03 Apr

The Gathering of Mustangs & Legends

The Gathering of Mustangs & Legends
“The Final Roundup”
Rickenbacker International Airport
Columbus, Ohio
As you watch one jumper exits from a Cessna 182 and deploys the American flag as the national anthem is played, the jumper circled by the Red Barons, and the P-51 Mustangs making a pass behind the American flag.

Wild Thing’s comment……..
This is so awesome, I love watching it. I wanted to share it with all of you.

….Thank you Les for this video.

03 Apr

Muslim Americans Recommendations For Obama

From Obama’s campaign website:
What are the unique issues affecting Muslim Americans?
QUESTION: What are issues and recommendations for solutions that are unique to Muslim Americans?
1. A Law against harrassment of a Muslim women wearing Hijab at the Airport, DMV and other public arenas.
2. Institute a Law to allow Muslim Employees to take a hours off from work for Friday Jummah Prayer.
3. Make the 2 Eid’s, recognized National Holidays on Calendars with days off from work.
4. Optional Halal meals in federal buildiings, public schools and colleges.
5. Provide prayer areas suitable for Salah and Jummah, in public and private facilities. (i.e. Malls, Airports, Universities and government buildings.)
6. Organize a Muslim American group to assist in recommendations for US foreign policy affecting majority Muslim countries.

Wild Thing’s comment…….
There list is also open for more suggestions. AUGH! If Obama wins we will probably see most public places made into Muslim friendly places.

02 Apr

Gaza’s Obama Campaign ~ Posted by Al Jazeera!

Gaza’s Obama campaign
While US Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama leads rival Hillary Clinton in the polls, Palestinians in Gaza are launching their own attempt to boost his campaign

Wild Thing’s comment……..
I think B. Hussein Obama needs to go to Iran, Libya or any of the other muslim led countries and run for president there.
Just knowing this, that Palestinians are for Obama should tell those still undecided what kind of trouble Obama is going to bring to our country and to Israel.

02 Apr

Interactive Vietnam Veterans Memorial

The Vietnam Veterans Memorial has gone digital. The digital version is stitched together from more than 6,000 photographs. You can search for a name on the wall quickly and easily using the search box. It will take you to the name instantly.
Once you find the name, you can click on it. This will bring up details on the person, such as rank, hometown and cause of death. But you can help show the person behind the name. You can add photos and comments about your loved one.
Just CLICK on link below

02 Apr

Navy Prevents Town From Honoring Vets

‘Who’s in charge here? Dumb and Dumber?’
A voluntary program in Idaho for residents to raise funds and work with the maker of Buck brand name knives to honor veterans returning from the defense of the U.S. apparently has been torpedoed by military administrative rules regarding the value of gifts.
And the command wasn’t sitting well with both members and leaders of the community near Post Falls, where Buck has its corporate headquarters.

“Who’s in charge here anyway? Dumb and Dumber?” asked “davenjan” on a forum page in the Coeur d’Alene Press.

Clay Larkin, the Post Falls mayor, said the decision was senseless.

“I would like to know what top-ranking brass made this decision, and I will personally call them and share my thoughts!” he told the newspaper.

The program was launched about three years ago as Graham Crutchfield, a retired Marine, organized the plan to raise money from individuals, service clubs and businesses and work with the company on the commemorative knife program.
More than 500 veterans from the region, including those wounded in combat, have been given the knives since 2005, officials said. They also have been presented to family members of those killed in action.

But then, the newspaper reported, an unidentified senior Navy officer told Troy Gilbert, a member of a Hayden, Idaho-based Mobile Construction Battalion, since the value of the knives was more than $20, members of the military were banned from accepting them, the newspaper said.

Members of the Navy’s Judge Advocate General’s staff in nearby Washington state deferred a WND request for comment to the Washington headquarters. Officials there did not return messages requesting a comment.
But the Post Falls mayor was more than a little upset.

“I cannot believe what I read this morning about the Navy balking at their seamen receiving a gift from their communities for their service. Where has reality gone?” he said.

“I was in on the first Buck Knife giveaway for the 116th, Charlie Co. National Guard when they came back from Iraq,” he continued. “Graham Crutchfield helped me on the fundraising. The looks on their faces when we presented the knives were priceless. Buck Knives employees have come forward and been a major supporter of the project, and I thank them for their involvement!”

He noted an “interesting part” of the argument is that two generals already have been given – and accepted – the knives, “and never has anyone questioned the presentation or the gift for their service,” he said.

