Wild Thing’s comment……..
LOL I love this! Bursting with pride in our troops and so happy when I see them getting to have some fun like this.
Wild Thing’s comment……..
LOL I love this! Bursting with pride in our troops and so happy when I see them getting to have some fun like this.
Another Obama Marxist
American Thinker
By Lance Fairchok
Barack Obama has a thing for Marxists. He befriends them, listens to their counsel, and he even hires them to work in his campaign. And they seem to feel the warmth.
President Daniel Ortega of Nicaragua, who led a revolution there in 1979, says Barack Obama’s presidential bid is a “revolutionary” phenomenon, and Americans are “laying the foundations for a revolutionary change.”
A captured computer revealed that an unknown person chatted with Marxist FARC guerillas on Obama’s behalf (they believed), stating he would be the next President and US policy towards Columbia would change.
Frank Marshall Davis, a dear Obama friend and mentor was as a member of the Communist Party USA. Barack Obama just seems to attract Marxists.
If the people he surrounds himself with are any indication of his core beliefs, a higher capital gains tax to punish the rich, even if it diminishes actual tax revenue, may be only the beginning. Obama’s Official campaign blogger, Sam Graham-Felsen, a former writer for the leftist Nation magazine and a contributor to the Socialist Viewpoint, is certainly a believer in class warfare.
“The capitalist ruling class of the United States exercises a virtual dictatorship not only over American society, but also over the entire world. This capitalist class rule is the basic cause of the poverty, wars and the degradation of the natural environment.
After being expelled from Socialist Action in 1999, we formed Socialist Workers Organization in an attempt to carry on the project of building a nucleus of a revolutionary party true to the historic teachings and program of Marx, Engels, Lenin and Trotsky. “
The product of a Harvard education, Sam is an admirer of anti-American academic Noam Chomsky, a hypocrite and fraud masquerading as a political philosopher. Mr. Chomsky, perhaps admired by Obama as by his official blogger, is fond of visiting dictators and terrorists and giving speeches blaming all the worlds’ ills on America. All while accepting defense department contract dollars as a linguist. Chomsky was an ardent supporter of Pol Pot, and to this day denies a holocaust occurred in Cambodia (1.67 million died). He is unrepentant about the horrors his vile ideology encouraged and supports Hamas and Hezbollah with the same willful blindness today.
In an article in the Harvard Crimson, Sam writes of his hero:
“For me, hearing Chomsky speak for the first time was a life-changing experience. His ability to take preconceptions and destroy them-to completely remodel one’s understanding of reality with cold, hard facts-blew me away. When I left what was then the ARCO Forum last fall, I felt as though I had been through the Matrix and back. Chomsky really has this effect because he bombards you with evidence and logic, not empty rhetoric. It is nearly impossible to hear him or read him-once you’ve actually checked his facts yourself (he even cites page numbers in public addresses)-and deny what he’s saying.”
Sam Graham-Felsen, hired to run Obama’s blog, writes about Noam Chomsky in a Marxist publications that openly calls for revolution against the American government. This is a Presidential candidate’s choice to run the on-line portion of his campaign. That speaks volumes of his character and worldview. Contradicting what he says in public, Obama is surrounding himself with poeple who never seem to learn that their absurd ideologies end in misery and ruin.
Sam is young and has much to learn, so we can forgive his silly hagiographies, the ones about Chomsky and the ones about Obama. His hero worship is eager and emotional and completely without substance, much as Obama’s campaign promises are without substance. Obama is a community organizer in the Saul Alinsky mold, and knows where to get people like Sam who have energy and drive. His staff is nothing if not energetic. He even cut his activist teeth in Chicago, the stomping grounds of Alinsky and so many others in the “progressive” community. One wonders why the windy city still has a murder rate higher than Baghdad, after so many years of enlightened activism.
