19 Apr

VP Cheney and Mitt Romney At Annual Radio & TV Correspondents Dinner

Dick Cheney stole the show at the Radio-TV Correspondents Dinner this past Wednesday night.
Cheney even critics himself and the jokes as he tells them. LMAO hahahahahahaa
LMAO they are very funny. These video’s is worth watching.
Here are two of them:
“You in the press need to go easy on Senator Clinton on the whole business about running and ducking from gunfire in Bosnia. She made an honest mistake. She confused the Bosnia trip with the time I took her hunting.”
“Speaking of Vice President Gore, I’m sorry to relate that he’s a little bit sore at me. He’s convinced that on global warming, I just don’t get it. But lately with every passing day the evidence has been catching my attention. I have no doubt, none at all, that we are in the midst of a global warming, or, as I prefer to call it, spring. And I don’t want to sound like an alarmist, but it’s going to get a lot warmer before it gets cooler.”

Top 10 Reason’s Mitt Romney got out of the race

19 Apr

Harvard Goes Halal ~ Sharia…Coming to the campus your kids will go to

Islamofascism: Separate gym hours for Muslim coeds. Calls to prayer. Lectures on Shariah finance. A campus in the Mideast? Nope. It’s all happening at America’s pre-eminent college.
Investor’s Business Daily
Over the past few years, Harvard University has received millions in endowments from rich Saudi and Emirate sheiks. Now it’s returning the favor by Islamizing its campus and promoting the Shariah agenda of its new Arab masters.
Recently, the Ivy League school has made special accommodations for the religious needs of Muslim students, including, and rescheduling of exams to observe Islamic holidays.
And this weekend it hosted a $400-per-person conference on Shariah finance led by officials from Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates. The goal of the forum — sponsored by Harvard’s Islamic Finance Project — is to “integrate” Islamic finance into the mainstream economy.
That’s a tough fit, because Islamic, or Shariah, finance forbids investment in major Western industries, including those that derive substantial income from interest.
Banking and insurance, as well as alcohol, tobacco or pork-related industries, are not considered “halal,” or allowable, under Islam. Entertainment is also unlawful.
Shariah-compliant investments are monitored by paid Shariah law advisers who must “purify” certain returns by donating them to Islamic charities — including some that promote jihad and support suicide bombings.
With $800 billion already in Shariah assets — and $1 trillion to $2 trillion in Arab petrodollars annually looking for an investment home — the potential for billions being siphoned off for terrorism is real.
This, of course, would be a serious criminal violation of U.S. law. Yet Western bankers, including many on Wall Street who are jumping into the Shariah finance market, don’t know this.

One prominent Shariah adviser is Sheik Yusuf al-Qaradawi. He’s a paid adviser to Arcapita (formerly Crescent Capital), which happens to sponsor Harvard’s Islamic Finance Project along with Abu Dhabi Islamic Bank.

Al-Qaradawi is an Egyptian who has advocated suicide bombings and described Shariah finance as nothing less than “jihad with money.”

He heads the Islamic American University and is a proposed trustee of the Islamic Society of Boston. The director of Harvard’s Islamic Finance Project, S. Nazim Ali, is active in both the university and the Islamic Society. Ali is neither an economist nor a scholar. His background is in computers.

Another paid Shariah adviser is Sheik Muhammad Usmani, a Pakistani cleric who ran a madrassa that trained thousands of Taliban and who recently wrote a book supporting jihad and Islamic domination. He, too, has links to Harvard, according to the Center for Security Policy, a vanguard against so-called Shariah creep.
Roger Ferguson, president-elect of the university’s board of overseers, joined Swiss RE in August 2006. Two months later, Usmani was named chairman of Swiss RE’s Shariah advisory board.
Until recently, Usmani was listed as chief adviser to the Dow Jones Islamic Fund, which is run by the North American Islamic Trust, a recently named co-conspirator in a federal terror-financing case.
Usmani’s name — along with the entire section covering the fund’s “Shariah supervisory board” — mysteriously disappeared from the Islamic Trust’s Web site after we exposed the fund’s extremist ties in a Feb. 28 editorial (“The Risky Business of Islamic Finance”). Other key information on Shariah also has been purged. In addition, the Islamic Trust renamed its Dow fund the “Iman Fund” and amended several paragraphs in its prospectus.
It appears Islamists are trying to use such Shariah-compliant financial products as tools to get Islamic law through the back door into Western countries, including the U.S. They’re enlisting our finest colleges in the project.
If Arab sheiks think they can buy American colleges and use our campuses to spread Wahhabism, Harvard only has encouraged them.

Wild Thing’s comment……..
I don’t think our Nation or western culture will defend itself from islamofasism.
These poeple don’t realize or maybe they don’t care, one single connection to Islam has behind it many more. It never ends with a just the one obvious organization. Like the expression follow the money, we can also say with Islam follow the bloody trail.

18 Apr

Communist Friendly Time Magazine Rag Abuses Image of Marine Heroes at Iwo Jima

Iwo Jima Veterans Blast Time’s ‘Special Environmental Issue’ Cover
Business & Media Institute
Time editor tells MSNBC ‘there needs to be a real effort along the lines of World War II to combat global warming and climate change.’
For only the second time in 85 years, Time magazine abandoned the traditional red border it uses on its cover. The occasion – to push more global warming alarmism.