Paul Abschier, a World War II vet, told the newspaper. “It’s the stupidest thing I’ve heard of. They’ve put their lives on the line and they can’t receive a knife?”

“As a retired lieutenant colonel judge advocate general Army Reserve officer, it is my opinion that gifts exceeding a monetary value of $20 may be kept if they are for meritorious service or achievement,” said Kootenai County prosecutor Bill Douglas. “Combat service in Iraq or Afghanistan would certainly fit this criteria.”

On the newspaper forum, “Former Ranger,” said, “This is utterly ridiculous. When did common sense leave those who are in charge?”

“I still can’t believe any service would do such a thing,” Crutchfield said. “Megan McClung was a Marine and Annapolis graduate who was killed in Iraq. We gave her parents a knife. Are we saying her life is only worth $20?”

Officials with the knife company did not respond to WND requests for comment.

Wild Thing’s comment……..
Well tuff, I am not going to obey the law then. There is no way I will ever stop doing things for Veterans when I can. Or giving a gift to a Veteran when I want to, and I sure as heck am not going to pay ANY attention if ithe price range is acceptable to the stupid law set up. I can’t afford to give a lot but when I do it is from my heart and most of the time if a gift it is something I already thought a lot about.
Not “some brass” but:
5 C.F.R. Part 2635 – Standards of Ethical Conduct for Employees of the Executive Branch
Under this “rule”, buying a returning vet a nice steak dinner in honor of his service would be a violation as well… Absolutely stupid.
And what about that episode of Overhaulin’? Seems I recall an episode where they completely redid a returning vet’s car as a “thank you”… I am sure the value of the restoration and customization would be in the tens of thousands of dollars.
What about if I were to send a book or Bible to a service person. If the book cost more than $20 bucks, does he have to refuse it?
I don’t think the spirit of the law is being taken into consideration.
And rememebr when Sean Hannity gave a Ruth’s Chris Steakhouse gift certificate to a recently returned soldier… I would imagine that such a gift certificate would be worth at least $100.
I guess that was a violation too?
And all the things Rush Limbaugh has done for our soldiers and Veterans.
Remeber too when they did that home for the Iraqi Veteran and his family? That would be under this rule too.
When I go to the VA and take gifts, that would go under this ruling too.
Well I guess I will become a law breaker.

….Thank you Mark for sending this.

02 Apr

FBI Says Eco-Terrorism Still No.1 Domestic Terror

FBI: Eco-Terrorism Remains No. 1 Domestic Terror Threat
Fox news
For nearly seven years, the nation has turned its terror focus on Al Qaeda and the hunt for Usama bin Laden. But there is a domestic terror threat that federal officials still consider priority No. 1 — eco-terrorism.
The torching of luxury homes in the swank Seattle suburb of Woodinville earlier this month served as a reminder that the decades-long war with militant environmentalists on American soil has not ended.
“It remains what we would probably consider the No. 1 domestic terrorism threat, because they have successfully continued to conduct different types of attacks in and around the country,” said FBI Special Agent Richard Kolko.
The FBI defines eco-terrorism “as the use or threatened use of violence of a criminal nature against innocent victims or property by an environmentally oriented, subnational group for environmental-political reasons, or aimed at an audience beyond the target, often of a symbolic nature.”
For years, officials have battled against members of shadowy groups such as the Earth Liberation Front and its brother-in-arms, the Animal Liberation Front. Law enforcement has made strides prosecuting cells, but it’s been unable to end the arsons that have plagued developments encroaching on rural lands in the West.
FBI estimates place damages from these attacks at well over $100 million. So far, no one has been killed.
It’s a problem that’s unlikely to go away.
“Every time a fire breaks out and somebody takes a spray can and writes ‘ELF’ or ‘ALF’ on there, then everybody gets all excited that ‘Oh this movement has started back up,'” said Bob Holland, a retired arson investigator. “The movement never really left.”
Fighting for Nature
The Earth Liberation Front rose to infamy in the late 1990s for a series of arsons in the Pacific Northwest targeting industries, such as logging, that the eco-terrorists perceived as a threat to nature.
“Generally speaking, the Earth Liberation folks are motivated by a deep kind of affective connection to nature that many of them would characterize as spiritual or religious,” said Bron Taylor, a professor of religion and nature at the University of Florida. “They believe that the human species is perpetrating a war on nature and that those who are connected to nature and belong to it have a right to defend themselves.”
Members who carry out attacks in the name of nature tend to be of college age and well educated, and typically have an out-of-town recruiter who lures them into the act of crime, said Ron Arnold, the executive vice president of the Center for the Defense of Free Enterprise.
There are exceptions to the rule, Kolko said. Some members are in their 30s, 40s and 50s.
These eco-terrorists often operate alone or in small groups, making them extremely difficult to penetrate. They target structures they feel are infringing on nature, leaving low-tech detonators that allow the fires to start after they’ve left.
In 2006, a nine-year federal sting dubbed “Operation Backfire” was able to dissolve a cell responsible for 20 acts of arson in five Western states over five years.
That cell, dubbed “The Family,” caused more than $40 million in damage and included attacks on a meat company in Eugene, Ore., a ski resort in Vail, Colo., and the torching of SUVs in Oregon.
Trying to predict where or when they’ll strike next becomes a guessing game, experts said.
“You don’t know what’s the hot topic in the minds of the potential perpetrators today — you can look on the Web and find out all kinds of things,” Arnold said, noting that “it’s very difficult to generalize because there are so many threads in the tapestry of environmentally inspired crimes.”
The FBI currently has 180 ongoing eco-terror investigations and over the last several years has tied them to some 1,800 criminal acts, Kolko said.

