British MP George Galloway to Hamas TV:” I Pray for the Safety of Barack Obama. Arab Puppet Presidents and Corrupt Kings Will Discover That the Ground Has Moved under their Feet in November “
Following is an interview with British MP George Galloway, which aired on Al-Aqsa TV on May 2, 2008:
George Galloway: ” I hope that the new presidency in the United States… I pray for the safety of Barack Obama, and I pray that he can shift the United States attitude to this question. But as you know, Palestine cannot free itself. It is a small country against a huge superpower. The real problem is not in Palestine. It’s not even in London or Washington. The real problem is in the Arab world. From Marrakesh to Bahrain – 300 million Arabs, oil at 136 dollars per barrel… If the Arabs wanted to solve this Palestine problem, they could do so in six days.
The Americans are not in a position to intervene anywhere in the Arab world, because they have been defeated by the muqawama [resistance] in Iraq. And so, sunk in this swamp in Iraq and in Afghanistan, the U.S. is no longer able to assist its puppets in the Middle East. So as we come towards the November elections, and the real prospect of a significant victory for Obama, everyone will have to re-find their footing, and these puppet presidents and corrupt kings may discover that the ground has moved under their feet, Allah willing.
I think there are important changes coming in Israel also. Olmert may be in prison by the weekend. He may be replaced by the foreign minister or by Barak. He may be replaced, God forbid, by Netanyahu. I don’t believe the key lies in Tel Aviv. Israel is not an independent country. It must act under the orders of the United States, which provides every bullet and every dollar. So we have to change the policy of the United States, through our work in Europe, through a change in the attitude, or a change of the leaders of the Arab world, to show the United States that it must change its policy in the region. After all, if the United States can take everything she wants from the Arabs, and still follow a policy of cutting throats of the Arabs – why to change? If you can have whatever you want, and do whatever you want – well, why to change?”
Wild Thing’s comment…….
More slime as they endorse B.Hussein O.
Obama will go down in history as beating out the Clinton’s for the lowest of the low associations. And I didn’t think anyone could top Bill and Hillary in that area.
Wild Thing’s comment……
This is EXACTLY how today’s media would be covering D-Day today, and they are doing it with our war today as well and they also did it with the Vietnam War too.
Daily News
Barack Obama ’08 boxer-briefs from Andrew Christian.
As campaign booty goes, this is pretty cheeky.
A trendy underwear designer started selling Barack Obama boxer-briefs Thursday, promising to donate $1 from each $29 sale to the Democrat’s coffers.
The slim-fit undies by Andrew Christian sport a Che Guevaraesque silhouette of the senator’s face on the front and the numbers ’08 on the back.
“I’m not sure I’d wear those even underneath my clothes,” Obama’s communications director, Robert Gibbs, said when shown a photo of the skivvies.
“Wow!” he added, taking a moment to chuckle. “Those are virtually indescribable. They’re probably really hip and expensive.”
The designer mailed a package of complimentary unmentionables to Obama – so the Daily News asked if he would wear them.
“No!” Gibbs replied quickly. “That would be really weird.”
As Gibbs spoke, a young female staffer passed by and caught a glimpse of the photo.
“Oh!” she exclaimed, blushing.
Christian said the Obama bottoms are his only campaign-related underwear, but that could change.
“If she gets the vice presidency, we’ll definitely add a Hillary bra or camisole,” he said.
As a Democrat, he has no plans for any John McCain shorts and he guessed they wouldn’t be a hot seller, anyway.
“It probably wouldn’t be as hip and as cool as the Obama underwear,” Christian said.
Wild Thing’s comment……..
I’m guessing they would have done “bloomers” for Mrs. Clinton.
I hate how these liberal idiots try to turn all of their presidential candidates into some sort of sex symbol. We had to put up with this same crap with Clinton for eight years. Then they tried it with Al Gore and the airbrushed “package” photo, but even all the makeup artists in Hollywood couldn’t make him look sexy. Then in 2004 we had the John Kerry “surfer dude” and “skier dude” photos. Now over the next few months we get to see Obama, AKA the black Alfred E. Newman transformed into a sex symbol.
D-Day is June 6, 1944 — the day on which the Invasion of Normandy began — commencing the Western Allied effort to liberate mainland Europe from Nazi occupation during World War II. However, many other invasions and operations as well had a designated D-Day, both before and after that operation.
It was on 6th June 1944 that Operation Overlord – the long anticipated Allied invasion of Nazi-held Europe – went into action. What came to be known as the ‘D-day landings’.
On the French beaches and in those hedgerows, many making the ultimate sacrifice. Over two thousand Americans, British, Canadians, and Australians died that first day, trading their lives for a single ambition…so we could live free.
The allied commander of the D-Day invasion, Gen Dwight D Eisenhower gives the order of the Day.
“Full victory – nothing else” to paratroopers in England, just before they board their airplanes to participate in the first assault in the invasion of the continent of Europe.
….”In some sectors the area was so heavily occupied by the Germans the paratroopers were fired upon while in the plane, in decent, and after landing… Many men were wounded or killed during one phase or another… The illumination created by fires on the ground was a death sentence if you were caught in an open field… This great confusion created by the troopers, moving in all directions, completely baffled the Germans in that they could not establish how many allied paratroopers had landed, or determine where our front line was. The fact that we were scattered over many miles, (mistakenly,) became advantageous to our mission..”