The cover of the April 21 issue of Time took the famous Iwo Jima photograph by Joe Rosenthal of the Marines raising the American flag and replaced the flag with a tree. The cover story by Bryan Walsh calls green “the new red, white and blue.”

Donald Mates, an Iwo Jima veteran, told the Business & Media Institute on April 17 that using that photograph for that cause was a “disgrace.”

“It’s an absolute disgrace,” Mates said. “Whoever did it is going to hell. That’s a mortal sin. God forbid he runs into a Marine that was an Iwo Jima survivor.”

Mates also said making the comparison of World War II to global warming was erroneous and disrespectful.

“The second world war we knew was there,” Mates said. “There’s a big discussion. Some say there is global warming, some say there isn’t. And to stick a tree in place of a flag on the Iwo Jima picture is just sacrilegious.”

According to the American Veterans Center (AVC), Mates served in the 3rd Marine Division and fought in the battle of Iwo Jima, landing on Feb. 24, 1945.

“A few days later, Mates’ eight-man patrol came under heavy assault from Japanese forces,” Tim Holbert, a spokesman for the AVC, said. “During fierce-hand-to-hand combat, Mates watched as his friend and fellow Marine, Jimmy Trimble, was killed in front of his eyes. Mates was severely wounded, and underwent repeated operations for shrapnel removal for over 30 years.”

Lt. John Keith Wells, the leader of the platoon that raised the flags on Mt. Suribachi and co-author of “Give Me Fifty Marines Not Afraid to Die: Iwo Jima” wasn’t impressed with Time’s efforts.

“That global warming is the biggest joke I’ve ever known,” Wells told the Business & Media Institute. “[W]e’ll stick a dadgum tree up somebody’s rear if they want that and think that’s going to cure something.”

Time managing editor Richard Stengel appeared on MSNBC April 17 and said the United States needed to make a major effort to fight climate change, and that the cover’s purpose was to liken global warming to World War II.

“One of the things we do in the story is we say there needs to be an effort along the lines of preparing for World War II to combat global warming and climate change,” Stengel said. “It seems to me that this is an issue that is very popular with the voters, makes a lot of sense to them and a candidate who can actually bundle it up in some grand way and say, ‘Look, we need a national and international Manhattan Project to solve this problem and my candidacy involves that.’ I don’t understand why they don’t do that.”

Holbert, a speaking on behalf of the American Veterans Center, said the editorial decision by Time to use the photograph for the cover trivialized the cause the veterans fought for.

“Global warming may or may not be a significant threat to the United States,” Holbert said. “The Japanese Empire in February of 1945, however, certainly was, and this photo trivializes the most recognizable moment of one of the bloodiest battles in U.S. history. War analogies should be used sparingly by political advocates of all bents.”

Stengel also appeared on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” on April 17 and had no difficulty admitting the magazine needed to have a “point of view.”
“I think since I’ve been back at the magazine, I have felt that one of the things that’s needed in journalism is that you have to have a point of view about things,” Stengel said. “You can’t always just say ‘on the one hand, on the other’ and you decide. People trust us to make decisions. We’re experts in what we do. So I thought, you know what, if we really feel strongly about something let’s just say so.”

Time has been banging the global warming drum for some time now. In April 2007, Time offered 51 ways to “save the planet,” which included more taxes and regulation.


Wild Thing’s comment……..
Those heroic Marines in that photo were fighting for freedom.
This is total and utter disrespect of men who knew they would probably be killed but fought like hell anyway! It’s men in pictures like this that represent the very fact we are not speaking Japanese or German today! God I hate the evil left in this country as much as Muslim terrorists! To hell with you and may someone crack your heads open with a baseball bat!
Global Warming is another way of pushing communism. Its why the leftists love it soo much. Our soldiers FOUGHT communism!
Time editor Rick Stengel’s UPDATE ON EMAIL ADDRESS:


….Thank you Mark for sending this to me.

18 Apr

Update On Haditha Case

Murtha, NCIS Sec, and Several Marine Generals Demanded in Unlawful Command Influence Motion
Thomas More Law Center
April 14, 2008
Military prosecutors are desperately fighting to prevent the testimony of Pennsylvania Congressman John Murtha, Secretary of the Navy Donald Winters and several top Marine Generals, including former Marine Commandant Michael Hagee and the current Commandant James Conway.
The requested witnesses will show the dirty hand of unlawful command influence—considered by the courts as the “mortal enemy of military justice.” The hearing on the motion to produce the testimony of these high ranking officials will begin tomorrow morning at Camp Pendleton, California.
The Unlawful Command Influence motion (click here to read motion in pdf) was one of seven motions brought on for hearing this week by the Thomas More Law Center, a national public interest law firm based in Ann Arbor, Michigan. Court decisions on unlawful command influence require the military judge to avoid even the “appearance of this evil” in his courtroom. The Law Center, along with two detailed Marine lawyers, is defending Lt. Col. Jeffrey Chessani, the highest ranking military officer charged in the November 19, 2005, Haditha incident.
Law Center attorneys Rob Muise and Brian Rooney, as well as detailed military defense counsel, Lt. Col. John Shelbourne, USMC, and Captain Jeff King, USMC, will present oral arguments on the seven motions to military judge Colonel Stephen Folsom, USMC.