Wild Thing’s comment………
I agree we should not ignore the eco-freaks, we should still be after them, they have killed people over the years and done terrible things inlcuding the fires like this article discusses. But they aren’t the large-scale threat that the muslims terrorists are.
They want to kill thousands… Millions if they can. They intend (and have the ability) to change the American way of life. Blow up enough malls, topple enough buildings, create enough panic and they could win.
Both are terrorists and I would take both very seriously. But I would have the ECO-Terrorists as No.2 not No. 1 like the FBI has them.

02 Apr

911 Burger King Call ~ LOL

Wild Thing’s comment………
LMAO I have been very lucky in my life. I never had any girlfriends that were this much of an air head. hahahahaha

….Thank you RAC, haha this is so funny.

01 Apr

Lessons In The Cards


Below are two examples of the playing cards in the U.S. military deck on achaeological preservation.

Sierra Vista Herald
GIs have a new deck of cards, but it’s more than just for games.
The playing cards are being used as an avenue to teach soldiers the importance of protecting heritage sites in Iraq and Afghanistan.
In the two battleground areas, there are hundreds of sites that go back thousands of years, and America’s armed force members need to know the importance of protecting those areas, said Laurie Rush, cultural resource manager at Fort Drum, N.Y., and one of the leaders in developing the decks of playing cards for the Department of Defense.

“We are using archaeology as tool to help win hearts and minds of Iraqis and Afghans,” she said over lunch last week at the culture summit held by the Intelligence Center and Fort Huachuca.

To her, understanding a nation’s heritage is one of the key factors in appreciating a culture.
Rush calls herself a social scientist with an interest in ensuring today’s generation saves what generations of the past developed. She has a bachelor’s degree in anthropology from Indiana University at Bloomington, a master’s degree from Northwestern University in archaeology and a doctorate in medical anthropology from Northwestern.

There are 119 known archaeological sites in Iraq, 160 in Afghanistan and an untold number of others yet to be discovered, she said.

While war is destructive, care must be taken to ensure sites are protected from destruction, Rush said.

And in Iraq, much of western civilization is tied to sites like Babylon that are mentioned in the Bible, she said.

Many American soldiers are Christian and know Bible stories. Rush said the object is to help instill in them and others the importance of protecting so much that is part of civilization.

As forces move through the desert, they are traveling over areas that have been part of civilization for untold centuries, she said.

To some, there may be no signs of civilization, but “the desert is not empty,” Rush said.

Some archeological sites are easy to see. They have tell-tale signs of human occupation. But, Rush said, more is underground, and those areas can be destroyed as soldiers dig to make protective areas for their camps and even when creating slit latrines during operations.
What is beneath the surface is as important as some above ground site, such as a building.
In the Middle East, mounds called tells look like places with just dirt, but most of them are manmade.
In the deck of the cards, the 10 of spades shows a photo Tell Rimah in Iraq with the words, “A mound or small hill in an otherwise flat landscape could be a sign of ancient human occupation, proceed with caution.”
The cards were developed to allow soldiers to relax while being educated.
During the early part of the Iraq war a deck of cards with the 52 most wanted Iraqi supporters of Saddam Hussein, including him, were pictured to help GIs know who the wanted were.
With the heritage site cards, each suit highlights specific areas, with spades being about digging, diamonds about artifacts, hearts about respect and clubs about preservation.
The 10 of clubs shows a bulldozer at work with the words, “Heavy excavation equipment can do great harm to archeological sites. Be aware and prepare to stop!”
The 10 of diamonds shows an ancient tablet stating, “Mesopotamia is considered the birthplace of writings as evidenced by this ancient clay tablet with cuneiform script.”
The tablet is on the back of every card with words in Arabic and Pashtu reminding the card players to “Respect Iraqi and Afghan Heritage.”
The 10 of hearts shows the large Buddhas in Afghanistan before they were destroyed by the Taliban with the words, “Religious monuments, such as the Bamian Buddhas in Afghanistan, are often targets for intentional destruction. Protect them when possible.”

