A wonderful ad for the US Army
U.S. Marine Corps aviators in a CH-53E Super Stallion helicopter

A wonderful ad for the US Army
U.S. Marine Corps aviators in a CH-53E Super Stallion helicopter
Army Recruiting Station Vandalized
620 wtmj
People driving by the Army Recruiting Station on Milwaukee’s east side are finding it boarded up with a vandal’s message on the 5th anniversary of the Iraq War.
Vandals put graffiti saying “War Is Offensive” and broke windows at the facility on the 3100 block of North Oakland Avenue, near the UWM campus.
Officials there later boarded up the windows. A man who works in the area said he saw anti-war slogans written on the windows also.
This is not the first time the place has been vandalized.
Last year, on the same Iraq war anniversary, police arrested 21 people for an attack with smoke bombs while throwing paint at the facility.
Wild Thing’s comment……..
The homegrown terrorists in Milwaukee had free reign to trash a recruiting center. Why won’t the police enforce the protection of recruiting stations in SF, DC, New York, and now Milwaukee? This isn’t good. I see problems brewing.
If this continues which it likely will, this country is going to have to decide at what point enough is enough. And then they need to come down HARD on these people aiding the enemy.
….Thank you Lynn for sending this to me.
WEBSITE FOR Operation MySpace to Support The Troops
Jessica’s MYSpace
Operation MySpace Brings Entertainment to Deployed Troops
By Pfc. Christopher Grammer
50th Public Affairs Detachment
The show included performances by Disturbed, The Pussycat Dolls, Filter, DJ Z-Trip as well as Carlos Mencia and Metal Sanaz as the Masters of Ceremony.
“It took us about five months to set up,” said Tom Anderson, president of myspace.com. “It’s the biggest thing we’ve ever done.”
The entertainers arrived two days before the concert to meet with troops and tour the post.
The members of the band Disturbed and Carlos Mencia toured the training village at Camp Buehring and experienced the capabilities of the training facilities for deployed troops first hand.
Following the tour the entertainers attended an autograph signing at the post exchange were troops lined up to meet the entertainers.
The purpose of the concert was to bring a little bit of home to the troops, boost morale and show the troops that America supports them, said Anderson.
“Seeing the celebrities out here showing that they do support us has lifted my spirits,” said Spc. Kayla Guffin, a radar repair technician with 76th Brigade Combat Team. “I’ve been looking forward to this since I heard about it.”
Troops deployed to Kuwait or awaiting deployment north to Iraq got to relax and take their minds off the stresses of deployed life during the more than five hour show that took a crew of more than 80 personnel to set up.
It’s an honor to play for the troops and it’s an honor to be here,” said Richard Patrick, the vocalist for the band Filter.
Prior to the start of the concert, myspace.com personality Metal Sanaz interviewed servicemembers in the crowd to get their views on the upcoming show.
Comedian Carlos Mencia, the master of ceremonies started out the show by introducing DJ Z-Trip who plays more than 100 shows a year many of which are sold out. His eclectic tastes and non-conventional style draws a large fan base.
Following up after Z-Trip was the metal band Disturbed who played many of their hits including “Down with the Sickness,” “Stupify” and “Liberate.”
The Pussycat Dolls performed many of their hit songs for the troops and shared their support for the service members who are deployed in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom.
Adding to the mostly metal line-up was the band Filter who have been around since 1993. Sgt. Frank Cavanagh, the original bassist for the band was able to rejoin them and perform the song “Hey, Man, Nice Shot.” Cavanagh will be deploying to Iraq in April for his first tour.
Topping off the motley line-up was a performance by Jessica Simpson. Simpson sang for the crowd despite health issues just prior to the concert.
Twice as many service members showed up for the concert as originally expected.
Wild Thing’s comment……..
Giggle, I love the last line of the article……
“Twice as many service members showed up for the concert as originally expected.”
There is such a great feeling when a person goes to thank our troops in person, and the estimated number of service men and women that might be able to come to a concert or show is increased. It really makes a person even happier to know you can thank even more of our troops then were expected.
You can also go to their website promoting this and click on the various entertainers to go to see thier MySpace, hear their music etc.
I think this is a great idea. MySpace is fun and a great way to support the troops in a unique way. Just my little MySpace that I have I hear back from a lot of Vietnam Vets and other Vets as well as troops serving today.