“It was obvious from the outset that Lt. Col. Chessani was being made a political scapegoat. Even before the investigation was completed, Congressman Murtha publicly accused the Haditha Marines of “cold blooded murder” and officers of covering it up. Murtha claimed he got his information from the highest level of the military,” said Richard Thompson, Chief Counsel of the Law Center.

The criminal charges against Lt. Col. Chessani stem from a house-to-house, room-by-room battle four of his enlisted Marines engaged in on November 19, 2005, after being ambushed by insurgents in the town of Haditha, Iraq. Even though Lt. Col. Chessani immediately reported the events of that day to his superiors, including the death of 15 noncombatant civilians caught in the crossfire, nobody in Lt. Col. Chessani’s chain of command, all the way to General Casey showed any interest in conducting an investigation because they understood this to be combat action—not a law of war violation.
However, months later, a Time magazine story instigated by an insurgent propaganda agent, caused Pentagon officials to order the largest investigation in the history of the Naval Criminal Investigative Services (NCIS). As a result, Lt. Col. Chessani, one of America’s most effective combat commanders in Iraq, now faces dismissal (an officer’s equivalent of a dishonorable discharge), loss of retirement, and imprisonment of up to 3 years.
Thus far, after 30 months of investigation costing millions of dollars, the cases against three of the four enlisted men charged for their part in the Haditha incident have been dismissed.
If defense attorneys are able to produce some evidence of unlawful command influence, the burden will shift to prosecutors to show beyond a reasonable doubt that:
(1) the predicate facts alleged by the defense are untrue
(2) the predicate facts alleged do not constitute unlawful command influence; or
(3) the unlawful command influence will not affect the proceedings.
This burden is high because command influence deprives service members of their constitutional rights. It is important to note that the court will determine not only whether there was actual unlawful command influence, but also whether there was an appearance of impropriety that would taint the public’s perception of the fairness of the court-martial.

On May 17, 2006, months before the investigation was completed, Congressman Murtha held his first news conference on the Haditha incident. Murtha said he had been told by the highest levels of the Marine Corps that there was no IED, there was no firefight, and the Marines “killed innocent civilians in cold blood.”

The next day, Murtha again spoke about Haditha and confidentially proclaimed “All the information I get, it comes from the commanders, it comes from people who know what they’re talking about.” “It’s much worse than reported in Time magazine.”

He told a reporter for the Philadelphia Inquirer that Gen. Michael Hagee had given him the information on which he based his accusations.
Murtha’s claim of cold blooded murder and cover-up fly in the face of previous investigations conducted by Army personnel.

The first investigation conducted by Army Colonel G. A. Watt found “there are no indications that [Coalition Forces] intentionally targeted, engaged, and killed noncombatants.” A second, by Army Major General Aldon Bargewell concluded there was no “cover-up” by the chain-of-command, and that “[The inaccurate press release that launched Time magazine’s investigation] was not the result of any intent to conceal misconduct . . .”

When Colonel Watt’s findings were given to Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld on March 10, 2006, one Pentagon official recalled, “Rumsfeld told aides that the case promised to be a major problem. He called it ‘really, really bad — as bad or worse than Abu Ghraib.’”

Several sources, including Generals Hagee and Conway, have told defense counsel that Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld decided to set up an oversight “body” to keep tabs on the investigations and prosecutions of the Haditha cases.

Wild Thing’s comment…….
Murtha took this to the media to try and convict these innocent men. Boy, that’ll be rich if the defense gets Murtha, Winter and Generals Hagee and Conway on the stand to question. Lets all pray it comes to pass.
Given what Murtha has said, may constitute contempt of court (releasing to much info and speaking about a trial in progress).
And why isn’t Rumsfeld called too. GRRRR
Let’s hope and pray the Judge rules for the defense! It’d be in the best interest of justice for LtCol Chessani, plus expose Murtha for the liar he is. Getting all the military brass sworn testimony would put a quick end to the Haditha trials with all charges dismissed.
This Undue Command Influence goes all the way up the chain of command — Military AND Civilian. Rumsfeld and his crew of misfits KNEW before he made that fateful decision that there was no truth to the allegations.
I was surprised when I watched the PBS report on Haditha. Even PBS concluded that the Iraqi deaths—the alleged civilians—resulted from Marines following the rules of engagement under the fog of war.
I’ve been trying to follow this case from the beginning. It just sickens me to see the willingness on the part of some to let our Marines and other military men and women suffer complete devastation to their lives all for political purposes. Falsely accusing these men, putting their families and them through living hell and financial ruin for some PC purpose is reprehensible. I hope the truth will come out and Murtha, especially, will pay for these traitorous lies.
Lawyers to Expose ‘Unlawful Influence’ in Haditha Case April 14, 2008
April 14th, 2008