The first wave of assault troops of the 29th Infantry Division, it was four rifle companies landing on a hostile shore at H-hour, D-Day – 6:30 a.m., on June 6, 1944
The long-awaited liberation of France was underway. After long months in England, National Guardsmen from Virginia, Maryland and the District of Columbia found themselves in the vanguard of the Allied attack. In those early hours on the fire-swept beach the 116th Infantry Combat Team, the old Stonewall Brigade of Virginia, clawed its way through Les Moulins draw toward its objective, Vierville-sur-Mer. It was during the movement from Les Moulins that the battered but gallant 2d Battalion broke loose from the beach, clambered over the embankment, and a small party, led by the battalion commander, fought its way to a farmhouse, which became its first Command Post in France.
The 116th suffered more than 800 casualties this day – a day that will long be remembered as the beginning of the Allies’ “Great Crusade” to rekindle the lamp of liberty and freedom on the continent of Europe. They were part of the part of the National Guard
Utah Beach
“Members of an American landing party lend helping hands to other members of their organization whose landing craft was sunk be enemy action of the coast of France. These survivors reached Utah Beach, near Cherbourg, by using a life raft”.
General Cota was second in command of the 29th Infantry Division. He had little faith in the accuracy of air and naval bombardment, thought it would do little good, and had wanted to make the landing under cover of darkness.
Cota landed at 0730 with the main command group of the 116th, Company K. Several in his LCVP were killed immediately as the ramp went down. When Cota got to the sea wall he made an immediate and critical command decision. He saw at once that the plan to go up the draws was obsolete. It simply could not be done. Nor could the men stay where they were. They had to get over the shingle, get through the heavily mined swamp, and climb the bluff to drive the Germans from their trenches and take the draws from the inland side.
Lieutenant Shea described Cota’s actions:
“Exposing himself to enemy fire, General Cota went over the seawall giving encouragement, directions, and orders to those about him, personally supervised the placing of a BAR, and brought fire to bear on some of the enemy positions on the bluff that faced them. Finding a belt of barbed wire inside the seawall, General Cota personally supervised placing a bangalore torpedo for blowing the wire and was one of the first three men to go through the wire. At the head of a mixed column of troops he threaded his way to the foot of the high ground beyond the beach and started the troops up the high ground where they could bring effective fire to bear on the enemy positions.”
Although the lead elements of the assault had been on the beach for almost an hour, none had progressed farther than the seawall. Most were clustered under the wall, pinned down by machine-gun fire. The beach was jammed with dead and wounded. General Cota had landed to fine a completely stalled attack. He went to work immediately.
Once on the beach, General Cota did move from group to group, encouraging the men to begin to move.
“Don’t die on the beaches, die up on the bluff if you have to die, but get off the beaches or you’re sure to die.”
Cota found Schneider at his CP. Cota remained standing, even with the German firing; Schneider also stood up to converse. One witness remembers Cota saying to Schneider,”We’re counting on your rangers to lead the way.”
Omaha Beach
Father Joe Lacy
Father Lacy was described by one of the Rangers as a “small, old, fat Irishman.” But there he was, on the beach that first terrible morning, tending to the wounded.
The Rangers had insisted that he would never be able to keep up with them in combat. They were finely tuned and in great physical shape, he was not. But he had insisted in coming along. On the transport on the night of June 5-6, he told the others:
“When you land on the beach and you get in there, I don’t want to see anybody kneeling down and praying. If I do I’m gonna come up and boot you in the tail. You leave the praying to me and you do the fighting.”
Once on the beach, the men saw Father Lacy:
“go down to the water’s edge and pull the dead, dying, and wounded from the water and put them in relatively protected positions. He didn’t stop at that, but prayed for them and with them, gave comfort to the wounded and dying. A real man of god.”
On D-Day strange canvas covered bathtub looking vehicles came in from the ocean and landed on the beach. The vehicles were Sherman tanks fitted with a flotation device, which allowed them to drive off an LCT and into the ocean, and then navigate to the beach. One tank driver later said, “I still remember very vividly some of the machine gunners standing up in their posts looking at us with their mouths wide open.”
These tanks were the brainchild of Maj. General Percy Hobart of the British Army. The floating tank, These tanks were the brainchild of Maj. General Percy Hobart of the British Army.
The Real “Saving Private Ryan” & Colonel Vandervoort Ste,-Mere-Eglise was a quiet village with a couple of hundred gray stone houses. It was a village in which nothing much of consequence had happened for ten centuries. The road N-13 ran through the village, heading north to Cherbourg and east to Caen and onto Paris. Without the use of N-13 the Germans to the north would be cut off. If the Americans lost control many paratroopers would be cut off and the 4th Infantry Division would be unable to move off the beach to the west and north. Because of this the battle for the little village took on a great importance.
Colonel Vandervoort, despite a broken ankle during the parachute drop and having to be moved around in a wheelbarrow, moved his battalion into the village. Between them and another battalion, they did not have the men form a complete defensive perimeter so they decided to only defend both ends of the main road.
About 1pm on D-Day a Frenchman rode his bicycle up to them and announced in English that some American paratroopers were bringing in a large contingent of German prisoners from the north. Sure enough, when Vandervoort looked in that direction there was a column of troops marching in good order right down the middle of N-13, with what appeared to be paratroopers on either side of them waving orange flags (the American recognition signal on D-day).
Vandervoort grew suspicious when he noticed two tracked vehicles at the rear of the column. He told one of his men to fire a short machine gun burst to the right of the column. Sure enough the “prisoners” and “paratroopers” both jumped into ditches and began to return fire. The Germans outnumbered the Americans five to one and began to flank his position. He sent for reinforcements and ordered the men to begin a fighting withdrawal.
