05 Jun

Barack Obama Image Makers — “A Face in the Crowd” ?

Elia Kazan’s brilliant 1957 film: A Face In the Crowd. Andy Griffith’s first movie. It was disparaged by the media because they saw how accurately it portrayed them.

This is a clip from the film or behind the scenes at Barack Obama’s campaign headquarters????

“People don’t want debate, they want slogans! Time for a change! “

Wild Thing’s comment…….
The film shows you just where and how and why the age of “Image” started, how the new medium of Television shaped it, and and how urgent it was that everyone in public life learned its ground rules, as necessary for survival. Woe unto him who thought he didn’t have to abide by those rules. HOWEVER , in some ways we have passed through that point-—we’ve gone from Lonesome Rhodes to Chance the Gardener, thirty some years later.
Yet maybe that’s just a mutation, with the same essentials left intact. People who responded to Bill Clinton in the early nineties and Obama today, are unaware of this history, they are just a new generation always eager to allow stardust in their eyes, and “believe” in something again. Like we have seen with the chanting for Obama and the way many reacted even to Bill Clinton back then yuk!
Which is why people like those two always appeal to those without experience, who like the world explained to them in the simplest terms, and who want to take their medicine but have it taste really good.
“T’was ever thus”. And what keeps this going is precisely that we have NO sense of history, not even any sense of the history of Popular Culture Artifacts, as exemplified by a very good movie like A Face in the Crowd.
Then there are those like the Farrakhan and that ilk that have their own agenda, but that would be another story. haha

05 Jun

UPDATE: Hillary Clinton To Drop Out Of Race On Friday NOPE Now It Is Saturday! LOL

Sen. Hillary Clinton will drop out of the race for the Democratic presidential nomination Friday
New York Post
Sen. Hillary Clinton will drop out of the race for the Democratic presidential nomination Friday, The Post has learned.
Her decision ends speculation about what she would do after Sen. Barack Obama captured the nomination yesterday.
Last night, a defiant Clinton conceded nothing to Obama.
In a speech at Baruch College, Clinton said she needed time to consider her next move.
Clinton ran down the list of every state she has won, trumpeted the nearly 18 million people who voted for her in this year’s contests and demanded that her supporters be given “respect.”
Clinton also said she had won the “swing states” needed to get the 270 electoral votes to capture the White House, as her supporters broke into chants of, “Yes, we will!” – a dig on Obama’s slogan, “Yes we can!”
But today party leaders began calling for Clinton to drop out, hoping that such a move would encourage party unity.

“I don’t see why we don’t get on with it and endorse [Obama],” said Rep. Charles Rangel, a Clinton supporter. He said it was only a matter of time before he and other Clinton supporters formally back Barack.

Senate Majority Whip Dick Durbin, an Obama supporter, said Clinton’s non-concession “creates a pretty delicate situation here, an awkward situation.”

“I don’t want to push her. Nobody is going to push her,” Durbin said on MSNBC. “But the sooner she does, I think the more likely we’re going to be organized and ready to win in November.”

There were signs aplenty earlier in the day that Clinton was closing shop. She began bidding campaign staff members farewell, and a number were told not to come to work after Friday. Last paychecks were expected to go out June 15.
Obama, meanwhile, began focusing on who will join his ticket in the fall. His campaign said the vetting of potential running mates was to be managed by a three-person team of Caroline Kennedy, former Deputy Attorney General Eric Holder and longtime Washington insider Jim Johnson.
Clinton has told lawmakers privately that she would be interested in the vice presidential nomination.