The adults in the Obama campaign expect us to believe that a campaign staff filled with Marxists and radicals does not reflect the candidate. We are supposed to believe that ideologues who distain America and Americans can improve the system that has brought humanity more prosperity and well-being than any nation before it. Speaking out of both sides of their mouths, they tell us we are great, and then insist we must change because we are responsible for all the bad things that happen in the world. That alone should anger the electorate enough to defeat them. The change Obama will bring will not be the change America needs or expects. It will be the change of naive adolescents, which think Noam Chomsky wise.
“We continue to have an optimistic outlook about the revolutionary potential of the world working class to rule society in its own name-socialism. We are optimistic that the working class, united across borders, and acting in its own class interests can solve the devastating crises of war, poverty, oppression, and environmental destruction that capitalism is responsible for. “
– The Socialist Viewpoint
Wild Thing’s comment……..
Obama’s errors in judgment concerning the people he associates with are mind boggling. And another scary thing, the media, we hear them pushing Obama like no other candidate I can remember has even been pushed. The only answer there can be is that they do get it and this is the “change” they want. And they’re all jockeying to be the new TASS and Pravda.
Obama speaking at a conference of black clergy at Hampton University June 5, 2007
This is from last year, a few of the comments by Obama about Wright: ” the guy who councils me” , ” a great leader”.
Wild Thing’s comment……..
I found this last night and I thought this was interesting, when we have hear Obama say Wright was not his mentor when he is also on other video’s saying Wright was a mentor to him.
Obama “Fed Up” With Questions About His Patriotism
CBS News
Questions surrounding Barack Obama’s patriotism resurfaced today at a town hall meeting, when a voter asked him to address rumors that he does not salute the flag. Obama strongly denied the allegation, calling it a “phony issue” and a lie.
“It’s a lie. So anybody who tells you out there that I disrespect the flag, that I don’t salute the flag, that I don’t say the pledge of allegiance, that you know don’t wear flag pins, don’t listen to them,” Obama said. “Look at what I do and look at what I say and my commitment to making this a stronger country and I get pretty fed up with people questioning my patriotism.”
Obama blamed the rumors on an incident at the Harkin Steak Fry in Iowa last summer, where he said he listened and sang along to ‘Star Spangled Banner’ but didn’t put his hand over his heart.
“I acknowledged the mistake of not having put my hand over my heart during the singing of the Star Spangled Banner,” Obama said.
“I’m gonna look at all of you at a ballgame one time to see if you always get it right.”
Obama also tried to turn the table around on Hillary Clinton’s argument that he does not have adequate experience to be president by questioning what she has done with hers. He used health care policy as an example of what he says is Clinton’s inability to reform Washington.
“Now here’s where the difference between Senator Clinton and myself come in, because you know she’s making a similar claim, you’ve got to ask yourself why is it we haven’t gotten health care reform?,” Obama said. “I mean, all these folks who talk about how much experience they’ve got, why is it that we haven’t been able to get it done?”
He also told the crowd that a vote for his opponents would be a vote for the “same old thing.”
“So, Indiana you’ve got a decision to make, we can keep on doing the same old thing with the same old folks the same old ways and hope somehow that we’re gonna get a real change, or we can make a decision that we are gonna to bring about a new America, with a new politics and new leadership.”
Wild Thing’s comment……..
So the widdle boy is getting upset! Someone call the waaahmbulance. haha
But wait I think I hear a voice calling from the back of the room, it is, oh yes, why it’s John McCain on the way to apologize for the question.
” a new America, with a new politics and new leadership”
These words are truly frightening coming from Obama.
“I’m gonna look at all of you at a ballgame one time to see if you always get it right.”
Uh, hello… you’re running for POTUS, you arrogant donkey.
Sheesh, ya pipsqueak, a president faces more challenges than a few uncomfortable questions. If you can’t handle a wee measure of “heat”, then you don’t belong anywhere near the kitchen.
Sam Kinison as Professor Turgunson in ” Back to School”.
LMAO I have always loved this scene.
Obama Pledges Cuts in Missile Defense, Space, and Nuclear Weapons Programs
The full text from the video, as released, reads as follows:
Thanks so much for the Caucus4Priorities, for the great work you’ve been doing. As president, I will end misguided defense policies and stand with Caucus4Priorities in fighting special interests in Washington.
