel community that says unless you adopt a unwavering pro-Likud approach to Israel that you’re anti-Israel.”
Israel’s opposition Likud Party and its supporters promote minimal or no territorial compromises in the quest for peace with an Arab world that has tried to militarily destroy the Jewish state at least three different times.
But, according to Obama, backing the Jews’ biblical, historical and legal claim to all of the land in question “can’t be the measure of our friendship with Israel.”
Nor can supporting the view that only by defeating its Islamic foes can Israel enjoy any semblence of peace and security, continued the Democratic frontrunner.
As his popularity grows, Mr. Obama has come under scathing attack from supporters of the Jewish state for turning to advisors who have in the past expressed anti-Israel opinions.

Wild Thing’s comment……..
B.Hussein Obama may not be the anti-Christ but he is close enough! God have mercy on Israel and on America if he becomes President.
But, according to Obama, backing the Jews’ biblical, historical and legal claim to all of the land in question “can’t be the measure of our friendship with Israel.”
Translation: I would divide Jerusalem and force Jews to leave their homes in Judea and Samaria.
Nor can supporting the view that only by defeating its Islamic foes can Israel enjoy any semblence of peace and security, continued the Democratic frontrunner.
Translation: I would force Israel to give up its nukes, and take away most or all of the weapons the US gives to Israel.
Here is how Mohammed wants to divide the Jew:
Sura (5:33) – “The punishment of those who wage war against Allah and His messenger and strive to make mischief in the land is only this, that they should be murdered or crucified or their hands and their feet should be cut off on opposite sides or they should be imprisoned; this shall be as a disgrace for them in this world, and in the hereafter they shall have a grievous chastisement”
Sura (8:12) – “I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Therefore strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them”
Bukhari (52:177) – Allah’s Apostle said, “The Hour will not be established until you fight with the Jews, and the stone behind which a Jew will be hiding will say. “O Muslim! There is a Jew hiding behind me, so kill him.”
Tabari 7:97 The morning after the murder of Ashraf, the Prophet declared, “Kill any Jew who falls under your power.”

27 Feb

We ask and they respond

They give up everything.

Attacked by demonstrators.
Attacked by media.
Vilified by spurious claims.
Crucified at every turn.
Why do they do it?

Just maybe
It’s because they truly are
The best of us.
Let us all remember that the next time we read the headlines that say otherwise.
Never Forget

26 Feb

Woman in Pantsuit and Man in Turbin aka Democrat Debate Tonight


Democratic debate tonight face off between Hillary Rodham Clinton and Barack Hussein Obama
Time: 2100 EST – 2230 EST
Location: Cleveland State University in Cleveland, OH
More information: NBC’s Brian Williams will moderate and be joined by “Meet the Press” moderator and NBC News Washington Bureau Chief Tim Russert. It will be streamed live on msnbc.com.

Wild Thing’s comment……..
LOL this should be good. The last time Tim Russert who does not like Hillary did the debate it moved a lot faster and had more life to it then most debates.