Finally only sixteen of his forty three men were in a condition to fight and they were preparing for a “last stand”. Then a medic volunteered to stay behind and look after the wounded. Pvt. Julius Sebastain, Cpl. Ray Smithson, and Sgt. Robert Niland offered to form a rearguard to cover the retreat of the remainder of the platoon. The three were able to put up an energetic defense that actually stopped the German advance for a time and allowed the others to escape.
The twenty-eight badly wounded men which were left behind along with two of the three volunteers who stayed behind were captured. The third volunteer, Sgt. Bob Niland, was killed at his machine gun. One of his brothers, a platoon leader in the 4th Division, was killed the same morning at Utah Beach. Another brother was killed that week in Burma. Mrs. Niland received all three telegrams from the War Department announcing their deaths on the same day. Her fourth son, Fritz, was in the 101st Airborne and was pulled out of the front lines by the Army.
Lt. Col. Ben Vandervoort, and his 2nd Battalion (505th PIR, 82nd Airborne Division) later saw action at the Nijmegen bridge in Operation Market Garden (movie: A Bridge Too Far). His battalion was assigned to take the west end of the Nijmegen bridge while Maj. Julian Cook’s 3rd Battalion took the east end, crossing the river in the small boats.
The 82nd was to then later play a major role in the defense of the allied position during the Battle of the Bulge.
Normandy Burial Ground
St. Mere Eglise ,was the principal objective of the 82nd Airborne on the early morning of June 6. It was the site of three days of intense fighting as the Germans repeatedly counter attacked in attempts to retake the strategic town from the occupying American paratroopers. The village is perhaps best remembered for its church, in the center of the town square, where Paratrooper John Steel of the 505th PIR became trapped when his parachute was ensnared by a steeple. He watched helplessly as the rest of his company was killed by the waiting Germans.
St. Mere Eglise
The stained-glass windows of the church are a tribute to those who liberated St. Mere Eglise:
* At the upper left are airborne wings.
* At the upper right is the parachute and glider that made up the badge of American Airborne Command.
* The lower left cut-out shows the insignia of the 82nd Airborne Division (AA for “All American Division”).
* The faint parachutes at the lower right are a constant motif in the windows.
* The symbol of the Free French (the Cross of Lorraine) is shown bottom center.
Wild Thing’s comment …….
we remember those special to Theodore’s World blog.
Jack’s friend who was like a family member an Army Reserve civilian that was severly wounded on D-Day. Jack and his family were his adopted family.
And Rhod that had several Canadian Uncles that served in WW11.
I had five Uncles that served in in various past battles Battle of the Bulge, the Chosin and at Normandy.
We honor their memoryand all those other relatives as well with a connection to this blog and those that enter, and all those brave men that served with them.
We owe a tremendous debt of gratitude to those who gave their lives in this giant struggle and to those who were lucky enough to come back home.
We can only imagine the horror and the dying that took place. We need to perpetuate their story of sacrifice and glory for as long as we live.
Can you see the thousands of ships offshore that formed the most powerful armada that the world has ever seen? A huge salvo is being laid down prior to the invasion. Troops climb down rope ladders into landing craft. Many invasion force craft are circling around, grouping up, just before they make their final drive for the beach.
The Germans are entrenched in concrete bunkers and gun emplacements and are shelling the approaching landing craft. Many men never make it to the beach, but instead die in the churning surf. Those who do get to the beach and tumble out of their craft are subject to horrendous machine gun fire from pillboxes that rake the entire shore. There are the dead and the dying.
Valiant army engineers mount a superhuman effort to blow a hole in the concrete barricade so troops can move inland, away from the murderous fire coming from above them.
Those first few hours must have indeed been some of the longest ever faced by bold and courageous men. May their honor and sacrifice not be forgotten, and may this event in history go down not as just about death and dying, but as a turning point for the world, toward peace. God willing, it will never have to be repeated.
With our up and coming elections and also how our world has been changing so rapildy it is more important then ever to not forget these sacrifices our heroes made. We can’t betray these men by allowing the world they died for to slip away.
The Democratic National Convention has its own orchestra: 22 studio musicians, most all of whom have played for Hollywood film scores. Over the next few days and nights, the musicians will help create the convention’s soundtrack: Background music to set up the main action; songs and tunes to set the mood.
“Music can bring a tear to your eye. It can make you jump out of your seat and applaud, and that’s why we’re here,” said Harold Wheeler, the convention’s music director and conductor of the orchestra.
Convention music won’t just play to emotions. It will play politics.
Democratic planners see music as a kind of audio plank in the party platform — a musical statement of how inclusive the party is of different age groups, different ethnic backgrounds, different cultures.
“The music we choose is very diverse,” said veteran convention producer Gary Smith. “And that’s deliberate. That’s part of the message of the convention.”
Selections to be played by the orchestra or on CD range from be-bop to hip hop, jazz to gospel, Count Basie to ‘N Sync. Every night, there will be live performances by singers of note: Stevie Wonder, Melissa Etheridge, Luther Vandross, Mary Chapin Carpenter, Boyz II Men. There will also be appearances by a marching band and a 150-member choir.
“The appeal of the music reflects what the party sees as its wide appeal,” said Smith. “It’s Latino, it’s Americana, it’s patriotic, it’s religious, it’s Broadway.”
The Broadway cast of “The Music Man” is flying in from New York to perform “76 Trombones” on the convention’s opening night. To make the famous song more relevant to the convention, Democratic writers rewrote Meredith Willson’s original lyrics, adding a rhythmic patter about the glory of the Democratic party.
