Watch what happens when the face doesn’t match the passport photo. Hilarious
Wild Thing’s comment……..
LOL This is so funny, but I wonder too how many times this kind of thing could happen.
….. Thank you RAC for sending this to me.
Watch what happens when the face doesn’t match the passport photo. Hilarious
Wild Thing’s comment……..
LOL This is so funny, but I wonder too how many times this kind of thing could happen.
….. Thank you RAC for sending this to me.
Sweden industrialized nation to bananarepublic in 20 years.
“Before 1977 Sweden had an immigration of 2000 per year. More recent years the government decided to promote massimmigration, nearly 100.000 per year is arriving in Sweden. The number is equal to the population in three average Swedish cities every year.
The results of the massimmigration can be seen in hundreds of communities around the country. Sweden never verify the identity of the asylumseekers. The never check the crime record. It measn the violent criminals come as asylum seekers and can obtain a new clean identity and move freely within EU.
We know that expelled criminals has come back under new name and were allowed to stay in Sweden. Most convicted criminal asylum seekers won’t be expelled. In Sweden they tolerate anything so the crime rate is the highest in Europe.
Most of the asylum seekers come from Somalia, Iran, Irak and many other moslem countries. They bring their culture and use the same tradtitions they are used to from their 6th century homeland. Honor killings are common, they kill their family members if they like to dress differently, meet non-moslim friends or have the “wrong” boyfriend. Girls are not stoned, they are tossed from a high balcony by their family members.
The government is sponsoring Islam and promote the spread of Islam. They fund some of their organisations, schools and programs. Mosks are receiving support, contributions and generous terms for new land and buildings.
The result is that hundreds of thousands of skilled swedes feel pushed out and leave Sweden. The last two years shows a record number of Swedes leaving almost 50.000 per year.”
Wild Thing’s comment………
Sweden the land of liberals and anything goes. That is what they used to stand for. Now that same mentalilty and anything goes is going to be the ruin of Sweden as they invite Islamic’s to move freely in their country and their government backing their every wish.
I hope America is listening to what we are seeing in Sweden, and the UK as well. In today’s world to say it would never happen here in America would be to have our head in the sand.
…..Thank you John for sending this to me.
“We need a Commander in Chief who has never wavered on whether or not it is acceptable for America to torture, because it is never acceptable,” said Obama. “While I have consistently opposed torture, in the course of this primary campaign Hillary Clinton has flip-flopped from her past position of tolerating torture. …
“When I am president, the American people and the world will be able to trust that I will outlaw torture, because unlike Senator Clinton I have never made an exception for torture and I never will.”
Obama was making a reference to Clinton’s decision late last year to rule out any use of these techniques in interrogations, after a meeting with a group of retired generals who opposed their use. Earlier, Clinton had said they might be an option if authorities suspected their use might help prevent an imminent attack – a position that was also held by her husband, former President Bill Clinton.
The Clinton campaign responded with a statement that said her “strong position opposing torture” had led to her endorsement by Gen. Antonio Taguba, who wrote the official report on the military’s Abu Ghraib scandal.
Wild Thing’s comment………
How about waterboarding both of them and see who wins. hahaha
Obama’s kind of leadership sends a nice warm and fuzzy hug to the terrorists that we have no spine, we are weak, we will cater to them and just say pretty please tell us what you know. Oh you don’t feel like it, ok, want to just sit here and play backgammon? Sheesh!!!!
I am a huge believer that our government our CIC should never ever say NO to what would be done or not regarding torture. I don’t think we should ever say what we would go for or not go for. Only the military should know these kind of tactics and it is no business of the enemy to be hearing about this kind of thing.
But we do have a problem Houston since all three candidates are against torture. ( shaking my head )
Parents believe son’s wearing of anti-terrorist message was patriotic; Penn Manor saw images of guns and thought of school violence. Family sues on First Amendment grounds.
Lancaster news
One day in December, Donald Miller III wore a gun to school. As you might imagine, it got him in trouble.