First, I’ll stop spending $9 billion a month in Iraq. I’m the only major candidate who opposed this war from the beginning. And as president I will end it. (i.e. not win it)
Second, I will cut tens of billions of dollars in wasteful spending.
I will cut investments in unproven missile defense systems.
I will not weaponize space.
I will slow our development of future combat systems.
And I will institute an independent “Defense Priorities Board” to ensure that the Quadrennial Defense Review is not used to justify unnecessary spending.
Third, I will set a goal of a world without nuclear weapons. To seek that goal, I will not develop new nuclear weapons; I will seek a global ban on the production of fissile material; and I will negotiate with Russia to take our ICBMs off hair-trigger alert, and to achieve deep cuts in our nuclear arsenals.
You know where I stand. I’ve fought for open, ethical and accountable government my entire public life. I don’t switch positions or make promises that can’t be kept. I don’t posture on defense policy and I don’t take money from federal lobbyists for powerful defense contractors. As president, my sole priority for defense spending will be protecting the American people. Thanks so much.
Article: Obama Pledges Cuts in Missile Defense, Space, and Nuclear Weapons Programs:
MissileThreat.com is a project of The Claremont Institute devoted to understanding and promoting the requirements for the strategic defense of the United States.
**Note: the video missilethreat.com has is the ORIGINAL youtube video of Senator Obama discussing his plans to cripple the US militarily. It comes from the Obama camp itself. There is another, titled, “In 52 seconds why Obama can never win the general election”. However, though it is being circulated far more widely (millions of hits vs thousands), it is a poor quality. I posted the other one months ago, but this one has better audio and is the original.
“I will cut investments in unproven missile defense systems.”–Barack Obama
What the heck, “unproven” missile defense systems???
B. Hussein Obama should check THIS out!
(U.S. Dept of Defense video of shootdown of US spy satellite)
2007 Chinese anti-satellite missile test:
The 2007 Chinese anti-satellite missile test was conducted by China on January 11, 2007. A Chinese weather satellite — the FY-1C polar orbit satellite of the Fengyun series, at an altitude of 865 kilometres (537 mi), with a mass of 750 kg[1] — was destroyed by a kinetic kill vehicle traveling with a speed of 8 km/s in the opposite direction[2] (see Head-on engagement). It was launched with a multistage solid-fuel missile from Xichang Satellite Launch Center or nearby.
–wikipedia: see “2007 Chinese anti-satellite missile test”
From “45 Communist Goals”:
Congressional Record–Appendix, pp. A34-A35
January 10, 1963:
1. U.S. acceptance of coexistence as the only alternative to atomic war.
2. U.S. willingness to capitulate in preference to engaging in atomic war.
3. Develop the illusion that total disarmament [by] the United States would be a demonstration of moral strength.
‘Goals’ 4-45 can be found here or at many other sites through a web search for “45 goals”
New Pentagon Report: China’s Growing Military Space Power
By Leonard David
Special Correspondent, SPACE.com
March 6, 2008
To read the entire publication [29.67MB/pdf], go to (U.S. Dept of Defense)
GOLDEN, Colorado
A just-released Pentagon report spotlights a growing U.S. military concern that China is developing a multi- dimensional program to limit or prevent the use of space-based assets by its potential adversaries during times of crisis or conflict.
Furthermore, last year’s successful test by China of a direct-ascent, anti-satellite (ASAT) weapon to destroy its own defunct weather satellite, the report adds, underscores that country’s expansion from the land, air, and sea dimensions of the traditional battlefield into the space and cyber-space domains.
Although China’s commercial space program has utility for non- military research, that capability demonstrates space launch and control know-how that have direct military application. Even the Chang’e 1 — the Chinese lunar probe now circling the Moon — is flagged in the report as showcasing China’s ability “to conduct complicated space maneuvers — a capability which has broad implications for military counterspace operations.”