Craig Bierko, who stars in the Broadway revival as Professor Harold Hill, rehearsed the new verse:
“You’ll feel something stirring in your Democratic hearts! Joy at the thought of leaders like F.D.R., and Harry Truman, L.B.J. and Jimmy Carter, William Clinton and soon, Al Gore! Men who made our great nation what it is today!”
But to get clearance rights to the song, the new partisan part had to be scrapped. “Meredith Willson’s widow won’t allow us to do it,” said Smith. “She’s a Republican.”
Before selecting a song, convention planners have to know the political affiliation of the composer or artist, have to be aware of the song’s associations, and its meaning, hidden or overt. “We just always have to be careful that the lyrics are appropriate,” said Smith. Tuning out Monica
Lyrics turned out to be a problem in choosing the convention theme song. Convention producers had selected Lou Bega’s “Mambo No. 5” because it was up-tempo and popular, like “The Macarena,” the Democrats’ convention theme in 1996. But the chorus of “Mambo No. 5” refers to a girl named Monica.
Convention planners initially thought they could just rewrite the lyric, but late on the eve of the convention, they re-thought the whole idea.
“That’s out now,” said Wheeler, whose orchestra rehearsed the song. “That will not be played at all.”
Convention producers are now looking for another song – one just as catchy, but without a catch – that will rally the party faithful, inspire the crowd and get the campaign off on the right note.
Here is Lou Bega’s “Mambo No. 5”
Wild Thing’s comment………
Some suggestions heh heh:
Elton John & Tina Turner – The Bitch Is Back
Somethign special for Obama since they are pushing what is apparently the most important thing to them about Obama.
Something special for Obama
The Rolling Stones – Paint it black
And THIS one is my suggestion for the theme song at the Democratic National Convention in August! giggle Neil Diamond ( he even does a take off on Wright BUT doesn’t know it. haha) ” Brother Love’s Traveling Salvation Show” in honor of all the preachers Obama USED to know. hahahaha I am cracking myself up here . LOL Help!
“The campaign of Sen. John McCain is working hard to get Democratic voters re-registered as Republicans in some state primaries in an effort to maximize his primary votes and secure the GOP presidential nomination in the fall.
We’re doing a re-registration drive” for Democrats “to re-register as Republicans so their votes do count when they vote for John McCain,” the spokesman said. “That’s kind of one of our big issues. “
Ladies and gentlemen, have finally figured out what I think McCain is up to with this whole campaign. I think with his constant wooing of Democrats, his constant wooing of independents and with a lot of focus on the independents, and his — what appears to me — studied and purposeful ignoring of congressional races run by Republicans, he doesn’t appear to have any interest in having any coattails.
I think the objective that the McCain campaign has is to win this election with a cross-section of votes that would end up giving McCain the ability to say it was independents that elected him. Not Republicans and not Democrats.
But the problem with this strategery of McCain’s — let’s say it he pulls it off, say he wins and runs around saying it was independents that put him over the top — he’s not going to have any backing in Congress. He’s not going to have any support. Republicans are not going to be able to say they did it for him. He’s not going to give them credit. Democrats by the same token, and I don’t know how many independents there are going to be in Congress. I mean I don’t even think we have one anymore. Bernie Sanders is independent voting socialist. Whatever. He’s independent. Okay. Well, granted. There’s one independent in the whole Congress, Bernie Sanders in the United States Senate. Oh, I take it back. Lieberman. So there’s two of them. Okay, let’s say they both get reelected. I don’t even know if Sanders is up. I know Lieberman isn’t.
So they’ll probably be there. So McCain’s going to have a constituency of two out of 535 members. (laughing) This is just how it works. One of the things that gave me a heads-up on this is this little story from The Hill blog on Capitol Hill. “Democrats Accuse McCain on Climate.” Now, get this. “Senator John McCain’s hesitation to endorse climate change legislation on the Senate floor this week has Democrats charging him with paying lip service to the issue.” Very, very, very interesting.
So he’s for the cap-and-trade bill that McConnell shut down yesterday by having the whole thing read. It took ’em ’til about midnight last night to read the whole thing, 492 pages. He’s out there saying he’s all for this. He’s made a number of speeches about it. He’s all for the cap-and-trade bill, global warming is manmade; gotta stop it. We gotta distance ourselves from the Bush administration policy on this, yada yada yada yada; then the bill shows up on the floor of the Senate this week and McCain is nowhere near there participating in it, voting for it, endorsing it, speechifying on it.
I am one out of ten Republicans not joining John McCain so far. And that’s okay. Don’t need me and don’t need those of you who also comprise the one out of ten who may not be enamored of Senator McCain. I hear from a lot of you so I know you are out there, the conservatives that throughout the day wrestle with voting or not voting for McCain. And those of you too that say you will vote for him because of Obama but it is not what you want because you are conservatives.
Then he , RNC Chair Mike Duncan and McCain too, goes on to talk about how proud they are they’re getting Democrats, how excited the Republican National Committee is to be getting Democrat and independent votes, and Senator McCain is out there actively cultivating them, the Republican National Committee is telling us all .
These people that are joining McCain are not enamored of McCain. They are angry women fed up with the Democrat Party. They’re not looking at McCain as their ideal candidate in terms of issues and ideas. They’re joining McCain as a slap at the Democrat Party. This is what I feared. This is what I feared way, way back many, many moons ago — a little Indian lingo there. I told you that the problem the Republican Party faces, if they’re going to go out and recruit Democrats, they better recruit them as converted-to-Republican conservatives, as Reagan did.