But the gun wasn’t loaded; indeed, it wasn’t a real gun at all. It was the image of a gun, printed on the front and back of a T-shirt — a shirt the Penn Manor freshman wore to honor his uncle, a soldier in the U.S. Army fighting in Iraq.
On the front pocket, in addition to the picture of the military sidearm, were the words: “Volunteer Homeland Security.” On the back, superimposed over another image of the weapon, the words “Special issue — Resident — Lifetime License — United States Terrorist Hunting Permit — Permit No. 91101 Gun Owner — No Bag Limit.”
They are, said Miller, 14, patriotic sentiments in a time of war. He feels pretty strongly about these things.
So do officials at the Penn Manor School District, who wanted him to turn his shirt inside out. When Miller refused, he got two days of detention.
His parents, Donald and Tina Miller of Holtwood, got angry and called a lawyer.
And now a lawsuit has been filed in federal court, accusing Penn Manor of violating Miller’s First Amendment rights. The Millers and their attorney, Leonard G. Brown III of the Lancaster firm Clymer & Musser, accuse the school district of following a “vague Orwellian policy” that throttles both patriotism and free speech.
Penn Manor says the case has less to do with free speech than it does guns.
In the post-Columbine era, said Kevin French, an attorney for Penn Manor, school districts are duty-bound to create a safe environment for students, a place where intimations of violence aren’t permitted. District officials aren’t trying to impugn Miller’s patriotism, said French. But when someone brings even the image of a gun to school, he says, that violates school policy.
And the district, he said, will fight to keep it intact.
The start
The incident happened Dec. 4, according to the federal complaint. But the story actually begins last spring.
That’s when Miller’s uncle, Brian Souders, shipped out to Iraq. He had been stationed at Fort Benning, Ga., and bought the shirt at the base post exchange, or PX, and gave it to Donald as a gift.
With his uncle on the front lines of the “War on Terror,” Donald said he wanted to show his support. And so one day toward the end of eighth grade, he wore the shirt to school — and was admonished by Penn Manor Middle School officials. Donald didn’t want to get in trouble, so he turned the shirt inside out.
But he didn’t think that was right. In early December, he wore the shirt to Penn Manor High School. No one said a word about it all day, he said, until his final period, when a classmate complained to the teacher.
The teacher asked him to turn the shirt inside out, but he refused. Miller was sent to the principal’s office. Once there, he said he was again told to turn the shirt inside out.
“I told them to call my parents,” said Miller. And his refusal to comply resulted in detention.
Three days later attorney Brown sent a letter to Penn Manor Superintendent Donald Stewart asserting that the “strong-arm censorship by school officials amounts to content discrimination and is unconstitutional.”
But, wrote Brown, the Millers wished to “resolve this issue amicably” and “avoid unnecessary litigation and media attention.” Brown asked that the district rescind the detention, allow Miller to wear the shirt, provide training to district employees on the subject of students’ constitutional rights — and pay attorney fees, about $2,500.
Initially, the district decided to make a concession: It agreed to drop a line from its “student expression policy” that prohibited speech seeking “to establish the supremacy of a particular religious denomination, sect or point of view.” And in a Jan. 8 letter to Brown, district solicitor Robert J. Frankhouser, of the Lancaster law firm of Hartman Underhill & Brubaker, said Penn Manor might be willing to consider tinkering with other, similar policies.
But on the issue of guns, and the advocating of violence, the district vowed to “vigorously defend its policy and the application of policy in this instance,” wrote Frankhouser. Students, he wrote, “may not wear clothing to school that advocates the use of force or urges the violation of law or school regulations.
“The shirt in question contains the image of a firearm and clearly advocates illegal behavior,” he wrote.
That, he concluded, should be the end of the matter.
It wasn’t. A week later Brown filed the lawsuit, asking the federal courts to declare Penn Manor’s policies unconstitutional and to grant a permanent injunction forcing Penn Manor to let Miller to wear his shirt. The suit also seeks “nominal damages and compensatory damages,” attorneys fees and costs, and “further relief as it is just and proper.”