Wild Thing’s comment……..
This is in the news, but since I don’t trust the Clinton’s I will wait and see if it happens. Just one of those trust but verify thingie’s. haha


From Talking Points Memo
Dear XXX,
I wanted you to be one of the first to know: on Saturday, I will hold an event in Washington D.C. to thank everyone who has supported my campaign.
Over the course of the last 16 months, I have been privileged and touched to witness the incredible dedication and sacrifice of so many people working for our campaign. Every minute you put into helping us win, every dollar you gave to keep up the fight meant more to me than I can ever possibly tell you.
On Saturday, I will extend my congratulations to Senator Obama and my support for his candidacy. This has been a long and hard-fought campaign, but as I have always said, my differences with Senator Obama are small compared to the differences we have with Senator McCain and the Republicans.
I have said throughout the campaign that I would strongly support Senator Obama if he were the Democratic Party’s nominee, and I intend to deliver on that promise.
When I decided to run for president, I knew exactly why I was getting into this race: to work hard every day for the millions of Americans who need a voice in the White House.
I made you — and everyone who supported me — a promise: to stand up for our shared values and to never back down. I’m going to keep that promise today, tomorrow, and for the rest of my life.
I will be speaking on Saturday about how together we can rally the party behind Senator Obama. The stakes are too high and the task before us too important to do otherwise.
I know as I continue my lifelong work for a stronger America and a better world, I will turn to you for the support, the strength, and the commitment that you have shown me in the past 16 months. And I will always keep faith with the issues and causes that are important to you.
In the past few days, you have shown that support once again with hundreds of thousands of messages to the campaign, and again, I am touched by your thoughtfulness and kindness.
I can never possibly express my gratitude, so let me say simply, thank you.
Hillary Rodham Clinton

04 Jun

Police Shut Down Artist’s ‘Assassination’ Show

Police Shut Down Artist’s ‘Assassination’ Show
New York Times City Room

The sign for an art installation inside a storefront at 264 West 40th Street was later covered up. (Photo: Nicholas W. Skyles/The New York Times)

This morning, a Boston-born performance artist, Yazmany Arboleda, tried to set up a provocative art exhibition in a vacant storefront on West 40th Street in Midtown Manhattan with the title, “The Assassination of Hillary Clinton/The Assassination of Barack Obama,” in neatly stenciled letters on the plate glass windows at street level.
By 9:30 a.m., New York City police detectives and Secret Service agents had shut down the exhibition, and building workers quickly covered over the inflammatory title with large sheets of brown paper and blue masking tape. The gallery is across the street from the southern entrance to The New York Times building.
The police officers declined to answer any questions, and at first would not permit reporters to speak with Mr. Arboleda, who was wearing a black T-shirt and making cellphone calls from inside the makeshift gallery.

Later, Mr. Arboleda, who is 27, said in an interview: “It’s art. It’s not supposed to be harmful. It’s about character assassination — about how Obama and Hillary have been portrayed by the media.” He added, “It’s about the media.”

Mr. Arboleda said the exhibition was to open on Thursday and run all day.
The interview was abruptly ended as Mr. Arboleda was led off to the Midtown South police precinct for what he called an interrogation.
Reached by telephone this morning, Eric Joza, the building manager for the building at 264 West 40th Street, between Eighth and Seventh Avenues, said:

“I had no idea what he was going to do. All I knew is that he was an artist and was going to use the store for two days: today and tomorrow.” There are offices above the storefront.

Mr. Joza would not identify the building’s owner, and he would not disclose the terms of the lease or the previous occupant of the storefront, beyond saying that the storefront had been vacant.
Mr. Arboleda has even set up elaborate Web sites, one for Mrs. Clinton and one for Mr. Obama.
Shortly after 11:30 a.m., Mr. Arboleda called reporters to let them know that he had been released.

After the police arrived, building workers quickly covered up the installation. (Photo: Julie Rosenberg/The New York Times)

“The Secret Service had to do a whole questionnaire with me,” he said. “It was about an hour of questioning. They asked if I owned guns, if I was a violent person, if I had ever been institutionalized.”

Mr. Arboleda answered no. Nonetheless, he said the Secret Service asked him to take down the exhibition title from the window.

“I’m renting that space; the space was allocated for an exhibition and it’s my right to put those words up,” he said. “They said it could excite someone to do something crazy, like break the window. It’s terrible, because they’re violating my rights. If someone breaks a window, they’re committing a crime.”