And each suit is an individual puzzle. Soldiers can arrange them to create an image, once they find the right pattern.

The wild card in the deck states, “Remember!! When artifacts are looted and ruins are destroyed, valuable pieces of the cultural puzzle disappears forever.”

Rush said the object of the heritage resource preservation, which is part of the Department of Defense’s Legacy Resource Management Program, is to support the mission while showing respect.

The enemy will use sites as areas from which to attack, and soldiers can return fire. But, Rush said, the idea is to use only the amount of force needed to protect themselves.

The Department of Defense has taken heat from social scientists and others in academia for not protecting sites and museums. Rush said there has been a turnaround in the complaints as the military works more closely with organizations such as the Archaeological Institute of America and United Nation agencies.

American military installations are helping train GIs in the importance of protecting archaeological sites. Training, which occurs in heritage areas on military post, shows how a mission can be done while not disturbing a region’s history.

On Fort Drum, replicas of what soldiers from the 10th Mountain Division will come upon in Iraq have been built using fake mud bricks purchased from the local Home Depot, Rush said.

As soldiers return from overseas, they also provide information about the differences they have seen, especially in regards to cemeteries, which are different throughout Iraq.
Although she hasn’t been to Iraq or Afghanistan, Rush participated in a Bright Star Operation in Egypt where she and her colleagues were part of the exercise to help military planners and commanders understand the importance of historic sites.
Egypt was a perfect training ground for the program. Like many places where ancient civilizations flourished, one has to be careful where they dig or drive, Rush said.
Some of the best people to approach when involved in operations are the locals, Rush said. Those people know their history and the heritage of the areas.
Archaeology is now part of the military’s global operations guidelines.
In the future, the Defense Department will hopefully establish a Center of Excellence for Heritage Training and Planning, she said.

“We need to use archaeology as one of our combat tools,” Rush said

As part of the Department of Defense’s program to make soldiers, sailors, airmen, Marines and Coast Guardsmen aware of the importance of historic heritage, 60,000 decks of special playing cards have been produced.
Another 50,000 have been ordered by the military’s National Guard Bureau.
Pocket guides about heritage preservation also have been produced, and the Dutch and Austrian military are asking for them to be translated into their languages. The pocket guides also will be produced in Arabic.
The guides provide background on what is an archaeological site and an artifact, and what to do if a site is encountered.
The playing cards and pocket guides remind GIs they must follow the rules of engagement and there can be no collecting, graffiti or vandalism at archaeological sites.

Wild Thing’s comment……..
I think the cards are neat and for sure something for our guys to save. My concern is though I sure as heck don’t want them worrying about the sites on the cards and not themselves being safe. To have to think twice or even ONCE when they need to fire back would make these cards a very bad idea to say the least.