I just found out about this and I see there will be a repeat of the show that has aired one time before. I have no idea how it is presented but I am sure the troops must have loved it and had a good time. And I am even more sure that those entertainers that went were touched by meeting and seeing the troops 10 fold to what they gave.
With so many protesting the war, protesting our troops and recruiting Stations, it feels good to be able to show you something on the positive side of people that care about our troops and the sacrifices they make daily.
God bless our Troops and keep them safe.
Anti-war protesters paraded in the streets of downtown D.C., causing traffic tie-ups for many commuters Wednesday afternoon.
Groups of demonstrators marking the fifth anniversary of the Iraq war blocked intersections along K Street between 13th and 17th Streets in Northwest.
WTOP’s Michelle Basch reports at least 100 people used their bodies and placards to block the streets around McPherson Square.
People started protesting at 7:30 a.m., and are planning an evening march from the National Mall to the Democratic National Committee Headquarters on South Capitol Street.
At 12th Street and Constitution Avenue, one frustrated driver got out of his small, red, four-door car and physically moved a bicycle that a protester had put in the road, WTOP’s Kristi King reported. The driver then waved traffic on until police arrived.
Police also stopped protesters who tried to connect their bicycles together with a chain.
Other anti-war protests and vigils were held throughout the day.
In Syracuse, N.Y., police arrested 20 protesters who blocked traffic by creating a mock Baghdad street scene. One person dressed in camouflage lay on the ground. Another was covered in a white sheet with red markings and a woman leaned over as if grieving. They were from a group of more than 100 demonstrators who marched downtown in a steady rain over the lunch hour.
On the West Coast, police arrested a handful of protesters outside of the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, police Sgt. Steve Manina said. Black balloons were tied to trees along San Francisco’s main downtown thoroughfare, and protesters at a table offered coffee, oranges and “unhappy birthday cake” to passers-by.
Other protests but there were ALL across America yesterday, in hundreds of cities. The only thing different might be the way they decked themselves out to protect, or how much violence there was at different places. How many arrests etc in the different cities too would be depending on what went on.
Two people were arrested Wednesday during a protest marking the fifth anniversary of the war in Iraq.
Eleven protesters with Des Moines Catholic Workers carried signs and a mock coffin draped with an American flag into the hallway of the Armed Forces Career Center, a Des Moines recruiting office.
Officials at the center called police and asked the protesters to leave.
Wild Thing’s comment………
They hate America, and they could care less about our troops. They hold up signs of how many of our soldiers have died and there is no way on earth they give a hoot about their lives, their sacrifice. No way!
What if the red paint had been something even more harmful, something truly deadly? This is very serious.
List of Organizations Supporting the Demonstrations ….CLICK to see below..
National Days of Student Action to Protest the Iraq War – All out for March 20, 2008
“Every year, there have been protests marking the anniversary of the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq that was launched on the basis of lies and deceit. Students have historically had an especially important role in the struggles against racism and war, and we continue to do so today. Last March, over 80 high schools and colleges answered the call by chapters of Students for a Democratic Society to come together to send one loud resounding NO to the Bush administration and the Republican agenda, to the Democrats who refuse to carry out the mandate of their constituents, and to the University administrations that so often support war efforts.
This March, SDS is urging all students, as part of the broader community of people of conscience, to voice our opposition to the war in Iraq. As the presidential election nears, candidates need to be sent a clear message: we will not stand for vague time lines and empty promises, we will not tolerate sanctions, threats, and aggression against Iran, and that we will stand in solidarity with the Iraqi people who are struggling to liberate their country.
We want as many people as possible to join us in this protest; the larger the protest the stronger the impact we have, and the sooner we can help end this war. We are calling on any and all student and youth based organizations that are opposed to the war in Iraq to mobilize their memberships, their campus, their community and hit the streets for the week of March 17-21, with March 20 as the focal point.* We are calling on students to take action on their own campuses, where we have the power to reach the entire student body with our message and build resistance on our own campuses. We are calling on our fellow students and youth to take the lead and do whatever it takes–from rallies, marches, walk-outs, civil disobedience, and direct action–to send a clear message to the U.S. government: Get out of Iraq Now!”
Wild Thing’s comment……..
That’s the New SDS (you know the group the Weathermen bombers were part of) site. They are doing their thing tomorrow. There is a list of “participating schools”, including high schools at the link.