New York Times, Monday, March 17, 2008
“Russia has objected strenuously to the antimissile system, calling it a threat to Russian security despite American assurances. President Vladimir V. Putin has threatened to point missiles at Eastern Europe if the system is built. Mr. Gates said that while the United States would not grant Russia a veto over missile defense sites in Europe, the Bush administration was willing to guarantee that neither the radar proposed for the Czech Republic nor the 10 missile interceptors proposed for Poland would be turned on until Iran had proven it had a missile that could reach Europe.”
“I will cut investments in unproven missile defense systems.”
“I will not weaponize space.”
“I will slow our development of future combat systems.”
Article: Obama Pledges Cuts in Missile Defense, Space, and Nuclear Weapons Programs:
Hoover Digest
…”the greatest geopolitical catastrophe of the century” -Russian leader Vladimir Putin on the collapse of the Soviet Union…
“World democratic opinion has yet to realize the alarming implications of President Vladimir Putin’s State of the Union speech on April 25, 2005, in which he said that the collapse of the Soviet Union represented the ‘greatest geopolitical catastrophe of the century.’
Russia, China flex muscles in joint war games
Reuters: Aug 17, 2007
CHEBARKUL, Russia (Reuters) – Russia and China staged their biggest joint exercises on Friday but denied this show of military prowess could lead to the formation of a counterweight to NATO.
“Today’s exercises are another step towards strengthening the relations between our countries, a step towards strengthening international peace and security, and first and foremost, the security of our peoples,” Putin said.
Fighter jets swooped overhead, commandos jumped from helicopters on to rooftops and the boom of artillery shells shook the firing range in Russia’s Ural mountains as two of the largest armies in the world were put through their paces.
The exercises take place against a backdrop of mounting rivalry between the West, and Russia and China for influence over Central Asia, a strategic region that has huge oil, gas and mineral resources.
Russia’s growing assertiveness is also causing jitters in the West. Putin announced at the firing range that Russia was resuming Soviet-era sorties by its strategic bomber aircraft near NATO airspace.
U.S. Navy Intercepts Russian Bombers Flying Near Ships
Monday, February 11, 2008
Fox News
WASHINGTON U.S. fighter planes intercepted two Russian bombers flying unusually close to an American aircraft carrier in the western Pacific during the weekend, The Associated Press has learned.
Airstrike On Insurgents Filmed By Marines
Happy Birthday Soldier ~ Laser guided bomb strike on Iraqi building
This article is such a good example of some of the things that are WRONG with my Republican party and why we don’t have a conservative to vote for.
I going to post it and take it apart to give my take on some things. The parts of the article will be in quotes and my take on it will be in bold.
North Carolina Republican leaders are standing by a TV ad critical of Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama despite dissension in their own ranks and one station’s refusal to air it.
Republican National Committee member Linda Shaw said Thursday she was shocked that her colleagues decided to produce and air the ad, which shows Obama with his former pastor, Jeremiah Wright, and a clip of Wright’s anti-U.S. comments.
“I do not support it,” Shaw said. “I had nothing to do with it … and I’m very disappointed.”
Shaw, a longtime party leader, said she repeatedly urged state party chairwoman Linda Daves to withdraw the spot.
This Linda Shaw person is SHOCKED? This is a response a follower of Wright would have NOT a Republican. And damn sure not a conservative. And it says she is a longtime party leader. God help us no wonder, hey Linda Shaw maybe it is time to go and join the party of PC religion, the party of the left that LOVES to take freedom of speech away. Wright had freedom of speech to say what he did then you better believe we have that same right, and we that didn’t like what he said have the same right to point it out.
As for their state party chairwoman Linda Daves , I am proud of you!!!
I cannot dictate to the North Carolina Republican Party what their message is, but I condemn it and I can appeal to the overwhelming majority of Republicans in the state of North Carolina,” McCain said while campaigning in New Orleans.
Oh wow McCain condemns it! I am shaking in my boots I am so afraid of this Manchurian candidate.
Democratic party officials have criticized the ad. On Thursday, state Democratic Party Chairman Jerry Meek urged Republican Sen. Elizabeth Dole to use her power to keep it off the air.