You know, I wish somebody would explain to the Republican National Committee and to Senator McCain that you don’t win an election with the most independents. This is not how elections are won! Both parties try to secure their bases, which is fascinating about this election because it appears that both party bases are upset with who the parties have nominated. You’ve got a lot of Democrat women who are fed up. You got a lot of Republicans, more than one out of ten — in fact far more than one out of ten Republicans — who are dissatisfied with their party’s nominee, John McCain.
What’s happening here is that they’re going out for all of the independents first and saying, “To hell with the base.” This is…convoluted. I’ve never seen it done this way before.
The Republican National Committee is running an ad targeting Democrats. They released this ad. It’s an Internet video of Democrats questioning Obama’s readiness. So the RNC is out there targeting Democrats who theoretically respect the people in this ad. Here’s the first half of the ad.
All right, so here’s an ad. It’s a Web ad. It runs about 70 seconds. It’s run by the Republican National Committee, featuring all these Democrats talking about Obama’s unfitness, lack of experience. It’s reaching out to Democrats. Now, I haven’t seen the videos. I don’t know what kind of graphics are there, but just in the audio here, I find it fascinating that here is an ad ostensibly to convince people to vote for Senator McCain that does not ask them to do that. Here’s an ad that simply takes these Democrats and talks about how Obama is unqualified, and somehow this is a come-on to Democrats: “Hey, join us. Join us on the Republican side.”
What is apparent to me is that the RNC understands that there is some — Uh, uh, how should I say? — lack of enthusiasm among some Republicans for Senator McCain, and so they’re going to have to go out and get these Democrats if they have a chance.
HILLARY: In this election, we need a nominee who can pass the commander-in-chief test, someone ready on day one to defend our country and keep our families safe. And we need a president who passes that test. JOHN EDWARDS: Rhetoric’s not enough. Highfalutin language is not enough. HILLARY: There’s no time for speeches and on-the-job training. Senator McCain will bring a lifetime of experience, uh, to the campaign, I will bring a lifetime of experience — and Senator Obama will bring a speech that he gave in 2002. RUSH: Okay, so the first half of the ad is Hillary and John Edwards talking about Obama and his lack of qualifications. So far so good? It’s a Republican National Committee ad. Here is part two of the ad: Senator Biden, Senator Clinton, George Stephanopoulos, and former President Bill Clinton talking about Obama. STEPHANOPOULOS: You were asked, “Is he ready?” You said, “I think he can be ready but right now I don’t believe he is. The presidency is not something that lends itself to on-the-job training.” BIDEN: I think I — I stand by the statement. CLINTON: When is the last time we elected a president based on one year of service in the Senate before he started running? He will have been a Senator longer by the time he’s inaugurated, but essentially once you run for president full time you don’t have time to do much else. HILLARY: I think it’s imperative that each of us be able to demonstrate we can cross the commander-in-chief threshold, and I believe that I’ve done that; certainly Senator McCain has done that and you’ll have to ask Senator Obama with respect to his candidacy.
But let’s hypothetically say that the polling data is correct and that the Democrats are going to have at least a 50-seat majority in the House and a seven-seat majority in the Senate, at the bare minimum. That means that the Democrat agenda is what’s going to pass in both houses of Congress. The Democrats have seven seats. I know you need 60 seats there, but if you’ve got seven already, they’ll be able to find three moderate Republicans to go along with them, two of them I can think of off the top of my head.
So with that constant, here you have Obama as president, and let’s take a look each one individually, because I’ve analyzed what I think will happen. I think Obama and his inexperience will show and rise to the top. It’s going to be really key as to who he has running his administration, who his legislative aides are, chief of staff, the people that are going to be dealing with Congress on his behalf because he’s not up to it. He has no experience. He’s a community organizer, he’s a senator; he hasn’t crossed the aisle much, if at all. He’s got a lot of language. He has a lot of soaring language.
He has some specific proposals, but he’s basically running the liberal campaign playbook from 30 and 50 years ago. I think people like Pelosi, Harry Reid, whoever’s running the Senate, they could roll him and get what they want, because no matter who the president is and who runs Congress, there’s always a battle between the two branches. Congress thinks they ought to be president. So there would be some battles with Obama.
Let’s take McCain. And, by the way, there’s another constant here. Presidents these days define their legacies as getting things done. That translates into having legislation passed.
We conservatives count things not getting done as progress, if they’re going to be done by liberals. But McCain doesn’t look at it that way, looks at getting things done. If all he’s got to work with is that vast majority of Democrats in the House and in the Senate, then the Democrats still logically carry the day on the agenda. With McCain, who has shown an eagerness, a willingness and even a joyfulness in crossing the aisle and working with them.
So if a Democrat agenda, if a liberal Democrat agenda is going to dominate — not saying it’s going to win on everything — but if it dominates, does it matter who’s in the White House if the country is going to be negatively impacted by what comes out of Congress in terms of being able to stop it? McCain would be able to stop it? I don’t frankly know that he would want to because then he wouldn’t be getting things done.
So in either scenario, on paper, the future looks like we’re going to take a dip. I don’t know if it means war in Iran. I do know it means massive tax increases, an expansion of government, a loss of individual liberty. Now, do we want this to happen? I haven’t directed people on how to vote here. Do you want this to happen with a Republican president? Would McCain try to stand up for blocking tax increases?
I’m sure he would. I think. Can’t be sure, because it is McCain after all.
See, it’s a little bit of an unknown because when Bush first announced his tax cuts, McCain was diametrically opposed. But yeah, he could oppose them.