It began…….
Some of the good things going on because of Operation Iraqi Freedom
“I don’t think you can overstate the importance
that the rise of Islamic fundamentalism
will have to the rest of the world in the
century ahead-especially if, as seems possible,
its most fanatical elements get their
hands on nuclear and chemical weapons
and the means to deliver them
against their enemies.” –Ronald Reagan
Wild Thing’s comment……..
All of us here at Theodore’s World want to thank you all serving our country. You are in our prayers and thoughts daily.
Blacks Inferiority Complex sabatoging Obama!
Wild Thing’s comment……..
Give me a break, please and thank you. I just don’t believe this is a black issue at all. This is a a negative enforcement that can be done by anyone to anyone by someone that is not a good person.
You can’t do this you are not smart enough, you can’t enter that contest you will not win. You can’t try out for that sport there are better athletes then you are and you will not be chosen. You shouldn’t have your own business it is a lot of work and you might not do well. You shouldn’t go on that tour you could get killed or kidnapped. Tons of other comments I try to forget so won’t put them here. haha And this one was what my socialist/democrat brother-in-law told one of his son’s, you shouldn’t go in the military you will have to make your bed every day. LOL
Negativity that can come from parent, a relative, so called friends or co-workers. But to make it a Black thang’ is a bunch of BS.
I have met people that have been told this, I have been told some of these things when I was a growing up and other things. My heart is what kept me trying, driving me to do things I cared about. Sure lots of tears and hurt from the negative input, but still maybe it built some kind of determination in me that I would not have had if I had the go ahead from all I knew. I have met people non blacks that had the same negative input and they chose to believe it. They gave up before even trying.
How many people that own their own business’s were told it is a hard road to have your own company, your own little business and yet they went on to do well and accomplish things in their life. They were and are able to support a family and know it is because they had a dream and did what they could to make it happen. Again this has nothing to do with being black or white or polka dot.
Michelle and Barack are making this a rascial thing, out loud or quietly, and it stinks to high heaven. And to make it that because of negativity or not getting a break a person is to hate this country and not be proud of America. This is NUTS!
America is a country of opportunity and that has been proven over and over again by millions of people of all colors and all faiths.
You can see the video by clicking on the arrow on the bottom bar of the video screen.
Wild Thing’s comment…….
When I frist saw this it took me hours to stop crying. I am sorry I have to show this to you, I don’t want to make you cry too. But this cannot nor should not be kept secret or silenced. These men deserve to be respected!!!!!!!!
Oh dear God why did this happen. How does a person live with themselves and treat our Veterans this way??????
There is something seriously wrong in our country that this could happen. It’s soul, the heart and soul of our Red, White and Blue…………….. God help us never to let this happen ever again.
Centenarian celebrates with women, wings
The Des Moines Register
John Persinger turned 100 Wednesday and did what few new centenarians do.
He celebrated at Hooters, the politically incorrect restaurant chain known for hot wings served by young women in hot pants.
Persinger is a widower, so his wife didn’t mind. Truth is, Vi wouldn’t have minded anyway.
“We opened the place in 1993,” he says in a low, sandpaper rumble. “We went for the shrimp and chicken wings.”
And they became regulars. They’d been married almost 72 years when Vi died at 89.
Persinger doesn’t exactly fit the Hooters demographic, but so what? You don’t hit the 100 mark by paying strict attention to convention.
A boy born in the United States today can expect to live 75 years. When Persinger came along, the life expectancy was a hair under 50.
He’s different from most of the 40,000 centenarians in the United States. All but 6,000 are women.
“I don’t know how I did it,” he says. “Good living, I guess. A lot of good food. Steaks, fried potatoes. I sip a little Royal Crown now and then.”
Don’t get the wrong idea. He means Crown Royal.
Persinger lives by himself in a one-bedroom home near Merle Hay Mall. He gets plenty of help from his kids and their kids. They check in on him, give him a hand with the housework.
He does much of the cleaning and almost all of the cooking. He can be ornery when he finds a grease spot on the stove.
Persinger tells me it’s hard to beat his onion rings, chili, pancakes, meatballs and, of course, his famous fried mush.
“Fry till it gets brown,” he says, “add syrup and butter. Oh, it’s really good.”
I’ll wait for meatball day. At 120 pounds, Persinger doesn’t weigh much more than a plate of meatballs.