“Donald Miller wears the T-shirt to make the political and emotional statement that he supports his uncle, and all our armed forces, as they bravely exercise their duty to defend this great nation,” Brown wrote in the federal complaint.
“The message that Mr. Miller’s shirt conveyed was simply that the United States military and law enforcement personnel are actively engaged in a war against terrorists who seek to destroy this country. … Mr. Miller’s shirt makes a political statement that he agrees with and supports the efforts of his uncle and the rest of our military,” Brown wrote.
“Such a viewpoint may not be politically correct in Mr. Miller’s classrooms, but his right to express his viewpoint is constitutionally protected.”
A federal judge will hold a conference on the case March 31, to either reach a settlement or proceed.
The case is beginning to generate interest online, where the conservative news site published an article on the lawsuit last week. That story, like the federal complaint itself, focused on the alleged attempt to censor political, patriotic speech.
Contacted by the Sunday News, Penn Manor Superintendent Stewart said he had “nothing to add to the comments of our solicitor.” He did, however, tell WorldNet Daily that, “It’s the district’s position the wording on the T-shirt advocated violation of the law and acts of violence.
“The district,” he told WorldNet Daily, “feels it’s taken an appropriate stance in terms of T-shirts or anything a student would wear that advocates acts of violence.”
But Brown countered last week: “If you believe something is going to create violence, you have to show a history of that in Penn Manor,” Brown said. “If this shirt was truly something creating a [dangerous] environment in school, it should have been picked up first thing.”
School board president C. Willis Herr did not respond to a message seeking comment.
This would not be the first incident in which T-shirts at Penn Manor provoked controversy — in 1997, a group of about 30 Penn Manor students wore white T-shirts to school to proclaim white supremacy.
Still, attorney French, speaking on behalf of the district, said the Millers and Penn Manor “are talking about two different things.” The Millers, and Brown, want this issue to be about freedom of speech, he said.
Penn Manor is talking about guns.
“In light of incidents of violence in schools,” said French, both district officials and district parents tend to come down on the side of caution. “Students who come to school enjoy limited First Amendment rights,” French said, “but the school district has the right to enforce policies that protect students. And all this has to be understood in the context of what’s happening today — Columbine, Virginia Tech, Northern Illinois University.”
“There’s a much higher level of sensitivity these days,” admits French.
“But it’s based on reality.”
Wild Thing’s comment……..
When parents and schools make guns the enemy, when they teach liberal thinking in the reason why our country is free and how some phony miraculous way peace exists and not because of the power of our military, and how there is a right way to fight for peace to keep peace through military strength and not from some fear of guns or chanting make love not war on a sign held on a street corner, well then this kind of stupid thinking will abound.
This story is a good example of how out of control the liberal mindset has gone in controlling the minds of young Americans. This boy meant no harm, his shirt sent a message of support for those fighting terrorism and also a message to terrorists as well with the “United States hunting permit” logo. He wore it because he was proud of his Uncle was serving our country and fighting terrorists.
He was not wearing a shirt that demanded anarchy, or violence against citizens of the USA. His shirt said nothing even close to the t-shirts worn at the same school in “1997, a group of about 30 Penn Manor students wore white T-shirts to school to proclaim white supremacy.”
We say to ourselves how the hell did we get people thinking like the anti-war jerks, how do they not see why we are free, who paid the price for our freedom and why we can live in peace. Well schools like this, that instill fear of wearing something that supports our troops, speaks out against terrorism is just one of the reasons why we are more and more living in the land of oz where the liberal socialist agenda spreads like a virus across our land.
….Thank you Mark for sending me this article.
They are one of the deadliest gangs working along the U.S.-Mexico border. They admit to causing terror in Mexico and say they’re busy in America. They are known as Los Zetas.