He added, “The exhibition is supposed to be about character assassination. It’s philosophical and metaphorical.”
He said he had not yet decided whether to take down the exhibition’s title, saying he first needed to speak to representatives of the building’s owner.

Police Commissioner Raymond W. Kelly, speaking to reporters at 1 Police Plaza around noon, said, “I am not certain he has been arrested,” then added,

“He put up signs indicating the assassination of Senator Clinton and Barack Obama. And we notified the Secret Service. This individual is being spoken to. He apparently made statements that had to with their reputation. This is all under investigation.”

Asked whether the artwork was being seen as dangerous, Mr. Kelly said:

“Obviously, it sounds totally inappropriate. We need more information as to what the purpose of it was. As I say, apparently he made some statements that he was referring to their reputations … don’t know, we will have to get more information. But he is being questioned now by our detectives and the Secret Service.”

(In fact, when Mr. Kelly spoke, Mr. Arboleda had already been released from custody a short while earlier.)
According to Mr. Arboleda’s Web sites, he was born in Boston in 1981 and lives in New York City. His family moved to Medellín, Colombia, shortly after he was born, and lived there until 1992. He holds a master’s degree in architecture from the Catholic University of America and has been trained in photography, painting, fashion design and graphic design. His first solo show, “The New Vitruvians,” was presented at Tribeca Issey Miyake in 2007.

By 10 a.m., the installation was completely covered with brown paper and blue tape

Wild Thing’s comment……..
Scary stuff, I know free speech and all but this kind of thing is dangerous. If they get away with this it could be done to anyone else as well.

04 Jun

Nation of Islam and the Communist Democrat Party’s Candidate

From JET Magazine, a powerful Chicago-based publication, July 26, 2004
Louis Farrakhan and his wife, Mother Khadijah Farrakhan have played an important role in the political rise of B. Hussein and Michelle Obama.

04 Jun

B.Hussein O. Wins and Writes Checks No President Can Cash

The Muslim America-hater just became the Democratic nominee for President. Obama said :
I could ring his neck I tell you. sheesh!
“”It’s time the Iraqi army take over”…
Idiot, the Iraqi army HAS TAKEN OVER! Our troops are the Boss but the last fight in Sadr the Iraqi Army was mostly on their own. Get up to speed if ya wanna be president.
He also praised Hillary not that it matters they are in the same party. And he then went on to talk about McCain since McCain spoke first and had made an attempt at attacking Obama.
“A college education is the birthright of every American.”
Um Obama you better tell those parents that are busting their butts trying to work and earn money to send their kids to college or pay off their shcool loans. LOL sheesh A Birthright?
“generations from now we will be able to look back and tell our children…..”
So um he is now planning to be a time-traveller and have children a few generations from now?
“Religion is a wedge issue and patriotism a bludgeon”..
God help us if Obama wins!!!!!!!!!!!!
Good grief, he says something about how he is going to stop rising oceans. HUH? Good Lord.
Winding up, he says it’s the moment to heal the planet. LOL. He must think he is Superman.
And this is an interesting note:
When Obama mentioned his typically white grandmother, he was stumbling, pausing, hemming and hawing throughout that portion of his speech.
I said to myself that he added that aspect of his speech at the last minute and it was not on the teleprompter.
Here is the full text of BHO’s spewage as released by BHO’s campaign.
No mention of his typical white granny to be found.

McCain praises Hillary on and on. I am SO disgusted at how bad McCain sounded, his speech was hard to listen to. I don’t know how to describe it, what is it called when he speaks and it sounds more like the voice of someone at a funeral home telling you how sorry they are. I know that might sound weird but that is what it reminds me of. That overly gentle, overly sympathetic, non emotional voice.
McCain can’t seem to seperate himself from Bush without bashing Bush and that is a VERY bad thing. Yes Bush has messed up on wanting amnesty, and some other things. But he is not hated by Republican’s that I know of, he is hated by the left. So why in the hell is McCain bashing him ? To win votes from the LEFT?
Of the three of them McCain’s speech was the all time worst. I hate saying that about someone in my party but it is the truth.