Let’s say McCain is the guy, a lot of people say, “Rush, this is silly, you can’t have Obama in there, we’re going to have at least two Supreme Court appointments.” Yeah, I understand that. Supreme Court Judges
So let’s say, take your favorite judge out there that you think would be great on the Supreme Court, your favorite conservative judge, McCain in the White House nominates the guy, goes over to the Senate where you have the same guys: You got Patrick Leahy, you got Biden, you have Kennedy and probably a couple more on that committee, based on the election returns. You’ve got Dick Durbin, you have Senator Dianne Feinstein, Chuck Schumer, and a couple more just like ’em, can you tell me what’s going to happen to McCain’s judicial nominees for the Supreme Court?
You just can’t leave the Supreme Court vacant. If they keep rejecting McCain’s nominees, he’s gotta do what? Gotta send people up that they’ll approve.
McCain’s not even running to have a bunch of Republicans elected with him in the Congress. I don’t see any action by the RNC to help forestall these big Democrat majorities.
I think there are more Republicans that are angry at McCain than are angry at Bush, to be quite honest. There are more Republicans who have more visceral anger at McCain than they do Bush. But you just heard the RNC guy say, “look at these Democrats, we’re attracting all these Democrats,” so here’s the scenario.
Let me set the table. McCain wins attracting Democrats as Democrats, not as converted to Republican or conservative Democrats, but as Democrats. And so then, then what do you have? Then you have these country club blue-blood gang and the Rockefeller Republicans, and they’re out there saying, “See, you conservatives, we don’t even need you. This is the future of the Republican Party, independents and Democrats and moderate Republicans, we don’t need you.” And they’re going to get the wrong idea that that’s how you win.
Look, I have never advocated losing an election, and every time somebody calls and suggests it, look, it happens every year, it happened in ’92, “Rush, let’s just lose and let the country see what a rotten guy Clinton is and we’ll be back in four years.” You can’t trust that. I’ve never advocated losing. I don’t think you win by losing. But at the same time there are some things to consider here if you’re interested in conservatism being rebuilt and being able to nominate the Republican Party once again. So it’s very convoluted, it is complicated, going to take a lot of thought by a lot of people. I told you earlier Tom Sowell said:
“Two of the most inadequate candidates ever. What it boils down to him is Iran and nuclear weapons and their pursuit of them, and there’s only one guy he has any hope and faith in that will stop it, and that’s McCain.”
And so that’s his decision. All the rest of it’s academic to him, there’s no difference in the two; they’re both inadequate.
In fact, you know what? I would say that neither of these two candidates is running on substance. They’re both running on image. You have Obama running on the image, first black nominee. McCain’s image is war hero. If you strip that away from both guys, you strip Obama’s race away from him, you strip McCain’s war hero status away, what have we got here? Literally what do we have? And this is why people are so disappointed. Why in the hell in a country of 300 million people is this the best we can come up with, on either side? So what do we do? Where do we go from here. How do we get conservatives back in power or keep the few we have in power for the future.
Well, one of the things I have suggested is focusing a lot on the future. These are cycles. We can rebuild. The conservative movement can triumph once again. It’s going to have to start locally, supporting state and local conservatives in their quest, getting to know who they are, supporting them, voting for them, giving them confidence to keep going. The Club for Growth, a conservative group, had a big night Tuesday. Two candidates it endorsed and funded prevailed in hotly contested Republican primaries in New Mexico and California. This is how it’s done.
Here are the details on the Club for Growth story. They’re a conservative anti-tax group. Steve Moore used to head ’em up, Pat Toomey now does. Big night Tuesday “as the two candidates it endorsed and funded prevailed in hotly contested Republican primaries in New Mexico and California. In New Mexico, Rep. Steve Pearce narrowly won the Republican primary for retiring GOP Sen. Pete V. Domenici’s seat, defeating his more moderate opponent, Rep. Heather Wilson, 51 percent to 49 percent.” Heather Wilson, toast, moderate Republican in Arizona.
“Pearce benefited from running as an unapologetic conservative in a low-turnout Republican primary — and received key assistance from the Club for Growth. … In California, another Club-backed candidate, conservative state Sen. Tom McClintock, easily prevailed over former Rep. Doug Ose in the Republican primary to succeed retiring Rep. John Doolittle. McClintock is a well-known conservative icon throughout the state, and while in the Legislature, he has been a vocal opponent of tax increases and wasteful government spending.”
So this is the future. These are new roots being planted, and these are the kind of things that are going to have to happen all across the country along with other things in order to bring about this rebirth of conservative — and it isn’t going to be that hard, and it isn’t going to take that long.
Wild Thing’s comment……
I agree with Rush there is a positive future that we must not give up on. We might have to start over, a rebirth of conservatism like Rush said, but it can happen. I believe in this Country and what it has stood for and stood against too, and I will never give up on her.
The thing I feel the worst about are Veterans, and our troops today. All that served our country to keep it the best country in the world, and we get low life politicans that do all they can do destroy our freedoms with the swipe of a pen and a vote in our Houses on Capitol Hill. Veterans that fought for our land, our country, to be told we can’t drill for oil on it, that borders must remain open, that illegals have more rights then legal citizens including the very Veterans that fought to keep us secure. Politicans creating a socialist/communist shadow party to belong to as they scheme and plan how to destroy this great Nation from within. Yes our Veterans deserve better and they will get our country back, not in this election but I pray to God it will be in the next one and all the rest after that.
There are good men out there, conservatives and we need to seek them out and support them.
Let our RNC/GOP know how we feel and never give up.
I wish all our Veterans didn’t have to see all this happening.