Los Zetas are Ex- Army Special forces, regular troopers, police agents and common criminals who work for Osiel Cardenas in the drug trafficking business. Some have received special-forces training under the U.S. Army at the School of the Americas in Fort Benning, Georgia [1]. The members with military backgrounds can be considered mercenaries working for Mexican drug cartels. The name Zeta comes from a radio code used by the Mexican federal police to locate high-ranking battalion commanders.
By Michael Webster Investigative Reporter
Investigators say the feared bands of ex-military elite forces are operating in Texas and other parts of the United States unchecked. A team of rogue Mexican commandos blamed for hundreds of killings and kidnappings along the U.S.-Mexico border has carried out at least five drug-related slayings as far north as Dallas, a sign that the group is extending its deadly operations into U.S. cities, U.S. law enforcement officials say.
The men are known as the Zetas, former members of the Mexican army who defected to Mexico’s so-called Gulf drug cartel in the late 1990s.
“These guys operate like a military well trained and with precision,” said Arturo A. Fontes, an FBI special investigator for border violence based in Laredo, in south Texas. “They have their hands in everything and they have eyes and ears everywhere. I’ve seen how they work, and they’re good at what they do. They’re an impressive bunch of ruthless criminals.”
Dallas and federal officials said that since late 2003 eight to 10 members of the Zetas have been operating in north Texas, maintaining a “shadowy existence” and sometimes hiring Texas criminal gangs, including the Mexican Mafia, M-13 and Texas Syndicate, for contract killings according to the Dallas police dept.. The Texas Syndicate is a prison gang that authorities blame for several murders nationwide.
It is also believed by some officials at the CIA that they may have Al-Qaeda and other terrorist connections and maybe helping them breach our borders.
The U.S.-Mexico border is becoming like a war zone states Texas sheriff’s from El Paso, McAllen, Laredo.
The feds in El Paso alerted law enforcement throughout the country, warning them that Mexican commandos are now working for drug cartels.
Most Americans are shocked to learn where the commandos were trained.
A memo from the Justice Department warns that Mexican commandos were trained by U.S. forces, but switched sides. They are now using their deadly skills to work for the drug cartels often with the Mexican regular army.
A recent Intelligence Bulletin from ICE we obtained says the Zetas are responsible for hundreds of violent drug-related murders. It says they’ve executed journalists, murdered people in Dallas, El Paso, McAllen, Laredo, Tijuana and Juarez. They even detained two DEA agents and recently they’ve shot at Border Patrol agents, County sheriffs and the US National Guard. At the Texas and Arizona borders with Mexico agents are already seeing a major increase in murder and other violence.
Perfecting their commando training, Los Zetas are known to be extremely violent killers and have been blamed for an outbreak of violence along the Mexican border for several years now, with no real resistance from the US Government.
Federal agents stationed at the El Paso Criminal Intelligence Center told local law enforcement, “that Not only did they receive some early military training but they developed their own internal training as well increasing their violence far beyond their own original capabilities.”
The normally busy streets and busy stores in El Paso, Nogales, Sonora and Laredo on both sides of the river have been less busy due to all the violence and threats. It’s reported that many shop keepers in all of those broader cities and others are scared. Many claim their business has really fallen off since the Los Zetas showed up. Most shop owners like Seth (does not want to use his last name) who fear retaliation say “it’s a direct result of drug wars and random shootings.” Seth says,” the tourists are simply afraid to come to our cities to shop.
U.S. Customs agents, US Boarder Patrol and county Sheriff’s all along the boarder from California to east Texas have been involved in shootouts with an enemy they had not seen before. According to one Texas sheriff’s deputy “ these guys are equipped with automatic weapons, 50 Cal machine guns, M-60’s, infrared technology body armor, Humvee’s and state-of-the-art communications, he said ,” it is a combination of Los Zetas and Mexican military.”