If we didn’t have Op Chaos and conservatives voting for Hillary, Hillary would have been toast several months ago. Thank God for Rush at least it made it go this far.
She’s not done yet, but so far… Hillary’s not conceding anything. She just made a reference to “count every vote,” which would suggest she’s not at peace with the DNC decision on Michigan and Florida.

U.S.A. is a country that is all based on image now? The hot, the now, the hip, the yearning to be followers instead of leaders?
That is what this nation has become.
I think we are gonna have to cling to our guns and bibles alot in the future.

04 Jun

B.Hussein Obama the Far Left’s New Party Leader

Barack Obama sought the New Party’s endorsement knowing it was a radical left organization
from RedState

“Last week at RedState we uncovered the news that Barack Obama was endorsed by something called the New Party. Since then we have investigated what the New Party was.
It is abundantly clear that the New Party was a political party designed to push the Democratic Party to the far left. It’s membership was an amalgamation of socialists, unrepentant communists, union activists, urban activists, and environmentalists.
You can read all about the New Party and Obama’s rise to power here.
Its platform included such lovely ideas as government takeovers of all banking institutions, much higher taxes, and massive reductions in the military. To win the nomination of the New Party, a candidate would have to agree to sign a statement expressing loyalty to the party.
By the time Barack Obama sought the party’s nomination for his first election in 1996, the New Party had well established itself as the major third party alternative for leftists who thought the Democratic Party had drifted too far to the right.
There is absolutely no doubt that Barack Obama knew what the New Party was. Barack Obama actively sought and received the endorsement of this far left group and, with it, was able to win his election. He was willing to express his loyalty to this far left party. The radical left Democratic Socialists of America praised the New Party’s endorsement of Obama and itself promoted Obama.
None of us should buy into the notion that the man is somehow different because of his silver tongue. He is a political opportunist, a die-hard leftist, or both. It is clear, based on what the New Party was and Obama’s connection to it, that he is the candidate of a repudiated past that we should not want to resurrect. “

Wild Thing’s comment……..
Besides being some scary stuff here, this is also very interesting. Nicholals and many on here have mentioned about Obama being a plant, a plant owned by Soros and I agree with that. He is a plant, no experience, his associations all bad, all American haters for sure, his wanting to kill a baby late in pregrenancy and seeing nothing wrong with that, his preachers of hate, so many things driving the left Democrat party even further left then before. And the media giving FREE advertising in all their awe struck comments about this commie jerk Obama. Chris Matthews saying he gets a tingling feeling up his leg about Obama. SICK!
The hate for Bill and Hillary so totally opposite compared to how the left was for the Clinton’s with all their ‘gates’ and murders but not until NOW with their new party man Obama leading them into a new direction further and further left then even the Clinton’s could have done.
Here are some links for The New Party I found with Google.
The webstie for….The New Party
And look at this OMG.
The Party Leader
As Obama Edges Closer to the Nomination, Challenges as Top Democrat Await

Washington Independent

“Obama will be controlling the Democratic convention,” said Simon Rosenberg, a veteran of Bill Clinton’s 1992 campaign who is president of NDN, a progressive think tank, “and the entire convention will be about nominating him and his ascension to the top of the party.”

Howard Dean, chairman of the Democratic National Committee, will be there, too, with a prominent role. So will Nancy Pelosi, speaker of the House, and Harry Reid, the Senate majority leader. But even now, while these officials hold important jobs within the party, Obama is already consolidating his power — and early strains are evident.

“We’re now going to see Sen. Obama’s insurgent campaign melding and becoming the party establishment,” Rosenberg said. “There is going to be a new Democratic Party. There is going to be an upheaval and a new order is going to emerge.”

….Thank you Mark for sending this to me.

04 Jun

Know Your Weapon ~ LOL

Guy Almost Kills Everyone While Celebrating with His AK-47 – Oh my gosh!

04 Jun

Illegal Patients In Hospitals Should Be Kicked Out and Sent Back

Here is a sampling of the sort of facts the politicians and pro-illegal lobby want you to ignore, yet expect you to continue to bear the burden of. Is it any wonder scores of hospitals in border states and elsewhere have shut down or closed their ER units?!!!