This burden, Rooney explained “is high because command influence deprives service members of their constitutional rights. It is important to note that the court will determine not only whether there was actual unlawful command influence, but also whether there was an appearance of impropriety that would taint the public’s perception of the fairness of the court-martial.
Speaking from California today where he will be appearing at the hearings Tuesday, Rooney told Newsmax in an exclusive interview that “We’ve laid out a pretty thorough, well-thought-out case why unlawful command influence has reared it’s ugly head.
“We want these people put under oath, put under the crucible of cross examination and let the chips fall where they may. That’s what the American people deserve because there have been so many accusations about whether or not [former Marine Corps Commandant] Gen. Hagee or anybody else called the Marines cold-blooded murderers or that the officers covered it up.”
According to Rooney, who as a Marine Captain served during the bloody battle of Fallujah, “Murtha’s claim of cold blooded murder and cover-up fly in the face of previous investigations conducted by Army personnel.
The Center recalled that the first investigation conducted by Army Colonel G. A. Watt found ‘there are no indications that [Coalition Forces] intentionally targeted, engaged, and killed noncombatants.’ A second, by Army Maj. Gen. Eldon Bargewell concluded there was no ‘cover-up’ by the chain of command, and that ‘[The inaccurate press release that launched Time magazine’s investigation] was not the result of any intent to conceal misconduct . . .’”

DAMN ok look at this, it is the latest…this post began with the dates April 14th, 2008. This article is the latest dated April 15th, 2008
Charges against Haditha commander upheld …..(Murtha skates again)
NC Times
CAMP PENDLETON — A military judge on Tuesday again refused to dismiss charges against the highest-ranking officer accused of wrongdoing in the slaying of 24 Iraqi civilians following a roadside bombing in the city of Haditha in 2005.
The judge, Col. Steven Folsom, ruled there was sufficient cause for Lt. Col. Jeffrey Chessani to proceed to trial by court-martial at Camp Pendleton.
Folsom made a similar finding last month.
The judge’s latest refusal to dismiss charges of dereliction of duty and violating a lawful order by failing to order an investigation into the civilian deaths was followed by a series of other rulings, including findings that a lengthy pretrial hearing into the validity of the charges and a subsequent recommendation that Chessani face trial were proper.
Folsom also turned down a defense attempt to compel Rep. John Murtha, D-Pa., to testify about a briefing he received from Marine Corps commanders regarding the Haditha killings.

“It’s important for the public to know what the congressman was told,” Chessani attorney Brian Rooney argued, suggesting that Murtha’s comments and the actions of senior Marine Corps officials led to the charges.

For months, Chessani’s attorneys have attempted to force Murtha and several current and former Marine generals to testify in support of their contention that the charges against him stem from undue influence from top Marine commanders and represents a selective prosecution.
Folsom did delay ruling on whether former Marine Corps Commandant Gen. Michael Hagee, who has acknowledged briefing Murtha and others members of Congress in 2006, should be required to testify on the question of undue command influence.
Chessani, 44, also is accused of violating a lawful order for failing to order a full-scale investigation into the civilian deaths. The Colorado native faces up to 30 months in jail and dismissal from the service if convicted and sentenced to the maximum punishment.
Chessani was in command of Camp Pendleton’s 3rd Battalion, 1st Marine Regiment in Haditha when the civilians were killed. His attorneys argue that his initial reports to his superiors in Iraq reflected at least 15 civilian deaths, and that no one above him believed the incident warranted an investigation.
Tuesday’s hearing became testy at times, with Folsom telling Robert Muse, Chessani’s lead attorney, there’s no evidence that his client ever suggested to superiors there may have been wrongdoing by the frontline troops under his command at Haditha.

“Show me the evidence that he ever reported a suspected law of war violation,” Folsom said.

Chessani’s trial was slated to start later this month, but has been rescheduled for June so defense attorneys can interview people named on a recently expanded list of potential government witnesses.
Rooney said last week that prosecutors have never offered Chessani a plea deal and that he isn’t seeking one.

“It is not in his constitution to say he is guilty of something he is not guilty of,” Rooney said.

Chessani was relieved of command when battalion returned from Iraq in April 2006 and now works as an anti-terrorism officer.
His defense is being led by the Thomas More Law Center in Ann Arbor, Mich., a Christian-based firm that does not charge for its services. He also has two Marine Corps attorneys assigned to his defense.

My second comment on this…………
Col. Folsom sure shows me he does NOT want the whole truth to come out, sure doesn’t look like it.
Murtha slithered out of this one like the snake he is.
The only hope is that Hagee will be compelled to testify. His testimony would be about his conversations with Murtha so at least we’d get that on the record.
“Show me the evidence that he ever reported a suspected law of war violation,” Folsom said.
WHY on earth would Chessani report a ‘law of war violation’ when there was nothing to report, NO war crimes, even according to the chain of command!
The Prosecution’s case is in tatters and they’re desperate to pin anything on anyone. Folsom is dirty like Murtha is dirty, they’re on the same team only with different agendas.

18 Apr

Does Michelle Obama Have The Wright Stuff? NO, She Is Not Ready For Prime Time

In her senior thesis at Princeton, Michele Obama, the wife of Barack Obama (‘OSAMA’) stated that America was a nation founded on “crime and hatred”. Moreover, she stated that whites in America were “ineradicably racist”.
The 1985 thesis, titled ‘Princeton-Educated Blacks and the Black Community’ was written under her maiden name, Michelle LaVaughn Robinson.
Michelle Obama stated in her thesis that to ‘Whites at Princeton , it often seems as if, to them, she will always be Black first…’

However, it was reported by a fellow black classmate, “If those ‘Whites at Princeton ‘ really saw Michelle as one who always would ‘be Black first,’ it seems that she gave them that impression”.