As the drug wars heat up and expand between the Gulf Cartel to the east and the Tijuana Cartel to the west, a Justice Department bulletin warns:
“The violence will spill over the Mexican border into the United States and law enforcement agencies in Texas, Arizona, New Mexico and Southern California can expect to encounter Los Zetas in the coming months and years.”
The violence plaguing the border towns has led to dire warnings issued by the State Department saying that narco- traffickers are on the hunt for US citizens.
The military training comes in handy with the arms the Zetas carry, including 9mm weapons and infrared technology – all parts of an armory equivalent to an American SWAT team. Drug money pays for it all.
The Zeta arsenal could make the group attractive to other groups, like al-Qaeda or the Mara Salvatruchas.
According to one of there own jailed members during an interview with law enforcement said, “there are some of the Maras and al-Qaeda inside the organization”. The phenomenon of the Maras, is a violent Central American gang that originated in Los Angeles and has become a nightmare in the region. …
While the Zetas are a problem for Mexican police, they also claim to work with drug dealers in the United States. Their work includes cold-blooded killings. They told us they knew of a hit on two men outside a Rio Grande City restaurant, and the murder of two men watching a cock-fight in Starr County according to a TV report aired in Arizona.
Law enforcement including Sheriff’s, Police Chiefs and regular concerned citizens along the Mexican American border say the US Government is doing very little to support and protect our hundreds of miles of borders. And say the Zetas are operating with immunity and doing what ever they like without and repercussions. They want something done and right now it is already completely out of hand and is dangerous for there kids and everyone else. Business owners on both sides of the border and even law enforcement are reluctant to talk about the problem fearing retaliation from these thugs.
Wild Thing’s comment……..
So what are we doing in our country to keep an eye on these people. It seems we just keep hearing about tallks behind closed doors for amnesty, and a fence that is not going to be built. We have two good men, Border Partol agents that did their job arrested and in prison. Chertoff saying he has a “gut feeling” more on coming in illegally, and a President and presidential candidates that have no plan either except to give in to the illegals. What a world amazing. The do nothing mentallity till it is too late.
There is a video HERE where two of the Zetas are interviewed.
Obama Stops Wearing American Flag Pin
WATERLOO, Iowa (AP) – Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama says he doesn’t wear an American flag lapel pin because it has become a substitute for “true patriotism” since the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks. Asked about it Wednesday in an interview with KCRG-TV in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, the Illinois senator said he stopped wearing the pin shortly after the attacks and instead hoped to show his patriotism by explaining his ideas to citizens. “The truth is that right after 9/11 I had a pin,” Obama said. “Shortly after 9/11, particularly because as we’re talking about the Iraq war, that became a substitute for I think true patriotism, which is speaking out on issues that are of importance to our national security. “I decided I won’t wear that pin on my chest,” he said in the interview. “Instead, I’m going to try to tell the American people what I believe will make this country great, and hopefully that will be a testament to my patriotism.”
Wild Thing’s comment………
I really am going to have a problem with this person if he wins the election. I don’t care if he doesn’t wear the Flag lapel pin that is not the point. What does matter to me is the reason he gives why he does not wear one.
If he wins I will not call him President or even Mr., I will show no form of respect for this total POS.
Urban Infidel has a wonderful slide show of the support the troops rally.
Wild Thing’s comment…….
America will answer back when things like this happen and that is something that makes me so proud to be an American, one of the many reasons we live in an awesome country. When it comes to our military and supporting our troops we totally out number the anti-American military loathing jerks.
It was a wonderful turn out and I am very proud of those that lived close enough to attend. I didn’t see any coverage on TV at all. Which is typical of the media, it is more important to them to show the left filled with hate then to show true Americans, Veterans and civilians that appreciate our troops and Vets.
* Urban Infidel
Marines find Ramadi more welcoming than Berkeley
California city officials would banish them
By Matt Sanchez
“The Marines are unwelcome here.” These weren’t the comments of a banana republic dictator or the rantings of a religious radical. These were the words of Tom Bates, the elected mayor of Berkeley.
