Rove: Don’t “Hussein” Obama
The Atlantic
No less an authority figure than Karl Rove has warned Republican operatives from demagoguing Barack Obama’s middle name.
At a closed door meeting of GOP state executive directors in late January, Rove said the safest way to refer to Obama would be to use his honorific, “Sen. Obama.”
“The context was, you’re not going to stimatize this guy. You shouldn’t underestimate him,” one of the executive directors said. Rove said that the use of “Barack Hussein Obama” would perpetuate the notion that Republicans were bigoted and would hurt the party.
Rove also said that Republicans should refer to Hillary Clinton as “Sen. Clinton,” rather than “Hillary.”
Right wing figures are set to ignore Rove’s advice. Rush Limbaugh used Obama’s middle name more than a year ago, and Ann Coulter regularly uses the middle name, once calling him “President Hussein.”
Wild Thing’s comment………
Hasn’t Rove done enough to wreck the Republican party?
Rove you rino you there is no way I will stop calling him B. Hussein Obama and Hillary, Hillary. Nope no way. If Obama is so offended by his own middle name he should get it changed.
I hope I can explain how I feel so strongly about this. I understand what Rove is saying, I do. But for too long we have given in to the left. All the way back to the Vietnam War we have seen how the left has mocked, slandered and lied about our military and their missions and battles. The PC thing was brought to us by the left and demanded of us by the left to the point where it effects even advertising, work places, and even simple conversations.
It has been the Republican politicians that use the term ‘friend’ when talking with a Democrat on political talk shows, NOT the other way around. Why! Why Kiss up to them, it only makes a person look weak, because they have been weak. I am not asking our politicans to be mean, but for God sake stop kissing up to the left. Stand strong and show we conservatives mean business.
The rino’s are not the ones that fight for securing our borders, the rino’s are not the ones that were our Founding Fathers. The rino’s are nothing more then Dem lite! It is the conservative that ends up cleaning up after the rino’s and dems, the conservartive that see’s how important it is to fight back, to take a stand when others have apathy.
Without the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth, Kerry would probably be President today. The Swiftboat Vets won 2004 for Bush, not ROVE.
Rove is a legend in his own mind. Bush entered office with a Rep controlled Congress. He is leaving with a Dem controlled Congress and a GOP in disarray thanks to appointing folks like Martinez as RNC chairman and trying to push amnesty down our throats. Karl Rove has been a disaster for the GOP and conservatives in particular.
Maybe Rove, McCain and his buddy Lindsey Graham should stop calling those of us who are against amnesty as nativists, racists, and bigots. Rove was the one that had President Bush talk about his immigration “guest worker” program during 06….He kept saying it until the base was thoroughly fed up and stayed home.
So I say NO way Rove, take your opinions elsewhere. I am a Conservative and I am fed up with our being told to give in to the left and to the rino belief’s and thinking.
The only way Conservatism dies is if all Americans cease to remember the philosophy and the ideas on which this country was founded.
So leave us alone Rove and Shut up!
And this from Rush:
“RUSH:… Okay, so his name is off limits, can’t use Hussein. You can’t call him a liberal. What other fact about Obama are we not going to be allowed to talk about? That’s right, can’t talk about his ears, either, because when Maureen Dowd made some comment about his ears, he went straight into the crowd and said, “I’m very sensitive about my ears.” She said, “We’re trying to toughen you up.” Well, it hasn’t worked. Can’t use the name Hussein, can’t call him a liberal, and this is the kind of thing — look, it’s brilliant on Obama’s part. He’s setting the rules, and everybody’s going to abide by them. Republican National Committee, “Okay, we can’t call him a liberal because he’s going to tear into us, we don’t want him tearing into us.” Well, I don’t know how you’re going to characterize his policies if you don’t call him a liberal. And, by the way, what’s so bad about being a liberal? How come none of these liberals want to be called liberals?
See, Obama’s no different than any of the rest of them, folks. No different at all. Nothing new here. The only thing new is the Democrats have now made it official that their guiding principle is “America sucks.” But they have to mask who they are, they have to disguise themselves, camouflage themselves, whatever, you call them a liberal, and it’s a personal attack. So Obama’s now said liberal is off limits, can’t do it. What will Republicans do? I can’t believe that somebody’s name is off limits. I just don’t believe it. “
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