01 Apr

Hamas kid show: Child Kills Bush and Turns the White House into Mosque

Title of Video: Child Stabs President Bush to Death and Turns the White House into a Mosque in a Hamas TV Puppet Show
Following is an excerpt from a puppet show, which aired on Al-Aqsa TV on March 30, 2008.
Bush: Who are you? What brings you to my home? How did they let you in, boy? My guards! My soldiers! Get this boy out of here.
Child: Nobody will take me out of here.
Bush: Who are you to come here and threaten me?! You are on my own turf, you little child, you! Get out. My dear, bring your father, your grandfather, or your mother, so I can talk to them. Get somebody older and smarter than you. What, you came here on your own?
Child: You killed daddy in the Iraq war. It’s true, you killed him in the Iraq war. As for my mom – you and the criminal Zionists killed her in Lebanon. You and the criminal Zionists also killed my younger and older brothers in the Gaza holocaust. I’m an orphan, you criminal!
Bush: What are you talking about? Where did you come from? Don’t I have enough troubles already? Where did you come from?
Child: I have come to take revenge with this sword – revenge for my mother and my sisters. You are a criminal, Bush! You are despicable. You made me an orphan! You took everything from me, Bush! I must take revenge on you, with this sword of Islam, the Prophet’s Al-Battar sword.
Bush: No… No, my dear. I give you my word that this is it. I repent, just don’t kill me. Where are my guards? Where are my people? Help! Help! He wants to kill me. Help!
Child: There are no guards, and your people have surrendered, Bush. I have not come alone, Bush. I have brought thousands of thousands of children from Palestine, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, and Afghanistan. You have denied all these children their fathers and mothers. That’s why I have come to take revenge on you and on all the criminal traitors who collaborated with you.
Bush: Okay, fine, that’s enough. I will give you whatever you want from me.
Child: What can you give me? All I want is one thing. Bring back my father and mother. I don’t want anything from you. I don’t want anything from you, just bring back my father and mother. I place my trust in Allah. I need to kill you.
Bush: No, my dear. Enough. I will give you anything you want. I also… Enough with that. Come with all your friends to the White House. I will give you food and toys. We will sit in the White House and talk. You will get whatever you need.
Child: You are impure, Bush, so you are not allowed inside the White House.
Bush: What are you saying?! Why am I not allowed into the White House?
Child: Because it has been turned into a great mosque for the nation of Islam. I will kill you just like Mu’az killed Abu Lahab. I will kill you, Bush, because that is your fate.
Child stabs Bush repeatedly
Child: Ahhh, I killed him.

Wild Thing’s comment……..
Sick, sick, sick sadistic and pathetic evil. Teaching this crap to kids!
The fact that we are one of the demented savages, the PA’s largest supporters simply boggles the mind.
This is the typical sick, twisted stuff muslim children are exposed to every day. Islamic brainwashing starts as soon as they exit the womb. it’s no wonder they grow up to be murdering Jihadist robots.
And his more than qualifies as a threat on the life of the President Of The United States. The Secret Service should now conduct interviews of all individuals with any association with this organization, especially C.A.I.R.
And there is this:
Obama: Man of the World
NY Times
Published: March 6, 2007

“I was a little Jakarta street kid,” he said in a wide-ranging interview in his office (excerpts are on my blog, www.nytimes.com/ontheground). He once got in trouble for making faces during Koran study classes in his elementary school, but a president is less likely to stereotype Muslims as fanatics — and more likely to be aware of their nationalism — if he once studied the Koran with them.

Mr. Obama recalled the opening lines of the Arabic call to prayer, reciting them with a first-rate accent. In a remark that seemed delightfully uncalculated, Mr. Obama described the call to prayer as “one of the prettiest sounds on Earth at sunset.”

….Thank you Rac for sending this to me.

01 Apr

When Does It Ever End?

Will Marine Show Trials End?
By: Nathaniel R. Helms
The tarnished image of the Marine Corps continues to darken as more trials, more acquittals and more scandals corrode the brightly burnished steel that armors America’s premier fighting force.
Defense attorneys and beleaguered Marines say their cherished Corps’ surprise decision Friday to dismiss criminal charges against a Marine infantryman accused of mass murder at Haditha, Iraq, is just another billboard announcing the troubles plaguing Marine Corps morale today. Loyalty up and down the ranks, the bedrock on which the 232-year old fighting force was built, is under attack.

“First the Corps takes their innocence and then the enemy tries to take their life, and then when they finally come home the government tries to take their freedom,” said James Culp, a military defense lawyer in Austin, Texas, who worked on the Haditha case for more than a year. “When does it ever end?”