Can you imagine if all the conservatives were calling and writing to the RNC and GOP and telling them off, how we feel, how this whole thing is a travesty to our party, to America. Thousands upon thousands of people doing this. Bomb them with emails and phone calls. Maybe that would help too.
There were so many great comments yesterday, things that really should be seen again and pertain sooooo much to this post and what has been happeing with our Republican party. I am going to put some of them here.
Adding to this what Tom said yesterday in a comment:
“McCain may win the presidency. But there is no Republican Party left.”
And from Lynn and this is just what it feels like too:
“I don’t like being tossed aside like last week’s leftovers.”
Like Mark said yesterday in a comment:
“The RNC has pulled out all the stops to totally destroy the Conservative movement that created the juggernaut of the Reagan coalition. Someone said, McCain had to deal with the conservatives, that McCain had to bring them back into the fold. He has not done that. Obviously, to say he doesn’t need us is an understatement, from him and the RNC.
This attitude of McCain and the RNC says it all. “
From Jack and this is true too that is why so many of us have stopped donating to our party till this tantrum against conservatives is done:
“no longer need the members only the money”
And from Rhod’s comment:
“We know instantly which things are proper and which aren’t, when we’re being conned, exploited, controlled and set up.”
And from Les:
“Both major political parties have failed the country.”
“All of these men were part of a rollcall of honor with names that spoke of a pride as bright as the colors they bore: the Royal Winnipeg Rifles, Poland’s 24th Lancers, the Royal Scots Fusiliers, the Screaming Eagles, the Yeomen of England’s armored divisions, the forces of Free France, the Coast Guard’s “Matchbox Fleet” and you, the American Rangers.
Forty summers have passed since the battle that you fought here. You were young the day you took these cliffs; some of you were hardly more than boys, with the deepest joys of life before you. Yet, you risked everything here. Why? Why did you do it? What impelled you to put aside the instinct for self-preservation and risk your lives to take these cliffs? What inspired all the men of the armies that met here? We look at you, and somehow we know the answer. It was faith and belief; it was loyalty and love.
The men of Normandy had faith that what they were doing was right, faith that they fought for all humanity, faith that a just God would grant them mercy on this beachhead or on the next. It was the deep knowledge–and pray God we have not lost it–that there is a profound, moral difference between the use of force for liberation and the use of force for conquest. You were here to liberate, not to conquer, and so you and those others did not doubt your cause. And you were right not to doubt.
You all knew that some things are worth dying for. One’s country is worth dying for, and democracy is worth dying for, because it’s the most deeply honorable form of government ever devised by man. All of you loved liberty. All of you were willing to fight tyranny, and you knew the people of your countries were behind you.”
“Today, as 40 years ago, our armies are here for only one purpose–to protect and defend democracy. The only territories we hold are memorials like this one and graveyards where our heroes rest.
We in America have learned bitter lessons from two World Wars: It is better to be here ready to protect the peace than to take blind shelter across the sea, rushing to respond only after freedom is lost. We’ve learned that isolationism never was and never will be an acceptable response to tyrannical governments with an expansionist intent.
But we try always to be prepared for peace; prepared to deter aggression; prepared to negotiate the reduction of arms; and, yes, prepared to reach out again in the spirit of reconciliation. In truth, there is no reconciliation we would welcome more than a reconciliation with the Soviet Union, so, together, we can lessen the risks of war, now and forever.
It’s fitting to remember here the great losses also suffered by the Russian people during World War II: 20 million perished, a terrible price that testifies to all the world the necessity of ending war. I tell you from my heart that we in the United States do not want war. We want to wipe from the face of the Earth the terrible weapons that man now has in his hands. And I tell you, we are ready to seize that beachhead. We look for some sign from the Soviet Union that they are willing to move forward, that they share our desire and love for peace, and that they will give up the ways of conquest. There must be a changing there that will allow us to turn our hope into action.
We will pray forever that some day that changing will come. But for now, particularly today, it is good and fitting to renew our commitment to each other, to our freedom, and to the alliance that protects it.
We are bound today by what bound us 40 years ago, the same loyalties, traditions, and beliefs. We’re bound by reality. The strength of America’s allies is vital to the United States, and the American security guarantee is essential to the continued freedom of Europe’s democracies. We were with you then; we are with you now. Your hopes are our hopes, and your destiny is our destiny.
Here, in this place where the West held together, let us make a vow to our dead. Let us show them by our actions that we understand what they died for. Let our actions say to them the words for which Matthew Ridgway listened: “I will not fail thee nor forsake thee.”
Strengthened by their courage, heartened by their value [valor], and borne by their memory, let us continue to stand for the ideals for which they lived and died.
Thank you very much, and God bless you all.”
Wild Thing’s comment……..
I love Reagan’s speech and since he is my favorite President I thought it would great to share his speech from the past here today.
Obama’s statement, you are going to love this omg LOL
B.Hussein O.’s statement on Tony Rezko being convicted: Fox News
“I’m saddened by today’s verdict. This isn’t the Tony Rezko I knew, but now he has been convicted by a jury on multiple charges that once again shine a spotlight on the need for reform. I encourage the General Assembly to take whatever steps are necessary to prevent these kinds of abuses in the future.”
Jury Finds Tony Rezko Guilty On 16 Of 24 Charges
Political Fundraiser Has Surrendered, To Begin Serving Time Immediately CBS …for complete article
A prominent fundraiser for Sen. Barack Obama and Gov. Rod Blagojevich was convicted Wednesday of fraud and money laundering after a high-profile federal trial provided an unusually detailed glimpse of the pay-to-play politics that has made Illinois infamous.
