11 Jun

SHUT up McCain Greenjeans Since You Won’t Drill in ANWAR!

McCain says gas prices won’t drop and could rise
Record high prices for gasoline probably won’t drop before the November election, Republican John McCain said Wednesday.

” I don’t think it’s going much lower, and it could go higher,” McCain said on NBC’s “Today Show.” “I don’t think so, not when you’ve got a finite supply, basically, and a cartel controlling it.”

Although the GOP presidential candidate didn’t address the question of raising taxes on oil companies, he said the companies “absolutely” should return some profits to consumers. “And they should be embarking on research and development that will pay off in reducing our dependence on foreign oil,” he said.

“The point is, oil companies have got to be more participatory in alternate energy, in sharing their profits in a variety of ways, and there is very strong and justifiable emotion about their profits,” McCain said.

The issue of oil company profits came up this week in the Senate, where Republicans stopped the Democrats from imposing a tax on windfall profits and taking away billions of dollars in tax breaks in response to the $4-a-gallon price of gas.
In the past McCain has indicated he would consider such a tax proposal, saying he didn’t want to see companies making “obscene profits” that distort the market.
McCain used the opportunity to bring up his proposal for a gas tax holiday that would suspend the federal tax of 18.4 cents per gallon, a proposal that Democratic rival Barack Obama dismisses as a gimmick. Critics say that cutting the price would only increase demand, which would lead to higher prices again.

“Look what’s happened to Americans who are on a fixed income, particularly low-income Americans — that’s why I wanted to give them a little break,” McCain said. “They drive the furthest. They drive the automobiles that use the most gasoline. I wanted to give them a little break for the summer.”

In the interview, McCain said President Bush’s strategy to increase the number of troops in Iraq last year is working. McCain has been an ardent supporter of the Iraq war, but he criticized the early handling of the war, saying Bush did not send enough troops initially. In fact, he challenged the characterization that the strategy of increasing troop levels was Bush’s: “May I correct that statement? I advocated the surge policy before President Bush.”
McCain was asked if, since he argues the strategy is working, he has a better estimate for when U.S. troops could leave Iraq.

“No, but that’s not too important,” McCain said. “What’s important is casualties in Iraq.

“Americans are in South Korea. Americans are in Japan. American troops are in Germany. That’s all fine. American casualties, and the ability to withdraw. We will be able to withdraw. … But the key to it is we don’t want any more Americans in harm’s way.”

Obama wants to begin withdrawing troops from Iraq, which McCain opposes.


Wild Thing’s comment……
Hey McCain you are part of the problem NOT part of the solution you jerk. Here is a suggestion,. go read your GREEN earth bs at your campaign webstie and start humming. That should make you feel better when you have to
‘filler up’ at the gas station.
And I swear if these Democrats and rinos don’t stop blaming the oil companies I am going to send the OIL COMPANIES some kind of friendship card and a box of candy and tell them I am on their side and not to listen to the BS from our liars in our government blaming them.
Enough blaming the oil companies. Shumer, McCain etc. all of them blaming the wrong people. The problem lies at the feet of the enviro’s and dems and rinos..

11 Jun

American Solutions Has Petition ~ Drill Here Drill Now

You can CLICK HERE to go to their website and sign their petition. As of right now with this posting there are 567,218 signatures.
There are also articles there pertaining to this subject.

“We, therefore, the undersigned citizens of the United States, petition the U.S. Congress to act immediately to lower gasoline prices (and diesel and other fuel prices)* by authorizing the exploration of proven energy reserves to reduce our dependence on foreign energy sources from unstable countries.”

11 Jun

Label Mark Dice aka John Conner TRAITOR to America and Our Military!

Mark Dice, head of a political activist group, and a Ron Paul supporter, is sending letters and DVDs to U.S. soldiers stationed in Iraq telling them 9/11 was an inside job!!

San Diego, CA – A group of over three thousand political activists are planning to send letters to soldiers stationed in Iraq telling them that America is largely to blame for the 9/11 attacks.

“We support the troops in their efforts to protect the Iraqi people, but want them to know the real reason they have put themselves in harms way,” explains Mark Dice, founder of The Resistance, a Christian media watch dog group based in San Diego.

Dice is urging people in his organization and others to write letters to soldiers in Iraq and explain the evidence that the 9/11 attacks were aided by corrupt U.S. officials for political purposes. According to a 2006 Scripts Howard News Service poll, 36 percent of Americans believe that elements within the U.S. government purposely allowed the attacks to happen, or aided the terrorists to ensure the attacks.