It’s difficult to match up the animosity of the residents of Berkeley, Calif., USA, with the residents of Ramadi, Anbar, Iraq. I met Ramadis who were so happy to have the Marines among them that they literally hugged and kissed them on the streets. Children made high-five signs when they saw Marines of the 3rd battalion 7th Marines on patrol and residents insisted they come in to drink chai and eat goats the hosts were willing to kill in their honor.
One resident grumbled the Marines of the 2nd battalion 5th Marines never stayed long enough after dinner. Iraqis are very hospitable and dinner can last several hours and long into the night.
Of course, Ramadi was no cakewalk. In 2005, the Marines told of having to run during the entire patrol. A moving, erratic target made it harder for an eager sniper to pick off a Marine. That was a tough time for the 3rd battalion 7th Marines Kilo Company, as told by Cpl. Tar Po.
Po was born in Burma. His family fled that Southeast Asian nation because of the political situation. Thanks to an aunt, the corporal’s parents moved the family to California when he was just five years old. Po sailed through the school system until he hit a few bumps in his teenage years.
“I was hanging out with the wrong crowd,” said the corporal, in his early 20s. He participated in the JROTC to join the Navy, but decided to join the Marine Corps after meeting a gunnery sergeant who impressed him.
“He kept me out of big trouble,” said Po, who later confessed that he wanted to join the Corps to “blow things up.” His teenage years were turbulent and the corporal still regrets putting his parents through so much grief. He joined the Marine Corps on an “open contract” and eventually became a 0311, “a grunt”, a rifleman.
Like many young men and women recruited during a time of war, Po had no illusions. Most of the people I spoke to in Iraq and Afghanistan had joined after the start of hostilities. They signed up during a time of war.
We were standing in Ramadi, the sun was beating down hot and we were in full battle rattle. After loading up the vehicle for a convoy we headed for the chow hall, a makeshift building where Marines served meals out of robust Mermite containers. It was going to be a long day.
“I wanted to come to Iraq,” said Po in a quiet voice that made him seem younger.
Choosing to come to a war zone is difficult enough for war protesters back in Berkeley to understand, but it makes sense to any military recruiter. To Po’s generation, the generation whose parents posted “Baby on Board” signs in their rear window, the idea of risk and danger are not only appealing, for the few, there is a yearning to rise to a challenge so as not to fall to mediocrity.
Po got his share of danger when on Oct. 11, 2005, while rolling down Michigan Avenue, his convoy was hit by a pressure plate IED. .
After such a severe injury, Po could have left the Marine Corps. He could have gotten out and no one would have blamed him. His scar was an impressive gash across his arm, there were marks from the needle surgeons had pushed in and out of his skin. But Po chose to go back.
After only a couple of weeks in country, Po was injured again during a patrol. His arm was split open. Within hours, he was out of the country, on a military flight to Germany, at least that is what he was told. He actually doesn’t remember much until he got back home to California.
It’s one thing to go into the “unknown” to test one’s limits, this is the motive for many who seek adventure or just want to see what they can stand. It’s quite another to be wounded seriously and head back to a war zone.
At home, Po spent much time recuperating, but rest wasn’t always on his mind.
“I really felt that I had let the other Marines down, like I wasn’t doing my job.”
The events that changed the corporal’s life weren’t strictly limited to his wounds.
“I respect my parents more than ever, they were there for me the whole time. I’m sorry I put them through so much.”
After surgeries, therapy and much pain, the next question was obvious.
“No, I’ve never regretted becoming a Marine. It’s one of the best experiences of my life.”
Down the Bay from Berkeley, the Fremont Marine recruiting station is next to a shopping center, and just a stone’s throw away from the Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) Station. This is an affluent area nestled near a chain of hills that run along the San Francisco Bay. If you visit the recruiting station, you’ll see a few Marines hanging out with a couple of “poolees”, young men and women who are about to join the Marine Corps. These are the ones who have passed the battery of tests that the majority of applicants will fail.