It is an honest question.
The growing list of places in Iraq associated with allegations of Marine Corps misconduct continues to spread across the map like a malignant weed.
This reporter has spoken with dozens of seasoned Marines and soldiers who claim they would rather take a bullet than shoot the wrong person during mortal combat and possibly spend their life in jail. Hyperbole perhaps, but Marines are trained to make the other guy, the bad ones, take the bullet.
The situation of Lance Cpl. Stephen Tatum explains the morass the Marine Corps faces.
On Friday he was unexpectedly exonerated of all criminal charges leveled against him for serving at Haditha. The laundry list of charges that ranged from murder to bad judgment were dismissed by Lt. Gen Samuel Helland, the convening authority at Camp Pendleton and final arbiter in his case.
Without explanation Helland dismissed the criminal charges against Tatum just hours before he was to face a general court-martial. Tatum, of Edmond, Okla., is the third enlisted Marine from 3rd Platoon, Kilo Company, 3rd Battalion, 1st Marines originally charged with murder in the 30-month-old Haditha investigation that has been completely cleared of alleged misdeeds.
Cleared But Charged Anyway
In the run-up to the Tatum court martial proceeding, there was clear evidence that military’s case was based on a tissues of hearsay, face-saving and political expediency.
For example, in the case of another Marine also facing court martial, the military prosecutors tried to block the testimony of the intelligence officer, Lt. Jeff Dinsmore, who monitored the Haditha action via radio transmissions and overhead video surveillance drone. His testimony and the video evidence shows that the Marines did not lie when they said the received hostile file from insurgents occupying civilian buildings.
When the Marines cleared the building using standard military procedures, both the insurgents and civilians were dead.
The Dinsmore evidence and testimony proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that claims by Time magazine and Congressman Jack Murtha, that a platoon of Marines went on a rampage in My Lai fashion after one of their fellow Marines, was killed was an out and out fantasy.
But efforts to prevent Dinsmore from testifying demonstrated the military want a Soviet-style show trial of a hero Marine. Fortunately, the presiding military judged ruled Dinsmore could testify. The prosecution “case” against Tatum began to crumble.
Though preliminary Article 32 hearings had cleared the Marines of most of the allegations, the military has been intent in making an example of them.
Nevertheless, two officers and the enlisted Marines were all charged with slaying civilians at Haditha and sent to court martial.
The military’s floundering case has come to symbolize the Pentagon’s tenacious efforts to turn warriors into policemen. Pointing out that our combat troops are engaged in a war zone makes many of their alleged misdeeds understandable.
But the Pentagon follows the administration line: American troops are simply helpers to the Iraqi civil government. American troops are not an occupying force. American troops are welcomed as liberators by the Iraqis. And so the spin-story spins and spins.
Fueled by specious media claims and driven by rapacious politicians more concerned with face time than preserving precious freedoms, the Marine Corps brass willingly served them up for prosecution rather than admit it was handed a mission it was never trained to perform and never intended to take, so the unfolding of the Haditha case has revealed.
Waiting on the wings of the malevolent stage where the Haditha investigation is still playing out, the Fallujah murder cases are being prepared to take over top billing. In that unrelated case three enlisted Marine infantrymen from the same platoon that Tatum served in have been charged with murdering four Iraqi prisoners of war more than three years ago.
PLEASE go here for complete article
another snipet from the article:

“Marines are not policeman,” a senior Marine Corps officer said Friday night. He has served multiple tours in Iraq that show in his eyes.

“We are warriors. Occupation duty is the Army’s responsibility. The Marine Corps is our country’s blunt force instrument and we are destroying it – eating our young. Pray we still have Marines in the next war. Sometimes I am not so sure.”

But Fallujah may end up being nothing more than another Haditha where soldiers acted in combat in ways we might find totally unacceptable of they were members of the Los Angeles Police Department.
Two years, thousands of man hours and millions of dollars later nobody charged in the alleged Haditha massacre has been convicted of anything.
In the interim morale plummeted, the Marine Corps rewrote the manual on how it fights, and the Pentagon wants shorter leashes on its frontline troops.

Wild Thing’s comment……..
Good article about what has been going on.
When this kind of thing gets started like it has I wonder what it will take for it to finally stop. I know part of it I think would be a true Conservative for President aka Commander in Chief. But since that is not happening in this next election then it has to come from the top military I would think saying enough is enough.
Being strong about it and more or less laying down the law as to something like ” we are trained to do what we do, we are not the police, this is war against an enemy with no country, and no uniform.
Maybe if several of the top brass would say ” put me on trial, the responsibility starts at the top, we are a brotherhood and you don’t go after one of my men and not think it effects all of us. We go to places you only see in a nightmare, see things you cannot imagine, have an enemy that is not satisfied with only killing us they take great pleasure in chopping us up into pieces, literally pulling our guts out and other horrors that would turn your stomach and you think we are going to ask for permission to take out someone that is bent on killing us? Someone that is connected to the enemy’s camp and will run off and tell them where we are located? Your sitting around in Georgetown or in your offices in D.C. trying to figure out a way to pull amnesty over on true Americans that are concerned about securing borders, and you want to tell us how to fight a war and win while you are perched mentally on every shoulder of every soldier risking all? You better think again Sir/Madam because without us there never has been peace and without us you would not even have a country. ” ….just an idea of what one or heck all of them could say. If the Brass on their uniforms had included balls in the britches.

….Thank you Mark for sending this to me.