“I personally know U.S. Marines who believe 9/11 was an inside job, and they tell me that many Marines suspect that this is the case but are afraid to speak up out of fear of punishment,” says Dice.

“I don’t want the soldiers who are risking their lives in Iraq to be used as pawns in the creation of the New World Order.”

“We want U.S. troops to know that we care about them and are doing our best to make sure that they don’t have to risk their lives based on false pretenses,” concludes Dice.

Aside from writing letters and sending declassified documents to the troops, The Resistance is encouraging people to send DVDs to soldiers, since some of them have access to portable DVD players and computers. Recommended DVDs are Loose Change: Final Cut, Terror Storm, and 9/11 Press for Truth.

People can register for free at www.AdoptAusSoldier.org and will then be given a specific soldiers name and the address to send your materials to. Also check churches online or in your area, because many have similar programs.

Dice has handed out over 1000 free DVDs of the documentary film Loose Change at college campuses in southern California, and had a highly publicized confrontation with actor Danny Bonnaduce on the streets of Hollywood where Bonnaduce almost attacked him for saying 9/11 was an inside job. His activism will be featured in Alex Jones’ new film 9/11 Chronicles: Truth Rising, which will be released on DVD July 4th and available for free on Google Video.”

And this from Capt. Hegseth, with Vets For Freedom:

“These letters will end up in the toilet or on the firing range,” said Capt. Pete Hegseth, executive director of Vets for Freedom and a veteran of the Iraq War. “They just laugh off this kind of stuff.”
Hegseth told FOX News that American troops don’t need help from Dice to figure out why they’re in Iraq.
“The fact of the matter is most soldiers and Marines understand why they’re fighting,” Hegseth said. “These are volunteers who believe in their service — they believe in the mission they’ve been sent to do.”
Hegseth wasn’t worried that the troops would be deterred by the mailings. “I don’t think they’re going to want to take the time to open the mail from some fringe political sect,” he said. “They’re too busy winning the war in Iraq.”

Dice told FOX News that he’s trying to help troops by giving a voice to people “afraid to speak up out of fear of punishment” from their superiors.
“We’re trying to create a climate that’s safe for these people to ask real questions . . . so we can get our boys back as soon as possible, safe and sound,” he said.
Dice says he is convinced that many servicemen share his views. “The Marines that I know say that 20-25 percent of the Marines believe that 9/11 was an inside job and they’re very angry,” he said.

Hegseth, however, wasn’t convinced. “We represent 24,000 veterans at Vets for Freedom,” he said. “We believe in finishing this mission, we believe in what we’re doing and that’s how most veterans and troops on the ground feel.”

Mark Dice, website….The Resistance
Mark Dice, email address ………Mark@TheResistanceManifesto.com


Wild Thing’s comment………
Mark Dice has another name that of John Conner’ of whom Rosie O’Donnell gets all her 9/11 conspiracy ideas.
When is our country going to start to come down hard on these traitors to our country that aid the enemy, and that put our soldiers lives in danger!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Why don’t our elected officials give a shit about how our troops are treated and harrassed and slandered?????
I am so sick of this shit!

11 Jun

B.Hussein Obama ~ His Plans For War Crime Trials

What kind of war crimes trials does Obama plan?
by Thomas Lifson
Barack Obama’s plan for imposing unity on the nation after he takes office apparently entails a close look at war crimes trials for Bush administration officials. He has even said so in an interview with Will Bunch of the Philadelphia Daily News.
This kind of change — putting your predecessors on trial for their conduct of policy — may not be what most Americans really want or expect from someone with Obama’s gauzy rhetoric of unity. But unity has a dark side in the hands of people who regard their opponents as criminals. America has two centuries-plus of history lacking the totalitarian practice of jailing the predecessors when a new president takes office.
This is the sort of proposal one might expect from a man steeped in Marxism at his church, from his friends like Ayers, and as a member of the Alinsky Left. But I am surprised he let this slip.
The interview in question appeared on a Philadelphia Daily News blog:

“Obama said that as president he would indeed ask his new Attorney General and his deputies to “immediately review the information that’s already there” and determine if an inquiry is warranted — but he also tread carefully on the issue, in line with his reputation for seeking to bridge the partisan divide. He worried that such a probe could be spun as “a partisan witch hunt.” However, he said that equation changes if there was willful criminality, because “nobody is above the law.”