Wild Thing’s comment………
Imagine a girl, she wants to be a nurse when she grows up. She studies hard and one day she is a nurse, and all is well with the world. She is helping people get well, she is a good nurse and loves her job. It cost her a lot of money to get the education to earn her nursing degree as well.
Then enter the illegal alien into her world. He/she comes to the hospital this nurse works at and he is put in a hospital room, tests are done, expensive tests are done, operations, treatment etc. and this illegal pays NOTHING.
It is costing the hospital millions of dollars to treat these criminals that break our laws coming in illegally.
Then one day the hospital shuts down. The wonderful nurse is out of a job, she has to find another hospital to work in, but more hospitals are closing and one day the LONG drive to another city to find a hospital won’t be worth it because of the cost of gas and the travel is a long way to do twice a day for work.
We should be forcing any and all politicians that are FOR these illegals to PAY THESE HOSPITAL BILLS out of THEIR OWN POCKET since they are the ones that want these illegals here!


….Thank you Stepperg for this video.

03 Jun

The Montana and South Dakota Primaries Today

The Dems make their final stands!
So let’s see:
Will Hillary say she is done?
Will Obama ( against his wife’s demand) ask Hillary to be his VP?
Will McCain ask Hillary to be his VP? ( yes that is what ‘ they’ are saying out there in political land too. )
Will Hillary admit Obama has the delegates but she has the popular vote and maybe keep her delegates for what. It isn’t over until the Clintons say it is over. They get mad AND get even. Yikes
Don’t you just love politics’? hahaha We might as well laugh now because later on it is not going to be pretty no matter who wins.
One thing for sure we all here at TW love our country! It sure feels good to be with those that do know what an awesome country we have and why.

03 Jun

McCain “I will win in January”

Wild Thing’s comment…….
In showbiz there is an unspoken rule, it isn’t a real rule but it more like a law of averages of …….
don’t do this kind of thing.
Most people that have been in films and TV learn this quickly.
Here it is:
When you get an acting job in a film or TV show , there is a contract you sign each and every time. This is done no matter if you have a one day job on the filming or weeks or months and also it is done with everyone from all actors, stunt people, and anyone connected to the filming in anyway. With this there is a promise you will have the job and you promising you will do it.
Now let’s say you have worked on the film or TV show and your part is done being filmed. The next thing might be you want to share about this with your friends or family that, what you had done, the name of the show etc. But their is a catch to doing this too that is a risk until it actually airs.
You could end up on the cutting room floor, entire scenes can be taken out and there is nothing you can do about it. It is not unusual for this to happen to any and all actors, major celebs to day players. So there is a risk factor in yakking about your job you finished to too many people. Especially people that don’t realize this and might end up saying you didn’t tell the truth.
You still get paid for your work and yes in reality you have been in the film or TV show but the end product shows otherwise.
Most jobs are not like this, most jobs you get a job and the celebration can begin with confidence in that job.
When McCain or anyone running like this says they WILL win, yes it is a psychological thing to do, to rev up the masses into being positive of a win so hang in there with me, jump on board with me I will be a winner etc.
But it also can jinx the outcome as well. Plus the fact that McCain made a slight mistake of saying “January” and not November. No biggie but the media could say he is senile from this and use it against him. It is an honest mistake and in the end game the win is fulfilled in January anyway.
When I saw this it made me think about speaking too soon like I said about showbiz, and how it sometimes can set the jinx in to motion. Superstitious yes but all things add up when a win is desired imo.
If McCain wants a win he is better with framing his words with a we CAN win in November rather then his I WILL win.
Just some thoughts I had on this.
But then also what do I know. LOL
I’ll see him, and raise him one month! I’ll win in February! So there! heh heh
And I suppose Obama is predicting he will win wins 55 of all 57 states he has counted. hahaha
Then there were the elections with Bush, a win in November but not a WIN till January with all the dmes wanting the CHADS counted and recounted. sheesh