Most alarming is Michele Obama’s use of the terms “separationist” and “integrationist” when describing the views of black people.
Mrs. Obama clearly identifies herself with a “separationist” view of race.

“By actually working with the Black lower class or within their communities as a result of their ideologies, a separationist may better understand the desperation of their situation and feel more hopeless about a resolution as opposed to an integrationist who is ignorant to their plight.”

Obama writes that the path she chose by attending Princeton would likely lead to her ‘further integration and/or assimilation into a white cultural and social structure that will only allow me to remain on the periphery of society; never becoming a full participant.’

Michele Obama clearly has a chip on her shoulder. Not only does she see separate black and white societies in America , but she elevates black over white in her world.
Here is another passage that is uncomfortable and ominous in meaning:

“There was no doubt in my mind that as a member of the black community, I am obligated to this community and will utilize all of my present and future resources to benefit the black community first and foremost. “

What is Michelle Obama planning to do with her future resources if she’s first lady that will elevate black over white in America ?
The following passage appears to be a call to arms for affirmative action policies that could be the hallmark of an Obama administration.

“Predominately white universities like Princeton are socially and academically designed to cater to the needs of the white students comprising the bulk of their enrollments.”

The conclusion of her thesis is alarming.
Michelle Obama’s poll of black alumni concludes that other black students at Princeton do not share her obsession with blackness. But rather than celebrate, she is horrified that black alumni identify with our common American culture more than they value the color of their skin.

“I hoped that these findings would help me conclude that despite the high degree of identification with whites as a result of the educational and occupational path that black Princeton alumni follow, the alumni would still maintain a certain level of identification with the black community. However, these findings do not support this possibility.”

Is it no wonder that most black alumni ignored her racist questionnaire? Only 89 students responded out of 400 who were asked for input.

Michelle Obama does not look into a crowd of Obama supporters and see Americans. She sees black people and white people eternally conflicted with one another.
The thesis provides a trove of Mrs. Obama’s thoughts and world view seen through a race-based prism.
This is a very divisive view for a potential first lady that would do untold damage to race relations in this country in a Barack Obama administration.

Wild Thing’s comment……..
Charming future First Lady…not.
Michele was never a child of “poverty “ but she came from a solid middle class home and she still could find nothing to credit her country for.
Her body language, her ‘gettin’ down’ slouch, her tone…YIKES! I am sorry but she reminds me exactly of the black girls in movies and TV who were looking for a fight for no particular reason. The shows like Law and Order and other shows where they have gang members etc.
She has no class at all it is missing totally. It even shows in her body language.
Michelle: “But let me tell you who me and Barack are,….”
That’s not ‘talking funny’; that’s horrid grammar for a college graduate to use. And I find it offensive from anyone in this country college educated or not.
Michelle: “…who me and Barack are so that you are not confuse….working class upbringin’….”
Come on, Michelle, you really want to drop one “ing” for “in”?
Maybe she has time before it’s too late, to go to some kind of finishing school to learn how to deport herself. The maintenance lady in our building is more refined. Michelle has enough attitude and coarse demeanor to choke the whole stable. I wonder who she thinks she’s talking to.
Osama says he knew growing up on food stamps. BS! His white liberal grandparents sent him to the most expensive private school in Hawaii. You can’t do that on food stamps.
Ms Osama says she is a product of public education? BS. She’s a product of affirmative action and private education. We shall reap what we sow if Osama is elected.

18 Apr

Maupin’s Parents Told Son’s Captors Are in U.S.Custody

Stars and Strips
Army officials have told the parents of Sgt. Matt Maupin that some of the Iraqis believed to be responsible for their son’s capture four years ago are in custody, the Cincinnati Enquirer reported Thursday.

“I know that there are at least two who are supposed to be put on trial, if they haven’t been already,” Keith Maupin, father of the Ohio soldier, told the Enquirer. Maupin’s remains were found March 20 in Iraq by U.S. soldiers, nearly four years after he was captured in a convoy attack near the Baghdad airport.

Keith Maupin and the soldier’s mother, Carolyn Maupin, left Cincinnati on Wednesday for Washington, where they will have a full day of briefings from Pentagon officials on their son’s disappearance, the paper reported.
The soldier’s father told the Enquirer that he expected to learn more Thursday about the Iraqi insurgents believed to be responsible for the then-20-year-old Army reservist’s capture; and more about how and when their son died.
They also will have a video conference with soldiers from the 1st battalion, 21st Infantry Regiment who discovered Maupin’s remains on March 20 northwest of Baghdad, working on a tip from an Iraqi civilian, the Enquirer reported.
Keith Maupin said he was told by Army officials soon after the remains were discovered that some of those believed responsible for their son’s capture and death had been detained, the Enquirer reported.
The Maupins plan to return to Cincinnati on Friday to continue with planning for their son’s visitation and funeral, the paper wrote.

Wild Thing’s comment……..
Hopefully knowing that some of SSgt Maupin’s captors are in prison will bring some comfort to the Maupin Family. I hope they put these terrorists to death and they don’t sit in jail for years and years.