To me the terribly frightening phrase is the wish to avoid a “partisan witch hunt.” When a Harvard-trained lawyer inserts a qualifier into a phrase, that is a signal of wiggle room being created. In this case, the obvious implication is that if you get Chuck Hagel or some other antiwar Republican on board, then you have cover for your “witch hunt.”
At Little Green Footballs there is the discovery of a campaign document:

Here is Obama’s answer to Bunch’s question on the possibility of war crimes trials, in its entirety:

“What I would want to do is to have my Justice Department and my Attorney General immediately review the information that’s already there and to find out are there inquiries that need to be pursued. I can’t prejudge that because we don’t have access to all the material right now. I think that you are right, if crimes have been committed, they should be investigated. You’re also right that I would not want my first term consumed by what was perceived on the part of Republicans as a partisan witch hunt because I think we’ve got too many problems we’ve got to solve.
So this is an area where I would want to exercise judgment — I would want to find out directly from my Attorney General — having pursued, having looked at what’s out there right now — are there possibilities of genuine crimes as opposed to really bad policies. And I think it’s important– one of the things we’ve got to figure out in our political culture generally is distinguishing between really dumb policies and policies that rise to the level of criminal activity. You know, I often get questions about impeachment at town hall meetings and I’ve said that is not something I think would be fruitful to pursue because I think that impeachment is something that should be reserved for exceptional circumstances. Now, if I found out that there were high officials who knowingly, consciously broke existing laws, engaged in coverups of those crimes with knowledge forefront, then I think a basic principle of our Constitution is nobody above the law — and I think that’s roughly how I would look at it.”

Bunch points out that some interpret discussions of waterboarding by officials as grounds for launching a probe.


Wild Thing’s comment……..
He has big plans for the America he hates so much. The left’s version of the messiah is a devil in disguise. And War crimes trials for what? What “crimes” have been committed?
And remember how RUDE he was to Gen. Petraeus? He was totally disrepectful to him. Obama HATES our military and he proves it over and over.
Sounds just like the Nazi anti-Americans who helped the Communist kill thousands of American soldiers and millions of South Vietnamese.
Our ENEMIES are salivating at the prospect of a totalitarian socialist destroying America’s core values, freedoms and strength.
Hey Obama you want WAR crimes, I will give you war crimes you POS, American hater! You can start with Ted Kennedy, John Kerry, Jane Fonda and the other traitors for treason!!

….Thank you Tom for sending this write up to me.

11 Jun

The Pentagon Gets Ready For President Obama

The Pentagon Gets Ready For President Obama
Strategy Page
U.S. military planners are working on how to deal with another round of major cutbacks, in terms of budgets and manpower. This is because one of the major candidates for Commander-in-Chief (president of the United States), Barak Obama, has a video in circulation, of a short speech he gave earlier this year, about how he planned on handling the Department of Defense. His major points were;

“I’m the only major candidate who opposed this war from the beginning; and as president, I will end it.

“Second, I will cut tens of billions of dollars in wasteful spending. I will cut investments in unproven missile defense systems. I will not weaponize space. I will slow our development of future combat systems.

“I will institute an independent defense priorities board to ensure that the Quadrennial Review is not used to justify unnecessary defense spending.

“Third, I will set a goal for a world without nuclear weapons. To seek that goal, I will not develop nuclear weapons; I will seek a global ban on the production of fissile material; and I will negotiate with Russia to take our ICBMs off hair-trigger alert, and to achieve deep cuts in our nuclear arsenal.”

There were major cuts when the Cold War ended in the early 1990s, and when Bill Clinton won the presidency. The same drill is expected if Obama wins, and military planners are studying ways they better cope with a new round of cuts.
And this was also at the Strategy Page and the Pentagon obviously has also seen it like we have.


Wild Thing’s comment……..
This guys plans to disarm America during war and a possible war against nuclear Ayattolahs? Just as China is starting a Cold War with America, especially in Space! He is doing America’s enemie’s biding.

“Slow our development of new weopon systems and cancel the missile defense shield”–B.HUSSEIN Obama

11 Jun

B. Hussein O. Vetting The Vetetrs Or Not ~ HUH?

Obama discusses his vice presidential search committee and defends his campaign for not vetting the vetters.

Wild Thing’s comment……..
I think this guys stammering and stuttering is getting worse.

11 Jun

Catholic Church To All Rev. Pfleger To Return

Scarlett Washington celebrates at St. Sabina when it was announced that the Rev. Michael Pfleger (inset) would be back soon.