He was sturdier in his prime, during World War II when he watched a Japanese kamikaze pilot carry out a suicide mission.
“I was the oldest sailor on the USS Nashville,” he says. “They called me ‘Pops.’ “
On Dec. 13, 1944, the ship was a few miles from the Philippines when a single-engine fighter came crashing down, two bombs strapped to the wings.
The plane hit, the bombs exploded. Flames and bodies were everywhere.
“He came right over the trees and hit us behind the stacks,” says Persinger, who escaped injury. “Killed 133 sailors and wounded 197. But he didn’t sink us.”
Persinger came home, but he wasn’t finished. Korea was next. Somehow he and Vi raised three children, who gave him eight grandkids, who were followed by 14 great-grandkids.
Every Christmas Eve, without fail, the entire family squeezes into the little house on 59th Street. After 38 years in a row, it’s a tight squeeze.
A person can jam a lot of living into one century. Persinger survived the Depression, lived on the farm and in the city and not always in “Ioway.”
He built dams, milked cows, worked in a munitions plant and a rock quarry.
He adopted a black bear cub in Alaska, flew Cessnas after the GI bill covered his lessons.
He learned to drive a car when he was 6 and was cruising over to Hooters at 98. He doesn’t get behind the wheel anymore.
“The doctor said I shouldn’t be driving,” he says. “I could drive OK. I never had a wreck, but I didn’t say anything.”
Never had a wreck, never had major surgery.
When Persinger retired from his job as a diesel mechanic in Rock Island, he went to work part time at Continental Western, fixing and maintaining lawn equipment. He did that until he was 88.
Persinger still plays the harmonica. When it’s somebody else’s birthday, he picks up the phone and knocks out “Happy Birthday” or “Roll Out the Barrel.”
He’s into politics. “Oh, God,” he says. “George Bush ruined the country.”
The birthday celebration began Sunday with a party at Meredith Drive Reformed Church. Seventy-five, maybe 100 friends showed up.
“I saw the 100-year-old man,” one little boy said. “He’s real.”
On Wednesday, another 40 or so gathered at Hooters, where a sign above the bar wished Persinger a happy 100th.
A group from the Navy Operational Support Center gave him a plaque.
Persinger sat in a chair, nibbled on some wings, sipped a beer and accepted hugs and handshakes.
Not everybody thinks Hooters was such a perfect party location. Some, apparently, would have preferred Chuck E. Cheese’s.
“One guy at the church said, ‘Didn’t you hear the message this morning about looking at girls and everything?’ I told him I was going to Hooters to eat chicken wings.”
It’s the truth, but maybe not the whole truth. Persinger has been known to ask the women if they’d like a 100-year-old kiss.
Talking about it, the 100-year-old man lets out a 100-year-old laugh, which seems like a decent consolation prize.
Wild Thing’s comment…….
He seems to have a good sense of humor too and is having a great time. He hates Bush LOL.
…Thank you Jim for the article.
An Obamanation
It’s unfair the Obamatons howl,
To charge guilt by association;
Our boy has committed no foul;
He’s just one of the congregation.
While sitting there twenty long years,
As the reverend spewed out his odium,
Naught wafted into those large ears,
But spittle and froth from the podium?
No such tirades did I ever see,
Says Obama now that it’s news;
No rants about AIDS heard by me,
Nor venomous bile aimed at Jews.
You cherry pick dribbles and bites
From sermons of many long years;
You say my preacher hates whites?
My goodness that’s news to my ears!
But a man picks a church like a wife,
As a comfortable mate for his soul,
With commonly shared views of life;
They are parts of the man as a whole.
So Obama is welcome to try
To convince us that his soul is pure,
But it’s just a political lie;
He buys into his preacher’s manure.
Why else then sit in that church pew,
With children and wife at your side?
If you truly do not share the world view,
Of your hate-spewing spiritual guide?
Yet now you denounce Jeremiah,
In your quest for power and station;
He’s a conveniently banished pariah;
Barack, you’re an Obamanation.
Russ Vaughn
Vietnam 65-66
Wild Thing’s comment……..
Excellent, and pointing out too how children are in the audience of the hate spewing as well. Little children being taught such things and then we see Islam doing the same thing with their wee ones. There should be the same outrage for both.
….Thank you Russ for sending this to me and for your awesome writings.
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