“Of every 10 people who are interested, only about three are qualified,” said Staff Sgt. Felton C. Williams, the U.S. Marine Corps recruiter for the Fremont area. After completing the first part of the process, the screening, the poolees will become recruits at Marine basic training. Anywhere from 10 to 30 percent of those recruits will not finish the initial training.
Groups like Code Pink and The World Can’t Wait shouted for a ban against the Marines and yet young men and women will seek out the Corps, looking for something they can’t find elsewhere.
“It’s business as usual. We aren’t planning to move that office,” Gunnery Sgt. Pauline Franklin said Monday. “We’ve been recruiting qualified men and women for 232 years. That’s not going to stop now.”
“We failed our city,” said Gordon Wozniak, who was one of three council members who voted against the original declaration. “We embarrassed our city.”
“It hurts to see what some of the people back home, saying the war is pointless,” said Po wincing, the gash on his bare arm impossible to hide. It was a bright sunny day in Ramadi and we were about to convoy to a meeting at the city council. In fact, we were going near the road where Po was wounded.
“They just don’t know,” said the corporal. If anyone had the right to complain about the presence of Marines in a city, surely it was this young Marine who was on his second tour.
Who will defend the citizens of Berkeley should they come to some danger? The answer is those same Marines who are willing to be wounded and still return to duty. After a couple of days and a bit of pressure, the mayor of Berkeley and most of his city council members have capitulated in defeat.
Fortunately, as “intruders” the Marines are made of much tougher stuff. If the Marines were able to tame Ramadi, a city that was proclaimed the religious capital of al-Qaida in Iraq by members of that organization, the Marines won’t be swayed by a couple of people protesting.
Despite all the commotion about Berkeley, there was an upside to this story.
“More people inquired about becoming a Marine officer,” said Officer Selection Officer Captain Richard Lund with some hesitation. Not everyone who wants to become a Marine can, but those who do, like Cpl. Tar Po, truly are the few.
Wild Thing’s comment……..
God bless our military and God bless our Marines. Great story and what an ending to it too where more people are interested in becoming a Marine.
….Thank you Les for sending this story to me.
Wild Thing’s comment……..
This guy says a lot of good stuff and I wanted to share it with you. He has had it with Islam and their agenda!
….Thank you SSgt Steve for sending this to me.
Obama Camp Wants McCain to Denounce Rep. for Saying Terrorists Will Rejoice for Him
Fox News election news
John McCain’s campaign distanced itself Saturday from a supporter who told an Iowa newspaper that terrorists would be “dancing in the streets” if Barack Obama is elected president.
Iowa Rep. Steve King made the remarks to the Daily Reporter in Spencer, Iowa, basing his prediction on Obama’s pledge to pull troops out of Iraq, his Kenyan heritage and his middle name, Hussein. Obama’s campaign immediately called on McCain to denounce the remarks.
McCain traveling press secretary Brooke Buchanan told FOX News that King has no affiliation with the campaign.
“The Senator has been clear that he intends to keep this campaign about the issues. He has condemned similar comments by (radio talk show host) Bill Cunningham. He doesn’t agree with King’s comments,” Buchanan said. “He intends to run a respectful race and keep it about the issues.”
The Arizona senator recently chided Cunningham after the Cincinnati talk show host referred to Obama three times as “Barack Hussein Obama” while introducing McCain.
“These comments have no place in our politics,” Obama spokesman Tommy Vietor said earlier, before McCain’s campaign responded to King.
King told the Daily Reporter that his comments were not meant to demean Obama but to warn how an Obama presidency would look to the world.
“The radical Islamists, the Al Qaeda … would be dancing in the streets in greater numbers than they did on Sept. 11 because they would declare victory in this war on terror,” King said.
“His middle name does matter,” King said. “It matters because they read a meaning into that.”
Wild Thing’s comment……..
Obama is out of touch with reality if he doesn’t know that King is right. King is on target. McCain would do well to remember who his friends are.
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