“As the highest-ranking Republican in the state, you have both the ability and responsibility to erase this stain on our state,” Meek said in a letter to Dole. “Your silence tells North Carolinians that you will also sanction similar gutter tactics in your own campaign.”
Dole said in an interview that she didn’t want to get involved.
“I am concentrating on getting my work done here in the Senate, and I’m just not going to get into refereeing a third-party political ad that has nothing to do with my race,” she said.
Democratic Party Chairman Jerry Meek calls the ad a stain on their State? LMAO oh like Obama and his America hating wife are not a stain on our entire country!!!!
And hey Lizzie Dole, you don’t want to get involved. Too bad beotch! We are at war to save America from the enemy within, our troops have their lives on the line 24/7, and you can’t get involved by giving even an opinion about the ad? You say it is because it has nothing to do with YOUR own political race. Let me get this straight, you are an American right? Your race, your position in the Senate exists in OUR country the USA right? You are a citizen of this country right? Then how the hell does it not have something to do with you as well, oh and you are also a Republican right? LOL Sure keep drinking the liberal, rino kool-aid, you have been on thin ice for awhile now anyway. And what the heck…Third party? Where the heck is a third party mentioned? Unless she means that Wright is a third party to her.
Obama’s campaign questioned McCain’s efforts to get the ad off the air.
“The fact that Senator McCain can’t get his own party to take down this misleading, personal attack ad raises serious questions about his promise to the American people that he will run a civil, respectful campaign,” said Obama campaign spokesman Hari Sevugan.
Just a heads up FYI for you Hari Sevugan. McCain is NOT a representative of the conservative base of the Republican party. You have the same thing in your own party with the conservative democrats like Zell Miller vs. the terrorist loving, military hating, freedom destroying, taxes up our wazzo loving socialist/communist progressive Pelosi, Murtha. Reid, Obama, Hillarites in your party.
Therefore there is NO way McCain speaks for me now, in the past or in the future as long as he has ass parked on your side of the aisle. Got that Obama breath!!!!
Just one more thing haha…..when oh when is McCain going to stop bashing, attacking conservatives and kissing up to the Democrats????
….Thank you Mark for sending this article to me.
Yep I am ticked at McCain….again. haha
He’s not attempting to elevate any discourse. He’s trying to impose his phony self righteous, sanctimonious senatorial collegiality on those running against Democrats. His hollow castigation’s reveal his hypocrisy . He devotes way too much effort going after those he expects to accept him. But he will pay the price. Unfortunately, so will America.
Republican U.S. presidential candidate John McCain accused North Carolina’s Republican Party of being “out of touch with reality” over its refusal to pull an advertisement criticizing Democrat Barack Obama.
In an NBC interview aired on Friday, the Arizona senator said he has done all he can to persuade the state party to cancel the television ad that criticizes Obama as “too extreme” because of controversial remarks made by his former pastor, the Rev. Jeremiah Wright.
“They’re not listening to me because they’re out of touch with reality and the Republican Party. We are the party of Abraham Lincoln, Theodore Roosevelt and Ronald Reagan and this kind of campaigning is unacceptable,” McCain told NBC’s “Today” Show.
“I’ve done everything that I can to repudiate and to see that this kind of campaigning does not continue,” he added.
Asked if the state party’s unwillingness to heed his call raised questions about his leadership, McCain replied: “I don’t know exactly how to respond to that.”
North Carolina is one of two states holding the next crucial Democratic primaries on May 6 in the tight race between Obama and New York Sen. Hillary Clinton to oppose McCain in the November presidential election.
But the state party served notice that the ad would air.
Wild Thing’s comment……..
McCain is the one who is ” out of touch with reality” !!!!!
McCain is SUCH a Jackass! Doesn’t he know that Lincoln JAILED the Copperhead Democrats who were trying to sabotage the war effort????? Lincoln certainly didn’t worry about “respecting” his political enemies. He crushed them!
I think that lady from the North Carolina GOP (Linda Danes?) should run in McCain’s place—she seems to have more of a set than he does.
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