18 Apr

Weathermen Terrorist Bill Ayers Has a Blog

Bill Ayers Has a Blog
Washington Post
During last night’s Democratic presidential primary debate in Philadelphia, Sen. Barack Obama was pressed forcefully by moderator George Stephanopoulos and Democratic rival Sen. Hillary Clinton about his relationship with William Ayers, a former member of the radical anti-Vietnam War group the Weathermen — later the Weather Underground — which bombed government buildings in the 1970s.

Obama, who sat on the board of the Woods Fund with Ayers in Chicago, sought to keep his distance. “This is a guy who lives in my neighborhood, who’s a professor of English in Chicago, who I know and who I have not received some official endorsement from,” said the senator from Illinois. “He’s not somebody who I exchange ideas from on a regular basis.”

“And the notion that somehow as a consequence of me knowing somebody who engaged in detestable acts 40 years ago when I was 8 years old, somehow reflects on me and my values,” Obama continued, “doesn’t make much sense, George.”

It turns out that Ayers — known in Chicago as Bill — is not much of a fan of how he has been characterized in the press recently, either. And so he’s taken to his blog, billayers.wordpress.com, to write about it.

On April 6, Ayers responded to his increasingly prominent role in the Democratic presidential nominating contest and what he described as “some fantastic assertions about what I did, what I said, and what I believe,” including accusations that he is “an unrepentant terrorist”

In a post titled “Episodic Notoriety — Fact and Fantasy,” Ayers addresses the most frequently hurled accusations against him.

“I’m often quoted saying that I have ‘no regrets,'” he writes. “This is not true. For anyone paying attention–and I try to stay wide-awake to the world around me all/ways–life brings misgivings, doubts, uncertainty, loss, regret. I’m sometimes asked if I regret anything I did to oppose the war in Viet Nam, and I say ‘no, I don’t regret anything I did to try to stop the slaughter of millions of human beings by my own government.’ Sometimes I add, ‘I don’t think I did enough.’ This is then elided: he has no regrets for setting bombs and thinks there should be more bombings.”

In fact, Ayers says, those who tied to stop the “illegal, murderous, imperial war against Viet Nam … recognize that our efforts were inadequate: the war dragged on for a decade, thousands were slaughtered every week, and we couldn’t stop it. In the end the U.S. military was defeated and the war ended, but we surely didn’t do enough.”

Nor does Ayers believe his actions with the Weather Underground were terrorism. “I’ve never advocated terrorism, never participated in it, never defended it. The U.S. government, by contrast, does it routinely and defends the use of it in its own cause consistently,” he wrote.

Wild Thing’s comment……..
B. Hussein and Michelle Obama say they don’t know know Ayers very well. OH sure keep up with the lies! we will just keep commenting on them as you go. We can’t let Obama and his cult followers to get away with lying about his connection with this Communist and terrorist.
OK now look at this:
And note the DATE : November 4, 1997
A panel at the University of Chicago debates the merits of the juvenile justice system

“William Ayers, author of A Kind and Just Parent: The Children of Juvenile Court(Beacon Press, 1997), says “We should call a child a child. A 13-year-old who picks up a gun isn’t suddenly an adult. We have to ask other questions: How did he get the gun? Where did it come from?”
Ayers, who spent a year observing the Cook County Temporary Juvenile Detention Center in Chicago, is one of four panelists who will speak on juvenile justice at 6 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 20, in the C-Shop of the Reynolds Club, 5706 S. University Ave.
The panel, which marks the 100th anniversary of the juvenile justice system in the United States, is part of the Community Service Center’s monthly discussion series on issues affecting the city of Chicago.
The event is free and open to the public.
Ayers will be joined by Illinois State Sen. Barack Obama, Senior Lecturer in the University of Chicago Law School, who is working to block proposed legislation that would throw more juvenile offenders into the adult system; Randolph Stone, Director of the Mandel Legal Aid Clinic at the University of Chicago; Alex Correa, a reformed juvenile offender who spent 7 years in Cook County Temporary Detention Center; Frank Tobin, a former priest and teacher in the Detention Center who helped Correa; and Willy Baldwin, who grew up in public housing and is currently a teacher in the Detention Center.
The juvenile justice system was founded by Chicago reformer Jane Addams, who advocated the establishment of a separate court system for children which would act like a “kind and just parent” for children in crisis.
One hundred years later, the system is “overcrowded, under-funded, over-centralized and racist,” Ayers said.
Michelle Obama, Associate Dean of Student Services and Director of the University of Chicago Community Service Center, hopes bringing issues like this to campus will open a dialogue between members of the University community and the broader community.
“We know that issues like juvenile justice impact each of us who live in the city of Chicago. This panel gives community members and students a chance to hear about the juvenile justice system not only on a theoretical level, but from the people who have experienced it.”