Rev. Pfleger to Return to St. Sabina With ‘No Restrictions’
Chicago Sun Times
He’ll be back at St. Sabina, but he has to stay out of presidential politics
The South Side parish of St. Sabina exploded with shouts of joy and a standing ovation Sunday morning at the news firebrand Catholic pastor Rev. Michael Pfleger would be returning June 16.
Cardinal Francis George temporarily removed the outspoken priest from his parish last week following comments Pfleger made about then-presidential candidate Hillary Clinton. Pfleger had said Clinton believed she was entitled to the Democratic nomination because she is white. Pfleger is white, while most of his parishioners are African-American.
At a three-hour Sunday mass filled with songs and dancing, pastoral associate Kimberly Lymore read a letter from Pfleger in which the priest wrote, “This has been a very painful time for me personally and for our church family.”

“Let this time be a teaching moment for us to hear the Lord, to grow closer to him and become even stronger to build a kingdom on Earth as it is in heaven,” Pfleger wrote.

Lymore said parish leaders were told by Cardinal George that Pfleger will continue as pastor of the church he has led for 30 years with “no restrictions” — other than not being able to mention publicly the names of presidential candidates or campaign for them.
On hearing this, several parishioners called out “That’s all right.”
Asked if it was fair that Pfleger was restricted from talking about the candidates, longtime parishioner Michelle Wong Scott said, “a lot of times, when you’re a member, you have to follow your leadership and do what your leaders tell you to do.” She said if Cardinal George had removed Pfleger permanently, the parish would have continued the work he started.

Wild Thing’s comment………
The Catholic church is allowing this anti-American, racist, pure Marxist, Farrakhan loving, liberation theologian who is hiding behind Priest’s robes, back into his influence and political peddling under the color of religion.
He is only restricted from ” other than not being able to mention publicly the names of presidential candidates or campaign for them” , so what! I could do a whole sermon on B. Hussein Obama and his and never mention their names. LOL Even imitate them and never say one word with their names.
This is not a rant at the Catholic church per say, but a disgust at the sheep that don’t speak out to their church how wrong this is to do to have priests like this jerk.
Sigh oh well what can one do when the whole world is upside down and backwards and the left is in charge of everything.
Heh heh….. rant….rant….rant that’s what we still have a right to do…..at least until Muslim America hating B. Hussein Obama is President.
This rant is finished and this post will destruct in 5 seconds.