Antoin “Tony” Rezko, 52, showed no emotion as the jury delivered a mixed verdict that found him guilty of scheming with the government’s star witness to get kickbacks out of money management firms wanting state business, but acquitted him of charges that included attempted extortion.
Rezko attorney Joseph Duffy said the defense is “obviously very disappointed” in the jury’s guilty verdicts. He said Wednesday afternoon they will pursue and appeal.
Duffy says Rezko strongly believes he is innocent.
Duffy says it was Rezko’s decision to surrender and begin serving his sentence. Sentencing is set for September 3rd at 10 a.m.
The jury’s mixed verdict acquitted Rezko of some of the most serious charges, including attempted extortion. Rezko was found guilty of 16 of 24 counts.
He was found guilty on the two more serious counts, on money laundering and aiding and abetting money laundering, counts 23 and 24.
The jury obviously took issue with some of the charges, resulting in the eight acquittals. They wrestled over matters in a 13-day deliberation process, delivering its verdict after a nine-week trial.
But DuPage County State’s Attorney Joe Birkett, who ran against Blagojevich in the 2006 race for governor:
“The conviction of Tony Rezko represents a deep stain on the Democratic Party in Illinois. Democrats from top to bottom, including Barack Obama, stood idly by — and in some instances directly benefited — while the massive Blagojevich corruption scheme flourished. They rode into office promising to clean up after the George Ryan scandals and they have taken corruption in Illinois to a new low. They ought to be held accountable at the polls starting this November.”
This is another write up on it with added information Chicago Tribune
8 Things about Obama and Rezko Chicago Sun Times
Having a hard time keeping track of the facts? Here are eight things to know:
1. They met in 1990. Obama was a student at Harvard Law School and got an unsolicited job offer from Rezko, then a low-income housing developer in Chicago. Obama turned it down.
2. Obama took a job in 1993 with a small Chicago law firm, Davis Miner Barnhill, that represents developers — primarily not-for-profit groups — building low-income housing with government funds.
3. One of the firm’s not-for-profit clients — the Woodlawn Preservation and Investment Corp., co-founded by Obama’s then-boss Allison Davis — was partners with Rezko’s company in a 1995 deal to convert an abandoned nursing home at 61st and Drexel into low-income apartments. Altogether, Obama spent 32 hours on the project, according to the firm. Only five hours of that came after Rezko and WPIC became partners, the firm says. The rest of the future senator’s time was helping WPIC strike the deal with Rezko. Rezko’s company, Rezmar Corp., also partnered with the firm’s clients in four later deals — none of which involved Obama, according to the firm. In each deal, Rezmar “made the decisions for the joint venture,” says William Miceli, an attorney with the firm.
4. In 1995, Obama began campaigning for a seat in the Illinois Senate. Among his earliest supporters: Rezko. Two Rezko companies donated a total of $2,000. Obama was elected in 1996 — representing a district that included 11 of Rezko’s 30 low-income housing projects.
5. Rezko’s low-income housing empire began crumbling in 2001, when his company stopped making mortgage payments on the old nursing home that had been converted into apartments. The state foreclosed on the building — which was in Obama’s Illinois Senate district.
6. In 2003, Obama announced he was running for the U.S. Senate, and Rezko — a member of his campaign finance committee — held a lavish fund-raiser June 27, 2003, at his Wilmette mansion.
7. A few months after Obama became a U.S. senator, he and Rezko’s wife, Rita, bought adjacent pieces of property from a doctor in Chicago’s Kenwood neighborhood — a deal that has dogged Obama the last two years. The doctor sold the mansion to Obama for $1.65 million — $300,000 below the asking price. Rezko’s wife paid full price — $625,000 — for the adjacent vacant lot. The deals closed in June 2005. Six months later, Obama paid Rezko’s wife $104,500 for a strip of her land, so he could have a bigger yard. At the time, it had been widely reported that Tony Rezko was under federal investigation. Questioned later about the timing of the Rezko deal, Obama called it “boneheaded” because people might think the Rezkos had done him a favor.
8. Eight months later — in October 2006 — Rezko was indicted on charges he solicited kickbacks from companies seeking state pension business under his friend Gov. Blagojevich. Federal prosecutors maintain that $10,000 from the alleged kickback scheme was donated to Obama’s run for the U.S. Senate. Obama has given the money to charity.
Wild Thing’s comment……..
Apparently obama had absolutely no idea what was going on around him for decades. Rezko, Wright, Pfleger…all of them somehow are not the people he once knew. LMAO
He said the same thing about each one of them…”This isn’t the FILL IN THE BLANK I knew.”
After Manhatten goes up in a nuke fireball he will say …” That was the Amadmanjihad that I knew…. um.. um…um
Liberal mental disease at its finest… I guess it only matters if they say it does… we are in for a dosey come November. I just found out the REAL reason Rezko and Wright aren’t the people Obama knew. heh heh
GOP Convention website
The GOP/RNC just keeps kicking the conservatives to the curb! Good grief!
All I can say is I am sure glad November is not here yet. We have a few more months before Bush leaves office. He does not get a gold star, but he sure was never as bad as what we have to vote for this time.
McCain’s speech Tuesday night reaching out to Democrats and Independents what the heck does he have to do that for. He didn’t want to allow the video of Rev. Wright in that video ad and told of the people that did it. But it is ok with him to treat conservatives the way he does.
The legacy of Ronald Reagan deserves better than the present day RNC and GOP.I guess I shouldn’t be surprised, since I already posted that McCain has Gone Green shopping at his website. ( shaking my head )
I am beyond disgusted!
(OK end of my rant)
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