And then there is this one: Again note the date
In April 2002, Ayers, Dohrn, and Obama, then an Illinois State Senator, participated together at a conference entitled “Intellectuals: Who Needs Them?” sponsored by The Center for Public Intellectuals and the University of Illinois-Chicago. Ayers and Obama were two of the six members of the “Intellectuals in Times of Crisis” panel.
More dated February 4, 2005:
“And Campus Watch reports on a farewell dinner for the radical Palestinian activist Rashid Khalidi, who was leaving the Arab American Action Network to take the Edward Said endowed chair at Colombia University, where Obama, Ayers, and Dohrn all gave glowing testimonials to Khalidi – whose group received $75,000 from the Woods Foundation”

“In bringing professor Khalidi to Morningside Heights from the University of Chicago, Columbia also got itself a twofer of Palestinian activism and advocacy. Mr. Khalidi’s wife, Mona, who also served in Beirut as chief editor of the English section of the WAFA press agency, was hired as dean of foreign students at Columbia’s SIPA, working under Dean Anderson. In Chicago, the Khalidis founded the Arab American Action Network, and Mona Khalidi served as its president. A big farewell dinner was held in their honor by AAAN with a commemorative book filled with testimonials from their friends and political allies. These included the left wing anti-war group Not In My Name, the Electronic Intifada, and the ex-Weatherman domestic terrorists Bernadine Dohrn and Bill Ayers. (There were also testimonials from then-state Senator Barack Obama and the mayor of Chicago.)”

17 Apr

B. Hussein Obama Gives Hillary The Finger Yep That One!

Barack talks about last night’s debate in a town hall meeting in Raleigh, NC on April 17, 2008
It is located at 1:18 on the clock into the video right hand flip off.
I have watched a lot of this jerk and he uses his index finger constantly not his middle finger , so this made it even more obvious when he did this.
UM,. is thie ths NEW politics he wants to bring to Washington D.C. ? LOL

17 Apr

Democrats Aren’t Happy ~ LMAO

I watched the debate, some of the questions asked even had me with eyes wide open LOL I mean there were some things asked that you and I would have loved to have asked just to make them uncomfortable to the max and it did. heh heh
Obama was asked about asked about terrorist Bill Ayer. OMG it was great, of course he did the non answer thing. haha But still it really ticked him off. Obama won’t call Ayers the terrorist he is!… just passed it off a something he did 40 years ago!
Obama mentioned BJ commuting the sentences of the PR bombers terrorists.
Questioned about the War:
Hilary: We don’t know what will happen when we withdraw from Iraq, but we need to withdraw so we can fight in Afghanistan.
Obama: I’m pulling out of Iraq no matter what the generals tell me. I’m giving them a new mission: get out of Iraq.
Charlie asked the two You would pull out of Iraq even if the Generals advised against it. These two nitwits said YES!
Obama choking on having to vocalize support for Israel. Hillary dismissing the Israel part of the question.
Obama can’t say one good word about this country. He truly does hate the USA.
Capital gains taxes
Charlie got Obama again. He will not admit that a lower tax rate means more revenue. He is a freaking economic idiot.
Obama would stimulate the economy by doubling the tax rate on capitol gains.
Hilary: I will only raise taxes to where they were in the Clinton Administration.
say what? haha
The Second Amendment
Hillary says she will bring the 100,000 cops program.
Hillary: Will reinstate the assault weapons ban.
Obama was asked about gun control…..his reply……OMG
“Just because you have a right does not mean that the state or local government cannot constrain that right…”
Obama: “We can make sure criminals don’t have guns.”
Obama says just because you have right doest mean the GOV cant infringe on that right.
Hillary: I Will bring back the Assault Weapons Ban
Hillary: “I support sensible regulation”…”but I don’t know the facts”
Operation Chaos is working. No Rush did not write the questions, but the thing is they are going at each other and that is what I want. I want the dem party to explode and for these two to do the work of showing the world how horrible they are.
The main thing to be said about the debate last night is the DU site. It is in an uproar to say the least.
ROTFLMAO ……Now these people well they ARE bitter. hahahha
They even asked Obama about the Lapel pin he won’t wear and all he could say was…
Obama: ” I wore one yesterday when a Veteran gave it to me. ….the questioning of my patriotism…is a distraction that keeps us away from the real issues.”
Well where is it today then Obama????? LOL Because he does not want to wear one no matter what.
Lots of use of the *F* word. They are ticked to say the least. hahaha

Rush will have a field day with this stuff.LMAO Some of the questions one would think he wrote them. hahaha

17 Apr

University of Maine Desecrates American Flag

An assignment to create a social experiment art project generated turmoil at the University of Maine at Farmington Tuesday when student Susan Crane constructed large, 4-by-5-foot American flags and placed them on the floor of student center hallway along with 3,000 small flags.
The project was to see if people walked around or over them , but veteran Charles Bennett, commander of the American Legion for Franklin County, seated, attempted to remove the flags, calling it a disgrace. He was stopped by police and resorted to stand by until Crane removed them.

FARMINGTON: Art and beliefs clash at UMF
On Tuesday April 15th an “art” project was put up at the Student Center at the University of Maine at Farmington.

Morning Sentinel. Maine
Susan Crane thought she was prepared to handle the reaction from students when she constructed five, large American flags on the student center hallway floor at the University of Maine at Farmington as an art class project.
What she didn’t expect was the level of emotion her experiment ignited.
Agitated students and veterans called it an insult. UMF maintenance workers placed cardboard signs at either end with the word “disgrace” printed in black.
And a member of the American Legion from Farmington was ready to be arrested by police when he started pulling up the flags made of tape and vinyl, calling it a “desecration.”
Veteran Charles Bennett, the Legion commander for Franklin County, eventually was convinced by UMF President Theodora Kalikow to desist in the name of freedom of speech.
The assignment was to create a social commentary piece for a class with assistant art professor Kate Randall.
Starting about 6 a.m., students and employees walking through the student center had to decide to either step around or step on the five, four-by-five-foot flags and the 3,000 small, handheld flags scattered over the floor. As part of her project, Crane videotaped people’s feet to record their response.