10 Jun

Medal of Honor to Private First Class Ross Andrew McGinnis

Spc. Ross A. McGinnis Medal of Honor recipient

Army Pfc. Ross A. McGinnis packed only 136 pounds into his 6-foot frame, but few have ever matched his inner strength.
McGinnis sacrificed himself in an act of supreme bravery on December 4, belying his status as the youngest soldier in Company C, 1st Battalion, 26th Infantry Regiment, attached to the 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 2nd Infantry Division.
The 19-year-old amateur mechanic from Knox, Pa., who enjoyed poker and loud music, likely saved the lives of four soldiers riding with him on a mission in Baghdad.
McGinnis was manning the gunner’s hatch when an insurgent tossed a grenade from above. It flew past McGinnis and down through the hatch before lodging near the radio. His platoon sergeant, Sgt. 1st Class Cedric Thomas of Longview, Texas, recalled what happened next.
“Pfc. McGinnis yelled ‘Grenade! … It’s in the truck,’” Thomas said. “I looked out of the corner of my eye as I was crouching down and I saw him pin it down.” McGinnis did so even though he could have escaped. “He had time to jump out of the truck,” Thomas said. “He chose not to.”
Thomas remembered McGinnis talking about how he would respond in such a situation. McGinnis said then he didn’t know how he would act, but when the time came, he delivered. “He gave his life to save his crew and his platoon sergeant,” Thomas said. “He’s a hero. He’s a professional. He was just an awesome guy.”
Three of the soldiers with McGinnis who were wounded that day have returned to duty, while a fourth is recovering in Germany.
For saving the lives of his friends and giving up his own in the process, McGinnis earned the Silver Star. His unit comrades paid their final respects in a somber ceremony here Dec. 11.
McGinnis was born June 14, 1987, and joined the Army right after graduating from high school in 2005. He had been in the Army 18 months and made his mark even before his heroic deed.
“He was a good kid,” said C Company’s senior enlisted soldier, 1st Sgt. Kenneth J. Hendrix. “He had just gotten approved for a waiver to be promoted to specialist.” He also appeared on the Nov. 30 cover of Stars & Stripes, manning his turret.
Besides his military accomplishments, McGinnis leaves his friends and family with memories of a fun-loving, loyal man.
Pfc. Brennan Beck, a 1-26 infantryman from Lodi, Calif., said McGinnis made others feel better. “He would go into a room and when he left, everyone was laughing,” Beck said. “He did impersonations of others in the company. He was quick-witted, just hilarious. He loved making people laugh. He was a comedian through and through.”
While having a witty side, McGinnis took his job seriously.
He was not a garrison soldier. He hated it back in garrison,” Beck said. “He loved it here in Iraq. He loved being a gunner. It was a thrill; he loved everything about it. He was one our best soldiers. He did a great job.”
Beck has memories of talking all night with McGinnis about where they wanted their lives to go, and said McGinnis always remembered his friends. “When I had my appendix removed, he was the only one who visited me in the hospital,” Beck said. “That meant a lot.”
Another 1-26 infantryman, Pfc. Michael Blair of Klamath Falls, Ore., recalled that McGinnis helped him when he arrived at Ledward Barracks in Schweinfurt, Germany.
“When I first came to the unit, … he was there and took me in and showed me around,” Blair said. “He was real easy to talk to. You could tell him anything. He was a funny guy. He was always making somebody laugh.”
McGinnis’ final heroic act came as no surprise to Blair. “He was that kind of person,” Blair said. “He would rather take it himself than have his buddies go down.”
The brigade’s senior noncommissioned officer, Command Sgt. Maj. William Johnson, also had high praise for McGinnis. “Any time when you get a soldier to do something like that – to give his life to protect his fellow soldiers – that’s what heroes are made of,” Johnson said.
It also demonstrates, Johnson continued, that the ‘MySpace Generation’ has what it takes to carry on the Army’s proud traditions.
“Some think soldiers who come in today are all about themselves,” Johnson said. “I see it differently.”
Words from his Mother:
McGinnis’ mother said her son drew a soldier in kindergarten when he was supposed to picture what he wanted to be when he grew up.

“Ross decided at a very young age that he wanted to join the Army,” she said.

On his 17th birthday — the first day he was eligible — Ross McGinnis stepped into the recruiting station and joined the Army through the Delayed Enlistment Program, she said.

Statement from the Father of of SPC Ross A. McGinnis, December 23, 2006
When the doorbell rang Monday evening December 4th, about 9:30, I wondered who would be visiting at this hour of the evening. But when I walked up to the door and saw two U.S. Army officers standing on the patio at the bottom of the steps, I knew instantly what was happening. This is the only way the Army tells the next of kin that a soldier has died.
At that moment, I felt as if I had slipped off the edge of a cliff and there was nothing to grab onto; just a second beyond safety, falling into hell. If only my life could have ended just a moment before this so that I would not have to hear the words they were about to say. If only I could blink myself awake from this horrible dream. But it wasn’t a dream.
As the officers made their way into our living room, I rushed back into our bedroom and told my wife Romayne to get up; we had company. And they were going to tell us that Ross is dead. I knew of no other way to say it.
We rushed back out to meet the officers, and then the appointed spokesperson recited the standard message that Private First Class Ross A. McGinnis had been killed in action in Baghdad, Iraq, that day. They could tell us nothing more except that Army regulations required that the family be notified within 4 hours of the event. They offered their sympathy and support, and the Chaplain prayed for our strength in the days to come, and then they left us alone in shock, grief and disbelief.
In the days that followed, we were informed of the details of his death. The entire world probably knows those details now, since there was so much excitement about his heroic deed. Hundreds of family, friends and acquaintances offered us their words of prayer and comfort. But only time will take the edge off the knives that have wedged into our hearts.
Ross did not become OUR hero by dying to save his fellow soldiers from a grenade. He was a hero to us long before he died, because he was willing to risk his life to protect the ideals of freedom and justice that America represents. He has been recommended for the Medal of Honor, and many think that he deserves to get it without the typical 2 years that Congress has required of late. We, his parents, are in no hurry to have our son bestowed with this medal. That is not why he gave his life. The lives of four men who were his Army brothers outweighed the value of his one life. It was just a matter of simple kindergarten arithmetic. Four means more than one.
It didn’t matter to Ross that he could have escaped the situation without a scratch. Nobody would have questioned such a reflex reaction. What mattered to him were the four men placed in his care on a moment’s notice. One moment he was responsible for defending the rear of the convoy from enemy fire; the next moment he held the lives of four of his friends in his hands.
The choice for Ross was simple, but simple does not mean easy. His straightforward answer to a simple but difficult choice should stand as a shining example for the rest of us. We all face simple choices, but how often do we choose to make a sacrifice to get the right answer? The right choice sometimes requires honor.
Our Bible tells us that God gave up his only son to die for us so that we may live. But Romayne and I are not gods. We can’t see the future, and we didn’t give our son to die, knowing that he will live again. We gave him to fight and win and come home to us and marry and grow old and have children and grandchildren. But die he did, and his mother, dad and sisters must face that fact and go on without him, believing that someday we will meet again. Heaven is beyond our imagination and so we must wait to see what it’s like.
God bless everybody that has comforted us in our time of grief. But we must not forget the men and women who are still putting their lives on the line; we must keep them in our prayers and keep reminding them with gifts and letters that they are loved and that we want them to return safely to their families.

His family has suggested for anybody who wishes to make a memorial donation to send something to a service member overseas, a veteran or local service member and present it as a gift from PFC Ross McGinnis.
Gifts to his unit may be sent to:
SFC Cedric Thomas
1st Platoon, C/1-26 IN
Task Force Blue Spader
APO AE 09390-1537

10 Jun

Barack’s Black Power Black Fist Buddies


Wild Thing’s comment……….
Obama condemns his critics for bringing race into the political dialogue, yet he continually laces his campaign stops and speeches with divisive racial commentary and symbolism. Challenge him and you are the one who is called a paranoid racist.
When he took over Trinity United Church of Christ in 1972, Rev. Jeremiah Wright Jr. was a maverick pastor with a wardrobe of dashikis and a militant message. Six years later, he planted a “Free South Africa” sign on the lawn of his church and asked other local religious leaders to follow his lead.
None took him up on the invitation.
The sign stayed until the end of apartheid, long enough to catch the eye of a young Barack Obama, who visited the church in 1985 as a community activist. Obama, not a churchgoer at the time, found himself returning to the sanctuary of Trinity United. In Wright he found both a spiritual mentor and a role model.
Obama’s ties to radicals and seditious, America hating groups is disturbing and dangerous. The Black Panthers is a notorious hate group and Obama has been endorsed by them like I posted about awhile back. Also all those in Obama’s world are pro Black Panther as well. All of the ministers at Obama’s ex-church are friends with Louis Farrakhan and the church gave Farrakhan an award.
Obama had these people at his website. He ONLY took down their endorsements AFTER the news got out to our blogs and on the Fox News. NOT Before. Obama would not have left his hate filled church except we all found out about what was going on there and what was being said by the speakers.
He is arrogant and will become even more so, just watch, I would bet on it. Due to that fact I will also take a guess that these people will also find their way into our White House once Obama is elected as President.

10 Jun

Presidential Candidates To Address LaRaza ~ The Illegal Pandering Auction Begins

John McCain and Barack Obama each to address major Latino gathering
Los Angeles Times Blog
The National Council of La Raza, a leading Latino civil rights and advocacy organization, announced today that both presidential contenders have accepted invitations to speak at its July 12-15 convention in San Diego. No details yet on when each will speak, but their appearances likely will be among the most important they make during the month.
For Obama, the mission is straightforward: Woo an ethnic group that is absolutely essential to his hopes of carrying several key states in November but which heavily supported his rival, Hillary Clinton, during the just-completed Democratic primary season.
Presumably his campaign already will be hard at work on this task before the La Raza get-together, but his speech will offer him a golden opportunity to try to connect with a voting bloc that so far has generally resisted his appeals.
McCain will face more of a balancing act when he takes center stage at the convention.
As an Arizonan who last year was one of the few prominent Republicans on Capitol Hill pushing for controversial legislation that would have created a path to citizenship for most illegal immigrants in the nation, McCain is primed to build upon the inroads President Bush made four years ago in attracting Latino votes to the GOP banner.

Wild Thing’s comment……..
La Raza is, among the many horrible things it stands for and has done is a racist organization.
That we’ve sunk to the point that presidential nominees feel comfortable pandering to it is beyond unfortunate to say the least.
Attending a La Raza conference in 2008 is akin to attending a US Communist Party conference in 1988. Both organizations are dedicated to the destruction of the USA.
It’s unbelievable any Presidential Candidate would do such a thing. Well, it used to be unbelievable. Nowadays, pandering to America’s enemies obviously is OK.