“This is very emotional for me because it goes against a lot of my own beliefs about the flag,” Crane said, her eyes tearing up, after holding her own against a verbal barrage.

“But I feel strongly that people should have the choice. That is what our country is all about. I expected controversy but not like this,” she said.

“I am on their side and I agree with what they are saying but they were also not hearing what I was saying,” she said.

“Veterans have fought for our freedom and died for our freedom. This is what our freedom is all about,” Crane said.

Crane, 40, an education major, described herself as a conservative Republican whose father is a 25-year military veteran. She said she had talked about her project with him and that he supported it.

“He said he respected what I was doing because he had fought for these rights,” she said.

Bennett, when he arrived at about 3 p.m., began picking up the small flags and then started pulling up a large one. Crane called for UMF security and Director of Public Safety Ted Blais arrived. He asked Bennett to stop and step outside to talk.
Bennett later returned and confronted Crane and Randall, offering to give them pamphlets on flag etiquette and repeatedly requesting them to remove the flags. They responded that this was an art project that they had permission for and that the request was reviewed by legal counsel.
Bennett then first sat down by a flag and then stood beside it.

“I am protecting them. I am stopping people from walking on them,” he said. “It is against the law to put the flag on the floor.”

The overwhelming majority of passersby circumvented the flags. Only a few chose to step on them, Crane observed.
As the peaceful but loud crowd increased, Blais called for backup. Officers from the Farmington Police Department and UMF arrived as did Kalikow, Provost Alan Berger and Celeste Branham, vice president of student affairs. Kalikow took Bennett aside to explain the college’s position.

“The U.S. Constitution touches everybody and the flag is a symbol of our rights. We have to protect that,” Kalikow said later


“(Bennett) feels very strongly and I feel very strongly,” she said. “I didn’t like this either because I was brought up with flag etiquette. But (Crane) has the right to do it. Is that not what America is about?”

Senior Ashlea Andrews, 21, rehabilitation major from Boothbay Harbor, told Crane she was not respecting the flag.

“This hurts veterans and the people who have served to give us our freedoms,” she said. “I am all for freedom of speech, but this is the common area in the student center. This is a public place. It doesn’t belong here.”

Randall responded that there were as many people on campus who believed the project was a demonstration of freedom of speech as those “who believe in censorship.”

Student Craig Durant, 22, of Milo, said he came over to show his support for the project. “I absolutely support her. This is art. But I also support (Bennett) volunteering his opinion. I love the fact he is standing up for what he believes.”

Iraq war veteran Travis Hill, 28, of Salem Township, called the display “infuriating” and “insulting” and told Crane to take it down.

“She made her point. Why keep going?” he said.

Crane constructed the flags with a 5-foot-wide, winding path between them large enough to accommodate a wheelchair and avoid congestion, she said. She said she put a lot of thought into the project to see if people respected the flag.

“With all the unrest everywhere, I wanted to do something that would force people to think about how they feel about the flag. It was supposed be about respect versus disrespect,” she said.

Crane said she researched the topic including the U.S. Supreme Court’s decisions that struck down federal and state statutes prohibiting flag desecration. The court found those laws infringed on the right to free speech and expression under the First Amendment.
The project was approved for 24 hours. That plan was shelved, however, when Farmington Fire Chief Terry Bell, after consulting with State Fire Marshal Tim Fuller, determined the flags presented a tripping hazard.
By late afternoon, he ordered them moved to one side of the hall but Crane, exhausted, decided to remove them completely.
She said the confrontations were upsetting, especially since her 11-year-old son and husband were there. But she is proud she stood up for what she believed.

“The best thing about all this was that it sparked discussion,” she said afterward.

Wild Thing’s comment……..
This has me crying, this is so horrible.
I would have been arrested. No way I could have stood there and watched our Flag be walked on.
What’s so mind numbingly amazing is that they are so incredibly proud and self-righteous in their liberalism and disrespect of our country. It really sickens me and makes me want to cry to see this happen over and over. To see one lone veteran standing up to these “intellectuals”.
President of the University of Maine at Farmington : Theo Kalikow
246 Main Street, Farmington, Maine 04938
E-mail: kalikow@maine.edu
The email I got back from the President of the school:

“From: Theo Kalikow To: Subject: Re: Please End the UMF American Flag Desecration Display Date: Wed, 16 Apr 2008 12:57:20 -0400 The display was taken down last night. It had permission to be installed for 24 hours only, and was taken down at the artist’s initiative considerably before that time. That being said, our American First Amendment protections include the right to free speech and artistic expression, even speech that is repugnant and unpleasant and offensive. UMF, as a teaching and learning institution, has an obligation to foster debate and disagreement about difficult subjects — this is an essential part of our democracy. Thanks for your expression of your point of view. Sincerely, Theodora J. Kalikow, President. “